Opinion: Whose not annoying and ridiculing President Museveni at this point?

24. Penalty for acts intended to alarm, annoy or ridicule the President:

Any person who, with intent to alarm or annoy or ridicule the President— (c) assaults or wrongfully restrains the person of the President, commits an offence and is liable to imprisonment for life” (Penal Code, 15th June 1950).

We know they fought, we know they won and the rest is history. The 1986ers are running the Republic and doesn’t care if their revolution is eating and killing its kids. They just don’t care, everyone is charged with phony charges, taken by the courts in premeditated statutes and usage of colonial laws to pin them as criminals for standing up against the President and his patronage. They own the land, the rest is the peasants, whose lucky enough to live on rented time on the soil of the Republic.

Today, Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine is charged with annoying, ridiculing and blocking the road in Arua, as the President was passing with his convoy. The other Arua 37 was charged with this too. This is not new, because anyone can be charged with it these days. These people are still facing treason charges from the same Post Arua By-Election, so what the state put these additional charges on them.

There takes nothing to insult the President, if your Joseph Kabuleta writing about Project Muhoozi. If Bobi Wine tries to use his popularity to win By-Elections, which is demeaning to the almighty President, whose supposed to be the most loved person ever to grace the planet earth. You get charged with cyber harassment, if you just write a poem about you, this is the fate of Dr. Stella Nyanzi. Whose now under more trouble for demonstrating in the midst of sentencing on the last Friday.

So, we know that people are annoying, bugging and has to be charged for doing so. Even if the President says no-one is arrested for annoying him. Apparently, plenty are and in legal jeopardy. If you just spit in the wrong pit, they will charge you for it. However, in this regard, the citizen can just be in wrong place, at the wrong time and the state will capture you. That is what the state is doing.

The state and the authorities are using the Penal Code, Public Order Management Act and Computer Misuse Act to take people away for any reason from her until the sun. There is nothing the state cannot pin on its dissidents. They will create mirages, they will fix the codes and pin it on someone who happens to be the opposition to the regime. This is what they do.

At this moment, anyone can be charged with annoying the President. If you write a poem, if you drive on the wrong road, if you don’t take his biscuits as he doles it out through his aide, or dare to speak ill of him in public.

This shows the foolishness of the state, as they think they are bloody brilliant. The charges are forged, manufactured and if a serious court would look at it. They would dismiss it, because there is no case. If the state was serious, the Treason case against Bobi Wine and the Arua 33 wouldn’t last this long, but these bastards doesn’t care. They have not produced any evidence or affidavit to prove it. Even if their lives depends on it. Because, they know its just playing and misusing the time of the ones charges. So, that Bobi Wine and the rest have less time politicking. That is what the state does.

That is why everyone is annoying the President and he just have to pin something on them. Peace.

The House Always Wins: Turinawe and Nyanzi’s defiance loses!

Today, the authorities are finding way new ways to intimidate and insult intelligence in the Republic. This time its two suspects, whose already in trouble, who gets into trouble and continues to push for the good cause. These two are Dr. Stella Nyanzi and Ingrid Turinawe.

Today, as anticipated Ingrid Turinawe was in-front of Court, as she was produced after the foolish arrest during the weekend. As the only thing she did was to visit activists, who was brutally taken out of Buganda Road Magistrate One on Friday. Where she was just trying to deliver them. This was clearly an act of criminal intent, as she did try to do it twice. Therefore, the arrest and today’s short visit in the Court Room.

Ingrid Turinawe case is adjourned until the 16th August 2019, she is charged with annoyance or inconvenience of the public nuisance and added assault. If anything ever was fabricated, these charges are, because as dumb as the arrest was, the charges are in the same category. The state is clearly pinning whatever they can to its dissidents. When is it annoying to give some prisoners food?

While the state hasn’t enough charges to pin on Dr. Stella Nyanzi, they got to oppress her some more. Just to prove their point. So, today, the NTV Uganda explained this:

Stella Nyanzi faces fresh charges of unacceptable conduct in court. Uganda Prisons Service Spokesperson Frank Baine said the charges relate to Nyanzi baring her breasts as she was sentenced for cyber-harassment on Friday. The court session was held via video conference” (NTV Uganda, 05.08.2019).

The state cannot have the time to find evidence or the even the codes or statutes to pin people on, before they are arresting them and then sentencing them. This is impunity in its highest form. Where all sorts of rebellion are being criminal. Think about about, feeding prisoners and even showing flesh is now illegal? There is nothing that cannot be done, which is again make you a suspect of an offence? The ones throwing the bottles are now facing charges and sentenced too, by the way. They incited violence, Malice Damage and one with Assault (the one throwing the bottle at the magistrate). Clearly, everything that can be used, will be used against you.

The state is showing their finesse in the game of oppression and silencing of dissidents. They are doing this so steady, that you cannot follow up on all the cases. The state is so viscously going against people, that there is no time to rest.

Today, its Turinawe and Nyanzi. Who knows its tomorrow. My best guess is someone either connected to the People Power or someone in the camp of Besigye. The rest are on their merry. Because, the true opposition, the ones fighting for justice and liberty is the ones paying the price. The rest is just silently accepting the dictatorship and its painful exercise of arbitrary arrests, torture and suspension of freedom, liberty and justice. Which supposed to be all, but is apparently for a limited few. Peace.

Mzee doesn’t feel the Calvary can protect the election anymore; therefore he changes guards and get the Army to flex for him

IGP Kayihura Gen Katumaba M7

There been news that Mzee have ordered the Uganda People’s Defence Force to be in-charge of the security during the rest of the election-time, because in the previous elections the people or citizens of Uganda have been sleeping. They we’re sleeping so well and misunderstood by Mzee. He must have forget the reactions to the recent General Election in 2011 that ended in public display and post-election violence; at the strange past, where the now Presidential Candidate Dr. Kizza Besigye and other politicians started the demonstrations with the group of Activist4change and “Walk to Work”.

Mzee have a little amnesia and even have forgotten that have got so much money to spend on post-election violence. But why postpone the violence when you can intimidate the public in 40 days before the Election Day and polls. That sounds so much sweeter, right? Why wait to be hit and the international media on your agenda when you can do it more in silence now.

Mzee have the plan since he is seeing the Go-Forwand/TDA and FDC Presidential Candidate during better than expected. While Mzee and his party is like ferrying more people than the ordinary safari company in the country and especially countryside where he have lost support. So the easy way is to rent buses and get people from other districts to look like you still have the power and suction in the country.

Mzee have issues, strong issues with opposition; that’s why when he looks back in time. He remember with joy the times between 1986 to 2005; when there wasn’t anything else than his own built Movement Political System. That went away with the 2005 referendum. That has opened the gates for other people then Mzee to actually rule! While Mzee did apparently around the same time he did take away the Presidential Term Limits, that why still Mzee have executive powers and campaigning for yet another term.

Mzee have seen the rise of people lately and that people aren’t eating of his hand and enjoying his speeches as they once did. While the Uganda Police Force and IGP Gen Kale Kayihura doesn’t make the people fear Mzee and his folks enough. Not even Mzee’s Wife’s grin and speeches can’t beat the lions into shape, the people are to touchy with the Leopard’s anus. So he has to switch up.


Mzee has already switched up in the UPDF and gotten his loyal friend Chief of Defence Forces Gen Katumba Wamala. Since IGP Kayihura haven’t played this well enough and his spokesman CP Fred Enanga looks foolish. That makes Mzee looks like dumb-dumb and he can’t have that. To look dumb isn’t respected and Mzee need all respect and honor to man.

Mzee can’t have this and the way Hon. Amama Mbabazi of the Go-Forward his new arch-nemesis and former arch-nemesis Dr. Kizza Besigye of the FDC is making is life and election campaigning so hard. The Police can’t even beat them enough or the block their campaign rallies. They are not creating enough havoc so that the people lose hope in them. The police aren’t even jailed enough FDC people or Go-Forward to secure Ugandans from them. Because Ugandans are NRM; Mzee is that right or have I misunderstood you? No wait, Ugandans are the ones that will work for you and under your executive power.

cadets10 UPDF

Later today he released this through State House of Uganda:

“President Museveni has assured Ugandans that no one can disrupt Uganda’s hard earned peace and security. President Museveni said: “The Army and other security agencies are strong enough to handle anybody who attempts to interrupt the peace that is prevailing in the country.”

The Security Agencies went into collaboration before the election as they made 40 Units consistence of Uganda Prisons, Internal Security Organization, External Security Organization, Uganda Police Force (UPF) and Uganda People’s Defense Force (UPDF). This was in the middle of 11th November 2015. So this measure seems now in beginning of January 2016 to not be enough, together with the Electoral Commission’s not use of UPF as much as they have done to now during this stressful time.

Gen Katumba Wamala

Now that the letter between President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni the executive power of Uganda have ordered the Chief of Defence Forces Gen Katumba Wamala to deploy troops around the country to secure the election. So that he will take over for IGP Gen Kale Kayihura is following the Presidential Candidates and other ones trying to get voted in for the general elections in February this year. Just 40 days before the Presidential polls happens. It must be a tactic of fear. The power of anti-riot police following Go-Forward Presidential Candidate Convoy isn’t enough. The stressful movements of the police towards the Forum for Democratic Change Presidential Candidate Convoy that have done what it could even violence when it has to. For Mzee that is not enough and safe enough; Bukwo District against the FDC and Northern districts policing of Go-Forward. That has not been cutting it. The defiance and struggle of the opposition is not enough.

Mzee need bigger guns to control these vile political parties that he didn’t really wanted. That is why he had elections for it twice. Not only in 28th July 2005 where the “Yes” for Multi-party system against the Movement System where 92, 44% versus 7, 56%. They had a previous try out before the election in 2001. That was in 29th June 2000 when 90, 71% voted for the Movement System versus the Multi-Party System who got 9, 2%. So Mzee got one less election with more parties then NRM, I am sure he wished the result in 2005 could be reversed since there is so much work with elections after releasing UPC, DP, PPP, PDP, TIC, TDA, FDC etc etc. To keep the NRM people secure because the true Ugandans are NRM.

NRM 13.11.15 Kole South

Mzee and have enjoyed in silence the words of his chairman. The man he employed in the Electoral Commission who said that he would call on the military if needed to keep the elections peaceful. You have ensured that he doesn’t have to do that. Mzee have done it today!

Mzee, this is ironic, it’s your people who are violent, most likely the Police and Crime Preventers are the ones who usually are behind the issues. The NRM Primaries we’re the King-Kong Cadres who came with security agents and took the paperwork and results to clear it before delivered to the NRM Electoral Commission for review. The same is happening here, the NRM is initiating together with the Police or the Police alone after orders from the Electoral Commission. So the opposition convoys are in the field not knowing what kind of police are there or what kind of crime preventers who enters the area of campaigning. That is why the violence has not erupted at Mzee’s Campaign Rallies; instead it is just poster perfect and wonderful yellow flowery smiles. Up to a point where it looks unrealistic and the perfection is just like Insta-DAMN. Well, that is not enough for Mzee, he doesn’t like that. Because FDC and Go-Forward campaigning is big and without ferrying voters from districts that is from other ones than where Mzee actually campaign giving them a bus-ride and paying for support. That must hurt after 29 years and nobody giving you love!

Mzee, you must be desperate to see the people going to FDC instead of you, even to Mbabazi then you! Therefore you have to use the trick of old since you haven’t learned any new. UPM is reacted. Uganda Patriot Movement; is resurrected through National Resistance Movement. They need to go to the bush, this time they are the UPC and have the UNLA in new name and state govern facilitated through the now UPDF! The generations have moved on and there new people in the army, still some old leaders from Luweero, though very few are still there. Mzee has kept a few of his men close and other have scattered like the ones who are his main opposition. So they know the Movement system and the way Mzee thinks. Still they try!


Mzee needs the army and bush-war tactics again, because he doesn’t trust anything else. Since he can’t produce any moral fiber or make anything worthwhile. Mzee lives and strides on the fear and not on the actual political platform or agenda since that is rewind from former elections; Mzee is not committed to deliver to the Ugandan people anymore, therefore he needs the army to secure that the Electoral Commission and Uganda Police Force is necessary tools for Mzee to get his will. That is so he can continue being the Executive Power and His Excellency President of Uganda. Mzee can’t trust the Uganda Police to deliver anymore and since it getting closer to the General Election in February 2016. That is why he trust now more in the advanced weapons then the Police to secure that he get the prize again, even if the opposition looks like it’s winning over the people this time around. Peace.   

Joint Security Statement: Securing the Future of Out Country Together (12.12.2015, Uganda)

Security Statement 2016 Election