Somali Special Forces Strike Destroys Alshabab Training Base in Middle Juba (12.06.2017)

MOGADISHU, Somalia, June 12, 2017 -President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo’s statement on the dawn strike on Alshabab training base near Sakow.

“Earlier today, I authorized our special forces with the support of our international partners to conduct a strike against an al-Shabaab training camp near Sakow, Middle Juba region. This was a successful strike which destroyed a key al-Shabaab command and supply hub. This will ultimately disrupt the enemy’s ability to conduct new attacks within Somalia.”

“I said when I took office that security will be top priority for my administration. This strike will enhance security and reduce the threats of Alshabab.”

“We have long suffered at the hands of Alshabab which is supported by global terror networks. We and our international partners will take every possible precaution to protect our civilian population from harm during these operations while targeting terrorists.”

“All of us know somebody from our youth, our village, our families, who has been killed or injured by the senseless violence of al-Shabaab. I have personally met the families and the victims of several Alshabab attacks. For those who have suffered under al-Shabaab, and for the rest of Somalia, I want you to know that we are committed to defeating al-Shabaab and uniting our people.”

“To the members of al-Shabaab, I tell you that we are bringing the fight to you. If you, however take advantage of my amnesty offer and denounce violence, we will integrate you into our reform program. You have no future with the terrorists, but you can still be a part of Somalia’s future; a peaceful and prosperous future.”

President Farmaajo: “We will pursue them, and we will defeat Alshabab terrorists” (09.06.2017)

The president has termed the fallen soldiers as the true martyrs, as they died protecting their people and their country.

MOGADISHU, Somalia, June 9, 2017 – President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo has sent his condolences to the families and the people of Puntland following today’s ambush on a military camp in Af-Urur, near Galgala Mountains.

The president has termed the fallen soldiers as the true martyrs, as they died protecting their people and their country.

“We are deeply saddened by the tragic loss of a number of our gallant soldiers in today’s attack in Af-Urur, Puntland. They fought hard and bravely for their country, to keep their people safe during this holy month of Ramadan. We will forever remember them, they are the real martyrs.”

The president assured the citizenry that his administration would not show mercy in dealing with Alshabab terrorists who have no regard for the sanctity of life and the holy month of Ramadan.

This once again proves that the enemy we are facing is dangerous, is bent on causing harm to the peace loving people of this country and must be fought with by all means. We must show no mercy in dealing with Alshabab.”

President Farmaajo promised Alshabab would be pursued and would pay for today’s attack.

“We promise that Alshabab won’t get away with this. As of now, our troops are in hot pursuit of the enemy; they will pay for today’s attack. I am confident our forces would defeat this abhorrent enemy.”

President Farmaajo spoke on the phone with the president of Puntland and assured him that the Federal Government would stand by the administration and people of the region.

Opinion: We need to give Trump a can of Pepsi and do it quickly!

We need someone to give Donald J. Trump a few cans of Pepsi, if not some tranquilizer, since he soon not only dropping bombs overseas like now. Soon he will create more wars than President George W. Bush did. There is enough tensions as it is and the other leaders plays on it. Like they are oblivious of the fact.

It is not like President Kim Jung-Un doesn’t know about his state and their nature in the world. That they doesn’t only have to show force and continue to oppress their citizens to keep control. The extension of fancy weapons and long-ranging missiles should worry, as the dictator of North Korea isn’t as “diplomatic” as his forefathers. Kim Jung-Un has been known to slaughter his family to prove strength. Therefore, the carrier or naval combat ship from the United States in the seas outside of Pyongyang isn’t creating a good situation. So can someone please send the Chinese negotiator with a few cans of Pepsi, and the

Not that the Trump Administration care, as they wants to send signals, like they wanted to send to Bashar Al-Assad with a few bombs over an airfield, lie the warlord and President, a third Generation dictator get scared of few missiles over his airspace. When he has deserters, ISIS and other rebel forces within his grasp, as well as the Syrian government forces has the grand support of Russia. So, the Syrian army will have Russian airplanes and armory that can keep up with any if needed be. It would be better to send Rex Tillerson with a six-pack of Pepsi Cans and talks to stakeholders, to see if they could get a peaceful grin. Even President Putin would enjoy a ice-cold Pepsi and shake hands with Foreign Secretary of hte United States.

Just like Trump thinks he solved the ISIS issues with dropping the Mother of All Bombs (MOAB) in Afghanistan, as the Fox and Friends called it “that what we call freedom”. I don’t know if the great people of Kansas or Ohio would feel at peace if someone was dropping bombs on them. Still, the United States feels they have done President Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai a giant favor. Not like this one bomb get rid of Taliban or ISIS, even other local warlords, as there are only two districts that are seen as peaceful in Afghanistan. Wonder if the Americans and Trump feels they have done themselves worthy to share. The MOAB doesn’t create an atmosphere to make naan-bread or anything else. Certainly if they send a delegation with cans of Pepsi, that create more peace than the MOAB ever will do. Blowing up a few possible structures does not build lasting peace.

You can wonder if the Trump administration has any clear plan of securing a sustainable peace in Yemen, as he had order mission inside the Yemen Republic. Still, this was not successful and killed dozens of innocent civilians. Not that Trump will say he was wrong sanctioning it, as this was his Benghazi moment, the moment he has attacked the President Barrack Obama and then Foreign Secretary Hillary Clinton for. So the killings and lose of military personnell for nearly nothing should worry Trump, but it doesn’t because he is either playing golf, eating food or watching Fox. Such a gentleman who orders with thinking what effects it may cause, So he should himself drink a can of Pepsi and think of his acts. Not like there are any clear policy of how to find a solution, maybe the best to trust the Pepsi to give guidance to Trump.

Than, you have the long-going conflict in Somalia, the Federation where there has been in conflicts for decades. The Americans have been involved through co-operative missions and trainings of AMISOM, Kenyan Defence Forces and even the Ethiopian when they entered Mogadishu a few years back. Still, the clear-cut involvement has been from afar and covert-operation. Therefore that President Trump tries and thinks of sending a mandated soldiers, boots on the ground, shows his involvement, but how many and for how long is not known. It is like a myth and wonder if it will be as though true as the mission in Yemen. Or a proof of a military planned intervention in Somalia, which is needed. Since Al-Shabaab isn’t something dying down, neither is piracy, since the Federation need structural change and institutionalization where the state grows strong. This cannot be solved with a peaceful sugarful soda called the Pepsi. It needs something more.

The world and conflicts are complex, they cannot be solved with some bullets or missiles, it is a quick fix and even just for show, though the dead and the damaged property isn’t coming back. The local problems would still be there, unless the Trump Administration plans to bomb the world into a million pieces and hope the ones left behind after the blow, will praise his wisdom. Doubt it will be fanfare after the blood and death. Like the erratic and uncertain plans of Trump doesn’t help the local governments or the stakeholders, who doesn’t know what to believe. If they will strike with reliable force or be symbolic. Or as the whole public career of Trump be shambolic with a swagger of a buffoon.
Well, we can alway drink an ice cold Pepsi and hope we make sense of the of the world we live in, but not expect Trump understands it, because he supposed to be such a genius mind. The liability of the free-world lays in his hands and his guns are soon pointed at dozen nationalities all over the world. If the war-zones created or made worse will hit home close to Washington D.C. or even knock down the Twinkie (Trump) Tower in New York. That is yet to know, but if there will be issues around the decisions made by the United States government. If it will be short-term or long-term, play for the gallery or even just barbaric moments of horrific deaths, is not yet to know. For now we don’t know the endgame of a military interventions under Trump. What we do know is that he likes to play high and risk without knowing the possible return.  We can hope he soons chill down with a can of Pepsi and starts to listen to advice. Peace.  

IGAD: Nairobi Declaration on Durable Solutions for Somali Refugees and Reintegration of Returnees in Somalia (25.03.2017)


CERF approves $22 million loan to further scale up FAO action to prevent famine in Somalia (21.03.2017)

The funds will allow for increased livelihoods support to rural communities affected by repeated drought.

ROME, Italy, March 21, 2017 -FAO is further scaling up its  activities in drought affected regions of Somalia thanks to a $22 million loan approved this week by the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), which complements the loans already provided by FAO’s Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities.

This effort is part of the international response to prevent another famine in Somalia five years after the previous one devastated the country. FAO’s action aims to increase rural livelihood support and restore food production, while ensuring that families meet their immediate food and water needs.

Across Somalia, 6.2 million people will face acute food insecurity through June 2017. Of these, nearly 3 million people are in Phases 3 (crisis) and 4 (emergency) of the five-phase International Phase Classification for Food Security (IPC). This represents more than a two-fold  increase compared to six months ago. Phase 5 is famine.

The head of the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Under-Secretary-General and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Stephen O’Brien, said he was releasing the loan from CERF to FAO “as part of the efforts to avert a humanitarian catastrophe in Somalia.”

“More than 2.9 million people are at risk of famine and many will predictably die from hunger if we do not act now. CERF is one of the fastest ways to enable urgent response to people most in need. FAO is a key partner in ensuring that crucial support to livelihoods is reaching affected people. The loan will bridge a crucial gap and allow FAO to immediately save lives and livelihoods of farmers and herders until additional funds from donors are received,” O’Brien said.

“CERF has long been a supporter of FAO’s interventions to save and protect livelihoods and thus lives in crisis contexts. Livelihoods are people’s best defence against famine and this $22 million loan is critical to FAO’s famine prevention and drought response in Somalia, enabling the Organization to provide much-needed, rapid support to vulnerable rural households,” said FAO Deputy Director-General for Programmes, Daniel Gustafson.

Saving livelihoods, saving lives

Most of the 6.2 million people facing  acute food insecurity live in Somalia’s  rural areas where hunger levels have spiked primarily due to losses in crop and livestock production and other sources of food and income caused by repeated droughts.

Early warnings are loud and clear: In a worst-case scenario where the traditionally, main rainy season, the  Gu (April-June), will perform very poorly, purchasing power may further decline to levels seen in 2010/2011, and humanitarian assistance would not be able to reach populations in need, people may  suffer/face famine.

FAO’s work

FAO is scaling up the implementation of its Famine Prevention and Drought Response Plan, which combines lifesaving interventions with emergency livelihood support to address the distinct needs of rural people at risk across Somalia – a twin track approach that provides immediate assistance while offering livelihood support and income opportunities to reduce their dependency on humanitarian aid.

Measures implemented under the Response Plan include providing cash (cash-for-work and unconditional cash transfers), meeting immediate food and water needs; providing agriculture and fisheries based livelihood support in combination with cash (“Cash+”), and saving livestock assets and related food and income.

The loan from CERF complements FAO’s own funding mechanism, the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities, and will help kick start operations supported by the Governments of the United States of America and the United Kingdom.

Somalia: Declaration of National Disaster (28.02.2017)


The president has appealed to the International Community to urgently respond to the calamity in order to help families and individuals to recover from the effects of the drought disaster to avoid humanitarian tragedy.

MOGADISHU, Somalia, February 28, 2017 -The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, His Excellency Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed (Farmajo) has declared a National Disaster to deal with the humanitarian emergency in all areas affected by the current drought.

The president has appealed to the International Community to urgently respond to the calamity in order to help families and individuals to recover from the effects of the drought disaster to avoid humanitarian tragedy.

The president is also kindly calling on the Somali business community and Diaspora to participate in the recovery operations efforts in the affected area with the aim to mitigate the impact of drought nationwide.

The president stands ready to receive a continuous briefing on the assessment and response to the emergency.

Somalia: Drought Emergency Response (27.02.2017)



Somalia: Humanitarian Coordinator Warns of Possible Famine (03.02.2017)

Somalia Draught Quotes

Somalia is in the grip of an intense drought, induced by two consecutive seasons of poor rainfall.

MOGADISHU, Somalia, February 3, 2017 – The Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Peter de Clercq, warned today that unless a massive and urgent scale up of humanitarian assistance takes place in the coming weeks, famine could soon be a reality in some of the worst drought-affected areas in Somalia. During the launch of the latest food security and nutrition data in Mogadishu, he called for urgent efforts to avert famine.

Somalia is in the grip of an intense drought, induced by two consecutive seasons of poor rainfall. In the worst affected areas, inadequate rainfall and lack of water has wiped out crops and killed livestock, while communities are being forced to sell their assets, and borrow food and money to survive.

“This is the time to act to prevent another famine in Somalia. Building on the response to drought in 2016, we need to rapidly step up the humanitarian response to effectively respond to the extensive needs and avert a famine,” said Peter de Clercq. “If we do not scale up the drought response immediately, it will cost lives, further destroy livelihoods, and could undermine the pursuit of key State-building and peacebuilding initiatives. A drought – even one this severe – does not automatically have to mean catastrophe if we can respond early enough with timely support from the international community.”

According to the FAO-managed Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit (FSNAU) and the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWSNET), the number of people in need of assistance has increased from five million in September to over 6.2 million now, more than half of the country’s population. This includes a drastic increase in the number of people in “crisis” and “emergency” from 1.1 million six months ago to a projected 3 million between February and June this year. The situation for children is especially grave. Some 363,000 acutely malnourished children are in need of critical nutrition support, including life-saving treatment for more than 71,000 severely malnourished children.

The levels of suffering in the country, triggered by protracted conflict, seasonal shocks and disease outbreaks, are typically hard to bear, but the impact of this drought represents a threat of a different scale and magnitude. “The situation we are starting to see today in many rural areas today, particularly Bay, Puntland, is starting to look worryingly like the run-up to famine in 2010-2011. Most striking is the pace, scale and geography of deterioration, and the potential for the situation to become much much worse,” said Richard Trenchard, the Food and Agriculture Organization Representative for Somalia. “Labour prices are collapsing; local food prices are rising; food availability is becoming patchy; animal deaths are increasing; and malnutrition rates are rising, especially among children. Together, these are all signs that we are entering a phase that can lead to catastrophe.”

Somalia experienced the worst famine of the twenty-first century in 2011, affecting an estimated four million people, three-quarters of a million of whom faced famine conditions. The famine resulted in the loss of more than a quarter a million lives.

Somalia: Somali Parliament Speaker Jawari nominated Integrity Commission for President election consists 9 persons included Fadumo Dayib who is a resigned candidate (29.01.2017)



Somalia: Press Statement on the Drought Appeal (20.01.2017)


It is estimated that the drought is affecting close to 5 million people and they are in need of emergency food, water and medical supplies.

MOGADISHU, Somalia, January 20, 2017 –The President of Somali Federal Republic, H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, hold a breakfast meeting for the Arab League Ambassadors and representatives in Mogadishu with the National Drought Response Committee, which consists of FGS FMS, Civil Societies. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the drought situation and its implications on the people and their livelihoods.

The Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Interior and Federal Affairs, Dr Yahye Ibrahim, who chairs the committee, briefed the President, the Ambassadors and representatives on the relentless drought and its severity. He informed that this devastating drought did not only affect the livestock and farming which is the livelihood of rural populations but also caused the death of our people due to insufficient rainfall in the last four seasons. It is estimated that the drought is affecting close to 5 million people and they are in need of emergency food, water and medical supplies. Records indicate that this is the worst drought in 25 years if not sixty years.

Shiekh Nur Barud Gurxan, an active committee member and respected Islamic Scholar , reinforces the message of urgency and the dire need for an emergency support to affected communities. He noted that the Arab League has continuously been supportive of the Somali people in its hour of need. We are aware of the calamities in other Arab, brotherly nations of Yemen, Libya and Syria. We wish them, but the Somali drought situation is very critical.

Speaking on behalf of the League of Arab nations. Amb Mohamed Idris welcomed the government’s initiative. He commented on the progress Somali made over the years but at the same time acknowledged the difficult it faces with this biting drought. Ambassador Idris promised that there would be a swift action for the Arab League member states to support the Somali people. He said that they don’t want to see a repeat of the 2010/11/12 drought. He also further said “Rest assured we will mobilise the Arab League member states, and we are here to work with you in your hour of need”.

The President, H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, thanked the Arab League diplomatic community for attending this breakfast. The President also thanked the Committee for the excellent work they have done so far.

His Excellency, the President, reiterated that this is of the worst droughts for a long time. It hugely affected nomadic communities and those rely on subsistence farming. The vulnerable groups such as the sick, children and the elderly are dying due to hunger. The President told the gathering diplomats and other dignitaries that as a nation “we are trying to organise ourselves, and there is a local mobilisation effort underway to support those severely affected. For example, all government institutions are making financial donations. We are about to start levying extra taxes on certain commodities and services and deductions from the salaries of the civil servents”. Unfortunately, our efforts alone will not be enough. The Arab League Member States had always been supportive of the Somali people.

The President strongly requested the Arab League diplomats to engage the Arab media to inform the Arab masses of the situation of the Somali drought.

The President acknowledges the unwavering support of the International community to the Somali people; further welcoming the recent humanitarian appeal for the Somali drought.

Finally, the President sent an emergency appeal to the League of Arab Nations, Organisation of Islam Countries to positively respond to this drought appeal; your immediate intervention is critical.