UPDF: 38th Tarehe Sita Anniversary Celebration to be held in Acholi Sub Region (25.01.2019)

Opinion: Mzee shows hypocrisy, one day speaking ill of it and the next day doing it!

Tarehe Sita 36th Celebration Day in Apac

The man behind the Presidential Handshake, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has outdone himself today, as the report of that his people shouldn’t be begging for money. Well, every time he travels with his liaisons and cronies he brings brown envelopes to dole around. Therefore it is refreshing to read this from the man who is the walking ATM. The man who buys loyalty has a problem that people begs him and his government for money. This is the same government that allocates and spends monies without any proof of where it was used. Just take a look!

President Museveni said on last Thursday:

“People should get out of poverty through labour but not begging. You cannot get out of chan (poverty) through kwayo (begging),” (…) “There is a cancer called Leukemia. Now when your body cannot make its own remo (blood), you depend on blood transfusion. They put in blood, after two weeks it is finished; they put in more blood, it is finished [again]. How can you go on like that?” (…) “So when you want to fight poverty through begging, it’s not a good idea. In fact when you try to get out of poverty through begging you spread poverty. Even the one who gives you also becomes poor” (Oketch, 2017).

Well, President Museveni knows his bit of poverty and how he earned his fortune. He got it through a rebellion and coup d’état against ruling regime. Since then he has ruled and made ways for himself to profit on the state coffers. The added debt on the state over the years and the donors leaving, therefore he suddenly doesn’t want the Republic to beg. Still, he walks with brown-envelope and gives them to the ones he sees fit. Then you shouldn’t wonder why the inflation and BoU has to borrow funds to keep up with the spending of the State House.

So the begging comes from Museveni’s own actions and how his government has operated over time, over three decades. Therefore, inevitably the public would be sucked into the ways as they see and follow the procedure, even if it isn’t written in stone. The Government has created their own monster. Today on the Tarehe Sita 36th Celebration Day in Apac at the Boma Grounds, the President gave another brown envelope of unknown value to the Apac Church of Uganda Mothers Union.

If Museveni was wanting to stop the begging culture, maybe there would be procedures and through meaningful ways of governance, where the applications and the filing through needed ministry and funds would have given Apac Church of Uganda Mothers Union could have gotten Membership support through a Ministry who has sufficient programs to deliver it through. Instead, it is all on the mercy of President and when he visits in goodwill. That is not building resilient and institutional practice to end begging.

So if Mzee want to stop begging for real and wants change, he has to steer the wind and use the wind so he knows where the winds blow. Instead he is a tornado who drops money where ever he turns and nobody can control that. Peace.


Oketch, Bill – ‘President warns against begging’ (06.02.2017) link: http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/President-warns-against-begging/688334-3801038-m4e4ewz/index.html

Free Uganda Statement on the Youth Revolt now underway in Uganda, led by the CHAIN-WARRIORS (31.03.2016)

Demonstrator Kampala 31.03.2016

Ugandan People Power Revolution in the making. The nation’s Patriotic Youth are leading the way. Freedom is the ultimate Destination.

Free Uganda applauds the courageous Ugandan youths who have today, 31st March 2016 launched the equivalent of the 1980 attack on Kabamba barracks by a small group of NRA guerrillas.

The difference is that this extremely symbolic action by the revolutionary youths of Uganda was entirely peaceful – CHAINING THEMSELVES TO POLES IN STRATEGIC AREAS OF KAMPALA CITY, as hundreds of chanting and singing citizens cheered them on.

The CHAIN WARRIORS have opened one of the most effective pathways to the liberation of Uganda, and they must be applauded for their determination and courage, in the face of brutal police arrests and torture.

Going forward in this Struggle, all creative means of defiance will be deployed by the People Power Patriots, but the Ugandan nation must prepared to confront the extreme and nakedly savage brutality by the Museveni / Muhoozi / Kayihura axis.

It is vital that the People of Uganda, while pursuing the freedom goal through peaceful and non-violent means, acknowledge the need to be open-minded about the possible use of ALL NECESSARY MEANS, and begin to build the necessary capacity for any such eventuality.

This call for preparedness to use ALL NECESSARY MEANS to secure the People’s Freedom and resist mass murder on the part of the Museveni / Muhoozi / Kayihura axis, is directed mainly at our brothers and sisters who are already armed and trained in the use of violent means, i.e those in the Uganda People’s Defence Forces, the Uganda Police Service and the country’s Security Services.

If Ugandans are to achieve the Burkina-Style liberation, which was initiated and overwhelmingly actualised by unarmed and peaceful citizens, those progressive and patriotic brothers and sisters in the armed services must be prepared to intervene on the side of the masses, when Museveni, his son Muhoozi and the rogue police general Kale Kayihura begin to commit mass murder of unarmed civilians or when pro-Museveni sections of the armed services chose to carry out a palace coup, as was the case in Burkina Faso, when the presidential guard attempted to reverse the People’s victory by carrying out a palace coup supported by the deposed president.

This foresight and visionary reflection on how things may go wrong in the course of the People’s liberation struggle is of vital importance to the success of the patriotic mission now underway in Uganda.

It is not good enough for the People to sacrifice their lives through peaceful struggle, only for their victory to be blunted or snatched away by the very illegitimate and criminal outfit that has imposed itself on the nation.

Where necessary, even the civilian population that is now involved in peaceful and non-violent defiance, must be prepared to use ALL NECESSARY MEANS should the evolving developments necessitate that course of action.

So, as the People Power Struggle picks momentum and becomes visible on the streets of Uganda’s capital and elsewhere across the country, it would be of strategic importance for the progressive forces in the liberation struggle not to rule out any RADICAL SOLUTIONS, IN THE FACE OF MUSEVENI’S, MUHOOZI’s and KAYIHURA’s EXTREME VIOLENCE, BRUTALITY and REPRESSION.

The Free Uganda (FU) view on the way forward for the Freedom Struggle is that Ugandan people must be prepared for any eventuality and all the patriotic forces in the country should empower themselves and the masses in ways that will be effective enough to overpower the reactionary terror machine currently assembled by Yoweri Museveni.

The Freedom Struggle is on!

Written by Dr. Vincent Magombe, Secretary Free Uganda Leadership Committee and Press Secretary FU – 31/03/2016

“Tarehe Sita” – Rare old footage of the NRA Bush War (Youtube-Clip)

“Rare footage of the NRA bush war”

Finale Stages of the Pre-Election Period; my thoughts on the lost leades of opposition; NRM losing ground; while FDC has the momentum!

UGDebate2016 P6 Together

When we going into the final stages of the pre-election period. This here has been interesting and will continue to be as the final works of the parties, the electoral commission and the other actors into action in the final phase.

There are two or three missing pieces for me in this time, silent leaders who has been like blown in the wind; they have been cast into shadows and need a strong flash-light to reappear on the surface. If there was like American Milk-Carton they would be “missing”.

OlaraOtunnuQuote of 24.June2015

First up! I wonder what is up with is the UPC, Uganda People’s Congress, not their sold-out NRM henchman Jimmy Akena, then you are wrong, he doesn’t even have the ability to scrap enough funds to pay up the nomination fees for the parties MPs and LCV men and woman, which should make his father turn in his grave somewhere; together with the pact together with Museveni. But Akena is not the one missing from the political map, the one is Honorable Olara Otunnu, I am not sure if he really is on the campaign trail with Amama Mbabazi as he was loyal and confident in the The Democratic Alliance in September 2015, while Akena was taking down the UPC flag at the compound. There has since then been drama and escalation of political struggle between them, that till this day is not fully resolved because of the arrogance them both. Playing a game between them for the Presidency in the oldest party in the country! What I miss is the wise-man and accurate touch of the political landscape that Hon. Otunnu has been like a shadow. A missing component that could have made a difference for the opposition and showed more progress of the political parties, which he could have been. Please Mr. Hon. Otunnu come back!

Ken Lukyamuzi

Second man that I wonder where is Ken Lukyamuzi of the Conservative Party, the whole party sounds like it has dissolved. He is in the same league of Justice Party (JEEMA) leader Asuman Basalirwa is the third leader who is gone in the wind. They are leaf’s that hasn’t surfaced between the bottles of Fanta Berry and Matooki while listening to KFM Radio. They are maybe part of the TDA. Still they are not anywhere in the landscape, they could be eaten by wild lions for what the public interests knows.

Norbert-Mao 2011

Norbert Mao has been visible but not for the right reasons, unlawfully violated by the Police in Acholiland, while campaigning for another candidates in his Democratic Party in the Northern Uganda. Norbert Mao himself will not be voted in for the Gulu Municipality, because of the Electoral Commission want somebody else to represent the DP there, as it is a stronghold of the party. Mao has been loyal towards Mbabazi and the TDA since he arrived there from the wilderness in September in 2015.


Erias Lukwago has not been missing, he has been in the spotlight and together with FDC; here and there ever since the Nomination rally in November in 2015. Hon. Lukwago has been representing Gen. Sejusa at the recent court trail before he was sent to Luzira, he has had issues with the Police in Kampala as he started his campaign for Mayoral position again, as he won it in 2011.


The NRM has continue to ferry and Voter Tourism; NRM could have their own bus-company and ferry people after the election with Ofwono Opondo as the spokesman for the company as they can recharge the Uganda Media Centre and add a Costumer friendly app to tell when the buses are in the district; something they should already operate since November 2015. NRM bus company comes to rescue if need a hitch a bus from Mbarara to Lwengo or to Masindi!

As I am talking about: NRM has paid for their flag-bearers recently they paid UGX 20m each. They have 32178 of them. That is a massive amount of funds. Just to put in perspective the total fee is UGX 643,560bn that the party has splashed out. While the FDC payed the MPs nominations fees of UGX 800m, which tells the difference between the parties.

Yellow Buses Luweero 081115 NRM

Mzee has ferried people for weeks on weeks, that has not been the only thing, his fellow loyal companion for ages Hon. Sam Kutesa has tried to pay people 20k each for not showing up for rallies in Sembabule district, as much as that did not work. NRM has also tried stifling Go-Forward rallies with destroying campaign material, paying security detail to shift to NRM, and also trying to pay boda-boda drivers from not doing their job; to get people from the villages to rallies. The same the NRM has done to the FDC in the pre-election period; they can’t help themselves to try to corrupt the whole population, so they can mirror themselves in them. The sad thing for the NRM is that people is not buying into the cheap tricks of the NRM! 


Mzee is losing touch with his people so he had to relaunch his 20 year old autobiography “Sowing the Mustard Seed”. With a second edition; as his YES MEN says is a good idea. The thing it makes it look like is more publicity stunt than coving his achievements, something the original edition did in 1997. In 2016 his legacy is tarnished by the history of corruption, wars, power-struggle inside the NRM and paid cronies instead of bringing development and prosperity to Uganda as he promised after the coup d’état in 1986. This event today was a shallow event. As much as the speech he held the day before at the ‘Tarehe Sita’, one of the memorable days of the victory of the Ugandan armies. There is something missing from Mzee these days, as the spark is gone!

UGDebate2016 P7 Biraaro

Even Gen. Benon Biraaro of the Farmers Party of Uganda (FPU) has said in the recent day this about Mzee: “I hear Mr Museveni and his NRM have started pledging sanitary pads, hoes and condoms, [but] such pledges cannot transform Ugandans economically”. That tells how spot-on Biraaro is. Biraaro might not be a top-candidate who fights together with big trio. As Mbabazi, Besigye and Museveni, still his words and ideas has tractions and should be listened to, since he speaks with his beating heart and common sense, something that is rare. As a NRA historical he can really dismiss Mzee on the grades of the struggle and reason for why they original fought for in the 1980s. Biraaro deserve credit and has been visible!

cadets10 UPDF

NRM the big monster has used it force in words recently spreading fear to the public in a fashion that is outrages. While they are talking and excessive towards the public! This is also manifested with the UPDF getting a bigger space in the pre-election period. The Police have ordered and gotten heavy equipment to make sure of being able to shut-down demonstrations, the post-elections that are expected by Parliament and NRM-Regime, as they have assured by Badru M. Kiggundu has already the election results in his pocket as his pay-rise proves loyalty to the NRM.

There even reports of supposed ferrying of Rwandan nationals to be shipped in on the General Election polling day on the 18th February, as they will vote in Kisoro and other districts close to the border of Rwanda. The need for using funds from the NRM-Regime to get this people to vote for Mzee!

Namayingo 16.01.2016 FDC P1

Mzee doesn’t have appeal as he ones had. That has been seen in the districts as Dr. Kizza Besigye and the FDC Campaign Convoy has made the villages and towns on fire, they have prepared the towns, while the NRM have done the same, but with monies from cronies and hiring people to fix the towns yellow; which is different from the FDC that has been on their own and own machine, as they cleans towns roads and make the venues ready for the People’s President! Something that differs from the NRM; NRM has bought loyalty and only a little part of rallies are die-hards. As the people show-up to see Jose Chameleone and Bebe Cool, even the magical Crime Preventers and ferried crowds.


Andrew Mwenda continues to praise Mzee until the bitter end, his own person from the KFM Radio as Radio Host would vomit while reading and listening the words coming out his mouth and articles, he is even published page on page in the New Vision. Tamale Mirundi will both praise Mzee and pull him down, while sounding as a confused hyena until the end of the pre-election period.

NRM is doing what they can to prepare for fear! More fear the better is the tool of the NRM. As Ofwono Opondo is sharing on the Uganda Media Centre; while Gen. Sejusa is imprisoned, Gen Tukumunde and Gen Katumba Wamala is continuing to work as partisan politicians for the NRM, as Gen. Sejusa is not allowed to the same for the FDC! The Same with Gen. Kayihura in the Police Force is working as NRM-Police. Something that should not occur; though it is the modus operandi of the NRM-Regime; their generals can work as they please.

Amama Masaka 091115 Ready

The one thing bothers me, and should bother others who follow’s this pre-elections time. Amama Mbabazi and his Go-Forward Group I must question. Mbabazi is saying to be a NRM-Member still he is an independent Presidential Candidate under his own umbrella. And as a Joint Presidential Candidate for the opposition coalition TDA! If he is a Go-Forward/TDA candidate and being still a part of the ruling party NRM. It is understandable he has ties in the party that he has used his life in. Mbabazi sounds wrong… and make me doubt his will of Going Forward! As he still says he has a foot inside a National Resistance Movement. He can’t be either or!

There will be more interesting things to follow, as the UPDF will drive more through the streets of Kampala as a sign of the election coming near, and the Bush-War general of Museveni, can’t leave the guns to speak for himself, as that is the only tool he knows how to use properly, as he is not a great statesman as he should have been by now! Instead the cronies, militarism, fear, pre-rigging, police shooting and killing, and much more will happen in the coming days. Even with the Electoral Commission, with EOM missions from COMESA, EU, Commonwealth and the EAC. They will not this before after in their reports, as the Government of Uganda has told of the American Embassy as they came with a poll describing the percentage of Mzee lower than Besigye. Peace.

Panic in Uganda as army releases video showcasing special weapons and tactics ahead of elections (Youtube-Clip)

“The Uganda People’s Defense Forces have released a video showcasing their special weapons and tactics. The video titled “The Uganda Peoples Defense Forces, special forces command” details the training that the men in uniform go through to qualify to be in this special unit which is also responsible to protect the head of state, President Yoweri Museveni” (KTN News, 2016).

Uganda – MPS Defence budget for FY 2015/2016 – Quotes and Outtakes:


Here are the quotes and outtakes from the Ministry of Defence in Uganda. Government of Uganda has with this Ministerial Policy Statement (MPS) it shows the value of the Defence Ministry. So here we go to show it!

Vision of the Ministry:

“The vision and commitment of Ministry of Defence is to transform and sustain the UPDF into a modern, professional, efficient and accountable force” (MPS P: 7).

Internal Security Environment:

“The tensions which erupted in the Rwenzori Sub-region in July 2014 were contained by the Security forces. In order to fundamentally resolve the basis of the tensions” (…) “Disarmament Operations in Karamoja have largely been successful and as a result this year’s Tarehe Sita celebrations were held in the Karamoja sub region under the theme” (…) “Terror threats from Al-Shabaab and ADF still persist. Some murders particularly in Eastern Uganda have been linked to ADF elements” (MPS P: 8).

External Security Environment:

“To the north of the country, the security situation in South Sudan remains volatile. Fighting between the warring parties continued despite the IGAD mediation process in Addis Ababa, clashes in the states of Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile persist” (…) “On the western frontier of our border with DRC, the threat of ADF persists despite ongoing operations by the DRC’S national army, the FARDC and the Intervention brigade of the UN” (…) “UPDF maintains strategic deployments along the border and an intelligence liaison team in Beni town to monitor this security situation. As reported last year, the M23 was militarily defeated and a political agreement reached between the DRC Government and the M23. However, the implementation of the agreed declarations in Nairobi has stagnated. For example of all the M23 ex-combatants that took refuge in Uganda only 182 have been repatriated and over 1000 are still in Uganda” (…) “the Counter LRA Operations. In the course of the year no agreement was reached in regard to Uganda joining the UN multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission for CAR (MINUSCA)” (…) “RTF).Counter LRA Operations in the course of the year were remarkable. Twenty five (25) rebels were killed and seven(7) forced to defect including Brig Dominic Ongwen, who is now being prosecuted by the ICC in the Hague. Over 100 abductees, including women and children were rescued from LRA captivity” (…) “In Somalia, the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) continues to register achievements. Key coastal towns, including the Port of Barawe which was the lifeline of Al-Shabaab, were captured. Consequently the 5 sea route portion between the ports of Mogadishu and Kismayo is now under the control of AMISOM forces” (MPS P: 9-11).

Public Enterprise:

“The Uganda Air Cargo Corporation had its license withdrawn by the CAA in the general operation to enforce standards. For most of the year therefore the corporation has suffered heavy losses” (…) “the National Enterprises Corporation (NEC), performance has not been to the desired standards. Accordingly a new managing director is being appointed and the corporation will fundamentally get restructured” (MPS P: 12).

Logistical Support:

“Food stuffs and agricultural products were procured to feed troops on special operations, patients, trainees and ceremonial functions” (…) “It should however be noted that the budget allocation on food is 18.5bn against a requirement of 53bn hence creating a shortfall in the Ministry’s budget. There is need for an increment on the Ministry’s food budget” (…) “the Ministry to enjoy economies of scale and also ensure that the whole force is fully dressed at once. This costed the Ministry 22bn worth of uniforms against the allocated budget of 11b” (…) “Vehicles The Ministry continued servicing the outstanding debt obligation in respect to the acquisition of 109 vehicles. Payment for the same is expected to be completed in FY 15/16. Routine servicing which included procurement of spares and supplies of all vehicles and equipments to keep them operational was undertaken to enable smooth operation of the Ministry. With a meager budget of Shs. 1.573bn, single line tyre dressing of MoD/UPDF vehicles was also undertaken” (…) “Air force continued to consolidate its capability through routine maintenance, overhaul fabrication and procurement of service parts. Assorted workshop and ground tools were acquired to further strengthen the UPDAF capability to conduct routine maintenance. A total of 7.2bn” (…) “In order to facilitate training, the movement of troops and delivery of logistics at the required time and place, the ministry is projected to procure POL products worth Shs 31.976bn against an allocation of 10.3bn” (MPS P: 15).


“Decentralization of payment of government employee’s salaries to line ministries, the ministry continued to use the Integrated Personnel Payroll System (IPPS) to pay salaries of the public officers and pension/gratuity for the soldiers while the salary of the troops continued to be paid through the IRIMS. This has greatly improved payment of salaries as they were received before the 28th day of every month. During this FY 2014/15, the ministry plans to retire 1,112 personnel in phases” (…) “National Medical Stores (NMS), the ministry further strengthened the implementation of this directive by entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with National Medical Stores. Shs 3,019,523,250/= was remitted to NMS to cater for the ministry’s pharmaceuticals requirement” (MPS P: 16).

Infrastructure Development:

MPS Defence TableV1.1. - ExpendituresMPS Defence Infrastructure Development On going projects.

Planned Outputs:

“The UPDF will continue with routine border surveillance and further strengthen early warning mechanisms to deal with border insecurity and terrorist groups be it ADF, LRA or any other wherever they may be. UPDF will continue supporting the Uganda Police Force, whenever called upon, to enhance internal peace and security, and controlling the proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW)” (…) “In addition the UPDF will continue contributing to regional peace and stability through regional bodies. Under the African Union and IGAD, continued progress will be made to build the East African Standby Force. The ministry will continue participating in other regional bodies like EAC, IGAD and ICGLR to address collectively regional peace and security issues” (MPS P: 18).

Logistical support under planned outputs:

“Refurbish and maintain UPDAF Aircrafts: UPDF has a number of aircrafts that require regular refurbishment, maintenance, overhaul of engines as well as acquisition of spare parts. In order to enhance UPDAF capability, the MoD will focus on refurbishing and maintaining of the aircrafts” (…) “Machinery and equipment: The Ministry will continue to establish a combination of contracted and sustainable maintenance plan for its equipment in Mogadishu (…) “Defense Force Shop: Sale of duty free building materials to troops and their families and diversity stocks. The shop has 08 outlets (AMISOM)” (…) Defense Strategic Infrastructure Investment Plan (DSIIP): During this planning period, the DSIIP will continue to guide infrastructure development, resource allocation and prioritization of development. The DSIIP will focus on the construction of the referral ; construction of 30,000 housing units for soldiers” (MPS P: 19-21).

Cross cutting issues:

“The UPDF Spouses desk which falls under the Chieftaincy of Political Commiseriate aims at improving the welfare of families of the UPDF soldiers in all Units country-wide through empowering them with skills that will improve their livelihood.With a budget of Shs.40m” (MPS P: 23).

MPS Defense 25MPS Defense 26MPS Defense 27MPS Defense 28MPS Defense 29MPS Defense 30MPS Defense 32MPS Defense 33MPS Defense 34MPS Defense 35MPS Defense 36MPS Defense 60MPS Defense 78MPS Defense 81MPS Defense 84


The opinions and wishes from the Statement are clear. You can see the wishes of the UPDF. The way the government wishes to use and function of the army. From being an important part of the African Union peace missions. To also becoming vital in the close area like in South Sudan where even the advice from the Parliament is to pull out. We all know that isn’t going to happen because of the relationship between Museveni and Kiir. They have fought together and helped each other. Now Museveni supports his neighbor and the SPLM. The UPDF are also already in Somalia and Central African Republic as well. When you see the budget for things you well ask yourself. As well as the Classified Equipment are big number and you starting to wonder what that money goes for. Especially when they call it ‘Classified’ and why it’s that size of cash. But I think the rest of the numbers talk for them self. Peace.

AMISOM Uganda contigent mark ‘Tarehe Sita’ – 7.2.2015