Opinion: Politics and Policies of our day is like poisons wells, as the politicians cannot even provide the basic services to the citizens!

Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road”Dag Hammarskjöld

Someone has to say it and seems like it has to be me. But there are something wrong with out time and day. When it is made easier to get funds to analyze the waters on Mars and the moon. Than, actually making sure the citizens of so many nations is struggling to provide proper water sources to their citizens. It isn’t like it is the people of Miami’s fault, neither the people of Tokyo, that there is no water in regions of Sudan or in Somalia. That isn’t the fault directly of these people. Neither of mine. But we have to ask. Why is it so? When did this become acceptable?

Not that we made this over day, not that the society was built in a day. It moved to this, we let certain people run our nations, we let certain companies take advantage and also multi-national organization serve certain beneficiaries every single day. We let that happen and it is continuing. We are letting the marginalized being hurt on the daily without any consideration. This is continuing without anyone stopping, while the leaders are driving in expensive SUVs and having palaces for homes. While the ones they represent struggles to pay for enough rice on their plate. We are letting this happen. We are letting them get away with murder, daylight robbery and we are letting them take away the wealth of the nations.

This is not how it is supposed to be. The Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Multi-National Companies, State Institutions and State Owned Companies are supposed to all work together to provide and secure delivery of services and products that we all need. If it work in perfect harmony, than the public and companies should prosper together. If it is correct, the NGOs should overlook society and the state, to make sure they follow the rights of every individual and make sure the politicians doesn’t take advantage of their powers. However, sometimes and to often the security and the state of affairs isn’t made this way.

The companies has secret deals with the politicians, the NGOs are afraid of doing their questioning and reporting, out of fear of addressing the matters and the wrong-doings. The nature, the people and the society are hurt for short-term profits. The companies are more directly involved in the elite politicians and sometimes founded by them. They are making sure the state are covering the debts created in these companies and making sure the family members are hired too. All in a circle of vicious eating of the state funds, without concern on how it affect the economy or the unemployed community. This is happening, while the Wall Street Companies and the big corporations let them. Since they are affiliated and getting fortunes on the funds getting through this process.

We should worry about this, we should pound about it. Not accept it, the acknowledgment that something is wrong, that something isn’t right. That we are taken for granted, other people are eating of our resources and taken everything. Not supporting or adjusting to make sure they actually serve the public. They are not hiring or making sure to respect the provisions of the state even. As they are making deals inside the State House or with family members of the Executive. This is happening on daily basis. The ignorance and indifference. The malicious takings and unacceptable use of public resources. This is just insane and we let it happen again and again. When they know they can, they don’t have to deliver water in the taps, make sure the school is decent and has books, police officers being paid, the soldiers being fed on operations and the roads well-kept. They don’t have to, because they walk in the National Bank, empty the accounts and flee the scene without no Oceans 11. Just walk in suits and tie, smile and grin and go out like they ordered a pizza at the Hut. No issue, no nothing.

That is why there is no water, why there is well, why there are no services. Because we have accepted to be taken for granted, we have accepted to fooled and stolen from, that the powers can silence us and take it all, without any question or any honor. While speaking to us and belittling us. They are using all measures and all the provisions to hold us down. But should we let them? Is that right?

I don’t think so, neither should you. It isn’t just about water, but when you cannot provide what is needed and everything needs to live. You know that society is out of whack. You know that the government doesn’t give a rats ass about you or your kin. Then its time to question them and show them you matter. Not just compliance, but defiance. Not silence, neither violence, but demonstrations that hurt the system and give them a mental beating. Hurt their pockets and their will. That is the only way to stop this, neither companies, NGOs or ruling elite, will give a damn until the people start to stop their bread and circus. When they don’t have fancy bread and has the circus. They will run away and stop being loyal to the paradigm. Until, that happen, they will be ignorance and not care, until their nearest surroundings are breaking and in for the taking.

Just think about that…. Just think about that… Not let that go, the society who cannot even deliver the basics has to be shaken, has to stirred, not with violence, but as long as it silence its weakest and poorest. They are the ones who has to be on the barricades and break the kingpins on top. No-one else will give way. It will cost to do this peacefully. But it has to stop. That there is no water in the tap, there is no well for miles, there is no jobs for 80% of the youth and educated get to emigrate to get a job. Then you know the state of affairs is wrong.

You shouldn’t accept it and neither should I. Not because I do something magnificent, but I don’t. I will just not let my writing and my thoughts be altered into ignorance, when I know to many people on this earth. Get taken for granted, get used as pawns and used tools, when they need aid funds and when they need development funds. However, some of that always get taken. That is why they stay poor and act poor, easy funds to tap into. They can just eat of the IMF, World Bank and Development Banks as long as they write fine plans and proceedings. Someone will take it and buy into it.

That is why the well isn’t built, the water isn’t in the tap. There is no deep concern. There is no concern that yields are dwindling, the sources are not there, the storage of rain-water isn’t there either. Nothing is taken care off. That while the politicians ride by in expensive cars, nice watches, big entourages with security guards and affiliates, give away few pieces of bread and a grand speech. But when the ordinary day passes by, nothing is done, the pothole still there and the liquidated funds are non-existent, the plans was just on paper and things remain the same.

Still, the people and elites expect silence. They don’t expect an uprising, they don’t expect people to say enough, to say, we deserve water, we deserve a state who cares and secure the future of our kids. We deserve to make a society where all people can get a livelihood. Not just the ones closets to the elite. There should be more possibilities. There should be, but there isn’t.

It got to stop, we got to drill and build. We got too, but first we got destroy, to be able to rebuild. We have to dismantle, piece by piece. Because if we continue, the elites and the powers to be will not let go. It is easy money and your not eating. Its a simple trade and one is the loser. While the other party takes it all. Peace.

Statement by U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin on Charlottesville and Yale Classmate’s inquiries (19.08.2017)

A ACLU Paper of October 1934: Teaches us how to address Nazis today!

It is hard to believe, but it is true that, President Donald J. Trump, who says there are good people and great people within groups of White Supremacists, White Nationalists and Nazis; because of this are obviously racist. There are only fools, that can deny that now. Those who do is apologists for the President and his fellow complicit aides. This could be said for a number of reasons, also because of the people around him, and not denouncing fellow leadership of organizations who spread hatred in the United States.

President Trump has clearly supported the ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville and the way it has been done with violence. Clearly, shows the problems of the alt-right and the neo-Nazis. Still, the ACLU of old, are still with their wisdom showing how a just and free society should make sure their transgressions and their hatred get perceived in society. The ACLU in the 1934 shows their paper on free speech for Nazis are still relevant today. It shouldn’t be, but clearly it is. Because the ideals of the ACLU are noble and shows the openness, to a society where ideas get spread and get to streets. Still, there should be allowed to address the differences without breaching the laws and statutes of the law. If so, then the Nazis should serve for their crime, as all of the ones who breaks the law.

The ideal of ACLU of 1934, the argument and the approach are one of the best I have read, even if it is in defense of despicable, this was done before the holocaust and all the hatred of the Nazis was known. Before, they could do so, when they took to power in Germany and started their dictatorship that led to the second World War. Still, with the knowledge of the results of all the hatred and disgusting ideals and ideology, the ACLU shows with their paper, an understanding we should follow in this day. Not because the streets, the airways, the TV-Channels or any other platform should have Nazis and their teachings on their, but if should mock it or fact-check their ignorance. Than it needs to be in the open and not make it underground to grow into an unknown force, that can come with militias and destroy the freedom of speech.

This is what the ACLU of 1934 believed and we should be like that today. Just take a look!

To whose who advocate suppressing propaganda they hate, we ask – where do you draw the line? They can answer only the terms of revolutionists – at our political enemies. But experience shows that “political enemies” is a broad term, and has covered the breaking up even of working class meetings by rival work class organizations. It illustrates the danger, and the impractically of making any distinctions in defending rights sought by all” (…) “To those who urge suppression of meetings that may incite riot or violence, the complete answer is that nobody can tell in advance what meetings may do so. Where there is reasonable ground for apprehension, the police can ordinarily prevent disorder” (…) “To whose who would suppress meetings where race or religious hatred is likely to be stirred up, the answer is simple – that there is no general agreement on what constitutes race or religious prejudice. Once the bars are so let down, the fields is open for all-comers to charge such prejudice against any propagandists – Communists, Socialists, atheists, – even against Jews attacking the Nazis. On that ground the Union has opposed the anti-Nazi bills introduced in the New York and New Jersey legislature punishing propaganda which “stirs up race or religious hatred” or “domestic strife”. No laws can be written to outlaw Nazi propaganda without striking at freedom of speech in general” (…) “Further, we point out the inevitable effect of making martyrs by persecution. Persecute the Nazis, drive them underground, imitate their methods in Germany – and attract to them hundreds of sympathizers with the persecuted who would otherwise be indifferent. The best way to combat their propaganda is in the open where it can be fought by counter-propaganda, protest demonstrations, picketing, – and all the devices of attack which do not involve denying the rights to meet and speak” (…) “If and when Nazi meetings results in breaches of the peace, their organizers can be prosecuted under the criminal law. If their speakers libel individuals by reason of race and religion, recourse to the criminal libel statutes is open as a remedy. Short of that, and of overt acts of interference with others’ rights their freedom to carry on their agitation should be unrestricted” (ACLU, 1934).

It is proof that the knowledge and the arguments of old can be useful today as it was yesterday. The people, the organizations and their ideals might be the same, the problem might be a resurrected one. But the Nazis should be allowed to speak and have their meetings, as long as they are not breaching the law and the statutes. If they do, then they should be prosecuted!

The ACLU of 1934, have understood certain aspects of life and also the martyrdom of the political enemies and revolutionaries might give soil for further extremes. Also, give the platform and the leadership of these organization more power. Therefore, to silence them totally and ban them, does not make them go away, but make them underground.

This paper shows the importance of free speech, but also the grandeur of fighting the Nazis within just acts, to counter their propaganda and their ideology. That we should do, undress the hatred and white supremacy, which should be buried. Since the Nazi ideology shouldn’t be needed to be in our time, as it wasn’t needed even in the 1930s when the ALCU wrote this paper. Still, we should counter it and show the misgivings and the worthlessness of the Nazism, instead of banning it. The bans of their acts will only enforce it more.

It doesn’t help that President Trump defended the Charlottesville ‘Unite the Right’ rally and their violence. While attacking the counter-demonstrators. Also, neglecting the fear and the violence created by the right-extremists. That is why peaceful marches, the peaceful demonstrations and addressing the lacking clues of justification for their ideology and their belief is needed. Instead, of making them a fringe organizations, who can suddenly pop-up like wild-flowers. Therefore, the need to address them at public courts are more important than ever. To not give them a free-pass, but for their disgrace, their misunderstood arrogance of race and for their devilish ideology, who are to take total control and to terminate others. That cannot be shadow and put in the dark, the violence and viciousness of the Nazis, cannot be silenced and their will of doing evil. Should be known!

To say anything else is ignorant, they should not become martyrs, but make fooled and mocked. They should understand, that they are not all-powerful, but people we can bring down from the pedestal and put in the trash-bind of history. Peace.


American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) – ‘Shall we defend free speech for Nazis in America’ (October 1934

Reps. Nadler, Watson Coleman, and Jayapal Announce Censure Resolution Against President Trump for Blaming “Both Sides” for Violence in Charlottesville, VA and Excusing Behavior of ‘Unite the Right’ Participants (18.08.2017)

After more CEO’s resigning from the Manufacturing Council, Trump now disbands the Council as a result!

After hree more CEO’s resigned from the American Manufacturing Council or the Trump Administration Manufacturing Council who was assembled in January 2017. Since the Charlottesville alt-right rallies and defense of it, there has been dozens of CEO’s resigning. Today there was two more, one was Denise Morrison of Campbell Soups, Jeff Immelt of General Electric and Inge Thulin of 3M. Therefore, the resistance and pressure has succeeded.

Yesterday Donald Trump wrote: “For every CEO that drops out of the Manufacturing Council, I have many to take their place. Grandstanders should not have gone on. JOBS!” (Trump, 15.08.2017). Did he yesterday think he could easily replace 9 CEO’s who resigned within 48 hours yesterday. Also, the earlier resignation of Elon Musk of Tesla. So now there are even two more on the Council resigning themselves from it. As a reaction to the President’s Defense of White Nationalists, White Supremacy and the Alt-Right in Charlottesville. Even when his statements yesterday wasn’t true and has been debunked by witnesses in Charlottesville, as the clergy on CNN has proven.

So today, the almighty fixer and guy with fantastic deal-making skills had to do this: “Rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople of the Manufacturing Council & Strategy & Policy Forum, I am ending both. Thank you all!” (Trump, 16.08.2017). Just like so many of his businesses, they got discontinued. The Resistance and other activists with promises of boycott and calling out the corporations their values and moral judgment for participating and complicit supporting Trump. They don’t have too, as the CEO’s who has left are making sure their missions are gone.

Clearly, the President must have gotten a whiff of the pressure put on the CEO’s and their businesses, as the people are telling they would boycott and stop buying their products if they stay on the course and take part of the advisory councils of the President. So, this Trump initiatives has now been suspended and enacted to end because of public will and pressure. This is beautiful and proves the power of Social Media and campaigning.

The Manufacturing Council and their CEO’s could not be changed or get new appointments, since Trump couldn’t stomach or have the will to force his own agenda on the businesses. It was a nice propaganda machine, but now it couldn’t carry its own. The Council has lost value and therefore abandoned by him.

People are really reacting to his openness to supporting the “Alt-Right”, the White Nationalist, White Supremacists and the Neo-Nazi’s who was illegally beating and causing harm in Charlottesville. Therefore, the CEO’s couldn’t stand the pressure and be affiliated with the President. Now he has lost his leverage with these businessmen. Therefore, has to find other avenues to prove his listening skills with the business-community. Since they cannot handle is open trust into racists groups and their vile act of violence. The public are outrage and displeased with their leader, who are blaming anyone else and making up his alternative-reality, his alt-reality. Peace.

Opinion: Trump is a racist, who now blatantly supported the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville!

I have said it before and say it again. President Donald J. Trump is a racist; the deniers have to dig themselves a deep hole, because the Press Conference yesterday proves it. Even if the “Unite the Right” had permit, the walking of Neo-Nazis and White Supremacist shouldn’t have this sort of defense. It doesn’t belong to this world and the American experience, but apparently it do, since the President slogan is even from Nazi supporters in the mid-1920s and 1930s, the America First Movement. So his doubling down and his blatant disregard and alternative-reality. Alt-Reality I will call it, since there is not Alt-Left, there is a Alt-Right, because the Neo-Nazis, White Supremacist and the KKK are all on that basket. All of them are happy for the rise of power to Trump. Who clearly do what he can to have their support.

Just take some of the quotes from his Press Conference yesterday!

“Q: Senator McCain defined them as the same group.

Trump: What about the alt left that came charging at, as you say, at the alt right? Do they have any assemblage of guilt? What about the fact that they came charging with clubs in their hands swinging clubs? Do they have any problem? I think they do. That was a horrible, horrible day. Wait a minute. I’m not finished. I’m not finished, fake news. That was a horrible day. I will fell tell you something. I watched that very closely, much more closely than you people watched it. You had a group on one side that was bad. You had a group on the other side that was also very violent. Nobody wants to say that. I’ll say it right now. You had a group on the other side that came charging in without a permit and they were very, very violent.

Q: Do you think what you call the alt left is the same as neo-Nazis?

Trump: All of those people — i’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups. Not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue, Robert E. Lee.

You take a look at some of the groups and you see and you would know it if you were honest reporters, which in many cases, you are not. Many of those people were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. This week, it is Robert E. Lee and this week, Stonewall Jackson. Is it George Washington next? You have to ask yourself, where does it stop? You take a look. The night before. They were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee” (Nelson & Swanson, 2017).

This sort of insane defense of the White Supremacist and Neo-Nazis that is hard to believe a sitting President in 2017 would do, but he does. He talks about the permits to walk and such, but the Alt-Right groups where violent from the get-go, a reason why the Police Officers was following the parade, while not going into the battles between the right-wing conspirators and the reactionary protest movement. He quickly blames them, and trying to save the face of fascist groups, who was violent themselves. It is insane and weird, but proves the open racist the President himself is. Trump is defending them better than the Daily Stormer and the Breitbart. Bot which is special!

“Q: You said there was hatred and violence on both sides?

Trump: I think there is blame on both sides. You look at both sides. I think there is blame object both on both sides. I have no doubt about it. You don’t have doubt about it either. If you reported it accurately, you would say that the neo-Nazis started this thing. They showed up in Charlottesville. Excuse me. They didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis. You had some very bad people in that group. You also had some very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group — excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.

George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down — excuse me. Are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him. Good. Are we going to take down his statue. He was a major slave owner. Are we going to take down his statue? It is fine. You are changing history and culture.

You had people and i’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. The press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people but you also had troublemakers and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group too.

Q: You were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly?

Trump: No, no. There were people in that rally. I looked the night before. If you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down taking down the statue of Robert E. Lee. I am sure there were some bad ones.

The following day, it looked like they had some rough, bad people, neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them. You had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest and very legally protest. I don’t know if you know, they had a permit. The other group didn’t have a permit.

So I only tell you this. There are two sides to a story. I thought what took place was horrible moment for our country, a horrible moment. But there are two sides to the country” (Nelson & Swanson).

So it is weird that the President would say that Neo-Nazis and White Nationalist were treated unfairly, when their were permitted to rally, even it spread fear amongst people in the town and in Virginia in general. They were right to fear it, since the violence sparked with the demonstration started. That he is even defending the statue and the name, shows his bias, instead of understand the concern of the Confederate War General name over a park and as a statue. It is as if the President is a Confederate from the New York, which is ironic.

The others reacted to the fear and wasn’t violent. Not as the ones killing and hurting opposing groups. It is weird that President Trump defends them and this way. Blue Virginia wrote this on the 4th August 2017:

Once again Charlottesville is the focus of national attention as an “alt-right” rally is scheduled for Aug. 12, bringing hate and fear to an otherwise peaceful community. And once again people of faith are ready to rise up to meet this challenge with prayer, presence and, yes, even love. Charlottesville survived a July protest by the Klan without serious incident, but city officials appear concerned that the coming “Unite the Right” rally could be bigger and more dangerous. Led by white supremacist Richard Spencer and local activist Jason Kessler, thousands of people could attend. The rally’s stated purpose is to protest the removal of the city’s Robert E. Lee statue from the park, recently renamed Emancipation Park. City officials have been attempting to convince Kessler to relocate his rally. Kessler has responded by hiring the Warlords motorcycle gang as his “security.”” (Blue Virginia, 04.08.2017)

Clearly, the Virginians was not seeing this demonstration for the Lee Statue as a noble thing or something worthwhile, as Spencer and Kessler are even hiring Motorcycle gangs to defend them. It is like they were prepared for violence, as the local organizers had gotten security for the “alt-right” demonstrators. It is strange, that these are defended and said is fine. Since, the can carry and ride around spring fear in the Charlottesville, but the reactionary are the violent one. That is in the mind in the alternative universe of President Trump.

I am not shocked, Trump, has been and are a racists, I said it like forever, but this just settle the argument once and for all. That the doubles down on the “many sides” and saying there is many fine people amongst the White Nationalists, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis. This is sickening. Peace.


Nelson, Libby & Swanson, Kelly – ‘Full transcript: Donald Trump’s press conference defending the Charlottesville rally’ (15.08.2017) link: https://www.vox.com/2017/8/15/16154028/trump-press-conference-transcript-charlottesville

The CEOs should step-down from the Manufacturing Council: As result of the President non-bashing of “Unite the Right” terror in Charlottesville

Not long after getting into office, President Donald J. Trump appointed and created his own American Manufacturing Council or the Manufacturing Council at the White House, it was appointed on the 26th January 2017. After the weekend of the soft-spoken words against the Neo-Nazi’s, White-Supremacy and the rest of the Alt-Right extremists that was collectively created havoc in Charlottesville. The supporters against boycott and asking them to step down, is for the simple reason: that if they are part of the Council, than they are complicit and also neglecting their roles are people who has power.

The CEOs who has stepped down from the Council is now, Mark Fields from Ford Motor, Ken Frazier of Merck & Co, Klaus Kleinfeld of Aronic, Brian Krzanich of Inter Corporation, Marie Lenghi of U.S. Steel, Thea Lee of AFL-CIO, Scott Paul of Alliance for Manufacturing, and Kevin Plank of Under Amor. Also, because of the Presidents stance on Climate Change, the CEO of Tesla Elon Musk, stepped down from the Council. Therefore, within 48 hours 8 CEO’s have stepped down and in total 9.

Because on the 12th August as the “Unite the Right” who was saying they could finally walk-free and be open about their racism. Clearly, even former KKK big-man David Duke said there was there, because the victory of Trump. On the Daily Stormer, the Alt-Right and White Supremacist Daily Paper online, they even was proud of the statement and not answering journalists for his response to the media on the matter. He was correctly addressed for his misgivings as claiming it was on “all sides”.

Therefore, his answer to the people resigning is this: “For every CEO that drops out of the Manufacturing Council, I have many to take their place. Grandstanders should not have gone on. JOBS!” (Trump, 15.08.2017). Clearly, if people are still in the council, they should resign in compassion and care against the Alt-Right in the White House, the White Supremacy and the racism that is visible from the Executive. He doesn’t care, he could bash the CEOs before there had gone down to dawn, but needed 48 hours before he could address, who and what on a teleprompter to the American people.

The American people deserves a person who includes and appreciate all walks of live, not only the ones of his own. Seemingly, he bashes anyone who isn’t like him and making it hard to emigrate to the United States. This is because his appointed Attorney General Jeff Sessions works hard to make policies and regulations to fit the paradigm of Trump. That advisor Stephan Bannon, Gorka and Stephen Miller all Alt-Right craziness, compared with the ones who has been fired. Are clearly, showing the traits of this government and why the ones in the rally at Charlottesville. Feel they have a government fitting them.

Therefore, when this known, together with the slurs against Mexians, LGBT and all sort of others than White. Than you know the true compassion of Trump. The CEOs of the United States Companies who are there will support and be culpable people compromised by Trump. That is why the President even says there are always someone to take their place. They can easily be changed and get new puppets to the show. That is what the President says.

Therefore, the ones who are in the Council, know that you are used by the President, as useful props in his game. I got General Electric, Campbell Soups, Locheed Martin, Johnson /& Johnson, Dell Technologies, Timken Company, Caterpillar, Boeing, 3M and Newell Brands on my board. The others didn’t add anything to create jobs anyway. Soon he will get FoxxCon to join, since they soon has business in Wisconsin and Chinese doesn’t care about internal political squabble elsewhere, it is just business.

The ones who will take a step against the racists uprising, the ignorant President who couldn’t condemn it, but when did, it was soft and not really counting. It was like a forced farce of teleprompter eye-hurting, dwell-dodging baffoon trying to sound smart. When he really didn’t believe the words he did, since he is initially on their side. Everyone else, are just cleaning up his mess, because if he has an issue, he sparks fury on Twitter against you and calls you out. That he didn’t with the violence of Charlottesville. That is because he agrees and are one of them.

This is now proven, by the President. It isn’t beyond any doubt. The CEOs who are still part of the Manufacturing Council has a decision, will they be complicit or will they defend sound values? Will they be silent enforces of the ideals of the President. This will counter the ideals of open society and inclusive society that are open to anyone not on race, religion or gender. These are now on stand-by as their inclusive workforce and others can be in question as they can be appointed and on a board. Where they are connected to a leadership that fits “America First”.

President Trump has run an “America First” program, this was first coined this way, as been quoted from the Heritage Foundation: “Like any mass political movement, America First was an amalgamation of groups and fellow travelers who sometimes shared little more in common than an opposition to America’s entry into the war. The ranks of the antiwar movement included pacifists and communists (at least until Germany attacked the Soviet Union in 1941), wild-haired liberals, straight-laced conservatives and everything in between. The antiwar movement was far from homogenous. For instance, in January 1941 Lindbergh issued a press statement distancing himself from the No Foreign Wars Committee headed by the journalist Verne Marshall and pro-Nazi businessman William Rhodes Davis. Lindbergh had helped the group get started, but then cut ties over Marshall’s volatile leadership and vitriolic attacks, including swipes at Lindbergh and other leaders in the America First Committee” (James Jay Carafano, Ph.D. – ‘The Truth About the America First Movement’, 11.07.2016, link: http://www.heritage.org/defense/commentary/the-truth-about-the-america-first-movement).

Also in the Washington Post on the 20th January 2017 wrote this: “During the early 1930s, as the Nazis consolidated control over Germany, the U.S. media baron William Randolph Hearst began touting the slogan “America First” against President Franklin Roosevelt, whom he saw as dangerously likely to “allow the international bankers and the other big influences that have gambled with your prosperity to gamble with your politics.” Hearst regarded Roosevelt’s New Deal as “un-American to the core” and “more communistic than the communists” — unlike Nazism, which he believed had won a great victory for “liberty-loving people” everywhere in defeating Communism” (Eric Rauchway – ‘ President Trump’s ‘America First’ slogan was popularized by Nazi sympathizers’, 20-01.2017, Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2017/01/20/president-trumps-america-first-slogan-was-popularized-by-nazi-sympathizers/?utm_term=.81f399389af0 ).

So it is not strange Nazi’s, Racists and White Supremacists likes and supports Donald Trump, he uses their lingo and proudly spends time spreading their message to the whole world. It is like his mantra, using their slogans and their messages. Therefore, if the CEO will stand behind it, a man who has never denounced David Duke or had to be forced condemning domestic-terrorism through White Supremacy. There, are not a better time to step down than now.

Or will you be remembered in time for your complicit acts of silence walking together with the disrespect of people in the United States? Peace.

Mwenda’s political voodoo of the real People’s Power versus Classic Rigging President Museveni style!

Sometimes, you wonder if all the payments from the big-man has deluded someones mind and vision. Like he has to call hardliners in the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) extremists, because supporters of FDC are vicious people in his eyes. That is because they don’t pay him to spread their vision. The more Andrew Mwenda speak, the more he sounds like the brethren of Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. Today is no different. He speaks of the beautiful rain-man style voodoo of the National Resistance Movement (NRM). Take a look!

Lessons for Besigye from Kyadondo East

So yesterday the state deployed its full military might on display like it has never done before. The aim? To win in Kyadondo East. In spite of the deployment (and perhaps because of it) the NRM candidate lost. Bobi Wine won. First lesson: no amount of rigging can stop people power. Second lesson: Kizza Besigye and his hooligans have no people power. Third lesson: FDC extremists claiming anyone stole their votes are deluded. Advice to FDC extremists: Go to the people and get their support first. Stop lying to yourselves that someone steals your votes” (Andrew Mwenda, 30.06.2017).

I don’t know if Mwenda was considering that if it was the same with Presidential Elections compared to the a smaller By-Election. He should think of it differently. There was play of Police Officers and Military Police in the Kyadondo East polls. But they we’re not as significant as during the General Election of 2016. When the whole militarized politics and the police interference in politics was into another level. Yesterday, the only thing IGP Kale Kayihura did was smiling and not calling all his brigades, neither all of the RDC or DPC to act upon the promise to cherish the Presidents vision.

That is what happens, all of the state are in the works during a Presidential Election, where the State are already using all their methods and all organizations to take control. They use even fighter planes to fly over Kampala to spread the fear and stop people from demonstrating. They used all sorts of policing to barricade and stop party works of the FDC. They imprisoned major parts of the FDC leadership, activists all over the country and there wasn’t any sort of momentum to gain. The public couldn’t be engaged when they are fighting court-battles and not have the time to significantly move them.

It wasn’t like in February 2016 the team around Dr. Kizza Besigye and Gen. Mugisha Muntu was chilling it on Lake Victoria on the beach with a Nile Brew. Certainly, the state was using all tactics to stop the movement and possible demonstrations, they we’re even more eager to arrest, detain and silence the opposition FDC and others. They were more vigilant. Not like in Kyadondo East where 10 people we’re arrest at Kasangati, if it was in and around February, there were dozens of people arrested, the we’re people shot and killed during demonstrations. The police was using tear-gas and ensuring massive amounts of fear. Not like yesterday, they we’re really just barricading and driving around compared to the Presidential Election.

That the people’s power in the General Election would means that the engagement of the Bobi Wine style in whole of Uganda. The difference is that the NRM regime wouldn’t allow that. If the locals in every village and every town, than Mwenda’s people would have reacted and called in uncivilized, not called it people’s power. They would claim that people had lost their marbles and should trust in the NRM. Because people like Mwenda praises and lives of the NRM. Mwenda doesn’t want the public to take control of the National Talley Centre where the Electoral Commission together with their officers we’re rigging the election. That one was close guarded and would need an army to stop it.

That the Opposition party officials and the ones with the copies of the Declaration Forms, they we’re hold at gun-point, their houses raided and the offices cleared as well. This was not how they did it at the By-Election. They acted more peaceful for a simple reason. The NRM didn’t need this one… If they needed it they would acted like they did during the General Election of 2016. The NRM already owns the Parliament, owns the State and controls the Security Organization. This is just formalities at this point, the Parliament are a majority of NRM MPs. These are all men and woman loyal to the crony system of the President.

There is a vast difference and if Mwenda’s vision would be real, as the ones around Kasangati Resort, he would like the people to rise-up, walk together towards Okello House and throw the President in Lake Victoria, leave his Presidential Lodges and Farms burning across the land. See citizens on every corner throw stones at the Police Officers. Act up on the Military and Soldiers, stop paying VAT and really not act as a citizens. Stop the whole system, revolt and act with true resistance and defiance against the NRM regime. Be worse than Walk to Work, be more vigilant than the Action 4 Change and get all sorts of demonstrations against the system.

If this happen, he would call of them extremist, but that is what the Kyadondo really did. They closed off and stopped the rigging inside the Kasangati Resort. If this would have stopped during the election, the Police had be taken hostage by the public, the Talley Center’s had been taken by the public and the Electoral Officials would been followed by the public every moment. Not had the capacity to rig the numbers and give the polling stations different numbers. They would have made issues in every town, every village and in every parish. The Police would have to act upon it and the military too. There wouldn’t be breathing place and a place of ordinary peace.

I want to wish you good luck Mr. Mwenda, if the FDC are radicals or extremists, than his wish of Kyadondo East election, means that he wishes true defiance, true resistance and expression towards the Electoral Commission in unprecedented levels. Such that the NRM never seen and we can only hope happens. But Mwenda seems to forget the legacy of how the Police and military attacks the FDC in the hour of dire need and how the leadership are taken behind bars in and around the polls. But hey, Mwenda has forgotten how it is to be a voice against the NRM, when your could suddenly be silenced and be taken behind bars. For any sort of speech and acts against the regime. This he shouldn’t forget, but the paychecks from them, let is dementia hit early. Peace.

Kyadondo By-Election: The Return Form for Transmission of Results (29.06.2017)

Kyadondo By-Election: Official Results from The Electoral Commission (21.18PM – 29.06.2017)