U.S. Congress does not want investigation to “go dark” when coming to encrypted data, co-op between private and federal agencies is needed; the Year-End Report claims!


As the House in Congress together with Encryption Working Group, which are different senators from all spectre of the House; they are coming from two parts of the House that are working in the Committee on Energy and Commerce & Committee on the Judiciary. They are here working on the public and private sphere, on the matter on encrypted data can be open and closed. These are because the companies can close the data for the investigation of the security organization. Something that can be hard and needed data to figure out the needed intelligence that the authority’s needs, but still the privacy of the citizens and also company secrets can go away if these encrypted data is uncovered. Therefore the working group to try to find a position on this hard conundrum!

“On February 16, 2016, a federal magistrate judge in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California issued an order requiring Apple, Inc. to assist the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in obtaining encrypted data off of an iPhone related to a 2015 shooting in San Bernardino, California. Apple resisted the order. This particular case was resolved when the FBI pursued a different method to access the data stored on the device. But the case, and the heated rhetoric exchanged by parties on all sides, reignited a decades-old debate about government access to encrypted data” (…) “The law enforcement community often refers to their challenge in this context as “going dark.” In essence, “going dark” refers to advancements in technology that leave law enforcement and the national security community unable to obtain certain forms of evidence” (EWG, P: 2, 2016).

“Congress should not weaken this vital technology because doing so works against the national interest. However, it should not ignore and must address the legitimate concerns of the law enforcement and intelligence communities” (EWG, P: 4, 2016).

Data cross boarders:

“Data flows with little regard for national borders. Many of the private companies that met with the working group have a multinational presence and are subject to the laws of many different jurisdictions. Several of these companies noted a trend towards data localization requirements in foreign countries, driven at least in part by the difficulty in obtaining data for use in routine criminal investigations. Conversely, current legal authorities may be inadequate for federal agencies attempting to access data overseas” (EWG, P: 5, 2016).

The challenge of improving law enforcement access to encryption depends on a multitude of factors. Federal law enforcement agencies like the FBI and the United States Secret Service face obvious challenges from the growing use of strong encryption. Although federal law enforcement agencies told the EWG that they encourage the use of encryption for the protection of sensitive information—including data retained by the federal government—they cite the increased use of encryption by suspected criminals and victims of crime as a severe challenge to their public safety mission” (EWG, P: 6, 2016).

“Public perception and recent tensions notwithstanding, there is already substantial cooperation between the private sector and law enforcement. Private company stakeholders demonstrated an ability to assist federal, state, and local agencies with access to information to the extent possible and with service of a lawful order, and expressed a willingness to explore ways to improve and enhance that collaboration” (EWG, P: 7, 2016).

“Exploring tools that might help companies clarify what information is already available to law enforcement officers, and under what circumstances” (…) “§ Examining federal warrant procedures to determine whether they can be made more efficient, consistent with current constitutional standards” (…) “§ Examining federal warrant procedures to ensure that they are clear and consistent with respect to law enforcement access to digital information” (…) “§ Examining how law enforcement can better utilize existing investigative tools” (EWG, P: 9, 2016).

“Although much of the debate has focused on requiring third party companies to decrypt information for the government, an alternative approach might involve compelling decryption by the individual consumers of these products. On a case-by-case basis, with proper court process, requiring an individual to provide a passcode or thumbprint to unlock a device could assist law enforcement in obtaining critical evidence without undermining the security or privacy of the broader population” (EWG, P: 12, 2016).

“Encryption is inexorably tied to our national interests. It is a safeguard for our personal secrets and economic prosperity. It helps to prevent crime and protect national security. The widespread use of encryption technologies also complicates the missions of the law enforcement and intelligence communities. As described in this report, those complications cannot be ignored. This is the reality of modern society. We must strive to find common ground in our collective responsibility: to prevent crime, protect national security, and provide the best possible conditions for peace and prosperity” (EWG, P: 13, 2016).


When it comes to data encryption there will be hardships as the multi-national companies are not following borders, neither is this just about privacy, certain parts of the lawful “hacking” is breaching the codes and copyrights of technology for multi-national companies. These are with the example of Apple, who wouldn’t accept that FBI decoded their Iphone in February 2016. Certainly this question and the encryption of data will be a continued problem for authorities, security organizations and also civilians who want’s their privacy kept secret and not all in the open.

The fear that Big Brother can see everything and can connect into everything we have is worry, as much as it is that the companies we consumers has bought products can get all of information and data should also concern us; as much as it if the Security organizations could monitor every action and get hold of all our data. This will be a continued problem as the privacy, the need to unlock privacy terms and the use of National Security to keep an eye on the public sphere.

As long as the security organization can unlock when they need, but not to violate or even use the enforcement in ways where they can trespass into the data for the sense of security. U.S. enforcement shall be in regard for public safety, but shall also secure the privacy of innocent civilians, as much as copyright and encrypted data of giant corporations. Therefore the clear case-to-case work has to be done in corporation between security organization and also private companies, as they together can secure National Security and also the lives of innocent civilians. These are codes of conduct that needs to be clear, the indication of proper work and also co-op that the investigation needs to partake. Peace.


Encryption Working Group – ‘Encryption Working Group Year-End Report’ (December 20, 2016)

U.S. Gov. Indicators of Terrorist-Hoaxes and these hoaxes are draining resources from the Security Operations!


The United States Government fear the rise of phony terrorism hoaxes. I am sure there will be more prank calls from the White House to scare out the President on the RoboCalls. We can now learn about how the Security Organizations of US are seeing and indicating the possibilities of hoaxes, as such as students calling in to stop and an exam. The other being swatting where for a certain fearful agent of terror might swat a place to send Security Organizations into the wrong places and focus at wrong target.

The Intelligence shows through the study what kind of things that could catch people of guard. Like calling in shootings that isn’t happening that are straining the resources on goose hunts for the safety of the citizens. The Hoaxes that the citizens are sending in are using the limited resources that the Security Organizations have.

Hoax Indicators Overview:

“Based on our analysis of open sources and DHS-supported fusion center reporting, we assess malicious terrorism hoaxes such as bogus e-mails and phoned-in threats, including swatting and automated robocalls, will continue to challenge first responder resources throughout the country and territories, as they create disturbances and send false alarms. According to numerous police departments, these hoaxes—claiming active shooter, fire, and bomb threats—divert valuable resources or close down locations; most are motivated by a desire to cause disruption or annoyance rather than physical harm, and do not represent an actual terrorist threat. We judge hoax threats will continue to strain state and local government first responder resources over the next few years based on the number of threats made in the United States over the past two years” (U//FOUO, 2016).

Swatting Overview:

“Swatting uses the 911 system to report false incidents at a location (e.g., fires, shootings) and results in the dispatching of emergency services. Swatting poses a potential significant threat to public safety by diverting first responder resources needed to handle real emergencies occurring during the incident response time. Although most swatting incidents are criminal in nature, we assess the diversion of resources by a foreign terrorist organization (FTO) during a real attack would amplify the effectiveness of their attack against a different location. These calls could also result in accidental deaths by inadvertently placing unsuspecting victims targeted by the call in a confrontational situation with law enforcement tactical response” (U//FOUO, 2016)


“Robocalls use a computer-generated phone call made directly to a target or a group of targets rather than via the 911 system, often using a voice anonymizer to deliver a recorded bomb threat via telephone. Robocalls and e-mailed bomb threats are usually nonviolent hoaxes intended to force an evacuation of the threatened location, typically a school or a courthouse” (U//FOUO, 2016).


(U) Potential Indicators

(U) Malicious terrorism hoax indicators can include, but are not limited to:

» (U//FOUO) Specifying the exact timing and target of an attack (since providing that information would jeopardize the success of an event);

» (U//FOUO) Containing complex scenarios involving chemical weapons or other advanced capabilities, sometimes citing geographically

dispersed targets; and

» (U//FOUO) Involving teams of 10 or more operatives.

(U) Swatting indicators can include, but are not limited to:

» (U//FOUO) Using a voice-over-Internet protocol (VoIP) system to report an incident, often falsifying the address on the operator’s screen;

» (U//FOUO) Receiving limited information from a caller about the incident and disconnecting once additional questions are asked by the

operator; and

» (U//FOUO) Reporting of an emergency (e.g., building fire, shooting, gas leak) that requires a multi-agency response.

(U) Robocall indicators can include, but are not limited to:

» (U//FOUO) Recording that is monotone or robotic, and background inconsistent with emergency or threat;

» (U//FOUO) Refusing to answer follow-up questions when prompted; and

» (U//FOUO) Reporting a bombing requiring an evacuation” (U//FOUO, 2016).

If you don’t see the picture, you can see yourself teens calling for fun to the Police 9-11 and saying that their seeing a mysterious guy or student using the Security Organizations to mock or get rid of test at their high-school.

But this proves that the Security Organization has organized and studies the hoaxes to see patterns and such so they are sure that they can try to spot them for certainties, like if the feel of flow of information from the informant together with the system of call even says something. If it we’re through ordinary phone-lines the lesser chances of hoax calls to the Security Personnel. The informant who calls in hoaxes is usually actually asking for more than one type of response from the Police, Fireman or others to fix it.

This is information not only the Security Organizations should have, but the public so they could figure the difference between the men and woman who creates fake terrorist acts or hoax to make people into fear. The fear that could harm innocent and also strain the Security Operations locally for the harmful calls that could stop them from actually doing their job and actually doing their duty their fellow citizens! That should matter and the public should know so they don’t do such acts which costs the State and Federal State resource, man-hours and research that is precious. Peace.



(U//FOUO) Office of Intelligence and Analysis – ‘Malicious Terrorism Hoaxes Likely to Endure, Strain State and Local First Responder Resources’ (15.08.2016)

While petty thieves get fined or detained; why doesn’t the international community or multi-national organization come with decent sanctions towards the Presidents who steals an election and in the end steals a Nation?


In our day and time there is a level of impunity and levels of carelessness that to an extent that revolutions and demonstrations are the only way out the deadlock that our leaders lead into it. The power-hungry and overstaying leaders who have no sense of fellow brethren and their woes as their cash-flow, castles, cars and estates grows piles upon piles up-to moon.

With that in mind you have these so-called elections that is more selected through in-party and electoral commission made-up for the ruling party and their President than for the people and the citizens to pick their leadership in the confidence of the polls. Even if the Election Day is there and the ballot-paper exists, there is still; the counting of the ballot and the rigging the result that matters. Especially when the higher courts and hollow chambers that are hand-picked men and woman that the President already trusts to deliver his verdict.

If a brother stole a can of fuel or took something at the supermarket and got caught. The World would proclaim and through fines and detaining be officially a crook or thief. Thieving on the higher level embezzling from banks and taking accounts of ordinary savers is called more economic mismanagement. The bank will get a fine and the CEO will be suspended, but the bankers will most likely get away since they are walking in the same clicks as the mayors, governors and Members of Parliament.

The Same mind is if you are a President or MPs and take the elections. If you are lucky then the international observers because of their affiliation with donor-countries or friendly powers of the regime; then the Observer Mission can be claiming fraudulent elections for free and fair with some malpractices and let it go. So politicians are not in the same league as the rest of us. If they are the right ones and ruling in the right area and have the right support from the international community. Then they can take a country, have an election and say they we’re elected free and fair.

Pakistan 2014

Even if they create a sudden stability it will still be tension in the countries and certainly not a healthy peace. As the countries election is a sham and a fraud. The People know that and the citizens are not behind the Parliament and the President. Therefore the President knows this and hides behind the army and the Police. Those two are the keys to his long-staying in Power. Since they don’t need as big support as the public and their reforms for development; since the reforms and public transparency is not needed the President will not deliver that. So the central-leadership is more about delivering new equipment and salaries to the Police and the Army instead of citizens.

The Citizens are the ones that are stolen from and their voices are not being herd. The Police State and Militarized politics that are eating society and taking away the freedom and liberty that are expected to have legitimate power. Certainly the price of the stealing a Nation through the sham election should have created more fuzz and more sanctions. There should be an international reactions and not resume as everything is normal after a stolen election.

Party Election

That Multi-National Organization and Bi-lateral unions between countries should make it harder for world leaders and Presidents to get away with the massive theft of taking a country. The certainty of if the leader can take an election, then the same leader can also take National Treasury and other funds as their own; make the national funds and budgets as private funds and embezzle national budgets to build own fortune instead of delivering citizens needed services of health care, infrastructure and schools.

The thieving of a nation should be questioned and should have certain reactions. Not walk like and react like you’re won the election and is a proud winner. Receiving congratulation letters and making plans for the swearing-in ceremony; also using a government funds on party celebrations while the decay of the institutions that the government is providing is falling apart. That is just wrong. That a man or woman who is illegitimate and uses the power would be more respect and not need the security organization to temper with the civil society or the opposition parties.


If the winner of the election was legitimate then the opposition would still create and question the ruling-party. Still the questions does not end with army taking over certain parts of the county, detaining leaders of the opposition or having most parts of the election decided in courts as the Members of Parliament squabble after a rigged election. The MPs shouldn’t need to settle the matter in courts as much as the Executive shouldn’t need to be questioned. The People should have given it and accepted it in accord with the ballots and the tally from the National Talley Centre. But when the Executive needs the Court and the MPs need it too; then you know something is up.

Zanzibar Election 2016

So why is it without reason, not really questioned or not really any sanctions against the men and woman who steals elections and rig them for their own benefit? While a man stealing a beer at the local supermarket get fined? There is a double standard as it is with bankers who through rigid laws and rigid malpractices of economic framework can get away with mismanage fortunes; while the man who empty the cash-register at the store on the corner get detained for up-to a year depending on the local laws. I am just questioning the reasoning for the well-meaning and fun-loving society we live in where the impunity and the world leaders are in cahoots to take power; while we the ordinary people see the arrangement and should question the demeanor and the reason behind why the national leaders and President with all their power. Can take the Power and get away with it, while we the other ones cannot do the same. That is not justice or rule of law. That is injustice and impunity. Then you shouldn’t ignore the call for defiance or resistance or demonstrations as the people should react to the open-door theft of their state, their government and their public will. Peace.

IGP Kayihura lied; Still Police guarding the gate at Besigye’s home in Kasangati!

Kasangati 01.04.2016 Police

As earlier in the day the IGP Kayihura talked bravely again of leaving the home of Dr. Kizza Besigye, the reality of on the ground and around his compound is the same. It is more or less the same as in the recent 40 days of house-arrest!  The Police is in the Anti-Riot Vehicle guarding his home and keeping him under strict surveillance and has not left the gates of his home. This is strictly countering the words earlier in the day.

So IGP Kayihura the man who says he never was under house-arrest and now said he ordered DPC Kawalya to drop the Police from the premises and the compound of the FDC Presidential candidate and the Amama Mbabazi Petition to Supreme Court for annulment of the Election have been dismissed, why are they still there?

Kasangati 01.04.2016 Police P2

Or has somebody after hearing your lying words countered you and not allowed for another deployment of the honorable Police that are still standing outside the gates of his home!

For those who forget quickly this is what was being told to the press for IGP Kayihura: ““he has instructed Kasangati Police Station DPC to withdraw deployment outside Dr Kizza Besigye’s home as they maintain close monitoring of his movements to ensure people’s safety”.

Wafula Oguttu statement today:

The police has just deployed more officers around Dr Besigye’s home. More than before with more motorcycles and closer to the main gate. We are yet to know what is going on especially given the fact that the IPG told the world today that they had given back Dr Besigye’s freedom. I am here”

Does not look like that to me. They are still sitting there and wondering if he ever going to leave the compound so they detain him again, that is the routine for the men at the gates of Kasangati.

Well, same old same old. More lies from the proud, IGP Kayihura and the pictures say it all. Peace.

An Important Update!

Look now at evening time they are still there and not planing to leave!

Kasangati Night 01.04.2016

Dr. Kizza Besigye: “My Message To The Youth Of Uganda: Claim Your Country! Claim Your Future!” (21.02.2016)

FDC Kizza Besigye Home Kasangati

Thank you for fulfilling your civic duty by voting for change. Your enthusiastic participation in the stolen 2016 elections demonstrates that you wanted to change the politics of this country and secure your future through the ballot box; only to be frustrated by partisan security agencies and an incompetent electoral commission. The electoral process was rigged using intimidation of voters, imprisonment of opponents, sabotage of rallies, late delivery of election materials, delayed opening of election centers, vote falsification at undisclosed tally centers, and bribery, among other malpractices.

But do not be discouraged — the struggle for a democratic dispensation did not start and end on Election Day and the electoral process itself did not end with the announcement of doctored results. Therefore, do not surrender. The majority of you were not even born when the current NRM regime came into power in 1986. Yet all you have inherited are the consequences of its bad governance.

Youth unemployment in Uganda is known to be the highest in Africa estimated to be between 62%, and 83%! I addressed the unemployment rate, deteriorating quality of education, corrupt credit schemes that did not benefit you; and the desperate circumstances of Uganda’s youth during my campaigns. You know your conditions better than me. The election has been rigged and the government is doing all it can to silence me. It is time for you to claim your rights and lead this struggle.

Uganda’s future, your future is in your hands. Remain firm. We can make this country work for each and everyone of us. But you must assert yourselves and claim your future. There is no other person who will do it for us.

Here is where we are: As of now there is no winner, the election process has not ended. The law gives us 10 days after announcement of results to challenge the outcome that is announced. As you all know, I have spent the first of those ten days under house arrest. I am now left with 9 days to exercise this right. Therefore, tomorrow I am going to the Electoral Commission to receive their results. I will then meet the campaign team and following that we will go around the country and collect all our information in order to prepare a well-considered response. This is a right we take for granted and are not asking for permission.

I invite you my friends,

• To rally behind the demand for an independent and transparent audit of the 2016 presidential election results. Explain this to all your friends.

• If you are in Kampala join me to walk to the Electoral Commission. We leave my gate at Kasangati at 9:00AM. Police will try to stop us, I know; but this is about claiming our rights. We will walk peacefully.

• In every village, collect the Declaration Forms that may still be in your possession. Use your phone or camera to photograph the results Declaration form. We will tell you how to transmit them.

• My friends online, engage our African brothers and sisters as well as the international community to reject the results and support our demands for an independent audit.

FDC HQ 19.02.2016 Police Siege

Friends, I have warned that we are witnessing a creeping military coup that aims to subvert the will of the people. We set out to claim our rights and our country through defiance not compliance. We are still on that path and we shall win by defiance NOT compliance. The NRM government believes that by isolating me the defiance campaign is dead but it was not a one-man campaign. This was your campaign and you must now LEAD IT! Peaceful protest is a human right that is in our Constitution. As you know whenever we have gone out to exercise that right peacefully we have been met with extreme violence. But we will not be cowed. The most brutal dictatorships have crumbled when the people asserted themselves. In Philippines, Romania, Guatemala, Tunisia, Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso we have seen them fall when the youth stood up for their rights. There will be pain and sacrifice. I am ready for it and I have been absorbing it. Do not be afraid, it is our historic duty.

Aluta Continua
For God And Our Country

Dr. Kizza Besigye

Dr. Kizza Besigye statement on the conduct of the 2016 presidential elections (Youtube-Clip)

Dr. Kizza Besigye’s  message from House Arrest in Kasangati in Wakiso on the outskirts of Kampala. Listen to it! As we mourn the results and the way the Electoral Commission has taken the power of the People and given way to the President Museveni yet again. This message from the People’s President is deep and strong. A worthy message from a great man! Peace.

Mzee doesn’t feel the Calvary can protect the election anymore; therefore he changes guards and get the Army to flex for him

IGP Kayihura Gen Katumaba M7

There been news that Mzee have ordered the Uganda People’s Defence Force to be in-charge of the security during the rest of the election-time, because in the previous elections the people or citizens of Uganda have been sleeping. They we’re sleeping so well and misunderstood by Mzee. He must have forget the reactions to the recent General Election in 2011 that ended in public display and post-election violence; at the strange past, where the now Presidential Candidate Dr. Kizza Besigye and other politicians started the demonstrations with the group of Activist4change and “Walk to Work”.

Mzee have a little amnesia and even have forgotten that have got so much money to spend on post-election violence. But why postpone the violence when you can intimidate the public in 40 days before the Election Day and polls. That sounds so much sweeter, right? Why wait to be hit and the international media on your agenda when you can do it more in silence now.

Mzee have the plan since he is seeing the Go-Forwand/TDA and FDC Presidential Candidate during better than expected. While Mzee and his party is like ferrying more people than the ordinary safari company in the country and especially countryside where he have lost support. So the easy way is to rent buses and get people from other districts to look like you still have the power and suction in the country.

Mzee have issues, strong issues with opposition; that’s why when he looks back in time. He remember with joy the times between 1986 to 2005; when there wasn’t anything else than his own built Movement Political System. That went away with the 2005 referendum. That has opened the gates for other people then Mzee to actually rule! While Mzee did apparently around the same time he did take away the Presidential Term Limits, that why still Mzee have executive powers and campaigning for yet another term.

Mzee have seen the rise of people lately and that people aren’t eating of his hand and enjoying his speeches as they once did. While the Uganda Police Force and IGP Gen Kale Kayihura doesn’t make the people fear Mzee and his folks enough. Not even Mzee’s Wife’s grin and speeches can’t beat the lions into shape, the people are to touchy with the Leopard’s anus. So he has to switch up.


Mzee has already switched up in the UPDF and gotten his loyal friend Chief of Defence Forces Gen Katumba Wamala. Since IGP Kayihura haven’t played this well enough and his spokesman CP Fred Enanga looks foolish. That makes Mzee looks like dumb-dumb and he can’t have that. To look dumb isn’t respected and Mzee need all respect and honor to man.

Mzee can’t have this and the way Hon. Amama Mbabazi of the Go-Forward his new arch-nemesis and former arch-nemesis Dr. Kizza Besigye of the FDC is making is life and election campaigning so hard. The Police can’t even beat them enough or the block their campaign rallies. They are not creating enough havoc so that the people lose hope in them. The police aren’t even jailed enough FDC people or Go-Forward to secure Ugandans from them. Because Ugandans are NRM; Mzee is that right or have I misunderstood you? No wait, Ugandans are the ones that will work for you and under your executive power.

cadets10 UPDF

Later today he released this through State House of Uganda:

“President Museveni has assured Ugandans that no one can disrupt Uganda’s hard earned peace and security. President Museveni said: “The Army and other security agencies are strong enough to handle anybody who attempts to interrupt the peace that is prevailing in the country.”

The Security Agencies went into collaboration before the election as they made 40 Units consistence of Uganda Prisons, Internal Security Organization, External Security Organization, Uganda Police Force (UPF) and Uganda People’s Defense Force (UPDF). This was in the middle of 11th November 2015. So this measure seems now in beginning of January 2016 to not be enough, together with the Electoral Commission’s not use of UPF as much as they have done to now during this stressful time.

Gen Katumba Wamala

Now that the letter between President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni the executive power of Uganda have ordered the Chief of Defence Forces Gen Katumba Wamala to deploy troops around the country to secure the election. So that he will take over for IGP Gen Kale Kayihura is following the Presidential Candidates and other ones trying to get voted in for the general elections in February this year. Just 40 days before the Presidential polls happens. It must be a tactic of fear. The power of anti-riot police following Go-Forward Presidential Candidate Convoy isn’t enough. The stressful movements of the police towards the Forum for Democratic Change Presidential Candidate Convoy that have done what it could even violence when it has to. For Mzee that is not enough and safe enough; Bukwo District against the FDC and Northern districts policing of Go-Forward. That has not been cutting it. The defiance and struggle of the opposition is not enough.

Mzee need bigger guns to control these vile political parties that he didn’t really wanted. That is why he had elections for it twice. Not only in 28th July 2005 where the “Yes” for Multi-party system against the Movement System where 92, 44% versus 7, 56%. They had a previous try out before the election in 2001. That was in 29th June 2000 when 90, 71% voted for the Movement System versus the Multi-Party System who got 9, 2%. So Mzee got one less election with more parties then NRM, I am sure he wished the result in 2005 could be reversed since there is so much work with elections after releasing UPC, DP, PPP, PDP, TIC, TDA, FDC etc etc. To keep the NRM people secure because the true Ugandans are NRM.

NRM 13.11.15 Kole South

Mzee and have enjoyed in silence the words of his chairman. The man he employed in the Electoral Commission who said that he would call on the military if needed to keep the elections peaceful. You have ensured that he doesn’t have to do that. Mzee have done it today!

Mzee, this is ironic, it’s your people who are violent, most likely the Police and Crime Preventers are the ones who usually are behind the issues. The NRM Primaries we’re the King-Kong Cadres who came with security agents and took the paperwork and results to clear it before delivered to the NRM Electoral Commission for review. The same is happening here, the NRM is initiating together with the Police or the Police alone after orders from the Electoral Commission. So the opposition convoys are in the field not knowing what kind of police are there or what kind of crime preventers who enters the area of campaigning. That is why the violence has not erupted at Mzee’s Campaign Rallies; instead it is just poster perfect and wonderful yellow flowery smiles. Up to a point where it looks unrealistic and the perfection is just like Insta-DAMN. Well, that is not enough for Mzee, he doesn’t like that. Because FDC and Go-Forward campaigning is big and without ferrying voters from districts that is from other ones than where Mzee actually campaign giving them a bus-ride and paying for support. That must hurt after 29 years and nobody giving you love!

Mzee, you must be desperate to see the people going to FDC instead of you, even to Mbabazi then you! Therefore you have to use the trick of old since you haven’t learned any new. UPM is reacted. Uganda Patriot Movement; is resurrected through National Resistance Movement. They need to go to the bush, this time they are the UPC and have the UNLA in new name and state govern facilitated through the now UPDF! The generations have moved on and there new people in the army, still some old leaders from Luweero, though very few are still there. Mzee has kept a few of his men close and other have scattered like the ones who are his main opposition. So they know the Movement system and the way Mzee thinks. Still they try!


Mzee needs the army and bush-war tactics again, because he doesn’t trust anything else. Since he can’t produce any moral fiber or make anything worthwhile. Mzee lives and strides on the fear and not on the actual political platform or agenda since that is rewind from former elections; Mzee is not committed to deliver to the Ugandan people anymore, therefore he needs the army to secure that the Electoral Commission and Uganda Police Force is necessary tools for Mzee to get his will. That is so he can continue being the Executive Power and His Excellency President of Uganda. Mzee can’t trust the Uganda Police to deliver anymore and since it getting closer to the General Election in February 2016. That is why he trust now more in the advanced weapons then the Police to secure that he get the prize again, even if the opposition looks like it’s winning over the people this time around. Peace.   

Inter-Burundian Dialague happens on wrong terms with the off-target ” Ugandan Mediation Team” as the Power-Hungry President Nkurunziza lingers on

Burundi Cartoon

This years ending is in a bit of limbo when it comes to Burundi. It started earlier in the year with the court ruling accepting the third term for the second term president Pierre Nkurunziza. He had an election that was without major opposition, they didn’t except the terms that we’re set for the elections. The inauguration we’re done in secret and secrecy. The incoming we’re written in stone.

There we’re massive protest, even a coup d’état attempt by certain army figures that dwindled into water and dust and trace. Some of the main men in central government flee the country with the estimated 220.000 people following them. 22.000 of them alone in Uganda and big numbers in major refugee camps in Tanzania. This is worrying for the 2016.


The fragile state and build-up of a military state again in Burundi; where the army and politics is mended together to oppress those who does not fit the regimes power-structure. We can see that with the instances of the opposition leaders who have been assassinated or killed during recent months. That is worrying and the world leaders are mostly silent.


Recent day’s actions by the African Union where they wish for peace operation in the country and that will be served by other African nations. That is argued by President Museveni of Uganda and President Nkurunziza that it is a breach of sovereignty of the state. Since the Burundi is a sovereign and can’t accept to be attacked by that principal. The Burundian president has even promised to attack the armies who enter the country. There was rumors when the coup d’état we’re occurring that he got help from Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) and their helicopters to get him back into power. So if it helps him and his foes then it is okay to bring the power structure. The African Union forces would not serve under the President Nkurunziza therefore he fears this and would attack them.

The Burundian President has fought against his fellow countrymen since March and now the realization of the African brothers happens. Just as we enters a new year than they start to do something! The Belgium foreign minister have complained for a while in the darkness and the American have stopped their participation in the AGOA and put sanctions on the top officials of the country.

So certain movements have happen. There we’re in this week a second try of mediation between the Government of Burundi, certain opposition parties, four former presidents of the country, civil society of Burundi and the mediation team appointed by President Museveni. Who have told the media that the Government of Burundi can’t set the terms, though they are the ones going after the opposition leaders and harassing those who believes their power is not righteous. While the country turns into more turmoil and distress. Burundi doesn’t turn to the better, instead the violence and aggression continues and more people will flee or die in the hands of the army and the security organizations controlled by the President Nkurunziza. That is happening while the world is turning the blind eye.

Burundi ZediFeruzi

Agathon Rwasa the FNL leader we’re assassinated this year and can’t be in the mediation. It is with sadness that main opposition leader is gone. That proves to what extent the President Nkurunziza goes to secure power. Gervais Rufyikiri the second vice-president fled the country this year. Also Zedi Feruzi was assassinated by government forces this year! 

The worry is the reports of torture, death-squads and military operations forcing people to flee while cholera outbreaks in refugee camps in Tanzania. The mediation and Inter-Burundian Dialogue is supposed to find a peaceful path for the people of Burundi, but that will not take away the crimes committed by the Government against their own people and the breeches of justice that has happen. The fear that is spread and the unjustified violence against the protesters against a illegitimate government who forces themselves to a third term. This here is all about the matter of a power-hungry President who won’t leave power and he is seeking advice and mediation through African Union from another President Museveni who have kept himself in power since 1986. That the African Union is rubberstamping this mediation from a government who have done precisely what President Nkurunziza wishes to achieve. Domination and control of his fellow countrymen; this either by law or by force for him at this point it doesn’t matter. The intimidation and killings should not be happening in the shadows and mist of darkness.

Kagame Nkurunziza 2011

The talks in Kampala right now is more formalities for the Government of Burundi to scan their opposition then actual talks and the former presidents is more puppets then actually initial force of changes to the better. Inter-Burundian Dialogue by the rouge regime of NRM and Uganda will just justify the Burundian governments stance and they will get time to learn from their masters and friends in country. Rwandan President Paul Kagame who just won a right to a new rounds of election and a third term possibility will not interfere in Burundi unless he have to, because the wounds and closeness to Burundi is to near. President Kagame also doesn’t want international interference or questions to his power. Since he himself will do what he can to stay in power, as President Nkurunziza does. The only difference it’s that President Kagame might not need to use as much force since he has silenced the critics since 1994 and kept the lid on the opposition ever since. Something President Nkurunziza didn’t have the time to do since the civil war that ended in 2005.

Therefore the 2016 will bring more violence and more fleeing refugees to Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo. The Burundian people will continue to be oppressed. The African Union will struggle to breech the sovereignty in the country as they did in Rwanda in 1994. Back in the day in Rwanda where even the United Nations Peacekeepers looked like tin-soldiers and not like men of honor; if the world doesn’t do anything fruitful and knows about the actions happening in Burundi. The world and it’s bodies of peace will be responsible for acting towards justice for the people since its own leaders have gone against them, instead of serving them, they are serving their own will and own wish to keep power. That have to be some ways of keeping this at bay, if not the ideals and dreams of fruitful peace be more in the wind. The blood and the loss of lives will be redeemed in eternity while we living will remember those lives in sorrow, as they died for nothing while the powers to be ate their souls to keep power. That is not something we can let happen in 2016 in Burundi, as the mediation talks lingers and the actions lingers, while the forces of Burundian army and security outfits continues, the deaths, the tortured, the jailed and the forgotten would need your support in the new year to come. Peace!