Opinion: Countering the nonsense of attacking Besigye as there are more dire need reactions from the supporters if they want change!

Besigye Kampala 11.05.2016 P4

The Defiance campaign couldn’t be an easy run; it would be and is a long walk to freedom. There isn’t a short quick and brief change out of thin air. The wish and concern isn’t only on the FDC Presidential Candidate of late Dr. Kizza Besigye. The arrests for Hon. Michael Kabaziguruka of Nakawa and his Court Martial; together with arrest of the ones who dare to protest against the National Resistance Movement in this day and age. Just like the Youth of Democratic Party who demonstrated against the greedy Members of Parliament we’re detained. The oppression of the NRM regime doesn’t go away overnight like morning dew.

For those of you who thought this would be easy. Yes I had hope in February that the FDC and Dr. Kizza Besigye would win, because of the men running he had the best agenda and the needed remedy. The NRM has involved the Central Government in a way where the directions of the fiscal policies and the cash-barred MPs to beg for greed instead of dropping policies and laws that matters. The NRM machine are more caring about skinny jeans, short skirts and porn than having working equipment in the hospitals and steady delivery of needed medicines. This is the proof of the rigid brown-enveloped system blessed by the almighty at the State House.

While that is happening there people with hope and see that the brown-envelopes won’t create any common good, but only for the current elite who eat the spoils of foreign donors and the secretive agreements between government and businesses. Getting mansions and luxurious SUVs before riding to the closest mall where even the Government Spokesperson Ofwono Opondo stole underwear. It’s just how the system is made to blatant regard the men who in all their honour bow their heads to the Mzee on the top. They are allowed to do anything and get away with it. Therefore the ones who counter this paradigm get whipped, detained or even disgraced in public.

FDC Youth 14.03.2016

Still, with this in mind the blames that the current embattled Besigye is at fault. Not because he hasn’t tried and done what he could empower the opposition with vigour to assemble in Power 10 (P10) Structure and other to counter the NRM Poor Youth or any other group that the Government used to silence the FDC. The FDC mobilisers has been detained as common as the roads development has been bribing state officials; it is so common that the news of detaining a FDC Youth or Mobilisers are day-to-day acts of the Police Force. So it is not like Besigye and the FDC haven’t had heavy-water to carry.

The assurance that the Defiance Campaign wasn’t made in fear of repression from the NRM or the Government; should have been well known as the NRM Regime has since it establishment done what it could to harass and disrupt the rallies of Dr. Paul Ssemogerere and so on. The ones forgetting that is currently forgotten the past. I am sure even the current leader of DP Norbert Mao has had issues under the last Campaign Trial in 2011/2012. Norbert Mao we’re even detained during the campaign in this calendar-year because the UPF cannot help themselves to make life hard for real opposition.

So with that knowledge of this and even after the 10th Parliament have started and the Plenary Sessions begun. This is the start of the new breed of MPs, who wish to get more funds and more salaries then the former legislators. They want to be rich quick and get that on the public funds. They don’t have ideas of their obligations to represent their citizens and not eat of their citizens. Even if they just follow what the ‘Old Man with the Hat’ has teaches them as he came with empty pockets to the Parliament and now decades later are richer than god.

Ready to Move with Sevo Music Campaign for 2016 P4

So if the ones caring thought the Defiance Campaign would succeed on its own like a marching band making noise on the gates when it past and everybody enjoying it. You’re wrong because some hates the marching band and other wish they just went down more street. Defiance of Besigye had to get public support and truly be invested in it to get the change happen. The fear of the repression of the regime and their sanctions might be a reason for why it has partly failed for the moment. Because if they wanted they should do more than quickly after thinking of boycotting the “Tubonga Nawe” artists who campaigned for the Cow farmer.

Besigye had #KigwaLeero wishing for a brighter future and make a difference. He asked for a government with accountability and we’re there for the public. Not like the ones that is there now who is there for former rebel who takes the riches for himself and leaves scraps for the elite who is loyal to him.

Defying the regime could not be done by him alone in Kasangati, it could be only be the hardliners who stood by Besigye in his hardships. It has to be made the ones who really want to get rid of the regime of present. It will not be easy and get there easily. Some has spoken of violence and using the tactics of old, like the ones that Mzee used himself to get power. If you do so wouldn’t you be the same as him? If he used guns and guerrilla warfare to get into power and you use the same doesn’t that make you a rebel who dreamed of power and not a true democrat? Even if Ghana’s Jerry Rawlings made it and ushered in a positive political system, that doesn’t necessary work for Besigye.

I doubt that Besigye want to use violence and rebel through the rifles and assassinate his opponents. As he was parts of the NRA and doesn’t want the change to be of the old ways, only through guns and on the battlefield. There is precisely in history that none President or Executive in Uganda has been changed peacefully through the ballot, instead through the bullets, which makes sense at least to those of us who believes in peaceful transitions.

VPN 18.02.2016 P2

That means that this is not alone on Besigye, this is on the supporters and the opposition itself. That means that struggle of the opposition has to defy the current regime. With means that hurt the regime and that discontinue the fiscal funding of government, that counter the legitimacy of the institutions and the opposition has to build strong grass-root movement that has most of the base in the population. So that you have all corners on the knees and weak; so that the actions of government can be countered by people’s sanctioning them. The best acts of the defiance during the Election period were the use of VPN to counter to Social-Media Ban of the Uganda Communication Commission (UCC). So the people have it naturally in them when they feel betrayed and knowledge of ways to stop nonsense from all-controlling government.

It’s that kind of defiance that is needed. That kind of acts that hurts the MTN and the others who practically funds the regime and keeps the taxation without representation going. Besigye can be blamed, but he is the spokesman and the one who is tormented by the regime already. So the man has done and continues to do his part. The people behind have to use their wisdom and ways to destabilize the regime by peaceful means and even risk their freedoms. As so many youths and people associated with FDC has been during the years. Also other political parties have also felt the pain of being opposition. So the ones blaming Besigye has lost the basic component of it all: the key is always the people! They, the people have the fate of the government in their hands; the Government lives either on the trust from the public or of the fear of the people going against it.

The people decide not only through secret ballots, but through their faith and their assessment of the situation of how they believe they should govern. Some might accept the current regime in silence because of the fear and the belief if they go against it they lose it all. But if those all thinks like this than the organizing against the current regime will not become of anything.

Now with this the FDC and Besigye have to show Defiance and be upfront as they have to use their support to weaken the NRM and their henchmen’s. This is not only defying in court and going from kangaroo courts and smiling on NTV. That is to directly counter the regimes acts in Parliament, demonstrate and boycott. Use other ways with even stronger force and more success than Walk to Work. That will not be easy and that can only happen if the momentum and belief together with the peoples. The Peoples or the Citizens can only act when they are sure they will conquer the regime, if not they will demonstrate and lose the little they have. They lose their hawking job and their voice where they were. That is not acceptable.

Kapwocha FDC 080116 P1

What Besigye has to do is not to give in or give up. He is the voice of hope and a brighter new day. But to get the brighter new day for the Ugandan people under a new government who have other belief in institutions and service delivery than the people has to support Besigye and his cause. Not because Besigye is only one who can do this, but because he is the ones who champion it through defiance on his own.

The ones who attacks Besigye for his campaign hasn’t understood it; but is more worrying is that people can only stand behind their voice in the wilderness or leave the belief of regime change. And giving up a 30 year regime and an Executive that has been there since 1986 is hard. Because of the ways the draconian laws and fiscal policies are set-up. That should give reason for the citizens to react with demonstrations and peaceful mobilizations in the ways of the VPN to defy the all-eating NRM and their in-accurate methods of silencing voices which isn’t their own. Peace.

Chameleone is lost on his Leone Island; 2 days ago had good discipline as a tax-payer; today victim of not paying tax; time to take the boat from the Leone Island to reality

J.Chameleone NRM Suit

Something doesn’t seem to connect right with this big-man of a musician. It’s not often I comment on the matter of musicians anymore, since they don’t act as foolish as the politicians now a-days, but today Jose Chameleone has decided to act strange and fictional in days apart. Let me explain in his owns words.

What you should also know that for 90 days he has been paid UGX 5m. Quick fix will make 40×5 is UGX 200m. And if he was on a 100 campaigns for NRM he was paid UGX 500m. That tells whey he should have extra pocket money right now, plus the monies he earned for studio-time recording “Tubonga Naawe” as a gig-song for the NRM party.  First it is from a entertainment outlet with the initial start of the campaigns for the musicians, after that his words.

On the 17th October of 2015:

“Gives Shs 400 M to Musicians @ #‘TubongaNaawe’Launch A number of Ugandan musicians last evening stormed Speke Resort Hotel Munyonyo where they had been invited to dine with President Museveni at the launch of the “Tumbonge Naawe” project. The artistes who attended the launch include Pallaso, Bebe Cool, Dr. Jose Chameleone, Kinga Saha, Mun-G, Gravity Omutujju, Comedian Ann Kansiime and Fashionista Brian Ahumuza commonly known as Abryans among others who were all clad in yellow, the color for the National Resistance Movement” (…)”The President also offered the artistes UGX 400M as a token of appreciation for their support” (Entertainment World, 17.10.2015).

Here it is his own words recently!

On the 3rd February of 2016:

“Don’t stay home waiting for Heavens to find you in your sitting room discussing other people achievements because Miracles came like that in Jesus’s time!!!! We are a generation where nothing like stones turns to bread.Young people should wise up and work so hard so their sweat bears fruits now!!!

Forget the ‪#‎NIKEAIRMAGS

Thanks to the Almighty God.

In this picture another construction


Good Financial Discipline from a dedicated Ugandan Tax Payer 😊


J.Chameleone House 3.02.2016

On the 5th February of 2016:

I have tried to air my concern about how short our peoples memory is and many have looked at it as a point worthless. The same people who wrote the story when I was inconvenienced by Uganda Revenue Authority Upon Tax are back again to use their words to disrupt peace within fellow comrades!!!! I simply stated that I am a dedicated Tax Payer and didn’t call no ones name. We need to preserve respect for one another. Don’t create Gaps between Artistes in Favour of your own interests.

However,We have all been Victims of Tax Payment!


J.Chameleone Tax issues 05.02.2016

This here tell the different between the ordinary and musicians, musicians can earn quick money, but not think about the tax man, while spending millions on sneakers and house. Why didn’t you check about the money and tax for your car Dr. Jose Chameleone?

How are you the victim when you earn so much more monies then the average Ugandan, easily a 500m shilling in 90 days, and President Museveni has hold over 200 campaign rallies, so his sum could be even double, nearly tripled in that sense. But with the average one, he has earned a fortune on the campaign trail. That is why I can afford lots of new fancy house and shoes. While not notifying or securing the payment through his accountant, would that be to hard for you? That I am saying since you can afford so much other stuff without thinking. Peace.

UCC bans “Dembe” from Bobi Wine; Proves again the fear of other voices then from the NRM-Regime

Bobi Wine Dembe

The Ghetto President has released a new song who he has released in the last 48 hours ago. It have been rumored and circulated that it have been banned by the Uganda Communication Commission (UCC), the same brotherhood who banned Tamale Mirundi after his statement of support for Amama Mbabazi. They are yet another mouthpiece of the NRM-Regime. The song is a token of piece from an artist who won’t be bought.

That is why you haven’t heard him on the gig-song project of Bebe Cool with the all-star team for the song: “Tubonga Naawe” where they had the giant release and music video. And the most of them would also take a part of the campaign trail for Mzee. They are all getting money for service rendered on the behalf of the #VoteSsevo campaign trail.

Bobi Wine is sustainable and on his own. He is have been vital and political before as he we’re when he released the song and video for “Time Bomb”. Now he dropped this song and it’s banned for TV and Radio. Which proves the fear that UCC have for anything… they didn’t even like or approve the CCEDU voting education campaign in 2015. They are starting as narrow-minded in the 2016! Be proud you elected fools for Mzee, instead of free-thinking men something you could have been, but that train have left the station long time ago. Therefore you do this to show loyalty to him. But this song is generally going against the regime, it just want to spread the message of peaceful elections. Is there an issues with peaceful and elections when it comes to NRM-Regime, it seems like this! Peace.

BTW: Listen to the song and support Bobi Wine!   

What NRM’s #Steady Progress really is…

KCCA at work

We all know that the election is going on and that NRM have a campaign slogan as such: “Steady Progress”. This is the time when NRM is telling in each district they visit about the 29 years of “steady progress”. Well, I will not, I am not NRM. And not a great fan of the NRM. As those of you who read my page/blog should understand by now. I will show another story of the #Steady Progress have been under the NRM and Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s presidency.

#Steady Progress under the NRM-Regime is that there been violence and arresting the opposition leaders with different claims. And have rhetoric that attacks others then look into their own missteps. Especially when Mzee hear the reports of the violence were from NRM-Supporters together with the Police in an area (Ntungamo clashes for instance). There isn’t the first time the President Museveni spreads fear in the name of democracy and not the last. He can put his words into a leopard’s mouth and see if the animal bites.

#Steady Progress is to have close hospitals in the weekends and having no nurses at the referral hospital in the districts. #SteadyProgess is to suspend health workers after showing the terrible working condition of the Health Care facility.

Burundi Report Police

#Steady Progress is to use the colonial law of preventative arrest when it fits the NRM-Regime and if it fits the new law Public Order Management Act then the Police will take care off or silence Political Opposition leader, Human Rights Activist or even random pedestrians.

#Steady Progress is that the police tells the world and journalist on how to conduct themselves and how to be a part of campaign convoys of the opposition leaders.

Jinja Police 10915 P1

#Steady Progress is that the Police are interfering in Opposition leader’s rallies instead of securing them.

#Steady Progress is to give a higher pay-rise to the Electoral Commission chairman from 6 million shillings a month to 35 million shillings each month.

#Steady Progress is first to lose the money to sustain and make the National ID cards, and not give them to the citizens. Then later deliver this to the Internal Displaced People in the camps and also immigrants from neighbor countries then the initial voters and citizens of the country.

#Steady Progress is to have terrible roads in and around the villages. #Steady Progress is to finally have rail system working between Kampala – Namanve, but not for the rest of the country, and it had to happen right before the election.

cadets10 UPDF

#Steady Progress is to go into neighbor countries with the army without international mandate for securing the friends and caretakers of nations around to secure loyalty to the President of Uganda, not to secure Uganda.

#Steady Progress is to make the currency weaker and weaker. #Steady Progress is to make the Bank of Uganda a personal visa card for the government because of the new amendments to the Public Finance Bill of 2015.

#Steady Progress is to make the nomination of candidates for elections more expensive so only the ones that are friends and cronies of the President will be sure of having the funding and support to stay on as candidates.

#Steady Progress is to bankrupt the national airliner and still only have on international airport in the country, also to get British Airways to cancel their flights to Entebbe and stopping fly to it after the set date of contract with the Airport.

Cars 051115 Frank Tun.. P1

#Steady Progress is to give away expensive cars to Regional District Commanders to ensure the safety of NRM and not the people of the northern regions.

#Steady Progress is to promise loyal cronies more districts and sub-counties to secure loyal men in charge over areas and make the opposition unsure of the new constituency.

Kable NRM Primaries P1

#Steady Progress is to have a chaotic internal elections with pre-ticked ballots, late ballot delivery, wrong names on the ballot, stealing the forms for final counting, winners jailed for misconduct, bribing voters in villages to vote for candidates, letting members of other parties vote in the internal ones, sole candidacy in many constituencies and also clear indication of rigged for loyal Mzee men and woman.

#Steady Progress is to land as hunting-grounds or for services rendered for the government either to the likes of Aga Khan or other foreigners, even trade of forests and mineral rich land, to get it pocketed while the Government of Uganda can.

#Steady Progress is to borrow more and more money to fund the aid deficit created by the “Anti-Gay-Bill” fiasco. That left a vacuum from foreign interest together with the strategic loss of partners to sustain their aid to the country and picking other feasible projects there.

#Steady Progress is give money to religious leaders to secure their congregation who their God has picked as leader and who their lord has anointed to the position.

#Steady Progress is to get a bigger government and more ministries so that all the ones closes and most loyal get a place in the central government.

Uganda Parliament Museveni

#Steady Progress is to give a person the role of ministry without a portfolio or office

#Steady Progress is to use more on private plans and military equipment then on basic school kits, school buildings or even medical supplies.

#Steady Progress is for the President to claim again and again that he is the only Mzee who can keep the country safe and keep control of the army.

#Steady Progress is to have old medicine or copy medication instead of having extra supplies through the NMS.

#Steady Progress is to have ghost-workers, ghost-voters, ghost-schools, ghost-roads or ghost-expenditure.

#Steady progress is to fire all of the UNRA workers and getting the funding for bigger projects through the World Bank cancelled.

#Steady Progress is to see that Uganda Human Rights Commission loses it funding from it’s donors.


#Steady Progress is to hire “Crime Preventers” as securing votes and create havoc in other candidate’s rallies to make sure that people stay loyal to the Mzee, and also ship them from NRM rally to NRM rally to make the party look more popular.

#Steady Progress is to have more and more car accidents on the bad roads, even lose the lives of more Members of Parliament due to bad roads in the districts.

#Steady Progress is for the rich and for the wealthy to take their family members or themselves to health facilities abroad to heal and prosper.

#Steady Progress is to borrow money on the future-oil monies and trade of the oil refinery from Russian state-owned company to buy military equipment.

#Steady Progress is to lose battalions and soldiers in Somalia and leave new recruits with little or no supply. The army in Somalia has to sell equipment for food and necessities; instead of fighting the terrorist group Al-Shabab.

#Steady Progress is that landslides after heavy rains and floods have no covering or security funds from the government nor any restrictions or helping agents to save lives on that matter.

#Steady Progress is given funds of 51 billion to the post-election violence for the Police and army for the “excuse” to secure the safety and peace in the country.

#Steady Progress is to tear down other candidates posters while sealing off and securing with Police force the incumbent presidential candidates ones on the walls.

Ready to Move with Sevo Music Campaign for 2016 P5

#Steady Progress is to use a tiny fortune to make a gig-song and have singers on the campaign trail.

#Steady Progress is to pay boda-boda men in town and villages to not drive to opposition rallies.

#Steady Progress is to have a rising inflation and devalue the currency before and after every election time, leading the results for more expensive fuel, food and living prices in general. 

#Steady Progress is to send SMS’s to everybody to tell them to VOTE MZEE, even if they don’t are NRM members or belongs with the Party, instead he sends to all Ugandans in the companies to gain support.

#Steady Progress is to pay boda-boda drivers to drive people to Mzee’s venues, give away t-shirts, give away free fuel, feed the public food and give money to the attendance of the crowd.

#Steady Progress is to use 500 billion shillings for campaigning for the presidential candidate, to give out handouts to loyal men and woman in the districts, cars to chiefs and other gifts of that nature to feed the loyal NRM people in up-country and the rest of the country.

#Steady Progress is to close off transmitter of radios who send messages opposing the NRM-Regime.

#Steady Progress is to deliver a campaign package of 20 million shillings to NRM Parliamentary candidates.

We can all see and this a gist of the actions and events leading up to the 29 years of #Steady Progress from Mzee and his NRM party. This was certainly not the things he fought for in the bush-war or the idea he sold at the time. It has surely changed. I could have displayed all the corruption cases, embezzlements and such, but as I said this gist of the actions from the NRM party and Mzee. We have not taken in account his foreign adventures and military actions, or all the people that have been left behind. Peace.

Kampala’s renegade Police shuts down Lukwago speech of awareness

Lukwago 30.11.15

Today I will talk about the Kampala Capital City Authoriy and Kampala Metropolitian Police… they doesn’t have it easy, because they have a painful history with a Mr. Erias Lukwago, he happen to be loved by the people. That kind of people is not the Police or the leaders of KCCA who is chosen by the NRM. Erias Lukwago is far from NRM and is a strong supporter and ally of Dr. Kizza Besigye and the FDC, even if he has been affiliated with Democratic Party (DP). Norbert Mao is now a part of Go-Forward Umbrella, so surely DP is not a strong unit. That is why that Erias Lukwago goes independent and the DP need a new candidate to run for the Mayor in Kampala. Let’s take a look what the Police done today in the Central Business District of Kampala. Take a look!

Erias Lukwago message this morning:

“There’s a Luganda adage that ”Bwekataligilya elibiika amasumba”; literary meaning that if a chicken survives the claws and talons of hawks or other predators, there are high prospects that it will lay golden eggs. Kindly be part of a memorable occasion today at Nakasero Market Park yard at 2:00pm as we unveil the golden egg (vision) for the transformation of Kampala. I strongly believe that it’s only a shared vision, rather than personal whims, that will transform Kampala into a modern capital city we all crave for. Hope to see you there”.

UPF bans the incumbent Lord Mayor of Kampala Erias Lukwago from having a 2nd Inaguraral rally in Nakasero claiming the venue is for small the rally and will disprut the trading at the Nakasero Market. It would also be inconvenient for the traffic passing by and should look for another venue to have the rally. Police Spokesperson Patrick Onyango said: “We have been informed that he intends to hold a rally at Nakasero market but it is illegal and will not be permitted. The venue is not suitable because it is a market in the city centre that attracts many people, which would paralyze business,”He also said: “the youth to desist from participating in the unlawful rally saying those arrested will be taken to the court of law”.

DP Camp Kampala Erias Lukwago Support 30.11.15

Even if the Police suspend the rally at Nakasero Market Park Yard the Erias Lukwago went there anyway despite to block this rally. There were also plans of Mulwana Team to escort them and support Erias Lukwago during his rally there. Today was the day that Erias Lukwago was supposed to introduce his manifesto for the 2016 Mayoral Election.

I am sure that Erias Lukwago is struggling because he is now running independently, but has support of the Forum for Democratic Change as becoming Mayor of Kampala again.

Issa Mayoral Candidate

But the new Democratic Party Mayoral Candidate Issa Kikungwe launched his own campaign today as well, but that wasn’t stopped by the Police like Erias Lukwago rally, the Candidate Kikungwe held a rally in Kawempe.

Ragga Dee Daniel

While this has happen Daniel Kazibe known as Ragga Dee who has been voted to be the NRM Mayoral Candidate of Kampala has said this:

“am not pleased with how Bebe Cool has handled issues regarding the artist’s money from the President as some of the fellow artists on that project are still claiming for their shares. Have you accounted how much funds Bebe Cool spent for his wife’s maternity fees last week and he is currently in South Africa shooting a video? Bebe Cool should responsibly come out and account for the shares to his fellow artists because it’s officially confirmed that he received the funds from the president’s office”.

Bebe Cool Hummer

Bebe Cool retorted:

“I wonder why people always try to attack me, Ragga Dee said that I am greedy but the fact is, he is greedier than me. Let him not fool you that it’s him who got the Tubonge project, it’s me. I heard him saying that he took me to State House. I used to go to State House even when I was young and Museveni is like my uncle, so let him stop talking about what he doesn’t know, he may lose the elections”.

Ragge Dee wants to this if he wins the elections:

“I will first give musicians lessons on how to work together for a general cause and promote one love”.

Daniel Kazibe aka Ragga Dee held his first rally in town yesterday without making any fuzz or having any problems with the fuzz. There must be something behind that! Wait, yes it is, he is a NRM guy, and therefore he can as he pleases, while the others have to fight to the same. That is democracy right now in Uganda!

It seems okay for Mr Kikungwe who can hold his rally, because he is seen not as threat to the KCCA and NRM, or am I wrong? Or is it because there is now official not written law that it’s illegal to hold rallies in a Market in Kampala? Can the UPF and Kampala Metropolitan Police; please explain to a brother; why he is not really permitted? Can it be the most used law of 2015; no not the Tax-Evation laws! Nah it’s not cool enough! I am talking about  the POMA, the famous and most used law by IGP Gen. Kale Kayihura! Public Order Management Act, I am sure that used to stop Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago? Because he creates chaos for his popularity in stark contrast to the NRM-Candidate or other Opposition figures. Right? Yes, I am right!

Asuman Kiyingi

Even Asuman Kiyingi [of the NRM] the State Minister of Works said this during November about the Kampala Mayoral Elections:

“On this one I agree with Ragga Dee. You can’t do a wedding and then go for kwanjula. Or ask a class teacher to become a class prefect. How did we end up with a flag bearer for a position that we were not sure we needed. We should have spared our people the rancour and hussle of primaries if we planned a mayor elected from councillors. Just how far should we go to fix Erias Lukwago?”

For those who wonders why there is not an official endorsed Mayoral Candidate in Kampala from the FDC, that is because they has gone behind Erias Lukwago to show support for his candidature against the powerful NRM-Regime and also thanks for his loyalty towards Dr. Kizza Besigye which Lukwago has been behind since ‘Walk to Work’ riots in Kampala. So the sorry man in this tale is the Mayoral Candidate for FDC Miles Rwamiti Apuuli who will not be a man who you can vote for, since his candidacy has been pulled.

That means that the elections for Mayor will be Daniel Kazibe aka Ragga Dee (NRM), Erias Lukwago (Independent) and Issa Kikungwe (DP). The Police will be against Erias Lukwago which they have proven again, and again! And again, they hate that he stand against the Kampala Metropolitan Police and Kampala Capital City Authority, not to forget Jennifer Musisi thinks it easier to work without the annoying politicians, especially the likes of Lukwago who makes everything hard to put through, I think that is because he is one of them who wishes to have a loyal crony like Daniel Kazibe who can’t even hold his tongue and win a discussion with the numb-nuts of Bebe Cool, who dances like a fool on every stage for Mzee and his NRM. The money is good for them both while Issa and Erias will fight against the musician.

Backup History (recent) on Daniel Kazibe: 

For those of you have forgotten part of his past. Had in 2014 his own Mercedes Benz impounded by the URA (Uganda Revenue Authority), the musician had at that time forgotten to pay tax. Therefore until he could pay the missing funds of Shs. 1,5 Million to pay URA before he get his car back again. Also in 2014 the same Ragga Dee was reported to be part of the campaign for National ID cards and eating a great chunk of that fund, the fund that got missing remember? Well, Ragga Dee who had now eaten a big chunk by the fund for the National ID cards advertisement; which never happened… That is not the end of the eating money from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he was after this supposed to eat more money from it for making a recording which would be used to mesmerized the late Gen. Aronda Nyakarima. How much the whole tale cost the Tax Payer, will hopefully be released or found out. 2014 was a busy year for Daniel Kazibe.

Now we see how the UPF, Kampala Metropolitan Police and Electoral Commission work for making the campaign for Erias Lukwago as hard as possible. They are trying to stop it and make it harder than for other candidates trying to become mayor in Kampala. So this will continue because we all know the NRM-Regime and their “Freedom loving” Police, who is not “impartial” or “working against” any opposition member or party in general during these elections. No! No! No! They are not doing that… They are just showing care for the dangers that a rally of an opposition candidate will have at the Central parts of Kampala and will disturb business district of the City. Something that is dangerous to do… Wonder if it would be stopped if it was Daniel having a campaign rally at the same place? I don’t think so. Peace.

Press Statement: Dear Ugandan voter and citizen you have the right to know what the Government in Power does with your hard earned Tax Money (22.10.2015)

Malcom Matsiko

Ugandans should be bold to ask tough questions. The committee in parliament on public accounts committe should come more often to account or expose the flaws in spending public money.

I would like President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the presidency department to account to the tax payers of this country the money he has spent in on foreign trips or travel since he become a head of state in 1986.

I recently approached protocal office at the Ugandan parliament with the intention to meet the president in person and put point blank the reasons I will never support him in this country. Among the issues our team wanted him to respond on was how much does he spend on frequent trips outside the country?

I was told I can’t meet him because the head of state is booked from now to next year May for NRM party activities and trips around the globe.

I was frustrated and am still with the burning issues we had prepared to deliberate on.

Atleast in the last 30 days , the president was in Khartoum Sudan, was in Kenya Nairobi, was in Rome Italy, He was in New York ,Algeria and I think other countries.

The president’s handlers should avail all the details on these trips sponsored by the Ugandan citizen and tax payers.

I guess the figures are exceedingly huge whereas civil servants and pensioners are not paid their little money, salaries/wages since July todate.

The children in Northern Uganda dieing because they can’t have a plate of food to eat in 24 hours if not at the border with Tanzania in Rakai district there are tens and hundreds reported dead because of lack of food and water. Many of these dieing are mostly refugees that were expelled by the government of Tanzania a few years ago and were allowed into Ugandan territory hurriedly without any prior consultations with primary stakeholders.

The prime minister’s office cut off supplying the refugee camp with food and water putting the lives of human beings in that camp at stake.

It was reported that men throw themselves in the nearby river to die instead of helplessly watching their loved ones starve to death.

The other day a couple of people called us saying we are not patritic because we referred to Mr. Yoweri Museveni the President of Uganda , his dim lieutenants and pals in government like Anite Evelyn, Kenneth Omona, Omondo Omondo, Namara , Kibuule , Hon.Ogwang and many others young or old government advisors as highly decorated opportunists Uganda has ever produced since time immomerial.

What justification can the whole band of “Tubonge Naawe” give to call for the commedians in luganda the”dikulas” of this country like Bebe Cool, Jose Chameleon , Juliana Kanyomozi and the entire crew of artistes that feasted with Mr. Museveni in Munyonyo luxury hotel last week wheras hundred of population starving in country supposed to be a basket of Africa???deaths of people within our borders due to lack of a mere plate of food and a mere glass of water to drink? Yet they gladly met to con Mr. Museveni under the auspice of NRM lady Anite Evelyn a minister in the current insensitive , elitest , lukewarm regime.

Uganda needs a third liberation, this time around by us Ugandans not foreigners like in the case of 1978/79 and 1981-1986 bush war that saw Rwandan commanders like Late Fred Rwigyema , Beingana, Bunyenyenzi, Katureebe , Kalegyeya and Gen. Kagame fighting and handing over power to rebel leader Yoweri Museveni. In 1979, unsung Tanzanian heroes liberated this country and handedover power to Ugandan renegades Yoweri Museveni inclusive.

So for one to really overstate that Yoweri Museveni is the father of this country, the liberator, the saviour and etc, like Anite Evelyn misleads the un informed Ugandans that is to be a pathetic and celebrated liar in modern times. The man was in sweden eating sauges when kampala fell and late Dr.Obote was overthrown by his very own solidiers , the Okellos and Milton ran to exile in to Zambia. The solidiers were later fooled by late Rwigyema led group and Salim Saleh to lose kampala to the NRA where Museveni outsmarted the NRM political wing and was sworn in as the junta leader of 1986. By now you can perfectly and orrectly understand why we said that Museveni is a highly decorated opportunist in Uganda.

We need the figures to see how much he spends on foreign presidential visits begging other countries to grant expensive loans to this nation since he become president and compare huge with the thorny challenges this country is bedevilled with .

Written by Presidential aspirant Dan (Malcom) Matsiko for the NFT (New Form for Thinking) and Independent Candidate in the coming Presidential Election and General Election in 2016 in Uganda.