U.S. Supreme Court allows politicians to get the donors to cover their own personal campaign “debts”

The American Dream is dying, one step at the time. Senator Ethan Roark Jr. of Sin City is becoming the norm of society. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas did deliberately violating campaign finance laws just so he could petition the courts and get the laws changed. He has achieved his mission and by doing so. The donors, the corporations and the Public Action Committee’s (PACs) can circumvent certain stipulations and indirectly pay a candidate. Therefore, the candidate or politician will be beholden to their interests and in the end… not work for the citizens, but for the companies, lobbyists and other interests groups who is paying for their campaign.

The United States of America isn’t getting any better, but only turning worse. The Supreme Court is using benign reasoning. Calling it a political speech to loan money to fund their own campaigns. While we know the loans will be paid by the donors and beneficiaries of the candidates in question. This is ensuring the corporate candidates and the ones who serve certain industries to get massive funding, which will be pocketed by the candidate itself.

A candidate can take out a loan to his/hers own campaign of a ONE MILLION US Dollars and after the campaigns the His/Hers for House/Senate can cover these debts with interests, which goes straight into the account of the politician. That is self-serving and free money, a bribe that ensures the interests of the companies or industries are taken care off. So, it is so weird that this getting allowed, but shows what the Supreme Court really believes in.

Here’s the vital information:

The U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative majority on Monday continued a decades long dismantling of federal campaign finance limits in a divided decision in favor of Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz. The 6-3 ruling, written by Chief Justice John Roberts Jr., struck down Section 304 of the 2002 federal Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act that limited post-election contributions to repay a candidate’s personal campaign loans” (Zack Needles – ‘Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz Wins Federal Campaign Finance Limits Case Before U.S. Supreme Court’ 16.05.2022, Texas Lawyer, Law.com).

For the reasons set forth, we conclude that Cruz and the Committee have standing to challenge the threatened enforcement of Section 304 of BCRA. We also conclude that this provision burdens core political speech without proper justification. The judgment of the District Court is affirmed” (Federal Election Committee Versus Ted Cruz for Senate, May 16, 2022).

The next U.S. elections the campaigns can get vast loans from the candidates themselves. While later cash-that-in, as they are fundraising and getting donor funds from various of sources. All of these sources and lobbyists are doing so for their interests and policy needs. Therefore, we all know the gist of this.

The U.S. elections and campaign funding is already a corporate white-wash of funding. This is just tripling down and ensuring a “sign-on-fee” for politicians, which is only have been known for athletes. If not it is securing a means for an advance by “loaning” to your own campaign and getting a donor to cover the “debt”. So, in return the candidate will cash-in and get refunded this as personal revenue.

Ted Cruz and the current Supreme Court has made it possible for the rich candidates to enrich themselves on their own campaigns. In some regards, the way and manner of which they are elected has now also become a cash-grab for the wealthy representatives of Washington D.C. The Republican’s are clearing the swamp, but creating a bigger one. Where they are destroying the rules and opening up all avenues for creating personal wealth. While they are hoping the public doesn’t see or doesn’t care. Because, this is just a way of gaining more money on the job. Since the campaigns are part of the lifestyle and needs to get elected into office. Now the way of getting the job is also a possible way of getting vast profits. This is defended by need of political speech.

So, in the minds of the Supreme Court moving money from one account to another is a sign of political speech. Clearly, the banks of JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, CitiGroup and such will be really happy about this. They don’t even need to get this politicians to hold speeches and get paid. No, they can just donate funds, which will cover the “debts” of the candidates and that will go right into the pocket of whoever they deem fit for their cause. Peace.

Opinion: A $400m Command Agriculture scandal rocks the Republic!

The Ministry of Finance and the whole ZANU-PF have to showed and told the world that they paid Ferts, Seed & Grain (FSG), the Merdian owned corporation the amount of $400m in 2019. The same company they paid $69m and couldn’t answer for the usage of funds.

This is the same company, which came into a scandal in 2018, for the lack of production and equipment for the order of fertilizers in an $89m, a year later, the same company is supposed to be good enough to carry a $400m deal. This is outrages and make the Republic look like a fool.

The family of Morland must be in joy of the fortunes they are making, all of them. Steve Morland, the director, Operation Andrew Morland and Factory Tony Morland. All of them must have joyful days, even though, maybe Isaac Muranganwa, the financial controller is a bit pre-occupied finding reasons for these trades. In addition, Kara Morland is busy finding the New PR Stunt, after the sudden Presser explaining the $400m deal today with Command Agriculture.

If this company struggled to produce for the contract in 2018, which is under ¼ of the current estimated deal, than we have a shallow grave and a ghost sales of epic proportions to the Merdian owned FSG. The Morland operated of Kew Drive in the Highlands in Harare. Surely, when I can do this research. The ones doing the tenders within government should be able to do this too.

So, when the Public Accountants Committee in Parliament cannot answer this, but has the ability to overshadow the shady deal with a company, they have previously engaged in. They should surely be more careful. Instead they hope of the ignorance of the people.

When, I a nobody can find this information and even the previous scandal in mind, the state is showing lack of due diligence or lack of care for own spending. As they have spent close to $500m to uncertain deals, as a part of Command Agriculture, where about $469m be questioned, two shady deals, the same company and surely the same culprits in-charge.

Alas, ZANU-PF doesn’t kid itself, only the public, they and cheat, while people have to ask for debt-relief. Peace.

KMPDU: Statement on the Death of Dr. Hamisi Juma in Cuba (18.03.2019)

President Museveni letter to Hon Matia Kasaija: “Re: Massive Tax Evasion and Concealment of Rental Tax” (23.11.2018)

KCCA Executive Director Jennifer Musisi Resignation Letter to President Museveni (15.10.2018)

Kenya: National Transport and Safety Authority – Deregistration of PSV Operator Licenses (17.09.2018)

President Kenyatta promise more austerity measures!

The Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta have today pushed for a lower VAT on Petroleum, not showing why it gets cuts in half, but still will charge the public more in taxes. While state is promising more cuts in all arms of government. This from a government that has borrowed more spent more and been more corrupt, than any other I can think off. The Jubilee government have a ten-fold of corruption scandals since its inception. Therefore, if the government would clear its yearly shortfall quickly, the embezzlement, frauds and tender scandals has to stop. Also, the open looting by the high-ranking officials and their cronies, which for some reasons skates by, while the funds are running short. That why it is further insult to injury of the public, that the Wealthy President and his rich cronies are asking for a sacrifice. How could he?

Here is his statement:

“Fellow Kenyans, I have spent the last few days listening to a wide cross-section of views. It is clear that you are all troubled by the effect of the rise in the prices of petroleum products, and its impact on the cost of living. I have heard and understood your concerns, which is why I have proposed, as part of my memorandum, to cut VAT on petroleum products by 50% — from 16% to 8%. Should Parliament accept this proposal, the price of super petrol will drop from KSh 127 to about KSh 118, and the price of diesel will drop from KSh 115 to about KSh 107. Just as business owners took the new VAT rate as an opportunity to increase the cost of goods and services, I expect them not to take advantage of weary citizens, and to lower their prices commensurately and without delay. But we still face a financing gap. This measure will not suffice to balance our budget, as required by law. Therefore I have also proposed wide-ranging cuts in spending as well as austerity measures across all arms of government. The cuts target less essential spending, such as hospitality, foreign and domestic travel, training and seminars, and similar categories. These budget cuts ask of us in government that we tighten our belts. It also ensures that the sacrifices made by tax-compliant Kenyans are matched by discipline from all of us in the public service” (Uhuru Kenyatta – ‘STATEMENT BY HE THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA AND COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF THE DEFENCE FORCES, UHURU KENYATTA C.G.H., ON FINANCE BILL 2018/2019 ON 14TH SEPTEMBER, 2018’ (14.09.2018).

This here shows how he thinks and manoeuvre, instead of thinking directly how the elites, the cronies and the central leadership to pay for the shortfall, the added debt and growing corruption will cost the public and not them. The austerity and the lack of service providing, even salaries and lack of needed services will come with time. As the defaulting debt and the restructuring that is programmed through the IMF will hurt the communities.

Kenyatta knows this, but trying to deflect and finds ways to smoothing the hurt, but not initially changing the paradigm. The reality is that the state are struggling financially, have over-borrowed and secured massive debts, it now has to pay with interests, while also swiftly embezzled funds to the high-ranking elites, which are not paying for the short-fall, but the tab is put on the public instead. That is the insane reality and the swindle of the century.

There are usually two sides to ever story, and two side to every coin, but the man who has both created it the issue, are now trying to find ways to billing the debt on the public, without taking direct responsibility or going after the ones who created this in the first place. They are off the hook and off the books. While the public will be left with the costly back-payment and figuring out to pay it back. Day-by-day. Peace.

Kenya: DPP’s Press Statement on Investigations into the Allegations of Misappropriation of Public Funds through Mismanagement of Fuel Consumption (31.08.2018)

Kenya: DPP’s Press Statement on Investigations into the Allegation of Irregular Purchase of Maize by Officials of the National Cereals and Produce Board from Traders (30.08.2018)

Kenyatta’s Legacy will not be his fight against corruption: But the staggering growth of it!

I have issues with President Uhuru Kenyatta and Corruption. He has talked so long about battling it. However, nothing of substance happens. There are some political arsonists who is taken out, now and then. But the systems is more of the same. There are parts of judiciary and parts of government that are supposed to work directly against Corruption. Neither does them seem very interested to touch the high-ranking ones and their connected elites. Which eats of the embezzlement, graft, kick-backs and money laundering. This is done at a scale, which isn’t funny.

Why I don’t believe the President isn’t only because of NYS Scandal 1.0 and 2.0, the Ministry of Health tricks, land-grabbing by random individuals within the government or the Eurobond. But because of the report alone, which stated in June 2018, that Kenyatta’s government since 2013 until 2018 the rate of corruption had grown with 240%. That is why I doubt that this man, who is in his second term and final. Really cares about the fight on Corruption. He can lie to Western Media and the BBC. But the reality is that his government is rampant with Grand Corruption and we know it.

Some key quotes from yesterday:

It is something I am committed to do. It is what I want my legacy to be—the fight against corruption, and transparency, and to ensure that the nation’s resources are used in the manner it should be” (…) “As a government, as an individual, I am committed to this fight. This is an animal, this beast of corruption, is an animal that we intend to slay. What is remaining now is for our independent judiciary to do its job, and give justice for and on behalf of the people of Kenya” (…) “We can even go back to my grandfather, great grandfather. . . What we own, and what we have is known to the public. If there is an instance where someone can say what we have done is not legitimate, say it, and we are ready to face any court” – In an exclusive interview with the BBC Hard Talk’s Zeinab Badawi, President Uhuru Kenyatta” (Patrick Lang’at – ‘Kenyatta: Lifestyle audit can go back to my great grandfather’ 29.08.2018 link: http://www.theeastafrican.co.ke/news/ea/Uhuru-Kenyatta-on-Lifestyle-audit/4552908-4734014-143fnxi/index.html).

I have hard time believing this will be his legacy, the fight against corruption. Especially with his track-record. He is more likely about to tarnish the stability of the Kenyan Shilling and add enough debt to the Chinese. So, they have to trade away vital Mombasa Port or even rent away the whole Standard Gauge Way. As the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is made for that sort of transactions. That is if he is careful with his outstanding debts, as the state officials are eating more and more of the tab. This while the president claims to fight the rampant grand corruption.

He is maybe playing like a big-shot on BBC. However, when he comes home, it is back to our time to eat. He can be the king and the fighter abroad, but when he comes home. He will stay cool, only take out the ones who are in his way or to prove to point. The rest will get away with the evident thieving and grand corruption. That is to be expected, the ones who is charged is political motivated and done to take down, the previous power or the ones the Jubilee doesn’t need.

If this was his legacy, all the governing bodies wouldn’t have become worse in his time, but had stopped growing since Kibaki. Alas. That isn’t the case. Peace.