United Kingdom: The possible ramifications of the recent election results

Not only has the Tories lost in Wales, Scotland and England. They have lost foothold in plenty of councils and lost enormous amount of councillors. This is also showing the growing sentiment both in Northern Ireland and in Scotland. That the affair of Brexit, the scandals and the poor governing skills of London is catching up with the rest of United Kingdom.

First of the election results in Northern Ireland, if Sinn Fein gets a mandate and if neutral Alliance Party supports it. The the “Ulster Province” could easily become a part of a United Ireland. The Northern Ireland as we know it could be swallowed and join the Irish Republic. Instead of being a sore thumb on the island and a relic of the colonial part of London there. The aims and mandates of Stormont may easily change after this one.

That would jeopardize the Good Friday Agreement and the Northern Ireland Protocol of Brexit. However, the sentiments are there and the Northern Irish would have it easier with trade, co-existence and be a part of the European Union. As Dublin and the Republic is already a Member State in the EU. Therefore, there is lots of benefits, which the United Kingdom is loosing out of and is failing upon it’s quest to sufficiently honour the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement.

Second the results of Scotland can open up another can worms for London. The Scottish could easily with the rising power of the Scottish National Party (SNP) and the Tories falling third. This is shattering and showing what sort of leadership the Scots are aiming for. The Tories failing here is making them less viable and they are not a choice there.

Because of the 2021 election to Holyrod, the SNP has already 46% of the Scottish Parliament and has a huge advantage. They are winning more councils and getting more councillors together with other opposition parties. That can clearly make the SNP more harden stance of ushering in a second Independence Referendum. This shouldn’t shock anyone, as the Scots did vote in the Brexit Referendum for “Remain”. Therefore, the fallout could be happening.

As well, as the Scots and their export industries has already been hit hard by the Brexit. They are seeing it harder possibly to stay united and especially when the Tories in London are such a contrast to the EU. With that in mind, it only makes sense that the Scots wants to try again to leave London, in such a way that they could get closer to Brussels and the Common Market.

On a side-note though, the Welsh has cemented itself as a Labour stronghold. The Tories has nothing there both in the Assembly and even lesser extent in the Local Councils. That is just furthering the outcome of a party that isn’t a for the British isles, but only for England. The Tories is soon only in England and ousted elsewhere. That got to sting, as the Scots, Welsh and only the English is still voting for them. They never had a party organization in Northern Ireland, but they have allies there. However, they are losing too now.

This is the possible ramifications of the elections. The people could ask for this and with the recent votes, the Assemblies in the States makes it possible. The First Ministers of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland would all differ from London. That would strike a bitter tone and a distasteful chant in the way of the Tories. It won’t be smooth sailing for the Downing Street No. 10. His party is trailing and losing ground….

Prime Minister Johnson and his reign has eradicated the party from all around. The arrogance and entitlement is catching up. Now, the possible costs of Brexit might come closer to home too. As Sin Fein and SNP might table motions of referendums… which you know will be a blow to the Her Majesties Government in London. Whitehall and all the greatness of the fallen empire will be displeased. While we cannot foresee an outcome of those elections today. It wouldn’t be shocking, if they chose to leave or flee for independence from London. Both nations has all to gain and possibly also a closer connection to the EU. That something more worthwhile then holding the Union of the United Kingdom afloat these days. Since, it gives little, only more stagnation and lack of progress. The austerities and lack of progression is very evident.

London is calling, but the PM is ditching the calls. He knows what is coming. The aftermath of Brexit and the pandemic is here. He has nowhere to hide and the people are turning on his quickly. Peace.

Opinion: The Tories are the losers of these elections

The Conservative Party losing across the board. There is no victories to see and those who see any. Well, you are an anomaly and not according to the numbers. If the numbers of Wales, Scotland or England are telling. The Tories has lost vastly to the others. Some might say Labour didn’t do a landslide, but they together with the opposition won these elections. They took the councillors in Scotland, Wales and England. While the Unionists are losing in the Northern Ireland too.

If your are thinking this is salvageable numbers or polls for Prime Minister Boris Johnson. No, these sorts of results should send him packing. As this is a sign of the tiredness and the smug brat in Downing Street 10. His now a “walking dead” or a man with no trust in the people.

The Tories have no ground to stand on. Maybe they have the North of England. Where the blue-belt still remains. Nevertheless, they are losing elsewhere and it’s not looking any good. The Scottish National Party, Labour, Liberal Democrats and Greens are doing well. In Northern Ireland Sinn Fein and Alliance Party are on the rise too. So, there is possibly less friends in Belfast over the weekend too.

So, in Edinburgh and Cardiff, you have SNP and Labour who runs things. While in Belfast you could possibly have Sin Fein. There is no where to be found of friendly faces and allies of the Tories. The local councils has lost mandates and the majorities of the blue. The blue wave has vanished and left leaning politicians has gotten into office. That got to sting and hurt the pride of the Tories.

However, we know they will downplay this. The loss is huge and will have an impact. The MPs of the ruling party should be worried. Their seats are possibly up for grabs and the electorate is signalling them. The lack of proper governing, the handling of the pandemic and the costs of Brexit is now obvious. The spin-doctors cannot salvage this… there is no way of spinning this that makes any sort of sense.

London should be calling, but I doubt at this moment that the PM will care. His people are dodging and they know their party is bleeding. There is no good news on the horizon. The costs of Brexit and the fatigue of the scandals doesn’t make things better. The PM is a sleaze and someone who has acted above the rules and the codes of others. He cannot run away from that fact and think petty fines will let him off the hook. When the families, loved-ones and others wasn’t able to say their final goodbye’s during the pandemic. The drinking and the partying has backfired…

The polls and the results shows it. Not only is London turning red. Other parts are joining the Lib-Dems and the Greens. There is no real safe-haven, unless he wants to settle down in Sunderland. While the Tories should be worried. These results are a sign that the Tories cannot trade lies and deceit for much longer.

Boris Johnson ensured this loss. It isn’t even only in England, but it’s everywhere. Not looking decent anywhere really. Northern Ireland is even getting closer to Dublin. That got to hurt. While Edinburgh isn’t looking shiny either. There is no where to go and he cannot hide.

Boris has lost this one and by a landslide. The coalition and strategic voting has by all means countered the Tories. They couldn’t overcome this and it’s a major blow. The Tories have to wonder how much longer they can stick by this leadership and party line. Since, it is going backwards. They are losing and there is little to show for it. The constituents aren’t buying it and the spin isn’t working.

Some might say that the Labour didn’t do that well. Alas, Labour at least won seats, Liberal-Democrats and Greens are the major victors together with the SNP in Scotland. No denying that in that, but the ultimate loser of the Local Councillors Elections are the Tories. Peace.

Opinion: The Scots are ditching the Tories too… [and the SNP for the win)

Scotland – story so far is everyone is gaining save for the Conservatives and independents


SNP: +17

Lab: +12

LD: +13

Green: +11

Conservatives: -40

Independents: -13” (Lewis Goodall, 06.05.2022).

Just like in England, the Local Councillor Elections in Scotland is going in favour of the opposition to the Conservative Party. The Tories are losing by a landslide. The Scottish National Party (SNP), Labour Party, Liberal-Democratic Party and the Green Party have all better results all over in Scotland. That got to hurt the Tories, as that was a place of rising Conservative Party ahead of the Brexit and such. Now things are turning and it’s showing the distress.

The Prime Minister and his ruling party should feel shattered by the results in England and Scotland. This is just showing that the Conservative Party isn’t having a stronghold or a strong base in Scotland. When the party can loose to everyone else. This is showing that the tide is turning. While SNP is furthering their mandate and galvanized instead. That should be a lesson for Sir Keir Stramer. Who needs to see the SNP as a possible ally in the up-coming snap-elections.

Since these results aren’t earth shattering, but the SNP is going from strength to strength. The leadership of the SNP should be happy and they should follow this momentum as well. Since, the Tories are failing and weakening. The other allies and parties should gather around to ensure the next steps ahead. These should use the new mandates and solidify it.

The SNP, Labour, Lib-Dems and Greens needs to make itself a coalition and plan ahead to ensure the end of the Tories. That is if they want a more left-leaning parties. It is time for them to show why they are an alternative and how they can serve the constituents.

The Tories should be shaking since they are losing massively. The margins or error is becoming visible. The damage done by the Brexit and by the scandals of Downing Street 10 is now hurting across the board. The governing party is wasting it’s opportunities to make a difference and actually make things better. Instead, it has served the elites and the wealthy, which the citizens has rebuked now.

The SNP should be praised for this and the other parties has delivered too. Labour should look into the Scottish Chapter and what it did to get these results. Because, that could be a healthy look to the rural and how Labour is struggling in the Northern England. They need to listen and be inspired by that. While Lib-Dems and Greens are showing to be a viable alternative too now. Therefore, this election should be seen as inspiring.

We should be proud of the Scots and their votes. They have decided to totally turn on the Tories and it’s deserved. Peace.

Opinion: Boris you don’t own Scotland… [and a referendum is up to them]

I hate to break it to you Boris Johnson, but you don’t have any ownership of Scotland. Neither do you have the right to tell when things are right or wrong to do. The Scots can decide for themselves and make decisions for their own nation. Just like the United Kingdom could leave the European Union. The Scotland can leave the United Kingdom. There is no difference there.

The only difference is that your the head of United Kingdom and you want to reign supreme there. He wants the Downing Street, White Hall and all of London to rule over the Scots. That’s the reality of it here.

The Prime Minister coming out saying it’s not the right time. It is just putting salt in wounds. Boris just wants to control the Scots and still have power there. He don’t want to cease the long relations and retain authority there. While he and his party had no issue ceasing with EU and Brussels. They we’re promising a easy transition and no costs of leaving that. While the truth has been more dire than that and the effects of it is coming to the market.

We know that Boris got into power and office because of the Brexit. He rose up in the ranks and campaigned for a positive ending of the membership or being a member state in the European Union. That’s why its hypocritical and real hypocrisy of him saying: “It’s not the time”.

Like who are you to say that? The Scots should decide what they see fit? Holyrod and everyone representing the Scots should make their decision. This shouldn’t be decided by the leaders of London and especially not Boris Johnson. He should remain silent and not cause this rift. As the Scottish National Party (SNP) is possibly getting a majority in the devolved parliament.

That London still wants a grip on the Union isn’t surprising. They want the perks of the Union and they don’t want it to break up. Still, that is really weird coming from the party who worked for so long and has partake in Brexit. They used the full-force and all energy to pull that off. Everyone in Union was supposed to eat it and not question it.

It is just like Prime Minister is fine to have it all and have it his way. However, he cannot see other people reacting to the actions he has made. The Scots would have been more positive to stay in the Union, if they were still members of the European Union. Nevertheless, Boris prefers Bristol over Brussels.

The SNP and Holyrod should decide their way forward. Especially, if they have the mechanisms and the opportunities to go forward. The Edinburgh can co-exist without a union with London. That has been done before, but has been years since that was happening. This will hit the pride of the Unionists. Which is very ironic, since these are the same folks that wanted the United Kingdom to depart from another Union. So, these people should take a lager and chill.

This is up to the Scots. It is up to them and what they see fit. This is not something for London to decide or have a say. Yes, they can state their wishes and will, but they shouldn’t force the Scottish here. The ones fighting for Brexit should wait this one out. They are the ones responsible for the reaction here.

The Scottish didn’t want to leave the EU, but they are forced to leave the UK to hopefully re-enter into the EU. That says a lot. They are willing to leave one Union for not only independence, but to be a direct part of the rest of Europe. That is a huge loss of pride and glory for the Union Jack and the whole government apparatus in London. They are seen as the useless technocrats from the South, bickering about how to operate the North. Therefore, Boris and his “Yes-Men” should take a token and buzz off.

Time to drink Irn-Bru and pound about the future. A future that is up to Edinburg and not London. A future that is up to the Scots and what they are wanting. Not what the officials of Whitehall or Downing Street thinks. That has to be hammered into their skulls.

They had their chance and empty promises after the recent referendum. Fish is rotting in the ports and the economy is tanking. Not only because of COVID-19 but because of Brexit. That’s the cause of this all… and a possible referendum on independence is coming as an natural reaction.

We cannot see how this will play out. However, it is only fair that the Scots decides and do what they feel. Neither, if this means a new referendum or not. The SNP is the driver here and their manifesto is clear. Therefore, the ones in power should be held to account and whatever that comes out of it. Should happen and the leaders in London shouldn’t stop the ones leading in Edinburg. If that happens, then the world know how neo-colonial the ones in-charge are.

They have one rule for themselves, but another for the rest. So… let’s see what happens. Peace.

Brexit: Tories fantasies has to stop, unless they are awaiting a Zombie Apocalypse!

The Conservative Party or the Tories Government under Prime Minister Theresa May have worked for this long and negotiated with European Union. All of that is to prepare a dreamland and a Narnia, they cannot wait to enter Wakanda and all sort of Hogwarts nonsense, which exists in a parallel universe between White Hall, Westminster and the moon made out Swiss Cheese. It is in this sort of context the Tories are working in.

It is weird that a real and supposed governing body, an elected respected representative government are working on dreams and fantasies. They are aiming at the sky, thinking they can get unicorns and dragons to fly in and around the London Bridge. Expect troubles at Twickenham Stadium, there will be gladiator fights and less fish, just chips. They will run out fish, there wont be any left in the river Thames. Trust me, Aldi and Tesco couldn’t get any. It is all out, there is no fish, not in the sea and its only plastic pieces in the ocean, in and around the British Isles.

Well, that is just drama, but as the politicians are working, acting like they are working and continuing on empty promises. They are planning lasers on the borders to Northern Ireland. Planning to dodge all parts of the Customs Union and expect to control the tariffs, as if they are Member State. However, they think they can control that as an outsider, like they are inside. It is like a non-member or not being a shareholder at a company should be able to change corporate policy. Sorry brother, but good luck on your endeavors.

That the Tories are trying to salvage whatever they can, they have to be able to work with DUP from Northern Ireland, be able to have a friendly space with Dublin, while negotiating with Brussels. While in the mix of this they have Remainers and Brexiteers, they have groups within the Tories MPs who are working against each other. The ship isn’t steady and that is evident. That is why the PM is blindly turning in all directions, except for the ones within reason. That is why even Nigel Farage is giving up. The Brexiteer of ancient times, Farage, the White Scary Knight of whatnot’s ham, has given up. While David Davis and Boris Johnson are headless chickens clucking every way. There isn’t anything substantial or policy wise that can be trusted.

The EU must wonder who they are negotiating with, if it is elf’s coming from Wales or a relic from Stonehenge, as they are not showing anything that can be enforced and also respect the protocols of the EU. The EU has standards and protocol, the negotiations are about what sort of terms the United Kingdoms will have after leaving the Union. As a Non-Member, they are not internally apart of the EU and therefore, not directly rights as they did. That is simple math, even as the Tories are saying everything will be fine and dandy, even untouched like Virgins.

Sorry, Tories, the dreams are turning into nightmares, the facade and the fortress is ready for invasion. The reality should bite your ass. You should be afraid of splinters and grenades. You should be afraid of torches and molotov cocktails hitting your area. The Dark Knight isn’t coming and saving you from Poison Ivy, you have already been stung and you have no clue what to do.

The self-hurting nonsense should stop, the lies and deceptions are already in the open. You cannot continue this road. Your only getting the Walking Dead and the Zombie Apocalypse, which Stamford Bridge never seen before and ever will see again. Because London Has Fallen, this time without Gerard Butler, but with Theresa May steering the shaky ship into destiny and into oblivion. Peace.

Brexit: FYI – Barnier explaining “the Brussels Effect”!

This should be for some a deja vu’ for others, its rewind and for some the same old story. But as long as the Tories and the Her Majesties Government, the United Kingdom have worked upon the withdrawal from the European Union, the UK has come with false prophets and false narratives. The Tories and Prime Minister Theresa May, have either been blindsided or not understood the ramifications of their will. They are departing or divorcing as you will, they will not be in the same sort of relationship after leaving the EU. That is just natural, that isn’t significant. Everyone understands that, especially when the UK want specialized rules and regulations, while picking and mixes as they please. However, there are protocols and regulations, that is how the Union works. So that all parties knows what they are getting and what boundaries the external nations, whose not members has to comply to. That is also natural. Therefore, Michal Barnier has now talked an example recently showing the perspective of the EU towards the Brexit and that should hurt the pride of the British!

The General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR – came into force yesterday. According to the United Kingdom’s position first presented – and published – this week on data protection: ‘The United Kingdom would like its supervisor to remain on the European Data Protection Board, created by the GDPR. It wants to remain in the one-stop-shop. It believes that this is in the interest of EU businesses’. But let’s be clear: Brexit is not, and never will be, in the interest of EU businesses. And it will especially run counter to the interests of our businesses if we abandon our decision-making autonomy. This autonomy allows us to set standards for the whole of the EU, but also to see these standards being replicated around the world. This is the normative power of the Union, or what is often called “the Brussels effect.” And we cannot, and will not, share this decision-making autonomy with a third country, including a former Member State who does not want to be part of the same legal ecosystem as us” (Speech by Michel Barnier at the 28th Congress of the International Federation for European Law (FIDE), Lisbon, 26 May 2018),

That the British should worry about this, because what he is saying, is that UK will not have decision making power or have the influence that they used too. That is because the UK is not longer a member, but acting as a Third Country. All of this has been known, but the UK has acted like they can do as they pleases and act as they want. They can get their will and their dreams, they can pick out of the sky and candy-corn and unicorns will appear within White Hall. As ordered by the DUP and all the others friendly Brexiteers, who expect the world to land in their lap and praise their works.

However, that is not how the world works. Even if the UK thinks so, as they have their empire in mind and think they still rule the world. They are the ones leaving and has to comply to the set of rules, they are not able to change the body or the regulations put in place. They will be less significant and have less of influence on the matters, as they are becoming the outsider and not the insider anymore.

I know that is hard for someone to understand. That is breaching their momentum, that is shaking their world and their whole belief system. Nevertheless, the UK will have to comply as a third country, they are not insiders who has the ability to make decisions for the EU.

Brexit has consequences, they either have to comply or find other partners, they have to follow the standards or be island left alone. That is what Barnier is saying, because Brexit will feel the Brussels effect. Its been known about all along.

It is just the Tories and Theresa May who hasn’t understood the memo. Can someone teach them, before its too late? Peace.

Opinion: Why is PM May deliberately stupid?

Today on the 13th May 2018, Prime Minister Theresa May wrote an article on Facebook called: ‘Trust me, I’ll take back control — but I’ll need your help’. This is an article on her defense on her and her parties stance on Brexit, as it is supposed to address the lacking framework for the negotiations with the European Union, as the United Kingdom is withdrawing their membership. However, she must think the electorate of United Kingdom are a bunch of fools.

Since she wrote first this: “We will leave the Single Market because staying in the Single Market means continued free movement of people, but we will maintain the strongest possible trading partnership with our European neighbours and create new trade deals around the world ensuring that we seize the opportunities to build an economy that works for everyone”. Than to continue the hogwash, she wrote this: “And we will leave the Customs Union so we can establish our own independent trade policy and negotiate trade deals in our interests. I have proposed different options for a new customs arrangement with the EU and the government will continue to develop them during the negotiations”. Later, the final nail in coffin of nonsense, she wrote this: “This means there can be no hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland, or between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK. We will uphold the Belfast Agreement in full – and we will ensure the constitutional and economic integrity of the whole United Kingdom. Second, any agreements must create as little friction as possible for trade to protect the jobs that rely on speedy and integrated supply chains. These are a valued part of our economy, particularly for our manufacturing regions”.

So the takeout of this masterpiece of nonsense, was that the United Kingdom with the Tories at the helm, will leave the Single Market and the Customs Union, while trying to get friction-less trade. I hate to say it, but that will be impossible. As the standards for trading with the EU isn’t like that and they will not configure the whole system to fit the hands of May. She might think she is the wisest of them all and the Princess all of Europe looks up-too. However, she and Her Majesty’s Government have to follow guidelines. That is within reason of everyone else and all the other member states of the Union.

If the UK leaves the Single Market and Customs Union with the EU, they will be a significant less important trading-partner by default. They will have to have a hard-border, tariffs and check-points of delivery of the product in and between the British isles. I know that the Tories will say this is not true, but if making themselves a Third-Party State to the European Union, means the trading agreements will be as hectic as they are for Zimbabwe or any other random partner trading with the EU. It will be friction, there will be tariffs and will be checks of goods. The borders and movement of funds will be costly, as the third-party nation will not have advances and securities directly with the EU. That is why the standards and the tariffs are there. Because the EU will secure trading directly with other partners and within the Union. The ones who has already signed-off to be part of the Single-Market and its business model.

Theresa May should understand that with the disconnect from both entities within the EU, there will not be possible of a stop of goods and services. The trading agreements with the EU might help, but that will be new negotiations and also suspend possible trading that exists today. Because the EU cannot have similar standards as today with a Third Party State.

That is why I think May is deliberately stupid, as she should know better. She thinks she can mix sewage and water in the same pipes, not thinking someone will catch cholera. But that is what she does. She promise golden roads to heaven, but she should have idea what the proposals really means. As an outsider, I can say that I think, she is acting like a fool, and she takes the British for a ride. Unless, that is what the Kingdom likes to played around like pawns, while the Tories play power games with them. Because that is how it seems. As the deadline for withdrawal is there… getting closer and the Tories are looking more depleted, than anyone should think was possible. Peace.

Brexit: The PMQ Today shows obvious signs that PM May doesn’t know what sort of deal she wants!

The Prime Minister Questions in the House of Commons this Wednesday 9th May 2018, proves a certain thing. That the Conservative Party and their coalition is not prepared or has any signs of where they are heading with the Brexit Negotiations. It is hectic mess of own dodgy unstable government, which is marred with internal conflict and egos. That all want their slices of the pot, but is not considering the implications of their actions. How can I say that, well, let me take the significant answer from PM Theresa May today, which show it all!

We are leaving the customs union. What we are doing is ensuring that we deliver customs arrangements but leave the customs union, ensure no hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland, as frictionless trade with the EU as possible, and an independent trade policy. What would Labour give us? It wants to go into a customs union with the European Union, with no say over trade policy and with Brussels negotiating trade deals in its interests, not our own. The Labour manifesto said that it wanted to strike trade deals, but now it has gone back on that policy. Typical Labour—letting Britain down once again” (Theresa May, 09.05.2018).

It is like she is dreaming, its like she doesn’t know how the European Union operates or how negotiations work. As she is thinking she can get the specialized agreement with “non” or “soft-border” in Ireland/Northern Ireland, however, still having hard borders towards the rest of the Union. Where they will not be delivering to the protocol of trade or movement. Because that is the main issue of the Brexiteers. That is not how the world works or how the EU would accept. Because if you have soft-border one place, you have soft-border all around the island.

When I hear the PM speak, has she heard from the EU:

The European Union is giving the U.K. a take-it-or-leave-it offer over customs union membership. Remaining in the regime must be on the EU’s terms, the conditions won’t change, and it would mean Britain having no independent trade policy, Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier warned. “We can’t change our rules; our rules will remain the same,” Barnier told a business conference in Sofia on Thursday. “When you’re in a customs union for goods, like Turkey for example, you become part of a common trade policy — you don’t have autonomy anymore.” (Okov, Slav & Wishart, Ian – ‘EU Won’t Adapt Customs Union Rules to Suit Britain, Barnier Says’ 26.04.2018, Bloomberg).

So clearly, the mark has been missed. The Tories has no idea about this trade-deals and the movement, as the EU will be hard-lining the rules and regulations that all the member-states has put together. That is why the Tories are walking towards becoming a third-party state to the EU and will meet the same demands that has. Seemingly, the Brexiteers are thinking of how that will be. Its like the British is forgetting that to get into the marketplace, you have to follow the standards of that one. You can try to make your own, but that takes time. And the time is not the side of the UK right now. They have less time, they have squandered the time and now the clock is ticking.

Therefore, I have hard to believing the PM understand or has underestimated the consequences, maybe because it doesn’t hit home. It everyone else, just like the sorry misfortune of the Windrush generation, this sort of diplomatic and foreign affairs doesn’t directly hit the PM and her party. That is why it doesn’t cost to botch it or to misuse the precious time to get it fixed.

We know she did repeat herself later while answering a question put by Matt Western:

As I said earlier, there are two options for delivering on the objectives that we have set. We will leave the customs union, we want to ensure that there is no hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland, we want to ensure that there is as frictionless trade as possible between the UK and the EU, and we want to ensure that we can have an independent trade policy. I say to the hon. Gentleman that what is not credible is a Labour party policy that wants us to be in a customs union, giving all the power for negotiating our trade deals to Brussels, with no say whatsoever for the UK” (Theresa May, 09.05.2018).

Therefore, the Brexiteers are still leaving the Kingdom into problematic shores, as they are cannot count on the paradigm shift or what the Tories really want. It is obvious with the talk and answers, that the UK Government, don’t know or doesn’t understand the implications it will bring. Like they are naive and thinking they can get it exactly how they want and without any costs. That is not how these sort of things play out. However, then again, it is done by David Davis and Boris Johnson, so I am sure road to oblivion sounds better than Hackney. Peace.

Brexit: Possible breaches of Campaign Laws for the ‘Vote Leave’ and ‘BeLeave’ within the Cambridge Analytica sphere!

On the 13th April, the British Parliament published their Legal Opinion on the ‘Vote Leave’ or Brexit Campaigns that was connected to the Cambridge Analytica, Aggregate IQ Data Services Ltd (AIQ) and others. This is was a specific plan that was hired to secure the well-funded campaigns and strategies to get the result they wanted. This companies was hired by all parties that matters in the wish to leave the European Union (EU). This was the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), United Kingdom Independent Party (UKIP) and even the Conservative Party (Tories). All of them has paid for services within these companies. Therefore, the investigation will reveal how they operated.

The Cambridge Analytica and AIQ was sophisticated measures of forcing their messages to the public. Where even the consultants wasn’t working separately from each other. What is also seen is these campaign officials are now part of the advisers of the Prime Minister, these being Stephen Parkinson and Cleo Watson, who both has prominent roles within the Downing Street. What is striking is how these officials was part of the ‘Vote Leave’, while the separate campaign ‘BeLeave’ run from the same offices wasn’t stopped. If this wasn’t done misuse power and also manpower, what isn’t?

So this mismatch of organization, combined with the setting, shows how they we’re not truthful of the information and the spreading of information within the structure. Neither, was the collections of personal information and the analyzes used to hit the regions that could be swayed for the Brexit. This was specialized tactics and also moving in ways that was not following British Campaign laws.

You know that is all operated together with a flinch of evidence, it couldn’t be more blatant:

We have seen screenshots relating to BeLeave’s shared drive within Vote Leave’s Google Drive space, which, according to J, was administered by Victoria Woodcock, Vote Leave’s Chief Operating Officer. On 10 March J was invited by Mr Grimes to join the BeLeave shared drive. Many of those with access to the shared drive had Vote Leave email addresses” (Matrix Chambers, 2018).

When your sharing the same cloud space online and the same shared drive, even the emails, there is no question of how you move and how you work. You wouldn’t have shared interests and shared intelligence, if your having all digital content combined. All content was connected and therefore, they knew of each other. Therefore, they could massage the messages and use their techniques to strike the public together.

The Opinion is showing how the campaign crossed the lines of donation and personal spending, also practices of mismanagement on purpose to secure the Vote Leave didn’t earn more funds after law, therefore helping Be Leave Campaign, even as it was run from the same offices with different British Nationals running them. That Vote Leave raised more funds than the £7,000,000 pounds spend on the campaign.

We know it is serious, when the Committee of the Parliament wants more investigation into it and refers it all to the Crown Prosecution Service. Where they want all parties involved possibly prosecuted for their electoral malpractice.

That these sort of activities needs to be looked into, as we know Cambridge Analytica misused personal information from Facebook, breached privacy laws to be able to engineer results and messages for parties within the United Kingdom. They has also now worked together and made sure the BeLeave and Vote Leave misused provisions within the Electoral Law. Clearly, the UK and their parties are not as clean and democratic as they want to be.

This sort of practices and use of power within the electorate is a warning sign. How international companies and tech-companies are getting involved in digital marketing and in targeting the electorate. If the ones fighting for the EU Referendum and for the leaving the Union did this. What did the bigger parties, than the Tories and Labour? What sort of connections and digital fingerprint did they have?

This are people who are close to Theresa May at Downing Street, the stretch from power is very short. It’s like when David Cameroon hired the advisers directly from media, as the May has followed suit, but more modern than hiring from newspapers and Murdoch companies. Therefore, the ones who was part of this, should worry for their positions within the close inner-circle of the Prime Minister. This sort of legal opinion should hit the Tories hard and the PM especially. Since the ones who is advising her, was in the midst of the shady operations done by AIQ & Cambridge Analytica, as well as the BeLeave and Vote Leave circles.

Brexit: Lord Adonis letter to Lord Hall of Birkenhead, Director-General of the BBC on its coverage of Brexit (09.04.2018)