Opinion: Bobi Wine’s “P10” for 2021

This is the year to accomplish our mission. We have 10 more days of campaign. We have 10 days to determine the future of our country….it is this election where we will determine if we are to remain slaves” – Robert Kyagulanyi (02.01.2021).

So, there we have it really. Presidential Candidate Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine have planned his own P10 or hoping the citizens will be responsible and document the elections. We know just like he stated in the Year End Address yesterday. That the state and authorities will use all means to rig the elections. They will sort out a media blackout, block the internet and social media. This is why the National Unity Platform (NUP) not only launches an UVote App, but speaks highly of using VPN. That is preparing for the inevitable.

We have seen in the past how the state has controlled the results. How they have fixed the polls and ensured “victory”. Clearly, the cellphone and the app is an help. However, that will not be enough. As the public have to come out with an outcry. Have to be on the barricades, unless they give way yet again. That is what the state hopes for.

Museveni, please keep your word. You called Obote and Amin swine for disrespecting the right s of Ugandans but you are much worse than the previous regimes” (Robert Kyagulanyi, 02.01.2021).

A man who has rigged elections since 1996 will clearly not hold his words in 2021. No, we cannot believe that. Neither can Bobi Wine. That is why his preparing for the tricks of the trade. The knowledge that the whole state is on alert.

Kampala and the central region aka Baganda will be a battlefield. The state will have dozens of brigades out in the streets. The army units will be out of the barracks. The LDUs will out and roaming the streets. The Crime Preventers will cause havoc and intimidate too. We just know this will happen. The high ranking officials will spread fear and intimidate more. Just like the President has done through his campaign.

The opposition leaders will either be house-arrested or picked up from their homes. They will be abducted and taken away. The NUP and FDC leadership will be in trouble. There will be no mercy and their lives be in the hands of the authorities. This is the bleak reality.

The FDC had their P10 group ahead of 2016 General Elections. This was a group monitoring and following up the occurrences at the polling stations. They was the team ensuring the rights of the ballots and the tallying. However, it didn’t work out, but the idea was a genius one.

The NUP with their App and Smartphones is good in itself. However, these folks will not have control of the Declaration Forms of the Polling Stations. Neither, the certified results from the Electoral Commission. Not to mention finding out if there is a second unit doing ghost counting. That can easily happen in elections like these. With pre-ticked ballots, stuffed ballot-boxes and cooking the results in the Tally Centre. Therefore, the phones and app is good in itself. However, it is enough?

To be sure the election is free and fair, which have been miles apart. These elections have been depressing. That is why I just know that the EC and the President doesn’t care about an open heist. President Museveni will rig this one. There is no doubt in my mind. Nevertheless, Bobi Wine has shown heart. Will it be enough?

The FDC tried with their Power 10 or P10 to be 10 People per village or polling station to guard the vote. However, we know how that went. Will Bobi Wine succeed now?

His showing character and heart, but is that enough? I am afraid its not. Unless, the people are not accepting the rigging and the foolery of the state this time around. Peace.

Uganda: FDC Party Officially welcomes dialogue between the FDC and the NRM (31.03.2017)

Opinion: Dear Swedes stick to IKEA, please forget the talks between Museveni and Besigye!

I don’t know if I should laugh or cry, but what sort of discussion should be from people who gave us IKEA, Volvo and tiny meatballs. We know that the Swedish needs to prove their worth in the world on other venues, than the Eurovision and hair-styles of Zlatan Ibrahamovic. Still, the recent of willingly sending Pro Bono people to mediate between the long serving, self reliance and thief in chief, the National Resistance Movement wizard, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the Opposition leader, creator of Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) Dr. Kizza Besigye are supposed to talk between cups of tea and biscuits provided with Swedish hospitality.

The Swedish Government has confirmed that it has been approached and, has accepted, to mediate planned talks between President Museveni and former presidential candidate, Dr Kizza Besigye” (…) “The government of Sweden is involved in supporting and promoting dialogue in many parts of the world, as part of its policy of conflict prevention and support to peace processes. Sweden has been asked to facilitate a possible dialogue in Uganda,” Swedish Foreign ministry spokeswoman Katarina Byrenius Roslund, noted in reply to email inquiries from this newspaper. The “discussions are still at an early stage”, she noted, adding: “When there is concrete progress to communicate, we will do so” (…) “Ms Annika Söder, the Swedish state secretary, has been agreed on by the principals as the mediator for the expected talks. She flew into the country last week and held separate back-to-back meetings with the President and Dr Besigye on Thursday and Friday, respectively, in what knowledgeable sources described as “exploratory” (Butagira, 2017).

First and foremost, can the Swedes explain the content of tear-gas into public meetings, police blocking, detaining of FDC Youths, falsified charges against the FDC leadership, the Public Order Management Bill who is created to stop meeting of anyone else, than the loyal men of Museveni. How can there be talks between the parties?

Secondly, when every travel and meeting of FDC and Besigye is met with heavy police force, blocking of main roads and tear-gas when they congregate. What is there to discuss? What perimeter of Kasangati he is allowed to leave before it is an issue? What sort of ideas do the Swedes have in mind, except selling Volvo and SAAB to Uganda, instead of Isuzu and Toyota!

Seriously, that the Government of Sweden must either be blind or ill-minded if they think this will give way. If they know the history of Nairobi Talks of 1980s. When the National Resistance Army and the other parties gathered to iron out the differences. Than that was used to forge more way for the NRA agenda and silence the others with guns and ammo. Not generate peace without knowledge of Museveni landing on top. So this is in his blood and the blood that is shed for him to gain all power.

Global IDP Database wrote this about his negotiations:

In July 1985, conflict between some Langi and Acholi soldiers led to the overthrow of the Obote regime. The coup, which brought General Tito Okello to power, shattered the military alliance between the Acholi and Langi and escalated ethnic violence. The Okello regime invited all fighting groups and political parties to join the military government. Every armed group and political party, with the exception of the NRA, joined the administration. The NRA, however, engaged the regime in protracted peace negotiations held in Nairobi. In December 1985, the Nairobi Agreement was signed under the chairmanship of President Moi of Kenya. However, the Agreement was never implemented and Museveni seized power on the 25th January 1986” (Global IDP Database, P: 18, 2004).

So will the Swedish buy into the mantra that everything can be reassembled and rebuilt? Since they want to forge a relationship between Besigye and Museveni. Museveni, who rather take up guns and get rid of opposition and vowed last year to destroy the opposition. Well, I am sure the Swedish we’re busy finding ways to export designer materials, than following the post-election dogma of Museveni. Since a man who only believes “he is the only man with a vision”. That is the man who is supposed to co-operate and negotiate with an advisory! Really?

A man who doesn’t want to talk about succession and doesn’t want to speak about his lingering in charge. A man who has run a country and nation since 1986, has nothing more to win or to gain by playing soft. If he does so and the Swedish is dumb enough to buy into the fake wood and think they get mahogany, than they will offer donor-funding and possible other prices for the so-called negotiations between the NRM and FDC. Even as the FDC Headquarter we’re a year ago a crime scene and many members and leaders we’re detained on manufactured charges.

There shouldn’t be these sort of talks at this point, if so, than the Swedish are legitimizing the thieving of Museveni and his NRM elite. Does the Swedish government want that on their plate? Is that the Swedish people’s prideful mission to support and trust in a corrupt and militarized government, while they at the same time is using Besigye as pawn?

The Swedish government, if they care should back-off, go home to Stockholm. Cut their aid and stop the talks. As they will only give more way to dictator and his clientele at the Okello House. There aren’t anything else to give.

Did the Swedish government do any research and care about the track-record of the Museveni regime? Have they seen how many mysterious deaths and men who has worked close who has either had to flee or been detained by his regime? Have the Swedish considered their implications in establishing legitimacy of the current leadership? Who doesn’t care if they bankrupt their country? While they are driving expensive cars on the State coffers?

Does the Swedish government need this win or this talks to gain international recognition, and not only sell IKEA furniture? Time to take the dozens pieces and assemble that the chairs in Umeå, and step away from Kampala.

Or do the Swedish government and their team no problem with losing their credibility for helping a fellow dictator? Peace.


Butagira, Tabu – ‘Sweden to mediate Museveni, Besigye talks’ (29.03.2017) link: http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/Sweden-to-mediate-Museveni–Besigye-talks/688334-3868674-b3fqil/index.html


Opinion: Besigye doesn’t need dialogue with Museveni!

Besigye 23.02.2016 Kasangati

Dr. Kizza Besigye and the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) do not need to have dialogue or negotiation with the National Resistance Movement (NRM) or the President himself. President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni needs more the dialogue than the FDC and their party needs it. It is the NRM government and NRM regime who needs legitimacy and needs funds. That is proven with Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) who proves with the 16 trillion shillings funds the for the 2017/2018 budget of the 30 trillion shillings needed. With this in mind there is certainly that the NRM needs more international support to fix missing funds.

That Museveni would need Besigye now a year after the General Election of 2016 shows how dire the situation is, the added debt and the troubling waters on the giant infrastructure projects, as much as the missing funds for the salaries or the other financial expenses that are occurring for the government. So the proof of issues is growing as the direct budget support has dwindled down as well as the elite and the cronies still expect to be fed by the regime.

Besigye has still a forged treason case, as much as Rwenzururu king Charles Wesley Mumbere has as well. The FDC headquarters was attacked and a crime-scene as the FDC Youth and FDC P10 was attacked as the defiance campaign was even banned by the Deputy Court Justice Stephen Kavuma. As well, the Police Force under IGP Kale Kayihura monitored and followed the leadership of FDC like they we’re criminal. There were many detained and house-arrested, there was more people hurt and hospitalized by state security organization. Also, the many inflicted and detained without warrants or court order shows the impunity of the state towards the FDC.

So after this impunity, after the illegal house-arrest of Besigye and the others who has been taken into prison without any justice served, why should the FDC try to sell their soul to the Movement? That is waste of time and waste of energy, it would be like the men who traded their political lives in Nairobi talks: “The NRA and the government signed a peace and power sharing agreement in Nairobi, the Kenyan capital Dec. 17 that called for an immediate cease-fire, the freezing of all troop movements and a half share of the ruling Military Council for the NRA” (…) “The provisions of the accord were largely ignored and both sides used the lull in the fighting to reposition and resupply their forces. The guerrillas claimed the military committed widespread human rights abuses after the accord was signed” (Charles Mitchell – ‘The National Resistance Army of rebel leader Yoweri Museveni…’ 26.01.1986 link: http://www.upi.com/Archives/1986/01/26/The-National-Resistance-Army-of-rebel-leader-Yoweri-Museveni/5549507099600/ ). So the agreement done by NRA in December 1985 wasn’t a big deal, so that Museveni could do a final sting and coup to gain power, which he has never left.

A negotiation with Museveni would only enforce his rule and his longevity in power nothing else. Besigye would not be offered anything substantial; his part in the matter would end in little or nothing. FDC would get the stick, but not get the price. Just like they wouldn’t feel a difference between now and then since the price of going into partnership would benefit Museveni. The Movement would get beneficiary funding and regard internationally since FDC has a higher standing abroad than Museveni.

M7 Guards Inaguration 2016

Museveni is well-known now because of his 7 terms and his position of executive since 1986. The reality of this that a negotiation or dialogue with Museveni at this stage is redundant, unless the President all of sudden turns his own self sideways. That he would go back on all his empty promises and all of his glory. Certainly Museveni could do so, but he knows that he has too many people on his consciences to leave it all behind. The President has eaten too much of the state coffers and cannot leave the bank-accounts behind. The family is too connected and has all the leverage in the state. The movement is built around him and if he fails than the party does as well.

The Movement and Museveni would not co-sign their powers or the authority, not after the rigging and the massive misuse of the state funds, therefore the lacking funds for the current budget. Museveni knows that his loyal friends abroad will not give in to his ways anymore, therefore hoping to play other cards. Use his political brain to suck other donors in. That while waiting for more oil-monies and also trade of other with making the UPDF to mercenary army in Equatorial Guinea or South Sudan if needed. This is because they need to get fresh funding for the State House, which hasn’t paid their payment-arrears to the owners of the Okello House!

So Besigye doesn’t need Museveni at this point, he needs his party and the loyalty of his supporters. That is more than Museveni has who needs to pay for loyalty and to secure funding for the movement itself. Therefore the jobs and funds to come steady, there is always more mouths to feed and more people to silence with brown envelopes. So Museveni needs foreign support and foreign aid as the Uganda Revenue Authority has just enough regulations and taxes to bring in funds that scrape the surface, but not fill the state coffers.

So again I say and I stand by it, Museveni is the only one earning political capital on negotiations and dialogue, nothing is really to be earned by the FDC or Besigye. So with this in mind, Museveni will only gain and Besigye will only lose on it. If you know you would lose, why give way to somebody who comes to take it all and deplete it all? Peace.

Opinion: Countering the nonsense of attacking Besigye as there are more dire need reactions from the supporters if they want change!

Besigye Kampala 11.05.2016 P4

The Defiance campaign couldn’t be an easy run; it would be and is a long walk to freedom. There isn’t a short quick and brief change out of thin air. The wish and concern isn’t only on the FDC Presidential Candidate of late Dr. Kizza Besigye. The arrests for Hon. Michael Kabaziguruka of Nakawa and his Court Martial; together with arrest of the ones who dare to protest against the National Resistance Movement in this day and age. Just like the Youth of Democratic Party who demonstrated against the greedy Members of Parliament we’re detained. The oppression of the NRM regime doesn’t go away overnight like morning dew.

For those of you who thought this would be easy. Yes I had hope in February that the FDC and Dr. Kizza Besigye would win, because of the men running he had the best agenda and the needed remedy. The NRM has involved the Central Government in a way where the directions of the fiscal policies and the cash-barred MPs to beg for greed instead of dropping policies and laws that matters. The NRM machine are more caring about skinny jeans, short skirts and porn than having working equipment in the hospitals and steady delivery of needed medicines. This is the proof of the rigid brown-enveloped system blessed by the almighty at the State House.

While that is happening there people with hope and see that the brown-envelopes won’t create any common good, but only for the current elite who eat the spoils of foreign donors and the secretive agreements between government and businesses. Getting mansions and luxurious SUVs before riding to the closest mall where even the Government Spokesperson Ofwono Opondo stole underwear. It’s just how the system is made to blatant regard the men who in all their honour bow their heads to the Mzee on the top. They are allowed to do anything and get away with it. Therefore the ones who counter this paradigm get whipped, detained or even disgraced in public.

FDC Youth 14.03.2016

Still, with this in mind the blames that the current embattled Besigye is at fault. Not because he hasn’t tried and done what he could empower the opposition with vigour to assemble in Power 10 (P10) Structure and other to counter the NRM Poor Youth or any other group that the Government used to silence the FDC. The FDC mobilisers has been detained as common as the roads development has been bribing state officials; it is so common that the news of detaining a FDC Youth or Mobilisers are day-to-day acts of the Police Force. So it is not like Besigye and the FDC haven’t had heavy-water to carry.

The assurance that the Defiance Campaign wasn’t made in fear of repression from the NRM or the Government; should have been well known as the NRM Regime has since it establishment done what it could to harass and disrupt the rallies of Dr. Paul Ssemogerere and so on. The ones forgetting that is currently forgotten the past. I am sure even the current leader of DP Norbert Mao has had issues under the last Campaign Trial in 2011/2012. Norbert Mao we’re even detained during the campaign in this calendar-year because the UPF cannot help themselves to make life hard for real opposition.

So with that knowledge of this and even after the 10th Parliament have started and the Plenary Sessions begun. This is the start of the new breed of MPs, who wish to get more funds and more salaries then the former legislators. They want to be rich quick and get that on the public funds. They don’t have ideas of their obligations to represent their citizens and not eat of their citizens. Even if they just follow what the ‘Old Man with the Hat’ has teaches them as he came with empty pockets to the Parliament and now decades later are richer than god.

Ready to Move with Sevo Music Campaign for 2016 P4

So if the ones caring thought the Defiance Campaign would succeed on its own like a marching band making noise on the gates when it past and everybody enjoying it. You’re wrong because some hates the marching band and other wish they just went down more street. Defiance of Besigye had to get public support and truly be invested in it to get the change happen. The fear of the repression of the regime and their sanctions might be a reason for why it has partly failed for the moment. Because if they wanted they should do more than quickly after thinking of boycotting the “Tubonga Nawe” artists who campaigned for the Cow farmer.

Besigye had #KigwaLeero wishing for a brighter future and make a difference. He asked for a government with accountability and we’re there for the public. Not like the ones that is there now who is there for former rebel who takes the riches for himself and leaves scraps for the elite who is loyal to him.

Defying the regime could not be done by him alone in Kasangati, it could be only be the hardliners who stood by Besigye in his hardships. It has to be made the ones who really want to get rid of the regime of present. It will not be easy and get there easily. Some has spoken of violence and using the tactics of old, like the ones that Mzee used himself to get power. If you do so wouldn’t you be the same as him? If he used guns and guerrilla warfare to get into power and you use the same doesn’t that make you a rebel who dreamed of power and not a true democrat? Even if Ghana’s Jerry Rawlings made it and ushered in a positive political system, that doesn’t necessary work for Besigye.

I doubt that Besigye want to use violence and rebel through the rifles and assassinate his opponents. As he was parts of the NRA and doesn’t want the change to be of the old ways, only through guns and on the battlefield. There is precisely in history that none President or Executive in Uganda has been changed peacefully through the ballot, instead through the bullets, which makes sense at least to those of us who believes in peaceful transitions.

VPN 18.02.2016 P2

That means that this is not alone on Besigye, this is on the supporters and the opposition itself. That means that struggle of the opposition has to defy the current regime. With means that hurt the regime and that discontinue the fiscal funding of government, that counter the legitimacy of the institutions and the opposition has to build strong grass-root movement that has most of the base in the population. So that you have all corners on the knees and weak; so that the actions of government can be countered by people’s sanctioning them. The best acts of the defiance during the Election period were the use of VPN to counter to Social-Media Ban of the Uganda Communication Commission (UCC). So the people have it naturally in them when they feel betrayed and knowledge of ways to stop nonsense from all-controlling government.

It’s that kind of defiance that is needed. That kind of acts that hurts the MTN and the others who practically funds the regime and keeps the taxation without representation going. Besigye can be blamed, but he is the spokesman and the one who is tormented by the regime already. So the man has done and continues to do his part. The people behind have to use their wisdom and ways to destabilize the regime by peaceful means and even risk their freedoms. As so many youths and people associated with FDC has been during the years. Also other political parties have also felt the pain of being opposition. So the ones blaming Besigye has lost the basic component of it all: the key is always the people! They, the people have the fate of the government in their hands; the Government lives either on the trust from the public or of the fear of the people going against it.

The people decide not only through secret ballots, but through their faith and their assessment of the situation of how they believe they should govern. Some might accept the current regime in silence because of the fear and the belief if they go against it they lose it all. But if those all thinks like this than the organizing against the current regime will not become of anything.

Now with this the FDC and Besigye have to show Defiance and be upfront as they have to use their support to weaken the NRM and their henchmen’s. This is not only defying in court and going from kangaroo courts and smiling on NTV. That is to directly counter the regimes acts in Parliament, demonstrate and boycott. Use other ways with even stronger force and more success than Walk to Work. That will not be easy and that can only happen if the momentum and belief together with the peoples. The Peoples or the Citizens can only act when they are sure they will conquer the regime, if not they will demonstrate and lose the little they have. They lose their hawking job and their voice where they were. That is not acceptable.

Kapwocha FDC 080116 P1

What Besigye has to do is not to give in or give up. He is the voice of hope and a brighter new day. But to get the brighter new day for the Ugandan people under a new government who have other belief in institutions and service delivery than the people has to support Besigye and his cause. Not because Besigye is only one who can do this, but because he is the ones who champion it through defiance on his own.

The ones who attacks Besigye for his campaign hasn’t understood it; but is more worrying is that people can only stand behind their voice in the wilderness or leave the belief of regime change. And giving up a 30 year regime and an Executive that has been there since 1986 is hard. Because of the ways the draconian laws and fiscal policies are set-up. That should give reason for the citizens to react with demonstrations and peaceful mobilizations in the ways of the VPN to defy the all-eating NRM and their in-accurate methods of silencing voices which isn’t their own. Peace.

Resurrection of rebellion surfaces; while now the SUN sets on the NRM-Regime; And the disregard of justice and the Power-Vacuum created by this announcement of election results; creates distance between the Executive and the People!

Kapchorwa March 2016

This here is worrying signs in the times as people have fled their homes in Bundibugyo district, the violence that spark in Kasese, the intimidation in Kaabong amongst the Karamojong. The situation of house arrest of Dr. Kizza Besigye, the harassment of FDC officials and the FDC agents detained, and the witnesses of the Go-Forward Group in the same predicament. While the army is still heavy deployed and the police is still in anti-riot gear. The FDC headquarter in Najjankumbi has been raided and staff been detained to take Declaration Results Forms. That is the main reasons for the troubles of Go-Forward and FDC.  

The worrying is the escalation with a rebel group official starting to attack President Museveni under their leader “Maii Moto” went and attacked the Police Station in Kapchorwa. Even reported that the “We, Save Uganda Now” (SUN) has taken responsibility for the attack on the 5th March 2016. As even seems to be two battalions and also having UPDF deserters. That is worrying sign, because the UPDF is very professional and well-trained therefore used in operations in Somalia, DRC and Central African Republic. They have even entered South Sudan and reported that certain parts were in Burundi right after the election in 2015. Therefore that UPDF army men leaving the fold and be parts of rebel group, says enough.

Petition 01.03.2016

This election has left lot of stones to turn as the continuation of fraud surface and the ways government has handled the elections and the aftermath. We see now the historical artifact surface after a hampered and rigged election. It is not enough how the announcement of the result happen on the 20th February from the Electoral Commission and the question of the existence of a National Talley Centre. The end game is strange and charade at the Supreme Court.

That a rebellious group as the SUN has surfaced should be worrying with mentality that the NRA came to power, as in previous times the ADF-NALU has made violence in the Rwenzori-Region and the LRA in Northern Uganda. Both of the other groups are now at other places and fought back by the UPDF, still they exist and torment of citizens in Democratic Republic of Congo and Central African Republic. They are all reactions to the regime of President Museveni. As the newly formed SUN; that SUN exists and already have created casualties in Kapchorwa. That is not a great look into the start of a new term and sworn-in. knowing that people are starting to use the same format and the same guerrilla and bush-war mentality as you did in the 1980s.

Wandegye Kampala 15.02.2016 FDC P2

It should be worrying already with the men killed after demonstrations, the hurt men after the tear-gas and live-bullets, the detaining and the shunning level playing-field and used the government institutions to achieve yet another “victory”. Not that it is legitimate or correct as the mourning proves and the way people showed up at the rallies of the opposition and the way they was ferried to President Museveni.

There certainly things brewing who is not well established, with the arbitrary laws and creating the Crime Preventers, while mixing the powers of the army and the police in joint operations while carrying out unlawful house-arrests and detaining opposition. It is in this territory that the SUN guerrilla and rebels shows up and shoots up a Police Station in Kapchorwa. Where they pick up guns and kills a police officer. In 1981 the NRA went to Kabamba in Mubende to gain strength and secure guns and ammunition for their bush-war.

Mbarara Buses 12.01.2016

For a man who knows this tactic, for a President, who gained force in this way and created a atmosphere of invisibility and maneuvering between guerrillas and government army, while regenerating public support his cause. That must be a worry for the man who has called the people of Kampala rats for voting opposition, blaming opportunists MPs and claiming that he is the only one who can keep Uganda safe. In that picture with the recent deaths, fleeing people and the tension proves that something has occurred and a mentality has changed. As the UPDF, UPF and other security outfit has more work than claiming the P10 of the FDC is an illegal branch who should be dissolved. As they don’t carry guns or create violence. They should fear the SUN guerrillas and rebels who have been created to work against President Museveni. As much as he should not underestimate them as the President Obote did in his time and how the rippling effect it does have, and knowing the main target is to take out NRM and their President Museveni after 30 years in power.

This here is not a wished picture or something anybody wants to see, as I have before explained the similarities between the election in 1980 and even how Dr. Kizza Besigye has been worked against is similar to then Presidential Candidate in 1996 – Dr. Paul Ssemongerere. There is vicious ways of the government operations and the ways they operate has generate a ghost or a reaction that is not peaceful, even if the main opposition speaks of peaceful dis-obedience, as boycotting and not using NRM infused businesses and tax-collecting companies that gives the regime money to fuel their operations. That is decent way of doing so if they get it deliberately and get the public to eat in and take part of it. As the western nations started to shun products from South Africa when the Apartheid policy surfaced and the oppressive regime was taken the lid of. Then the public started to buy the same products from other sources instead of giving the tax-money to South African and South African producers. That is what FDC and other opposition powers are talking. In the political climate now, that is sustainable, as long as the public actually does it. Citizens who show their disregard of the ruling party and their rich elite who keeps them there; therefore the natural reaction would be to stop using MTN or other big business that serves the government right now.

Enage 02.03.2016

The SUN is another type of reaction and their attempt and even start proves the liability and weakness in the army and the police as they could ambush the Police station. Even Police Spokesmen Fred Enaga claimed they we’re “mastermind” and this is a Police Force who prides themselves in intelligence and gathering information while detaining people preventative arrests and takes them to jail before the actions are done; as they fear people doing crime or creating chaos. As they have done ever since creating the Anti-Besigye Act or the POMA.

The SUN group uses the same device as the NRA did and already cleared one police station in the midst of the heavy deployment of army, roadblocks from central Kampala and out to Kasangati, the UPDF who supposed to keep things tight-knit and together with the police make sure no post-election happens, even as the violence hits Soroti, Kasese, Bundibugyo and now Kapchorwa. This is inflicted and notion of the intent from the government as they secure their own men and the handpicked men of the NRM, as they have ruled without to many questions since 1986. They been backed by the United States, Russia, Libya and other powers to secure a strong army and rebuild the country after bush-war. Now they are returning into the same landscape they fought to get rid of. As the Police standby while lawyers who work on a petition to question the legitimacy of the recent election is getting raided. While the evidence getting lost. This violent disregard of justice and double-standard; can fuel the men of SUN. Not that we want that, but we have to understand that.

FDC HQ 19.02.2016 Police Siege

As the killings and guerrilla warfare is not wished. But it happens when oppressive regimes and totalitarian regimes cremate the skeleton of sham elections, sham government and sham funding of government facilities, the loss of accountability and transparency; where everything is circulated amongst one man and his cadres. We can see that is the exposure and the clarity of the government institutions right now. They are all centered toward the executive and his decisions, as the IGP Kayihura has said he “follow orders” and do that without thinking. While before election Generals of the Army together with MPs said they feared going against the President Museveni. This here was put on wax and said to Daily Monitor. There was even reported that it was fear of defacing campaign-posters of him, as the poster represented the President.

When you are in this state and in the climate between people and leaders, when the MPs, Generals and IGP fear the President and would follow his command as a fear of losing the position he has “given them”. Then can have a deteriorating effect and make people kneel and speak as they want to think like the Executive, instead of building to creating a better government, as that is not important as much as clearing the state. Make sure that the state, parliament and government institutions can surely serve the Executive and not the people. The reason why the election became like it was and the excuses and tragic outcome, as the silence and the meager display of confidence in the regime; with the reaction as people tarnished Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya as he was first to congratulate President Museveni. In this sieging of the people’s will and the open stealing of ballots, has made certain bubbles to burst.

NRA marching to Kampala 1986

As it now seems as certain army deserters actual becomes a part of a guerrilla or militia, even an armed rebel group. That should be worry, even as it is nothing new in the history of Uganda, and the ability of UPDF to shut-down rebellion, though this time they might play it differently and the people might not celebrate the governmental army as before, because of the longevity of the bush-war that created the NRM and the longevity of President Museveni. It would be special if a guerrilla of his own trained deserters would bring him down, as he has never chosen peace or taken defeat as a leader, instead always blamed other people for his failure or opposition for destroying good policies. The SUN might be a little mosquito right now, I am sure Obote at one point didn’t take the runyankore upstart seriously, even if had been defense minister at one point, and been a part of the armed battle together with him battling Idi Amin. He was still sure together with Tanzanian army would be able with UNLA to destroy NRA. Something he didn’t as they could hide easy and move quicker than the government forces while tactically outmaneuver both other rebel forces as Dr. Kayira his Uganda Freedom Movement (UFM) and other ones. So secure the loyalty from the Baganda Kingdom and take Kampala and be sworn-in in 1986. This is something the NRM knows and should worry that they are doing the same as the men they got rid of in 1986, they even seem to have done certain murders that came to the surface in December 2015 by the shores of Lake Victoria, as the Police has not given the public any answers to the crime or given any indication of knowledge on the Christopher Aine case. And the months are rolling and the next swearing in of President Museveni together with his loyal Presidential neighbor’s and President Mugabe, as he will cling to power by any means. That means the army and police will use their guns and the tear-gas, operation to raid opposition offices, even lawyers offices and detain witnesses to keep silence on the electoral fraud that happen on the 18th February 2016.


Somewhere is Dr. Milton Obote shaking his head together with Yusuf Lule and Dr. Paolo Muwanga who did their business at one point of time in the Ugandan history. Now, this period will be historical for the disarray and measly display of arrogance from the NRM-Regime while the nature of business is shaping the results with the iron-fists, instead of democratic means or justice, as the concern of rule of law does not care for anything else the rule of power. The answer to this is the resurrecting of ghosts of the Ugandan history. Guerrilla and rebels to the government and their ruling; that it happens now show how deep down and little regard the government has for the people. That the Government of Uganda, President Museveni has made the people his enemy and created a big vacuum as the people feels betrayed by their Executive, this has led to people and UPDF deserters to start a rebellion and a guerrilla under the name “We, Save Uganda Now” (SUN). And the violence has been released unto police men in Kapchorwa days ago, as the Police and army, together with other political forces has created similar outcomes in Bundibugyo and Kasese. To many dies for too little as the Executive continues to suppress his own people and take them for granted. Peace.

Press Statement: P10 says: “Defy any provocation to any violence” (05.03.2016)

KB Kasangati 23.02.2016 Night

Uganda Diaspora P10 March 5, 2016

As we focus attention on the coup de tat in Kampala and illegal detention and violation of the rights of President-Elect, Dr. Kiiza Besigye, we are mindful of the well-being of all Ugandans. News making rounds that some gun men raided a Police Post in Kapchorwa and stole guns, killing 2 cops in the process, should be treated with the grain of salt that it comes with. After the regime’s bogus orchestration of youth attack of the American Embassy in Kampala, lets be very vigilant because they are capable of doing anything, including attacking their own Police posts and killing their own Policemen.

These desperate vote thieves are viciously looking for means to justify their primitive use of force to subdue the population. Earlier, we heard that a grenade was left at the home of the sister to Eng. Kiggundu’s. I would like to remind you that any acts of violence and atrocities are a sole trademark of IGP Gen. Kale Kayihura and the Military, thus far. These snippets of news of armed men and grenades, are merely usual diversionary tactics intended to draw away attention from the Military Coup in Kampala and violation of Dr. Besigye’s rights.

The regime has done everything possible to find an excuse to kill Ugandans and to provoke violence. But Ugandans have decided to be silent and composed as they grieve the forceful usurpation of their collective wills. It is the silence that is making the trigger-happy NRM Police and the Special Force Brigade very nervous – such that they have killed Ugandans in Soroti already. We members of the Uganda Diaspora P10 have recommended that this regime is very incompetent in handling peaceful means to resolve political issues.

The most strategic approach for us, in our noble pursuit of the Peoples’ mandate from the grip of the armed coup leaders, is by civil defiance – purely peaceful means. Ugandans have suffered a lot of aimless or rather useless wars in the name of democracy. We all agree that the events of 2016 have dwarfed whatever vote rigging that took place in 1980 and it warrants similar or even more adverse response from conscious Ugandans. However, we believe that enough is enough. Mr. Museveni must hand over power peacefully to the elected leader – President – Elect Dr. Kiiza Besigye. We are in full support of our leader and we shall stand by him in the name of democracy and good governance. Peace be thy name.

Police Statement on Besigye (24.02.2016)

Road Block at Kasangati 22.02.2016

This Police statement is to make clarifications, and inform the general public about the circumstances surrounding the continuing regulation, and close monitoring of the movements and activities of Rtd Col. Dr. Kiiza Besigye, by the Police, since Monday, 15th February 2016 todate. 

This is because there is continued campaign of distorted information, speculations, biased, and unfounded, as well as unfair criticism of Police actions, as well as outright lies regarding the handling of Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye by the Uganda Police.

First of all, we wish to state, at the very beginning that the responsibility for the actions that Police has taken involving Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye during, and after the campaigns lies squarely on his shoulders and that of his unruly and indisciplined supporters.  Indeed, contrary to propaganda in the media, in all our actions, Police have acted lawfully, professionally, conducted ourselves with utmost restraint in the face of incredible provocation.

A case in point is the violent assault by two foreign journalists on the DPC, Kasangati, who, in spite of the attacks, kept cool, and a calm demeanor, and by his conduct actually disproved the unacceptable insults they were hurling at him.  We are reviewing the video footage of that incident, after which appropriate action will be taken.

Kiira Road Police 15.02.2016 FDC

Let us begin with the incidents of Monday, 15th February2016, in the City, when, in the morning, at Punjani roundabout, Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye, then a Presidential candidate with a rowdy group of supporters, attempted to force his way, into the City centre, in an illegal procession, moreover on a busy business day with very heavy traffic.  Since he had no scheduled programme in the City centre, traffic police redirected him and the crowd to use alternative routes to Makerere University where he had a scheduled campaign rally.  He refused the guidance of the officers, and, instead, together with the rowdy crowd, (who we, later, got to learn were the infamous Power 10 (P 10) group), illegally occupied the Punjani junction, and blocked the heavy traffic on Jinja-Kampala road.

The rowdy group pelted police officers, and members of the general public with stones forcing the Police to disperse them, and, after, engaging Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye, in vain, including offering to escort him to Makerere university, the Police escorted him to his home.  Later in the day, he returned to the City from Kasangati, gathering rowdy crowds along the way, especially the youth, who must have been the P10 group, occupied Wandegeya traffic lights junction, after failing to force their way into the City centre claiming that they were headed for Nasser road!!

The Police had cleared the passage to Makerere University under the mistaken belief that Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye was headed for a rally.  After the Police dispersed the rowdy crowd, allowing traffic to flow, and business life to continue, Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye was escorted back to his home in Kasangati by the Police.

Kyambogo 16.02.2016

Secondly, so as to prevent further confrontation with Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye, who was scheduled to campaign in Nakawa Division, the Police, on the night of 15th February 2016, met and agreed with the organizers on a detailed programme of his campaign in the Division.  However, even then, although, generally, the movements of Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye through Nakawa division, the next day, Tuesday, 16th February 2016,  was peaceful and smooth, in the evening hooligans who were part of his convoy attacked NRM supporters, who were returning to their homes from the NRM rally at Kololo, tore their party t-shirts, stole their properties, and stoned vehicles in Kinawata and in the Bugolobi area.  Police arrested over 50 thugs.

Thirdly, again, on Thursday, 18th February2016, Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye and a group of his supporters stormed and trespassed on security premises in Naguru, and under the supervision of Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye, a senior Police Officer was assaulted and tortured by mob action.  Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye demanded to enter and search the security premises together with the violent people he had gone with. He, falsely, alleged that it was a place where “rigging” was taking place.

Obviously, this was a pretext, as he clearly knew where and how voting, counting, and tallying had taken place or was taking place, transparently, in the open, and in the presence of agents of all candidates under the management and supervision of the Electoral Commission.   The false claims by Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye were clearly meant to discredit the electoral process, cause confusion, and incite and enrage the public into violence.  After that incident, Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye was escorted by the Police to his house in Kasangati.

FDC 18.02.2016 Besigye Arrested

Fourthly, on Friday, 19th February 2016, we received information that Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye and other leaders of FDC intended to declare and announce results of the Presidential elections.  Obviously, since this was in violation of the Constitution and the law, and would cause confusion, the Police quickly acted and prevented it from happening.  It should be noted that, under Section 57 of the Presidential Election Act, it is only the Electoral Commission that has the mandate to declare results.

Section 83 of the Presidential Election Act prohibits interference with any duty under the Act (including declaring results). Indeed, to confirm our information, we found Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye and other leaders at the FDC Headquarters at Najjanankumbi, with journalists, preparing a Press Conference.

FDC HQ 19.02.2016 Police Siege

Morever, through social media platforms and sms messages, the FDC had made their intentions known publicly. The Police officers I sent attempted to engage with the FDC leadership in vain.  They were defiant.  Their supporters attempted to block Entebbe highway prompting the Police to intervene and restore public order.  Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye and other FDC leaders were then arrested, briefly held, and later released.  Rtd Col Kizza Besigye was, then escorted back to his home in Kasangati.

Muntu 20.02.2016 Kasangati

Fifthly, on Saturday, 20th February, 2016, the Electoral Commission pursuant to its constitutional and lawful mandate, declared the results of the Presidential election, and the winner of the elections.  Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye’s agents absented themselves and therefore did not collect their copy of the results.  Subsequently, on 21st February, 2016 Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye released two statements and addressed the press at his Kasangati home.

The first statement was to the youths, inciting them and calling on them to “take over their country”. The second statement was an announcement calling all his supporters to accompany him to offices of the Electoral Commission along Jinja road, ostensibly to pick his copy of the results and to “claim their future back”.  This procession was to occur on Monday, 22th February 2016.  It is now, common knowledge that any procession, like any public meeting, must be carried out in accordance with the Constitution and the law, in particular the Public Order Management Act (POMA). 

Kizza Besigye 22.02.2016

He had not bothered to notify the Police as required by the law.  Moreover, it should be noted that on that day, schools were beginning and parents would be taking children to school, meaning there would be more traffic in the City. The Police released a public statement calling on Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye to respect the law as well as the rights of parents and their school going children, as well as the business community, and not go ahead with his planned unlawful procession that had the potential for violence, given our earlier experiences with rowdy youth accompanying his convoy.

Nevertheless, on 22rd February 2016, Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye attempted to leave his home and lead that procession prompting the Police to hold him under preventive arrest.  Again, yesterday, Tuesday, 23rd February 2016, he attempted to go ahead with his plans, but Police stopped him.

Clearly, therefore, the Police actions regarding Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye are justifiable both in law and in fact.  We have a duty to protect the people and their property, and ensure there is law and order in this country.  Moreover, the Constitution is clear that individual rights and freedoms are not absolute.  Article 43 states that in enjoyment of freedoms and rights, no one should prejudice the rights and freedoms of others and public interest, (in this case, public order).

Kizza Besigye 23.02.2016

Accordingly, therefore, the regulation, and close monitoring of the movements and actions of Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye is within the constitutional and legal mandate of the Uganda Police, and is a consequence of his utterances and activities that amount to incitement to violence and defiance of the law.

But even then, and contrary to propaganda in the media, we wish to make the following clarifications:

  • Rtd Col Kizza Besigye is not under house arrest. He is allowed unlimited access to his lawyers, family and party officials, among others, and is not in any way hindered from preparing to legally challenge the results of the Presidential Elections if he so chooses to do so.
  • FDC offices have not been closed, and their activities relating to elections are ongoing. Police has not, as is claimed in the media, confiscated FDC declaration forms or done anything to interfere with the legitimate activities of FDC.

FDC HQ 22.02.2016

In conclusion, since Rtd Col Kizza Besigye has not retracted his statements of defiance and incitement to violence, Police shall continue to regulate and closely monitor his movements so that he does not pose danger to public peace and national security.  Moreover, we have information that his planned procession is not just a procession, but rather beginning of a planned and generalized campaign of violence in the City and select municipalities across the country.

Clearly, this is supported by the public utterances of Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye. As much as possible, we shall continue to constructively engage him and other FDC leaders urging them to cooperate with us to ensure that peace, law and order are maintained in our country, and advise them to seek legal redress rather than resorting to violence in addressing whatever grievances they may have.

General Kale Kayihura

Inspector General of Police

24 February, 2016

Press release from Uganda diaspora P10 – The arrest of Dr. Kizza Besigye and other opposition leaders (22.02.2016)

Kizza Besigye 23.02.2016

Uganda Diaspora, friends and Development partners join to strongly condemn the cowardly acts of arresting opposition party leaders, intimidation of the opposition voters, use of force and violence against innocent civilians.

For the last 5 days in a row, the morning of 22nd February 2016, we witnessed the arbitrary arrest of the opposition leader Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Secretary for mobilization of FDC party Ingrid Turinawe and a host of staffs at the FDC party headquarters.

The Uganda Diaspora P10 an international communication arm of the FDC Party is deeply concerned by the continued persecution, arbitrary arrest and detention without trial of opposition leaders and our supporters by the dictatorial regime in Uganda. This raises serious concerns about restrictions on the freedom of expression and assembly in Uganda.

Jinja Road 15.02.2015 P2

Uganda has degenerated into a police state with a heavily militarized police force. The police have been used to vent violence and abuse the fundamental rights and freedoms of Ugandan citizens especially the opposition.

The Opposition and citizens of Uganda have a right to express their dissatisfaction with the outcome of the February 18, 2016 election through peaceful assembly. The right to assembly and freedom of express are universal right enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Uganda is a party.

We condemn in the strongest terms possible state inspired violence and the show of force on February 22, 2016 in arresting opposition leaders, DC members of staffs and hundreds of our party supporters.

Opposition parties that peacefully voice criticism of the government play a vital role in inclusive, pluralistic societies.

We are engaging all forms of justice from, local, regional and international courts to ensure that the elements of the Uganda police, military and government involved in the abuse of the fundamental rights and freedoms are brought to justice.


1. We demand Government of Uganda to protect the universal rights of freedom of expression and assembly.

2. We demand the immediate release without and delay or conditions of all persons arrested without due process.

3. We demand the immediate cessation of state violence against the people of Uganda.

4. We demand that the government elements desist from any intimidation, fear mongering and arbitrary actions against the people of Uganda.

5. We are collecting and analyzing all evidence of these violations which we shall present it the appropriate fora at the appropriate time.

We shall not relent in our fight for a free and fair election in Uganda. We will seek justice in all forms at all levels collectively and as individuals against institutions, individuals and the state for violation of fundament rights and freedoms of the people of Uganda.

Chairperson Uganda diaspora P10

Press Release: Ugandan Youth Decide the next steps (23.02.2016)

Uganda Youth 22.02.2016

The young people of Uganda comprise the majority, at over 78% of the total population and they overwhelmingly participated in this election. The voting exercise having been completed two days ago, as key stakeholders and bearers of the burden in all its manifests, we would like to share with all Ugandans and the international community our observations, conclusions and the way forward. The youth in Uganda, is facing a very uncertain future ranging from; having the highest unemployment rate of 83%, deteriorating the quality of education, corrupt credit schemes, abject poverty; and the desperation that is driving us to become, gamblers, prostitutes, economic refugees. slaves in the middle east, far east and other Asian countries.

All this is, as Yoweri Museveni put it in his book “WHAT IS AFRICA’s PROBLEM”, a consequence of, but not limited to; 30 years of poor leadership of the very author of the book who now believes Uganda is him, him is Uganda and that he doesn’t see anyone else capable of leading Uganda apart from him!

“Africa doesn’t need strongmen; it needs strong institutions”: Obama
Like President Barak Obama said while on his first official trip as president to the heart of Africa;
“Development depends upon good governance”.
“No person wants to live in a society where the rule of law gives way to the rule of brutality and bribery. “That is not a democracy, that is tyranny, and now is the time for it to end.”

Democracy and good governance are the ingredients which has been missing in Uganda, for far too long.
The 30 years’ revolutionary turned dictator who attained power by gun, rules by the gun and believes only the gun shall remove him from power legitimizes his rule and disguises dictatorship through sham elections.
A rigged election in favor of the incumbent implies our sufferings is not about to end, the National Resistance Movement (NRM) government has resorted to the mass arrest of the youth as a means to silence us. It is time for the young to claim their rights and lead this struggle. Uganda’s future, our future is in our hands. The young have the potentials to make this country work for each and every one of us.

Rejection of Feb 18th Election results.

Having widely observed this election and actively participated in voting in search for change from a tired brutal regime to democratic and good governance, we would like to distance ourselves from the final results that were declared by Kiggundu.
We reject these results in the strongest terms possible as they are not a true reflection of the will and wish Ugandan people said on 18th Feb 2016. We saw the deliberate delay, ballot boxes stuffed with pre-ticked ballot papers in favor of the incumbent and kidnap of tallying material and FDC party leaders from the FDC Party headquarters we will not allude to what happened any further.
The entire electoral process became a sham; it was rigged using intimidation of voters, imprisonment of opponents, sabotage of rallies, late delivery of election materials, delayed opening of election centers, vote falsification at undisclosed tally centers, and bribery, among other malpractices.
The European Union and Commonwealth preliminary reports are already out, were aired on 20th February 2016 and are available on the YouTube channel for you to see and confirm our concerns as Ugandans.

The Chairman of the Electoral Commission, Mr. Badru Kiggundu intentionally announced the false results in favor of the incumbent, Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as the ‘winner’ of the election, on the 20th February 2016. This has been challenged by the main opposition candidate Col DR Kizza Besigye (rtd), the FDC party and the majority of Ugandans! They could have gone to demonstrate their protest but in Uganda, demonstrations are curtailed.

Road Block at Kasangati 22.02.2016

Continued arrests of party leaders.

We have observed the Uganda Police and Military police continue to insurmountable force in illegally arresting and detaining opposition party leaders, FDC party staffs, P10 volunteers, FDC party supporters and pressing no charges against them. We are aware that these are deliberate steps to curtail their freedoms of assembly, expression aimed at physically and illegally blocking all their efforts to seek court redress within the 10 working days required by law to contest this election.

We are calling upon all Ugandans, pro-democratic forces, and human rights activists to reject these actions with all constitutional means possible. We will not continue to look on as you illegally arrest FDC party leaders and members. It’s our constitutional right to stand against all illegalities and inhuman treatment. This should stop immediately and if you don’t stop we will take all measures to stop an illegal operation by the police.

Kizza Besigye Premises.

We would like in the strongest terms possible condemn the continued persecution, house detention, detention without trial of Presidential candidate Kizza Besigye. There is heavy deployment around his house and he can hardly make a step outside his door. This is unacceptable and is very unprecedented in our country. He is not only a Ugandan but a human rights activists as well as a presidential candidate. who deserves to enjoy his constitutional rights and a right to a dignifying treatment by the state. As key stakeholders in this country, we are asking the state not to taste our patience. You have done many unconstitutional things but we will not let you curtail the rights of RTD. Col DR. Kizza Besigye and Illegal besieging of FDC party Headquarters

In the same spirit, we would like to condemn the Uganda police for the continued besieging of a legally registered political party FDC headquarters. The breaking of doors and vandalisation of FDC property by Uganda police. This was uncalled for.

International Community.

To the international community and observers. Will you look on as Uganda’s constitutional order is abused and Ugandans are raped of their dignity to vote for the leaders they want?
We commend you for raising your concerns about the flawed electoral process but actions speak louder than words. We are calling upon you to diligently continue observing the process and remain key watchdogs in this process but also take swift and drastic action that will restore the freedom of assembly, association and movement of Col Dr Kizza Besigye, members of his campaign task force the P10 vote protection volunteers and all the FDC party activists, so that the petition can be finalized and launched in the required time frame for the high court to handle, or impose targeted sanctions on the regime if they don’t comply.

Constitutional Mandate.

We believe in part that the supreme law of the land has been abrogated in accordance with chapter one of the 1995 constitution that states that:
1. The sovereignty of the people.
(1) All power belongs to the people who shall exercise their sovereignty in accordance with this Constitution.
(2) Without limiting the effect of clause (1) of this article, all authority in the State emanates from the people of Uganda; and the people shall be governed through their will and consent.

We believe that the current situation and the announcement of false results infringe on the will and consent of Ugandans. Yet the constitution further says that;

(4) The people shall express their will and consent on who shall govern them and how they should be governed, through regular, free and fair elections of their representatives or through a referendum.
We have all reasons and overwhelming evidence that is blatantly clear to all Ugandan and all election observers that the just concluded presidential elections were not free or fair and thus fell short of this constitutional mandate.

As such we have a constitutional duty enshrined in our constitution and these will be but our next steps until such a moment as instructed by this constitution and we quote;

3. Defense of the Constitution.
(4) All citizens of Uganda shall have the right and duty at all times—
(a) to defend this Constitution and, in particular, to resist any person or group of persons seeking to overthrow the established constitutional order; and
(b) to do all in their power to restore this Constitution after it has been suspended, overthrown, abrogated or amended contrary to its provisions.
(5) Any person or group of persons who, as required by clause (4) of
this article, resists the suspension, overthrow, abrogation or amendment of
this Constitution commits no offense.

1.We are giving the police 6 hours from now to stop trespassing and vacate the premises of Kizza Besigye or else we mobilize a demonstration at his home in our usual large numbers.

2. Respect Col Dr. Kizza Besigye’s freedom of movement, assembly, association and freedom of expression. He committed no crime to contest as president in this Election.

3. We are further asking you to leave FDC headquarters in peace with immediate effect.

4. We demand that the Electoral Commission must forthwith avail comprehensive lists of the over 3000 polling stations that were omitted from the final tally.

From now further business is not going to be as usual, we are going to assertively control our destinies in order to claim our future. There is no other person who will do it for us.

“For God and My country”.