RDC: Declaration des Deputes Nationaux elus de Masisi sur le Recrutement Force des Jeunes par la RDF/AFC-M23 (13.05.2024)

RDC: Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC) – Mise au Point Cernant la Lettre du Gouverneur Militaire du Nord-Kivu adressee aux Chefs des Camps de Deplaces a Goma (10.05.2024)

RDC: Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC) – Communique sur les Appels de Certains Acteurs Internationaux au M23 de se Retirer des Zones sous son Controle (06.05.2024)

RDC: Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC) – Decision No. 001 portant Interdiction d’Immixition des Membres, Cadres et Peronnel Politique et Militaire de l’Alliance Fleuve Congo dans l’Exploitation et la Commercialisation des Substances Minerales Identifiees dans les Territoires liberes (07.05.2024)

RDC: Ministere de la Communication et Medias – Le Gouvernement de la Republique Democratique du Congo condamne le bombardement du camp des deplaces de Mugunga et appelle a des sanctions contre le Rwanda (06.05.2024)

RDC: Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC) – Communique Officiel du 3 Mai 2024 (03.05.2024)

RDC: Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC) – Communique Officiel du 2 Mai 2024 (02.05.2024)

RDC: Mouvement Démocratique Républicain (MRD) – Lettre ouverte a son Excellence Felix Tshisekedi et au Peuple congolais : Ne tombez pas dans le piege de l’enemi a savoir Kagame-RDF-M23 ! (24.04.2024)

Opinion: The Tories should settle in Kigali

Now that Rwanda is a “safe” country the first thing the Conservative Party should do is to have a Party Office and assemble their party there. That’s is if the people in Whitehall and the representatives of the Tories believe their own legislation. Because, they are accepting and legitimizing a violent dictatorship.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Home Secretary James Cleverly can act like this is an achievement. Nevertheless, the only thing they have done is turning a leaf and living in an alternative reality. It won’t change the facts on the ground and how the regime operates in Kigali.

It is like the Tories don’t know how Paul Kagame runs his party and government. That they haven’t gotten the memo of how he silences critics and dissidents. The way he ensnare the public domain and expect total obedience. That’s their leader and who they are entrusting the refugees too. A guy who kills with ease and silence the ones who are in his way. This is the place they call “safe” and will transfer asylum seekers too.

The United Kingdom is a fallen empire. They are a tragic sort of Kingdom and nation. The Tories should better, but they don’t have the heart. They rather use this as an example and deterrent. Therefore, the Rwandan Safety Bill is just to ensure enough political capital. While they have vilified boats entering the Kingdom for ages too.

The Tories are accepting the dictator and his throne. They are in the mercy of Kagame. That is done because of the treaty and they are willing to accept his thirst for blood. They are now allies with a warlord and a kingpin. The Tories are now brothers with the Pilato. A man of wisdom and usage of violence to gain power. This is who they are and that’s where they trust the most weakest of them all. The ones fleeing wars, starvation and conflict. Those are sent to another place of uncertainty.

That’s why Tories should go and live in Rwanda. If they believe it’s safe. They should stay there and act like it’s the United Kingdom. If they can change the status over a law. They should just start to live and enjoy the perks of Kigali. That’s what they should do. These people should relocate and live in Rwanda. If they did so… they would set an example and prove it for a fact. However, we know the British wouldn’t do that and rather go elsewhere for a safe-haven. Let us not kid ourselves shall we…

The Tories are just willing to be cruel, serve injustice and doing so to serve the far-right within its own territories. The regime in Kigali is willing as it is cheap trade-off and can get legitimacy by the foolishness of London. That’s why this treaty was signed and the Tories did a fools errand. They are now in the hands of Kagame. The Tories should check everything his been up too and what is his legacy.

However, we know the Tories just want to scaremonger and be vile. Because there is no humanity in this and they are taking away the rights to seek asylum for a few. The few they are willing to send on planes to Kigali. That’s what they are up too and not taking into account the realities on the ground. This selfishness and disgusting behaviour, which no one should accept.

Now the Tories are gambling on the best behaviour of a dictatorship. They are bending the knees to Kagame and giving him a merciful chant. That’s who they are and we are all seeing it. Peace.

RDC: Volontaires pour la Defense de la Patrie VDP-RDC (Wazalendo) – Communique No. 003 (13.04.2024)