Kenya: Drought Alleviation (Government Food Subsidy) Programme (15.05.2017)

Port of Trouble: IVS Pinehurst arrival story and origin from the Jubilee doesn’t make sense!

The ship coming to the Port of Mombasa in Kenya, the IVS Pinehurst, which is owned by the Nisshin Shipping Co. Ltd, which is part of the Pool Operation at the Hansa Tankers. That is based in Bergen, Noway, so the Pinehurst is a bulk carrier. It is flagged through the Philippines. It’s call sign is DUHUB and it was built by Tsuneishi Cebu in 2015.

On Vessel Finder, the 13th January 2017the Pinehust was in Mumbai (ex. Bombay), India at 13:04 UTC. The next port it was in was Toamasina, Madagascar, which was on the 19th February 2017 at 11:04 UTC. The last port before Mombasa was at Port Louis, Mauritius on the 22nd April 2017 at 12:03 UTC. As the Port of Mauritius reveals, is that the vessels discharging coal. Therefore, the vessel had to be filled with maize before leaving for Mombasa. Carriers from Port Louis to Mombasa on route alternatives takes about 19 to 22 days. Therefore, the vessel couldn’t really have been so many days in between the tracking on Vessel Finder and suddenly in Mombasa. Especially, since it delivered coal to Mauritius.

So when the Government of Kenya says this about the vessel, you start to wonder if they even know how to google or even if other people knows how to search for maritime vessels. I don’t really do that, but found quickly out this information from sites that verifies this.

Therefore, the verified news from from Business Daily Africa:

However, Transport Principal Secretary Dr Paul Mwangi said the maize was stored in South Africa and the vessel took only five days after importers were given the nod to ship it into the country.“The white maize was imported from South Africa from Mexico last year when there was a shortage in that country. The excess amount was stored in Durban and sold to Kenya by Inter Africa Gains PTY of Johannesburg,” Dr Mwangi said at the Mombasa port. “The maize is therefore Mexican White maize which was transhipped into Kenya from South Africa. The ship takes only five days to sail from South Africa to Mombasa and that is why the maize arrived quickly,” he added” (Marete, 2017).

So I wonder if Dr. Mwangi knows the internet and the inner-works of this. As it doesn’t take much searching for me find all these information, if the PS Mwangi, think that wasn’t enough. The Mexican Embassy in Nairobi has today officially said: “MEXICO DENIES direct deal on maize with Kenya and has no declarations on any commercial transactions, embassy in Kenya says” (NationBreakingNews, 15.05.2017). So that the PS Mwangi are saying this seems to be a lie. There are certainly something the Jubilee isn’t telling, as the Duty Free was decided and quickly as the duty free maize and sugar. Came into effect just days ahead of the shipments coming to ports. Peace.


Marete, Gitonga – ‘ Maize was shipped through South Africa, State now says’ (15.05.2017) link:

Communique of the Embassy of Mexico on the Sale of Non GMO White Maize to Kenya (15.05.2017)

Opinion: Jubilee and President Kenyatta hires Cambridge Analytica to ‘Big Data’ massage their Campaign message!

Today there we’re revealed that the International ‘Big Data’ Company Cambridge Analytica, the offspring of Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL), who has appeared and even had now Presidential Adviser Steve Bannon on their board. This company is famous for using their techniques to manipulate and make sure the message of the Trump campaign got spread to the masses. This through the big data collection and through the algorithms that the social media sites produces. So that the election cycle can produce stories and messages, that are positive in favor of the ones that are trying to get elected and are the clients of the Cambridge Analytica or SCL.

Therefore, the news of Jubilee Alliance Party, that President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto hired the company to alter the big data traffic in Kenya. Proves that they will use any method, except the righteous ones to win. Because Jubilee knows they are trading in shallow waters, with a IEBC, rising food prices and inflation, together with missed promises from the last campaign. Therefore, the Jubilee are now sticking to the expensive tricks of the trade from the United Kingdom and United States. Certainly, the chicken-gate will not be replicated, but might tried to be deflected as people are not finding out about quick enough. Take a look!

Big Data on the Kenyan Election:

According to sources in the Office of the President cited by The Star newspaper, the Jubilee coalition contracted Cambridge Analytica, which “uses data to change audience behaviour” (…) “Based on a Guardian expose, The Star newspaper writes that in the Kenyan context, Cambridge Analytica is expected “to pay Facebook and other third-party data companies for information about Kenya’s undecided voters whom it will then bombard with social media posts and adverts” (…) “Cambridge Analytica, which has already dispatched a small team to Kenya, will work alongside BTP Advisers. The latter has already commenced campaign planning” (Buchanan, 2017).


Cambridge Analytica has marketed itself as classifying voters using five personality traits known as OCEAN — Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism — the same model used by University of Cambridge researchers for in-house, non-commercial research. The question of whether OCEAN made a difference in the presidential election remains unanswered. Some have argued that big data analytics is a magic bullet for drilling into the psychology of individual voters; others are more skeptical. The predictive power of Facebook likes is not in dispute. A 2013 study by three of Kogan’s former colleagues at the University of Cambridge showed that likes alone could predict race with 95 percent accuracy and political party with 85 percent accuracy. Less clear is their power as a tool for targeted persuasion; Cambridge Analytica has claimed that OCEAN scores can be used to drive voter and consumer behavior through “microtargeting,” meaning narrowly tailored messages. Nix has said that neurotic voters tend to be moved by “rational and fear-based” arguments, while introverted, agreeable voters are more susceptible to “tradition and habits and family and community.” (Schwartz, 2017).

We don’t consider ourselves a ‘big data’ company, we are a data analytics company. Many organization out there want to serve as the database of record for their clients. We aim to be the layer on top of that, which provides our clients with actionable insights – essentially acting as the brain behind the decision-making process. We’ve come a long way, but there is still a lot of work to be done on the side of automation. Campaigns move so quickly that often it’s difficult to keep up. The more automation we can bring to the process outside of the campaign HQ will greatly increase our speed in delivering insights to the decision makers” (Patterson, 2017).

Privacy International on CA:

It’s one thing to profile people, and another to say that because of that profiling you are able to effectively change behaviour on a mass scale. Cambridge Analytica clearly does the former, but only claims (!) to succeed in the latter. Even before the company was in the news, their methods raised a lot of eyebrows amongst experts on data-driven campaigning, with one consultant claiming that “everyone universally agrees that their sales operation is better than their fulfilment product” (Kaltheuner, 2017).

So even if Privacy International are saying that the CA are not as all powerful as they claim they are. This might be relief, even if the idea of all power Big Data collective and possible manipulation of electoral process. This being the sales pitch of the CA and SCL. That the company will micro-targeting the Kenyan electorate with big data and five personality traits on their OCEAN program. We can officially question their motives and if the Jubilee will believe in it. If so, they are smug and thinking they can rig the whole spectrum news and sharing of information ahead of the last months of campaigning. They can certainly need to circle their message and deliver on inflation and on the food prices.

“‘The impressive bit,’ says Nix, is to expand the findings from those who took the personality tests to the entire American electorate of 230 million. They can do this because Cambridge Analytica also has ‘4,000–5,000 data points’ — pieces of information — on every single adult in the US. This can be anything from age, gender and ethnicity to what magazines they buy, which TV programmes they watch, the food they eat, the cars they drive, even the golf clubs they belong to. This is indeed impressive — and a little bit creepy. Regardless, the data is for sale; Cambridge Analytica take it and (they have persuaded their clients) spin it into gold. There are two assumptions: first that people who buy the same things and have the same habits — the same ‘data points’ — have similar personalities; secondly that your personality will help predict, say, whether you go for Coke or Pepsi, Clinton or Trump. ‘Behaviour is driven by personality,’ Nix said” (…) “A Republican data scientist for a rival firm said he did not use psychographics. ‘If you get a voter on the phone, why are you asking them what their favourite ice cream is or what their favourite colour is — why don’t you just ask them who they’re going to vote for?’ He added: ‘They’ve got a smooth-talking Brit wearing Savile Row suits who gives you a great pitch and wows you a little bit; they’ve got a great PR operation, but with psychographic profiling, there’s nothing there. They’re really, really smart people. It’s like they’re a bunch of board-certified doctors who decided to make a lot more money selling snake oil’” (Wood, 2016).

So, if this is true, than President Kenyatta has bought into the CA tricks and that people believes in the companies sales pitch. Something that cannot claim at this point. If so, wouldn’t more people be direct afraid, also PI for instance who is always talking about the possibility of what CA is promising. Therefore, the British sales pitch is bought by the Jubilee, but the public should be aware of the misuse of funds to pay the foreign political data enterprise, who clearly see a naive bunch of Kenyans. Kenyans who has money to spend on something cannot be proven. President Kenyatta and DP Ruto really wants to make sure they win, even if they micro-targeting the public.

Therefore, this will really see more marketing stunts and more that fits the paradigm of the OCEAN quizzes that deliver the target CA sets for Jubilee. CA has said they we’re behind the Trump victory, but there many counterclaims, even some who questions investors of SLC and CA. Even some thinks the Mercer family is behind it and therefore, first supported Cruz campaign, than later Trump. Which the CA did! So they wasn’t as perfect and brilliant since they didn’t help Cruz much.

So we can hope they can promise the same stats and the same services to Kenyatta and Ruto. After looking into it, the matter seem less powerful, but in the future some companies might have the power to really manipulate the electorate. Something, the CA doesn’t have yet, but the fear of might overpower the crowds. Since, this sort of tactic is not yet proven. Even if CA says so, but that is their sales pitch that clearly got Jubilee tricked as well. Peace.


Buchanan, Elsa – ‘How Kenya’s Jubilee party is using UK ‘big data’ firm linked to Trump and Brexit victories’ (10.05.2017) link:

Kaltheuner, Frederike – ‘Cambridge Analytica Explained: Data and Elections’ (13.03.2017) link:

Patterson, Dan – ‘Cambridge Analytica: The future of political data is in the enterprise’ (13.03.2017) link:


Wood, Paul – ‘The British data-crunchers who say they helped Donald Trump to win’ (03.12.2016) link:

Kenya’s Political Parties Vulnerable to Cartels? (Footage)

Suddenly, President Kenyatta want to deal with souring food prices, but has no solution outlined!

You know something is wrong when the basic food items like Maize flour, Rice, Milk and Sugar are going up in Kenya. This has happen during the term of President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President Willam Ruto, the Jubilee Coalition. That the President takes so easily on it during the campaigns, proves that he has forgotten the common plight. This isn’t just a drought that brought the higher prices, there is systemic defaults that the government has to be concerned about. Therefore, the President coming out and saying this!

In his speech the President also criticised the opposition, which he described as a coalition crafted to get job for its four leading figures. He described the leader of the opposition as “a man who does not know how to solve problems but only knows how to talk about problems”. The Head of State said the Government is working on an appropriate plan to deal with the rising cost of maize flour. He revealed that Parliament will be recalled soon to come up with legislations to deal with the issue of food prices. We have been quiet about this issue but we have been working on a plan and soon Parliament will resume soon and it will come up with a lasting solution,” said the President” (The Presidency, 2017).

That he says the Opposition only talks about it, it is him who has the power and have the majority government. President Kenyatta has had all the possible time to create and make sure the citizens and businesses could thrive. Instead their been years of problems for Mumias, corruption scandals and in general not the sort economic policies that the Kenyan people or businesses needs. Therefore, the news of 10 coastal hotels closed in the recent months. The higher prices on electricity and other basic food items. Proves that the government has not facilitated it for citizens.

This can be proven with the added debt and deficit that the Kenyan government has risen. That the loans have been misspent as well as corruption scandals, which has proven that it isn’t only the Port of Mombasa where it is, but the central government has certainly their mismanagement. There been chickens inside the IEBC, NYS Scandal, JKIA, and so many others.

Inflation in the month of Aril has been reported to have increased to a record high of 11.48 percent. This was as a result of the ongoing drought that has hit most parts of the country and therefore forcing commodities to increase in prices so as to reach the markets set target” (Shawiza, 2017).

Just as Barclays has spelled gloom over the Kenyan economy, because the President cannot like going into a tight and highly anticipated campaign when the state struggles with this:

In various supermarkets around major towns, shoppers are being met by empty shelves. Those who spoke to Nation lamented that the increased prices had hit them hard, forcing them to forego some meals in the day, especially to save for school fees. In a country where maize remains a staple food, the price increase has left many households suffering. Even with the government intervention, the prices of a 90kg bag of dry maize is still high at Sh5,200 in Kisumu, Sh4,700 in Mombasa and Sh4,500 in Nairobi” (Daily Nation, 2017).

There we’re reasons for this, since the rise of prices doesn’t come in vacuum, the President and his government knows that, but has stayed ignorant, because they seem to confident that they will be in-charge after the coming election. Therefore, he should trade the waters more careful, unless the Jubilee is rigging it. However, the prices are hurting the citizens and the people who are supposed to support the party.

They have already struggled with months of uncertainty with the IEBC and the Doctors strike as they both have proven the systemic problems inside the republic. This is something that the Jubilee government has festered and not cleared the shop. Instead of building trust, they have tried to stop it like they detained doctors, they tried to silence the demonstrations against the corrupt IEBC board.

So with the rising state debt, the rising prices on food stuffs and the mismanagement of government funds. That the Jubilee attacks the NASA for their deals is the only good thing they have, but it is not sustainable as their own are awarded. So I cannot believe in that, that the NASA only favors and give jobs to their own. There are similarities there, but the Jubilee shouldn’t complain about giving favors, when they have built their own system doing so. Also, giving credits and envelopes to smaller parties for their support!

President Kenyatta should not for populism, but for the concern of the issues of the higher prices on the basic foods. Since this affects all citizens and their pockets, as well as stores and shops are getting empty on the shelf’s, not only Nakumatt who has struggled for months, but also others. Therefore, the are grand issues in the economy, if it wasn’t so than the banks like Kenya Chase Bank Limited taken control by the Central Bank of Kenya. If all of this issues are not handled, together this all proves there are governance structures and policies who needs changes. Since the state are clearly forgetting their sole purpose to facilitate life for their citizens, not secure wealth for the elite. Therefore, the Jubilee, has to prove they really care, as the inflation and debt ratio is rising to levels that the President should anticipate. Not try to control after it hit the fan! Peace.


Nation Team – ‘Kenyans tighten their belts as prices of goods soar and shortages bite’ (03.05.2017) link:

Shawiza, Vera – ‘Cost Of Living: High Food Prices Reason For Increased Inflation’ (03.05.2017) link:

The Presidency – I will work tirelessly for Kenya’s prosperity, President Kenyatta pledges’ (06.05.2017) link:

Kenya: 2017 elections: broken promises put human rights defenders at risk (03.05.2017)

Publication of an International fact-finding report.

PARIS, France, May 3, 2017 – The abduction, torture and killing of renowned Kenyan human rights lawyer Willie Kimani in June 2016 shocked the entire world, provoking a wave of outrage at national and international level. This is only the tip of the iceberg of a widespread pattern of violence and harassment aimed at silencing dissenting voices and perpetuating impunity, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (OMCT-FIDH partnership) has concluded after a recently conducted mission.

Kenya, a country that in 2010 voted a very progressive Constitution strengthening the country’s human rights framework in compliance with international standards, has in recent years chosen a different path. Unfortunately, so far the freedoms enshrined in the constitutional Bill of Rights have not been fully incorporated into domestic legislation, and, most importantly, are not upheld or implemented in practice.

“To date, the effective implementation of this progressive framework unfortunately remains a mirage and still needs substantial improvement”, declared OMCT Secretary General Gerald Staberock. “With all the right instruments put in place to bring about change, lack of implementation and political will appear to be the main reasons for such disillusionment”.

On the contrary, a report published today by the Observatory accounts for high levels of police and security forces’ violence, especially against human rights defenders involved in the fight against impunity for human rights violations. The mission report compiles several testimonies of incidents of violence, including cases of harassment, threats, torture, enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings.

Moreover, human rights defenders are often criminalised on the basis of trumped-up charges, which aim at intimidating them through episodes of frequent arrests, detentions in police stations, long trials and punitive bail and bond terms. This inevitably prevents them from pursuing their legitimate human rights activities.

Adding to this, the lack of a clear legal framework regulating the civil society sector due to the failure to commence implementation of the Public Benefit Organisations (PBO) Act 2013 creates a legal limbo which obliges NGOs to operate in a hostile environment, characterised by the threat of arbitrary de-registration and asset freezes, continuous attacks and smearing campaigns.

“In such a context, and ahead of the upcoming general elections, it is urgent that Kenyan authorities publicly recognise the crucial role of human rights defenders as pillars of democracy and watchdogs of the rule of law. They must improve their safety, truly implement the police and security sector reforms, hold perpetrators accountable, acknowledge the misuse of criminal law to harass defenders, and finally commence the PBO Act of 2013”, concluded FIDH President Dimitris Christopoulos.

The full report is available online in English: on OMCT website here and on FIDH website here.

Kenya: Letter from the Office of the President – “Re: Suspending the Operations of the Kalonzo Musyoka Foundation & Intention to Deregister the Kalonzo Musyoka Foundation” (02.05.2017)

Opinion: Can someone please teach Mr. Manoah Esipisu the inner-works of the constitution?

Part 1—Principles and Structure of the National Executive 129. (1) Executive authority derives from the people of Kenya and shall be exercised in accordance with this Constitution. (2) Executive authority shall be exercised in a manner compatible with the principle of service to the people of Kenya, and for their well being and benefit. 130. (1) The national executive of the Republic comprises the President, the Deputy President and the rest of the Cabinet. (2) The composition of the national executive shall reflect the regional and ethnic diversity of the people of Kenya” (Kenya Constitution 2010).

It is weird, I am not supposed to do this but I have, I have to tarnish the State House spokesperson Manoah Episisu again. I wished he still worked for the Kenya Defense Force (KDF), then he spoke about missiles and Somali pirates, it is bit more technical and legislation, apparently, when speaking out the chambers of the head of state. Still, the man has the capacity to not think of the words he saying. He is not Sean Spicer, but the brightest goblin walking the streets, he is not. So, if I was President Kenyatta, I would consider to appoint another brother or someone with more flair. Because this attack from the State House towards the National Super Alliance (NASA) is just pure nonsense. Take a look!

Decisions taken and announced at polling centres, as you saw, were allowed to stand. While on the political front, let me comment briefly on stories that have been doing the rounds, peddled by opposition figures – and may I say that these stories are peddled by people who should know better – that somehow they will enact constitutional changes within 90 days of taking office to create three jobs. Making constitutional changes that require a referendum will simply not take three months. It will take years. And considering how citizens have rejected MPs and Governors that they don’t believe have used their resources prudently, they are unlikely ever to agree to spend billions of shillings to create jobs for the three men promised phantom ones. You know, people have agreed to take Jobs that don’t exist … so, one of the opposition leaders was saying in a media interview that the first job for the team will be to use billions of shillings to change the constitution so the three phantom jobs can be legitimised” (State House Kenya, – MBS Manoah Esipisu, 30.04.2017).

What he is discussing the NASA deal between the NASA flagbearer’s who made a coalition to overrun the re-election of the Jubilee Alliance Party and the ruling regime. This coalition agreement between the NASA is put in this way: Raila Odinga as the President, Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka as the Deputy President. Under them is Musalia Mudavadi as Premier Cabinet Secretary, as well as Moses Wetan’gula as Deputy Premier Cabinet Secretary and Isaac Rutto as Deputy Premier Cabinet Secretary. Therefore because of the roles as Premier Cabinet Secretary and two Deputy Cabinet Secretaries, that the spokesperson of the State House claims is breaking the law. Let’s look a bit more into the constitution:

152. (1) The Cabinet consists of—

(a) the President;

(b) the Deputy President;

(c) the Attorney-General; and

(d) not fewer than fourteen and not more than twenty-two

Cabinet Secretaries” (Kenya Constitution, 2010).

So if the ones under neath the President and Deputy President in a NASA coalition cabinet, with the agreed secretaries already, they can either hire 11 more cabinet secretaries or 19 for that matter. I don’t know what the State House Spokesperson read or understood the legality, but the law is clear and the NASA coalition is not breaking the law. They are making a new understanding of the cabinet, but not in a way that counter the ability to appoint them in this way or in other if they wanting to.

So the Constitution also states this also from section 152:

(2) The President shall nominate and, with the approval of the

National Assembly, appoint Cabinet Secretaries.

(3) A Cabinet Secretary shall not be a Member of Parliament” (Kenya Constitution 2010).

So if, the spokesperson had known the constitution, he would know that Raila Odinga, if winning the coming election in August 2017. Than he could appoint his fellow coalition leaders into the cabinet. So they could become Cabinet Secretaries, as they are in the way of the leadership of the NASA. Therefore, by that reasoning alone it is not a violation.

Secondly, Jubilee and the President Uhuru Kenyatta said:

While they are lying to each other about Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister’s positions which is not in the Constitution, we in the Jubilee Party are committed to entrenching democracy to develop the country,” (PSCU, 2017).

I hate to repeat, but the man who is running the nation and the Republic of Kenya for near end of a Presidential Term, should have the capacity to understand the ones underneath the Deputy President are appointed as Cabinet Secretaries. So they are part of the 14 appointed cabinet secretaries or even up to 22. So the man who has appointed his share of Cabinet Secretaries and ruled the Nation should know this part of the Constitution. Apparently, he is himself misunderstanding the law. To make sure the coalition looks foolish and himself trying to look wise. Instead he looks ignorant of the laws that guides his government.

Time for both the President and the State House Spokesperson to study their constitution before teaching the NASA Coalition on their Flagbearer’s, the President and Deputy President; also their Premier Cabinet Secretary and Deputy Premier Cabinet Secretaries. Time to man up and read the Constitution and they might know the parts before August 2017 and not just misuse it during the campaigns. Peace.


Kenya Constitution 2010

PSCU – ‘President Kenyatta dismisses NASA line-up as ‘jobs for the boys’ (27.04.2017) link:

EU’s new regulation plans to scrap imports of conflict minerals by 2021!

The people back home wouldn’t buy a ring if they knew it cost someone else their hand”Maddy Brown (Blood Diamond, 2006).

The European Union are acting out of care and thinking of transparency for the industrial imports and mineral exporters. This is happening just a little month after the United States opened up their legislation for importing more from conflict zones. While the European Union plans to close the gate from areas and from sources that export Conflict minerals.

So the EU laws are becoming more stricter than the United States, even if the law they have enacted in the European Parliament and Council of the European Union, will be effective from 2021. So it is 4 years until it has giant effect and gives time to refinery and importers to change behavior. Something that is necessary, as well as the public have to grow concern of the affects of buying conflict minerals. Even as the conflict minerals still come into the market of Europe and into the refineries so the consumers doesn’t know and cannot follow where their products who contain minerals comes from war-zones.

That the European Union takes this serious and acts upon this Nobel, and proves that they does not want to support militias and guerrillas that keeps control of mineral rich areas and their exports to supply weapons and continue warfare in for instance the African Great Lakes Region. Take a look!

Background of new rule:

This Regulation, by controlling trade in minerals from conflict areas, is one of the ways of eliminating the financing of armed groups. The Union’s foreign and development policy action also contributes to fighting local corruption, to the strengthening of borders and to providing training for local populations and their representatives in order to help them highlight abuses” (EU, P: 8, 2017).

Conflict Minerals from Great Lakes Region:

The Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy should regularly review their financial assistance to and political commitments with regard to conflict-affected and high-risk areas where tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold are mined, in particular in the African Great Lakes Region, in order to ensure policy coherence, and in order to incentivise and strengthen the respect for good governance, the rule of law and ethical mining” (EU, P: 16, 2017).

Trade of Minerals funds armed conflicts:

Preventing the profits from the trade in minerals and metals being used to fund armed conflict through due diligence and transparency will promote good governance and sustainable economic development. Therefore, this Regulation incidentally covers areas falling within the Union policy in the field of development cooperation in addition to the predominant area covered which falls under the common commercial policy of the Union” (EU, P:17, 2017).

Important Article:

Article 3: Compliance of Union importers with supply chain due diligence obligations

1. Union importers of minerals or metals shall comply with the supply chain due diligence obligations set out in this Regulation and shall keep documentation demonstrating their respective compliance with those obligations, including the results of the independent third-party audits” (EU, P: 23, 2017).

Date of Application:

Articles 1(5), 3(1), 3(2), Articles 4 to 7, Articles 8(6), 8(7), 10(3), 11(1), 11(2), 11(3), 11(4), Articles 12 and 13, Article 16(3), and Article 17 shall apply from 1 January 2021” (EU, P: 51, 2017).

What the statements on the law:

The Commission will consider making additional legislative proposals targeted at EU companies with products containing tin, tantalum, and tungsten and gold in their supply chain should it conclude that the aggregate efforts of the EU market on the responsible global supply chain of minerals are insufficient to leverage responsible supply behaviour in producer countries, or should it assess that the buy-in of downstream operators that have in place supply chain due diligence systems in line with the OECD guidance is insufficient” (…) “In the exercise of its empowerment to adopt delegated acts pursuant to Article 1(5), the Commission will take due account of the objectives of this Regulation, notably as set out in recitals (1), (7), (10) and (17). In doing so, the Commission will, in particular, consider the specific risks associated with the operation of upstream gold supply chains in conflict affected and high-risk areas and taking into account the position of Union micro and small enterprises importing gold in the EU” (…) “In response to the request of the European Parliament for specific guidelines, the Commission is willing to develop performance indicators specific to the responsible sourcing of conflict minerals. By means of such guidelines, relevant companies with more than 500 employees that are required to disclose non-financial information in conformity with Directive 2014/95/EU would be encouraged to disclose specific information in relation to products containing tin, tantalum, tungsten or gold” (EU, P: 57-58, 2017).

The European Union is doing something positive with this. That they show effort and care for the imports and what affects the export has locally, so if the minerals export is shady, the export will cease. So if the due diligence regulation works and the industry complies, the effect can be enormous. The consumer will also know that there are not supporting by third party purchase to pay for ammunition rebels, warlords or guerrillas in far away lands. This should all be seen as step of making a better world and honorable society. Where the money is where the mouth is! Peace.


Council of the European Union – ‘Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council setting up a Union system for supply chain due diligence self-certification of responsible importers of tin, tantalum and tungsten, their ores, and gold originating in conflict-affected and high-risk areas – Outcome of the European Parliament’s first reading (Strasbourg, 13 to 16 March 2017) – (20.03.2017).