A spiteful chant: Where did humanity go?

Where did humanity go in our time? When did we cease to care about other people’s struggle and their causes? When did that cease to matter? Because in our time, the rich and wealthy are securing more and more resources, while the poor is having no ways to get out of it. The states are closing their borders, stricter rules for refugees and asylum-seekers. While in dictatorships, the harassments and the internally displaced numbers are rising. The rich countries are investing in warfare, but not taking charge for the fleeing refugees from the crisis. They are trying to pay the states in regions and close the borders in migration routes. There is no heart, just cash-money. The heart has left, and the ignorance is rising.

The deaths of civil wars, the displacements of draconian laws and of dictators doesn’t matter. The lack of dialogue and of political freedoms, that doesn’t matter either. The lack of compassion and of political will change is also okay. As long as the troubles from afar doesn’t touch us. However, we will seal of the borders and make sure the innocent victims of internal disputes and skirmishes hopefully can cross the border to the closest country and not seek refugees in Europe or in the United States. Because, we cannot mange to show some humanity and heart.

The blood in your veins should boil, but for most. We don’t give a damn, they don’t give a fig. If their villages are burned to the ground by the military. If the Police is detaining people without any justification. If the state is securing the demise and death on fake imports. All of that doesn’t matter, as long as it doesn’t happen where we are.

This is the despicable. This is the reality. Our time, our reality, what our representatives put forward and make sure to build big invisible walls and mechanisms to close borders. To make it less achievable and costly to cross. Even more dangerous, as the perils of death and destruction at home isn’t better. But to leave can also cost your life, either by crook or by the book. Secondly, there will be nobody to even care to look.

This should be disgusting. Knowing that people are dying fleeing civil-wars and dictatorship, than when they are entering our safe havens; there is no one caring for their ills and troubles. They will just shrug it off like dirt on their shoulders and move on. There is lack of solidarity and heart. I hope in my time, that the Republic’s and Nation’s that close their borders never start warfare with themselves. As the ones who saw what we did. Might also give us no helping hand. They might say, we saw what your parents did to us. Why should we save the kids to such despicable people? Why do you deserve safe haven, when you couldn’t help our kind in need?

That is what I worry about, because we never know when the tide change, when society start to deteriorate or self-destruct. That is within us and we never know. We could be next, right now it is our brothers from afar, next time it could our closest neighbor or even ourselves. Than, they will remember our cold hearts and lack of compassion in the times of need. Peace.

Opinion: Politics and Policies of our day is like poisons wells, as the politicians cannot even provide the basic services to the citizens!

Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road”Dag Hammarskjöld

Someone has to say it and seems like it has to be me. But there are something wrong with out time and day. When it is made easier to get funds to analyze the waters on Mars and the moon. Than, actually making sure the citizens of so many nations is struggling to provide proper water sources to their citizens. It isn’t like it is the people of Miami’s fault, neither the people of Tokyo, that there is no water in regions of Sudan or in Somalia. That isn’t the fault directly of these people. Neither of mine. But we have to ask. Why is it so? When did this become acceptable?

Not that we made this over day, not that the society was built in a day. It moved to this, we let certain people run our nations, we let certain companies take advantage and also multi-national organization serve certain beneficiaries every single day. We let that happen and it is continuing. We are letting the marginalized being hurt on the daily without any consideration. This is continuing without anyone stopping, while the leaders are driving in expensive SUVs and having palaces for homes. While the ones they represent struggles to pay for enough rice on their plate. We are letting this happen. We are letting them get away with murder, daylight robbery and we are letting them take away the wealth of the nations.

This is not how it is supposed to be. The Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Multi-National Companies, State Institutions and State Owned Companies are supposed to all work together to provide and secure delivery of services and products that we all need. If it work in perfect harmony, than the public and companies should prosper together. If it is correct, the NGOs should overlook society and the state, to make sure they follow the rights of every individual and make sure the politicians doesn’t take advantage of their powers. However, sometimes and to often the security and the state of affairs isn’t made this way.

The companies has secret deals with the politicians, the NGOs are afraid of doing their questioning and reporting, out of fear of addressing the matters and the wrong-doings. The nature, the people and the society are hurt for short-term profits. The companies are more directly involved in the elite politicians and sometimes founded by them. They are making sure the state are covering the debts created in these companies and making sure the family members are hired too. All in a circle of vicious eating of the state funds, without concern on how it affect the economy or the unemployed community. This is happening, while the Wall Street Companies and the big corporations let them. Since they are affiliated and getting fortunes on the funds getting through this process.

We should worry about this, we should pound about it. Not accept it, the acknowledgment that something is wrong, that something isn’t right. That we are taken for granted, other people are eating of our resources and taken everything. Not supporting or adjusting to make sure they actually serve the public. They are not hiring or making sure to respect the provisions of the state even. As they are making deals inside the State House or with family members of the Executive. This is happening on daily basis. The ignorance and indifference. The malicious takings and unacceptable use of public resources. This is just insane and we let it happen again and again. When they know they can, they don’t have to deliver water in the taps, make sure the school is decent and has books, police officers being paid, the soldiers being fed on operations and the roads well-kept. They don’t have to, because they walk in the National Bank, empty the accounts and flee the scene without no Oceans 11. Just walk in suits and tie, smile and grin and go out like they ordered a pizza at the Hut. No issue, no nothing.

That is why there is no water, why there is well, why there are no services. Because we have accepted to be taken for granted, we have accepted to fooled and stolen from, that the powers can silence us and take it all, without any question or any honor. While speaking to us and belittling us. They are using all measures and all the provisions to hold us down. But should we let them? Is that right?

I don’t think so, neither should you. It isn’t just about water, but when you cannot provide what is needed and everything needs to live. You know that society is out of whack. You know that the government doesn’t give a rats ass about you or your kin. Then its time to question them and show them you matter. Not just compliance, but defiance. Not silence, neither violence, but demonstrations that hurt the system and give them a mental beating. Hurt their pockets and their will. That is the only way to stop this, neither companies, NGOs or ruling elite, will give a damn until the people start to stop their bread and circus. When they don’t have fancy bread and has the circus. They will run away and stop being loyal to the paradigm. Until, that happen, they will be ignorance and not care, until their nearest surroundings are breaking and in for the taking.

Just think about that…. Just think about that… Not let that go, the society who cannot even deliver the basics has to be shaken, has to stirred, not with violence, but as long as it silence its weakest and poorest. They are the ones who has to be on the barricades and break the kingpins on top. No-one else will give way. It will cost to do this peacefully. But it has to stop. That there is no water in the tap, there is no well for miles, there is no jobs for 80% of the youth and educated get to emigrate to get a job. Then you know the state of affairs is wrong.

You shouldn’t accept it and neither should I. Not because I do something magnificent, but I don’t. I will just not let my writing and my thoughts be altered into ignorance, when I know to many people on this earth. Get taken for granted, get used as pawns and used tools, when they need aid funds and when they need development funds. However, some of that always get taken. That is why they stay poor and act poor, easy funds to tap into. They can just eat of the IMF, World Bank and Development Banks as long as they write fine plans and proceedings. Someone will take it and buy into it.

That is why the well isn’t built, the water isn’t in the tap. There is no deep concern. There is no concern that yields are dwindling, the sources are not there, the storage of rain-water isn’t there either. Nothing is taken care off. That while the politicians ride by in expensive cars, nice watches, big entourages with security guards and affiliates, give away few pieces of bread and a grand speech. But when the ordinary day passes by, nothing is done, the pothole still there and the liquidated funds are non-existent, the plans was just on paper and things remain the same.

Still, the people and elites expect silence. They don’t expect an uprising, they don’t expect people to say enough, to say, we deserve water, we deserve a state who cares and secure the future of our kids. We deserve to make a society where all people can get a livelihood. Not just the ones closets to the elite. There should be more possibilities. There should be, but there isn’t.

It got to stop, we got to drill and build. We got too, but first we got destroy, to be able to rebuild. We have to dismantle, piece by piece. Because if we continue, the elites and the powers to be will not let go. It is easy money and your not eating. Its a simple trade and one is the loser. While the other party takes it all. Peace.

Opinion: What will we leave behind to the next generation?

I wonder if our leaders of our time is considering their legacy and the aftermath of their decisions. Its like the constant breaking news, the steady flow of information and the reactions are more damage control, than actually policies for a sustainable future. Where the actions of today either creates more hostile environment or more fragile institutions for the next generation to gaze upon. Its like we should wonder, what we have to do. To be sure the kids of today, will have states and institutions that are considered good.

We can wonder if the states are built more for corporations and multi-national financial institutions and their needs over what the citizens need. We can wonder if the linear move of financial services is built for the multi-national corporation and their sophisticated tax evasions, which is legal, but still questionable by all parts of society. Because of citizens does so, they will be punished by late-taxes, while a corporation can create a shell-company and move the money like a saint.

We can really wonder what will be left behind, as the states are fragile, the military powers are extended and more countries are affected of violence and senseless killings. By both militants and by state sponsored armies. All of this are creating havoc and making the states weaker, while the injustice roam. Citizens are fleeing injustice and insecurity, trying to find shelter and a new home. While the riches nations are putting up higher walls, making it more dangerous to pass and making agreements on the borders. To stop them and even send them home into violence and possible death by association. This is all happening, day to day.

In many countries it is dangerous to be opposition. If you oppose the ruling regime, you will be arbitrary arrested, your family will be monitored and you might be assassinated. Your business will be taken over or destroyed. The elections are rigged and the appointments made by the elected officials are obnoxious. They are made for facilitating the parties and their cronies. Not to build institutions or departments to deliver services to the citizens, but instead its used for cronies of the leadership of the day.

So it seems like tomorrow is forgotten, because the latest burning fire is more important that thinking about the future. If we could avoid it or even try to find solutions to avoid fires. Stop the dry forests, find out why the temperatures are arising and all the other issues for the running fires. It has to be stopped. The reasons for the businesses has the ability to take out profits where they initially earn it and put it into accounts in Tax Havens. That takes away needed funds and state reserves to secure delivery of needed functions of the state. Which all costs from planning to delivering, from salaries to procurement. Everything has to be covered by the taxes and the revenue made within the state, therefore, when the corporations are allowed to move profits without taxes. They are initially using the state and citizens, while also shelving the needed costs of actually doing business in the state. Even if it is profitable today, it might be more costly tomorrow. As the bankrupt states, the initial degree of defaulting on loans and the interests pay by the state. Take away even more services and possible development of the needed ministries and departments by the state. It is an evil circle, which in the end, make it impossible for the businesses to do business, since the public cannot afford and the state cannot afford either. Since they are all paying down loans, instead of growing the economy with need for the products these businesses make.

If the leadership of today had cared and had thought it through. They would have had more mechanisms, would have had more secured definitions and actually built institutions with protocols to fix possibly tomorrows problems. Instead, we are trying to configure and find solutions again and again. We are trying again to fix similar problems, with lacking funds and times. We are having meager responses and lack luster performances. Where we are building up personality cults and armed generals as leaders, while forgetting why we have governments. The governments that are there as representatives and providers for our day to day lives.

Still, that vision is far fetched and also seems like pipe-dream. Where the states are more and more complying to multi-national corporations and their interests over the needs of the citizens. If not they are complying to the leadership or one single leader who control the state itself. The democratic values are dying, the benefit of representation is dwindling and the face-value of the government. The government is losing value, while the ones leading them is enriching themselves instead of serving the citizens. They are doing this, this way since they are obliging the corporations and cronies instead of serving them.

Is this the legacy we want to leave to the next generation? Is this the state of affairs, we want to be remembered for? That we let them take us and use us for our time and when we lived. That we didn’t build a better tomorrow for us the citizens, but to make sure the leaders and the corporations earned on our hard work and dedication. Its clearly somebody is compensated, while the rest is bleeding.

While we’re wounded and taken for granted. Should we react, should we question and should find ways to demonstrate our discontent with the current affair. As our state mind cannot accept being taken for granted and being used in the favors of people we don’t know and doesn’t represent us anyway.

We should about this and wonder, how can we recover and make they do? What can we do as citizens to get this back? Get them to represent us instead of them. Be for us and work for us and not work for them. Neither work for the corporations or the cronies, but work for us. That is not to much to ask for, but it wouldn’t be easy.

We have to work together and dismantle this. Because the governments cannot be traded-off and we be used only to vote before every term and then left astray. We cannot accept that the illegitimacy of the current state. With leaders disrespecting both their citizens and the state institutions to stay in power. That is how it is, but not how it should be.

I don’t have any solutions, but we have to start discussions and consider our ways. Think and find ways out of this mess. So we can leave a better world for the next generation. Not leave a world with leaders and states, where the citizens are disenfranchised and lost with few options. Where the corporations together with multi-national organizations are taken control, instead of the governments. That is not how its supposed to be with the civil service and the ministries/departments of our states.

We need change, we need something else. We shall not and should not accept to deliver this mess to the next generation. They never asked for this and should not have to work against it. We should deliver are better world to them and not leave a battlefield and a turmoil, while hoping we have given them the work ethic and the skills overcome it. Peace.

Opinion: Too many Gangsters and too few Statesmen!

“The truth is that every intelligent man, as you know, dreams of being a gangster and of ruling over society by force alone. As it is not so easy as the detective novels might lead one to believe, one generally relies on politics and joins the cruelest party. What does it matter, after all, if by humiliating one’s mind one succeeds in dominating every one? I discovered in myself sweet dreams of oppression.” – Albert Camus

In the time of abundance of information, of knowledge and of history, we still reap of a world not of Statesmen, but of gangsters. These sort of people who collect themselves in dens at night to scheme and to plan their next theft. Instead of building nations, building republics and building the foundation needed for the future generations.

We have a leadership and a bunch of leaders, who are more around their wealth and their image, than their achievements, as the protocol is to standout, but not deliver polices that actually matter.

That the politician of our day, many of them and the ones who rule, wants to have power, they seek power and they grab power by any means. While the citizens in fear of answering the theft and the perfect crime, let it go for their safety and their families sake. The thieving from the highest offices, the might of these men. The vicious theft of state reserves done in broad day light, on the main-streets of the capitals of the world. As if the state coffers was personal reserves for Gucci or Fendi. Instead of serving the public with welfare and decent infrastructure.

The biggest thieves are the actual criminals, because they do in the dark and steal, they sell illegal dozes of drugs and violates justice with impunity. That is their role in society. They are supposed to be the ones who force ill and creates havoc if caught. The leadership of the nations are supposed to be the example of men, the one the citizens looks up to and want to become. They want to emulate and know that these men makes the future.

Instead, they are vicious, playing in codes and use all sort of tricks to get the public funds, to misuse and allocate the funds, so that the welfare dies and the state suffers. So that they can ride in the most expensive vehicles known to men, so they can afford the best cuts of meat, one prime real estate and wear the fancies imported suits. Still, the ones they are take care off; they suffer and can nearly scrap funds for the schooling for their daughters and sons.

Therefore, the biggest thief is not the ones who actually does direct crime, but the gangsters in Parliament, in local government and the Presidents. Who eats of the government plate, take the funds without any hesitation and spends their time sponging fortunes, which was supposed to benefit the public. These sort of acts of looting that skates by and leave nothing, but dust behind.

That the sweet dreams of oppression, the sanity of society and the knowledge of the culprit, the knowledge of the capacity of the leadership and regimes to misuse their power and their connections, the altercation of the norms to benefit the elite and the businesses surrounding the state. Instead of having a state that actually works of the citizens. There are certain signs of misbehavior that never should happen. So that the citizens are sure their representatives are men of honor and men of pride, not just who eats of the plate of the citizens. That doesn’t misuse the capacity as representative to get wealth, but to build their nations. As a functioning branch that support the citizens and listens to the will of the citizens. Since if, they get wealth by being connecting to corporations, to international community, more than the citizens. Then there is something wrong with the system between citizens and their representatives.

The leadership should not focus on the power they have, but the power that is bestowed them. They would not have it, if it were not for the people. They would just be citizens without any special function or be deserves anything else. The representatives are there as an acknowledgement from their constituency. If they forget that, then it is time to change them. Then the public should elect someone else, since the citizens deserves better representation.

Therefore, as we see today and look beyond for tomorrow, we should think of the reasons why we have so many gangsters in charge, why we let them and why we cannot get rid of them. They are there with force, but not with our will. We should act upon it and deservedly not let us, be taken for granted or being used by some gangsters. We should give time and effort to dismantle the leadership and finds way to forge a new future. With leaders who represent not only themselves, but also their constituent and their will.

That the people who are having nations run by gangsters should feel betrayed, they should find ways to get rid of them. Not just let it be status quo, let them run the shop and take the spoils. Leave nothing behind, but stolen promises and leaflets of pledges. The empty hope and the theft of nations, as the resources, the future generations and the present struggles become harder, as the crime of the gangster are determined in dens without knowledge of the commons.

These sort of acts should not have the time or the day, in our age, but they do and with a grander acts than before, and we let it happen. We let them take, we let them do and we let them justify their rule. As we are just citizens, they can walkover and does not need to serve. As long as we let the gangsters, we are at our own fault, as we let the crime go-on… and go-on… with no plan of change for the better. We just let our government sink as a ship, with no exit plan and no Plan B.

The Gangsters are eating, we are drowning, is this the supposed enlightenment we as society was supposed to have? Peace.

President Uhuru Kenyatta statement on the opening meeting of the African Union Committee of Ten of the United Nation Security Council – 17. November 2014


