Opinion: Is the EAC functional at the moment? Or should we await for further confirmation?

Is the line working? Are there someone answering on the other side? Did we dial the number correctly? Is the East African Community (EAC) functional or is a front?

I don’t know… but things aren’t splendid at the moment. There are several of cases pending and issues going on, which says otherwise. While the EAC Secretariat is busy pleading to the nations of finding amicable responses. There is little to no feedback or concern about these statements.

Yes, the Tanzanian authorities barred Kenyan Airways today. While Kenyan high ranking officials had spoken ill of the Rwandan regime and they wanted another sort of apology in return, which we have never heard. The Ugandan authorities on the other hand has suspended the imports of petrol through Kenya and has sued the Kenya cartels in the EAC Courts.

The Democratic Republic of Congo have on the other hand gone after Rwanda and said if it doesn’t stop the “proxy war” inside the DRC. Kinshasa might invade Kigali in the future. That’s not a good look for the EAC and having the DRC as one of the newest members of it.

Burundi has also dwelled into murky waters over a “claimed” Rwandan supported proxy militia attacking on Burundian soil. Which has resulted in the closure of borders to Rwanda and suspending diplomatic ties with Kigali. Therefore, things aren’t looking good.

Neither of these things are new in the EAC. There been closure of borders between Uganda-Rwanda in past. There been blockade of trading certain goods between Uganda-Kenya like Chickens. The Kenyan authorities has blocked certain trades with Somalia, which has also become a member of the EAC. Therefore, there is no common market or protocol that opens up for a true free flow of goods, yet.

The ones leading the EAC must have a headache. There is no solemn peace or gratitude. Only more grievances and more work to fix things. The South Sudanese and the President in Juba must feel the plight of the chair. This time around it isn’t only fixing on issue or a diplomatic spat over some contested rock or policy. No, it is real life consequences and things that can spiral out of hand. There is guns and money involved here and this is why President Kiir needs advisors who can navigate this with care.

The EAC needs mediation and better one than the ones that issued after the 2015 General Elections in Burundi. The Inter-Dialogue that was sponsored there was fruitless and hot-air, which is why the CNDD-FDD isn’t caring about transparency or accountability for its actions. This will not help when Juba calls Gitega and asks for a mediation process between them and Kigali. No, this here will be a prolonged stalemate, unless Mbeki or someone Goodluck Jonathan or something comes with some magic juices to salvage the hurt of the parties.

Alas, that will be needed between Tanzania-Kenya, Uganda is using the mechanisms, but at the same time Nairobi cannot be kiddy about the claims or the end-game. As Dodoma is getting the cash and the export-tariffs through it’s ports instead.

The DRC-Rwanda will be a forever debacle and as long the historical ties between proxies and Kigali exists. This will not be sorted out by the EAC and the EAC Force is already history. The SADC has come in, but we don’t know if it will stop the insurgency or the militias operating in the DRC. Most likely it will not as it has been a root cause of evil for decades now and foreign operates has profited of the slaughter and the “blood resources” of the DRC. That never changes and the EAC will not be able to stop that either.

The EAC seems like a good idea on paper, but when it lack resources, manpower and an army to run it. There is little to add weight other than the President residing on the throne temporarily and the hopes of good gestures. There is a need for humility and respect of fellow peers, but that’s maybe to much to ask, as the rising arrogance and self-serving interests are more important than winning hearts across the border. That’s why neighbours spats and we are seeing these acts happening in our time.

The EAC is maybe crumbling, but that’s not Kiir’s or the South Sudanese fault. They are just at the helm at the wrong time. The ones in office and who carries the heavy load. At one point they might have wished better fortunes, but this is the cards they are dealt.

It is not fair and it never is. There is a need for redemption and for talks. If the parties will, it would be splendid. The cases between Kenya-Uganda and Tanzania-Kenya could be settled rather easily, but the ones between DRC-Rwanda and Burundi-Rwanda is much more hostile. These will take some serious negotiations and dialogue, which would need foreign intervention or possible respected statesmen from far away to support the talks. Peace.

Opinion: Mzee’s lack of self-awareness is astonishing

A country like Uganda wasted a lot of time-fighting and so on, when we settled down, we started producing and very soon we realised that the internal market was not enough for milk, maize, sugar, among other products. The second reason is strategic security. How can you be secure in the world? The third reason is undugu, we are even lucky that we have Swahili as the East African language, we can all speak Swahili. Therefore, it is easy for us to unite. This is why some of us under the leadership of Mwalimu Nyerere, for the last more than 60 years have been struggling for East African integration” – President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni (24.11.2023).

After all these years and with the new Member Nations in the East African Community (EAC), Somalia. There should be jubilation and celebration, as it wasn’t a long ago that the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) became a member and before that was South Sudan. The EAC has grown, but it got growing pains.

President Museveni should know all of this, because he has seen it all happening in front of his own eyes. What is striking to me… as a man speaking of markets and market integration. A lot of his own works and direct policies has been deterrent of this. Alas, they have been counterproductive.

The President and his party has been so hostile that it has caused trade-wars over chickens. Had spats over a tiny island in the Lake Victoria. It has had issues with importation of fuel and gas. If not it has caused a stir by choosing which port to have the petroleum pipeline from the Albertine Graben and to the Sea. Not forget the prolonged blockade and blocking of entry between Rwanda and Uganda. Therefore, he has seen the “brotherhood” and what it is worth.

The EAC needs guidelines and codes of conduct. The Sovereigns are still in the realm of deciding all on their own terms. There isn’t a policy or statute made by the EAC, which makes the East African Community a Common Trading Market like the Member States of the European Union. If the EAC had done something similar. Then the Ugandan President could speak very smoothly about the brotherhood. As that would open up the markets and ease the logistics between the nations. However, that isn’t the case as of today.

The EAC have created a Monetary Union in 2013, but to see that being beneficial for trading or movement of goods. That is another issue that the Heads of State hasn’t resolved or come with a resolution to fix it. This is why it is a bit odd to read parts of Museveni’s speech today.

Museveni wants to be seen as a statesman and of the old school. That his the wise man who has lived through the ages. Regardless of that, when he has such vast amount of experience. He should be the guy to come with wisdom and ways to get things moving along. However, that never seems to happen, because he knows he cannot order people around like headless chickens outside his domain. Therefore, he gets nowhere and have to sound more profound outside his turf.

President Museveni speaks easily of uniting, but I have just seen otherwise over the years. I am just awaiting another trade-war and spat between Government of Uganda, and one of their neighbours. That just happens and usually over petty things or allegations. This is why the recent outburst of fuel cartels and whatnot in Kenya is just souring the grapes between the nations. Instead of trying to find mechanisms to resolve it. The President just ordered to cease importation and get it through Tanzania instead. This shows how the EAC isn’t totally working and it is simple choices that is the final factor in decisions.

If the markets was truly integrated into a common market, which was open for everyone and with secure mechanisms and tribunals for grievances. The trading in the EAC would be totally different. Right now that’s not happening, because the Sovereigns wants a say and want to keep their integrity intact. Therefore, the brotherhood is in words, but not in actions. Peace.

Uganda: Joint Press Release – Court Case against Uganda and Tanzania over the EACOP Project to be heard (11.11.2022)

A look into Mzee’s 60th Independence Speech Part II [a story about the East African Federation]

It has, therefore, been long, ever since the NRM and its pre-cursors, started supporting the struggle for the realization of the dream of the East African Federation. If we had achieved that by 1963 as the elders had intended, this part of the World would be very far. Some of the political elite, let down Africa in 1963 by frustrating the effort. If the Federation had been launched in 1963, you can be sure that Idi Amin would never have taken power in Uganda, there would have been no genocide in Rwanda or the killings in Burundi, Congo would have stabilized long ago, the problems of South Sudan, would have been solved much earlier and the problem of Somalia may not have turned out the way it did. Even today, the sort of problems we are facing, would be easily solved” – President Yoweri Tibuhurwa Kaguta Museveni (09.10.2022).

Today on the 9th October 2022, yet again President Museveni held his Independence Day Speech, which he has year after year. These speeches are long and this year was no different. He held a two hour long speech at Kololo Grounds and certainly there was plenty of points or things to look into. However, in this here piece. I am only looking into the stories of the East African Federation.

President Museveni comes with strong claims and reasoning. He blames the ones in 1963 for not pushing through with the East African Federation. Nevertheless, the nations haven’t since then been able to agree or find the stipulations fitting for a federation. Neither has the nations been able to agree on an East African constitution. It has been plenty of stumbling blocks and this is why we are seeing an East African Community (EAC) in 2022.

Just read these insights here!

It was mainly Uganda’s objection to the surrender of sovereignty, the desire to preserve its fragile internal unity, and the fear of Kenyan control over regional institutions which led to the failure of East African federation. In fact, President Obote had made a statement that the Nairobi declaration did not commit Uganda to federation and that the questions of relationships and powers were still in the ‘exploratory stage’. For the Tanganyikans and Kenyans, regional unity involved ‘the concept of a tightly constructed federation’” (…) “By the end of 1963 the failure of the federation was clear. The last session of the Working Party was held in Kampala in May 1964, but the three Presidents found that the political union they had advocated so wholeheartedly was no longer feasible. It can be argued that national interests developed guickly in East Africa during 1963, as President Nyerere had prophesied:

We shall be increasing the number of human beings who have a personal interest in disunity – and because they are human beings most of them will be more conscious of the advantages of the present situation and the difficulties of change than of the long-term benefits which could come” (John A. Mgaya – ‘REGIONAL INTEGRATION: THE CASE OF THE EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY’ P: 14-15, August 1986).

Though the official start of the East African Community’s project lay at the beginning of the new millennium, the roots of the drive for East African unity actually extend much farther back. It began at the signing of the treaty of East African Cooperation in 1967, following the end of the British colonial period. While the treaty was abandoned a mere decade later due to faltering political will and disparate levels of development between the three nations, the idea would remain a powerful one. In fact, it was powerful enough for regional governments to revisit the possibility after the end of the Cold War” (Borgen Magazine – ‘The East African Community’s First Constitution’ 28.03.2020).

The East African Heads of State signed the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community in Arusha, on 30 November 1999. Prior to re-launching the East African Community in 1999, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda had enjoyed a long history of cooperation under successive regional integration arrangements. These included the Customs Union between Kenya and Uganda in 1917, which the Tanganyika later joined in 1927; the East African High Commission (1948- 1961); the East African Common Services Organisation (1961-1967); the East African Community (1967-1977), and the East African Co-operation (1993-1999)” (UNESCO – ‘RELATIONS WITH THE EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY (EAC) AND DRAFT COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN UNESCO AND THAT ORGANIZATION’ 2006).

After reading these it is easy to see why it didn’t happen and Nyerere was prophetic about it. His words has been proven and righteous. Museveni who has had the time and could have pushed further. His never done so or tried that much. Since, he knows he would give way on the sovereignty and the rights of Uganda. We know that Museveni wouldn’t allow or accept being controlled by Nairobi or Dodoma for that matter. This is why Obote was reluctant and wasn’t willing in 1963.

It is interesting that later in the speech today that Museveni further said this about the subject:

In the 1962 Independence elections, no Party could win by absolute majority because they had fragmented the electorate into sectarian groups that could never attract broad support. Guided by our principle of Pan-Africanism, when we won power, we worked with Mzee Hassan Mwinyi, Mzee Benjamin Mkapa, Mzee Daniel Arap Moi, supported by Mwalimu Julius Nyerere who was still alive, to revive the EAC, which was re-inaugurated on the 30th of November, 1999.Guided by the same principles, we stood with the African brothers in South Africa, Namibia, South Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Somalia, etc. It is this principle, that educates us not to aim at building a Latin America in Africa but build a United States of Africa in Africa –to ensure the prosperity of our people and the strategic security of Africa” (Museveni, 09.10.2022).

Here Mgaya reasons differently than Museveni on the matter, especially the reasons around 1962, which he says this: “While people like Tom Mboya supported Nyerere, in Uganda the Kabaka’s government and Obote’s Democratic Party stated that Uganda was not ready for federation. Therefore, soon after Tanganyika’s independence in December 1961 Nyerere stated that federation would now have to wait until all three countries were sovereign” (John A. Mgaya – ‘REGIONAL INTEGRATION: THE CASE OF THE EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY’ P: 13, August 1986).

Here we see there is nothing about sectarianism or such. It was about the independence and becoming sovereign republic’s themselves. That is all natural that you wouldn’t the same minute your getting independence, become a part of another entity. The new nations would need time to assess and consider their foreign diplomatic ties and trading partners. That is just natural and this is the reason for the downfall of the East African Federation in 1963. As there was internal fears and speculations into the balances of power and losses of sovereignty to others. Parts, which Museveni doesn’t dwell upon. He only speculates of the salvation from the worst damages and suffering, which has happen since. However, he hasn’t spoken about his involvement in these and how he sponsored the violence and military operations in several of the neighbouring countries over the years. That’s why it’s epic that he doesn’t look into his interference there for personal gains.

Last part about 1999 has also been stated in the little documentation I found. That Museveni mentions in the second paragraph of EAC or East African Federation part of his speech. He takes pride in the moment of the 1999. Nevertheless, since then and the ills he mentioned. The EAC should have ensured that his nation didn’t interfere in the Democratic Republic Congo (DRC) or in South Sudan for that matter. Museveni has done this and been vital in it. Therefore, his own military activity across the borders has caused the pain and sufferings, which the EAC couldn’t deal with or had any say in. That’s why it’s really hypocritical of him. He wouldn’t have accepted their interference and totally blocking of it. We just know he wouldn’t have followed it anyway.

That’s why it’s interesting that he says this. We know the war to topple Mobutu and Laurent Kabila in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We know how Uganda supported the Rwandan Patriotic Front in the 1990s. There has been speculations for year in the Museveni involvement in the late death of Dr. Joseph Garang. We can also mention the involvement and support of Nkurunziza in Burundi. Therefore, he has interfered and ensured allies in the neighbour nation and done so deliberately. So, when he speaks of the ills of the people and the never ending troubles that needs to be solved. He has partook in the action and should take some blame in it. Since he has invested, used his armies and gained personal power by doing so. I doubt the East African Community or Federation could have stopped him. Within the time frame and the context, the nations involved wasn’t even signed up and would have been out of EAC/EAF. Peace.

A look into Mzee’s 60th Independence Speech [a story about coffee and the pipeline]

For the 35th time or the 36th time that President Yoweri Tibuhurwa Kaguta Museveni has addressed the nation in the Independence Day. This year its the 60th year since Uganda got independent from the United Kingdom. That day should have been held with fanfare and celebration across the Republic. However, the most vital and important place to be was at Kololo in Kampala. Where Museveni together with foreign dignitaries was at a bash. Which lasted and lasted.

President Museveni knows how to hold lectures and long one too. So, I will only take a few paragraphs here and there. That’s the ones that stood out to me. Because there is a lot of flesh and bone in a two hour speech and nobody with a sane mind wants to fact-check that on a whim. Therefore, I am only looking at snippets and addressing them as I see fit.

Like this one: “These achievements, have been in spite of the stiff opposition we have been facing from the parasites and their foreign backers, such as the Monitor Newspaper. To take an example, this paper, on the 22nd of May, 2022,it said that: “Coffee deal stinks; but key culprit will not be punished”. In other words, Museveni is committing a crime by trying to add value to the Ugandan Coffee” (Museveni, 09.10.2022).

By saying this we know his the Hawk Limited, which wasn’t addressed in the Parliament report. As the Government of Uganda and Uganda Vinci Coffee Company Limited has made agreements, which is practically creating a coffee-bean monopoly to a company that isn’t really built yet. Neither is the coffee factory built or ready for the levels of production either. That’s why this whole deals stinks and could easily destroy the agricultural output with the marginalized agreements, which isn’t benefiting the free-market or the spirit of producing it either. This is not an incentive or an adjustment anyone asked for, but a problem and bottleneck, which the President himself has created.

While on the subject. This paragraph is just amazing:

After that, I engaged the Nestle group in Davos. They made it clear that they already had their factory for coffee processing in the UK and would not build a new one. Hence, we had to remain as Raw-Material producers, getting only 5% of the value of the coffee we grow. They, moreover, try to muddy the water by claiming that “blending” of the different coffees can only take place in Europe etc. We told them that Uganda had all the varieties and the blending would be done here. That has been the war, I have been involved in until I got the Vinci Company to help me. You heard how some of the MPs were talking in that war. Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, had built a coffee processing factory in Bukoba, in Tanzania, near the border of Uganda. When I heard of that, I linked our people with that effort. They were producing an end product known as “Star Coffee”. Unknown to me, the officials of Uganda, allowed that effort to die out or get stunted. What blindness and betrayal this is!!” (Museveni, 09.10.2022).

It is interesting that Museveni mentions Nestle, which is only this year opening up a Coffee Processing Plant in Mexico. So, this means that Museveni is lying about the fact or that’s so long ago that the Nestle company has changed their perspective. Nevertheless, I don’t believe Coffee can only be processed in Europe. That is deliberately false and a lie. Just to malign Europe and direct his displeasure with Europeans in general. In this regard, there are already coffee processing plants in Uganda. Just to mention one other, which has been operating since 2015 is in Bushenyi district and run by APCU Union. This plant alone is sufficiently supporting 6,000 small-coffee growers in the Bushenyi district. So, the UVCC agreement with the monopoly is dismantling and destroying for instance that processing plant, which is already in operation since 2015. It just shows how his not interested in other visions than his own. His actually betraying the ones that already has started and is operating, which was also described earlier this in a Parliamentary Report. A report that the President don’t mention or even cares to assess. It’s his way or the highway…

On another note, he speaks of the petroleum pipeline:

Recently, there was yet another manifestation of Imperialistic arrogance and hegemonism by elements in the European Union Parliament whereby they decreed from Brussels that the East African Crude Oil Pipeline should not be constructed, until those arrogant actors permit us to do so. Parasitic elements from that part of the World, have been causing problems for Africa and the World for the last 500 years” (Museveni, 09.10.2022).

It is really astonishing the ways that he puts this. That’s why you know this is “his oil” and he feels tampered with. He isn’t describing or explaining the grievances of the EU Parliament Motion. Only describing them the worst way possible and putting them in sinister political context. Instead, of trying to defend with proper arguments for the continuation of it. While again maligning his detractors with language that isn’t fitting for a grown man of his stature, but we know that is common practice from him.

Well, enough for this piece, will write one more about his speech. Since it was over 30 pages and there was one more tale that needs to be addressed. It’s coming on the page as soon as it is finished. Peace.

Opinion: Museveni’s deflection on the EACOP…

I spent 12 years studying English and one of the words I picked up in those years is insufferable. Some of these people(EU MPs) are insufferable. You(EU MPs) need to control yourself not to explode.(They are) so shallow, so egocentric and so wrong that they think they know everything broadcasting their ignorance all over the place but they should calm down. This is a wrong battleground for them” (…) “We don’t take kindly to arrogance and that’s why we spent so many years sorting out issues with arrogant people. The plan will be implemented according to schedule. I hope our partners join us firmly and advise them. When you go to the European Union parliament these are just young girls. A young girl is lecturing me what to do in Uganda! I think somebody should counsel those young people” – President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni (27.09.2022)

No one should expect that President Museveni would held himself accountable or be concerned with the grievances in the European Union Parliament Motion “JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on violations of human rights in Uganda and Tanzania linked to investments in fossil fuels projects” which has caused issues since 14th September 2022.

We know that the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) and the exploiting of petroleum in the Lake Albertine basin is key for the President. This industrial enterprise and agreements are a life-line for his reign. The currency coming from this has to be a slush-fund and direct funds to ensure longevity at this point. Since, he has no direct support or direct donors who will fund him in the same of which they did in 1990s or early 2000s. That’s why the National Resistance Movement (NRM) and the government have a debt deficit cycle, which is destroying the economy. Only Petro-Dollar can save it and possibly get enough revenue to stop the downward spiral created over the years.

However, no one should believe that the Petro-Dollars or the EACOP will be beneficial for the Republic. If it has been sincere and honestly operating, the whole enterprise, the businesses and the agreements would have been transparent. Secondly, the grievances which was reflected in the motion haven’t been discussed or addressed by the President. That’s the arrogance of Museveni himself showing.

President Museveni isn’t talking about the environmental damages or problems the EACOP is creating. Neither is he talking about the forced evictions or the human rights violations either. That doesn’t concern him. We know this all about “his oil” and the oil development to make his bank-account pregnant. The final heist and the biggest slush-fund ever to President for Life.

The ones believing President Museveni is building and developing the petroleum industry out of the kindness of his heart. I hate to tell you, but this is all for selfish reasons. His doing it to earn money himself and is indifferent about the citizens itself. He will have a buck-load of cash and the costs will be burdened on the next generation. Museveni isn’t in this to do good and he never was. That’s why other industries are depleted, privatized and destroyed over the years in his reign.

It is interesting that his pinning the blame on the EU Parliament. When he doesn’t even see what they said and what the Motion is stating. It’s like that doesn’t matter and like Museveni isn’t reading the room. There are already banks backing off and the IMF/World Bank isn’t interesting in it either. The timing of building the EACOP is wrong. He should have initiated this a decade earlier or so. However, he was busy with other schemes at the time…

President Museveni isn’t saving face here. His just deflecting and not taking into account the Motion itself. That’s apparently beneath him, but he should be concerned by this. They are just proving what sort of man he is and is not willing to see it. He rather rule with his ruthless acts and hope no one every tests him. However, the EU Parliament isn’t beholden to him or have to live by his words. They are independent that way and therefore, he just have to act this way. He can rebuke them… but that doesn’t help his case either. Total is European and French, so that company is bound by the laws and regulations in Europe. Therefore, Museveni cannot just deny the EU Parliament, because they are the ones that are the biggest developers in it too.

That’s why the next moves of Total will be important and if they will defy the EU Parliament itself. This will be followed and we don’t know how that one will go. What we do know… is that its harder for them and banks are not willing to loan development funds to it. In this regard, the Ugandan President should be more humble and be more friendly. However, he prefer being on the warpath, than being a person who reflects on the reality and adjust to it. Peace.

Uganda: Over Hundred CSOs Express Concern over Islamic Development Bank’s Financing of EACOP (22.09.2022)

National Unity Platform (NUP): Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine – Statement on the Resolution of the European Parliament on the Violation of Human Rights linked to Investments in the Oil Pipeline (21.09.2022)

National Environment Management Authority (NEMA): Clarification on information concerning the Environment and Social Impact Assessment (EISA) Reports for Oil and Gas Projects in Uganda (19.09.2022)

Opinion: The EACOP is no bargain

This week there been new talks of the East African Crude Oil Pipe Line (EACOP). That comes after the European Union Parliament came with a Motion, which reflect dire concerns about it. The EACOP pipeline will go from the Lake Albert Basin down to Port of Tanga in Tanzania. It is a joint venture deal, but the one who has the most leverage is the French Company Total. While EACOP itself is a United Kingdom based corporation.

The others with smaller stakes are the Uganda National Oil Corporation (UNOC) and the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC). Not to forget the even smaller ownership of the China National Offshore Oil Corporation. So, it is not like the EACOP or the drilling of petroleum is done by solely Ugandan ownership either. Not like Tanzania has a huge stake in it either.

Yes, CNOOC and Total will pay taxes and transport fees of sorts, which is normal for a pipeline to the respective nations. However, they are still able and licenced to drill or exploit the oil fields in the Lake Albert Basin. They are doing that and then later transporting the petroleum from Bunyoro to the coast of Tanzania, which is a long pipeline over vast different environments, which could cause harm or endanger it even. That’s only one thing in this enterprise.

The drilling and exploitation of the petroleum in Lake Albert basin and parts of it is done in Murchison Falls National Park. Meaning the ones with the licence to drill will do so in areas, which has already been facilitated to reserve the nature and the habitats of the species living there. In beautiful surroundings and unique as well. Therefore, the whole petroleum industry could cast a spell on the area as a whole. Especially, if there was something going wrong or an “accident” would occur, which could cause massive damage to the areas.

The EU Parliament Motion has been called “colonial” and “Supremacist” also said to block industrial development in East Africa. They are calling it undermining and saying the Europeans should mine their own business. Which is very ironic, when Total, the French company is the main investor and company involved. The lions share of it run by Total and not by anyone else. Before that UK businesses Tullow and Heritage had vast control of the licences to drill in Lake Albert Basin. So, it’s very weird to call one thing “colonial” and yet allowing the same “colonial” enterprises to run business there.

The Ugandans speaking ill of it. Should first ask for Good Governance and proper due diligence over the projects. The development done and the deals should be looked into. Because, little to none is public. Only the diplomatic papers and some shareholding or ownership details are known. The licencing deals for drilling is “secret” and the transactional parts of also under wraps. The same with registration and practically ownership of the UNOC and TPDC. They are not entities who is very open or transparent about.

That’s why when the minority isn’t transparent, and the Total company isn’t either. The grand public cannot know what is at stake. Who is getting a cut and who is really earning on it. Not like the monies or the credible profits cannot be siphoned. It is not like it is in the domain of the public or it has a knowledge about that.

That’s the making of the President and his Office. They have kept it all hidden for a reason. It is his business and not the citizens one. It is his “oil” and he can do what he likes. He don’t like nosy people and don’t want to be bothered with real questions. That’s why its been kept secret… and it’s deliberately so. Peace.