Opinion: Mzee has become a colonial overlord grabbing land in the North…

Government land- Anybody occupying government land (Aswa ranch, Lakang, land acquired for the Madvhani group, etc.) must leave with immediate effect but in any case not later than 3 weeks from today” (Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, 03.11.2023).

Today, we can acknowledge with certainty that the Government of Uganda (GoU) lays claims to land and expropriate it without any consideration, hesitation or plans for the ones living on it. This after years of stalemate and clashes. Because, the state has no answers and only beholden to the companies or foreign investors who “bought” the land.

That’s how the National Resistance Movement (NRM) operates. They are now giving Apaa Village three weeks to move. Others will follow in the Acholi sub-region. As the interests of Kampala/Entebbe is more important than the livelihoods or the pastoralist societies of the North. That is the message I am getting from the President.

He gives the citizens three weeks to relocate, but offers no securities, no basic ways to find new homes or land to settle on. The President is relocating families and villages all for the benefit of a few chosen ones. That’s what his doing and he has no plan or structure in place to give them shelter or a way to make a living.

What the President is now issuing is a case for the Madvhani Group, which have made agreements with the state back in the mid 2000s or around 2006 to be exact. There been plenty of setbacks and pushback on the deal. However, the state has continued and persistent that the group was to takeover 40,000 hectares of land in Amuru district and build Amuru Sugar Works.

While the mentioning of Apaa Village was to sell it to a South African Investor Bruce Martin so he got his own gaming reserve and hunting ground in the area. That was done in 2005 and continued to this day.

Another mentioned case was the sale of Aswa Ranch to the Libyan government in 1998. That’s why we know the state has worked on these cases for years and now suddenly only give a staunch warning.

That’s deliberate and a scare tactic, as there are no mechanisms or anything in place to safeguard the civilians here. Everywhere that the state has sold land. They are only becoming internally displaced people (IDPs) with nowhere to go. While the investors get prime real-estate and get huge chunks of land. That is hurting to know and the President should know better, but he has promised and the investors wants their loot. Therefore, he has to do something, because his not winning by the years going by. His not getting younger either, so he cannot enjoy the spoils if the assets and the land isn’t sold.

That is something we have to consider here, as the President just directs and orders like a colonial master over the sub-region. Where the public are just supposed to listen and if not… they will suffer consequences. The ironies of that, if they do listen… where should they go? Where and what has the state to offer them?

They have just lost everything and what they knew… so that some foreign investors could grab land in Acholiland. That’s the gig here and its infuriating. It just shows the arrogance and the entitlement of the government. As it just takes, take and doesn’t question its own behaviour here.

Acholi deserves better. They do… they are being sold for shiny objects and left out with nothing. While the President and his inner-circle is getting a piece of the action. Peace.

North Korea (DPRK): Clear Is Our Message to US (12.06.2020)

USA: Rep. Engel and Rep. Smith letter to President Trump on North Korea (21.02.2019)

Memo to self.

This is an important briefing. Not that it is a dire need or has any direct consequences. Nevertheless, for whatever reason in this world. Don’t let other people think for you. God gave you a mind, so please for the love of God. Use it.

There are enough people out there, which will explain and tell how you need to think or what you need to buy. But be yourself. Think out and pan out your own way. Reason yourself and think. Don’t just buy what other people are writing, what other people are saying. Be critical.

Don’t buy into everything I write. It is sometimes terribly wrong or have bad sources. Sometimes even I am more biased than any other brother on planet earth. So, please use your mind. Ask yourself, is this right? Is this thought justified? Are these conclusions any good? Are these sources viable?

I ask myself that all the time, I get tricked and write false. I admit that, because I have too. I am just a man and cannot always be right. Just ask my wife. She will tell you, that I am often wrong.

So please, I ask you. Only once. Always think for yourself. Check out more sources, ask more questions about the topic. Is this brother, right or wrong?

If you do that, your are taking one step in making the world a better place. Not just accepting the powers, the articles and the ones producing content. You are using your mind and thinking, what if this is wrong? What if this is right?

We need those questions. I ask them all the time. I am not just accepting things. That is why my opinion pieces are filled with questions to the ones in power. That is why my pieces and letters are filled with facts, but also just bothering to ask the executives and ministers what need to be said. Someone has to ask. It just happens to be me, but it could have been you instead. Peace.

EFF Condemns Nzimande’s EFF Scapegoat on VBS Bank Funding to SACP (12.11.2018)

Statement by H.E. Ri Yong Ho, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea at the General Debate of the 73rd Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (29.09.2018)

Tanzania: Ministry of Health letter to USAID – “Re: Cancellation of Broadcasting of Radio and TV Sports for Family Planning” (19.09.2018)

Is President Magufuli afraid of statistics now?

The Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and President John Pombe Magufuli who has done his to silence critics, media and opposition politicians. Now, he is starting to control the Education Sector or the Higher Education, as the ones doing surveys and research now with the amendment of the Written Laws and the Principal Acts, Amendment 31. which will stop you from publish any data without permission. Secondly, the same folks cannot publish the data- or statistics even if it truthful, when it differs with the official government data. Therefore, the truth always has to be similar to the government and not be separated from that.

The CCM and Magufuli must be afraid of what the NGOs and Higher Education are doing, as they want the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has to decide if their survey or study is even truthful compared to the numbers they have crunched. They are not accepting the works or the analysis of others. As they might find out that the beans-production isn’t as good as the CCM wants or even the inflation in the coastal region compared to Moshi.

That the ones publishing a statistics or data without the permission from the NBS will get a possible fine of 10 million shillings. They are really afraid of the statistics that doesn’t fit the narrative of CCM. They are already afraid of the Social Media, the bloggers and the newspapers, they have suspended people for writing songs and politicians for calling Magufuli a dictator. He really has to take the pulse on everything.

This shows how bad and how weak the President is. He cannot even trust the educational or the ones surveying the land, as they will belittle his ego and his reputation. He has to be the grandest man ever residing in Tanzania. Magufuli has to be praised and loved like a genius. Even if he is far from it. Is he afraid of academic researchers?

Have they shaded him so much, that the lack of economic progress or even keeping up with his own pledges, become so bad he has to secure the data the Higher Education and the NGOs are creating? Unless, they fit the narrative of the CCM?

That is what I am getting out of this. The Tanzanian government are afraid of researchers, NGOs and the educational surveys, that might find results that doesn’t fit the President and his party. That is why he has to say: “no, you cannot publish that”. That is what he is up too, because he cannot have statistics showing the reality, he needs numbers that are fitting him. Good to know how tin-skinned the man is. Peace.

President Magufuli how thin-skinned are you?

Goebbels was in favor of free speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely the views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favor of free speech.”Noam Chomsky

President John Pombe Magufuli have now asked and an inquiry into the popularity of you as President. This was made by Twaweza in 2018, to show how his popularity have gone. Because of the reaction from the public. The results from the survey was negative going from in the 96% favorable in the 2016, but in 2018 it is down to 55%. So he had lost over 41% ratings as proven by their survey.

That is clearly insulting to the big-man and his thin-skinned ways, if your write articles questioning him. Expect your paper to closed, if your blogger expect to pay and ask for license. Therefore, the crack-down is continuing, even surveys done by NGOs and others are now under-fire. Radios closed, Musicians have been detained and fined for their message in their music. All voices under Magufuli is under question. He cannot manage anything else than praise.

I think early in his Presidency, everyone praised the Bulldozer, the man with plan and without any scruples. That has been proven, as papers, bloggers and radios has closed or lost license because of him. If they did say or write anything, they would end up in trouble. Even opposition MPs have been behind bars because of him.

That is maybe why the President is losing favor, maybe that is why people wasn’t celebrating the Union Day this 26th April 2018. Magufuli ordered the military in the streets of the bigger cities as a showdown of his power. The President has clearly forgotten why he had popularity.

It is because he did the right thing, not all praising him and his actions, but seemingly for the betterment of Tanzania. That is why people loved his ways and his activity as the President. With time he has taken everything personal and also taken action against critics and closing the public space, also ability for them say out in various media houses and platforms.

Magufuli should listen to the likes of Chomsky, maybe then he would understand why I call him thin-skinned. The Tanzanian President cannot stomach criticism. That is proven with his action. He is a whiny little bitch, with lack of character and lack of leadership. If he had been a good leader, he would have listen learned something, not just directing and micro-managing. However, that is something he cannot carry. That is why he is losing popularity.

Because, why is it a problem to get the knowledge of losing popularity Mr. President?

Maybe, you should think of your ways, that people wasn’t celebrating Union Day should be worry itself. Because of your actions. It is time rekindle yourself and maybe even envision yourself in another spotlight.

You should take it and carry it. But your not, because your whining and attacking the free speech. Peace.

Trump Administration acts gangster-like towards the DPRK [and it is not working]

DON CORLEONE: Remember my new Consigliere, a lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns” (The Godfather, 1972).

In June 2018, President Trump and President Jong-Un signed a new agreement, which wasn’t particular special. There was no promise or change from the 1994 agreement. Therefore, the sudden rush of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to arrive in Pyongyang is showing, how misunderstood the Trump Administration has off it all. They have misunderstood the agreement and the diplomatic measures. Not that Trump has the wits to understand the trick the North Koreans has pulled-off. But they signed an agreement without technicalities and without measures securing denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Because on the 12th June 2018, they signed to: “ the DPRK commits to work toward” and that is not stating when or how. That is a vague statement, that could mean starting tomorrow or next century. Therefore, the Trump Administration haven’t gotten anywhere closer, than they were in 1994. Even if the Administration and the President itself thinks so.

What is why Secretary Pompeo suddenly continued on the “progress” as he thought he could ambush the Party and the dictatorship. They have already a clear statement and also shown the world, they are not ready to played by Washington D.C. leadership at this point. That Pompeo thought he could play this one easily out, than the previous administrations would have done the same. However, that has not worked.

DPRK have answered to Pompeo:

The U.S. is fatally mistaken if it went to the extent of regarding that the DPRK would be compelled to accept, out of its patience, the demands reflecting its gangster-like mindset. A shorter way to denuclearization on the Korean peninsula is to remove deep-rooted mistrust and build up trust between the DPRK and the U.S. For this, both sides should be bold enough to be free from old ways which had only recorded failures and resolve the problem in a fresh manner which is never bound by the existing ways. A shortcut to it is also to take a step-by-step approach and follow the principle of simultaneous actions in resolving what is feasible one by one while giving priority to creating trust. But, if the U.S., being captivated in a fidget, tries to force upon us the old ways claimed by the previous administrations, this will get us nowhere” (KCNA: Foreign Ministry Spokesman on DPRK-U.S. High-level Talks, 07.07.2018).

If the Trump Administration thought this would be a straight forward easy game, than they are wrong. As the United States isn’t the most interesting partner for North Korea, that is China and South Korea. They are more cordial with diplomatic missions, but that is not the way of this United States. The erratic and unstable administration, who works on any whim of the President, instead of trying to figure the world out. They are blasting into the dry-wall and hoping nothing hits back.

The DPRK are not to be fooled and have calculated the efforts, all their efforts and thanks for the Singapore Summit in June, the President has gotten more respect is less lonesome in Pyongyang. He has more respect and more places to go than Beijing and Seoul. The North Korean leadership has more leverage and United States has given away theirs for a signature drive in Asia. What a waste of skin and possibility.

That is why “walking towards” can means a lot, but with no time-lines, not mechanisms or anything considering monitoring any level of progress, the North Koreans could do whatever, as the symbolic agreements is as worthless as the pen used by the Presidents.

Pompeo should have known this, but his attitude and arrogance, combined with the lack of tact, is the reason for the gangster-like ways. They are trying to ambush and change the ways of the DPRK without offering anything. That will not work, but than again, the US has lost their leverage and given way for the conference in June.

They just haven’t understood it yet. Because the Trump Administrations isn’t that educated or wise.

Ted: Say what you will, but it’s a law of nature.

Marshall: Lawyered!… of nature” (How I Met Your Mother – The Playbook – Season 5, Episode 8, 2009).

Trump and his administration have been lawyered! Peace.