Opinion: The Patronage League of the Republic

The Patriotic League of Uganda (PLU) has the sole mission of installing and giving legitimacy to the succession of Gen. Muhoozi Kainerubaga as the President of the Republic of Uganda. To think otherwise and think they are there for a deeper purpose is naive. Especially when you see the merry men that is surrounding the General.

The leadership of PLU isn’t shocking or surprising, but that’s the sort of intellect and political capital that the General needs. He needs journeymen and people who feeds of his ego. Because he can’t have over-achievers or people of greatness surrounding him. If the General or the Standby Generator would have that… it would insult and damage his calm. He would strike with intense fury and become a villain within his own ranks.

That’s why the likes Balaam Barugahara, Michael Nuwariga Toyota, Frank Gashumba, Andrew Mwenda, Michael Mawanda, Lillian Arber, David Kabanda, Peter Ogwang, Haruna Kasolo, Nzeire Shadrak and Tamale Mirundi is part of the central leadership of the PLU. They are there for a reason and that is to serve the future His Excellency. These are the ones he entrusts with his “vision” and foresight of the future.

Muhoozi must think people are stupid. He must really think little of the citizens of the Republic. His father must be thinking the same. Because, they are violating their laws and acting indifference to the UPDF Act. The ones in office and everyone supporting this shinding are all too blame. They are all doing so, because it is profitable and they earn their stripes of loyalty. These people are clinging on to the idea of their patron and be a part of his patronage.

Gen. Muhoozi knows how to pick them. If not he doesn’t have the capability to find people who are better or wiser than himself. These people aren’t there out of true passion or concern. No, they are there because they have trusted his father in the past and been part or are still a part of the National Resistance Movement (NRM). These people go where there is a safe-haven and a place for a meal-ticket.

Muhoozi, if he is the next in line. They have ensured a pay-day and possibility of greener pastures. The General cannot only feed them and their families. No, he can appoint them to prestige and make their lives comfortable. That’s why they are there. These people have seen how his father has appointed and built a hegemony surrounding him in the State House. The same can be expected by his son and as successor. Therefore, why not entrust and leach of him. It must be the way out and a way of getting the “final pay-off” for your labour. So, why not fly high and say he is “the dude” and “the future”.

So, don’t expect magic or anything sincere from these merry brigade of the General. They are there for selfish reasons, just like the General himself. It isn’t made for improvement or betterment. Heck, it isn’t even with any concern of the population at large. No, this is a sole entity for Muhoozi and these people are there to serve and collect. The ones thinking otherwise will see it later or catch on to when it is too late.

The PLU will be the launching pad, it is the continuation of the birthday-bashes that became political rallies for his candidacy. It is the General playing politician and acting the role of leader. While his inner-circle and the ones surrounding does all the dirty work. They are his patronage or entourage that will be by his side or service his every need. That’s why they are there and to make the General feasible to the public.

So, the ones believing this for patriotic endeavours or to make the public sensitized in one way or another. Well, that is false. This PLU is there for ONE MAN and ONE MISSION. Everything else is just publicity and make belief.

The General has appointed his patronage and the ones he trusts his future in. We just have to follow and see how this will play out. As it shows the weakness and the recklessness of the General. Because, these aren’t trusted people or men of character. No, these people who wants to eat and who has found their master. Peace.

Opinion: Not shocked that Tamale Mirundi is under fire again

Tamale Mirundi, the motor-mouth, former Presidential Press Secretary and now former long time host or contributor on NBS Television. He has been on NBS Television for years now. Since around the time he was sacked from the State House. Even if he has all along claimed wealth, following, taxis, book deals and whatnot. Still kept his day-job and shown loyalty towards the National Resistance Movement (NRM).

Now on the day the Electoral Commission is unleashing its roadmap for the election in 2021. That day the news of the suspension of Mirundi comes. It is just so fitting, that the NBS is doing it now. He could be talking and commenting on everything happening ahead of the elections. It would be pure fire and he would always defend the President.

Mirundi has been rough, he get the quotes and the ratings. That is why his somewhat popular voice on NBS. However, everyone knows his a voice of the government. Though his voice is obnoxious and sometimes outrageous. They still let him go off, because its good TV. I cannot blame NBS. He made entertaining views and perspectives. Him triggering himself and speaking like a AK47 makes people look a bit longer and actually follow a political programme.

Who else could carry a yellow beret and a hammer on TV and get away with it. Only Mirundi could walk around and promote the NRM without any fuzz or hesitation. So Tamale has done his job and with full vigour for years. They fired him for causing havoc in the State House, but still saw his value. That is why he was eligible and able to stay relevant on the screen for so long.

He could get away with gun-running at a radio station, being vocal against certain members of the State House and still be a commentator at one of the biggest TV channels of the nation. This was all happening because he was one of them. Though he has acted a fool and went wild, but haven’t to pay anything for doing so.

The Uganda Communication Commission has switched off his broadcast on a radio station before. So him being suspended from participating at NBS TV isn’t new for him, but following a pattern and historical precedence in concern to this man. It’s all Mirundi folks.

Tamale Mirundi has this gift. When you have such passion, such wordings and speaking at high volume. At some point you trigger someone off. Mirundi should know this, but clearly he doesn’t care. His rants are epic, even if I don’t agree with anything of what’s his saying. Mirundi is the gaslighter-in-chief for the regime.

That is why its weird his suspended from the NBS TV. Just like Mira Matembe became too a while ago. She was for the reason of being a strong and independent sole, who has no issues or quarrels hammering at the government. However, that is not the case with Mirundi.

Mirundi might be a lot to handle, be vocal spirit and speaking without a filter, but he was always on point for the government. Its not like he was challenging the State House, the High Above or anyone in reality. He just continued to speak and let bygones be bygones. That is who he is and what he has become.

Am I shocked about this? No, was this inevitable? Yes. Peace.

Opinion: The ones on the bus always dismiss Besigye

Besigye was relevant then because he came from the NRM with some people and indeed it happened. On the percentage of opposition then, Besigye came with an addition, but is he still able to add more support, NO, he does not have the capacity”Charles Rwomushana

The National Resistance Movement (NRM) and its shadow backers will always dismiss Dr. Kizza Besigye and the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC). If this is the “independent” MP Mohammed Nsereko or political analyst Charles Rwomushana. Even the ilk of Andrew Mwenda, Bebe Cool and all the others will all throw shade at Besigye, like its their meal ticket.

Now, that the 2021 elections are up on the horizon. The People Power Movement is growing and the anxious, passengers on the bus are awaiting their destination. The NRM are trying not only to deflect harm at Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine, but also the relentless and never ending story of fight against dictatorship Besigye.

It is like people are complaining that Besigye is not stopping. But, has his battles been won? Has his struggle finished? No, Museveni is still there and bus is still knocking everyone else on the way. One of them is Besigye. That is why the enriched and the ones closely associated with the bus is bitching about Besigye. Like they cannot see, that their should focus on Museveni and how he plays the game of chess. They are his pawns and they accept that fate.

It wouldn’t be shocking if former Presidential Press Secretary Tamale Mirundi was still getting pay-checks from the State House, as his day-in and day-out in NBS Television talking non-stop ill of the opposition. As his wearing yellow. We see you, we have seen you and its obvious.

That Charles is aiming Besigye isn’t shocking, his done this for years. The same with Nsereko who wants to be relevant too and in that regard. Doing the bidding of the bus, while acting like a renegade, which his really not. If he was, he wouldn’t be in the good graces and be able to rotate like he does.

Therefore, this is the first of plenty of shots ahead of 2021. The aim is to weaken the opposition. Is to put sour taste between Bobi Wine and Besigye. To make the enemies, so that they are fighting each other, instead of finding avenues for a peaceful transition of power. Not, that Museveni will let them or give way. Nowhere is there any visible signs.

So, the ones driving the bus is telling the direction and guiding the ones there. They are passengers, whose grateful to participate and be there. Since it is like that, they have to show tokens of loyalty and say these things about Besigye. Because that cleans the hands of the driver and his ills get forgotten. As everyone is discussing why Besigye is still around and his motivations. While everyone is forgetting, the same machinery, the same state of affairs and control over everything is still there.

Not Besigye have won yet, not like the FDC has fulfilled its mission nor its reason for being founded. The issues are still there. It has just moved for over 2 decades and still have to ignite a flame. Not that its easier now, as there are new faces, there are new platforms, but the aim should still be same.

That is why people are blaming and aiming at Besigye. His the easy target. Not like these people are afraid of Nobert Mao or Mugisha Muntu. Both of them are to pragmatic to even spark any fire. That is why they either aim at Besigye or at Bobi Wine. Because, they can awake the people and get them woke. Peace.

[A Memo] The NRM will never accept Bobi Wine!

If you didn’t the get the memo.

You can get it now.

The National Resistance Movement (NRM), President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and all his comrades will never ever accept Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine. They will never ever take him in or give him way.

President Museveni called him in the midst of a speech today “indisciplined” and Muhammad Nsereko said he couldn’t other things than his family. Both of them is part of the Junta and the regime itself. They are just not as fabulously worded as Tamale Mirundi and Andrew Mwenda. Still, the same sort of affair and wording is there.

The President and the NRM will never ever open up the door for a Bobi Wine. Just like it never opened the door for Dr. Kizza Besigye. They have used the same words and opinions against him. This is recycled propaganda and rhetoric aimed at another political advisory. Now its Bobi Wine. His is in the spotlight and is the bird that is shoot down.

The bus isn’t letting anyone who isn’t anointed by His Excellency. The chairman and the Executive is now disbarring him. Just like he and his allies has done in the past. It doesn’t matter if Bobi Wine would speak of genuine dialogue and actual peaceful change. The President doesn’t want to step down and he expects blind loyalty like from the people. That is why the MP and artist is indisciplined.

We know that the ones defying and actually resisting the general of the Resistance Movement gets into trouble and get all kind of names. Right now that is Bobi Wine, he just happening to be the guy who stand on a mantle, just like Besigye have done and does. Therefore, his not the cadre or the minion that the President wants. Peace.

UCC letter to NAB: Directive to some Broadcasters about breach of Minimum Broadcasting Standards (07.05.2019)

Makerere University – Department of Journalism and Communication: The Media is a Development Partner and Not Enemy of Government (07.05.2019)

Uganda Law Society Statement on the Uganda Communication Commission’s Directive to Media Houses (04.05.2019)

Joint local statement on restrictions to freedom of Expression and Assembly in Uganda (03.05.2019)

Foreign Correspondents’ Association of Uganda (FCAU): Press Statement (03.05.2019)

Joint Statement: UCC’s Strangehold on Freedom of Expression is Illegitimate (02.05.2019)