USA: DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen resignation letter to President Trump (07.04.2019)

DHS -“Family Separation Memo” Subject: Increasing Prosecution of Immigration Violations (22.04.2018)

DHS: DACA Memorandum from Secretary Kristjen M. Nielsen (22.06.2018)

USA: FBI Internal Communications after James Comey Sacking (May 09, 2017)

USA: Attorney General Sessions Memo – “Subject: Prohibition on Improper Guidance Documents” (16.11.2017)

US: Attorney General Jeff Sesssion Memo: “Revised Treatment of Transgender Employment Discrimination Claims Under Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964” (04.10.2017)

US: DHS Internal Memo: “Message from Acting Secretary Elaine Duke on the Rescission of the DACA Program” (05.09.2017)

Javier Palomarez (CEO) Resigns From Trump Diversity Coalition over DACA (05.09.2017)

US: AG Sessions letter to DHS Acting Secretary Duke on “Winding-Down” DACA (05.09.2017)

US: OAG Jody Hunt E-Mail on AG Sessions – “Subject: Recusal” – On Jeff Sessions recusal from Russian Investigation (02.03.2017)