Opinion: The IMF decided to give dictators a COVID-Lifeline

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) might have the best intention, but when you give debt relief and certain programs funds to several of republics. Don’t expect this to be spent on the public there. These funds will be squandered on big convoys, don’t expect suddenly these dictators do build fancy hospitals for poverty lingering citizens. Who hasn’t been a priority and only useful, when they need grants and loans from the likes of IMF and the World Bank (WB).

On the 2nd April 2020, the IMF approved US$ 109.4 million to Rwanda. This is supporting the militaristic regime, which have ruled since the genocide in 1994. Therefore, giving a lifeline to President Paul Kagame. Who is gettign rid of his opposition, activists and they suddenly dies. That’s why they are ensuring a small praising elite in Kigali to overpower the public with more funds like this.

On the 3rd April 2020, the IMF approved US$ 97.1 million to Togo. This is supporting the Second Generation Dictator Faure Gnassingbe who is just sworn in for his third term in office. Where all protests are hard hit, where the real opposition is destroyed and there is lack of real investment into the the state. As the Gnassingbe family, who has ruled this nation from 1967. They haven’t showed any interest in real development and only using the state as a private business operation.

On the 9th April 2020, the IMF approved US$ 147 millions to Gabon. Where second generation dictator resides. The son like father, keeps the state all enclosed. Omar Bongo Ondimba follows Ali Bongo Ondimba. These funds are given to a man who is following the family affair of running this state. This is has been done since 1967. So, they are validating the Bongo regime and they will continue to constrain it.

On the 14th April 2020, the IMF approved US$ 115.1 millions to Chad. Another big-man and militarized government run by Idriss Deby Itno have ruled since a coup in 1990. He rules by decree and silence his opposition. So, it not like this man is saint. Your not a saint, when the only way the opposition dares to show their affection is to whistle. Not like the IMF cares about that, because these funds will be given to an boast of his army, whose not only battling Boko Haram, but also constrains the public.

On the 4th May 2020, the IMF approved US$ 226 millions to Cameroon. This is boosting the President for Life, Paul Biya. The Ghost of Cameroon and Swiss Landlord of Cameroon. The man who kills own citizens in the North-West and South-West Regions, the Ambazonia parts of Cameroon. The man who rigs elections, uses army against his own citizens and who has reigned non-stop since the 1980. So, this man hasn’t developed Cameroon, except for making his elite wealthy and making his own family richer than the nation. That is the ones the IMF is bailing out.

On the 6th May 2020, the IMF approved US$ 491.5 million to Uganda. This is giving money to the militarized government of President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. The government who has run the Republic since the coup in 1986. A man who torture, detain and assaults his opposition. A man who uses the government as private property. A man who is the “high above” and who directs anything from his State House. Who has had debt relief and grants gotten lost, paying ghosts and so fourth. These funds will squandered and only feed the kitchen cabinet, not the public. He has had the time from 1986 to develop the Republic, but have instead built a big army and the biggest entourage on the continent.

So, the IMF is giving these money out in good faith. They are doing it with a purpose, but don’t expect to do any good. These funds will boast and give the Dictators a lifeline. That is sad, its a bitter pill to swallow, but needed to be said. Since, the IMF is by doing this giving way to the most ruthless leaders on the planet. People who have no heart, but only lives for their own personal greed. These people can order the death of their enemies and can without a flick of their eyes make someone stop.

That is why this money will not be used for the purpose of which its given. It might be some of the dollars ending up to nurses and frontline workers. However, this will most likely pay of their pet projects like para-military groups or security organizations, which is used to monitor the public. The money will also go to the expensive lifestyle of the President and his cronies. While only a few rain-drops will go to public. However, don’t expect these funds to go anywhere useful. Than, your lying to yourself and very naive.

You don’t become big-men like these without being using force and not caring about governance. They are there because of the guns, the method of fear and intimidation. These funds are given to men who uses their state as a racket.

The IMF like I said does this in good faith, but its a reason why its faith. Because they have trust and belief it will do some good, but don’t expect magic. There is no magic wand to fix things, especially with the leadership at the helm. What is worrying is how easily they could get these millions of dollars, because of the global pandemic.

They will misuse it and it will be squandered. It just a matter of time, before ghost companies and ghost workers are paid. Before sudden funds have gone missing and no one can find the allocation. That is just what happens. Also, the elite will get a big pay-check, because their loyalty is worth more than gold for these men. Peace.

The Curious Case of Samuel Eto’o: The Pride and Prejudice!

This is just petty, this is really beneath any sensible character, but in Cameroon this is clearly cool. The professional footballer and former Captain of the National Team, Samuel Eto’o has suction and power in the Republic. As he had the power to put someone behind bars for talking about him.

That Eto’o can order things from above high is evident as how quickly it went from a journalist spreading a rumor about his love life to end behind bars. This was Michael Doppas Dom, who works for Radio Soleil FM in Yaoundé. Since yesterday, he has been behind bars on defamation charges. This has been a case going since a judge ordered it on the 12th November 2018 and the same judge signed it off yesterday, which was the first step of incarceration of the journalist. Therefore, you have to be brave to question Eto’o in Cameroon at this point.

Certainly, Eto’o must have done some favors for the almighty ghost president and his cronies. To get this sort of treatment, as the enemies of state lingers in jail for months before even get put on trial. Like the ones detained of the Ambazonia, which was incommunicado for so long, before popping up recently and getting charged with terrorism charges. Therefore, this journalist will feel the blunt injustice. As he touched one of the untouchable. One of the men of pride and honor, which you are supposed to give a salute.

Samuel Eto’o with this actions are showing it, as he has certainly heard and asked for some actions. As he haven’t accepted this and being talked about this way. However, Eto’o should be enough worried about paying for child-support to Anna Maria Barranca, as he has pledged to pay monthly allowance to the mother. As Eto’o recognized the child as his own two years ago. Still, to this date, struggles to follow up on his commitment as a father, apparently, since she had to file court document in Cagliari.

The Court document states:

Despite the various enforcement measures taken by Ms. Barranca, despite her actions against Mr. Eto’o Fils and despite numerous attempts (including through his own supporters) to contact the father of Annie to allow the girl to know him and establish a relationship with him, he is always unavailable: he refuses to meet his daughter, he never wants to meet and is not interested in participating and ensuring his education and form. In addition, although he has the means to do so, he has not paid the support determined by the Court for more than three years”

So before, messing up others people’s lives with slander and rumors, maybe just maybe, clear up your own mess. Eto’o is clearly a deadbeat dad, a rich dad, but a POOR dad at the same time. That cannot manage to take of his own kin and show some gratitude of the gift of life. Instead, he ensures that the mother of his child, has to go to court and get what she needs to raise their daughter. That is the sort of man Eto’o is.

That is why he uses his powers and reach in Cameroon to get people detained for spreading rumors, while cannot even spend quality time with his daughter in Italy. Peace.

Why are the leaders of our time so hooked-on Power? And some theories for why they don’t leave the Executive Power to somebody else..

Mugabe Military

We are living in a day and age where leader’s doesn’t leave from their office. You have likes of Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasongo who is making himself ready for another election in his country this year and he has been in power since 1979. You have the likes of President Paul Biya of Cameroon who has been the President since 1982 and was in government since 1970s. In Zimbabwe the President of the day President Robert Gabriel Mugabe has been the Commander in Chief.  And the list goes on.

Kagame Nkurunziza 2011

We have the third term phenomenon of President Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi, President Paul Kagame of Rwanda both of them have changed the laws or used Courts to allow them to stay in power. So the leadership roles are sufficient to stay. You have the likes of President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who has been in charge since 1986 and stayed ever since, changed laws again and again to linger in power and is rumored to fix the age limit to stay passed his 7th Term.

Mittrand Rwanda President

So with this in mind, I will discuss it today. It is not a new phenomenon or a new change of guards. There are always leaders who linger and overstay their time in power. As President Juvénal Habyarimana of Rwanda took power with a coup d’état in 1973 and was in power until his plane got shot down in 1994. Just like the overthrow of first President Patrice Lumumba of Democratic Republic of Congo in 1965, who by foreign powers supposed to install Mobutu Seko Seko Kuku Ngebendu Wa Za Banga who was born Joseph-Desire Mobutu who was the President of DRC from 1965 until 1997. So there are leaders of the past who has not left office and is now long gone.

The issue with this is the way we build society around people instead of institutions and government structures. The Structures of government is kept weak and is not strong with procedure and predicated work for the civil service. That is why the leaders can linger and the way they keep it is fueling resources away from the government structures and institutions, keeping the progress weak and keeping the circle around them tight knit. Instead of having inner-circles with wits, knowledge and people who wants to succeed in their field; the leaders around the president is instead hungry men and woman who works for more and better civil service for the citizens.

US Dollar Campaign

That is because the leaders who circle all of government around themselves are not interested in great policies or deliver the promised pledges to the communities since then they have to give away power. When a leader tries to strengthen the power all around themselves then the necessary leadership is not about the government, but about the person who rules. The ruler set the standard ,not the laws of the state or the laws of the Parliament. As the Executive can fix the Supreme Court, Constitutional Court, can rig the Constitution and make draconian laws that issues more help for the Executive; instead of the Constitution and the Parliament representing the citizens and for the citizens it becomes for the Executive.

That is why the Executive or the Ruler, the President doesn’t want to leave power since the whole state is built around the one person. The One Person who has in his image or her image built the government around themselves. And when they have it all for themselves they don’t have to fight for anything else then themselves. That is what matters, if he schools is depleting, health care is non-functioning, roads have bigger potholes then the ones on the moon, the government loans are worse than the subprime-mortgage and so on. That doesn’t matter because the situations doesn’t hit the Executive, because the government funds goes directly to him instead of the ministries, departments and sections of government than really-really need it!

Zim 2008

The Power that starts with personal movement of fights and liberation, the ones that are personalized towards the one man who saved them all and then doesn’t leave is that the EGO and used to be center of attention. To have the voice of being right, so they can’t do things wrong in their own mind as they risk to lose their wealth and strength if they are out of office.

Barre Somalia

Some of these leaders have lived on the strength of the loyalty to foreign powers as they need their alliance in a region to secure peace in the neighbor country or during the cold war as the Americans did whatever they could to control the world and not lose nations to the Soviet communism. Therefore they fall of Said Barre of Somalia and the struggles of the Ethiopian Dirg of the 1970s. As the Cold War complex policies dissolved and built governments with influence of American and Russian strengths of the time. Take the example of President Mengistu Hailemariam who kept the Power from 1974 – 1991 with the Soviet influx and the Communist agenda that made the result of Somalia invasion with support of the Americans in 1977. So he himself had taken power in 1969 in Somalia the army fueled government of Said Barre as his power-play internally to keep the power together with the back and forth from the leadership at the time led to his fall, as he also had long-term squabble with Ogaden and Ethiopian neighbor after the tried invasion there. This the fall after 20 years might be because he circulated all power amongst himself and not in the powers of structures and department to delegate the powers.

That is the problem with the leaders who get fueled with power. They circulate all power and decisions are under the Executive. So with this in mind instead of building institutions and government structures, they build the armies and police force to enforce the Power of the Executive, not only to enforce national security, but to secure the Power of the Executive. Therefore the first to get payment are the armies and police officers before the teachers and other civil servants.


The Rulers and the Executives keeps the ignorant yes-men around them to secure that they don’t get to opportunist or wanting to get the Executive position. Therefore they elite around the Ruler get lots of perks, tax-exemptions, cars, housing and servants while the rest of the country can’t afford that. Unless it is foreign investors in businesses owned by the Party Elite or the Government elite that belongs to the inner-circle of the Executive; as the license and openings happens on the watch of the Executive and the Power not the legal justice system or the society binding corporate bondage towards the procedures of setting up business in the country. So the way the Executive get drunk on power is set on the fact that they having everything at nearly no cost.

The Presidents who are drunk on Power have centralized all powers around them and not the government structures and the decrees and the policies are made to keep them in power; not to build a grand state who offers their citizens what they need. Therefore the laws becomes for the MPs and the Elite that fuel the money and Power towards the President, then the President delivering to the People.

The remains of Mobutu's Palce
The remains of Mobutu’s Palce

So with the Inner-circle finding ways to support the President instead of serving the citizens as a government is supposed to do. Why are the Executive and rules high-on-power you asked?

That is because all of the Power, all of the resources and all of the goodwill of the nation is determined by the Executive. As the Power is resumed and determined by the Executive there is hard to leave that, as the knowledge of the system given to coming new leader can take away what the Executive already have built around itself. Therefore the security of having the power instead of giving it the next; that is why the lingering Executives and Presidents are like alcoholics!


Let me explain why the similarities are there. An Alcoholic has the hunger and need for another drink and beer. They do whatever they can to get another drink and beer, at all means and steal if they have to get that fizz. So the Alcoholic is so used to the alcohol that the feel of it weaken and needs much of it to feel it. The Alcoholic just need another brew and another brew. And never stops taking in the alcohol. In the beginning the alcoholic never think that they would end being so, and the same with power-hungry individual. It just became a habit. The alcoholic needs the alcohol, just as the Executive is drunk on power and needs some more drinks. The Executive gotten so used to and the habit of getting their will and generating the funds out of the governmental funds; so if they don’t get more the donor-funds or the Bretton-Woods Loans to their nations then they feel something is missing. They need the spotlight to be the king of the nation and the supreme ruler.

So the drunkenness and needed attention, the needed judgement and decision rate from the Executive that lingers in powers while they build the government system around themselves and weakens the people around them. So they are more needed and so that ambition gets squirrelled around them. There can only be one vision, one leader and one nation under God. That is the usual factor and the events that unfold as the dissidents and opposition get harsh treatment without any cost spared. Something that happens because they crossed the territory of the Executive and the rules of set-up by the President and the predicated actions are seen as violations of laws and constitution; that apparently been rigged in favor of current leader. Therefore another bottle of beer for the President as the sufficient drunkenness of power is staggering. Suddenly change would be hard and taken with haste. Because the drunken leaders will with force and madness go all-inn if they all of sudden loose it, they will be become bush-warriors or stealing elections to continue their Presidency. As we have seen through 2015 and 2016 that is how far these leaders goes to get the shot of power and not stop drinking from the fountain of government power. Peace.  

Mzee is either in the darkness of the forest or walking in the banana-plantation; he surely have no plans to leave; that is the true #SteadyProgress


It’s hard for me to write this in all seriousness. Since I writing about an African President whom himself said this in 1986: “The problem of Africa in general and Uganda in particular is not the people but leaders who want to overstay in power” (Ross, 2011).  The President in particular is His Exellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the President of Uganda for 29 years and counting!

Mzee said this in 1980 while running as a presidential candidate:

“Using a government position to a mass wealth is high treason. If the UPM is not going to be supported because it denounces such methods of getting rich, let it be”.

This he said while campaigning in Bushenyi and Mbarara districts(Weekly Topic, August 27. 1980).

So Mzee have  had a few points back in the day and knew this was an issues. Now he deflects  them to the extreme, to a point where it nearly get’s boring. Still here is his recents comments on the matter of riches and staying in power.

This was what Mzee said in November 2015:

““I have my own job at home of keeping cattle. Why would I stay when I have been defeated in the elections? I am not power hungry but I have missions to accomplish. I can’t leave without finishing with them” (Kazibwe, 2015).

Well, he has promised to step-down before, doubt he means this for long or even if this utter words was sincere other than for a show. This was for show from Mzee because of the coming Papal visit in Uganda (all seriousness the visit happen around 2 weeks after this interview). Well, let me continue on what he has said over the new-years and his ordinary modus operandi. When the pope has left the country and he could do what he normally do!


Mzee saisd this on 5th January 2016:

“I have been hearing people accusing me of sticking around; that I don’t want to leave government. Why would I want to stay in government?” (…)”First of all I am a very rich man. I have a lot of wealth and therefore it cannot be riches that I am seeking in government” (Waswa, 2016).

Well, you have in been in power since 1986. That is sticking around for a while in government and as executive power for nearly three decades. We know you are rich you have a giant farm in Ankole, you and your families own a dozen businesses, some hotels and even some transport businesses as well. You started earning big bucks on transport under the DRC war in the 90s, but that is a nearly forgotten chapter for you and your brother Salim Selah, right? Still you’re in government because you fear what will happen if you leave it. Especially when there is oil-money soon coming into the accounts of Uganda and you want that slice to. The minerals and wood from Kisangani will be small-fry a bogoya. Well, we know about that and as your businesses and family businesses can be lost if you leave government. Therefore you want to secure those, it is a valid argument to stick around in government for wealth as man men make their wealth that way, one of the reason why you went to the bush to eradicate corruption and embezzlement. Well, that chapter is also forgotten and loyal cronies is more and more important therefore we have NRM-Independent and NRM Flag-Bearers in the coming elections, this is new and the NRM-Independents are breach of inner-party law. We know it is okay as long as Mzee,says it’s okay; he even pays the fees for the NRM-Independents to the Electoral Commission. This is to gain their loyalty as well as the ones the members picked in the district and sub-county. That is beautiful right? So, that is the reason why people wonder why you stick around and what can you do now that you haven’t already done? Still, let’s continue to the 10th January 2016.


Mzee said this on 10th January 2016:

“cannot leave power now because all he planted has started bearing fruits” (…)”Those who say, let him go, let him go, they need to know that this is not the right time. This old man who has saved the country, how do you want him to go? How can I go out of a banana plantation I have planted that has started bearing fruits?” (…)”We can’t be in the middle of a forest and want the old man to go. This is not right. We must concentrate on development, my time will come and I will go. I don’t fear going because I have where to go, but we must first see where we go” (…)”We can’t be in the middle of a forest and want the old man to go. This is not right. We must concentrate on development, my time will come and I will go. I don’t fear going because I have where to go, but we must first see where we go” (Rumanzi, 2016).

Now he is proclaiming that he has made a country into a banana-plantation, where it is finally bearing fruits. That means sweat bananas with good yields. That must be from the mustards seed he planted in 1986. Wait, this isn’t a mustard farm, but still the metaphor can be extended to the Banana farm. Yes, he has made the country into a Banana farm or should I say a banana republic. Now that all of that was daft, but the point is clear.

The economic state is getting dire in Uganda, the loans rate on the government budget is going up while the aid and donor funds goes down. While the oil-price lowers before the oil-monies are getting in. The sale of coffee is growing but it has not the yielded price on it neither is the sale of the tea. Like they are not producing enough sugar for consumption and have to import from Kenya.

Bank notes Uganda

IMF in July 2015 wrote in their report this: “Short-term benefits of the oil price decline have been less pronounced in Uganda than in other countries in the region. In the past nine months, petrol average pump prices have declined by 10 percent in domestic currency”.

He surely isn’t done by seeing all the campaign teams struggling with the villages roads his been building since 1986. Since FDC Campaign Convoy have been stuck in Rwenzori and in certain northern districts, while Mzee himself needed a military vehicle to be able to get to campaign rallies in Abletong. Well, the Banana-plantations don’t need a good road as long as the banana gets to market?


Or is it the growing amounts of districts, sub-counties and municipalities? Is that your proud work to make sure that that every corner of the country have a local council to control 1000 people and have loyal payment from you?  That seems like the final goal while going through your banana-plantation. In 1967 there was only 18 districts, by 1989 where already 34 districts and 150 counties. By my reckoning in late 2015 there are 111 districts and 167 counties. So the numbers has grown staggering amount of districts and steady rise of counties. Was this the big plan in 1986 make sure that there 3 times over district then when you came to power?

You might feel that you’re in the forest and not really in the mellow place of the banana-plantation since the situation economically, infrastructure, youth-employment, industrial-development, police-violence and so on. There are much darkness in the forest and not any sweat yields of the banana-plantation. The development that you have left is surely questionable; secondly the legacy you’re leaving behind is not the ones you wish you had. You could have been a man who led to real progress and stand for something new.  Instead you’re the same old tribe of African leaders who overstays in power and does let other people rule.

The economic state, together with the lower prices on coffee and oil should be worrying. Together with edged prices on imports as Uganda imports are higher than their exports. The weaker currency and higher inflation makes the trading barrier even higher. There are so many signs that the general election together with the laws that parliament passes gives more and more power to the Executive and his regime. Ever since Public Order Management Act there been more and more laws who gives the government more stronghold over the public instead of giving them freedoms and opportunity to evolve and think on their own. The laws that gives the government carte blanche to borrow money through the new Public Finance Management Act; one section of this law says this: “Amendment of Section 36: (5a) In addition to subsection (5), a loan raised by the Government as a temporary advance by the Bank of Uganda, which does not extend beyond a financial year shall not require to be approved by the Parliament” (P5, 2015, PFMA). That says how the government can initially use the Bank of Uganda as an ATM, was that the problem you had in the forest or the fruits your having yield on the banana-plantation?

NAADS Piggery Enterprise Ibanda

I know that you have no plan of stopping being in power, I am just wondering when you actual thought of leaving since you have been there as long as have lived. Something not many Presidents have done except your friend in Zimbabwe, and maybe aquatints like Paul Biya in Cameroon, and Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatoral Guinea. But hey, they are from francafrique countries so I only expect you smile at them when you arrive at African Union meetings in Addis Ababa. Since they know and you know that all the fellows who meet with decades ago are no longer there.

We know that what you said before new years are utter rubbish since you have promised before to step down and haven’t. That has happened before 2001 and before 2006. Even before you got the multi-party system back into place; Gen. Benon Biraaro said this early part of his campaign in 2015: “When we captured power in 1986, Mr Museveni promised to rule for only five years and after he will go and look after his cows, I never knew his cows would be Ugandans”.

Old Taxi Park

Surely, if his still is in the forest or in the banana-plantation or even with his cows in Ankole, it is for certain he is still the executive power and will do what he can to keep that in 18th February 2016 or make sure the counting is fixed to measure the right way. Mzee will make sure that the counting of the ballots from the Electoral Commission declares him the President, AGAIN! If not he has prepared the police with a bucket full billions of shillings for post-election violence. So he must have looked in the darkness of the forest and worried for the outcome. In the sense that he smells the people are not his anymore. They do not follow him blindly and let him guide them freely. The banana-plantation is not as peaceful as it once was; This means that Mzee is not directly entitled anymore, to get the fruits of the plantation without any questions, from the people who are working on it. Peace.


Kazibwe – ‘Museveni: I am Ready to Hand Over Power If Defeated’ (19.11.2015) link: http://www.chimpreports.com/museveni-i-am-ready-to-hand-over-power-if-defeated/

Ross, Will – ‘Would Uganda’s Museveni recognise his former self?’ (07.05.2011) link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/from_our_own_correspondent/9477930.stm

Rumanzi, Perez – ‘I can’t leave power now – Museveni’ (10.01.2016) link: http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/I-can-t-leave-power-now—Museveni/-/688334/3027090/-/ldhhetz/-/index.html

Waswa, Sam – ‘It Is Never My Intention to Stick To Power – Museveni’ (05.01.2016) link: http://www.chimpreports.com/it-is-never-my-intention-to-stick-to-power-museveni/

U.S. Gov. condems Rwandan President Kagame; Proves the double-standard; It’s okay for the U.S. ally President Museveni and wrong for President Kagame



We live in interesting times. The U.S. Government has condemned the Rwandan Government for giving the opportunity to have a third term for their President Kagame. President Museveni did the same in 2004 and the U.S. Government at that time couldn’t care or give two cents since him where their loyal ally. We didn’t hear anything last year when President Nkurunziza added to his two terms and only we’re late to the party when the news of the election-violence and assassinations came to broad light than the tune changed.

US Magazine Zaire LR

The same nation and government that supported the now deceased Mobutu Sese Seko in Democratic Republic of Congo then called Zaire. He we’re in charge of the country from about 1965 to 1997; when Laurent-Desire Kabila together with President Kagame’s and President Museveni’s armies; brought down the American sponsored and supported dictator. Who they needed through the cold-war to have a presence in the area, and not give that away to Soviet. We’ll they didn’t give him an army worth anything; when his neighbor countries invaded and took him down. That is just a sidebar.

Since the U.S. have supported dictators when they have needed them. The irony now for attacking Paul Kagame for doing his thing to get a third term seems a bit farfetched. We can see that U.S. trying to do something worth a damn in the area, since they have recently visited Kenya and Ethiopia. Well, recently U.S. reacted to Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza violence against opposition after an election for a third term and also going against the 2000 Arusha Peace Agreement, that we’re accepted by the courts as the first term; we’re accepted as adnominal since he was voted to power by parliament and not directly by the people! Even so, the public demonstrated and still is in turmoil and violence ever since March 2015 and we are in January 2016. The only thing U.S. did we’re to cut them from AGOA and that is zappy and looking meaningless in the big picture. They did not even have the ammunition to say it was wrong from the get-go for President Nkurunziza, surely because he is from a zip-code even the U.S. can’t care about.

Paul Kagame. P3jpg


U.S. Reaction on the 19th December 2015:

“The United States is disappointed that a referendum was called on short notice to amend the Rwandan constitution and introduce exceptions to term limits. While we commend the people of Rwanda for peacefully exercising their civic rights, we regret that the arrangements for the referendum failed to provide sufficient time and opportunity for political debate on the merits of the proposed provisions” (…)”The United States continues to be concerned by long-standing restrictions on peaceful assembly, association, and free expression in Rwanda. We urge the Government of Rwanda to enable the full and unfettered exercise of these fundamental freedoms as the country moves toward local elections in 2016, presidential elections in 2017, and parliamentary elections in 2018″.

This must have touched some nerves… So here is what he said back to them after the new-years.

So, the track record of recent is not beautiful. That President Kagame answers on twitter back we’re he was answering the U.S. Reaction on the 4th January 2016:

“So,…’diappointing?’ as a people and a leader/choices?? Uhm …it hurts!!! I promise we don’t intend to disappoint…esp ourselves!!”.

The issue is really, why the international bandwagon is reacting to him and not to all the other ones who keeps steady and sitting in power until death. Like the brother in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Zimbabwe and Sudan. Ugandan leader got some comments on the Barrack Obama visit in Africa in 2015, but they didn’t more or say since they need President Museveni sometimes it seems.


The world is not reacting to the change of laws to make it happen in Democratic Republic of Congo where the son of Laurent-Desire Kabila, Joseph Kabila who does what he can to have a third-term as a president in the DRC. He seems he can move in silence and as he please not even the foreign affairs brother from Belgium reacting as he have done so much when it comes to Burundian President Nkurunziza. President Kablia seems like somebody who is not worth stressing about even when the news came out last year and the public reacted with #Telema demonstrations.

While the nuisances’ towards Rwanda and President Kagame seems like a doubled game, because you haven’t given a rats ass before and now you cry foul. I wonder if they will say anything if President Salva Kiir Mayardit stays in power after his second term of 6 years that will stretch to 2017. Since he have been in power of the nation since 2005 and when he continues from 2017 it will already be 12 years and with one more term will get 18 years; and that is a long time!

Salva Kiir Poster

President Kagame has been in power for a long time and people should be allowed to question his actions. Rwandan government and country is sovereign. As the same use of sovereign state Burundi have used against having an AU Peacekeepers in the country because that will take their freedom and justice as a nation because they can handle the turmoil internally. President Nkurunziza says so and the international community doesn’t speak up against that.

U.S. Government might have forgotten that Franklin Delano Roosevelt had three terms he was in power from 1932 to 1945. He would have if he didn’t die of health problems actually could have served a fourth term. Unprecedented in American history, still it proves they can do it to!

And when they need somebody they can support them even when they are undemocratic, but the U.S. doesn’t need President Kagame. They do not fear the turmoil of Burundi even though the Inter-Burundian dialogue that happens in Uganda, issued and led by the President Museveni. Who have no plan to step-down even though he have run the country since 1986. He follows suit of former fellows. President Museveni would if he could; Help out the son of Jomo Kenyatta and get a bigger suit in East Africa. President Musveni might even give him lessons on how to keep power in Kenya to President Uhuru Kenyatta; who is currently working on his campaign and party structure of the new Jubilee Party in the country. Preparing for a second term and campaign to secure that! Nothing is meantioned about the issues of the growing tension, the embezzlement and the corruption in Kenya; That is not an issue for the U.S. Since they need Kenya to fight Al-Shabab as well! Therefore they let all the other issue to the side.

President Museveni is allowed to do as he need and can. The U.S. would never say anything crazy unless he bans the gay community and put fire unto the “Anti-Gay-Bill” again! President Kagame can be taken and punished since he doesn’t have a role to play that U.S. need. President Kabila in DRC trades rare-earth minerals and other commodities cheaply so if he wants to stay; hell; he can stay! President Nkurunziza is only an issue when starts to harass and assassinate people in his own country, if he we’re silent about it, the U.S. government would not care. But President Kagame is the issue. Hope there anybody else who see something wrong with that picture?
