Opinion: Aye yo! The Movement wasn’t built for the up-coming generations…

If there is a youth (in Uganda) who is not NRM, they must have a problem in their head. Without the NRM, those youths would be what the Banyankore call Kaributi (the late). Many of them would have died in infancy” – President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni (08.03.2022).

On the Woman’s Day of 2022 and in the speech on the National Celebration of the day. President since 1986 had to address everyone else. While also showing his disregard for many citizens in the Republic. Since, the National Resistance Movement (NRM) isn’t as popular as it ones was and certainly the youths aren’t seeing any of the promised progress, which is forever been pledged at any campaign since the 1990s.

The youths of the Republic has every reason to be dissatisfied, disgruntled and disembark from the Movement. A movement that left them behind and haven’t given them any reason to be loyal to the cause. Since, they are not the category or the ones who are eating of the plate. They are neither in the calculations or in the bargain of investments. Their equity and ownership is deluded, devalued and sold easily to third parties. Who can get access and live in comfort, while the average youth cannot come out of poverty, hardships or excel to any sort of place of middle-income life-style. Therefore, there is no reason to trust the Movement or the NRM as a youth.

The Youth are being tricked, sold and taken for granted. Their future is traded, loaned and the youth have to pay with interests. Since, the current state is taken up loans that it cannot cash. There isn’t domestic revenue and neither a promised pay-off, which will cover the spiralling debts. Debts and loans, which the old man and his cronies are eating off from. The debt that the next generation has to pay off and with additional fees as well. Heck, if they don’t, then they will loose collateral or the little leverage they have.

The President haven’t delivered a promising future for the youth. So, why should they stick to his programs and pledges? Why should they belong to a party, which have abandoned them? If it hasn’t left them behind. One of their siblings, relatives or friends has been touched by drones, abducted, kidnapped and charged for their political activism. Why should they sell their soul and their minds to a party that does this to their own?

That’s what the President and his like doesn’t get. It can torture, detain and silence critics, activists and political leaders. However, youth aspires to these people and feeds of their energy. Because, the ideals of these people lives among them. The NRM is living among the elites and the NRA veterans. They are not in the trenches, ghettos or lost suburbs. No, they are only their for a minute during campaigns and giving away T-shirts. Before returning back to a State Lodge. Therefore, the President has little to nothing to offer…

It isn’t the youths problem that the Movement isn’t selling. It is the Movement’s problem that it is viable for the youths. It is the President fault and the correct line, which is entail the suffering and the plights of people, which the party and the government has forgotten. That’s why the youth isn’t aspiring to it or feeling a connection with the Movement. Why should they? What is there to gain? Other than blind loyalty and hopes for a plumb-job in far distant future?

Well… that isn’t much and the sacrifice is so big too. You have to give up your ideals to serve a party and it’s leader. While not subscribing to the honest truths of the organization. That is the gist of it. While friends, family and neighbours are in pain, because of the regime. This is why the problem isn’t the youth, but the party, which doesn’t serve them nor their communities. Peace.

A Memo ahead of the polls: Museveni will only serve you threats

If you see anyone intimidating, it is their ideology and belief. What those people do of intimidating people is their ideology. The guns they say they have, we have the largest number of guns but we don’t intimidate people. A bull that wants to die tastes the axe” Yoweri Kaguta Museveni on the 24th December 2020

In the middle of the Christmas, as Advent is over. The President and Head of State, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has decided yet again on the campaign trail to serve the public threats. Instead of showing humility, grace and kindness. He wants to further intimidate and be ruthless towards mankind. Not really Christmas(y) unless the man is the Grinch or Scoorge.

If you ever believed this man was of peace. You are wrong. His the man who rather arrest, kill and destroy the ones opposing his ways. Especially, the ones he cannot corrupt or get into his fold. They are the ones that he ambush, abduct and uses the rule of against.

It is ironic that he speaks of first warning people of intimidating personalities. While later saying he got the biggest guns. Initially coming with a further threat. Not a new one. As he always brag about his defence, his army and his security organization. That is able and ready to take down anyone. The ones who secures his future and his heirloom. Because, it is not like these forces are there for the civilians or for democratic purposes. These are there to fight on his bid and his bid alone.

He could have said “You should never take the bull by the horns”. However that would mean to do something brave or in a determined way. No, the old man wanted to prove a point that an axe can kill an bull. Just like his army and his security detail got the most guns. That is not the talk of someone not intimidating. This the school-yard bully saying he knows Kung-Fu and his father is strongest in the whole wide world. Initially, the President is coming with the same rhetoric.

The man is insincere when he speaks of not intimidating. He always scold and says his force will crush someone. If he was so lovable and sweet. These words wouldn’t be so easily accessible. The President isn’t dancing Bambi on the ice. Neither is a peace loving Guru from the mountains of Bhutan. No, his a warlord and has enough skulls on his CV. That is why the first things the trusts is the gun and not man. He trust the weapons and the artillery. The President doesn’t people and his instinct is to use force. Therefore, his go to measure is to use law enforcement against anyone who stands in his path.

That is why he comes with a picture of brutal death like the axing of a bull. That is a bloody picture. Just like the chopped of head of a horse in the Godfather movie. It is no difference here.

The President have to serve threats, because he got nothing else to offer. The only thing giving him an edge is the strength of the authorities and abilities to contain the rise of new power. As long as he can contain and control the opposition. He will still be in power, but when the centre doesn’t hold any longer and when they won’t abide the orders. The centre will loose and he will be rudderless. The President will be alone and his threats will be useless.

That is why he serves the threats and intimidates even ahead of Christmas day. Because he has nothing else. That is who he is.

Let me end with the proverbs after 50 Cent:

War, what is it good for absolutely nothin’

But niggas keep frontin’

Fuck a nigga, live like a soldier

Die like a soldier” (50 Cent – ‘Whoo Kid Kayslay Shit!’ of the “50 Cent is the Future” 2002).

Maybe that is mindset of this President. I wouldn’t be shocked. As he always cling on the guns and that’s his Modus Operandi. Peace.

Opinion: The NRM Way isn’t bettering the Youth Employment like Museveni claims..

At 76, I have no blood pressure because I don’t stress myself like some people who have been worrying too much yet this is not good to their health. You need to tell this to Ugandans that if they follow the NRM advice, the problem of unemployment will be solved” – President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni (24.12.2020)

That the President is so proud of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) ways really says a lot. As the numbers haven’t really changed much or the realities on the ground is much of the same. The public cannot eat the GDP or import numbers. Even if he proclaims greatness that way.

Just like the numbers of participation in the economy for the ages of 15 to 25 years old. Numbers from Macrotrends proves a steady 55 % from the year of 1991 until 2015 when the numbers gotten worse and by 2019 the numbers was down to 51,91%. Still no matter how you look at this numbers in a Republic full of youth and younger generation born after the “liberation” of 1986. Most about 50% of them are not participating in the economy and most of them have never had the ability to do so.

In a DHL Article from 2019: “The situation is grim. A 2015 study by the same organization revealed that the proportion of unemployed youths had risen from 12.3 percent in 2013 to 18.6 percent in 2015, while recent data by the African Development Bank painted a much gloomier picture, placing unemployment figures at up to 83 percent of the nation’s youth population” (DHL – ‘The solution to Uganda’s youth unemployment crisis’ 26.09.2019).

The gig-economy and lack of financial policies helping them. All the money schemes from the government haven’t helped over the years. The NRM haven’t delivered to the youth or made it possible for them to get work or participate in the society. That is why they are willing to do whatever to get food on their plate. This isn’t sustaining society or creating natural growth.

When the President says Ugandans should take his advice. The numbers of unemployment and non-participating is worsening. While the state is stagnate, deficit-financing and a huge debt-burden created by this government. Therefore, this President better seek other advisors and other skilled people. Since his drowning the economy and giving less good lessons to the public,

Instead of giving the public gifts and pledges with promising results. The President will bring bailiffs, sheriffs and undertakers to secure the loans and debts are repaid. The next generation has to figure out the problems created of late. It is the next government and next regime who needs debt relief and austerity means to settle the score. As the President haven’t made it better financially for the economy or industries in general. If he did, the participation of the youth would have been substantially better.

Therefore, the promise to follow the NRM way is really special and weird in concern with the numbers and the lack of proper results. It is not like he has revolutionized or made things possible for more people to get jobs. This is worrying and that his not considering his missteps or where he went lost.

The man has had the time to prove it, but he is careless about it. As the poverty and unemployment is a nice niche to get grants and donations. The rampant poverty is a good way to get multi-national organizations to fund his operations and if he switched this. He would actually have to rise the tax-base and state revenue. Which means the government would actually need to put the work in and deliver for its citizens. That is to much to ask for this President.

His getting free money and can use the poor as an scapegoat to be served funds without doing anything. That is how it seems. This is why your supposed to trust the NRM way and the polices of the President. Because, he needs the naivety and lack of understanding to continue to eat of other people’s plates. Peace.

Opinion: Ivanka need to find something new…

I know I’m late to this, but I had to address this, as the White House Advisor and oldest child to the President of the Republic. The symbol of nepotism, inept administration and clueless on governance. Ivanka Trump rose for yet another occasion she was not qualified for.

She is only at the White House, because she’s the daughter of the President. Ivanka isn’t there for her wits, her career or her education. As a person she has sold the image of Trump, licensed products and gotten trademarks to sell products. However, she has never made any legislation or policy to save her soul.

That is why in the midst of a recession, in the midst of a global pandemic. A pandemic that is causing the recession. The 18 million adults losing their jobs, 13% unemployed, where the state is trying to slash their benefits and help them in the hour of need. As they are living hand to mouth. In the beginning of the pandemic they got a small 600 dollar check, but that isn’t cutting it. That’s isn’t covering a mortgage, car-notes and student debt. It is nearly being enough for a while paying the groceries.

It is just entitlement of her fronting this. Not trying fix benefits or welfare checks while awaiting an upturn in the economy. No, this is just boosting the egos of a few CEOs and Executives. Make a publicity stunt and call it an evening. While the economy is still struggling, less people can work and the ones who does. Are afraid they either loose their jobs or catch COVID-19. It is a catch 22, either you keep your job or you get sick. The only ones winning is the stakeholders and the shareholders. They can print new money on the hard work of others labour.

That is why Ivanka seems so out of line. She has never applied for a job. Not like she have had the need to do an interview or change profession. Ivanka became an Executive and a boss in the Trump Organization, because of her birthright. Not because of her skill or anything.

This is why its infuriating that someone like her. The Nepotism Barbie, the Marie Antoinette of United States tells the public to eat cake, while they cannot afford bread. The recession and tanking of the economy is evident. The pandemic that this administration has not stagnated or even overcome. They have made it worse and no coherent message to defeat it. Only making core states harder hit by it and most likely more people losing their jobs or their lives.

It is a race for self-destruction. Where Ivanka is showing how far from reality her and the rest of the White House is. If they could get rid of their silver spoons, Michelin dinners and luxurious goods. Live like common folks … and maybe feel their pain. However, Ivanka and Jared would never do that. They rather live lavish on inherited money and be bourgeois. That is who they are.

Ivanka shows her lack of understanding. The White House doing this shows that they think publicity stunts is fixing things. Instead of having more financial stimulus and financial help for the ones in dire need. However, the Republicans and the President have blocked that. They are not willing to drop a dime on the ones in the trenches. These people rather feed Wall Street and the 1%. Than think of the working class and the hardest hit by the circumstances hitting them.

They are just telling the soon homeless, the ones starving and the ones not getting a pay-check. “Do something new” and get another profession. Become a singer, make cakes or hustle on the avenue. Ivanka couldn’t even do a week at a factory, but she is telling an unemployed person to change jobs. When nobody is hiring. That is insane. This isn’t some “Eat Pray Love” yoga session or finding your inner Zen. No, this is the real-life hardships for millions of Americans. Peace.

RSA: Lechesa Tsenoli MP letter to Mmusi Maimane MP – “Request for Debate on Urgent Matter of National Public Importance” (23.05.2018)