When did it become okay? That the Politicians of our time are richer than businessmen!

There is no art which one government sooner learns of another than that of draining money from the pockets of the people.” Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations

Something is wrong in our day and age. When the Members of Parliament, the politicians and the appointed leadership are richer, than ever before. When the politicians and the ones representing us are richer than the ones building factories and owning businesses. That is just wrong, that is not right. It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

The Members of Parliament, the politicians, the councilors and the local government officials wasn’t supposed to be the kingpins and have the biggest mansions. They are supposed to represent us and make sure that society are working for all of us. Maybe with different ideology and party affiliation, but their existence and their livelihood depend on the idea, that they are representing us. The politicians are supposed to be there for us and be there as guards. And if we don’t like they way they are guarding our society, we change them with someone else in the next election. That is how it is supposed to be, right?

However, that is not the case in our day. To many places they are honorable, they are noble, they have more businesses than businessmen, they have more investment too. They are using their connections for government tenders and also trading with State Owned Enterprises (SOE). All of this so they can sponge off the state and secure even more profits on the dime of the citizens. Instead of delivering and representing, they are become traders of faith and billing society too.

That wasn’t the intention. It wasn’t supposed to be rigged elections and fixed results. That makes sense for the leadership not representing the people or delivering. Since they don’t have to, it is just a charade securing the leadership “legitimacy” with an election, but the people didn’t elect them. That was ghosts, bots and algorithms. They have no interests in caring or delivering. Neither has the ones who used a coup to gain power. They fought there for their own will, not depending on the goodwill and trust of the public.

There are so many leaders and MPs, so many parliamentarians who seems more preoccupied with their SUVs, Mansions, Salaries and expense accounts. That they are not considering the troubles of the working people, about the pensioners and the ones unemployed. They are just happy go lucky, that the fortune hit them. The poverty, the lacking services and the misuse of power doesn’t mind them. These people could make it on their own, that is why they are unfortunate. Not that it’s the MPs, the Presidents or the representatives who didn’t see who they represent.

When we forget that they are representing us, they are representing the ideas of our society and the will of change that is needed. There is always need for change and need for productivity. There is always need for service delivery and making sure the government are accountable. However, when the representative is more keen on their own pockets and getting connections to enrich themselves. Then they loose their meaning and their purpose. They are then marionettes for the elites and the corporations. The politicians becomes stooges and relics instead of the representing the people of their constituency.

This has to change, we have to change this, we cannot accept that the MPs, the politicians are taking us for granted and using us for their own gain. They are there to serve, unless they don’t change. We have to serve them, we have to demonstrate and boycott their well-wishers. We cannot just look at these leaders of ours and be happy with it.

If they wont represent us, then we have to get fresh blood. Get people who actually care and give a damn. Because the ones in our time are greedy, selfish loot of people, who needs to recognized and be dealt with, before we are dealt with and we will be left behind. Peace.

Opinion: Prophet Mbonye are seeking wealth, not building a true church!

Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless” – Ecclesiastes 5:10, (New International Version, NIV)

The Prophet Elvis Mbonye, the former bachelor of Development Studies at Makerere University. Who is now the grand prophet who surely knows deep into this mind that a Norwegian should write about his wealth and monies. Since, the prophet clearly cares more about wealth, than about the message. He sells audios and for 10k Uganda Shillings. So it not like his web-page is filled with the spirit of the lord, more like PR campaign for a snake-oil. Speaking of God, but claiming the prophet was able to foresee any world-event. Take a look!

According to the recordings from that fellowship, Mbonye said then: “A time comes when you have got to realise that God is here. And you know how you can be sure about that [he starts glowing at this point]? It is because I am not my own. There comes a time after the glory of God has increased [the stage gets whiter] … ” He ended the sermon by saying: “What is happening here is God in demonstration,” and quotes Acts 5:14-16. For the August 23 fellowship, Mbonye finished preaching at 8:57pm by calling out all those called Bruno. Three gentlemen showed up and he correctly told them the exact months and dates on which they were born, before sending the crowd into praise and worship songs. When most of the people had left the venue, I realised that organising this fellowship was more than just attendance and preaching. At Serena, I put my observations forward. “The whole setting of the venue you saw that day costs us over Shs 54 million every Tuesday,” says the 39-year-old prophet. “We hire the Fotogenix tent alone at over Shs 20m, the public address system and live coverage is about Shs 15m and the hotel charges us over Shs 10m. It is by God’s grace that we manage””(Nangonzi, 2016)

The last time we checked on Kampala’s self-styled pastor on the block, Prophet Elvis Mbonye, it was report how he had shopped a posh Range Rover valued at Shs650m. The upcoming pastor who pulls crowds that double what Pastor Robert Kayanja could even dare dream of, seems to have it all; talks good, dresses smartly, rides BMWs or Range Rovers of 2016 model, and performs miracles” (…) “The tickers for the gala dinner will cost Shs1m platinum; Shs750,000 gold; Shs500,000 silver and Shs300,000 bronze. The phone numbers are available for those who want to make special reservations. “The people that matter, meet here,” Mbonye is fond of saying. Go to Kololo Independence grounds on September 1, 2017 and witness for yourself” (Edge, 2017)

As this are showing is just more money. Money, money and money, this is not why Jesus Christ died for something as simple money. That he is seeking own personal wealth and glory. When his own web-page has poll on the most believable prophecy: “Which prophecy is the most remarkable to you?”, which continues: “1st Authentic Prophecy!!!, 2nd Brexit Prophecy Fulfillment!!!, 3rd DP Split Fulfilled, 4th Remarkable Prophetic Fulfillment!!! and 5th South Africa Xenophobia Prophecy”. Check his web-page, it is all there: www.prophetelvis.com. He doesn’t even hide is own swagger and belief in his powers.

This is all a PR scoop, a ploy to eat on narrow-minded people’s belief. In Mark 11.15-17: 15 On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, 16 and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. 17 And as he taught them, he said, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’[c]? But you have made it ‘a den of robbers.’[d]” (Mark 11, New International Version NIV).

Clearly, Elvis Mbonye has made his temple for merchandise and not faith, not for prayers. It is a giant shopping mall of empty handed gestures in the spirit of the Lord, but not of faith. The salvation and the mercy, the prophet is eating of the hands of believers to gain his own wealth. As they can nearly afford their own food and drinks, while he drive luxurious cars and surely has mansion somewhere. The pledges and drives to get in money seems more like the thing. His web-page verifies that, as even authors pages has more stories on their books and believes, than the preacher or prophet Mbonye has. It is shell of church and is trading the fate in his capacity over the truth of the gospel he is preaching.

I write this piece because the Prophet started to block People on twitter, after he is now getting paid for having people close to his chair at meetings and getting believers to kiss his expensive sneakers. Clearly, the man a is fraud, who is more about the money, than about salvation and bringing hope from despair. It is amazing that people pay this man and eats of his ego. This is robbing people and doing it with the mercy of the gospel.

I will end with another passage of bible that is fitting from 2. Peter Chapter 2, 1-4: “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping” (New International Version, NIV).

As Prophet Mbonye, claims he has visions of any single event transpiring on planet earth. Rest assure, his riches and fandom will vanish. As the quest for Bentley’s and Mansions will eat his heart and soul. Since it is not for the betterment of the soul or salvation from sin, but for creating himself a business on the naive and people who just needs a figment of hope. This sort of false prophets, the sort of teachers that promises gold, but ask for fortunes themselves. If he would make his congregation wealthy, he wouldn’t ask for millions of shillings in pledges. He would make sure the church knew how to make it themselves. Alas, that is not the case. He has made the church into a self-pleasing mall, a self-adorable stage, where he basks in glory and not in the divine spirit of the Lord.

It is a shame, that people follows the man and pays the man. That they put faith in the man and follows his words, believe them and eat it up like gold. But it might look shiny, but it is fake. The prophet knows this and the world should know to. I hope he prophesied about my writing ill about him, but the scripture and text of the bible is compelling. As it set the standard of the teachers and the leaders of our church. Prophet Mbonye is more into money, than faith. That is fact, mere fact and the Ecclesiastes 5:10 should be a warning, but it doesn’t seem so. Peace.


Edge – ‘Prophet Mbonye asks flock Shs1m to sit on ‘holy chairs’ (08.08.2017) link: http://edge.ug/2017/08/08/prophet-mbonye-asks-flock-shs1m-to-sit-on-holy-chairs/

Nangonzi, Yudaya – ‘Uganda: Elvis Mbonye Talks About His Life As a Modern-Day Prophet’ (15.09.2016) link: http://allafrica.com/stories/201609160049.html