What is Nabilah Naggayi Sempala problem: Everyone lies, but who is telling the truth then?

The Forum for Democratic Change Woman MP for Kampala Nabilah Naggayi Sempala has spoken out about the state of affairs in general politics. Especially after the FDC Reshuffle within the 10th Parliament, where most of the loyalists to previous Party President Gen. Mugisha Muntu have been outcast and other people have been assigned roles within the shadow government. However, this has not gone without questions or even discussions. As the decisions to do so, has been done by the FDC Party President Patrick Oboi Amuriat. Which is a total normal procedure and has been done by the FDC for ages now. Therefore, the silent force and not so viable MP, Nabilah shows up to scene.

She is not the cleanest MP within the FDC, even during campaigns before the General Election in 2016. She campaigned both with Amama Mbabazi and Kizza Besigye. Seemingly, whenever the big-man was in town, she had to have support of both. Which is in itself weird and also disloyal. No-one should forget that. Maybe, that is why she is concerned about the state of affairs.

The current state of our nation political health is majorly caused by the willingness of most people to listen to lies especially those who are passionate about party politics and will be quick to rationalize or diminish the seriousness of lies told by a member of the political party they support, but will be merciless toward any member of the opposing political party caught telling a lie of any kind. I strongly believe that all of the problems facing Uganda can be traced to people’s collective choice to embrace Lies. But even though they will claim not to like lying, they continue to tolerate the people and institutions that do the lying so long as none of the specific lies they tell happens to greatly disadvantage or displease them personally; But in the confines of their homes and amongst close friends or family; they embarrassingly admit that the Leader of FDC has lied on several occasions or that President Museveni has not been exactly truthful to Ugandans! Over to you, Ugandans! When will “LYING” be faced and confronted straight in the FACE? Whatever is eating up FDC is the same eating up NRM! Dishonesty!” (Nabilah Naggayi Sempala, 10.08.2018).

If there is someone who is electioneering or trying to finesse herself in Uganda. Nabilah is one of them. Especially if there is coins or loyalty points to get out of it. This is happening now, she is trying to forge a better pattern and make herself viable. Not that she had done that when it came to Age Limit or possible Land Amendments. You wouldn’t hear her speak or utter a word, but when its mere political splits or political infighting. She shows up like hunger strikes. Nabilah have to get that bread and this is how she gets her butter.

Nabila N. Sempala has done this and will continue to pursuit this way. Because her messaging is lack-luster and needs a political sponsor to get pass anything. Her character is coning and will look for someone to carry her. That she blames both FDC and Museveni of lying is to cover all bases. Both her FDC base, but also show wits. What falls flat, is the lack of implying, who is lying and what lie?

Is it that the FDC are trying to forge fresh MPs within the Parliament and foster their talents? Is that the FDC branch of Muntu is being faced out? The NRM lies constantly, that is their bread and butter, the one you are also trying to score point on. What is drive there? Museveni lies all the time and false promises is his livelihood. So what is your point there?

Nabilah is electioneering and trying to finesse herself again. Nsereko bangs for bucks, Nabilah gives loyalty for bucks. Let see where the buck stops for her, maybe she will change party to before next election. She was part of Mbabazi before going back to Besigye in 2015. Let see if she pulls of the same sort of stunt in 2020 before the 2021. Peace.

Dr. Kizza Besigye and Amama Mbabazi still under house-arrest; Simple story behind how Dr.Besigye was able to sneak in Journalist today; South Sudanese army during the election and little more..

Kasangati 20.02.2016

As the home of Dr. Kizza Besigye has been under house-arrest since his arrival from Naggalama Police Stations together with other FDC Officials who was taken home. ONLY Ingrid Turinawe is still behind bars and not let out as the other once has been released.

Still no charge on the FDC Officials in questions as the Police Force are deliberately following orders form up high to take the Democratic Parties as hostage while the tallying of the votes occurred and before Eng. Dr. Badru Kiggundu yesterday officiated and officially verified the tally giving the Presidency AGAIN to Museveni.

Why I am I writing now is because of the wondering how Dr. Kizza Besigye could get the interview that has been showed to the public where he talked passionately about the current situation while being under house-arrest in his own home. His beloved wife has told the world how he managed. His loyal and smart staff told the Police Officers that he had escaped from his home in Kasangati in Wakiso District.

While the Police was searching and in panic of losing their main target that was supposed to be on lock-down as the reports came to his house and then had the interview with him. As been seen from his home; since yesterday both Party Officials from FDC was not allowed in; either was Journalists. So that they got in and Dr. Kizza Besigye got to speak his peace was good as the world wanted to hear his opinion and the view of the progression of the general election; how it has unfolded and the determination of the man that has been more in jail than President Museveni has lied on TV.

Muntu 20.02.2016 Kasangati

Erias Lukwago who we’re arrested and detained for trespassing and trying to get to Dr. Kizza Besigye has been released hours after being arrested without warrant or reason for it.

As we can the reasons for it and the heavy deployment of soldiers and mambas, no crowds celebrating the result yesterday, non-except a few people congratulating themselves yesterday, Justine Kasule Lumumba of the NRM sounding like she was in war after the result was delivered in Namboole Stadium and the Tally Centre there. While the representatives of the ones went away in silence as the result was manufactured to meet the requirement of their master President Museveni. The reason why nobody has really celebrated or the public in the streets of Kampala celebrating the genius victory of President Museveni, a reason why the Daily Monitor wrote the word “AGAIN”.

NTV 20.02.2016

While this was happening the Dr. Kizza Besigye was under house-arrest and other FDC Officials in Prison, Hon. Amama Mbabazi is still under house-arrest and Abed Bwanika is detained still. The other candidates is no news on. Only that Elton Joseph Mabirizi has congratulated President Museveni and has given in.

Well, this is for now. It is very silent and doubtfully so; as the people seem to be in sorrow over the declarations and the blantant way the Electoral Commission has done this election and declared the result while taken away massive amount of polling stations, the amount of polling stations unaccounted for is 1778. Which should be a enormous amount of votes that was casted for nothing and not registered in the tally center at Namboole. While also over 30 polling stations alone in Wakiso and Kampala that never got even to vote. This here tells the story of the malfunctions and the disregard for the public will of the Electoral Commission. I know that the world don’t care… or doesn’t take that in consideration, but it will always be remembered the display of irregular activities and the disrespect of people’s will during the general election in 2016. As the army and police has had a leeway to do as they please.

As the reports of 1200 army-men around Kasangati recently this here will help to verify it: 

“The report titled “Brotherly respond to H.E. Yoweri” contained a list of ammunitions taken to Uganda by SPLA soldiers and the location of the SPLA bases in Uganda as well as civilian targets in case of any election fall out” (…)“Last week, a Minister in the office of the President was reported to have taken more than $2 million dollars to Uganda to “help Museveni win election” (…)”In Juba, the sending of the 1400 troops as well as money funding to President Yoweri Museveni’s re-election is seen as a special favour by the government in return for his involvement in south sudan internal conflict, where UPDF sided with the regime in Juba” (Bith, 2016).

Ugandan Election 2016 Grieving

While still two presidential candidates are under house arrest Dr. Kizza Besigye and Hon. Amama Mbabazi, as the world watch this meager display and for the first time; I have not watched the victory speech of President Museveni; as I don’t care for his lies today… but that is just me! Peace.


Bith, Jonathan – ‘President Kiir sent an SPLA battlion to ‘help Museveni win the election’ (20.02.2016) link: http://upperniletimes.net/must-read/president-kiir-sent-an-spla-battalion-to-help-museveni-win-election-report/

What NRM’s #Steady Progress really is…

KCCA at work

We all know that the election is going on and that NRM have a campaign slogan as such: “Steady Progress”. This is the time when NRM is telling in each district they visit about the 29 years of “steady progress”. Well, I will not, I am not NRM. And not a great fan of the NRM. As those of you who read my page/blog should understand by now. I will show another story of the #Steady Progress have been under the NRM and Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s presidency.

#Steady Progress under the NRM-Regime is that there been violence and arresting the opposition leaders with different claims. And have rhetoric that attacks others then look into their own missteps. Especially when Mzee hear the reports of the violence were from NRM-Supporters together with the Police in an area (Ntungamo clashes for instance). There isn’t the first time the President Museveni spreads fear in the name of democracy and not the last. He can put his words into a leopard’s mouth and see if the animal bites.

#Steady Progress is to have close hospitals in the weekends and having no nurses at the referral hospital in the districts. #SteadyProgess is to suspend health workers after showing the terrible working condition of the Health Care facility.

Burundi Report Police

#Steady Progress is to use the colonial law of preventative arrest when it fits the NRM-Regime and if it fits the new law Public Order Management Act then the Police will take care off or silence Political Opposition leader, Human Rights Activist or even random pedestrians.

#Steady Progress is that the police tells the world and journalist on how to conduct themselves and how to be a part of campaign convoys of the opposition leaders.

Jinja Police 10915 P1

#Steady Progress is that the Police are interfering in Opposition leader’s rallies instead of securing them.

#Steady Progress is to give a higher pay-rise to the Electoral Commission chairman from 6 million shillings a month to 35 million shillings each month.

#Steady Progress is first to lose the money to sustain and make the National ID cards, and not give them to the citizens. Then later deliver this to the Internal Displaced People in the camps and also immigrants from neighbor countries then the initial voters and citizens of the country.

#Steady Progress is to have terrible roads in and around the villages. #Steady Progress is to finally have rail system working between Kampala – Namanve, but not for the rest of the country, and it had to happen right before the election.

cadets10 UPDF

#Steady Progress is to go into neighbor countries with the army without international mandate for securing the friends and caretakers of nations around to secure loyalty to the President of Uganda, not to secure Uganda.

#Steady Progress is to make the currency weaker and weaker. #Steady Progress is to make the Bank of Uganda a personal visa card for the government because of the new amendments to the Public Finance Bill of 2015.

#Steady Progress is to make the nomination of candidates for elections more expensive so only the ones that are friends and cronies of the President will be sure of having the funding and support to stay on as candidates.

#Steady Progress is to bankrupt the national airliner and still only have on international airport in the country, also to get British Airways to cancel their flights to Entebbe and stopping fly to it after the set date of contract with the Airport.

Cars 051115 Frank Tun.. P1

#Steady Progress is to give away expensive cars to Regional District Commanders to ensure the safety of NRM and not the people of the northern regions.

#Steady Progress is to promise loyal cronies more districts and sub-counties to secure loyal men in charge over areas and make the opposition unsure of the new constituency.

Kable NRM Primaries P1

#Steady Progress is to have a chaotic internal elections with pre-ticked ballots, late ballot delivery, wrong names on the ballot, stealing the forms for final counting, winners jailed for misconduct, bribing voters in villages to vote for candidates, letting members of other parties vote in the internal ones, sole candidacy in many constituencies and also clear indication of rigged for loyal Mzee men and woman.

#Steady Progress is to land as hunting-grounds or for services rendered for the government either to the likes of Aga Khan or other foreigners, even trade of forests and mineral rich land, to get it pocketed while the Government of Uganda can.

#Steady Progress is to borrow more and more money to fund the aid deficit created by the “Anti-Gay-Bill” fiasco. That left a vacuum from foreign interest together with the strategic loss of partners to sustain their aid to the country and picking other feasible projects there.

#Steady Progress is give money to religious leaders to secure their congregation who their God has picked as leader and who their lord has anointed to the position.

#Steady Progress is to get a bigger government and more ministries so that all the ones closes and most loyal get a place in the central government.

Uganda Parliament Museveni

#Steady Progress is to give a person the role of ministry without a portfolio or office

#Steady Progress is to use more on private plans and military equipment then on basic school kits, school buildings or even medical supplies.

#Steady Progress is for the President to claim again and again that he is the only Mzee who can keep the country safe and keep control of the army.

#Steady Progress is to have old medicine or copy medication instead of having extra supplies through the NMS.

#Steady Progress is to have ghost-workers, ghost-voters, ghost-schools, ghost-roads or ghost-expenditure.

#Steady progress is to fire all of the UNRA workers and getting the funding for bigger projects through the World Bank cancelled.

#Steady Progress is to see that Uganda Human Rights Commission loses it funding from it’s donors.


#Steady Progress is to hire “Crime Preventers” as securing votes and create havoc in other candidate’s rallies to make sure that people stay loyal to the Mzee, and also ship them from NRM rally to NRM rally to make the party look more popular.

#Steady Progress is to have more and more car accidents on the bad roads, even lose the lives of more Members of Parliament due to bad roads in the districts.

#Steady Progress is for the rich and for the wealthy to take their family members or themselves to health facilities abroad to heal and prosper.

#Steady Progress is to borrow money on the future-oil monies and trade of the oil refinery from Russian state-owned company to buy military equipment.

#Steady Progress is to lose battalions and soldiers in Somalia and leave new recruits with little or no supply. The army in Somalia has to sell equipment for food and necessities; instead of fighting the terrorist group Al-Shabab.

#Steady Progress is that landslides after heavy rains and floods have no covering or security funds from the government nor any restrictions or helping agents to save lives on that matter.

#Steady Progress is given funds of 51 billion to the post-election violence for the Police and army for the “excuse” to secure the safety and peace in the country.

#Steady Progress is to tear down other candidates posters while sealing off and securing with Police force the incumbent presidential candidates ones on the walls.

Ready to Move with Sevo Music Campaign for 2016 P5

#Steady Progress is to use a tiny fortune to make a gig-song and have singers on the campaign trail.

#Steady Progress is to pay boda-boda men in town and villages to not drive to opposition rallies.

#Steady Progress is to have a rising inflation and devalue the currency before and after every election time, leading the results for more expensive fuel, food and living prices in general. 

#Steady Progress is to send SMS’s to everybody to tell them to VOTE MZEE, even if they don’t are NRM members or belongs with the Party, instead he sends to all Ugandans in the companies to gain support.

#Steady Progress is to pay boda-boda drivers to drive people to Mzee’s venues, give away t-shirts, give away free fuel, feed the public food and give money to the attendance of the crowd.

#Steady Progress is to use 500 billion shillings for campaigning for the presidential candidate, to give out handouts to loyal men and woman in the districts, cars to chiefs and other gifts of that nature to feed the loyal NRM people in up-country and the rest of the country.

#Steady Progress is to close off transmitter of radios who send messages opposing the NRM-Regime.

#Steady Progress is to deliver a campaign package of 20 million shillings to NRM Parliamentary candidates.

We can all see and this a gist of the actions and events leading up to the 29 years of #Steady Progress from Mzee and his NRM party. This was certainly not the things he fought for in the bush-war or the idea he sold at the time. It has surely changed. I could have displayed all the corruption cases, embezzlements and such, but as I said this gist of the actions from the NRM party and Mzee. We have not taken in account his foreign adventures and military actions, or all the people that have been left behind. Peace.

Cleanliness in Leadership is one rare commodity in Uganda: In the cases of Beatrice A. Anywar & Nabilah N. Sempala


We have seen deflections during the election period. That is not news. Something that is expected! Everybody changes fields for better fortune or ideology, even losing hope in the place they have been in. Get a better state of mind or have more faith in another leader. This here is about two woman who has been loyal and hard-core FDC, Pro-FDC if you want to say so. Even if Beatrice Atim Anywar have been rumored to have a close relationship with Mzee. That is kind of confirmed while NRM Presidential Flag-Bearer Yoweri Kaguta Museveni had his campaign in town. The other one which is more silent, but still showing lacking moral and party loyalty is Nabillah Nagayi Sempala. They both proved that they we’re interested in Go-Forward. They both have some kind of suction at times with NRM. If they are all true then it’s really deserves a spiteful chant. But that is for another day. I will not go into their CV’s. More just from summertime this year till today’s movement; this should be interesting enough.


Yoweri Kaguta Museveni said this once upon a time:

“Cleanliness in leadership is one of the rarest commodities in Uganda” (Weekly Topic June 6, 1980).

Nabila Sempala

Some stories on Nabillah:

“Kampala woman Member of Parliament Nabillah Nagayi Sempala has withdrawn from the race for the Secretary General position of Forum for Democratic Change party citing anomalies in the compiled list of delegates meeting in Kampala today for the FDC Delegates Conference” ( 12.06.2015, 91.0 Best FM).

2nd September Statement:

“In a perfect world politicians wouldn’t lie. But when the voters elect politicians who lie over those who tell the truth then the voters shouldn’t be surprised when they get caught being less that truthful. But in order for politicians to tell the truth, the voters are going to have to stop punishing honesty. The voters are going to have to be ready to face the truth and the hard decisions that the politicians have to face in passing fair laws that are good for the people. Some issues are tough issues and require tough choices and require a solution that is more complicated than a slogan. So when someone running for office tells you that global population is a real issue and it’s not going away on it’s own, listen!”.


The real reason why she pulled out was so she could show support for TDA/Go-Forward candidate Amama Mbabazi as she did on 2nd November when she went away from FDC to do so (Fakebeast, 2015).

On the Nomination day of Dr. Kizza Besigye, Nabilah Sempala turned back, just a week after saying she would be behind Amama Mbabazi. She was sitting at Namboole where the Electoral Commission issued the verification on the candidature of the FDC flagbearer. Which are strange moves from the woman (Observer, 2015).

On the 3rd December she became an FDC MP candidate in Kampala today. She has really done some actions that have been questionable, but still been able to get back to the fold.

30.11.15 KItgum FDC

Some stories on Beatrice:

On 22nd September:

She said: “What is wrong with welcoming Amama Mbabazi? I even foresee beyond that. If we came into government, Museveni [safety] should be secured. The NRMs who have done bad things in this country – there should be a reconciliation [ for them], they should be forgiveness, otherwise we are going to continue being in war. That is why am giving a challenge and a burden of challenge to Dr Besigye as a founding member of this party [FDC]. If TDA has decided on another [candidate], don’t bring other issues that ‘he was in government, he did this and that’” (Observer, 2015).

On 3rd November her statement:

“I am a fighter. I fought the Mabira war and won it. I am a staunch FDC member, but I belong to an FDC that goes forward”.  She also said this: “I’m tired of being in one place stagnating. I want to move forward. All those FDC supporters who want to go forward, Amama is the man”.

Team JPAM Statement the same day:

“As proposed by Beatrice Anywar and Seconder Rosette Nsonga, Amama Mbabazi will run with the people’s flag, the go forward flag. See you at Nakivubo then, mid-day. Come one, Come all!”

On Amama Mbabazi nomination:

“Candidate JPAM’s papers already presented to the EC returning officer Eng Badru Kiggundu for scrutiny by Hon Beatrice Anywar” (88.7 Arua One FM).

She said this on 11th November:

“We Should Move As One And Not Sit Back, we As People Must Unit. Amama Came With Keys That Can Open The Doors To State House… With Mbabazi Our Votes Will Not Be Stolen, jobs For The Youth, safety Of Mothers, plus Keys To State House” (Greenfield Radio).

M7 21.11.15

Mzee states on 22nd November on the Boma Grounds at Kitgum:  

“According to the files I have looked at, the nodding disease has been contained. It was being brought by the flies from the river and we have sprayed, it has now gone down. We fought this with my daughter Anywar Beatrice but now she went to another party, we shall continue doing this without her”.

On 24th November:

“The FDC spokesperson Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda has said the Kitgum woman member of parliament Beatrice Anywar by act of abandoning the party presidential flag bearer Rtd. Col. Dr. Kiiza Besigye to support the Go Forward candidate Hon. Amama Mbabazi has left the party” (Crooze FM 91.2)

On the 27th November:

“FDC electoral commission chairman, Dan Mugarura says Anywar was denied the party flag because of her hostility to the party and its presidential candidate, Dr. Kizza Besigye. She continues to canvass for votes for former Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi despite the collapse of the Democratic Alliance (TDA)” (Radiocity 97FM).

On the 30th November:

“Hon. Beatrice Anywar aka Mama Mabira bounces back to FDC in support of Kizza Besigye-Kifefe after she had publically decided to nominate Amama Mbabazi”.

On the 1st of December: “FDC  maintained that Mr Denis Okalit was the party flag bearer for the Kitgum municipality MP seat even as Ms Beatrice Anywar made last minute attempts to persuade the party to reconsider the decision” .

FDC Kitgum 02.12.15


“Beatrice Anywar, the embattled Kitgum Woman Member of Parliament has been nominated to run for Kitgum Municipality parliamentary seat as an independent” (…)”Anywar, who formerly belonged to the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party, promises to cooperate with the party in parliament, despite their frosty relationship at the moment” (3.12.15, Radio Buddu 98.8 and 95.5)


We have should wonder about how long and at what reasons they sudden return to FDC and for much is their trade. I am glad that they didn’t take back Beatrice Anywar even if they gave her space at the campaign rally in Kitgum, her area. The Kampala Woman MP Nabillah Nagayi Sempala will still rally under the FDC banner and organization. Even if she has been trifling and wonder how she gets the forgiveness from the party… What is her suction for the Kampala position since Gen. Mugisha Muntu could easily done the same and given another person the post and nomination. She can’t be the only woman in Kampala who could stand for the FDC. That I doubt, though not as experienced. So that this election period turns interesting, that is for sure and the losing grip of Amama Mbabazi is showing. While FDC stay strong and relevant, at the same time NRM continue to pay for patronage like giving alcoholic’s free beer at the bar. Go-Forward lost already in few days 100 people and now two high-profile candidates. Even if Beatrice Anywar haven’t been let into the fold in FDC, she has proven she is not loyal to Amama Mbabazi either. That is something you… can think about. Peace.


Fakebeast – ‘Nabilah, Kidandala, Segona join Amama’ (02.11.2015) link: http://www.fakebeast.com/nabilah-kidandala-segona-join-amama/

Observer – ‘Wolokoso: Nabilah dashes to be the ‘acting Winnie’ (09.11.2015) link: http://www.observer.ug/news-headlines/40889-wolokoso-nabilah-dashes-to-be-the-acting-winnie

Observer – ‘Besigye TDA stand selfish – Beatrice Anywar’ (22.09.2015) link: http://www.observer.ug/news-headlines/40017-besigye-tda-stand-selfish-beatrice-anywar

Press Release: NRM will not Tolerate Independents (22.07.2015)

NRM Secteriat Independent2.1

Proven that loyalty is dying in modern football – the example of Fabian Delph


Its silly season just some weeks before the Premier League starts up again. All the teams try to add on with players to sustain their place or get into a better position than last year. Teams that have gotten from the Championship for example Watford have used a tiny fortune on new players. Another team that are trying to be champion is Manchester United who has bought half of central Europe players and part of the Mediterranean countries big players to get into the league of Chelsea and Arsenal again. But this story is about neither. This story will be about loyalty.

Aston Villa is the old aristocrat in the Premier League. The Birmingham club is a royalty in some ways. Not that it’s Reading who has the nickname. But still the history of the club and range of level it has given the league it deserves credit. Times are changing big money has arrived and been here awhile. So that English players are getting rare in the British league of Premier League. Whatever Greg Dyke or Richard Scudamore is saying is because the FA getting loads of money with the TV deals. That is giving the clubs more money but isn’t helping the movement of players that really representing their clubs in the long run. You can’t buy loyalty. Especially when you can go from being a kid in the sticks and in a few years’ time to having a £30k a week and if you switch to the big ones you can get £100k a week.

This story is not about Raheem Sterling. He went as a kid from QPR and built a reputation in Liverpool. Wanted to win things and went to for the highest price ever for a British player £44m to Manchester City. This story that I am telling and describing is about Fabian Delph. Fabian Delph was first as a youth in Bradford City and Leeds. Later he was on a pro contract for Leeds for three years from 2006 – 2009. Delph was in 2009 Young Player of the Year. He went for about £8m to Aston Villa.

So now that we’re in 2015. There is more money in the League. We have title chasers who needs English players in the team line-up. This team is the same as the one who got Sterling. A team that has lost most of their English players in recent years the only player who has stayed through the years in the central team is goalie Joe Hart. Micah Richards went for free from Manchester City to Aston Villa. James Milner who the current manager Pellegrini and former manager Manchini who liked his services still him left on Bosman to Liverpool. They sold Boyata to Celtic as well before this season. The savior was the loan in from New York new club and former Chelsea player Frank Lampard. But now he really went over to the club. So in this sense the whole world has known about that the rich club Manchester City and it’s struggle to keep and getting good British players.

It’s in this context that Fabian Delph comes in. He was the captain in a team that barley saved them last year in the Premier League. Before Tim Sherwood came in there been two and a half years of Paul Lamberts reign. Three years of barley making it and having 2 months without goals last season before Tim Sherwood got hired as manager for the club. Also that the glamour of O’Neill era is totally gone and the owner tried to sell the club for ages. Therefore the budgets and standard of the squad has gone down. There haven’t been much invested in new players for a long time.

So this year’s silly season has been important for Aston Villa. Christian Benteke and Fabian Delph have been rumored away to Liverpool and Manchester City. They are the stars on the team together with Agbonlahor and Vlaar. Even been talk about Vlaar leaving the club.

Seven days ago Fabian Delph said that he would be loyal to the club. As he was proud of being captain of the team at that time the club they starting working on a new contract offer to Fabian Delph so that he would be appreciated at that level. They wanted upgrade the old contract of £30k a week to £80k a week. So that he would stay and feel rightfully earning in the league he has been playing in since 2009.

A Short Timeline: 


On the 11th July 2015 he promised loyalty to Aston Villa after months of rumors and also closely going to medical in Manchester. This was after he was taken off the official internet page of the club and also in the ads for the new shirt. 


Then later this week on the 16th July he switched his mind and went on with the deal to Manchester City. Had a medical and is rumored to sign a £100k a week for the Manchester club. Also he is part of filling up the quota of British players in the club. Leaving behind Aston Villa where he was captain.

So now two days after leaving for the second time the Birmingham club in the same summer. We can see why many fans are displeased with Fabian Delph. For a few days ago he promised himself again to Aston Villa. He signed a new contract for the club already in January. He has been a player who captured interest of big clubs for a while. In his contract he had a buy-out clause that Manchester City £8m. This was been met easily and is a cheap transfer for a British player for the club. When the prices of this players are souring look at Luke Shaw, Raheem Sterling and so on.

Therefore with this surprise move that he initially went from Aston Villa to Manchester City is a downer. It kills me a bit by bit because as a football fan we wish to have positive players who have loyalty to their clubs. It’s harder and harder to get by the day. I am not a Liverpool fan, still I wish there was more players like Stephen Gerrard. Fewer players are staying most of the careers in one team instead they are changing for a fortune anywhere else. In the same team its one player that is a standout I have already mention him as a star on the team: Gabriel Agbonlahor is loyal team player with quality. He is one of the few pivotal players you have in the Premier League. And he is a humble and a good guy.

So it’s sadden that the youth talent that came from 2009 came from Leeds went from Aston Villa on 16.07.2015 to Manchester City. So the speeches and quotes of loyalty in the start of the week was utter rubbish. City and Citizens should be happy for this coup. Delph is an amazing player. Always enjoyed watching him playing for Villa so it’s sad to see him leaving a team where he has a major impact and just be pawn on the chess set on the tactical field in Manchester. Like Bony was a phenomenon in Swansea after coming from Twente as a magnificent goal-scorer. He was a machine and a wonder to watch in Swansea. After my reckoning he scored two goals and two whole matches and 8 times substitute for the team.

If Delph will get the same treatment is not something I can proclaim. But that he want has as much impact as in Villa is a simple truth. Because Manchester City have more midfielders and players of quality then Villa, which we all know and also Delph already should know. So that he has changed from being a man and player speaking about loyalty. That loyalty only lasted less than a week. When he again went to City and got the new high paying contract.

I respect even more players like Stephen Gerrard and Agbonlahor, when I see how the summer sales are going. I am sad also by the way Iker Casillas went from Real Madrid to Porto. After winning everything worth having in the club he had been in all career. Stephen Gerrard had the same and even if he left for Los Angeles Galaxy with respect. Casillas went with sadness and not as hero. The same was with Xavi recently from Barcelona to the Middle East somewhere. So seeing players like this staying loyal and only leaving at the last straw of their career. That is because they want to be the main player in a club. And with their legacy they deserve something else then playing second fiddle. Though I hope they will come back to the club as representative and being part of backroom staff in the years to come. I don’t believe that will happen to Iker Casillias.


Delph has to stay somewhere and being loyal to it to get remember there. He has already made a mark in the jersey of Aston Villa. If he had stayed he could be respect and an honorable player in this times when fees and salaries are increasing to fairytale level. Therefore Agbonlahor could be an example for Delph. It’s understandable that certain players using clubs like Aston Villa as a stepping stone to a bigger club. Even if the club it’s like a royalty in the league. Still hasn’t had a top position since Martin O’Neill. Therefore players like Delph could have been a foundation for a bigger team and building a stabile club that could be far away from the three year relegation battle. Tim Sherwood can bring a lot of passion into a team. Still he needs quality and players that are loyal to his vision and club. As every club need. Delph in time he would be seen as a cornerstone in the midfield of the club and remembered as a loyal club player. A player who was there for the team while it was struggling for three seasons to battle relegation and trying to establish itself as a secure club in the league. Instead he went for the quick money in Manchester City. In a club that has won the league twice in last 4 years. They have gotten all the money of the world. But is the epitome of what is wrong in modern football. Though I am not a great fan of Manchester United, I still wish City to win over them, just because of the arrogance of the red devils. Still, the money of City doesn’t by the heritage and history as Villa has. That Delph could continue to be a part of. Especially since he spoke of loyalty recently, then switched and went anyway. Raheem Sterling did everything in his way to get out of Anfield and Liverpool. Delph was different and was silent as silly season went on. The rumors we’re steady. We all knew that City needed British players in this transfer window. They got two now and has Joe Hart. So they got quality homegrown players now.

Nevertheless Fabian Delph has proven that money is more important than leaving a legacy. As so many other players of his time as written before I wish there was more players like Stephen Gerrard and Gabriel Agbonlahor. They are heroes in my football heart even if I am not a supporter of their teams. Because these players are humble and hardworking staying to strive for their teams over time, on the other hand are Raheem Sterling and Fabian Delph.

A week went by and the truth came to surface what was important for Fabian Delph. So let’s see how his impact will be in the new squad and I hope that Villa get a new replacement that will stay and build on the new vision that Tim Sherwood has. And yes, I can’t wait for a new season and campaign of 2015/2016 in the Premier League. Rest of silly will be interesting, but I hope that no player plays it out as Delph did. The way he promised loyalty and then in like a windfall going back to Manchester City for a new medical. He has surely signed a new contract and gotten the number and new shirt for his new team. As he left Birmingham and went for the money, if I can advise him on one thing not that I believe he will read a single word I wrote. Fabian Delph shouldn’t speak again about loyalty and love for a club before you actually prove it in action. Peace.