Opinion: Mr. Sunday should remember that he spoke ill of the Clergy, not blame the media for reporting it!

President Yoweri Museveni has warned religious leaders against meddling in national politics. He said everybody had a specific role to play in the development of the nation and asked the clergy to stick to the saving of people’s souls. I thought that the role of the clergy was to preach and deliver the souls of people to heaven but not politicking, Museveni said” (Allan Turyaguma – ‘Leave Politics, Museveni Advises Church Leaders’ 26.08.2002, New Vision).

It’s isn’t new that President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has issues with people speaking up against him. That is because in his narrow mind, he is the only one with a vision. The visionary has never tolerated that people has spoken up against him or challenge him. That is treason and that is the reason why Besigye is court-side now and then. Museveni cannot stomach critics, especially not Clergy or Christian leaders, they should all bow down to him. So again, he is addressing the Clergy, but now blaming the media. Because he hasn’t himself blamed them before for addressing political matter.

Kampala. President Yoweri Museveni has warned newspapers against publishing false information aimed at causing confusion. “I want really to warn some of these newspapers that we are here to build our country. As Christians, we work for peace not for discord. They should not make it a business to spread discord,” said the President. President Museveni made the remarks this afternoon at Hotel Africana in Kampala, where he was a guest of honour at a conference organised by the Wekembe Group” (PPU – ‘PRESIDENT MUSEVENI WARNS MEDIA AGAINST FOMENTING CONFUSION’ 17.04.2018).

That is why he is separating them, the Newspapers are now the issues. During campaigns before 2016 elections, he said the Newspapers was trash then too. So this follows a pattern. If someone writes something intelligent or inside information from the NRM. You can expect to be in Court, detained in Nalufenya and closed papers for days, even months. The same as happen to Red Pepper recently and with the Sejusa Letters to Daily Monitor. What is weird is that the Observer hasn’t been touched in that regard.

The President would like anyone to be as submissive as the Seventh Day Adventist President Ted Wilson, who said while being with His Excellency: “work is to preach to the people and show them the right way to heaven and not involve ourselves in politics” (Samuel Kamugisha – ‘SDA President Ted Wilson: Church Should Stay Away From Politics’ 18.02.2018, The Pearl Times). It is a reason why the SDA Church Leader got to bask in the glory of Museveni. He spoke his message and his words. It was going back to 2002 Museveni. That must have made the holy ghost flee the building. Because, this was praising the works of the oppressive dictator who controls everything.

Part of me still believes that Museveni are still in the bush and believes what people said about him then: “Privately Ugandans will only refer to ”Sunday” or ”two-plus-five,” code for Mu-seven-i. Some peasants believe he cannot be hurt by bullets” (William Pike – ‘Uganda can’t seem to crush guerrilla leader Museveni’ 20.09.1984, CS Monitor). Since he still thinks he cannot be hurt by bullets or wisdom for that matter.

He continues to blame everyone else. He is saying the media is spreading false news about him. The thing is, that he has steadily attacked the clergy when they have addressed his shortcomings. Something he cannot stomach. Just like he cannot manage to have opposition that cannot be bought. Those are the worst in his opinion. They should go back to village and work, not speak up and ask for things. That is not patriotic. That is how simple minded the President is.

He thinks he is wise, he think he can be untouchable, maybe because of the 1980s mythical figure he created around himself. If not how he built an army and built a fraud of an affair where he pay off his cronies. Later get rid of them, when he has no use of them. That why he is bothered by the media and the clergy. You cannot pay them all off, many you can, but not everyone.

The problem with Museveni. Is that for someone who has been in charge since 1986, he clearly doesn’t remember what he has said in the past. How he has reacted and how easy it is to find countering statements from his own lacking-visionary mouth.

The first thing the President could do, was to look into himself. Ask himself, what have I said in the past, what could be found in the archives and what would not fit my own words. Before opening up with a grand speech, acting holier than God and thinking you have the answer to life, the universe and everything. Certainly, that is 42, even though in the in the mind of Museveni it is 86. Everything returns to 86.

He can secondly blame the media or thirdly the clergy, but the problem is always him. Because he is the one saying these words and others are reporting it. If he don’t want these reports. Maybe he should be inside the State House or on one of his farms. Not speaking to people or handle meetings, not having speeches and not being interviewed. Maybe then, the reporting would be different. However, he cannot keep himself away from the spotlight.

Maybe Mr. Sunday could wake-up on Monday, smell the coffee and know that he created the issue himself yesterday. I doubt he will, but it would have been healthy. Peace.

Opinion: Prophet Mbonye are seeking wealth, not building a true church!

Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless” – Ecclesiastes 5:10, (New International Version, NIV)

The Prophet Elvis Mbonye, the former bachelor of Development Studies at Makerere University. Who is now the grand prophet who surely knows deep into this mind that a Norwegian should write about his wealth and monies. Since, the prophet clearly cares more about wealth, than about the message. He sells audios and for 10k Uganda Shillings. So it not like his web-page is filled with the spirit of the lord, more like PR campaign for a snake-oil. Speaking of God, but claiming the prophet was able to foresee any world-event. Take a look!

According to the recordings from that fellowship, Mbonye said then: “A time comes when you have got to realise that God is here. And you know how you can be sure about that [he starts glowing at this point]? It is because I am not my own. There comes a time after the glory of God has increased [the stage gets whiter] … ” He ended the sermon by saying: “What is happening here is God in demonstration,” and quotes Acts 5:14-16. For the August 23 fellowship, Mbonye finished preaching at 8:57pm by calling out all those called Bruno. Three gentlemen showed up and he correctly told them the exact months and dates on which they were born, before sending the crowd into praise and worship songs. When most of the people had left the venue, I realised that organising this fellowship was more than just attendance and preaching. At Serena, I put my observations forward. “The whole setting of the venue you saw that day costs us over Shs 54 million every Tuesday,” says the 39-year-old prophet. “We hire the Fotogenix tent alone at over Shs 20m, the public address system and live coverage is about Shs 15m and the hotel charges us over Shs 10m. It is by God’s grace that we manage””(Nangonzi, 2016)

The last time we checked on Kampala’s self-styled pastor on the block, Prophet Elvis Mbonye, it was report how he had shopped a posh Range Rover valued at Shs650m. The upcoming pastor who pulls crowds that double what Pastor Robert Kayanja could even dare dream of, seems to have it all; talks good, dresses smartly, rides BMWs or Range Rovers of 2016 model, and performs miracles” (…) “The tickers for the gala dinner will cost Shs1m platinum; Shs750,000 gold; Shs500,000 silver and Shs300,000 bronze. The phone numbers are available for those who want to make special reservations. “The people that matter, meet here,” Mbonye is fond of saying. Go to Kololo Independence grounds on September 1, 2017 and witness for yourself” (Edge, 2017)

As this are showing is just more money. Money, money and money, this is not why Jesus Christ died for something as simple money. That he is seeking own personal wealth and glory. When his own web-page has poll on the most believable prophecy: “Which prophecy is the most remarkable to you?”, which continues: “1st Authentic Prophecy!!!, 2nd Brexit Prophecy Fulfillment!!!, 3rd DP Split Fulfilled, 4th Remarkable Prophetic Fulfillment!!! and 5th South Africa Xenophobia Prophecy”. Check his web-page, it is all there: www.prophetelvis.com. He doesn’t even hide is own swagger and belief in his powers.

This is all a PR scoop, a ploy to eat on narrow-minded people’s belief. In Mark 11.15-17: 15 On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, 16 and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. 17 And as he taught them, he said, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’[c]? But you have made it ‘a den of robbers.’[d]” (Mark 11, New International Version NIV).

Clearly, Elvis Mbonye has made his temple for merchandise and not faith, not for prayers. It is a giant shopping mall of empty handed gestures in the spirit of the Lord, but not of faith. The salvation and the mercy, the prophet is eating of the hands of believers to gain his own wealth. As they can nearly afford their own food and drinks, while he drive luxurious cars and surely has mansion somewhere. The pledges and drives to get in money seems more like the thing. His web-page verifies that, as even authors pages has more stories on their books and believes, than the preacher or prophet Mbonye has. It is shell of church and is trading the fate in his capacity over the truth of the gospel he is preaching.

I write this piece because the Prophet started to block People on twitter, after he is now getting paid for having people close to his chair at meetings and getting believers to kiss his expensive sneakers. Clearly, the man a is fraud, who is more about the money, than about salvation and bringing hope from despair. It is amazing that people pay this man and eats of his ego. This is robbing people and doing it with the mercy of the gospel.

I will end with another passage of bible that is fitting from 2. Peter Chapter 2, 1-4: “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping” (New International Version, NIV).

As Prophet Mbonye, claims he has visions of any single event transpiring on planet earth. Rest assure, his riches and fandom will vanish. As the quest for Bentley’s and Mansions will eat his heart and soul. Since it is not for the betterment of the soul or salvation from sin, but for creating himself a business on the naive and people who just needs a figment of hope. This sort of false prophets, the sort of teachers that promises gold, but ask for fortunes themselves. If he would make his congregation wealthy, he wouldn’t ask for millions of shillings in pledges. He would make sure the church knew how to make it themselves. Alas, that is not the case. He has made the church into a self-pleasing mall, a self-adorable stage, where he basks in glory and not in the divine spirit of the Lord.

It is a shame, that people follows the man and pays the man. That they put faith in the man and follows his words, believe them and eat it up like gold. But it might look shiny, but it is fake. The prophet knows this and the world should know to. I hope he prophesied about my writing ill about him, but the scripture and text of the bible is compelling. As it set the standard of the teachers and the leaders of our church. Prophet Mbonye is more into money, than faith. That is fact, mere fact and the Ecclesiastes 5:10 should be a warning, but it doesn’t seem so. Peace.


Edge – ‘Prophet Mbonye asks flock Shs1m to sit on ‘holy chairs’ (08.08.2017) link: http://edge.ug/2017/08/08/prophet-mbonye-asks-flock-shs1m-to-sit-on-holy-chairs/

Nangonzi, Yudaya – ‘Uganda: Elvis Mbonye Talks About His Life As a Modern-Day Prophet’ (15.09.2016) link: http://allafrica.com/stories/201609160049.html

Dr. Kizza Besigye went to All Saints for Service; detained straight-away after Service at Kiira Road P.S.; Before escorted back to Kasangati for more House-Arrest!

Kizza Besigye 28.02.2016

This day started as it has done in the recent days at the besieged Kasangati in Wakiso District, where Dr. Kizza Besigye is under house-arrest with heavy deployment of the Police; the Police have sealed of the area and getting people detained for trying to get to the house of the presidential candidate.

Today Reverend Augustine of Namirembe Diocese in Kampala has arrived at Dr. Besigye’s residence to pick and take him to church at All Saints. First the Police officers around the home would not allow him to leave the compound. Even with the reverend taking him there!

Kizza Besigye 28.02.2016 P2

The good news before the church-service is the people turned around the car of Kizza Besigye, just as they did during the campaign and pre-election period. While the fear was gone even when he was escorted by heavy police presence like he was the most dangerous person in Uganda!

Even the Journalist have to discuss the oppertunity to monitor the situation:

“Following “serious consultations”, journalists have been allowed to enter All Saints Cathedral with their phones and cameras” (NBS TV Uganda, 28.02.2016).

All Saints 28.02.2016 KB

After some time:

“Let’s all head to All Saints, Nakasero for prayers with Dr. Kizza Besigye. He’s been released after thirty minutes of waiting and phone calls from “above” (Forum for Democratic Change, 28.02.2016).

The message from the Service at the All Saints:

“Rev Dr. Medard Birungi leading service at All Saints Cathedral Nakasero falls short of declaring Kizza Besigye president!” (…)”Uganda is going to be a nation of One Uganda One People Moving Forward in Steady Progress” (…)”God is going to punish this country. Because what is going on in Uganda is against God’s will. All institutions are dead. Hospitals are dead, school system is dead ……ooh God the Electoral Commission. …. (he pauses) Yamaweeeee….!! This nation is dead, it needs to raise again. The Uganda electoral commission…how can people go to a polling station, they vote for a person but EC declares a different person. What is going on is treating symptoms. Beating demonstrators is not a solution to Uganda. You need to ask yourself why people are demonstrating then solve the problems. God is weeping over this nation. He is weeping over Kampala today. Jesus will never leave u alone. When EC steals your election, just call the Lord and say JESUS WILL NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE!” (…)”There are people who celebrated when Jesus died on Friday but on the 3rd day, they melted like ice. Those who had put a big stone on the grave could not understand what happened.” (…)”He told a story of the disaster he went through when his team Liverpool was playing the Champions League final against AC Millan. The first half was a disaster. Liverpool had been beaten 3:0. But then the 2nd half started and Liverpool charged. At the end of it Liverpool was champion” (…)“I tell you my brothers and sisters your second half is coming. Just stay focused and steadfast. You are going to be the champion.” (Forum for Democratic Change, 28.02.2016).

All Saints 28.02.2016 KB P2

Then when he was leaving the church and the service, the Police went back to normal. The Police force started to tow his car on Nakasero Road and make sure that Dr. Kizza Besigye would not go home directly to Kasangati.

Kizza Besigye Message after the Service today:

“Glad that for first time in a week I left home. Attended All Saints church service. Now detained at Kiira Rd Police Station”.

Kiir Road 28.02.2016

Kampala Metropolitan spokesperson Partick Onyango has uttered these beautiful quotes on the detaining of Kizza Besigye at Kiira Road Police Station:

“Kizza Besigye is not arrested or detained but he is a Kiira Road Police Station he is “chatting with people”. Well, the spokesperson continued: “Kizza Besigye wanted to go home via the Kiseka Market is a “hotbed of strikes”. If you thought he was done Onyango said this to: “he is still free as a bird”. MR Onyango a free bird doesn’t ask permission to go to church or get his car towed. I think somebody should give you permission to talk, since you have today just talked nonsense.

KB 28.02.2016 Car Towed

Back to house-arrest:

“Dr Kiiza Besigye back at his Kasangati home after police escorted him there following brief detention at Kira Police Station” (NBS TV Uganda, 2016).

If you wonder about the security detail to his place from Kampala to Kasangati:

“There are now three road blocks to KB’s place, One is in Lutete before you reach Kasangati, the second one is in Kasangati trading center, the third is on the route that branches off to KB’s home, Police thoroughly checks each and every vehicle, if you miss the first and second road block minus being netted, you will definitely be netted on the third one and they (police) will immediately disperse you” (Paisely, 28.02.2016)

So things are back to normal, he got a brief time of some strange sort of freedom and feel the presence of people and the country where he was campaigning for the cause of liberty and justice. Something that he still does not have; the Police continues to keep him on lock-down and under siege in his own home. This Sunday was rear, but still only a bliss moment of normalcy, but the totalitarian state that is now under control of President Museveni could not see Dr. Kizza Besigye walking around with the people as they surrounded him just on the way to Church. Peace.

Professor Lumumba at PAV Ansah Foundation Forum – “On the Subject of Governance!”

PLO Lumumba interesting as always! Right?

Ask ourselves! We should Ask Ourselves!


PLO Lumumba – “We are Co-Authors of our misfortune”

Interesting, right? Enlightenment, right?
