Afghanistan: Press Release of Da Afghanistan Bank on the Decision of United States of America Regarding the Foreign Exchange Reserves of Afghanistan (12.02.2022)

The Empire Strikes Back: Biden taking Afghanistan’s reserves for his own causes

Afghanistan Map

President Joe Biden signed an order Friday to free $7 billion in Afghan assets now frozen in the U.S., splitting the money between humanitarian aid for poverty-stricken Afghanistan and a fund for Sept. 11 victims still seeking relief” (NBC4 Washington, 12.02.2022).

The United States of America armed forces invaded Afghanistan post 9-11 in 2001. As a direct attack and retaliation of the attack on American soil on the 11th September 2001. Alas, the US Government and all it’s entities went after Afghanistan government and installed a puppet government in Kabul. That was done to get rid of Al-Qa’ida and stop Taliban from running the government in the Republic.

The US and it’s allies was in the nation for over 20 years, continuously keeping the warfare active and being the bondage of the state. They kept various of vassal cabinets and presidents, which did their bidding. While accepting foreign aid and strings attached to the funds, which it got over the two decades.

The US and allies did plan a retreat and to slow the operation down after being there for two decades. However, the way it went down was unplanned and without any significant delivery. As the empire and all its soldiers left. While the supporters and the ones who fought along the invaders was left stranded. As well, as the US government decided to freeze the state funds and not give those to the new installed government, Taliban.

That is the reality here, as the US troops left the country in the end of August 2021. Now mere months after the Biden Administration who hijacked the government reserves. Are now using it partly to repay the victims of 9-11 and the rest will be donated or given to the NGOs/multi-national aid organizations they see fit. This is a steal and taking another nations government reserves. While deciding it’s fate.

I wonder, if Washington D.C. wouldn’t have taken kindly, if any state had taken it’s federal reserve and played around with it as it deemed fit. Especially, after the same nation had invaded it and kept it in constant warfare for two decades and leaving the Republic in financial distress after it.

So, now that there is possible humanitarian devastation in Afghanistan and a broke government to cover the bills, which is taking away the reserves. The US has decided how to spend it. That is a move of villain. Just like the French gave the former colony Haiti debt distress and a debt it couldn’t recover from after the independence.

In 2022 the US and Biden Administration wants to compete with that and show they are the Empire that strikes back. Because of that, I just have to use a scene from the movie from 1980:

Luke: There’s something not right here… I feel cold. Death.

Yoda: [points to a cave opening beneath a large tree] That place… is strong with the dark side of the Force. A domain of evil it is. In you must go.

Luke: What’s in there?

Yoda: Only what you take with you” (Star Wars – The Empire Strike Back, 1980).

I am sure we are seeing the same place and feeling the dark side of the force. Because, the freezing of funds and later hijacking it. Isn’t done out the kindness of his heart from Biden or any of cronies in his administration.

No, this is a retaliation and the humanitarian aid is just a mockery of it. As they don’t care and this is sophisticated thieving on an international level and the US should be held capable for this. If anyone else did this, it would have consequences and it would have costs.

The US should actually have paid damages for decades long war, but instead it’s thieving money away from Kabul. This is disgraceful and should be a violation of a sovereign nation, which no nation should be stripped out of. However, the Empire isn’t forgiving and the humiliation of utter failure last year had to be punished. Therefore, they do it monetarily like this. Peace.

Opinion: Dis-grace Tony Blair gets knighted ….

Motto: Honi soit qui mal y pense (Shame on him who thinks this evil)” (The Royal Household – ‘The Order of the Garter’).

I am sure someone is happy and feels this is righteous. However, someone like me thinks former Prime Minister Tony Blair isn’t the right guy for knighthood. Yes, that is a decision of the sovereign and in this instance, the Queen. Nevertheless, his a war-lord and has blood on his hands. He has responsibility unjustified conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Tony Blair is lucky enough that he hasn’t been produced or gotten a case for war-crimes in the International Criminal Court in the Hague. If he had been a militia leader or a rebel for a smaller rebel or militia group anywhere on the African continent. The political leader and his usage of violent force on civilians could have caused reactions and means of which had landed him in the hands of the ICC. However, since his a Labour leader and coming from the United Kingdom. He has gotten away with the toils, air-raids and misuse of warfare for political gains.

That’s why reading up on the Order of the Garter. It is disgraceful. Just read this….

The Most Nobel Order of the Garter:

The knights of the Garter are chosen personally by the Sovereign to honour those who have held public office, who have contributed in a particular way to national life or who have served the Sovereign personally. The Order is limited to 34 members” (Honours and Appointments Secretariat – ‘THE HONOURS SYSTEM of THE UNITED KINGDOM – Orders and Medals’).

Wales Online reported: “The Queen has knighted former prime minister Tony Blair. The longest-serving Labour PM said it was an “immense honour” to have been made a Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, the oldest and most senior British Order of Chivalry, to which appointments are in the Queen’s gift without advice from the Government” (Daniel Smith – ‘Tony Blair knighthood was bestowed directly by the Queen’ 01.01.2021, Wales Online).

I don’t know, if Blair have severed the Queen in a unique way and therefore, could be fitted for the Order. Because, that is the meaning for the Order of the Garter in the first place. If him as a Prime Minister and Head of State has served her with perfection and to her will. That would make sense…

While I feel a man like Tony Blair doesn’t deserve or is righteous for it. His now serving dictators and white-washing their reign with his latest business-enterprise. The former Prime Minister isn’t honourable, but a disgrace. His a man who should answer for his actions in office and not continue to linger in the public.

The Chilcot Report was stating what he did and it’s weird that it has had no consequences for him. There have been no repercussions and it’s damning. That’s why he shouldn’t have gotten this honour and being knighted in the first place.

Tony Blair is a man willing to go to war on wrong intelligence and lie about it. He hasn’t taken any responsibility or accountability for it. Blair have just walked away from it and has been able to shun it all. That’s his privilege and is unfair to all the innocent lives taken by his decisions and his allies. They should pay and be punished, as there was no Weapons of Mass Destructions or Chemical Warfare in the work of Saddam Hussein. Yes, Saddam was a dictator who previously was supported by the West and had gotten support to attack Iran at some point. Therefore, the U.S. and UK knew all of this. Therefore, Blair should have known better, but they suddenly changed the tune and attacked him with the goal of taking him down. While also earning fortunes on the petroleum production of Iraq. That’s why this war is a dirty one and it shouldn’t be dumbed down.

A man who ordered and made it happened shouldn’t be awarded. This man should be on trial like Bosco ‘The Terminator’ Ntaganda or any other war-criminal from the 1990s wars of Yugoslavia. Blair shouldn’t be off the hook, because his a British former Head of State. No, he should answer to same international laws as anyone else. Peace.

Opinion: When did Tony Blair become a publicity guru? [Tanzania doesn’t need him]

It is now official that former United Kingdom Prime Minister Tony Blair will rebuild the United Republic of Tanzania’s International Reputation. He is now hired as a spokesperson and his Institute will handle it internationally. However, has even been able to save his own reputation?

Tony Blair isn’t a saint and neither a man of character which you should trust. Blair is lucky that haven’t been charged and taken to the Hague. The Chilcot Report haven’t had any consequences and this man is now a trustworthy man? Seriously? His a warlord who went into war without the proof and evidence, which he claimed they had. He participated and ensured a Iraqi conflict for personal gains and for the imperial goals of USA and UK. Therefore, Blair isn’t the guy to trust. Even if his selling that.

Chama Cha Mapundzi (CCM) and President Samia Suluhu Hassan hiring Blair is nonsense. The Tanzanian government should stop with the political crackdown and silencing of critics. If the state didn’t do that and acted as a sincere government. Than they wouldn’t need to hire a despicable character like Blair. It is weird that CCM wants to spend funds and feeding an imperialist like him.

The reputation created by the CCM has been self-inflicted. The government should use phony charges on opposition leaders and keep them detained indefinitely. Neither should the government suspend papers for writing critical pieces. If not suspend papers for leaking probable future Presidential Candidature of herself. So, if the state wants to look better. Don’t arrest comedians and journalists. Also, don’t kidnap activists and silence the opposition who wants to question the current constitution.

Maybe, the CCM should try to act sincere and holier than thou. I know that is too much to ask. Since, opposition leaders who dares to question the powers to be… is criminals and treasonous. If not they are automatically terrorists. That’s why the ones questioning the state gets into legal jeopardy, frozen bank-accounts and not allowed to the community again. They are lingering in jail and awaiting freedom.

So, if the state wanted another reputation. Maybe, just maybe… don’t do that and allow the opposition and activists to gather, organize and be viable parties in the United Republic. The CCM isn’t willing to do that. However, they are instead willing to pay and hire an British hack to save the PR abroad. Nevertheless, people like me will address the truth. Maybe, the CCM and the state shouldn’t try to assassinate Tundu Lissu either. However, they are not taking responsibility for that and the reasons for his continued exile.

The CCM should look into itself and its actions. We know they won’t do it… because they doesn’t have the courage or heart to do so. They could easily make positive headlines and create a better reputation. That they could do without Blair and his Institute. He will get a huge pay-check and easily enjoy the perks of it. While Tanzania will still look bad, because the truth will come out. Even if Blair is able to write some random propaganda ala Weapons of Mass Destruction before the Iraqi war. Therefore, why trust this man to save you? He cannot even save his own reputation?

It would be better to get Taylor Swift singing about Reputation and have the new President dancing to it. That would go viral and be a fun moment. However, that would never gloss over the crackdown on opposition, which is currently done in the Republic. Peace.

Opinion: The Soviet and the U.S. lost in Afghanistan [and when will the imperial wars stop?]

Afghanistan Map

The Soviet Union was occupying and had too withdraw from Afghanistan after a ten year long war between 1979 to 1989. Today and in the recent week the United States has also withdrawn most of their troops and given way to Taliban. Just like the Soviets withdrawal gave way to Mujahidin.

The United States and the “coalition of the willing” entered Afghanistan in 2001 and now 20 years later in 2021 the U.S. and their allies have withdrawn their troops from the republic. This is giving a new vacuum and the one who has both political and army power at the moment is Taliban.

This is just showing that the whole enterprise and promises of the imperial forces was all a lie. Just like the Soviets failed to install their puppet government. The U.S. and allies is failing to do so as well. While Taliban is furthering their control by taking control of Kabul and the former Government of Afghanistan will be toppled by them.

That is happening, because the current “legitimate” government have been there because the U.S. has anointed fellow leaders and their system. They have been puppets of the Pentagon and the U.S. State Department. Now, the Afghanistan government will be represented by Taliban, which has to govern after decades of wars and lack of peace.

Now all that worked with the U.S. and their allies will be endangered, but that is what happens when you take a chance or get hired by invasion forces. That is happening everywhere and some allies are saying their “hired” local personnel wasn’t for the future purpose of becoming asylum-seekers. However, when you work for foreign invasion forces, these individuals are in difficulties and needs help, as they worked for invaders and for imperialists. Plus they might be easily seen as traitors by the new rulers. Therefore, the “coalition of willing” who needed locals and native speakers to “colonize” Afghanistan needs to repay these civilians and ensure their safety. That should be the easiest thing to do after needing them for 20 years.

The Taliban will do what is expected to do. They will issue decree and show their strength in the times ahead. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will prove their points and start governing. They have waited for this for decades and now finally have a shot. These has been radicalized and extremists, because the invaders has taken away their ability to rule themselves and used sophisticated methods to defeat them.

The U.S. and their allies hasn’t delivered hope or democracy. The invaders haven’t shown they cared about these values or tried to build it. No, they were instead there to keep control and have fellow loyal puppets in Kabul. That’s why the current government, advisors and civil servants are fleeing from the Kabul Airport today. Together with the total withdrawal of the armed forces from the US. This is why the whole project is failing and nothing is left behind.

Afghanistan has been destroyed, depleted and a war-zone decades. This is why Taliban is able to regain strength and recruit. This was inevitable and there was nothing saying the U.S. allies and government in Kabul would gain any real popularity. If the current President would have any real power or ability. He wouldn’t have fled the first second, as Taliban is knocking on the door. Because, he knows his a nobody without the imperial support of him.

Now Taliban not only have to rebuild the Republic, but they have to build trust and build up a functional government. While the U.S. and allies are fleeing the Republic. When the Embassies are closed and the diplomats has left the scene.

Taliban will issue their decrees and sharia law. The freedoms and liberties that the U.S. forces enforced will be taken away. That was a long time coming. No one should be shocked by that, but the imperial forces would fall eventually … just like the Soviets did too. This is two superpowers losing in Afghanistan.

There so many who has lost their lives in this conflict. Plenty who die because of the recent days and the Taliban will retaliate against the ones they deem fit. The new rulers will enforce their rules and dogmas, just like the U.S. did. That is what any government does and we can dislike it. But that is how things are going.

W. Bush ordered this and Biden is stopping it. The Pentagon and the U.S. cannot invest in a war they are losing. The U.S. isn’t winning anything in Afghanistan and only breeding more extremists, which was the reason for the conflict in the first place. However, delivering the war and not properly implement a “legit” government. The U.S. and allies didn’t get love or care, no they were imperialists and they didn’t build a functional government to leave behind. Neither, did they train or build a national army to secure the territory. If they had… then the Taliban wouldn’t have done this so quickly and won the war.

This is why the U.S. as a superpower is failing. Just like Soviet did. The U.S. haven’t administrated this correctly. They haven’t even with 2 decades of control used the time and manpower to build a strong national army. If they had, today would have been differently and the U.S. allies would still have puppets in Kabul. However, they only used own men, arms and technology to beat Taliban. Now, that those withdrawn … the current leaders has to leave and seek political refugee elsewhere.

That says it all about the humiliating loss of the U.S. here. The U.S. is as broken as the Soviet was. Taliban is taking over just like the Mujahidin did and we are repeating history. Time will tell how this goes, but it is not in the hands of Moscow or Washington D.C.

It will be in the hands of Taliban and their structures. No matter how we think of their beliefs and the way they rule. It is their time and they will in the end be held responsible by the Afghan people themselves. So, we just have to see and in the end … that is uncharted territory and we can only wonder the consequences of it. Peace.

UK: 39 Labour MPs letter to Jeremy Corbyn asking him to sack Shawcroft (29.03.2018)

Tulip Siddiq MP resignation from Shadow Government letter to Jeremy Corbyn on ‘Brexit’ (26.01.2017)


UK: This is a significant and welcome U-turn from the Prime Minister – Keir Starmer (25.01.2017)

EU UK Flags

Keir Starmer MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, commenting on the Government’s announcement that they will publish a White Paper, said:

“This is a significant and welcome U-turn from the Prime Minister.

“Labour has repeatedly called for the Government to publish a plan for Brexit before Article 50 is triggered and we made clear Labour would table amendments on this to the Article 50 Bill.

“This U-turn comes just 24 hours after David Davis seemed to rule out a White Paper, and failed to answer repeated questions from MPs on all sides of the House.

“The Prime Minister now needs to confirm that this White Paper will be published in time to inform the Article 50 process, and that it will clear up the inconsistencies, gaps and risks outlined in her speech.”

Opinion: 2016, the year fake news became a thing!


“A wise man told me don’t argue with fools. Cause people from a distance can’t tell who is who.”


Not that it is news that it’s has existed fake-news. Fake stories and dubious tales to change the outcome and change the demeanour of a nation to swing them to a cause, if it is war, to annex a state or change internal policies; this been done through propaganda, done through blasting tunes on the radio and spreading ill-will on the air. This is well-known methods to sway public opinion.

You begin with altering the truth, making something unbelievable believable, because of former pattern and also history of certain actors that is known. Just as the American Government under George W. Bush, with Dick Cheney and others used all kind of tricks and foul play to target the regime under Saddam Hussain in Iraq; this done with the lie of massive loads of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), that we’re stockpiled and also imported from various sources even inside Niger and Chad. The Iraqi culprits couldn’t even find the nations on map if their lives depended on it. Still, the people behind spreading this news has walked proud-cock for decades and not asked for their favour to humanity. It isn’t just Tony Blair and George W. Bush who worked for an illegal war, also the men and woman who forced the news of ill-intent in Iraq; which wasn’t true.

“Duelfer portrays the United States as a lumbering superpower whose top policymakers, particularly in the White House and the Defense Department, lacked any basic understanding of Iraq’s history, motives and leaders. But he says Iraq also routinely misread American intentions and overestimated the capability of U.S. intelligence. He says that according to an Iraqi government account, Hussein once asked his top commanders if Iraq had any hidden weapons he didn’t know about” (…) “Duelfer describes numerous requests from senior Iraqi officials to start a dialogue with the United States to improve relations. “Each time I passed on such entreaties to Washington, there was never an answer,” he said. “If nothing else, they were missed opportunities for Washington to gain more knowledge.” (Lynch, 2009).

This is just proof of old history where the media together with government(s) are misleading the citizens to sway them for a war or conflict. As much as this can be countered with facts, the ones that swallow it with feelings will not change opinions with facts. Therefore with the current American election, certain stories has run and been eaten up, while not being true.

“The left has been hysterically pushing a new meme, “fake news.” While ostensibly neutral in practice it is subliminally weaponized as another lame vector — along with attacks on the electoral college and so forth — to undermine the legitimacy of the election of Donald Trump. Love Trump or hate him, he won” (…) “The real “fake news” scandal, of course, lies in the mass hallucination by the mainstream media that Hillary Clinton had a near lock on the general election. The overconfident reports of this reportedly led the Clinton campaign to make some unforced errors which just might (or might not) have cost her the election” (Benko, 2016).

Though other lies during the campaign we’re lizards inside Hillary Clinton’s body, that they had killed a dozen of people and we’re part of grand conspiracy, which apparently is bit funny in hindsight as the Trump Administration is more establishment than ever before, with more businessmen and close tightknit Wall-Street that Clinton was a hired puppet for. So the concern of these reports, the news that we’re created to cater the Trump supporters should be worrying as these conservative news and pages are spread like wildfire.

The third person effect involves more, however, than simply a psychological tendency to assume that others are more easily influenced than oneself; this hypothesis also suggests that people may take significant actions based on these perceptions. It is these actions that ultimately comprise the ‘effect’ brought about by third person perceptions. For this component of the third person hypothesis evidence is again indirect, but suggestive. Some evidence of third person effects is documented in studies of candidate viability. Bartels (1988), for example, suggests that media coverage emphasizing ‘horse race’ aspects of presidential primaries affects perceptions of various candidates’ chances of winning. The perceived viability of candidates in turn influences the attitudes and behaviors of primary voters in choosing among presidential hopefuls. In this case, as in the third person effect, the influence of mass media is brought about indirectly through impersonal impact on how people think others are thinking. The ultimate effect in this case is a vote choice, but other changes in attitudes or behaviors may also result from third person processes. For example, perceptions of viability also have been found to influence reporters’ allotment of news coverage to various candidates (see Goldenberg and Traugott, 1984)” (Muntz, 1989).

This isn’t just pizza-gate, or Bruno Mars dancing on Mars. This is the rational reality that gets naïve men and woman sucked into these stories. They have been spread on Facebook, Twitter and other places to tell our friends and family of the articles from credible sources. Some stories are click-bait to get more people to read on the newspapers and other sites. These are so common that the articles you read after is looking credible, but apparently your scepticism should be true, because when it looks to real and beautiful the deal is fake. The same is also with the well written and articulated stories, that doesn’t have bound with reality and doesn’t seem to be legit.

That people would question this page, I understand, as I am not in writing in my own name. Still, most of the time, I use sources and reports to clarify my own understanding and what sway my opinion. Still, people should scrutinize me too, as much as I pick up wrong sources myself. There are some out there that want to change public opinion and want to bring some people down and get other to rule, or get silence over the acts of evil that is occurring as we speak.

Coler a fake-news writer:

“At any given time, Coler says, he has between 20 and 25 writers. And it was one of them who wrote the story in the “Denver Guardian” that an FBI agent who leaked Clinton emails was killed. Coler says that over 10 days the site got 1.6 million views. He says stories like this work because they fit into existing right-wing conspiracy theories” (…)”The people wanted to hear this,” he says. “So all it took was to write that story. Everything about it was fictional: the town, the people, the sheriff, the FBI guy. And then … our social media guys kind of go out and do a little dropping it throughout Trump groups and Trump forums and boy it spread like wildfire.” (Sydell, 2016).

It’s fake, but looks grand, right?

When you know that these stories hit a certain well-known perspective, a well-known agenda to be spread and to be fitted into believed atmosphere than you know that the Trump supporters would share it and believe it, even if Coler knew it all was just a lie. The lies that we’re to hurt the Clinton Presidential Campaign; this should worry and concern that major parts of the populations are following conspiracies over reality.

“But the incentives to create and distribute fake news are not only financial, and All-Star Macedonia Crying Eagle Number-One News and Views Very Good is not the only kind of fake-news website undermining the media infrastructure necessary for a functioning democracy. Trump’s nominee for national security adviser, a Jack D. Ripper type named Michael Flynn, has a particular fondness for publishing fake news to his Twitter account, as does Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conaway. Even nominally anti-Trump Republicans like Nebraska senator Ben Sasse have gotten into the fake-news business, entertaining ideas of “paid protesters” on the same day one of the most prolific fabricators of fake news admitted that the most widely shared account of paid protesters was wholly made up” (…) “This is, uhh, extremely weird, at best. Traditional news organizations, to state the obvious, are not built to survive an economy like that. You know who is, though? Politicians. The scary thing about “fake news” isn’t just that it’s financially incentivized by our new platform-gods, it’s that it’s socially and ideologically incentivized by them in ways that can’t be fixed without dismantling their entire operation. And, further, that the people best primed to benefit from “fake news” aren’t Macedonian teenagers hoping to buy guitars but leaders willing to untether themselves from truth in exchange for the powerful organizing capabilities of a passionate online audience” (Read, 2016).

We as citizens should let these fake news being spread on social media, neither on blogs nor on other platforms. The reality is that just like Ponzi-schemes, when it seems too real to be true, it most like is. The same can be said about Fake-News that is to cater one part of the population and to shelf the real ones. The time spent on fake-news should concern the media houses and newspapers as their legitimacy is under question, the main-stream media that has been under attack. It still is, and will be for a while as the people want the spread the fake ones.

The deception, this is the real danger, it is democratic that fake stories spread and that the population are involved in the reason for the existence. As long as facts doesn’t matter and the ignorance is growing of fact-checking is dying, this is a pre-existing state that will not die down, because as long as the clicks and spreading of these fake stories happens. They will continue to write them and spread them, as long as the Republican Establishment uses them and take them as real. The Main-Stream media will discuss it and put it into the spotlight.

We can do what we can and question our use of media houses and of what we find online. We should read with caution and question the sources. We should be critical too it and not take it for granted the articles, the news and that the reports has the time or the effort to look through the feed, the agencies input or even what the editor sees as important.


Media bias:

“However, it must also be acknowledged that the myth surrounding the existence of perceptible media bias is not without some small modicum of truth. Advocates of the existence of said bias commonly cite a number of professional patterns and standards of conduct historically employed by journalists (though are not exclusive to “liberal” journalists) in an effort to manipulate the depiction and depth of information presented each day to the American public. Such techniques discussed included six main types or styles of biases, including; gatekeeping information (i.e. purposefully selecting ideologically reaffirming stories for syndication), employing partisan source selection, omission of (potentially contradictory) facts, manipulating the degree of attention and calculable time devoted to a given issue, and finally, openly displaying narrative, subjective contempt for objective facts” (Quackenbush, 2013).

With this in mind, the third person effect, also the media bias. Together with this we can see why the effects of distrust to the media, as it itself created. Fake News will continue to flourish as long as the public cater to it and are in disbelief of the corporate media as much as mass media trying to control the belief of the public. Something they have lost control with all the platforms, as they are not just following Fox News, CNBC or the other main-stay TV Station and Radio, reading the one newspaper, but following digital media that can come from whatever source. This shows the current state and the state of the media in our time, as the fake news can be easily spread and change the opinions of the third persons.

These all are factors and we should question our own use of media, how we perceive the news and how we question the facts… we cannot stop the propaganda, neither fake news, we just have to clear the way and show the opposite waves and counter with productive arguments that can show the reality to those that eats into the fake, the not real and not believable news. Peace.  


Benko, Ralph – ‘’Clinton Beats Trump’ Is The Real ‘Fake News’ Scandal’ (12.12.2016) link:


Lynch, Colum – ‘Ex-CIA Investigator’s Book Describes Hunt for Weapons in Iraq, Saddam Hussein’s Final Days’ (31.01.2009) link:

Read, Max – ‘Donald Trump Isn’t Just Benefitting From ‘Fake News’ Websites — He Is One’ (18.11.2016) link:

Sydell, Laura – ‘We Tracked Down A Fake-News Creator In The Suburbs. Here’s What We Learned’ (23.11.2016) link:

Quackenbush, David – ‘Public Perceptions of Media Bias: A Meta-Analysis of American Media Outlets During the 2012 Presidential Election’ (2013).

Brexit: Davis Davis proposition today not such an exit after all; pre-Brexit has proven implications for Central Bank of Ireland and Ofcom!


I am sure today that Yes Minister is fitting as the quotes in Parliament and the previous uttering words of Boris Johnson about free-movement that counter all the work of the Brexiteers during campaigning for the cause. The work that we’re to pretend that the separation from the continent would be peaceful and jolly; but the Brexiteers didn’t know and the Tories still doesn’t know.

Therefore I begin with this a re-cap of TV in 1981:

“Sir Humphrey Appleby: Well, Minister, I’m afraid that is the penalty we have to pay for trying to pretend that we’re Europeans. Believe me, I fully understand your hostility to Europe.

James Hacker: I’m not like you, Humphrey. I’m pro-Europe, I’m just anti-Brussels. I sometimes think you’re anti-Europe and pro-Brussels” (Yes Minister – ‘The Devil You Know (#2.5)” (1981).


Today the Brexit-Minister Hon. Davis Davis uttered these wonderful words in Parliament:

“The simple answer we have given to this before is, and it’s very important because there is a distinction between picking off an individual policy and setting out a major criteria, and the major criteria here is that we get the best possible access for goods and services to the European market. If that is included in what you are talking about then of course we would consider it.” (Watts, 2016).

So the ones leaving is now changing terms, they want to set standards that opens the market. While still being outside the Union, so the Brexiteers wants now to get the full benefit while being outside. This doesn’t fit with the hazardous statements from Martin Schulz and Jean-Claude Juncker who has said their peace about an easy transition!

Certainly the European Union wants to make an example of the United Kingdom and their markets; they have to pay dearly to be part of it, while wanting to secure their borders and movement. Now, the Davis Davis wants its simplified.


Irish Central Bank sees this already:

“He said the Central Bank’s workforce planning for next year reflects the additional resource needed to deal with applications and contingency has been built in as it is expected that the financial sector will grow materially” (…) “Mr Roux told reporters after the Dublin event today that the Central Bank was seeing applications for new business and the licensing of firms who are not present here” (…) “He also said it was seeing very significant indications from “regulated firms that are small today but want to be big tomorrow” (…) “We see the whole gamut of firms enquiring for establishing or growing in Ireland, it is MIFID (markets in financial instruments directive) firms, insurance companies, CSDs (central securities depositories) and payments institutions,” he added” (Rte, 2016).

So when businesses are looking towards Dublin, which is in EU and already part of the European Single Market; the London based firms might move to Dublin to secure their profit-lines and such. Even the Central Bank of Ireland is seeing this. This must really hurt the Brexiteers who fought well, but didn’t think of the implications. Davis Davis sees this now and wants to be able to go out of being EU Member State, but still being part of EU Single Market.

That is really the Norwegian EFTA model, but they will have hard time and pay lots of funds to get what they have now and would also betray the democratic values of majority vote that wanted a true separation, which this isn’t. Then the Tories will do the same trick as the Norwegian Government did to their public, when they signed the EFTA and made agreements to join the EU Single Market, but not having the EU Member State privileges. Something the United Kingdom is losing with triggering the Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty.

This is so special and so weird. That Hon. Davis Davis are acting and flip-flopping like this. Surely the warning from Ofcom must say something as well:


“Chief executive Sharon White said that the industries her organisation oversees are “inextricably European” and could be badly hit if they are not taken into consideration when arranging the UK’s exit for the EU” (…) “Making Brexit a success matters for communications – because these services are fundamental to our lives,” she told the Institute for Government in London” (…) “She said: “The country of origin rule is a good example of an EU law that benefits member states and supports broadcasters – providing a mass audience, and promoting cultural exchange by transcending borders” (…) “But keeping this principle after Brexit will demand constructive discussions with European neighbours. Country of origin cannot endure merely by virtue of existing in UK law.” (Sky News, 2016).

So with this the broadcasters like Ofcom and Central Bank of Ireland sees the implications of the Brexit with their bare eyes. The indications are not put in light of joy and positive future, as the Irish might get more business, this means that corporations moving to Dublin instead London, because of the safety of EU Single Market that the Hon. Davis Davis wish to keep and pay Brussels, but if the EU will accept it is mere speculation.

The Tories government has decides as the Prime Minister Theresa May has to make decisions that makes the Brexit successful. But early November 2016 a leaked memo showed that the government hadn’t done due diligence or check and balance for the industries. Which is evident with the corporations planning to move and Ofcom are sceptic to the Brexit itself.

Therefore the reactions to the Brexit will continue to come for businesses and for the Parliament; the House of Commons would surely be a bit shocked by the proposition from the Brexit Minister. We all are, not like Irish paying for Welsh roads, but still spectacular thinking about how the Brexit Campaign celebrated the idea of total freedom from EU. Now they want the perks, as long as the EU accepts the fixed payments for the entry to the Single Market. Peace.


Rte – ‘Central Bank not seeking to dissuade UK financial firms from moving to Ireland – Roux’ (01.12.2016) link:

Sky News – ‘Ofcom boss warns of Brexit impact on UK communications sector’ (01.12.2016) link:

Watts, Joe – ‘Brexit: David Davis says UK Government could pay money to EU for single market access’ (01.12.2016) link: