Africa Day 25th May 2016- Celebrating it with a Tomas Sankara Quote!


To a rally of several thousands people in Ouagadougou commemorating African Liberation Day on 1986 Thomas Sankara said “ “Explained in this way, our struggle for the trees and for forests is first and foremost a democratic and popular struggle. Because a handful of forestry engineers and experts getting themselves all worked up in a sterile and costly manner will never accomplish anything! Nor can the worked-up consciences of the multitude of forums and institutions–sincere and praiseworthy though they may be–make the sahel green again, when we lack the funds to drill wells for drinking water a hundred meters deep, while money abounds to drill oil wells three thousand meters deep! As Karl Marx said, those who live in a palace do not think about the same things, nor in the same way, as those who live in a hut. This struggle to defend the trees and forests is above all a struggle against imperialism. Because imperialism is the arsonist setting fire to our forests and our savannas”

Africa Day

PLO Lumumba – “We are Co-Authors of our misfortune”

Interesting, right? Enlightenment, right?
