Opinion: The ones running rackets will not save you…

One thing is for certain. If you elect gangsters, they will make their office into racket. It is just a matter of time. Their leadership, their model and their ways will exposes by a crisis like COVID-19. The Coronavirus will show the weakness and expose the realities.

The Administration, the government will show its true face. If it is sincere, if they have policies or even if they damn care about you, the citizens. However, if you elected a gangster or accepted that they rigged themselves into office. Than, expect the worse.

Because, normally, they will issue some tenders and take some kickbacks, juice up the prices, make fake shell-companies and secure the patronage money from the state coffers. Usually, that hurts the institutions, the government and the budgets. But it doesn’t change much on the ground. As some of the services, some of the procurements are good, but that are drip drops on a faulty system anyway. There are some roads built, some maintained, but a lot to give. That is why development projects, infrastructure projects sky-rocket in price and costs, also prolonged by the gangsters who need their cut.

However, in a COVID-19 crisis, a pandemic this doesn’t work. Their years of neglect and phony contracts cannot sustain the damage, the hurt and the pain. It is occurrent and they cannot forge the paperwork. They rewrite deaths and positive tests of people, but somewhere along the line, there will be mysterious deaths. Secondly, the Hospitals, the ICU beds and ventilators cannot be faked.

Their racket, the racketeering cannot save you. Not that they sheltered the public. Not like the previous rackets or tricks of trade made a big change, but it was a make belief and rouse. It tricked the paper-tigers and surely sold a lot donors. However, the dire poverty is still as rampant. The lack of social security net and welfare state is evident. The heads of state who used their position as a racket is exposed. Their years of neglect and lack of care is now official news.

These folks, these gangster will not save you now. They will only postpone and try to salvage their hurt. They want to secure their vaults and their wealth. If they do things, its only to secure their empires and their vast resources. They will dispose those on the public, neither will they dole the public with massive gifts nor invests properly in the failing Ministry of Health. No, they will await the donors, the Multi-National Organizations, United Nations and whoever who is seeing the tragedy and hope their dime can change the equation. Even if they have dollars upon dollars stored away in unnamed bank-account in Switzerland. Because, that is what they do.

Don’t expect Gangster to save you. They are in it for the nickels and dime. By the hook or by the crook. Anything can become a racket, they just need to find the loophole and the ability to trick the situation. Don’t expect them to save you and yours. They will only patch the hurt if it benefit them in the long-run and you will repay their loyalty. If not, you will be forgotten or not mentioned. You toils, you pain, your suffering doesn’t count, because there is nothing you can repay the favour with.

That is how this is. The game is rigged, you were not expected to play, but you will still loose. It’s just like Casinos. The House cannot loose. The Gangster cannot loose either. The mobster will win. It is just a matter of time. The public will cry, the pain will be real and the death will be on the street. Don’t expect the gangster to mourn, except when the men of honour dies. Than, he will salute and shed a tear for the public. That is only a facade, as long as he reigns supreme. Peace.

Opinion: There are two type of leaders in government I never trust… the warlords and the gangsters!

I feel there is two type of leaders in government, that I can never trust. They might never see themselves as this, but their act are like this. These leaders are fitted in other fashions, than of statesmen. They are leaders who could really be part of the Costra Nostra or even some armed militia. The only difference is that they have the power as head of states and is “elected” officials.

The two types I have to pin-point is the warlords and the gangsters. There are plenty of these in our time. They use the time in power, either to steal, kill or undermine the citizens while being in power. They are not serving the public, no, they are eating and destroying the state, bit by bit.

The warlords are military leaders, who has taken over the civil government, they are using the military for all sorts of actions, instead of building institutions. They are misusing the force, the intelligence and all parts of the security organizations of the state. All done to spread fear and control the public. If the public interfere or question the authority, these sort of government uses the army to arrest, detain and sentence the ones challenging them. This is what they do and the army can solve all trouble in society. That is what the warlords do, other than creating conflicts elsewhere, to be consistent warfare and using their skills in the military field. Instead of really generating peace.

The gangsters are the parties and groups of politicians, who uses the government as a racket. They are racketeering. Meaning, they are eating of the plate of the public, they are overtaxing them and not giving them services. They are expecting to be men-of-honour and deserve honour, even if they are emptying the reserves, creating fake problems and making laws, which takes away opportunities of the citizens, as they are expected to blindly follow the Don and his mafia. There will be extra-judicial killings, corruption scandals and continuously embezzlement. Therefore, the gangsters are working and earning of the plate of others. But don’t expect them to give you anything. If they do, they expect to get returns.

However, if they don’t, you will get in trouble for making deals with them. You should have known better, but maybe you had no other choice. Because, they run the government and they supply the tenders, so you had to deal with them. Expect to be extorted or taken advantage off, they are gangsters for a reason. Men for every season.

So, surely, if you follow the news, you will see these characters. They are maybe in the headlines, maybe making pledges and greeting you on the screen. Remember, that you cannot trust them. They are warlords and gangsters, there for self-serving and only there to misuse their power. If you don’t follow their codes, you will get got. If you don’t listen or try to fight these men. Than, your their prey and they intend to use your citizenship as a pawn in their game for ill-gotten wealth.

This is the way it is. Not that its right, but we let it happen. Time to make it right. Peace.

Uganda Cancer Institute Press Release glitches in the radiotherapy machine (30.08.2018)

Opinion: Politics and Policies of our day is like poisons wells, as the politicians cannot even provide the basic services to the citizens!

Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road”Dag Hammarskjöld

Someone has to say it and seems like it has to be me. But there are something wrong with out time and day. When it is made easier to get funds to analyze the waters on Mars and the moon. Than, actually making sure the citizens of so many nations is struggling to provide proper water sources to their citizens. It isn’t like it is the people of Miami’s fault, neither the people of Tokyo, that there is no water in regions of Sudan or in Somalia. That isn’t the fault directly of these people. Neither of mine. But we have to ask. Why is it so? When did this become acceptable?

Not that we made this over day, not that the society was built in a day. It moved to this, we let certain people run our nations, we let certain companies take advantage and also multi-national organization serve certain beneficiaries every single day. We let that happen and it is continuing. We are letting the marginalized being hurt on the daily without any consideration. This is continuing without anyone stopping, while the leaders are driving in expensive SUVs and having palaces for homes. While the ones they represent struggles to pay for enough rice on their plate. We are letting this happen. We are letting them get away with murder, daylight robbery and we are letting them take away the wealth of the nations.

This is not how it is supposed to be. The Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Multi-National Companies, State Institutions and State Owned Companies are supposed to all work together to provide and secure delivery of services and products that we all need. If it work in perfect harmony, than the public and companies should prosper together. If it is correct, the NGOs should overlook society and the state, to make sure they follow the rights of every individual and make sure the politicians doesn’t take advantage of their powers. However, sometimes and to often the security and the state of affairs isn’t made this way.

The companies has secret deals with the politicians, the NGOs are afraid of doing their questioning and reporting, out of fear of addressing the matters and the wrong-doings. The nature, the people and the society are hurt for short-term profits. The companies are more directly involved in the elite politicians and sometimes founded by them. They are making sure the state are covering the debts created in these companies and making sure the family members are hired too. All in a circle of vicious eating of the state funds, without concern on how it affect the economy or the unemployed community. This is happening, while the Wall Street Companies and the big corporations let them. Since they are affiliated and getting fortunes on the funds getting through this process.

We should worry about this, we should pound about it. Not accept it, the acknowledgment that something is wrong, that something isn’t right. That we are taken for granted, other people are eating of our resources and taken everything. Not supporting or adjusting to make sure they actually serve the public. They are not hiring or making sure to respect the provisions of the state even. As they are making deals inside the State House or with family members of the Executive. This is happening on daily basis. The ignorance and indifference. The malicious takings and unacceptable use of public resources. This is just insane and we let it happen again and again. When they know they can, they don’t have to deliver water in the taps, make sure the school is decent and has books, police officers being paid, the soldiers being fed on operations and the roads well-kept. They don’t have to, because they walk in the National Bank, empty the accounts and flee the scene without no Oceans 11. Just walk in suits and tie, smile and grin and go out like they ordered a pizza at the Hut. No issue, no nothing.

That is why there is no water, why there is well, why there are no services. Because we have accepted to be taken for granted, we have accepted to fooled and stolen from, that the powers can silence us and take it all, without any question or any honor. While speaking to us and belittling us. They are using all measures and all the provisions to hold us down. But should we let them? Is that right?

I don’t think so, neither should you. It isn’t just about water, but when you cannot provide what is needed and everything needs to live. You know that society is out of whack. You know that the government doesn’t give a rats ass about you or your kin. Then its time to question them and show them you matter. Not just compliance, but defiance. Not silence, neither violence, but demonstrations that hurt the system and give them a mental beating. Hurt their pockets and their will. That is the only way to stop this, neither companies, NGOs or ruling elite, will give a damn until the people start to stop their bread and circus. When they don’t have fancy bread and has the circus. They will run away and stop being loyal to the paradigm. Until, that happen, they will be ignorance and not care, until their nearest surroundings are breaking and in for the taking.

Just think about that…. Just think about that… Not let that go, the society who cannot even deliver the basics has to be shaken, has to stirred, not with violence, but as long as it silence its weakest and poorest. They are the ones who has to be on the barricades and break the kingpins on top. No-one else will give way. It will cost to do this peacefully. But it has to stop. That there is no water in the tap, there is no well for miles, there is no jobs for 80% of the youth and educated get to emigrate to get a job. Then you know the state of affairs is wrong.

You shouldn’t accept it and neither should I. Not because I do something magnificent, but I don’t. I will just not let my writing and my thoughts be altered into ignorance, when I know to many people on this earth. Get taken for granted, get used as pawns and used tools, when they need aid funds and when they need development funds. However, some of that always get taken. That is why they stay poor and act poor, easy funds to tap into. They can just eat of the IMF, World Bank and Development Banks as long as they write fine plans and proceedings. Someone will take it and buy into it.

That is why the well isn’t built, the water isn’t in the tap. There is no deep concern. There is no concern that yields are dwindling, the sources are not there, the storage of rain-water isn’t there either. Nothing is taken care off. That while the politicians ride by in expensive cars, nice watches, big entourages with security guards and affiliates, give away few pieces of bread and a grand speech. But when the ordinary day passes by, nothing is done, the pothole still there and the liquidated funds are non-existent, the plans was just on paper and things remain the same.

Still, the people and elites expect silence. They don’t expect an uprising, they don’t expect people to say enough, to say, we deserve water, we deserve a state who cares and secure the future of our kids. We deserve to make a society where all people can get a livelihood. Not just the ones closets to the elite. There should be more possibilities. There should be, but there isn’t.

It got to stop, we got to drill and build. We got too, but first we got destroy, to be able to rebuild. We have to dismantle, piece by piece. Because if we continue, the elites and the powers to be will not let go. It is easy money and your not eating. Its a simple trade and one is the loser. While the other party takes it all. Peace.

It was a late birth for the New Cancer Machine at UCI, Mulago Hospital: The Saga lasted from 2013 to 2018!

Yesterday was supposed to be celebrated, but however, I can’t. Not honestly, not, no, not knowing that this process of procurement and knowledge of possible unnecessary demise of dozens of cancer patients, while waiting between March 2016 to January 2018 for possible treatment. It is insane.

Therefore, when I read crap like this yesterday, when the Machine was launched by Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda, I don’t celebrate:

“The Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda has commissioned the new radotherapy machine at the Uganda Cancer Institute Mulago. This follows the purchase of a new radiotherapy machine after the old one crushed in April 2016. According to Dr Daniel Kanyike the head of the radiotherpay department at Mulago, 80 patients are attended to per day and they suspect the number will increase after the commissioning today” (Sudhir Byaruhanga, 19.01.2018)

Because, I have a letter dated back to IAEA from Dr. Byahagaba from 28th May 2013, where the funding of 325,297 Euros was deposited to the UniCredit Bank, Austria, Vienna on the 22nd May 2013. To start the procurement of a new Cobalt 60 Cancer Machine to Uganda Cancer Institute at Mulago Hospital. However, this has been lost in the story, that suddenly NRM moved swiftly in 2017 and got it ready for 2018.

It might be true that old one from 1995 – finally gave way and broke down in April 2016 before the General Election, the same fall. However, that doesn’t mean, they started procurement and facilitating the funds for a new one. They used longer time and awaited the destruction of the old one, before getting a newer model that actually worked.

They didn’t act quickly or swiftly in this affair. They moshed it together in a stew and hope to get gold, instead they are boiling bones and hope to taste the real deal. It is a mess and was a mess.

Because I still remember this:

“Cancer patients receiving radiotherapy treatment at Mulago hospital may have to wait until next year when the new cobalt 60 radiation machine will be installed, after the old one broke down three weeks ago. According to Dr Jackson Orem, the director of Cancer Institute at Mulago hospital, it may be difficult to repair the radiotherapy machine, procured in 1995, to render efficient results” (EA BIZ INFO, 08.04.2016).

Secondly, when NRM says April 2016, well, Dr. Orem speaks about three weeks before April, that means it broke down in March 2016. So the NRM cannot hold one piece of the story correct. Not even when it breaks down!

Therefore, the promise waited on results because of hardships to make a new space and have a new machine in where the old one was. The Uganda Cancer Institute had to wait and secure funding for a new one, even if they had already started procurement in 2013. Something they should have focused one, before making sure the old one crashed. This has clearly cost lives, since the Cancer patients have not been sent in drones in Kenya. They got some promises to Aga Khan in Kenya, but that was only for a few lucky ones. We can imagine how many cancer patients lost their ability for treatment between March 2016 and January 2018. It is insane, but also the structure and carelessness the National Resistance Movement (NRM) is known for.

So this has been a long await, which could have fixed before and was already in the making. Who knows why the authorities and the NRM didn’t fix it in advance, when they already paid partial payment in 2013. Years before it broke down. It is foolish and nonsense, when this is the only type of this machine in the whole Republic. Then, not being able to for-see its demise.

Well, NRM can think of this a propaganda victory, since no-one is questioning much and just is happy. The public shouldn’t be, because why didn’t they fix it earlier and made sure for a transition from one machine to another? Peace.

Opinion: Too many Gangsters and too few Statesmen!

“The truth is that every intelligent man, as you know, dreams of being a gangster and of ruling over society by force alone. As it is not so easy as the detective novels might lead one to believe, one generally relies on politics and joins the cruelest party. What does it matter, after all, if by humiliating one’s mind one succeeds in dominating every one? I discovered in myself sweet dreams of oppression.” – Albert Camus

In the time of abundance of information, of knowledge and of history, we still reap of a world not of Statesmen, but of gangsters. These sort of people who collect themselves in dens at night to scheme and to plan their next theft. Instead of building nations, building republics and building the foundation needed for the future generations.

We have a leadership and a bunch of leaders, who are more around their wealth and their image, than their achievements, as the protocol is to standout, but not deliver polices that actually matter.

That the politician of our day, many of them and the ones who rule, wants to have power, they seek power and they grab power by any means. While the citizens in fear of answering the theft and the perfect crime, let it go for their safety and their families sake. The thieving from the highest offices, the might of these men. The vicious theft of state reserves done in broad day light, on the main-streets of the capitals of the world. As if the state coffers was personal reserves for Gucci or Fendi. Instead of serving the public with welfare and decent infrastructure.

The biggest thieves are the actual criminals, because they do in the dark and steal, they sell illegal dozes of drugs and violates justice with impunity. That is their role in society. They are supposed to be the ones who force ill and creates havoc if caught. The leadership of the nations are supposed to be the example of men, the one the citizens looks up to and want to become. They want to emulate and know that these men makes the future.

Instead, they are vicious, playing in codes and use all sort of tricks to get the public funds, to misuse and allocate the funds, so that the welfare dies and the state suffers. So that they can ride in the most expensive vehicles known to men, so they can afford the best cuts of meat, one prime real estate and wear the fancies imported suits. Still, the ones they are take care off; they suffer and can nearly scrap funds for the schooling for their daughters and sons.

Therefore, the biggest thief is not the ones who actually does direct crime, but the gangsters in Parliament, in local government and the Presidents. Who eats of the government plate, take the funds without any hesitation and spends their time sponging fortunes, which was supposed to benefit the public. These sort of acts of looting that skates by and leave nothing, but dust behind.

That the sweet dreams of oppression, the sanity of society and the knowledge of the culprit, the knowledge of the capacity of the leadership and regimes to misuse their power and their connections, the altercation of the norms to benefit the elite and the businesses surrounding the state. Instead of having a state that actually works of the citizens. There are certain signs of misbehavior that never should happen. So that the citizens are sure their representatives are men of honor and men of pride, not just who eats of the plate of the citizens. That doesn’t misuse the capacity as representative to get wealth, but to build their nations. As a functioning branch that support the citizens and listens to the will of the citizens. Since if, they get wealth by being connecting to corporations, to international community, more than the citizens. Then there is something wrong with the system between citizens and their representatives.

The leadership should not focus on the power they have, but the power that is bestowed them. They would not have it, if it were not for the people. They would just be citizens without any special function or be deserves anything else. The representatives are there as an acknowledgement from their constituency. If they forget that, then it is time to change them. Then the public should elect someone else, since the citizens deserves better representation.

Therefore, as we see today and look beyond for tomorrow, we should think of the reasons why we have so many gangsters in charge, why we let them and why we cannot get rid of them. They are there with force, but not with our will. We should act upon it and deservedly not let us, be taken for granted or being used by some gangsters. We should give time and effort to dismantle the leadership and finds way to forge a new future. With leaders who represent not only themselves, but also their constituent and their will.

That the people who are having nations run by gangsters should feel betrayed, they should find ways to get rid of them. Not just let it be status quo, let them run the shop and take the spoils. Leave nothing behind, but stolen promises and leaflets of pledges. The empty hope and the theft of nations, as the resources, the future generations and the present struggles become harder, as the crime of the gangster are determined in dens without knowledge of the commons.

These sort of acts should not have the time or the day, in our age, but they do and with a grander acts than before, and we let it happen. We let them take, we let them do and we let them justify their rule. As we are just citizens, they can walkover and does not need to serve. As long as we let the gangsters, we are at our own fault, as we let the crime go-on… and go-on… with no plan of change for the better. We just let our government sink as a ship, with no exit plan and no Plan B.

The Gangsters are eating, we are drowning, is this the supposed enlightenment we as society was supposed to have? Peace.

President Museveni sanctions now all information on emergencies from the State House!

If you ever needed proof that the departments, ministries and institutions don’t have values in Uganda, than you need the newest revelation. President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of the National Resistance Movement (NRM), who has run the nation for over three decades. This is proven with the Presidential Handshakes, the growing amounts of MP’s, Ministers and of newly created districts and sub-counties. That sort of government both state-wise and locally has grown out of proportions, this to make it possible to have enough cronies close by and hire them. The government has been built around President Museveni, still he has to control it even more. Take a look!

President Museveni has ordered ministries to stop declaring state of emergencies without his prior approval of their messages to the public. He accused government officials of using loose words which have ended up scaring away potential investors and tourists. President Museveni voiced his concerns in a letter he wrote to the Vice President and copied to all permanent secretaries of all ministries on January 20, this year” (Ahimbisibwe, 2017).

So the controlling behavior of President Museveni, now is to another level since he cannot even trust that the message spread by his ministers are sound enough. He is now controlling the releases of information and vouch for the ones spread from the NRM. The Government is so controlled by him, that it all has to pass by him. Because his rubber-stamp has now to be on the messages.

That the President needs clearance and cannot trust in his ministers, not the agencies or state institutions, proves the lack of transparency, as even the messages has to pass by him before the public gets to know. If it is first in emergencies, than it will on the Presidents desk and he will rewrite it, so that it fits his understanding of it. So if it needs to be addressed as enclave, a colonial relic or even if it is climate change, the President has to speak his peace.

That the Police Force, the Army or any of the ministers can address the matters first in public, to regain trust or even try to amend in the emergency that arrived. That the President shouldn’t have the capacity to control each and every single message the government spreads out. Surely, the President cannot have capacity to follow Hon. Frank Tumbewaze or Uganda Media Centre Chairman Ofwono Opondo’s remarks on the matters. As much as the President cannot have the time or the ability to understand the different events that occur in the Republic.

This here proves that President Museveni only trust himself and no-one else, all his vision has to be spread and people have to believe him. President Museveni wants to control it all and not give way, it is all him and his behavior. Not like Museveni wants to trust anyone. They are only around for Presidential Handshake’s and Brown Envelopes, that is because they follow his system. They know if they stay around and needs it, he will help them out and also create needed jobs for the closest associates.

President Museveni proves with this what we have known for long, that the institutions and the ministries is shell-organizations for the supposed operations of the state. Museveni has to be informed and engaged before actions happens. If it doesn’t happen that way, it is the wrong way and his feels betrayed by his own. Therefore, the ones that falls stopped informing and being independent of their master. Which is Museveni, who feels he is more important than the institutions. Museveni thinks he is the pillar of the State and the key to all the works of the State.

That is why the newest order of controlling information and the flow of information to the public, the enforcement of this proves the systematic control that he has from the Okello House. This proves how belittling the state is and how important the President thinks of himself. The way the State is now his playground and no-one else can play like he do. Peace.


Ahimbisibwe, Patience – ‘Museveni set to vet government messages’ (04.04.2017) link: http://mobile.monitor.co.ug/News/Museveni-set-vet-government-messages/2466686-3876432-format-xhtml-5i5i9oz/index.html

Genoa’s Armando Izzo Questioned In Latest Match-Fixing Affair (Youtube-Clip)

“Genoa defender Armando Izzo is being questioned in relation to a match-fixing affair that saw Mafia gangsters corrupt Serie B players to help them cash in from an illegal betting ring, reports said on Monday” (The Times of India, 2016).

Don Museveni says “I would never accept these foreigners to give me orders about Uganda”; Time to cut the direct donor assistance to the government budget of Uganda and after that let Don Museveni eat alone!

museveni and his gun

“I wouldn’t ask these foreigners, but I would never accept these foreigners to give me orders about Uganda. Or about anything in the world! They got their own countries to run. Let them go and run them. Uganda is ours. Nobody gives us orders here” – President Museveni at Kololo Independence Grounds Speech while celebrating the “Double Victory” on 9th April 2016.

Now that it is not long ago he told the world that Uganda was his playground and he could shot and kill opposition because they had no place in his country. From the same man and leader comes this. Let me ask the international community to react to violent behavior and the aggression this President shows his own county.

The racketeering of the NRM and their Executive has to stop at one point. That can happen when the funds dry up and the ammunition does come with the next boat. The American should stop with their alliance and their UPDF trainings. The Americans should do as they did with the MCC in Tanzania; suspend the projects and direct-donor aid to budget funding of the Ugandan Government.

Total rig Uganda

The French should stop supporting the Government projects in Northern Uganda and cut their loans as they have promised to effect directly the RDC and the other loyal cronies of Northern Uganda. This does so the Capos of the Don get their monies and keeps eating. While the Japanese should stop supporting infrastructure projects together with the Chinese Foreign Ministry, while the CNOOC should terminate their contract with the Uganda Government. Total Oil firm of the French should suspend their operation until the government accept their blood-money. The Same with Heritage Oil for Britain so the UK Gov. should disband their direct government support and take away the incentive from UK to Uganda. The Norwegian Government should suspend the Oil for Development Program that have been a steady program since 2006. Because if you hurt it where it could become most important, then the Don Museveni might listen.

The European Union should to hurt the Foreign Exchange rate suspend the import of Robusta Coffee beans from Uganda, as the export of this is a major factor in the economic trade in the land-lock country. “A total of 271,941 bags of coffee valued at US$ 25.12 million were exported in February 2016 -Source UCDA report”. If you want to hit where it hurts, then you take away the foreign exchange and the foreign exports. This here could really hurt the government that does not want to have any interference or questions about their rule.

If the Donors and giving aid, would suspend or cut the services for the Peacekeepers, the same reaction that the Dutch did with the Burundian Peacekeepers in the AMISOM in Somalia. The same could be done by the American Government and EU as they are the major benefactors for the economic spending ground and facilitators for it.

Muhoozi Museveni

It is not like I am for neo-colonialism, but when a totalitarian and gangster like Don Museveni complains about the US Mission questioning his oppressive behavior and European Union saying their opinion on the display of character showed during the Election and announcement of the results. Then it seems like he does not need any-more international legitimacy for his rule. Only their money and aid when it comes in handy too fuel money to a private plane, refurnishing the State Houses, buying new cars and more estates. Especially considering in FY 2013/2014 the donor assistance of the total budget was 21 % of it. Therefore the USAID, World Bank, IMF, DFID, European Commission, Irish Aid, NORAD and the other contributors should suspend that for the coming financial year of FY 2016/2017. To not hurt the citizens do this instead!

They should support the IDP camps and refugee camps in the Ugandan country through United Nations programs and organizations, build stronger relationship with NGOs in Uganda and forge good governance programs instead of supporting a government who is carrying out rigged election and embezzlement of government funds and international aid. Therefore progressive use of the tax-payers money from the Western Hemisphere, and if that is not working then, use it instead on local infrastructure projects to their own tax-payers.


Especially when a specialized report on Donor Aid to Ugandan Government says this:

Budget support has not helped much in relation to cross sectoral dialogue. Some improvement was realized in education sector as dialogue with Ministry of Local Government and Ministry of Public Service improved. But this has not happened for the health sector” (…)”The power relations between bilaterals and Global Health Initiatives including PEPFER, Global Fund, GAVI, Stop Malaria etc shifted in favour of the latter who had no experience in the development of the budget support process and completely ignored to an apparent ineffectiveness” (…)”Budget support resulted in a greater commitment and quality of dialogue on PFM issues, especially after 2007 with the launch of FINMAP and JBSF. The influence of performance measures on sector dialogue declined from 2011/12, as the link with releases became less clear” (Joint Evaluation of Budget Support to Uganda – Final Report – 2015, P: 132).

This here proves the values of the Donor-Funding and the Budget Support from the International community to the Ugandan Government and the NRM-Regime. The NRM mafia under Don Museveni who says that the Ugandan authority do not want to have internal interference and foreign people questioning his playground. Therefore the authority and the Don want to rest things into peace he lets the people end up resting in peace. As he takes the Army and Police to detain the ones it needs and use draconian laws to oppress his own people.

NRM Oyee! 09.04.2016

Therefore with also the fraudulent election to keep the NRM mafia in order and also silence the opposition; as it even did yesterday the 9th March 2016 with the Military Police taking over the Nakivubo Settlement Primary School so the “Victory Celebration” that was supposed to be held there with Lord Mayor Lukwago and FDC Leader Besigye. This happen while the Crime Preventers, NRM Diehards and the new MPs we’re celebrating at Kololo Independence Grounds while costing the 1, 5 billion shillings. The racket also carries to pay their own and let the kingpin eat the money alone. As he has done since 1986 and the donor have continued to fund the budget support and give Don Museveni money to do his bidding.

Therefore I ask the governments to question if they want to deliver more money the NRM Mafia who uses monies to the army and police, squander away State House money on funding his campaign and also rumors of AMISOM contingent. There are certain numbers on his spending on military is staggering over the years. In between 2011 and end of term 2016 the taxpayers and donor-funding the total Shs. 6.617 trillion to the Army, Police and Intelligence Agencies. Of this in MPS in February 2015 into the portfolio of sophisticated military equipment there was the extended use of Shs. 470 billion, alone that year.

Bundibugyo 28.02.2016

So with that knowledge and knowing the international donors should consider some reactions as he does not accept any interference not internal and not external. The Playground might be for the moment him, the Don Museveni has spoken of killing demonstrating citizens and opposition. The harassment of the ones that question the power of the kingpin!

That is when the international donors in the powers of US Mission in Kampala and their Amb. Malac recently; and also when the European Union does state the fact that the election was not free and fair. Therefore the Don Museveni feels betrayed as this has been loyal men who have given money to his government and not question his power or rule. Because they needed him to do their dirty-laundry and also have a steady ally in the East Africa; as the US have a relationship with Ethiopia and also Kenya, but have a longer engagement with the Ugandan Government, and now accepting the harassment of opposition as a price for some form of stability.

UGDebate2016 P8 Amama

While the other donor-funding is not questioning other than expressing some have cut funding over the $12 Million that was going to Northern Uganda Development Fund (NUDF) in the 2012, that went lost to through the Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi. Also the Anti-Gay Bill had their reactions from UK, Norway and Dutch who cut parts of their aid. So now it is the time again, as the oppression, election fraud and the man who want to be the Don and acts like the Don of Uganda. The Godfather of Uganda has spoken. He does not want to be inference. So since he does not wish to have interference the international donors and bilateral organizations should offer him a hand with that.

The International donors and bilateral organizations should certainly suspend their direct budget support to the Ugandan Government. As they don’t wish to have any interference and can handle it all on their own. The money should instead spend on the Multi-National Organizations working in Uganda, as the OCHA, UNICEF and WFP as they will submit and carry out quick resolved matters in Internal Displaced Camps and around the borders through their projects. Since that will not have any other government questioning their actions, then the other governments should not help to fund their actions. Simple rhetorical assessment that banish the 20 % power of the funds that Don Museveni has at his disposal and use; when outsiders are such a pain, then the pain should leave Don Museveni alone and not support him.

Newspapers Same Scandal Uganda

So the Donors and Bilateral organizations should cut their aid and give less power to Don Museveni and his NRM Mafia who spends and eats alone; while his government does not have money to build health care, roads, schools or the other necessities in the Ugandan Society. But not with Foreign tax-payers money, when they get used on the expensive cars, lavish lifestyle, foreign health care and private planes for the Godfather. There is time to take action as the gangster will act as Don and not as a Statesman. Henceforth, when a player does not want question, but accept your money and not accountable for them; and when the player squander the money and expect to get away with it. Then the Player should lose the ability to get the money from you. The Don Museveni have already had long enough time to deliver and used enough of donor-funds without showing progress. Time to cross out the donor-funding to direct budget support; then Don Museveni does not need to be questioned. As the international community will not have put a stake and being stakeholders for certain parts of the budget. But when they step away, then Don Museveni can be the kingpin and the gangster he want to be in military fatigue and do as he want in his playground, without opposition who should just stay home; and also without foreigners questioning him. Then he can rule alone with the capos, underbosses and then be grand Don Museveni. Peace.  

Uganda Cancer Institute Planned Procurement of new Radio Theraphy Machine in 2013 for Mulago Hospital; Don Museveni have taken his rackeering a bit to far!

IAEA Mulago Receipt

Uganda Cancer institute at mulago hospital has released a receipt indicating they made a procurement of the radiotherapy machine on the 28th of May 2013.

“Cancer patients receiving radiotherapy treatment at Mulago hospital may have to wait until next year when the new cobalt 60 radiation machine will be installed, after the old one broke down three weeks ago. According to Dr Jackson Orem, the director of Cancer Institute at Mulago hospital, it may be difficult to repair the radiotherapy machine, procured in 1995, to render efficient results” (EA BIZ INFO, 08.04.2016).

please join us tomorrow for a press conference to clear the air about the Radiotherapy machine tomorrow Sunday 10th April 2016 at 10:00am at the Uganda Cancer Institute– Old Mulago (Uganda Cancer Institute, 09.04.2016). 

Let see what will happen, but surely this is public neglect from the NRM Regime who is more busy with buying a new private for the Don Museveni then having a government serving it’s people. The sadness of this state is that the Cancer patient is the loser and the families of them who needs this machine for health-recovery and treatment who can’t get to it; since the machine is broken down.

The rackeetering of the NRM Regime have gone to far, especially on a day knowningly that the NRM used to celebrate their “Double-Victory”  of the Rigged Election and the Supreme Court Verdict in favour of the Ruling Party and their Ruling Executive; who could not bother in all years of staying procure a new Cobolt 60 Teletheraphy Machine. Because that with unsettle his playground and rules as the Gangster he is. Peace.