Opinion: Coups are inevitable in our time…

The latest in coup d’etat in Gabon is only a reminder of how it is done. The army intervention in Libreville decided the fate of the ruling regime and deposed of it quickly. Today we are now discussing the fact and people are trying to figure out the future.

That’s why I am writing piece. The coup d’etat isn’t a new thing. That sort of military activity or sponsored means to end has existed for a long time. Coups have been supported internally and externally. Every nation has a various of different reasons for why it happens.

One key one is lack of good institutions or distribution of power. Meaning it could easily access all power by just taking out one man. If you got rid of one person and his associates. You are now in sole custody of power, because you got rid of another person title and office.

The “strongman” or “tyrant” is the reason for the viable option of coups. The sort of people who decrees, orders and who hold people captive. They use elections and other mechanisms to keep themselves legitimate. However, it is only the facade as the reality is much more grim. The darkness overshadowing their existence and their livelihood. They can only survive if they keep the fear, intimidation and the check on the pulse on anyone who doesn’t follow command.

That’s why coup d’etat’s happens and they also get welcomed by the public too. They see it as a relief. Even if the army commander isn’t elected or selected by the people. No, they are also future tyrant and possible brutal leaders who will quell all dissent. However, on the day and the early days of operating. It seems just like they are cleaning the house of the stench of the former despot.

That’s why the coups are in order. Yes, they are possibly quagmire and problematic. They create a fabric of government controlled by a minority group and possibly also the armed kind. These are the army commanders and the army structure left behind from the predecessor. Which again questions if they will pursuit all avenues for relief or investigate the breaches of human rights violations of the predecessors. As that means several of high ranking officials could be implicated or even sentenced or be behind bars for their actions. That is a price they have to pay. Especially, if they want to be sincere about reform and making a difference from the past leadership.

However, there are big doubts they would do this. It could not only hurt the bottom line, but also cause friction and endanger the new status quo. That’s why this is nearly never happening. Because, who wants to implicate themselves in crimes and acts of sinister activities, even if it was done on orders by a deposed dictator.

The coups will be condemn and seen as breaking the constitutional norm. Even when that is true and coups is a fallacy. Still, the elected government, which tricked themselves in, again and again. The ones who used the “legitimate” route, but did so with dishonest means. They did another type of coup and tricked the nation. These people weren’t the most popular or wasn’t the majority. However the algorithms and the rigged polls suggests so. Meaning the little civilian elite and the cronies of the despot is re-electing themselves on behalf of the nation. Instead of doing a coup with guns and ammo. The coup is done with data and altering electoral procedures to get the “announced results” and “win”.

When this is happening again and again. I understand why people don’t trust elections or even their leaders. I understand why people celebrate the demise and the toppling of tyrants. It all makes sense. They have lied themselves to the top and thinking nobody will figure it out. However, as we see… time and time again. They get found out and loses it all. Peace.

The West is a bit late: Kicking and Screaming about President Magufuli’s actions!

I wish there was more worried voices, when the President John Pombe Magufuli censored radio stations. When he used time and efforts to silence journalists and newspapers. I wish there was more voices when he got bloggers and social media personalities to stop and pay higher taxes. I wish there was more worried voices when the opposition and activists was behind bars. These has all happen within a year time. Still, that haven’t catched much flack or buzz. Nearly nothing has scratched the surface.

This proves the government and the totalitarian ways of Magufuli and the Chama Cha Mapinduzi. Magufuli (CCM) wants all the love and no criticism. That is just the way that man is, he is certainly not getting a big enough boost at home, so he has to build his confidence at the public office. That seems to be the thing.

You know that this government is going overboard, when big-stars and musicians are getting their songs blocked from being played on the radio. One celebrity was unlucky and got her sex-tape leaked. In other countries that would have been PR Boast and ratings special, but in Tanzania. She got a meeting with the law. Therefore, this state is already unfair. As the person was a victim of a personal files and tapes being leaked. Not that she was starting a personal porn-hub.

That is why I am bit mad today. I have a deja vu’. Had the same feeling when the Anti-Gay Bill was ushered in Uganda a few years back. Instead of looking at the systemic reasons for the default law, the oppression and the acts of impunity against the public from the NRM. The public outcry and from foreign donors was against that one simple bill. Even if the bill is spiteful and morally bankrupt. The ones crying out loud, should enforce their vision to whole society and the whole system built around the President. Instead of looking at one minority, they should wonder and look at all the people looked up for their political activism. However, that train has never arrived and still isn’t.

That is why I know today’s plea, is a fart in the wind. But let’s be clear. The Anti Gay Monitoring Unit of Tanzania isn’t a policy. It is a bad idea, but so is everything else I have mentioned. It is only a fresh day or two, since the ACT Wazalendo Chairman Zitto Kabwe was freed from prison. Another political suspect and been detained a lot lately has been Tindu Lissu. So, it is not like there is free space and freedom in the first place.

Even on the 26th April 2018, on the Union Day, as the Opposition planned rallies. The cities and towns was under a military siege. As the President didn’t want anyone to be dissidents. However, the rallies didn’t happen and was more of ghost-towns. Therefore, the President didn’t get any rallies against him, but neither get a noble celebration of the Union of the Republic.

That the EU and USA are reviewing their relationship with Tanzania now is a bit bitter to me. Why didn’t it matter, that opposition and MPs got into trouble with the law? Why didn’t it matter that the media houses was closed and lost license for while? Why didn’t the rights matter, when bloggers and social media personalities lost their freedom and space?

But now the LGBT is in trouble, then your start screaming and shouting. You see how dumb it looks? You didn’t even flinch when the same government suspended girls who got pregnant, therefore, all girls are getting twice a year checked by the school. To ensure that they are not. Therefore, teenage girls are in trouble if they are pregnant before their ending schooling.

That is why I have trouble with the scrutiny today. Not that is deserved, as the supposed crackdown on the LGBT community in Tanzania is bad, but you should have seen it coming with all the other measures done by the Magufuli regime and his ways. Where he is acting as the lovely kingpin, who can even tell how woman are supposed to dress. That is why this was coming to you, but you didn’t mind the other things he did. But you start bitching when he goes after the LGBT.

You should have cared much sooner, now your late. These reforms was a slow-train coming. It was bound to happen. He gotten away with much bad in the past and now took it to another level. You accepted the others. But didn’t review it over the suspensions and closing of media houses. Off arresting MPs and Opposition leaders, you didn’t stop him from enforcing strict laws and levying high taxes on publications, social media and such. No, just let him be, without fearing his actions. However, now that he went for a group of this stature. Your reacting!

Sorry, but your late. Time to take actions for all, not just the LGBT. That is if, if you care about the human rights. Because you didn’t care, when one fell, but now they fall. You are kicking and screaming. Peace.

Makerere University Professor Nawangwe letter to Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago: “Re: Unacceptable Conduct of KCCA representative to Makerere University Council” (28.09.2018)

Tanzania: Ministry of Health letter to USAID – “Re: Cancellation of Broadcasting of Radio and TV Sports for Family Planning” (19.09.2018)

Is President Magufuli afraid of statistics now?

The Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and President John Pombe Magufuli who has done his to silence critics, media and opposition politicians. Now, he is starting to control the Education Sector or the Higher Education, as the ones doing surveys and research now with the amendment of the Written Laws and the Principal Acts, Amendment 31. which will stop you from publish any data without permission. Secondly, the same folks cannot publish the data- or statistics even if it truthful, when it differs with the official government data. Therefore, the truth always has to be similar to the government and not be separated from that.

The CCM and Magufuli must be afraid of what the NGOs and Higher Education are doing, as they want the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has to decide if their survey or study is even truthful compared to the numbers they have crunched. They are not accepting the works or the analysis of others. As they might find out that the beans-production isn’t as good as the CCM wants or even the inflation in the coastal region compared to Moshi.

That the ones publishing a statistics or data without the permission from the NBS will get a possible fine of 10 million shillings. They are really afraid of the statistics that doesn’t fit the narrative of CCM. They are already afraid of the Social Media, the bloggers and the newspapers, they have suspended people for writing songs and politicians for calling Magufuli a dictator. He really has to take the pulse on everything.

This shows how bad and how weak the President is. He cannot even trust the educational or the ones surveying the land, as they will belittle his ego and his reputation. He has to be the grandest man ever residing in Tanzania. Magufuli has to be praised and loved like a genius. Even if he is far from it. Is he afraid of academic researchers?

Have they shaded him so much, that the lack of economic progress or even keeping up with his own pledges, become so bad he has to secure the data the Higher Education and the NGOs are creating? Unless, they fit the narrative of the CCM?

That is what I am getting out of this. The Tanzanian government are afraid of researchers, NGOs and the educational surveys, that might find results that doesn’t fit the President and his party. That is why he has to say: “no, you cannot publish that”. That is what he is up too, because he cannot have statistics showing the reality, he needs numbers that are fitting him. Good to know how tin-skinned the man is. Peace.

President Magufuli how thin-skinned are you?

Goebbels was in favor of free speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely the views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favor of free speech.”Noam Chomsky

President John Pombe Magufuli have now asked and an inquiry into the popularity of you as President. This was made by Twaweza in 2018, to show how his popularity have gone. Because of the reaction from the public. The results from the survey was negative going from in the 96% favorable in the 2016, but in 2018 it is down to 55%. So he had lost over 41% ratings as proven by their survey.

That is clearly insulting to the big-man and his thin-skinned ways, if your write articles questioning him. Expect your paper to closed, if your blogger expect to pay and ask for license. Therefore, the crack-down is continuing, even surveys done by NGOs and others are now under-fire. Radios closed, Musicians have been detained and fined for their message in their music. All voices under Magufuli is under question. He cannot manage anything else than praise.

I think early in his Presidency, everyone praised the Bulldozer, the man with plan and without any scruples. That has been proven, as papers, bloggers and radios has closed or lost license because of him. If they did say or write anything, they would end up in trouble. Even opposition MPs have been behind bars because of him.

That is maybe why the President is losing favor, maybe that is why people wasn’t celebrating the Union Day this 26th April 2018. Magufuli ordered the military in the streets of the bigger cities as a showdown of his power. The President has clearly forgotten why he had popularity.

It is because he did the right thing, not all praising him and his actions, but seemingly for the betterment of Tanzania. That is why people loved his ways and his activity as the President. With time he has taken everything personal and also taken action against critics and closing the public space, also ability for them say out in various media houses and platforms.

Magufuli should listen to the likes of Chomsky, maybe then he would understand why I call him thin-skinned. The Tanzanian President cannot stomach criticism. That is proven with his action. He is a whiny little bitch, with lack of character and lack of leadership. If he had been a good leader, he would have listen learned something, not just directing and micro-managing. However, that is something he cannot carry. That is why he is losing popularity.

Because, why is it a problem to get the knowledge of losing popularity Mr. President?

Maybe, you should think of your ways, that people wasn’t celebrating Union Day should be worry itself. Because of your actions. It is time rekindle yourself and maybe even envision yourself in another spotlight.

You should take it and carry it. But your not, because your whining and attacking the free speech. Peace.

Zimbabwe: Statement from ZAPU on Political Cooperation during and after 2018 Elections (15.06.2018)

Opinion: National Patriotic Front (NPF) is not ready to run in the upcoming elections!

I know that this should be surprising to anyone, as the National Patriotic Front (NPF), the G-40 and Robert Mugabe sponsored Opposition Party is far from ready to run in any elections. That is evident with the recent internal squabble and also news of recalling of their Interim President Ambrose Muthinhiri, while now the current president has become Eunice Sandi-Moyo. Jealousy Mawarire the spokesperson cannot flatter the situation or change the circumstances.

The NPF is not ready for this election, they are far from it, when they cannot decide direction. Not that I want a Goblin sponsored party to be associated in an alliance with Nelson Chamisa and the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC). Still, the NPF are not strong or wise enough to pick the road forward to the polls in July 2018. Its only under 2 months to final destination and now they are going in circles, instead of moving forward.

This here is gold-jar for the President Emmerson Mnangagwa, if the MDC are accepting this and plays along for the cash-cow of Mugabe. They are really just being tools for their new found place in the political landscape. ZANU-PF can spoil this and say the MDC is for no change, if they are following and accepting the Goblin supported services. If they even adds Grace Mugabe on the ticket as VP. Than, they are adding here like the late reports of 2017. When Mnangagwa was sent into exile in South Africa and reports was ready for Grace to rise to power. Then, they are back to pre-coup time.

NPF is eating out of this, even if they have internal problems and showing different fractions. This not long after the launch and being registered in the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC). The Party is fresh and not established. Therefore, changing interim President of NPF is a sign of weakness. Not that I am sad about that, because the Goblin shouldn’t be involved in politics, neither Grace. Both of them should retire and be relaxing at the Blue Roof. They have done more than enough and shouldn’t play at this high stakes game.

The MDC should favor themselves away, still they haven’t done so. This is a gold-mine for the ZANU-PF. It is like Mnangagwa got a birthday gift and anniversary present, that no one could foresee.

Clearly, the NPF are possibly comic relief with a twist of a goblin. That is worrying, but the MDC hasn’t shown character, as they could possibly be friends with former enemies. All of that is just weird. The NPF is not ready. Not ready at all, as long as they have inside issues. They should not try to gain votes. The NPF needs to fix the shop before trying to sell a product. Peace.

Zimbabwe Council of Churches: Call for a non-violent and forward looking Election Campaign Period (04.06.2018)

ZHLR: Fresh Clampdown on Dissent as Zim Authorities Charge Man for Undermining Mnangagwa (28.05.2018)