Opinion: Tired of the ‘last words of Mwenda’ against the FDC and Besigye!


Mwenda, Andrew Mwenda the Independent Magazine owner and editor, the man who knows all about how to rant against fellow political opponents, than a month later praising them, like they are the next one to save the world. In one week Museveni can be the worst and the other week he will be the hero. The same is with the Forum for Democratic Change and Dr. Kizza Besigye, all through December 2016 and this beginning 2017 his focus has been bashing on Besigye like he is AIDS.

Mwenda has a fetish or worse a deluded mind where he uses all kind of words to address why Besigye isn’t the President, without considering the fact of the power of ‘the old man with the hat’. The editor rant is about the organizations, the loss of local elections and the losing of presidential election going back to Dr. Paul Ssemogerere of the Democratic Party who ran against President Museveni and all of his campaign we’re filled with attacks and brutality. Just like all of Besigye’s has been, it is a reason why he is for the second time in his life-time charged with treason against the Republic. All of those explanations vanish like water meet the heat of the sun and becomes part of the air.

Mwenda’s rants concluded with today’s word calling FDC a Cult on Facebook. Where he was calling literally Besigye a Cult leader, because Mwenda has to grind out every little bit of anger into the public sphere. He added videos of the inauguration of Nana Addo in Accra where Besigye we’re invited, Mwenda had this to say about the Ghanaian President speech: “In these two videos, newly elected Ghanaian president, who invited FDC cult leader to his inauguration, parrots the inaugural speeches of Bill Clinton in 1993 and George Bush in 2001. Besigye’s 2010 manifesto copied David Cameron’s Conservative Party manifesto almost word for word” (Mwenda, 08.01.2016). So his words are saying itself how he has to attack the man for attending and being invited while Museveni is busy bodying himself to drop “Presidential Handshakes”.

Ferry for Besigye to Busuga 16.11.15

“Besigye’s despotism in FDC:

Earlier in the day he wrote this too against Besigye: “Most of the FDC leaders i have interviewed ran away from NRM after witnessing the same trend. Now they say that compared to Besigye and his FDC fanatics, M7 and his NRM look like the best democrats one can find. In short Besigye had established a ruthless and intolerant dictatorship over the FDC and now relies on the cult of personality rather than on institutions to govern” (…) “While Besigye fanatics claim I have been hired by NRM to tarnish the name of their cult leader, the information I post here is always supplied to me by the top ranking members of FDC who want to rescue the party and Uganda’s democracy from the tyranny of extremism and the despotism of Besigye” (Mwenda, 08.01.2017).

So he continues his rants, his words of direct attack, as there are rare breed and the Besigye is giant problem. Besigye is the reason for the losses; Besigye is the reason for everything. If it rains it’s Besigye, if it snows it is Beisgye, if it is wind it is Besigye and if it is sun by all means it is Besigye. That is how you can talk in the sense of Mwenda. He is the weatherman who always will pin the blame on Besigye, and by all current codex or modus operandi it will be boiled down to Besigye. Nobody else, the others are needed props in tale of fatigue, lacking organization or even repeatedly popular personality of Besigye. Instead of asking why was there yet again Primary Elections where Besigye won over Gen. Mugish Muntu. Something that didn’t happen in the Movement, where Museveni where sole-candidacy for Presidency and Mbabazi wasn’t allowed to run against him! Something that Mwenda wouldn’t mention, for one simple reason, it will blow his mind and lose his marbles. Mwenda will be little prick who thinks he is a genius, but misses key aspects of matter. Like you need water or milk to drink tea. You can try to boil coke, but the tea will not mix well, but boiled milk or water will make a perfect blend.

Mwenda’s rants are now pointless and personal, like vendetta against the FDC and Besigye. Like he has to attack them! He cannot do anything else, if not he loses his mind. I know I write against Museveni a lot too, but usually with context of economy or recent acts, but Mwenda recreate the election and the internal organization of FDC without caring about factors that are put into play with no regard of the political status in the Republic. FDC are not alone on the losing end of Movement, but Mwenda acts like they are the only one, there is UPC, DP, Farmer’s Party, TIC, UFA and so on.

Kisoro FDC 01.02.2016 Muntu Rally Police

Like yesterday’s rant: “Besigye die hards are either cowards or hypocrites or both. While they make the loudest noise on how they are ready to die for him, they have done nothing (except for insulting critics on social media) to prove they are worthy of their claims. Each time Besigye goes to town, Kale Kayihura sends only eight (8) police men who pick Besigye like chicken, bundle him over a pickup truck and take him to police as these “ready-die-for-our-man” fanatics watch helplessly” (Mwenda, 07.01.2017).

He goes again into insults not only Besigye, but his supporters, because what else there to do. Because he doesn’t have a valid argument as long as he is putting FDC and Besigye in vacuum, the same kind of empty hole his arguments and reasoning is for the moment. 2017 stroke Mwenda and his mind went haywire. To prove the nonsense of this man, let’s take a piece of the rant of the day before:

“Over the last 16 years, Besigye has concentrated all the meager resources of the opposition on one singular objective, to capture the presidency. Yet we all know that maintaining the presidency is the most important objective of M7 and the NRM where he has concentrated most of his resources” (…) “Now FDC is much weaker relative to NRM. Not only that. NRM is also backed by the power of the state. By concentrating all opposition resources to attack NRM at its most fortified position, Besigye has expended his meager resources to secure an objective where he has the least chance of success. This is a strategic blunder” (Mwenda, 06.01.2017).

The relative argument itself is disgusting, because even if NRM is a ordinary party as Mwenda make it seems, it still is freighting how little he consider how the ambitions are under siege in the NRM, therefore handpicked and rigged members are becoming leaders, but that part of the argument is lost on Mwenda. Because that makes NRM more fragile than Mwenda wants to say. As well as the FDC primary model is better than NRM, though not perfect it still are more democratic than NRM ever will be. Another reason why the debate of Muntu and Besigye in the FDC are a valid one, directly opposite in the NRM where there is no discussion if VP Edward Ssekandi or PM Rukhana Ruganda will ever challenge Museveni. But that is a silent and a mute-point. If doing so your devaluing the epitome of all Ugandan wishes is to have Museveni for life as the chairman of the Movement and Executive of the Republic. Another thing, Mwenda doesn’t have the balls to connects when taking in consideration the stalemate in FDC and in other parties. In a state where it isn’t really democratic, in the sense that NRM are rigging when needed to control the Parliament and all other political offices in the country. The rest is just a front. Strange that Mwenda cannot mention that either. But that is another illness, that his eyes looks away from.

The flawed and the lost plot, is why all of sudden has went into mayhem and going all in to attack FDC and Besigye, Mwenda seems like only dreaming and thinking about them. That is the only thing that boggles his precious minds and the only discussion he can have in the Independent Magazine, as the other obstacles of the Republic can be redundant.  Peace.

Dr. Kizza Besigye: “The 2016 Uganda General Elections and the way forward” (04.03.2016)

Tororo town FDC Poster Former Campaign IPC

After the 2011 elections, all political parties (including NRM) concurred that electoral and political reforms were necessary in order to have free and fair elections in 2016.

Proposed reforms were generated by various political formations; including, the Inter-Party Organisations Dialogue (IPOD-consisting of all parties represented in parliament), National Consultative Forum (NCF- consisting of all registered political parties and led by NRM), Citizens’ Coalition of Electoral Democracy in Uganda (CCEDU) and the National Consultation on Free and Fair Elections (NCFFE).

Old Campaign Posters Uganda

In spite of the NRM having fully participated in the various formations that presented reform proposals to government (executive) and parliament, Mr Museveni, the final authority in NRM decided that no electoral reforms would be undertaken ahead of 2016 elections. That’s what happened.

All parties and persons participating in the 2016 elections, therefore, knew that the elections would be inherently not free or fair. That’s why opposition parties and elements from the NRM were engaged in protracted discussions seeking to devise an appropriate strategy for contesting in an inherently manipulated and unfair election.

Nakaseke Police 04.01.2015 P4 FDC

This is why my candidature adopted the strategy of a Defiance Campaign. Our clear understanding was that this was an election organised on the premise of injustice. A political defiance campaign entails informing the population about the injustice and enabling the people to organise and confront the injustice.

It’s important to note that a political defiance campaign is completely NON-VIOLENT. It employs well-informed citizens to non-violently challenge the injustices in the electoral process; protect against various forms of rigging on polling day; and ensure that the peoples’ will is respected. This was the purpose of the “POWER 10” system that we organised during the campaign.

Kaabong 18.02.2016

Polling Day:
A lot has been talked about events of the polling days, 18th and 19th February. The main problems during voting included widespread disenfranchisement of voters, especially, in Kampala, Wakiso, Jinja, Iganga, and Mbale, with more than 2 million registered voters; arrest of polling agents; pre-ticking and stuffing of ballot boxes; widespread and systematic voter bribery; and denying polling agents their Results Declaration Forms.

Tallying and announcement of results:

What is now clear is that all the injustices undertaken prior and during voting failed to deliver victory to Mr museveni. As soon the Electoral Commission begun to announce the results at the Namboole Tally Centre, the alarm-bells started ringing. It became clear that many of the results they were announcing were different from the ones announced at the polling stations.

When the pattern of inconsistency was sustained, on 19th February, we decided to address the media and draw the public’s attention to this. We’d previously alerted the country about a house in Nagulu, Kampala, where, according to reliable information, manipulation of results from Districts was planned to take place. Ballot papers were also pre-ticked in this house.

FDC HQ 19.02.2016 Police Siege

It was at this point that the police stormed our Party Hqs and, under cover of teargas, arrested our Party President Maj Gen (rtd) Mugisha Muntu, FDC Mobiliser Ms Ingrid Turinawe and myself. Our Headquarters was taken over, ransacked and kept under police control up to now.

From 19th February (the day before the announcement of final results by EC) up to now, I’ve been under police detention- either in police cells or at my Kasangati home. Access to our Party leaders and lawyers was very limited.

Several of our District Party offices have also been attacked and hundreds of our Party officials and polling agents have been detained countrywide.

It is this Police/Military operation that crippled our effort of gathering evidence and evaluating it for purposes of preparing an election petition as provided for in the Constitution.

NTV 20.02.2016

The Constitution gives an aggrieved parliamentary candidate 30 days within which to petition. However, a presidential candidate who’s supposed to collect evidence from 281 constituencies, exclusively by affidavit (statement sworn before a lawyer), has only 10 days to do so.

The stealing of the 2016 presidential election was so clumsy and exaggerated that the Police/ Military forces had to intervene directly to stop its exposure. Even biased courts like ours could not be relied upon to protect the fraud. That’s why the electoral process was overthrown! What happened is, for all intents and purposes, a military coup. Kampala remains under “siege”, with streets reminiscent of February 1971, in the aftermath of Gen Idi Amin coup!

It may be easy to fake results, but it’s not easy to fake people’s response. There was absolutely no celebration on the announcement of the fraudulent declaration of Mr Museveni as a winner of 2016 elections. Even NRM members knew that the EC announcement was not true!

Ugandan Election 2016 Grieving

Our results:
I can confidently inform Ugandans that we undoubtedly won the elections. Even with the unprecedented effort of the Police, Military and Intelligence Services to deny us our results, we now have enough to go by in claiming our victory.

We also discovered many clearly anomalous results- including over one hundred polling stations, in Kiruhura District, where 100% of registered voters cast their votes and all voted for Mr Museveni, without a single spoilt ballot paper!!

We also have horrific accounts of what happened in the Karamoja region. In most of the region, it was a military/police/mafia operation, rather than an election conducted by EC according to the law.

Kizza Besigye 22.02.2016

The way forward:
It’s on the basis of the information in our possession that we’ve demanded for an Independent Audit of the 2016 presidential election. This would mean that we would politically agree on a process of election audit that’s not presently provided for in the law, since the one provided was overthrown.

This would, basically, mean agreeing on independent auditors and supervisors that would work with representatives of candidates and the EC to carry out the audit. All candidates would commit themselves to respect the outcome of the audit. This can be conclusively done before the expiry of the current term of Government.

All peace-loving Ugandans, East Africans, Africans and members of the International Community are called upon to play a role in working towards the Independent Audit.

If this is not agreed upon, then we’ll have to proceed and exercise the mandate that was clearly given to us by the people of Uganda. We cannot let down the millions of people who supported our campaign, braved the harassment and intimidation, persevered in long queues without voting materials etc, and eventually delivered the victory.

We shall form government as mandated by our people- the Peoples’ Government.

This is the critical moment for our political defiance campaign. Let’s all remember that Government power comes from cooperation, submission and obedience of the population. If the population withholds it’s cooperation, submission and obedience, the government loses power.

I ask all our people to remain strong and vigilant, especially, members of Power 10. We shall call for non-violent actions that disempower the regime seeking to impose itself on our country. We may have to make some sacrifices and should be prepared to do so. I am confident that our people’s resolve to have non-violent change of leadership for the first time will become a reality in 2016.

One Uganda, One people!

For God and my country.


Police Statement on Besigye (24.02.2016)

Road Block at Kasangati 22.02.2016

This Police statement is to make clarifications, and inform the general public about the circumstances surrounding the continuing regulation, and close monitoring of the movements and activities of Rtd Col. Dr. Kiiza Besigye, by the Police, since Monday, 15th February 2016 todate. 

This is because there is continued campaign of distorted information, speculations, biased, and unfounded, as well as unfair criticism of Police actions, as well as outright lies regarding the handling of Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye by the Uganda Police.

First of all, we wish to state, at the very beginning that the responsibility for the actions that Police has taken involving Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye during, and after the campaigns lies squarely on his shoulders and that of his unruly and indisciplined supporters.  Indeed, contrary to propaganda in the media, in all our actions, Police have acted lawfully, professionally, conducted ourselves with utmost restraint in the face of incredible provocation.

A case in point is the violent assault by two foreign journalists on the DPC, Kasangati, who, in spite of the attacks, kept cool, and a calm demeanor, and by his conduct actually disproved the unacceptable insults they were hurling at him.  We are reviewing the video footage of that incident, after which appropriate action will be taken.

Kiira Road Police 15.02.2016 FDC

Let us begin with the incidents of Monday, 15th February2016, in the City, when, in the morning, at Punjani roundabout, Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye, then a Presidential candidate with a rowdy group of supporters, attempted to force his way, into the City centre, in an illegal procession, moreover on a busy business day with very heavy traffic.  Since he had no scheduled programme in the City centre, traffic police redirected him and the crowd to use alternative routes to Makerere University where he had a scheduled campaign rally.  He refused the guidance of the officers, and, instead, together with the rowdy crowd, (who we, later, got to learn were the infamous Power 10 (P 10) group), illegally occupied the Punjani junction, and blocked the heavy traffic on Jinja-Kampala road.

The rowdy group pelted police officers, and members of the general public with stones forcing the Police to disperse them, and, after, engaging Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye, in vain, including offering to escort him to Makerere university, the Police escorted him to his home.  Later in the day, he returned to the City from Kasangati, gathering rowdy crowds along the way, especially the youth, who must have been the P10 group, occupied Wandegeya traffic lights junction, after failing to force their way into the City centre claiming that they were headed for Nasser road!!

The Police had cleared the passage to Makerere University under the mistaken belief that Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye was headed for a rally.  After the Police dispersed the rowdy crowd, allowing traffic to flow, and business life to continue, Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye was escorted back to his home in Kasangati by the Police.

Kyambogo 16.02.2016

Secondly, so as to prevent further confrontation with Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye, who was scheduled to campaign in Nakawa Division, the Police, on the night of 15th February 2016, met and agreed with the organizers on a detailed programme of his campaign in the Division.  However, even then, although, generally, the movements of Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye through Nakawa division, the next day, Tuesday, 16th February 2016,  was peaceful and smooth, in the evening hooligans who were part of his convoy attacked NRM supporters, who were returning to their homes from the NRM rally at Kololo, tore their party t-shirts, stole their properties, and stoned vehicles in Kinawata and in the Bugolobi area.  Police arrested over 50 thugs.

Thirdly, again, on Thursday, 18th February2016, Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye and a group of his supporters stormed and trespassed on security premises in Naguru, and under the supervision of Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye, a senior Police Officer was assaulted and tortured by mob action.  Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye demanded to enter and search the security premises together with the violent people he had gone with. He, falsely, alleged that it was a place where “rigging” was taking place.

Obviously, this was a pretext, as he clearly knew where and how voting, counting, and tallying had taken place or was taking place, transparently, in the open, and in the presence of agents of all candidates under the management and supervision of the Electoral Commission.   The false claims by Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye were clearly meant to discredit the electoral process, cause confusion, and incite and enrage the public into violence.  After that incident, Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye was escorted by the Police to his house in Kasangati.

FDC 18.02.2016 Besigye Arrested

Fourthly, on Friday, 19th February 2016, we received information that Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye and other leaders of FDC intended to declare and announce results of the Presidential elections.  Obviously, since this was in violation of the Constitution and the law, and would cause confusion, the Police quickly acted and prevented it from happening.  It should be noted that, under Section 57 of the Presidential Election Act, it is only the Electoral Commission that has the mandate to declare results.

Section 83 of the Presidential Election Act prohibits interference with any duty under the Act (including declaring results). Indeed, to confirm our information, we found Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye and other leaders at the FDC Headquarters at Najjanankumbi, with journalists, preparing a Press Conference.

FDC HQ 19.02.2016 Police Siege

Morever, through social media platforms and sms messages, the FDC had made their intentions known publicly. The Police officers I sent attempted to engage with the FDC leadership in vain.  They were defiant.  Their supporters attempted to block Entebbe highway prompting the Police to intervene and restore public order.  Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye and other FDC leaders were then arrested, briefly held, and later released.  Rtd Col Kizza Besigye was, then escorted back to his home in Kasangati.

Muntu 20.02.2016 Kasangati

Fifthly, on Saturday, 20th February, 2016, the Electoral Commission pursuant to its constitutional and lawful mandate, declared the results of the Presidential election, and the winner of the elections.  Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye’s agents absented themselves and therefore did not collect their copy of the results.  Subsequently, on 21st February, 2016 Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye released two statements and addressed the press at his Kasangati home.

The first statement was to the youths, inciting them and calling on them to “take over their country”. The second statement was an announcement calling all his supporters to accompany him to offices of the Electoral Commission along Jinja road, ostensibly to pick his copy of the results and to “claim their future back”.  This procession was to occur on Monday, 22th February 2016.  It is now, common knowledge that any procession, like any public meeting, must be carried out in accordance with the Constitution and the law, in particular the Public Order Management Act (POMA). 

Kizza Besigye 22.02.2016

He had not bothered to notify the Police as required by the law.  Moreover, it should be noted that on that day, schools were beginning and parents would be taking children to school, meaning there would be more traffic in the City. The Police released a public statement calling on Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye to respect the law as well as the rights of parents and their school going children, as well as the business community, and not go ahead with his planned unlawful procession that had the potential for violence, given our earlier experiences with rowdy youth accompanying his convoy.

Nevertheless, on 22rd February 2016, Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye attempted to leave his home and lead that procession prompting the Police to hold him under preventive arrest.  Again, yesterday, Tuesday, 23rd February 2016, he attempted to go ahead with his plans, but Police stopped him.

Clearly, therefore, the Police actions regarding Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye are justifiable both in law and in fact.  We have a duty to protect the people and their property, and ensure there is law and order in this country.  Moreover, the Constitution is clear that individual rights and freedoms are not absolute.  Article 43 states that in enjoyment of freedoms and rights, no one should prejudice the rights and freedoms of others and public interest, (in this case, public order).

Kizza Besigye 23.02.2016

Accordingly, therefore, the regulation, and close monitoring of the movements and actions of Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye is within the constitutional and legal mandate of the Uganda Police, and is a consequence of his utterances and activities that amount to incitement to violence and defiance of the law.

But even then, and contrary to propaganda in the media, we wish to make the following clarifications:

  • Rtd Col Kizza Besigye is not under house arrest. He is allowed unlimited access to his lawyers, family and party officials, among others, and is not in any way hindered from preparing to legally challenge the results of the Presidential Elections if he so chooses to do so.
  • FDC offices have not been closed, and their activities relating to elections are ongoing. Police has not, as is claimed in the media, confiscated FDC declaration forms or done anything to interfere with the legitimate activities of FDC.

FDC HQ 22.02.2016

In conclusion, since Rtd Col Kizza Besigye has not retracted his statements of defiance and incitement to violence, Police shall continue to regulate and closely monitor his movements so that he does not pose danger to public peace and national security.  Moreover, we have information that his planned procession is not just a procession, but rather beginning of a planned and generalized campaign of violence in the City and select municipalities across the country.

Clearly, this is supported by the public utterances of Rtd Col Dr. Kiiza Besigye. As much as possible, we shall continue to constructively engage him and other FDC leaders urging them to cooperate with us to ensure that peace, law and order are maintained in our country, and advise them to seek legal redress rather than resorting to violence in addressing whatever grievances they may have.

General Kale Kayihura

Inspector General of Police

24 February, 2016

Press release from Uganda diaspora P10 – The arrest of Dr. Kizza Besigye and other opposition leaders (22.02.2016)

Kizza Besigye 23.02.2016

Uganda Diaspora, friends and Development partners join to strongly condemn the cowardly acts of arresting opposition party leaders, intimidation of the opposition voters, use of force and violence against innocent civilians.

For the last 5 days in a row, the morning of 22nd February 2016, we witnessed the arbitrary arrest of the opposition leader Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Secretary for mobilization of FDC party Ingrid Turinawe and a host of staffs at the FDC party headquarters.

The Uganda Diaspora P10 an international communication arm of the FDC Party is deeply concerned by the continued persecution, arbitrary arrest and detention without trial of opposition leaders and our supporters by the dictatorial regime in Uganda. This raises serious concerns about restrictions on the freedom of expression and assembly in Uganda.

Jinja Road 15.02.2015 P2

Uganda has degenerated into a police state with a heavily militarized police force. The police have been used to vent violence and abuse the fundamental rights and freedoms of Ugandan citizens especially the opposition.

The Opposition and citizens of Uganda have a right to express their dissatisfaction with the outcome of the February 18, 2016 election through peaceful assembly. The right to assembly and freedom of express are universal right enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Uganda is a party.

We condemn in the strongest terms possible state inspired violence and the show of force on February 22, 2016 in arresting opposition leaders, DC members of staffs and hundreds of our party supporters.

Opposition parties that peacefully voice criticism of the government play a vital role in inclusive, pluralistic societies.

We are engaging all forms of justice from, local, regional and international courts to ensure that the elements of the Uganda police, military and government involved in the abuse of the fundamental rights and freedoms are brought to justice.


1. We demand Government of Uganda to protect the universal rights of freedom of expression and assembly.

2. We demand the immediate release without and delay or conditions of all persons arrested without due process.

3. We demand the immediate cessation of state violence against the people of Uganda.

4. We demand that the government elements desist from any intimidation, fear mongering and arbitrary actions against the people of Uganda.

5. We are collecting and analyzing all evidence of these violations which we shall present it the appropriate fora at the appropriate time.

We shall not relent in our fight for a free and fair election in Uganda. We will seek justice in all forms at all levels collectively and as individuals against institutions, individuals and the state for violation of fundament rights and freedoms of the people of Uganda.

Chairperson Uganda diaspora P10

Press Release: Ugandan Youth Decide the next steps (23.02.2016)

Uganda Youth 22.02.2016

The young people of Uganda comprise the majority, at over 78% of the total population and they overwhelmingly participated in this election. The voting exercise having been completed two days ago, as key stakeholders and bearers of the burden in all its manifests, we would like to share with all Ugandans and the international community our observations, conclusions and the way forward. The youth in Uganda, is facing a very uncertain future ranging from; having the highest unemployment rate of 83%, deteriorating the quality of education, corrupt credit schemes, abject poverty; and the desperation that is driving us to become, gamblers, prostitutes, economic refugees. slaves in the middle east, far east and other Asian countries.

All this is, as Yoweri Museveni put it in his book “WHAT IS AFRICA’s PROBLEM”, a consequence of, but not limited to; 30 years of poor leadership of the very author of the book who now believes Uganda is him, him is Uganda and that he doesn’t see anyone else capable of leading Uganda apart from him!

“Africa doesn’t need strongmen; it needs strong institutions”: Obama
Like President Barak Obama said while on his first official trip as president to the heart of Africa;
“Development depends upon good governance”.
“No person wants to live in a society where the rule of law gives way to the rule of brutality and bribery. “That is not a democracy, that is tyranny, and now is the time for it to end.”

Democracy and good governance are the ingredients which has been missing in Uganda, for far too long.
The 30 years’ revolutionary turned dictator who attained power by gun, rules by the gun and believes only the gun shall remove him from power legitimizes his rule and disguises dictatorship through sham elections.
A rigged election in favor of the incumbent implies our sufferings is not about to end, the National Resistance Movement (NRM) government has resorted to the mass arrest of the youth as a means to silence us. It is time for the young to claim their rights and lead this struggle. Uganda’s future, our future is in our hands. The young have the potentials to make this country work for each and every one of us.

Rejection of Feb 18th Election results.

Having widely observed this election and actively participated in voting in search for change from a tired brutal regime to democratic and good governance, we would like to distance ourselves from the final results that were declared by Kiggundu.
We reject these results in the strongest terms possible as they are not a true reflection of the will and wish Ugandan people said on 18th Feb 2016. We saw the deliberate delay, ballot boxes stuffed with pre-ticked ballot papers in favor of the incumbent and kidnap of tallying material and FDC party leaders from the FDC Party headquarters we will not allude to what happened any further.
The entire electoral process became a sham; it was rigged using intimidation of voters, imprisonment of opponents, sabotage of rallies, late delivery of election materials, delayed opening of election centers, vote falsification at undisclosed tally centers, and bribery, among other malpractices.
The European Union and Commonwealth preliminary reports are already out, were aired on 20th February 2016 and are available on the YouTube channel for you to see and confirm our concerns as Ugandans.

The Chairman of the Electoral Commission, Mr. Badru Kiggundu intentionally announced the false results in favor of the incumbent, Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as the ‘winner’ of the election, on the 20th February 2016. This has been challenged by the main opposition candidate Col DR Kizza Besigye (rtd), the FDC party and the majority of Ugandans! They could have gone to demonstrate their protest but in Uganda, demonstrations are curtailed.

Road Block at Kasangati 22.02.2016

Continued arrests of party leaders.

We have observed the Uganda Police and Military police continue to insurmountable force in illegally arresting and detaining opposition party leaders, FDC party staffs, P10 volunteers, FDC party supporters and pressing no charges against them. We are aware that these are deliberate steps to curtail their freedoms of assembly, expression aimed at physically and illegally blocking all their efforts to seek court redress within the 10 working days required by law to contest this election.

We are calling upon all Ugandans, pro-democratic forces, and human rights activists to reject these actions with all constitutional means possible. We will not continue to look on as you illegally arrest FDC party leaders and members. It’s our constitutional right to stand against all illegalities and inhuman treatment. This should stop immediately and if you don’t stop we will take all measures to stop an illegal operation by the police.

Kizza Besigye Premises.

We would like in the strongest terms possible condemn the continued persecution, house detention, detention without trial of Presidential candidate Kizza Besigye. There is heavy deployment around his house and he can hardly make a step outside his door. This is unacceptable and is very unprecedented in our country. He is not only a Ugandan but a human rights activists as well as a presidential candidate. who deserves to enjoy his constitutional rights and a right to a dignifying treatment by the state. As key stakeholders in this country, we are asking the state not to taste our patience. You have done many unconstitutional things but we will not let you curtail the rights of RTD. Col DR. Kizza Besigye and Illegal besieging of FDC party Headquarters

In the same spirit, we would like to condemn the Uganda police for the continued besieging of a legally registered political party FDC headquarters. The breaking of doors and vandalisation of FDC property by Uganda police. This was uncalled for.

International Community.

To the international community and observers. Will you look on as Uganda’s constitutional order is abused and Ugandans are raped of their dignity to vote for the leaders they want?
We commend you for raising your concerns about the flawed electoral process but actions speak louder than words. We are calling upon you to diligently continue observing the process and remain key watchdogs in this process but also take swift and drastic action that will restore the freedom of assembly, association and movement of Col Dr Kizza Besigye, members of his campaign task force the P10 vote protection volunteers and all the FDC party activists, so that the petition can be finalized and launched in the required time frame for the high court to handle, or impose targeted sanctions on the regime if they don’t comply.

Constitutional Mandate.

We believe in part that the supreme law of the land has been abrogated in accordance with chapter one of the 1995 constitution that states that:
1. The sovereignty of the people.
(1) All power belongs to the people who shall exercise their sovereignty in accordance with this Constitution.
(2) Without limiting the effect of clause (1) of this article, all authority in the State emanates from the people of Uganda; and the people shall be governed through their will and consent.

We believe that the current situation and the announcement of false results infringe on the will and consent of Ugandans. Yet the constitution further says that;

(4) The people shall express their will and consent on who shall govern them and how they should be governed, through regular, free and fair elections of their representatives or through a referendum.
We have all reasons and overwhelming evidence that is blatantly clear to all Ugandan and all election observers that the just concluded presidential elections were not free or fair and thus fell short of this constitutional mandate.

As such we have a constitutional duty enshrined in our constitution and these will be but our next steps until such a moment as instructed by this constitution and we quote;

3. Defense of the Constitution.
(4) All citizens of Uganda shall have the right and duty at all times—
(a) to defend this Constitution and, in particular, to resist any person or group of persons seeking to overthrow the established constitutional order; and
(b) to do all in their power to restore this Constitution after it has been suspended, overthrown, abrogated or amended contrary to its provisions.
(5) Any person or group of persons who, as required by clause (4) of
this article, resists the suspension, overthrow, abrogation or amendment of
this Constitution commits no offense.

1.We are giving the police 6 hours from now to stop trespassing and vacate the premises of Kizza Besigye or else we mobilize a demonstration at his home in our usual large numbers.

2. Respect Col Dr. Kizza Besigye’s freedom of movement, assembly, association and freedom of expression. He committed no crime to contest as president in this Election.

3. We are further asking you to leave FDC headquarters in peace with immediate effect.

4. We demand that the Electoral Commission must forthwith avail comprehensive lists of the over 3000 polling stations that were omitted from the final tally.

From now further business is not going to be as usual, we are going to assertively control our destinies in order to claim our future. There is no other person who will do it for us.

“For God and My country”.

Gen. Kayihura knows politics better then Politicians apparently; the Master Yoda of Uganda is Kayihura!

FDC P10 Card

Well, yet again the Ugandan Police Force decides to be a Political actor during election times. As IGP Gen. Kale Kayihura has told Journalist how to do journalism during 2015; he knows now’s how to build party structures, as there is only allowed for NRM to have branches on their organizations. As they have NRM CEC; NRM Historicals, NRM Youth League, NRM Poor Youth and so, and all of them are legal, while FDC can only have their offices and main party but not anything else it seems. Here is what he is initially saying!

What the Inspector of General of Police said today:

“Police have told the Forum for Democratic Change to disband Power-10, a grouping of 10 people per village, which the party says mobilise support for its candidate and will protect votes on election day” (…)”The Inspector General of Police, Gen. Kale Kayihura, said FDC officials have been officially informed about the disbandment of what he called a militia. “If there is any violence, we are going to deal with it,” Gen. Kayihura said” (Bagala, 2016)

Here is the FDC’s Instructions for the P10 Program:

“1- If you want to vote Dr. Besigye, don’t give him only one vote. Please mobilise and recruit 10 more votes for him.

2- On voting day…make sure you GET OUT THE VOTE. Let nobody stay home! You must especially ensure your Power 10 members go in time to the polling station to cast their votes.

3- After voting, protect the vote. You cannot protect it alone! Please be 10 to Protect the vote. 10, 10, 10, at your respective polling stations.

4- After casting and protecting the vote, the final task is to protect victory. The winner must be declared and the loser must accept defeat.

NOTE: -10 people around you is powerful security to each of you. Move together, coordinate together, Vote together” (FDC Mobilisers).

How the NRM intimidate a crowd with the help of UDPF:

Here is their money service delivery with their village bribery program:

Gen Tukumunde Entebbe Dec 2015 - Money Man for NRM

If you see that the FDC is such a danger as they mobilize their supports, just as the executive leaders in the Villages under NRM. But that is NRM, as the NRM as allowed to do anything. They can even pay the villagers, pay and give gifts for votes. As in Kamuli on the 10th February the villagers in the area was given UGX 3k for their vote for the NRM-Regime. That Police doesn’t stop that non-sense is beyond me, but Gen. Kayihura is only following Mzee. The NRM has this Village Program where they give for the total amount of people UGX 250k shared on everybody. In some villages that leaves the amount of value of the vote down 100s or 600 shillings; As in Kikgate sub-county in Isingiro District where each person got UGX 1k yesterday! On the 4th February NRM gave UGX 3k in Kitete Village in Mukono District. As in Bubulo East County in Manafwana district, MP Simon Mulongo Wetende, Mr. Simon diligent job as NRM man delivered UGX 250 to the villages. While the Bupoto Primary School is still neglected; take a look:

Bupoto Primary School in 10.02.2016

Which it cannot only be worth as the amount doesn’t add value to life or even ability to buy anything of worth, and the only thing this program does, is eating tax-money with leverage; NRM using their position to buy votes, something Gen. Kayihura has no troubles with.

While he claims the P10 is illegal militia, the P10 does not carry weapons or sticks, they are not in it for violence as the other outfits of his Police; the Police in charge of inciting more violence, as I have reported over a long time. The Crime Preventers are more a militia then the P10 ever will be.

It is a reason why the Crime Preventers had to be probed in Parliament:

“Prime Minister’s Time, Dr. Rugunda said, “They are not supposed to be playing partisan roles. If there are any errors committed, we shall follow them up and ensure that they are stopped.” Hon. Okumu, a Parliamentary Commissioner, said Police crime preventers were campaigning for the ruling NRM and intimidating supporters of other parties. He added that instead of crime prevention, they were causing crime and had become partisan. Crime preventers, who are mostly youths, undergo training in community policing courses aimed at empowering them with self defense skills, ideological orientation, crime prevention and patriotism.  Similarly, while responding to a question by Mukono Municipality MP, Hon. Betty Nambooze (DP), the Prime Minister said the role of the Police is to enforce the law without discrimination” (Parilament.ug, 2015).

As the Crime Preventers have self-defense training and at Police Schools around the country with sticks, they have more violent tone and a brigade that the Police can enforce to distress the elections; while the P10 is a 10 volunteers who stand-by and stand together while waiting for results and the counting during the elections. As a democratic way of seeing that the votes are conducted correctly by the tally officers and in-charge of the ballots after receiving them. As there been conducting and results for rigging before under President Museveni; Gen. Kayihura shouldn’t enforce and use his Police Force to stop a branch of another political party; as it undress his political ambition and loyalty towards NRM. Uganda Police Force is more looking as a NRM security outfit, then trying to keep the whole country safe as he defends the NRM by any means, also follow orders like a blind dog. Gen. Kayihura is meddling in everything because of his position and because of his loyalty to Mzee. But that doesn’t save the fact that your using rhetoric and actions that counters righteous ways, how to build society and making sure of the safety of the actual citizens that Gen. Kayihura is supposed to do. Instead he creates a force of Crime Preventers that creates violence and tension; generate also fear with the violence and using his police to follow the opposition with Anti-Riot Police and Special Force Command to ensure that the FDC or Go-Forward doesn’t break the regulations set by the Electoral Commission.

Kayihura Mentoring Service

Send a mail to Kayihura: “so you can conduct yourself correctly” — Trust me he will help you out! — It offically Kayihura Mentoring Service! 

So the issue is that Gen. Kale Kayihura should actually do his job and secure the citizens. An not tell opposition to disband one of their branches, as it is set-up to see that their votes get respected by the regime that Kayihura works for. As Kayihura has told us how Journalist should work, it is not surprising that he know has the knowledge on how opposition parties should work and also do their mobilization as Kayihura is the Yoda of Uganda; the man who knows how everybody should act and also conduct themselves; Kayihura has the answers to how everybody should cross the street, grow bananas and even seek refugees under tropical storms. So if you ever wonder how to act or behave as a person in Uganda, please send a mail to: info@upf.go.ug and he will give you advice that makes Oprah look like a wild kid. Kayihura will help you out, trust me! Peace.


Bagala, Andrew – ‘Police want FDC’s P10 group disbanded’ (11.02.2016) link: http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/Police-want-FDCs-P10-group-disbanded/-/688334/3071262/-/n7ytgwz/-/index.html

Parliament.ug – ‘PM explains role of Police, crime preventers’ (2015) link: http://www.parliament.go.ug/new/index.php/about-parliament/parliamentary-news/630-pm-explains-role-of-police-crime-preventers