Opinion: The Police talks of not politicizing the #KaseseClashes, but it’s we’re so from the first bullet!


The ironies of the world shouldn’t befoul the town of Kasese and Rwenzori region. But when the Uganda Police Force that had a joint operation with the Uganda People’s Defence Force and besieged the Buhikira Royal Palace in Kasese this weekend.  Where they terminated so many of the Royal Guards as possible with tehir heavy machine guns and they nearly had none. This while they nearly had guns them, the servants we’re mocked and undressed. They are after the clashes used as spin-control by the authorities.

Kasese RDC: “The royal guards have been changing their names. At some point they called themselves ‘Omusinga Youth Group’”.

Earlier in the year, the Kasese had the “Kirumiramutima”, the strong-hearted, the strange things is that the 136 we’re arrested as well this time around, as the skirmishes earlier in the year shot Royal Guards in the villages and area around. Now the RDC of Kasese is claiming another unit of militia. That just springs out of nowhere, like a magic trick out of thin air.

The latest violence and killings has been done by the army and the police officers as the post-election violence we’re rapid and made by the Police Force.

That Hon. Gen. Jeje Odongo said: “We condemn in the strongest terms possible all those who promote the ideology of extremism and violence. The UPDF and the Uganda police have a constitutional mandate to protect all Ugandans, their life and property. Anybody who takes armed action to destabilize the security of Uganda will be dealt with in accordance with the law of the land”.

They got dealt with all right, they got taken out without court orders or even charges to foil the men who lost their lives, therefore the terrorist claims comes after. Just like the March and July clashes was sanctioned by the same government, and it was the interference of an Electoral Commission that made the villages burn in Bundibugyo. Something that cannot be forgotten, this is a ploy for the government to clear their name of the violence and killings made in their name and under their leadership. The innocent becomes the culprits and the killers become saviours. The justice doesn’t prevail, the impunity does live on.

“UPDF massacred unarmed Guards” said MP Atkins Katusabe. MP who was at the palace during Sunday’s offensive. Says 130 were killed(the Observer, 30.11.2016).


So that the Police Force are now asking for it to not be politicked about after the clashes and let the Security Operatives continue like nothing. Because they doesn’t want to be questioned or asked why they all of a sudden had a Joint-Operation which burned a Palace, made a King a terrorist and where total during the weekend over 120 killed. If so, they we’re made to put to account the initial stories would differ from the ones spin-controlled from the Security Operations.

The dead wouldn’t speak and the detained would fear to speak for the lives of their loved ones. The Police Force might see some command post relieve themselves out of fear, but I am sure the community at large is at fear, because their society and town we’re sealed off and the evacuated as the Military Operation we’re on-going.

The Police is well-known for interfering in politics and wouldn’t be news as they usually turn public meetings into displays of how much tear-gas they can spread public in shortest amount of time.

Now it was shooting as much bullets as possible at unarmed Royal Guards and nobody knows how the Police Officers died or if that was accidents made by fellow soldiers inside the sieged Palace. Because none has delivered a clear story or any report suggesting why the need for excessive force, other than false claims that cannot be verified, sort of like Donald Trumps tweets. A bunch of worthless spin-control, which what the authorities leaves the families of the dead and the one still breathing trying to find the ones missing and the ones who disappeared in the fire of the Palace.


This will be political, because there we’re political motives from above high, if it was a sorry excuse, proof of power or to silence a kingdom. Who knows, but the President who fled when he could to peaceful pastures of South Africa. What we can ask is why? And why does the Police lie and makes up fiction?

The truth hasn’t been delivered if so, there would be more to it and it would be more transparent, but it isn’t because the Authorities kept the bodies of the Royal Guards until they stink at the Morgue of the Hospital in Kasese; so the families had to wait to bury their loved ones who suddenly vanished. The truth isn’t there, just like it wasn’t earlier in the year. We can just wonder what triggered the tyrant and his regime to overthrow and recapture Kasese in this fashion. Peace.

South Sudan: CTSAMM Team Sucessfully reaches Yei Town (30.11.2016)


Uganda: Creation of Terego District (out of West Nile Distict) – (15.11.2016)


Burundi: Declaration de l’Assemble Nationale suite a l’attaque menee contre le Conseliler Principal en charge des Presses, Information et Communication au Cabinet du President de la Republique du Burundi (30.11.2016)


South Sudan: Humanitarian Coordinator deeply concerned by bureaucratic impediments and access constraints (30.11.2016)


Some 91 humanitarian access incidents were recorded from 1 to 28 November.

NEW YORK, United States of America, November 30, 2016 – The Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan is deeply concerned by a recent series of bureaucratic impediments and access constraints that have negatively impacted humanitarian organizations’ ability to assist people in need.

“Humanitarian organizations in South Sudan are striving every day to save lives and alleviate suffering across this country,” said Mr. Eugene Owusu, Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan. “Yet, they continue to face obstacles and challenges which hamper their efforts. This must stop.”

Some 91 humanitarian access incidents were recorded from 1 to 28 November. Of these, 70 per cent (64) involved violence against humanitarian personnel/assets, while 20 per cent (18) involved interference in humanitarian action, including interference in administrative matters (4), illegal or arbitrary taxation (4) and expulsion of staff (2). Also in November, aid workers were denied access to areas outside of Yei town in Central Equatoria and Wau town in Western Bahr El Ghazal, where tens of thousands of people are in need of assistance and protection.

“I am appreciative of the steps taken by the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to tackle the impediments we face on a daily basis, including through His Excellency the President’s establishment of the Humanitarian High-Level Oversight Committee,” said Mr. Owusu. “However, these recent events are a major concern and it is vital that we see the commitments made in high-level fora fully translate into real, tangible and immediate improvements in the operating environment for aid workers on the frontlines of humanitarian action.”

Humanitarian needs in South Sudan continue to rise as a result of conflict and economic decline. Nearly three million people have now been displaced since fighting first broke out in December 2013, including 1.9 million who are internally displaced and more than 1.1 million who have fled to neighbouring countries as refugees. To date in 2016, humanitarian organizations in South Sudan have reached more than 4.1 million people with assistance and protection across the country, including in some of the most remote areas.

“I am tremendously proud of the aid workers across this country who are working tirelessly day-in and day-out to help people in need,” said Mr. Owusu. “I call on all parties to allow free, safe and unhindered humanitarian access so that our colleagues can reach and assist people whose lives have been torn apart by this crisis. Regardless of where they are in the country, civilians in need have a right to receive help.”

Statsbudsjett 2017: Endelig totalt brudd i forhandlingene!


Dagen etter Venstre og Trine Skei Grande trakk seg fra Statsbudsjett forhandlingene for 2017, så har Knut Arild Hareide i Kristelig Folkeparti gjort det samme. Dermed sitter Høyre med Statsminister Erna Solberg og Fremskrittspartiet med Finansminister Siv Jensen uten mandat inn i Stortinget med deres forutbestemte budsjett.

Sjelden at brutte dialog og stopp av samarbeid har gjort meg glad. Men i dag er det glede at Støtte partiene ikke finner seg i taktikken og retorikken til regjeringen som tar seg vann over hode og kommer tidlig på banen med ultimatum og forteller hva forhandlingspartnere skal finne seg i. Da er det ikke forhandlinger fordi premissene er allerede satt. Det forstår ikke Fremskrittspartiet, fordi de tenker fortsatt som et tilsidesatt Opposisjonsparti og ikke som Regjeringspartner i dette spørsmålet.

De trenger støtte fra Støtte-partiene, ikke omvendt. Regjereringen er der fordi de fikk støtte og fikk muligheten med en samarbeidsavtale med Venstre og Kristelig Folkeparti. Dette er ikke lett for FrP å se nå om dagen og ikke deres velgere fordi vil bare skylde på støttepartiene.

Det som er greia er at Erna Solberg har ikke vist lederevne eller ønske å vike for de krav som FrP har, ei heller for metodene brukt for å flambere støttespillere før man begynte å diskutere mulige flytting av midler og øre-merkinger.

Bilpakken er det store stridsspørsmålet som FrP ikke godtar avgiftsøkninger fordi deres landsråd stemte imot dette. Derfor har FrP satt all diskusjon for dette på vent og latt Høyre få problemer med å argumentere for andre saker som kunne være nødvending i budsjettforhandlingene.

Det som definitivt er vist og er realiteten er at makten rår og at makten spiser sjeler, fordi FrP sin arroganse i Statsråd er bevisst, Per Sandberg mentaliteten med splitt og hersk er helt i forkant av måten dette ble håndtert på. Det har ikke vært snakk om å presisere eller jobbe for en konstruktiv løsning som hadde vært god for støttepartiene, skulle godta budsjettet og spise dette uten å få igjennom det som er blitt lovet. Dermed er regjeringen ene og alene, etter brudd fra begge partier som kunne gitt flertall og gjort det lettere å få igjennom ultimatumet til FrP.

Høyre har ikke vist handlekraft annet enn til å tilkalle og kalle inn samarbeidspartnere, men det har skjedd etter at man har gått ut i media og spådd at visse krav og elementære reguleringer av bilpakken står fast. Den vil ikke vike. Hvis man ikke vil vike, hvorfor vil man da forhandle? Hvilken ide for forhandling og hvilken form for retorisk teknikk er dette?

Det gikk som jeg trodde for en forhåpentligvis budsjettkrise og dette i et valgår. Dette er uansett et nederlag for et ullent samarbeid som er slått falitt, med arroganse og utakt. De som er i regjeringen bør gå seg selv i sømmene og bli ydmyke om de vil samarbeide. Dette er uholdbart og ikke tilstrekkelig om de ønsker å ha et positivt ettermæle. Om det hele tatt betyr noe for disse i Regjeringen å ha noe ettermæle. Denne farsen er i alle fall komplett med at det ble brudd fra KrF, som viste endelig mot til å ikke vingle mellom de to regjeringspartiene. Håper Venstre og KrF kan vise samme styrke dagene fremover og ikke selge seg billig. Fordi var det FrP og Høyre håpte at de skulle gjøre! Peace.

RDC: Communique du Ceni – “a la tenue absolue des elections en 2017” (29.11.2016)


Welsh politician: ‘Could Ireland use EU funds to pay for our motorway improvements?’ (Youtube-Clip)

“Ukip has asked the Welsh government to seek EU funding from the Irish government to help upgrade a motorway between London and south Wales. The M4 motorway is the main artery between the main cities of Wales and the rest of the UK – but it also carries a large amount of Irish goods exported and sold there. Ukip assembly member David Rowlands made the appeal to the Welsh National Assembly this afternoon. He says that Irish exporters also rely on the M4 to transport goods to other EU countries on the continent – and told TheJournal.ie that it is “quite a reasonable idea to explore”: http://jrnl.ie/3109404” (TheJournal.ie, 2016)

Kenya: The Nairobi Law Monthly Versus Dr. Patrick Njoroge (28.11.2016)


RDC: Transmission du Protocole d’Accord de la Plateforme Politique A.R. et de son reglement Interieur (23.11.2016)
