#PanamaPapers: A little reflection on the reason why these operation exisist and thrieving on the Fortunate


For those who have been surprised by the recent allegation and findings in the #Panama Papers that incites lots of politicians, the general elites and businessmen connected close to the governments. The money always talks, the money always moves and by any means possible.

For the wealthy and close connected they have the ability to forge networks and find businesses that earns coins on helping to move that money. But that is not for the ordinary people, as we pay a fortune to use RIA or Western Union to move between usually loved ones. But the Panama Papers are for whole other ordeal.

BVI Tax Evation

This here is for Tax Aviation’s and getting rid of extra burdens on the solid amount money they have gained. The persons and companies are set-up Shell-Companies to stack up money in British Virgin Island (BVI), Panama or Luxemburg. As this places doesn’t have that many inhabitance or sheep to earn money on, they earn tiny percentage on being “big-banks” for all kind of operations, while securing that the companies and persons involved can keep it discreet and silence. Until cover-ups like the recent ones shows the true color of the amount of money, that are dished away. The money that are stashed-away is millions upon millions of American Dollars; dipped away in a treasury chests that most economies would dream of having in circulation!

That should not be surprising as all of well-known government leaders are setting up and making it possible to have sophisticated economic systems that cross-borders for the benefit of trade; while these are used to ship the money from the places that have initially no taxes and programs that made up to build societies. This is also the places where they can have it without any concern, except some extra sunshine and a family resort at the beach, though I would not consider that in Luxemburg, unless suits and gas-stations are your thing.


The business-men and government officials, even relatives usually walks around with that without problems for decades as the banks, and the legal advocates set-up this fixed businesses to secure the fueling of their money. The worst thing is the loopholes and the ways that this decisive methods to undermine the local public to create and secure more funds for already wealthy clients. Where the bank as HSBC and lawyers of Mossack Fonseca divided fees to pocket the money that the client needed to send away from the shores and country-sides; where the money was raised and earned. While getting away from local agony of having fortunes and paying taxes on the high-incomes earned to the local communities.

If you we’re shocked of the values and the persons that was involved in the scandal of late, I wasn’t as the government officials, presidents sons and daughters; kin and other close connections have always gained extra through the cronyism or nepotism have been a thing since the Roman Empire, and does not stop any time soon. That the President Museveni of Uganda owns businesses and would have dashed a fortune for his grandchildren in an tax-haven through multiplied shell-companies. The same would not also be surprising on the Kenyan President Kenyatta who recently brought Sameer Diary and Livestock Limited who sells ‘Fresh Diary’ in Uganda through his company Brookeside. Surely his kins and family have some money abroad to secure in dire times might come. The same is certainly with President Kagame, who even been seen during the scandal that RPF-Elite men have been insiders in the scandal, as President Kagame have control and ease over it; surely he would skim over the top and gain some extra funds as the Executive. Similar is it in Democratic Republic of Congo where President Kabila sister is central profile in the scandal and shows how the monies and funds appear in tax-havens as she owns businesses and also the centralized economy around nepotistic and cronyism. Something that should not  be shocking for anyone.

Hard to Hide

What this scandal shows is the amounts and estimates, this is through to major companies who serves this clients that are close by this totalitarian and big-men leaders who have close connected with central industries as they have to be granted and get contracts with government to drill oil, mining or even gain markets in the countries. With that power comes also embezzlement, kick-backs and percentage of the top that get skimmed through the advanced economic products that the blue-collar lawyers and bankers offers; they do that legally, but in a moral grey area as this thieving of government controlled funds in the name of the beneficiary or the shell-company in discreet secrecy. It’s not only dictators and their wives who are into it, I am sure if it wasn’t for the failed ‘Wonga Coup’ Mark Thatcher would still be up to game as the son-fallen from grace and proud family tradition; as even David Cameroon have been put into the mix. There is no shortfall when it comes to greed, and corporate greed never stops.

As the world leaders tries the best to hide their businesses and ownership through shell-companies and strawmen, or getting a cousin to run the business kind of like what Trump does to his son, just a little more subtle.

Human Being

The governments are taking the sides of happy uncles as they all tries to open trades with tax-havens to keep businesses in their countries. The Companies who in many countries are seen as “Legal Person” can own land, own other businesses and be sued. Certainly with that power as stakeholders and shareholders does not care about other things than the bottom-line, they want to sell or sell enough services so that their earning a profit, by any means. That is why big businesses have been taken for tax-evasion in the UK this was Amazon and other online-retailers as they we’re officially legal unit in a tax-haven and not in the United Kingdom, though the products bought on Amazon was sent from a warehouse in UK, and sent to UK houses. The transaction between costumer who got the book from Amazon payed to a British account, but before the cash kissed the taxation to the Government of UK, it was sent to multiply Amazon shell-companies before ending at a Tax-haven. So that the United Kingdom get only pennies in tax compared to the Pound Sterling the UK state was supposed to earn from the Amazon LLC. That is just an example, but still important as a precise maneuvers the companies and international companies do, so they does not pay full-taxes or truthfully through sophisticated economic programs and revisions get the monies through foreign banks and tax-havens with help of legal teams in companies similar to Mossack Fonseca.

Scrooge McDonald

How to set up shop:

The LLC and Shell Companies will be used in market strategies as ghost straw-men for the owners sending monies through networks of intricate syndicates and money-laundering operations; That make Uncle Scrooge or Scrooge McDuck wishing he was a real person and not a cartoon character made up by Carl Barks in 1952; instead he is owning a Oil Company drilling oil in either Kazakhstan, Nigeria or North Dakota. Where he got the proceedings through UBS AG or HBSC; where the profit gets through manufactured holding companies and sent to BVI or Guernsey; where the McDuck Oil Company has headquarter, by official paperwork. That paperwork is written and made by lawful actions through Mossack Fonseca; while most of the Blue-Collar men are working in the unofficial Headquarters in the heart in the City of London or New York. But their taxing is little or near none there, because of McDonald Oil is fixed in Guernsey; Where they only have a Post-Box at the island; which by my reckoning would forward the mail to London or New York as the employees would actually be there.

This is a way of getting the bottom-line and the more of the ends directly to the stakeholders and owners of these companies tries to advance with this opportunities, that we the ordinary citizen, commoner, person or fellow human being would not be offered, since we don’t have the money to fix this or hire these men to forward our money, as we need the cash we have to get a home rent or buy, get food on the plate, pay electricity, airtime, taxes and then trying to get a chocolate bar once in a while. There is where we are. The once who was surprised about these papers have had too much faith in their rich, the elites and the once who has fortunes. They do not want to share that fortune that they have earned on our governments and our consumption; while trying to avoid giving something back to society, and giving the government more funds to develop the society the rich are doing business in. Peace.

Apology accepted, ANC NWC tells Zuma (Youtube-Clip)

“JOHANNESBURG, 5 April 2016 – The ANC’s extended National Working Committee meeting has resolved to accept the President’s apology. Now it will be up to the party’s branches to either reject or accept this decision” (eNCA, 2016).

Kampala’s renegade Police shuts down Lukwago speech of awareness

Lukwago 30.11.15

Today I will talk about the Kampala Capital City Authoriy and Kampala Metropolitian Police… they doesn’t have it easy, because they have a painful history with a Mr. Erias Lukwago, he happen to be loved by the people. That kind of people is not the Police or the leaders of KCCA who is chosen by the NRM. Erias Lukwago is far from NRM and is a strong supporter and ally of Dr. Kizza Besigye and the FDC, even if he has been affiliated with Democratic Party (DP). Norbert Mao is now a part of Go-Forward Umbrella, so surely DP is not a strong unit. That is why that Erias Lukwago goes independent and the DP need a new candidate to run for the Mayor in Kampala. Let’s take a look what the Police done today in the Central Business District of Kampala. Take a look!

Erias Lukwago message this morning:

“There’s a Luganda adage that ”Bwekataligilya elibiika amasumba”; literary meaning that if a chicken survives the claws and talons of hawks or other predators, there are high prospects that it will lay golden eggs. Kindly be part of a memorable occasion today at Nakasero Market Park yard at 2:00pm as we unveil the golden egg (vision) for the transformation of Kampala. I strongly believe that it’s only a shared vision, rather than personal whims, that will transform Kampala into a modern capital city we all crave for. Hope to see you there”.

UPF bans the incumbent Lord Mayor of Kampala Erias Lukwago from having a 2nd Inaguraral rally in Nakasero claiming the venue is for small the rally and will disprut the trading at the Nakasero Market. It would also be inconvenient for the traffic passing by and should look for another venue to have the rally. Police Spokesperson Patrick Onyango said: “We have been informed that he intends to hold a rally at Nakasero market but it is illegal and will not be permitted. The venue is not suitable because it is a market in the city centre that attracts many people, which would paralyze business,”He also said: “the youth to desist from participating in the unlawful rally saying those arrested will be taken to the court of law”.

DP Camp Kampala Erias Lukwago Support 30.11.15

Even if the Police suspend the rally at Nakasero Market Park Yard the Erias Lukwago went there anyway despite to block this rally. There were also plans of Mulwana Team to escort them and support Erias Lukwago during his rally there. Today was the day that Erias Lukwago was supposed to introduce his manifesto for the 2016 Mayoral Election.

I am sure that Erias Lukwago is struggling because he is now running independently, but has support of the Forum for Democratic Change as becoming Mayor of Kampala again.

Issa Mayoral Candidate

But the new Democratic Party Mayoral Candidate Issa Kikungwe launched his own campaign today as well, but that wasn’t stopped by the Police like Erias Lukwago rally, the Candidate Kikungwe held a rally in Kawempe.

Ragga Dee Daniel

While this has happen Daniel Kazibe known as Ragga Dee who has been voted to be the NRM Mayoral Candidate of Kampala has said this:

“am not pleased with how Bebe Cool has handled issues regarding the artist’s money from the President as some of the fellow artists on that project are still claiming for their shares. Have you accounted how much funds Bebe Cool spent for his wife’s maternity fees last week and he is currently in South Africa shooting a video? Bebe Cool should responsibly come out and account for the shares to his fellow artists because it’s officially confirmed that he received the funds from the president’s office”.

Bebe Cool Hummer

Bebe Cool retorted:

“I wonder why people always try to attack me, Ragga Dee said that I am greedy but the fact is, he is greedier than me. Let him not fool you that it’s him who got the Tubonge project, it’s me. I heard him saying that he took me to State House. I used to go to State House even when I was young and Museveni is like my uncle, so let him stop talking about what he doesn’t know, he may lose the elections”.

Ragge Dee wants to this if he wins the elections:

“I will first give musicians lessons on how to work together for a general cause and promote one love”.

Daniel Kazibe aka Ragga Dee held his first rally in town yesterday without making any fuzz or having any problems with the fuzz. There must be something behind that! Wait, yes it is, he is a NRM guy, and therefore he can as he pleases, while the others have to fight to the same. That is democracy right now in Uganda!

It seems okay for Mr Kikungwe who can hold his rally, because he is seen not as threat to the KCCA and NRM, or am I wrong? Or is it because there is now official not written law that it’s illegal to hold rallies in a Market in Kampala? Can the UPF and Kampala Metropolitan Police; please explain to a brother; why he is not really permitted? Can it be the most used law of 2015; no not the Tax-Evation laws! Nah it’s not cool enough! I am talking about  the POMA, the famous and most used law by IGP Gen. Kale Kayihura! Public Order Management Act, I am sure that used to stop Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago? Because he creates chaos for his popularity in stark contrast to the NRM-Candidate or other Opposition figures. Right? Yes, I am right!

Asuman Kiyingi

Even Asuman Kiyingi [of the NRM] the State Minister of Works said this during November about the Kampala Mayoral Elections:

“On this one I agree with Ragga Dee. You can’t do a wedding and then go for kwanjula. Or ask a class teacher to become a class prefect. How did we end up with a flag bearer for a position that we were not sure we needed. We should have spared our people the rancour and hussle of primaries if we planned a mayor elected from councillors. Just how far should we go to fix Erias Lukwago?”

For those who wonders why there is not an official endorsed Mayoral Candidate in Kampala from the FDC, that is because they has gone behind Erias Lukwago to show support for his candidature against the powerful NRM-Regime and also thanks for his loyalty towards Dr. Kizza Besigye which Lukwago has been behind since ‘Walk to Work’ riots in Kampala. So the sorry man in this tale is the Mayoral Candidate for FDC Miles Rwamiti Apuuli who will not be a man who you can vote for, since his candidacy has been pulled.

That means that the elections for Mayor will be Daniel Kazibe aka Ragga Dee (NRM), Erias Lukwago (Independent) and Issa Kikungwe (DP). The Police will be against Erias Lukwago which they have proven again, and again! And again, they hate that he stand against the Kampala Metropolitan Police and Kampala Capital City Authority, not to forget Jennifer Musisi thinks it easier to work without the annoying politicians, especially the likes of Lukwago who makes everything hard to put through, I think that is because he is one of them who wishes to have a loyal crony like Daniel Kazibe who can’t even hold his tongue and win a discussion with the numb-nuts of Bebe Cool, who dances like a fool on every stage for Mzee and his NRM. The money is good for them both while Issa and Erias will fight against the musician.

Backup History (recent) on Daniel Kazibe: 

For those of you have forgotten part of his past. Had in 2014 his own Mercedes Benz impounded by the URA (Uganda Revenue Authority), the musician had at that time forgotten to pay tax. Therefore until he could pay the missing funds of Shs. 1,5 Million to pay URA before he get his car back again. Also in 2014 the same Ragga Dee was reported to be part of the campaign for National ID cards and eating a great chunk of that fund, the fund that got missing remember? Well, Ragga Dee who had now eaten a big chunk by the fund for the National ID cards advertisement; which never happened… That is not the end of the eating money from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he was after this supposed to eat more money from it for making a recording which would be used to mesmerized the late Gen. Aronda Nyakarima. How much the whole tale cost the Tax Payer, will hopefully be released or found out. 2014 was a busy year for Daniel Kazibe.

Now we see how the UPF, Kampala Metropolitan Police and Electoral Commission work for making the campaign for Erias Lukwago as hard as possible. They are trying to stop it and make it harder than for other candidates trying to become mayor in Kampala. So this will continue because we all know the NRM-Regime and their “Freedom loving” Police, who is not “impartial” or “working against” any opposition member or party in general during these elections. No! No! No! They are not doing that… They are just showing care for the dangers that a rally of an opposition candidate will have at the Central parts of Kampala and will disturb business district of the City. Something that is dangerous to do… Wonder if it would be stopped if it was Daniel having a campaign rally at the same place? I don’t think so. Peace.