Opinion: The ones running rackets will not save you…

One thing is for certain. If you elect gangsters, they will make their office into racket. It is just a matter of time. Their leadership, their model and their ways will exposes by a crisis like COVID-19. The Coronavirus will show the weakness and expose the realities.

The Administration, the government will show its true face. If it is sincere, if they have policies or even if they damn care about you, the citizens. However, if you elected a gangster or accepted that they rigged themselves into office. Than, expect the worse.

Because, normally, they will issue some tenders and take some kickbacks, juice up the prices, make fake shell-companies and secure the patronage money from the state coffers. Usually, that hurts the institutions, the government and the budgets. But it doesn’t change much on the ground. As some of the services, some of the procurements are good, but that are drip drops on a faulty system anyway. There are some roads built, some maintained, but a lot to give. That is why development projects, infrastructure projects sky-rocket in price and costs, also prolonged by the gangsters who need their cut.

However, in a COVID-19 crisis, a pandemic this doesn’t work. Their years of neglect and phony contracts cannot sustain the damage, the hurt and the pain. It is occurrent and they cannot forge the paperwork. They rewrite deaths and positive tests of people, but somewhere along the line, there will be mysterious deaths. Secondly, the Hospitals, the ICU beds and ventilators cannot be faked.

Their racket, the racketeering cannot save you. Not that they sheltered the public. Not like the previous rackets or tricks of trade made a big change, but it was a make belief and rouse. It tricked the paper-tigers and surely sold a lot donors. However, the dire poverty is still as rampant. The lack of social security net and welfare state is evident. The heads of state who used their position as a racket is exposed. Their years of neglect and lack of care is now official news.

These folks, these gangster will not save you now. They will only postpone and try to salvage their hurt. They want to secure their vaults and their wealth. If they do things, its only to secure their empires and their vast resources. They will dispose those on the public, neither will they dole the public with massive gifts nor invests properly in the failing Ministry of Health. No, they will await the donors, the Multi-National Organizations, United Nations and whoever who is seeing the tragedy and hope their dime can change the equation. Even if they have dollars upon dollars stored away in unnamed bank-account in Switzerland. Because, that is what they do.

Don’t expect Gangster to save you. They are in it for the nickels and dime. By the hook or by the crook. Anything can become a racket, they just need to find the loophole and the ability to trick the situation. Don’t expect them to save you and yours. They will only patch the hurt if it benefit them in the long-run and you will repay their loyalty. If not, you will be forgotten or not mentioned. You toils, you pain, your suffering doesn’t count, because there is nothing you can repay the favour with.

That is how this is. The game is rigged, you were not expected to play, but you will still loose. It’s just like Casinos. The House cannot loose. The Gangster cannot loose either. The mobster will win. It is just a matter of time. The public will cry, the pain will be real and the death will be on the street. Don’t expect the gangster to mourn, except when the men of honour dies. Than, he will salute and shed a tear for the public. That is only a facade, as long as he reigns supreme. Peace.

Opinion: Politics and Policies of our day is like poisons wells, as the politicians cannot even provide the basic services to the citizens!

Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road”Dag Hammarskjöld

Someone has to say it and seems like it has to be me. But there are something wrong with out time and day. When it is made easier to get funds to analyze the waters on Mars and the moon. Than, actually making sure the citizens of so many nations is struggling to provide proper water sources to their citizens. It isn’t like it is the people of Miami’s fault, neither the people of Tokyo, that there is no water in regions of Sudan or in Somalia. That isn’t the fault directly of these people. Neither of mine. But we have to ask. Why is it so? When did this become acceptable?

Not that we made this over day, not that the society was built in a day. It moved to this, we let certain people run our nations, we let certain companies take advantage and also multi-national organization serve certain beneficiaries every single day. We let that happen and it is continuing. We are letting the marginalized being hurt on the daily without any consideration. This is continuing without anyone stopping, while the leaders are driving in expensive SUVs and having palaces for homes. While the ones they represent struggles to pay for enough rice on their plate. We are letting this happen. We are letting them get away with murder, daylight robbery and we are letting them take away the wealth of the nations.

This is not how it is supposed to be. The Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Multi-National Companies, State Institutions and State Owned Companies are supposed to all work together to provide and secure delivery of services and products that we all need. If it work in perfect harmony, than the public and companies should prosper together. If it is correct, the NGOs should overlook society and the state, to make sure they follow the rights of every individual and make sure the politicians doesn’t take advantage of their powers. However, sometimes and to often the security and the state of affairs isn’t made this way.

The companies has secret deals with the politicians, the NGOs are afraid of doing their questioning and reporting, out of fear of addressing the matters and the wrong-doings. The nature, the people and the society are hurt for short-term profits. The companies are more directly involved in the elite politicians and sometimes founded by them. They are making sure the state are covering the debts created in these companies and making sure the family members are hired too. All in a circle of vicious eating of the state funds, without concern on how it affect the economy or the unemployed community. This is happening, while the Wall Street Companies and the big corporations let them. Since they are affiliated and getting fortunes on the funds getting through this process.

We should worry about this, we should pound about it. Not accept it, the acknowledgment that something is wrong, that something isn’t right. That we are taken for granted, other people are eating of our resources and taken everything. Not supporting or adjusting to make sure they actually serve the public. They are not hiring or making sure to respect the provisions of the state even. As they are making deals inside the State House or with family members of the Executive. This is happening on daily basis. The ignorance and indifference. The malicious takings and unacceptable use of public resources. This is just insane and we let it happen again and again. When they know they can, they don’t have to deliver water in the taps, make sure the school is decent and has books, police officers being paid, the soldiers being fed on operations and the roads well-kept. They don’t have to, because they walk in the National Bank, empty the accounts and flee the scene without no Oceans 11. Just walk in suits and tie, smile and grin and go out like they ordered a pizza at the Hut. No issue, no nothing.

That is why there is no water, why there is well, why there are no services. Because we have accepted to be taken for granted, we have accepted to fooled and stolen from, that the powers can silence us and take it all, without any question or any honor. While speaking to us and belittling us. They are using all measures and all the provisions to hold us down. But should we let them? Is that right?

I don’t think so, neither should you. It isn’t just about water, but when you cannot provide what is needed and everything needs to live. You know that society is out of whack. You know that the government doesn’t give a rats ass about you or your kin. Then its time to question them and show them you matter. Not just compliance, but defiance. Not silence, neither violence, but demonstrations that hurt the system and give them a mental beating. Hurt their pockets and their will. That is the only way to stop this, neither companies, NGOs or ruling elite, will give a damn until the people start to stop their bread and circus. When they don’t have fancy bread and has the circus. They will run away and stop being loyal to the paradigm. Until, that happen, they will be ignorance and not care, until their nearest surroundings are breaking and in for the taking.

Just think about that…. Just think about that… Not let that go, the society who cannot even deliver the basics has to be shaken, has to stirred, not with violence, but as long as it silence its weakest and poorest. They are the ones who has to be on the barricades and break the kingpins on top. No-one else will give way. It will cost to do this peacefully. But it has to stop. That there is no water in the tap, there is no well for miles, there is no jobs for 80% of the youth and educated get to emigrate to get a job. Then you know the state of affairs is wrong.

You shouldn’t accept it and neither should I. Not because I do something magnificent, but I don’t. I will just not let my writing and my thoughts be altered into ignorance, when I know to many people on this earth. Get taken for granted, get used as pawns and used tools, when they need aid funds and when they need development funds. However, some of that always get taken. That is why they stay poor and act poor, easy funds to tap into. They can just eat of the IMF, World Bank and Development Banks as long as they write fine plans and proceedings. Someone will take it and buy into it.

That is why the well isn’t built, the water isn’t in the tap. There is no deep concern. There is no concern that yields are dwindling, the sources are not there, the storage of rain-water isn’t there either. Nothing is taken care off. That while the politicians ride by in expensive cars, nice watches, big entourages with security guards and affiliates, give away few pieces of bread and a grand speech. But when the ordinary day passes by, nothing is done, the pothole still there and the liquidated funds are non-existent, the plans was just on paper and things remain the same.

Still, the people and elites expect silence. They don’t expect an uprising, they don’t expect people to say enough, to say, we deserve water, we deserve a state who cares and secure the future of our kids. We deserve to make a society where all people can get a livelihood. Not just the ones closets to the elite. There should be more possibilities. There should be, but there isn’t.

It got to stop, we got to drill and build. We got too, but first we got destroy, to be able to rebuild. We have to dismantle, piece by piece. Because if we continue, the elites and the powers to be will not let go. It is easy money and your not eating. Its a simple trade and one is the loser. While the other party takes it all. Peace.

Opinion: Too many Gangsters and too few Statesmen!

“The truth is that every intelligent man, as you know, dreams of being a gangster and of ruling over society by force alone. As it is not so easy as the detective novels might lead one to believe, one generally relies on politics and joins the cruelest party. What does it matter, after all, if by humiliating one’s mind one succeeds in dominating every one? I discovered in myself sweet dreams of oppression.” – Albert Camus

In the time of abundance of information, of knowledge and of history, we still reap of a world not of Statesmen, but of gangsters. These sort of people who collect themselves in dens at night to scheme and to plan their next theft. Instead of building nations, building republics and building the foundation needed for the future generations.

We have a leadership and a bunch of leaders, who are more around their wealth and their image, than their achievements, as the protocol is to standout, but not deliver polices that actually matter.

That the politician of our day, many of them and the ones who rule, wants to have power, they seek power and they grab power by any means. While the citizens in fear of answering the theft and the perfect crime, let it go for their safety and their families sake. The thieving from the highest offices, the might of these men. The vicious theft of state reserves done in broad day light, on the main-streets of the capitals of the world. As if the state coffers was personal reserves for Gucci or Fendi. Instead of serving the public with welfare and decent infrastructure.

The biggest thieves are the actual criminals, because they do in the dark and steal, they sell illegal dozes of drugs and violates justice with impunity. That is their role in society. They are supposed to be the ones who force ill and creates havoc if caught. The leadership of the nations are supposed to be the example of men, the one the citizens looks up to and want to become. They want to emulate and know that these men makes the future.

Instead, they are vicious, playing in codes and use all sort of tricks to get the public funds, to misuse and allocate the funds, so that the welfare dies and the state suffers. So that they can ride in the most expensive vehicles known to men, so they can afford the best cuts of meat, one prime real estate and wear the fancies imported suits. Still, the ones they are take care off; they suffer and can nearly scrap funds for the schooling for their daughters and sons.

Therefore, the biggest thief is not the ones who actually does direct crime, but the gangsters in Parliament, in local government and the Presidents. Who eats of the government plate, take the funds without any hesitation and spends their time sponging fortunes, which was supposed to benefit the public. These sort of acts of looting that skates by and leave nothing, but dust behind.

That the sweet dreams of oppression, the sanity of society and the knowledge of the culprit, the knowledge of the capacity of the leadership and regimes to misuse their power and their connections, the altercation of the norms to benefit the elite and the businesses surrounding the state. Instead of having a state that actually works of the citizens. There are certain signs of misbehavior that never should happen. So that the citizens are sure their representatives are men of honor and men of pride, not just who eats of the plate of the citizens. That doesn’t misuse the capacity as representative to get wealth, but to build their nations. As a functioning branch that support the citizens and listens to the will of the citizens. Since if, they get wealth by being connecting to corporations, to international community, more than the citizens. Then there is something wrong with the system between citizens and their representatives.

The leadership should not focus on the power they have, but the power that is bestowed them. They would not have it, if it were not for the people. They would just be citizens without any special function or be deserves anything else. The representatives are there as an acknowledgement from their constituency. If they forget that, then it is time to change them. Then the public should elect someone else, since the citizens deserves better representation.

Therefore, as we see today and look beyond for tomorrow, we should think of the reasons why we have so many gangsters in charge, why we let them and why we cannot get rid of them. They are there with force, but not with our will. We should act upon it and deservedly not let us, be taken for granted or being used by some gangsters. We should give time and effort to dismantle the leadership and finds way to forge a new future. With leaders who represent not only themselves, but also their constituent and their will.

That the people who are having nations run by gangsters should feel betrayed, they should find ways to get rid of them. Not just let it be status quo, let them run the shop and take the spoils. Leave nothing behind, but stolen promises and leaflets of pledges. The empty hope and the theft of nations, as the resources, the future generations and the present struggles become harder, as the crime of the gangster are determined in dens without knowledge of the commons.

These sort of acts should not have the time or the day, in our age, but they do and with a grander acts than before, and we let it happen. We let them take, we let them do and we let them justify their rule. As we are just citizens, they can walkover and does not need to serve. As long as we let the gangsters, we are at our own fault, as we let the crime go-on… and go-on… with no plan of change for the better. We just let our government sink as a ship, with no exit plan and no Plan B.

The Gangsters are eating, we are drowning, is this the supposed enlightenment we as society was supposed to have? Peace.

President Museveni sanctions now all information on emergencies from the State House!

If you ever needed proof that the departments, ministries and institutions don’t have values in Uganda, than you need the newest revelation. President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of the National Resistance Movement (NRM), who has run the nation for over three decades. This is proven with the Presidential Handshakes, the growing amounts of MP’s, Ministers and of newly created districts and sub-counties. That sort of government both state-wise and locally has grown out of proportions, this to make it possible to have enough cronies close by and hire them. The government has been built around President Museveni, still he has to control it even more. Take a look!

President Museveni has ordered ministries to stop declaring state of emergencies without his prior approval of their messages to the public. He accused government officials of using loose words which have ended up scaring away potential investors and tourists. President Museveni voiced his concerns in a letter he wrote to the Vice President and copied to all permanent secretaries of all ministries on January 20, this year” (Ahimbisibwe, 2017).

So the controlling behavior of President Museveni, now is to another level since he cannot even trust that the message spread by his ministers are sound enough. He is now controlling the releases of information and vouch for the ones spread from the NRM. The Government is so controlled by him, that it all has to pass by him. Because his rubber-stamp has now to be on the messages.

That the President needs clearance and cannot trust in his ministers, not the agencies or state institutions, proves the lack of transparency, as even the messages has to pass by him before the public gets to know. If it is first in emergencies, than it will on the Presidents desk and he will rewrite it, so that it fits his understanding of it. So if it needs to be addressed as enclave, a colonial relic or even if it is climate change, the President has to speak his peace.

That the Police Force, the Army or any of the ministers can address the matters first in public, to regain trust or even try to amend in the emergency that arrived. That the President shouldn’t have the capacity to control each and every single message the government spreads out. Surely, the President cannot have capacity to follow Hon. Frank Tumbewaze or Uganda Media Centre Chairman Ofwono Opondo’s remarks on the matters. As much as the President cannot have the time or the ability to understand the different events that occur in the Republic.

This here proves that President Museveni only trust himself and no-one else, all his vision has to be spread and people have to believe him. President Museveni wants to control it all and not give way, it is all him and his behavior. Not like Museveni wants to trust anyone. They are only around for Presidential Handshake’s and Brown Envelopes, that is because they follow his system. They know if they stay around and needs it, he will help them out and also create needed jobs for the closest associates.

President Museveni proves with this what we have known for long, that the institutions and the ministries is shell-organizations for the supposed operations of the state. Museveni has to be informed and engaged before actions happens. If it doesn’t happen that way, it is the wrong way and his feels betrayed by his own. Therefore, the ones that falls stopped informing and being independent of their master. Which is Museveni, who feels he is more important than the institutions. Museveni thinks he is the pillar of the State and the key to all the works of the State.

That is why the newest order of controlling information and the flow of information to the public, the enforcement of this proves the systematic control that he has from the Okello House. This proves how belittling the state is and how important the President thinks of himself. The way the State is now his playground and no-one else can play like he do. Peace.


Ahimbisibwe, Patience – ‘Museveni set to vet government messages’ (04.04.2017) link: http://mobile.monitor.co.ug/News/Museveni-set-vet-government-messages/2466686-3876432-format-xhtml-5i5i9oz/index.html

Uganda: FDC Party Officially welcomes dialogue between the FDC and the NRM (31.03.2017)

Opinion: Dear Swedes stick to IKEA, please forget the talks between Museveni and Besigye!

I don’t know if I should laugh or cry, but what sort of discussion should be from people who gave us IKEA, Volvo and tiny meatballs. We know that the Swedish needs to prove their worth in the world on other venues, than the Eurovision and hair-styles of Zlatan Ibrahamovic. Still, the recent of willingly sending Pro Bono people to mediate between the long serving, self reliance and thief in chief, the National Resistance Movement wizard, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the Opposition leader, creator of Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) Dr. Kizza Besigye are supposed to talk between cups of tea and biscuits provided with Swedish hospitality.

The Swedish Government has confirmed that it has been approached and, has accepted, to mediate planned talks between President Museveni and former presidential candidate, Dr Kizza Besigye” (…) “The government of Sweden is involved in supporting and promoting dialogue in many parts of the world, as part of its policy of conflict prevention and support to peace processes. Sweden has been asked to facilitate a possible dialogue in Uganda,” Swedish Foreign ministry spokeswoman Katarina Byrenius Roslund, noted in reply to email inquiries from this newspaper. The “discussions are still at an early stage”, she noted, adding: “When there is concrete progress to communicate, we will do so” (…) “Ms Annika Söder, the Swedish state secretary, has been agreed on by the principals as the mediator for the expected talks. She flew into the country last week and held separate back-to-back meetings with the President and Dr Besigye on Thursday and Friday, respectively, in what knowledgeable sources described as “exploratory” (Butagira, 2017).

First and foremost, can the Swedes explain the content of tear-gas into public meetings, police blocking, detaining of FDC Youths, falsified charges against the FDC leadership, the Public Order Management Bill who is created to stop meeting of anyone else, than the loyal men of Museveni. How can there be talks between the parties?

Secondly, when every travel and meeting of FDC and Besigye is met with heavy police force, blocking of main roads and tear-gas when they congregate. What is there to discuss? What perimeter of Kasangati he is allowed to leave before it is an issue? What sort of ideas do the Swedes have in mind, except selling Volvo and SAAB to Uganda, instead of Isuzu and Toyota!

Seriously, that the Government of Sweden must either be blind or ill-minded if they think this will give way. If they know the history of Nairobi Talks of 1980s. When the National Resistance Army and the other parties gathered to iron out the differences. Than that was used to forge more way for the NRA agenda and silence the others with guns and ammo. Not generate peace without knowledge of Museveni landing on top. So this is in his blood and the blood that is shed for him to gain all power.

Global IDP Database wrote this about his negotiations:

In July 1985, conflict between some Langi and Acholi soldiers led to the overthrow of the Obote regime. The coup, which brought General Tito Okello to power, shattered the military alliance between the Acholi and Langi and escalated ethnic violence. The Okello regime invited all fighting groups and political parties to join the military government. Every armed group and political party, with the exception of the NRA, joined the administration. The NRA, however, engaged the regime in protracted peace negotiations held in Nairobi. In December 1985, the Nairobi Agreement was signed under the chairmanship of President Moi of Kenya. However, the Agreement was never implemented and Museveni seized power on the 25th January 1986” (Global IDP Database, P: 18, 2004).

So will the Swedish buy into the mantra that everything can be reassembled and rebuilt? Since they want to forge a relationship between Besigye and Museveni. Museveni, who rather take up guns and get rid of opposition and vowed last year to destroy the opposition. Well, I am sure the Swedish we’re busy finding ways to export designer materials, than following the post-election dogma of Museveni. Since a man who only believes “he is the only man with a vision”. That is the man who is supposed to co-operate and negotiate with an advisory! Really?

A man who doesn’t want to talk about succession and doesn’t want to speak about his lingering in charge. A man who has run a country and nation since 1986, has nothing more to win or to gain by playing soft. If he does so and the Swedish is dumb enough to buy into the fake wood and think they get mahogany, than they will offer donor-funding and possible other prices for the so-called negotiations between the NRM and FDC. Even as the FDC Headquarter we’re a year ago a crime scene and many members and leaders we’re detained on manufactured charges.

There shouldn’t be these sort of talks at this point, if so, than the Swedish are legitimizing the thieving of Museveni and his NRM elite. Does the Swedish government want that on their plate? Is that the Swedish people’s prideful mission to support and trust in a corrupt and militarized government, while they at the same time is using Besigye as pawn?

The Swedish government, if they care should back-off, go home to Stockholm. Cut their aid and stop the talks. As they will only give more way to dictator and his clientele at the Okello House. There aren’t anything else to give.

Did the Swedish government do any research and care about the track-record of the Museveni regime? Have they seen how many mysterious deaths and men who has worked close who has either had to flee or been detained by his regime? Have the Swedish considered their implications in establishing legitimacy of the current leadership? Who doesn’t care if they bankrupt their country? While they are driving expensive cars on the State coffers?

Does the Swedish government need this win or this talks to gain international recognition, and not only sell IKEA furniture? Time to take the dozens pieces and assemble that the chairs in Umeå, and step away from Kampala.

Or do the Swedish government and their team no problem with losing their credibility for helping a fellow dictator? Peace.


Butagira, Tabu – ‘Sweden to mediate Museveni, Besigye talks’ (29.03.2017) link: http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/Sweden-to-mediate-Museveni–Besigye-talks/688334-3868674-b3fqil/index.html


Opinion: Besigye doesn’t need dialogue with Museveni!

Besigye 23.02.2016 Kasangati

Dr. Kizza Besigye and the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) do not need to have dialogue or negotiation with the National Resistance Movement (NRM) or the President himself. President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni needs more the dialogue than the FDC and their party needs it. It is the NRM government and NRM regime who needs legitimacy and needs funds. That is proven with Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) who proves with the 16 trillion shillings funds the for the 2017/2018 budget of the 30 trillion shillings needed. With this in mind there is certainly that the NRM needs more international support to fix missing funds.

That Museveni would need Besigye now a year after the General Election of 2016 shows how dire the situation is, the added debt and the troubling waters on the giant infrastructure projects, as much as the missing funds for the salaries or the other financial expenses that are occurring for the government. So the proof of issues is growing as the direct budget support has dwindled down as well as the elite and the cronies still expect to be fed by the regime.

Besigye has still a forged treason case, as much as Rwenzururu king Charles Wesley Mumbere has as well. The FDC headquarters was attacked and a crime-scene as the FDC Youth and FDC P10 was attacked as the defiance campaign was even banned by the Deputy Court Justice Stephen Kavuma. As well, the Police Force under IGP Kale Kayihura monitored and followed the leadership of FDC like they we’re criminal. There were many detained and house-arrested, there was more people hurt and hospitalized by state security organization. Also, the many inflicted and detained without warrants or court order shows the impunity of the state towards the FDC.

So after this impunity, after the illegal house-arrest of Besigye and the others who has been taken into prison without any justice served, why should the FDC try to sell their soul to the Movement? That is waste of time and waste of energy, it would be like the men who traded their political lives in Nairobi talks: “The NRA and the government signed a peace and power sharing agreement in Nairobi, the Kenyan capital Dec. 17 that called for an immediate cease-fire, the freezing of all troop movements and a half share of the ruling Military Council for the NRA” (…) “The provisions of the accord were largely ignored and both sides used the lull in the fighting to reposition and resupply their forces. The guerrillas claimed the military committed widespread human rights abuses after the accord was signed” (Charles Mitchell – ‘The National Resistance Army of rebel leader Yoweri Museveni…’ 26.01.1986 link: http://www.upi.com/Archives/1986/01/26/The-National-Resistance-Army-of-rebel-leader-Yoweri-Museveni/5549507099600/ ). So the agreement done by NRA in December 1985 wasn’t a big deal, so that Museveni could do a final sting and coup to gain power, which he has never left.

A negotiation with Museveni would only enforce his rule and his longevity in power nothing else. Besigye would not be offered anything substantial; his part in the matter would end in little or nothing. FDC would get the stick, but not get the price. Just like they wouldn’t feel a difference between now and then since the price of going into partnership would benefit Museveni. The Movement would get beneficiary funding and regard internationally since FDC has a higher standing abroad than Museveni.

M7 Guards Inaguration 2016

Museveni is well-known now because of his 7 terms and his position of executive since 1986. The reality of this that a negotiation or dialogue with Museveni at this stage is redundant, unless the President all of sudden turns his own self sideways. That he would go back on all his empty promises and all of his glory. Certainly Museveni could do so, but he knows that he has too many people on his consciences to leave it all behind. The President has eaten too much of the state coffers and cannot leave the bank-accounts behind. The family is too connected and has all the leverage in the state. The movement is built around him and if he fails than the party does as well.

The Movement and Museveni would not co-sign their powers or the authority, not after the rigging and the massive misuse of the state funds, therefore the lacking funds for the current budget. Museveni knows that his loyal friends abroad will not give in to his ways anymore, therefore hoping to play other cards. Use his political brain to suck other donors in. That while waiting for more oil-monies and also trade of other with making the UPDF to mercenary army in Equatorial Guinea or South Sudan if needed. This is because they need to get fresh funding for the State House, which hasn’t paid their payment-arrears to the owners of the Okello House!

So Besigye doesn’t need Museveni at this point, he needs his party and the loyalty of his supporters. That is more than Museveni has who needs to pay for loyalty and to secure funding for the movement itself. Therefore the jobs and funds to come steady, there is always more mouths to feed and more people to silence with brown envelopes. So Museveni needs foreign support and foreign aid as the Uganda Revenue Authority has just enough regulations and taxes to bring in funds that scrape the surface, but not fill the state coffers.

So again I say and I stand by it, Museveni is the only one earning political capital on negotiations and dialogue, nothing is really to be earned by the FDC or Besigye. So with this in mind, Museveni will only gain and Besigye will only lose on it. If you know you would lose, why give way to somebody who comes to take it all and deplete it all? Peace.

Opinion: The next steps for Besigye and continued defiance against the Movement!

OPM Press Release 05052016

It’s not easy to give words of advice to the men and woman who are in the line of fire. But we cannot let the Movement and their spin-control run the mill. They are stealing and thieving with massive speed and impunity. They are trying to avoid the weakness of the economy, trying to find new ways of revamping the economy without too much state debt and without loving donor direct aid. They still have the military and equipment served from loyal allies in the United States, if that will happen under Trump and it has happen under Bush/Obama is not easy to know; certainly U.S. will still let other brigades do the dirt they don’t want to do themselves.

The ones who toll with the problems are Dr. Kizza Besigye and his Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), they work for a peaceful transition in Uganda from the militarized politics of the President Museveni’s Movement. So with this in mind, after a year of issues, a year of tribulations, arrests, detained and charges of treason against the government; the political change is still in the wind. Besigye had deserved a better start and a fresher place as he is still monitored and still has Police following all movement done by the man. The same with his party who cannot hold meetings and public consultations without police taking stereo equipment, arrests or intimidation of citizens who shows up or just happen to be around.

Besigye had started the Campaign of Defiance under the Election Road Map for the General Election of 2016. So in 2015 it was started and has been put under fire from the Resistance Movement, an ironic problem for a draconian and tyrant regime who cannot really be democratic as they tries to silence or get rid of the worst opponents. Besigye is only kept because of known place and international scrutiny of they try to attack him too much.

FDC Besigye 05.04.2016

First Step – Defy with actions:

Besigye should continue and with more force, use more than just words and get the FDC to actually take a stronger stand against the ones that supports the regime. The Mafia regime or junta government, which he has described the Movement so many times. If FDC wants to be fair and wants to defy the Movement, they should suspend themselves first from Parliament. It is risky, but would be a grandeur position to take away the Shadow Government and the legitimacy of the current government.

TDA Kizza Besigye 261015

Second Step – Defy with dialogue with other opposition:

Secondly the FDC should be in talks with Democratic Party and other smaller parties that are not involved directly in the Movement regime, as they can try to weaken and strengthen the other voices. As Besigye have already done with his friendship with Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago and Gen. David Sejusa. FDC needs to be connected with people of stature like Norbert Mao and others, who are real opposition to Museveni. Not talk to Jimmy Akena or others who just uses their parties as fronts of beacon of democracy, instead of actually challenging the Movement.

Kale Kayihura Choose Peace

Third Step – Defy the Courts like IGP Kayihura:

Just as IGP Kale Kayihura defied his own court-orders, the same should Besigye himself start to do in 2017, to show that he doesn’t respect the unlawful character of the regime; as the peaceful acts of showing up for treason charge that continue running into oblivion. Time to just say it is a kangaroo court and is only doing it to silence his voice. Therefore not showing up and instead continue to travel around the country to meet and greet party officials and locals to prove the value of building institution over being a sole candidate in Museveni and the NRM.

Times is a wasting, it’s hard to do stuff when you’re behind bars or at court, it’s hard to always move when the Police Force and other Security Organizations follow your every step.

NRM to Daily Monitor 09.02.2016

Fourth Step – Hurt the pocket of the Government:

Certainly the Defiance needs to be hurting the regime. Try to stop the foreign exchange rates, the taxation and the revenue of the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), even the business that is inter-connected with the Movement. As much as it should stop the state owned businesses that is being used by the Movement. Museveni would hate that he couldn’t misuse the profits of needed businesses, the ones that are owned by investors who are supplying him funds to pay Special Force Command and other militarized outfits that keeps him as the Executive.

If the Besigye and his folks stood behind and hurt the pocket and legitimacy, not in words only, but also actions that could move the regime and also create a vacuum that Museveni and his movement couldn’t control. The ripple effect and the true hurt would be shown. Especially with the knowledge, that the Election already hurt the economy with massive effect. So if they continue pounding on it took out the cash out of the Museveni owned banks and stopped profits to companies that the Museveni clan partly own. Than the Movement and family would feel the pinch.

Defying the state institutions and the government procedures, stop respecting the Police and Courts, stop listening to the draconian laws and also stop the funding of taxes and funds to directly keep the Movement alive. Something that would really hurt Museveni and his elite; this would really make it hard for the Movement to continue to use Police Force and use the state to gain wealth.

Besigye can continue to talk peaceful transition and I respect that. This sort of acts is not easy. They are hard and costly. Many will be arrested, many more detained, more torture and more innocent dying, but there been so much over 30 years that the defiance campaign has to take it to the next level. Show disrespect, let the government lose its value and show the world that the ones behind Besigye don’t see Museveni as their President. Museveni is just a citizen, not an Executive, as he wasn’t really elected to be so; he coup d’état again when he got sworn-in on the 12th May of 2016.

Time for acts, not talk, time for really defying the government and use the power of the people. Time to use the popularity and risk being harassed, as if you don’t than the Police will continue as they do; business as usual and also target the FDC as much as possible without it costing much for the illegitimate government it is. The illegal detained and the illegal arrests cannot be sustained, as much as the house arrests and unlawful behaviour of the Police towards the FDC is unbearable. This is not militant; it is fighting for a just cause. The real freedom and liberty, not to talk about a real legitimate government who represent the citizens of Uganda! Not a government representing Museveni and only his vision. Peace.

Opinion: Where did the Statesmen go?


There is a lot’s of Members of Parliament, lots of cabinets and governments with Ministers smiling and making nonsense claims or laws for quick popularity instead of long-term care of their citizens. That is why I write today, because this is international issue, where did the honorable elected person who actually gives a damn go? Do they hide in cave in Afghanistan or is it in tiny local council in Dublin? I just have to ask as the assets and the capital are spoilt, bent or betrayed by the same persons who are supposed to represent us. First let me explain what a Statesman is… and be clear this is not done in my words.

Meriam Webster says this: “a usually wise, skilled, and respected government leader” (Meriam Webster). Another dictionary says this: “a man who is a respected leader in national or international affairs” (Vocabulary). Some qualities many people agree that a Statesman should have is: “Principles”, “A Moral Compass”, “A Vision” and “The ability to build a consensus to achieve that vision” (McKay, 2012).

With that in mind you have a lot of expectation of a man or woman to be respected and qualities in the leadership from the person. There are not easy being resourceful, have the ability to govern and become respected. The ability and skills comes from the person and the respect. The respect comes from the ones the statesmen actually govern and international community.

Harvey Dent Gotham

The statesmen isn’t like the Members of Parliament (MPs) and Ministers of our day. There might be a few exceptions but our society is so quick and so microwaved. The news and the decisions are taken out of nowhere. What is worrying is how the multi-national companies (Like Royal Shell, Amazon, Monsanto and others) and multi-national organizations (World Health Organization, World Bank and International Monetary Fund). That together with International trade and Unions (NAFTA, European Union, ASEAN);  who keeps forging the sovereign nations under siege by trade-regulations and the restrictions on the nations who complies with laws they set.

This here is with all of this in mind together with the endless cycles of elections that the politicians have in mind. The initial issues with the access to the media as the live-TV and debates, together with Social Media and even radio programs; there are these where their legacy and character are on display, together with the initial reporting on what they are doing in their councils or parliament. The Politicians have aspects as they supposed to be loyal to the party organization and also to the constituency.


The people who read the papers, the articles, listen to the radio and watch TV are the ones that will discuss these politicians and vote for them. They are the ones responsible for their existence if they are real elections then the ballot will pick the men and be tallied right. If they are rigged in and selected by a committee or an Executive, then they never will be statesmen; as they never have the moral compass to even show respect to the ones they represent.

An initial position for them is supposed to be the Representatives of the citizens or the constituency. These people who are supposed be leaders and take decisions where the end-game are supposed to be for the better for the citizens and constituency. In our time, the MPs and the Politicians are more into their own career and their own capital than the ones they are supposed be there for. Many of them could just been lobbyist and work for corporations instead of the chambers where they represent a district or a county.

Cartoon Politicians

When it is like this with the bottom-line is their own personal wealth instead of the moral judgement, when the words portrayed and pledges given are for fitting the times and popular judgement of the times instead of longevity of the constituency and nation. That is what is missing. So few politicians of our time is gambling their career for the common good or the care of their constituency; with that in mind the level of trust between politicians and the people are low.

The low trust is because politicians are not who supposed to be, they are either biased by the structures over them like the European Union or the Multi-National Companies who are controlling their judgement. The judgement and the laws set to regulate the actions of the Politicians are altered as they are usually the ones that set the standard and are the lawmakers in the Nations. That is why they need to be men of vision and moral capacity to create a consensus with others; this is because it is also agreed upon by the other parties and also with the other people who elected them.

Now that I have the bar; take shot and sit down. I have already black-balled a generation as we have inherited this, the parliament didn’t sit there all of sudden, as much as the books we have in our libraries with common knowledge didn’t happen to jump into the houses. All of this got created over time and with capacity and tender hesitation of what we wish for. This is because we as citizens have to take more care of the parties and politicians around us, as they are a reflection of our societies and the ground-level we all build. We cannot be bushwhacked by strangers, we have to make sure the policies and a law they creates is the ones that are accepted.


Because a true statesmen are the ones that makes a mark on our time; the ones that are not a politician who are just popular, but will be remembered for making the decisions that maybe was hard at the time, but on the long-term making sure that the nation and constituency got better or made progress. That is why we have politicians, they are not there to be kings and queens, be lords and honorable men who think they can run us naturally. Certainly they cannot, they are there because of us; if they do not serve us and they are not useful for us.

What I miss as I see in a Statesmen, is not take the popular decisions or the one in the time, but the ones who are there now is more politicians who thinks more about polls and elections cycles, than being about the people they represent. That they are pressured by the Multi-National Companies and International Organizations who putting pressure on them as well, but they shouldn’t bend backwards for these, as they doesn’t represent Brussels or Coca-Cola, but they represent their constituency.

I want a politician I can remember for having the balls to think about how the decisions will be remembered in 20 years and if it will be setting the standard for the ones after him/her. That is a statesman, who is somebody who actually cares about the real future, not next election cycle, not only the persons own career and also the clarity of the ramifications of their acts as representatives. So with this in mind, do you feel the same or am walking alone in this tabloid world of quick headlines and quick careers; instead of building nations and being gentlemen of the board and take charge of what is left of it. Peace.


Meriam Webster ‘statesman’ link: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/statesman

McKay, Brett & Kay – ‘The 4 Qualities of a True Statesman’ (30.01.2012) link: http://www.artofmanliness.com/2012/01/30/the-4-qualities-of-a-true-statesman/

Vocabulary – ‘Statesman’ link: https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/statesman

My Letter to President Museveni: “On the Opposition which is silenced days before the Swearing-In on 12th May 2016; and you have become the same as the ones you Rebelled against in the Past!”

Museveni UN 25092015 P1

Oslo, 9th May 2016.

Dear His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni!

I write to you again as the Uganda Police Force is busy with rounding up and detaining all of these men and woman who are either parts of the leadership in the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) or members of this Opposition Party. I am sure you heard words on the men and women who are detained on your word, after a loyal judge Stephen Kavuma written-up an interim order of the ban of Defiance in the land.

I know you are preoccupied with making the best and controlled Swearing-In ceremony as possible, while your henchmen and made-men are making their effort to silence all other opposition that can make you look foolish through international press. There are rumours of shutting down social media and banning Facebook and Twitter totally on 12th May 2016. Just as you did in on the Election Day in February in 2016; so you can have the control and send the message that you want the world and your citizens to hear, not some words like mine.

I know I have written hard about you and your regime, and it is been justified. The Justification is now clear as the Opposition are being detained in their homes and even charged with terrorism and getting objectionable charges to spread fear and control the rest of the population; as nobody want to be taken away without their family members knowledge or being detained without warrants or reasons for their custody in the hands of the men of the law.

There are reasons for those actions, you are worried Mzee, you are worried for how these opposition members and leaders can spread the news and views on how society should be. I am talking about this, Mee, a Ugandan society where you doesn’t detail control or usher in the leadership as you do now. Just as you did with the Swearing-In of High Court judges on the Entebbe State House steps earlier today and later in the day had meeting with Kampala NRM Councillors who we’re asking for guidance and their roles under you.

Mbabazi M7 Besigye

As you are the president, the people are yours and they are supposed to follow you blindly. You are the men with vision and they don’t have the vision as you. At that point your right Mzee, they don’t have the vision as you anymore. You have deflected and neglected them and forgotten what the State does and what a Statesmen are supposed to do. A leader is supposed to groom succession and people who are taking over and have the ability to make better result than him. That is succession you have forgotten as the power have totally eaten your soul up and your family up.

The legacy you leaves is not that you ushered Uganda out of dictatorship, you will be remembered for trying to liberate the Ugandans and ending up being the same as before, only difference you got 30 years of rule, while they got one or lucky two terms in power. Dr. Milton Obote and you is much of the same. Idi Amin Dada and you are much of the same as you use Spies and Safe-houses to keep the opposition silent. You use the army to hold the people intimidated and you have rigged the elections. You’re much of the same of the men you took down. Now you are the same as the man you got rid of together with President Nyerere and Obote to Coup D’état the Amin regime. You are now the same as him and Obote, you may not have the absolute killings of Amin, but you have and left many men in shadow and gotten rid of your enemies. Mzee you have done silently and over time, as they had shorter time and fewer morals. Because you started doing it in bush as guerrilla and being a liberation movement gives you an edge; a momentum to give you space to do as you like.

Andrew Kayira P2

There are many dead who is not accounted for and many who has never been on trial for, not only men and woman of the guerrillas that have been created to bring you down, but the men and woman who has become your enemies and suddenly fallen of poison or other special “accidents”, even hit-men hired by not-known persons in due time for the murders of these persons. They are not forgotten Mzee, as all men and woman are equal under God, though you feel extra special and with a magnificent vision, Mr. President.

There are one thing though, you might are able to charge, house-arrest, preventative-arrest and detain opposition. Silence them for a hot-minute, but the legacy and the name you have will not be a name remember for liberation. As you are alike the masters before you or worse, because you knew better and you condemn the actions you are doing now. The man with knowledge, but did not act upon it. You are the leader who knew the contemplated scenario, but never decided not to do anything about it. So certainly the pain and horror of the men and woman who have their life’s in the mercy of police and army, as your orders to silence them, you know exactly how it feels to be a powerless citizen under this type of regime. Still, you do the same without mercy and without questioning.

Cars to RDCs Nambole 05.02.2016

Your Army leaders and your Inspector General of Police follows you decrees and orders to word and execute them with brutal perfection as the Courts are diving into the lawful behaviour you have built up. As the economic malpractices you accept as you can skim the top and make giant funds for the generations of Museveni’s to come. Instead of these funds used to build government institutions as you we’re supposed to do. A forgotten practise and forgotten procedure from your chambers as the embezzlement and the cleaning the coffers so that the men and woman working closest to you can get “free Toyata LandCruiser Prado” to they want to follow your orders. That is why the Regional District Commanders gotten new cars days before the Election and the same with other men who you wanted to silence.

But the money for the Cars and other gifts to get loyalty have to come somewhere… they happen to come from the government funds that was supposed to keep the upkeep of schools and hospitals, but they doesn’t give you loyalty as much as the Police Commanders and Army Leaders who sufficiently keeps the civilians and citizens under tight control. Therefore they have to be paid first and the other can scatter. Mzee, the gig is up and your mind should have been preoccupied by baby-sitting grand-children and not detaining Forum for Democratic Change leadership and activist around the country for phony charges. You should be busy serving matooki to fellow family members not finding new ways of thieving money from the budget of 2016/2017 fiscal year.

Mzee, there is time to step back and give way to new leadership. I know it is not easy as you are making ready to swear yourself in to 7th Term, to run the country in the 30 years to the 35 years in Power and Control the State, the Republic and the Kingdoms of Uganda. You have had your hour.

Hon Ssemogerere in Northern Uganda campaigning

You have had the ability to sell the vision of liberation, but now you’re following the steps of leaders you left behind and beaten with either force or tricks. And you know this as Dr. Paul Ssemongerere could have told the effects of your leadership and what it did to his opportunities to topple you in a peaceful manner… But that train has gone as so many former leaders and men fallen in your time, therefore the President that was new breed with you are either gone or become totalitarian as you. You know Mzee and feel the sting as you are not as respected and honoured as you we’re. That is your own making Mzee and the actions of latest years proves the control and the state of affairs you delivered. Not the ones promised, but the ones you found feasible as it gives you Power and let you keep that.

You can imagine the tales and stories you could have told if you had already left office to somebody else and left in peace. Instead you’re clinging onto Power without question and without impunity. Leaving scourged earth and detained citizens for their political affiliation and not for killings or thieving as the normal prison population have. Mzee the tales are told and your name is now synonymous with dictatorship, dictator, totalitarian, Police State and Oppression of Opposition. Your name does not cling anymore more with liberation, freedom, liberty, freedom of speech, democratic values, progress or industrialization. That must be downer, I know your YES-MEN and LOYAL Cronies would say this to you, but I will, because I don’t fear being thrown into jail or being beaten by your Police Force while trying to get a pass from the Police Officer to be allowed to walk to work. That is something I don’t need as I live in a free society.

12.04.2016 Kampala P3

Mzee, His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, I know you would never read this, but hope some of your Citizens does and that it makes them think a second. As the FDC Leader/Activists/Members are detained because of the word “Defiance” and their campaign as a viable Political Party in the country, Mzee, that was not expected of you and your regime.

That your battle against Defiance comes from the man who have proclaimed Resistance, is just mind boggling and feels like mockery of a dictionary. And you know that Mr. President as you are former student at a Tanzanian University in the 1970s. That is why you went from Patriotic Movement to Resistance Movement over time. You did it with a reason back-in-day. You Mr. President have might forget this and the value of the state of affairs you’re in charge of. So the end-game is now that you are in charge of a state apparatus that have a ‘Modus Operandi’ to detain fellow citizens with impunity and take them from their homes in the name of “Defiance” and shut down a Political Party as the Swearing-In day is coming up the 12th May 2016. I never though a man would sink this low to stay in Power… but you have and scores of detained are over 200 men and woman, and that is the few I can calculate, and not the current I haven’t heard of yet. The liability and the feasibility of these actions cannot be strengthening the Nation or your Rule. You are the Commander-In-Chief and the Executive, Mr President and you are without questions arresting fellow citizens for their political place and not on direct crimes.

Uganda 1980 Election UPM UPC

You have forgotten why you came into power, or the power ate your soul and took your heart, your mind and the ethics you spoke of in the bush. You wanted to be the kingmaker, the Nyerere of your time, you wanted to be the man people remembered with nostalgia and honour like Mandela, instead you and President Mugabe will not be remembered for the liberation of the countries from tyranny, but will be remembered for the liberators who turned into the worse Tyrants then ones before them. Why? Because you knew the pain and the suffering under the men and woman before you; an you knew the heart-breaking defeat and discouraging election rigging, still your machinery does now the same to fellow citizens of the country. So President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the tale and the mercy of the land, the oppression and the dictations of orders from you to uphold the rule and control of the land have in the eaten all of the things that could have made you great. Instead you’re the cancer and the one that kills the institution and opportunity to rebuild and create a better future for the Ugandan nation. You embezzle and oppress people, get state to silence the media and stops the truth from being free, as the truth is hidden the lies that comes from the State House and is the official communique the State gives out. Peace.

Best Regards

The Writer of MinBane.