Anywar is now on the bus: Museveni embracing her in Kitgum!

We know that the Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, only works for himself and his agenda, nothing else. That is why all agenda that is benefiting the republic, benefits him first, than lucky losers next. That is just the way it is, but the good of having is graces is different, than being in his shadow. Someone who has shifted sides and gone from his critics to his supporter is Kitgum MP Beatrice Anywar. She has gone from Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), to become independent and now she is practically a National Resistance Movement (NRM) MP. So today, the circle has ended and Hon. Anywar, is now a total bought out and without principals. Only obsessed and adoring praise of the President in the future from her.

Hon. Beatrice Anyway, the Kitgum Municipality MP, invited me to her constituency where I broke ground for the construction of the Centenary Church Kitgum, St Janani Luwum Church and the Irene Gleeson Memorial Public Library and Youth Training Centre. I also addressed a gathering at Boma Grounds. I congratulate Hon. Anywar for finally embracing the revolutionary message of the NRM after years of constantly bringing confusion among her people” (Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, 30.03.2018).

We have seen this coming, as she stated this in December 2017: “The Kitgum Municipality MP Beatrice Anywar, also known as ‘Maama Mabira’ has said she is ready to work in President Yoweri Museveni’s government if appointed minister. “Any minute there is an opportunity, I will go to President Museveni with no regret. He is a great leader because he is tolerant. He is able to listen to some of us,” Anywar said” (Sekanjako, Henry – ‘I am ready to work with Museveni – Anywar’ 27.03.2017, New Vision).

We know what he means with confusion, that meaning, that she was promoting something that wasn’t his vision. Everything that is not touched by Museveni is automatically no good. Even if that was saving Mabira Forrest or any other vocal point Anywar had. Now, she is turned into another crony, loyal MP, who will run after Museveni every time she can. She is now turned into a stooge and a relic of the past. The edge and the ethical backbone is traded away with the possibility of trading favors with the President.

Anywar wasn’t spreading confusing, but a message that Museveni wasn’t in favor of. That is why he dislikes the Opposition, because it counter his agenda. That is natural for any ruler, however, Museveni isn’t the ordinary Executive and Head of State. He wants to control anyone and everywhere. Museveni, want everyone to jump when he does. That is not how the world works, but his yes men around is saying so.

Anywar is now jumping, when Museveni is asking. She is now praising him and his works, even if she in past said the opposite. So it is a sad sight, seeing someone who was on the barricades for the people, are now juggling and bowing her knees for the grand dictator. It isn’t a sight, but it is maybe, tiredness and need for safety, why she has changed this way. Anywar has her reasons, but it is beneath the previous stature to be like this.

She was even mocked here, as she spread “confusion”, no she was spreading a message, now Mr. President, she is just kissing your ass! Peace.

Mama Mabira gone Yellow – In a 2 year period gone from FDC to Go-Forward and now to the NRM!

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has this afternoon attended the thanksgiving ceremony of the Kitgum Municipality Woman MP Beatrice Atim Anywar at Boma grounds. In his speech, the President said he was happy Anywar had survived three accidents” (…) For the past 10 years, Anywar’s attitude has been changing positively. NRM should do what Jesus told people to do, become fishers of men. I’m here to see if I can fish Anywar and all the other fish in the lake,” said President Museveni (New Vision, 26.05.2017).

You can sometimes wonder why someone is loyal or cares about their affiliations, as this weeks evidence, the full-circle of disloyalty and money hungry politician is in full-affect. This from the woman who delivered back to Parliament back-in-the-day a Ushs. 20 Million shillings to Parliament in 5,000 notes. She is the ones who has fought tooth and nail against the government to save the Mabira Forrest from foreign investors to build sugar-cane plantations and a sugar mill. Therefore, her stride and passion has surpassed many of the current incumbent Members of Parliament. That is why the betray of the Forum for Democratic Change is even more despicable, even if it has been in the works over the last 2 years.

Kitgum MP Beatrice Atim Anywar is on her fourth term in the Parliament, she has been before shadow minister and also been arrested during the 2011 Walk to Work demonstrations. She was questioned and even detained at some points of it. So it is not like her political life has been easy. Still, because of this knowledge and knowing what President Museveni does to his opponents, you would think that these people wouldn’t be eaten by the envelopes. Surely, the missing funds for her last foreign treatment. Might be reason, as she has been unlucky and has survived three bad-car accidents. So, she has gotten more pain and with that plenty. Certainly, a man can understand the payment of doctors fees and the sudden help can change a persons affiliation. Especially since she was kicked out of being FDC Treasury, also had to go independent because of her loss in the FDC Primary in Kitgum. Therefore, with her alliance with Mbabazi and the The Democratic Alliance (TDA). She stood more alone, than together with the Besigye/Muntu and Mafabi party of FDC.

To give you a brief timeline:

In November 2015, Beatrice Anywar had another tone:

HAPPENING: Beatrice Anywar

I am a fighter. I fought the Mabira war and won it.

I am a staunch FDC member, but I belong to an FDC that goes forward” (NBS Television, 03.11.2015).

On the 2nd November 2015 the FDC Stalwart Anywar was the one proposed and delivered the papers of Mbabazi Presidential Aspiriant to Electoral Commission Chairman Eng. Dr. Badru Kiggundu at Kololo. She was also one the first key figures rallying at the Nakivubo Stadium on the Presidential Candidate Nomination Day of Go-Forward and for Amama Mbabazi. This was on the 3rd November 2015. Then she followed and was also part of the AmamaTrail, like at the rallies of Mbabazi in Mityana on the 11th November 2015. Beatrice Anywar was clearly involved directly with the Go-Forward and the TDA in its hey-day. While in the 30th November she was joining again the FDC Team when they we’re trialing through the district of Kitgum.

1. December 2015:

FDC yesterday maintained that Mr Denis Okalit was the party flag bearer for the Kitgum municipality MP seat even as Ms Beatrice Anywar made last minute attempts to persuade the party to reconsider the decision. The party endorsed Mr Okalit last Friday as its flag bearer despite a petition by Ms Anywar against the decision. The party accuses Ms Anywar of supporting presidential candidate Amama Mbabazi’s candidature. Ms Anywar seconded Mr Mbabazi’s nomination but the party says she acted outside the party laws” (…) “Gen Muntu said the party was facing several challenges in different parts of the country following the party primaries but said everything humanly possible will be done to resolve them. “Mr Okalit is the one with the party ticket. Ms Beatrice Anywar is running as an independent. I was telling party leaders in Kitgum District that whoever they choose to support, they must not cause confusion during campaigns because after four months, the party has to remain,” Gen Muntu said” (Kafeero, 2015).

Later in December 2015:

Kitgum Woman MP Beatrice Anywar says she is not campaigning for any particular presidential candidate. Anywar’s troubles stem from her recent public support for independent presidential candidate Amama Mbabazi yet she is still a member of FDC” (NTV Uganda, 05.12.2015).

So her misconceptions during the early campaigning as she claimed to be FDC, but working for the Go-Forward, while also being Independent MP candidate in Kitgum. Clearly shows that she was on the ways to greener pastures and hoping for yields in the Go-Forward/TDA umbrella, instead of the FDC. She got elected into the 10th Parliament and was sworn-in as Independent.

Months after being sworn-in as independent MP, she proposed on the 30th May 2016 a power-sharing agreement between Dr. Kizza Besigye and President Yoweri Kaguta Musevei. Something that was just talk, but clearly she figured something out. Certainly since the election she needed to see where she could get loyalty. As her role as independent and supporting Mbabazi had backfired. Go-Forward didn’t really go as planned for the politician. Therefore, she had try to create another fix. Since she still has linkage to FDC, while trying to mediate with Museveni. This has certainly happen in the shadows, as the President will really listen when he thinks he can get his way. Than we fast forward a year. As she doesn’t make any significant sway of leadership or change of position. Other than again, falling unlucky, having a car-crash, which she doesn’t have the money to pay the hospital bills. As she will get treatment in India. This is happening in April 2017. As the bill of charge grows and how it get paid. Is not known, but on a separate note, the wife of Mbabazi got paid by the state for her overseas treatment in 2017. Therefore, it is most likely that the Museveni footed her hospital bills in India.

While the time lingers, the evidence of her needs of funds and help is clear, as the rumors was as the Oil Cash Probe or the Presidential Handshake hit a high point, in early May 2017. She was rumored to have visited the President at the State House asking for her own funds. Beatrice was one out of a group asking and begging the President for money. This was big news around 1st May 2017. And not strange concerning the rumored and alleged paid funds for her hospital bills in April 2017. Whey you know this and she has a thanksgiving ceremony in Kitgum this 26th May 2017, where the fountain of honor is President Museveni. You know the political affiliation is now towards the Movement and the President. Honorable Anywar is now officially affiliated with Museveni and his party.

This has happen over the last two years, as she lost the FDC Primaries and had to find other homes. Tried in Go-Forward. That didn’t go well, and now she has found shelter in NRM. As the founding member of FDC, and that she was adamant of being apart of FDC while running for a new term in office. Therefore, the stages of disloyalty is clear in the sand. The recognition of it and the questionable will of her can be in doubt. As she was a harsh critic of Museveni’s ways and his attack on the Mabira forrest, but now in these days sh can be parts and even wear yellow. The whole world can see and learn by the Anywar case. How dirty and how the politicians can change camps to gain cheap popularity. Therefore she even went on the rallies of both Mbabazi and Besigye during the campaigns of 2015. You can wonder how she plans to do it in 2021 and in 2020. To gain another term in Parliament, as she clearly are now loyal to Museveni and his cause. He even praised her like he did with the Good DP Mbidde and Mao.

This story will only continue and the proof that the envelopes of Museveni has power, more than his ethics, his control of society and his demands of no scrutiny into his backroom policies. That is clear to loot the state reserves. Now, Mama Mabira, the former strong opposition leader, are now marginalized over a little help. All of her history of the past vanish, even if some remember, that will be gone as her newfound home destroys her former attacks on the government. Just like the record of Beti Kamya is also wrecked. Peace.


Kafeero, Stephen – ‘Anywar pleads with FDC leaders for Kitgum municipality flag’ (01.12.2015). link:

#ThisFlag: “Pastor Patrick Mugadza did not beat about the Bush, his message is clear Mugabe must fall” (Footage)

“Today I am in Solidarity with Pastor Mugadza #mugabemustfall. Pastor Patrick Mugadza did not beat about the Bush, his message is clear Mugabe must fall. We have heard enough suffering and it’s high time we liberate ourselves from Mugabe’s tyranny. He is being denied his liberty because he exercised his right to freedom of speech and behaved like a true man of the cloth who advocates for social justice and good sound governance” (Lynda Tsungie Masarira, 19.02.2017)

Opinion: Please, Pastor Evan Mawarire not run for President!


“If the opportunity presents itself . . . why not?” Mawarire said after he was asked about his presidential aspirations during an interview on Thursday” (…) “I don’t want to close the door on myself,” he added” (…) “He said “let people be allowed to do things that they feel and see if they will be able to bring change” (Machamire, 2017).

Let’s be perfectly clear, I respect and want to honour the activist and caring citizen Pastor Evan Mawarire, for his struggle and commitment for a better Zimbabwe. I salute you and your work for a better nation. Zimbabwe deserves liberty, freedom and justices for others than just the Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front (Zanu-PF) elite, like President Robert Mugabe and Gucci Mugabe.

So the struggle and hard work for social justice and a transparent society is worth every second that Mawarire uses for it. That Mawarire has been and is the leading champion of the poor and the ones who doesn’t have the courage to stand against the Zanu-PF elite, is not only Noble, but a proof of that for him it isn’t just words for him. Mawarire is a man I look up-to and wished I had the same drive against corruption, impunity and unjust behaviour from central government.

Since of that, I want to say to him something that is strange, but what I had in mind when I saw his interview in clips on Al-Jazeera this morning. On the aftermath that the Zimbabwean people will be electing President Mugabe even when he is dozing off in his casket. That is sad state of affairs and the proof of lacking governance in the Republic. Still, I want to ask Evan Mawarire, don’t go for public office!

Why? You might risk your voice and your possibility to trade your ethics and your standing amongst the ones who fight for justice. Mawarire you will trade-off against a rigged system and in the midst of burning of fire. The opportunities to be traded and negotiated away as the offices and the positions are offered. Just look at how the little power and the lesser acts of government titles has eaten away the changing rhetoric and public standing for Morgan Tsvangirai and his Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).

With that in mind, I am afraid of the future of Pastor Evan Mawarire and his #ThisFlag movement, if it goes from an activist and political influencer to being a political party. Than the initial organization and acts will be to comply and working in harmony with the political structures, instead of changing and knocking on the doors of a rotten regime.

All that matters is rule of law and stop the impunity, it might resurrect and get people active in ways that never has happen before, might even create more havoc and more public uprising than when MDC and Tsvangirai in 2002:

“he Zimbabwe registrar-general, Tobaiwa Mudede, declared that Mr Mugabe had won a fifth term in office after the results from all 120 constituencies were returned. He said Mr Mugabe had won 1,685,212 votes against 1,258,401 for challenger Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)” (…) “We foresaw electoral fraud but not daylight robbery,” Mr Tsvangirai said. “We find ourselves unable to endorse the purported election of President Robert Mugabe as Zimbabwe’s president in this election. It’s the biggest election fraud I’ve witnessed in my life.” (McGreal & MacAskill, 2003).

So when he did this in 2002 and was 78 year old, now that he is 93 years old and still going, even running for next term in the coming election. The place and time for Evan Mawarire is problematic. Tsvangirai was running a big campaign and even did everything right before losing to a fraudulent election in 2002.

The same might happen as the Zanu-PF machinery will be in all-out and with all force against anyone going to question the Mugabe Administration. They will all suffer and struggle a hazardous part, no matter on what ethical ground or what policies that Mawarire will run on, the risk of losing all goodwill and all the activists. You cannot drain the system and drag it automatically with you. The people will easily be behind a man who has integrity and has the moral backbone as you have Mawarire. You are a rare breath and one out of a few. Therefore I don’t want to risk what you have for the uncertainty.

The uncertainty, the lacking machinery and the strength against the biggest and longest serving party for one-man party under Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. Mugabe has been able to get enough loyalist and enough monies to pay off the ones that could question him. Certainly he will pay and rig the next election like ever before. Mugabe will use security forces, the police and army veterans to vamp-up the people to be behind long-serving president by any means.

President Mugabe, will be fierce and unapologetic against Mawarire, he has already addressed him in unfavourable ways. Therefore don’t run if you want to weaken your station and your space. You have loyalty because you have nothing to lose! Your place as an activist and a voice for the people is more worth than a title and raise for public office. You might lose many on the way, as your views and ideas of health-care, industrial policies or taxes might shrug the people of Bulawayo off! Mawarire, you never know if your policies and your programme will be selling in the minds of all Zimbabweans. No matter how Draconian the current leadership and administration is.

So please honourable and steady freedom fighter, activist and the voice of the people, don’t run for public office, don’t trade off your place and risk losing your integrity and work for justice for silver coins in office and as a politician. So many good leaders and honourable men have been eaten by office and by political life. Don’t be another civilian loosing it’s wealth of integrity over cheap tricks in office. This is a little plea from far away. Just a reminder of your power and your reach as the man you are now! Peace.


Machamire, Farayi – ‘I would run for Presidency’ (18.02.2017) link:

McGreal, Chris & MacAskill, Ewen – ‘Mugabe victory leaves west’s policy in tatters’ (14.03.2002) link:

Press Statement: Uganda Law Society extends its best wishes to all Ugandans who on the 18th February 2016 will go to the polls! (17.02.2016)

ULS Press Release 17.02.2016

Joint Security Statement: Securing the Future of Out Country Together (12.12.2015, Uganda)

Security Statement 2016 Election

2nd Nomination day in Uganda – the People’s President Makes Kampala go BLUE!

Kampala 041115 P5

Today Kampala turned BLUE. The FDC colors flying high and blue shirts everywhere. After the Yellow fever yesterday and the buses from around the country and people left behind. There was people stranded in Kampala after the Kololo Independence Nomination Rally of the NRM and there was none buses going back to Lira, Gulu and other places where the buses came from. Though I will not discuss that further! Wait, maybe a hot minute, but it is not important considering the action that really happen in Kampala. What I will discuss it what has happen today and how it has gone.

Besigye and Besigye at Namboole 041115

Though this day of the FDC couldn’t be itself without the honor of the Police showing the People’s President some extra service, both in worth and in namesake, being courted to the Commission by Police Office Besigye and also getting a warning by Uganda Police Force! Because the Forum for Democratic Change has to get that – and is never excused for what they do!

UPF FDC 041115

A tiny report on some of these people travelling to Kololo yesterday:

“People in my mother home Kabale you have to inform me on this! Crime preventers who were transported to Kololo on Monday to entertain President M7’s nomination have been stranded in Nyamukana-Ntungamo this evening, that they have spent 2days without eating. That they driver of Kigezi college Butobere who was driving them stopped and parked the vehicle on road-side claiming that the tyre got a puncture. He told them to wait 4 the bus of Kigezi high school which was still behind but they waited in vain and decided to walk on foot.They were crying like babies coz mbu they weren’t given any single coin”.

Adam Bwainka of the People’s Development Party arrived at Namboole for the nominations today on a boda-boda. He has said this today: “If we are going to turn around our Economy. We must be firm on our Education” (…)”I have researched that 100 MPs in the 9th Parliament has never gone to school” (…)”When Idi Amin left Power we had 12 planes, now we have none”. After the nomination the Electoral Commission has given Mr. Adam Bwaina a security detail and a car so he doesn’t have to leave the venue on a Boda-Boda; where he was headed to Nsambya Sharing Hall for starting his campaign!

Further deflections has happen Lord Mayor of Kampala Erias Lukwago has gone to the FDC and taken part of the Nomination rally. Other DP high standing members are Moses Kasibante and Allan Sewanyana. Also Denis Onekalit the MP aspirant for Kitgum and also Naru Nakalema was also a part of nomination of Dr. Kizza Besigye.

“The Blue siege of the city, the energy of our young people! We have a sacred duty to engage our youths to build a stronger prosperous Uganda” – Asuman Kiyingi (Independent Candidate).

KB to Namboole 041115

At Namboole today the Presidential Candidates got their nominations about the same time as the President had a Press Conference at the Statehouse in Entebbe after having his own nomination yesterday. Where he said: “How can you create jobs without an foundation? That is why the NRM says les priorities peace” (…)”Birigimana exposed the theft in the Office of the Prime Minister” (…)”Bambi, we have been moving forward since 1986, sorry” . While he was saying this Dr. Kizza Besigye was crossing town, I am sure there was more people walking amongst the FDC leader then the brothers watching and listening to the President on the different media’s at the same time. That I say with the Photo evidence of how the capitol looked blue today!


Dr. Kizza Besigye said this after being nominated by the Electoral Commission today:

“I have been nominated by an Electoral Commission that I protest, a Commission that is not independent. We are going to engage in a three phase struggle;

-the first phase is a liberation struggle, to take power from those who wield it using the weapons of coercion and put it back in the hands of the people.

-The second phase is the Reconfiguration of the Institutions of the People (The Electoral Commission, The Police, The Military, The Judiciary etc.) and make them bonafide institutions of the people.

-The third phase is the Transformation of our country to enable the citizens to live in a country that they are proud of, that they share all the resources of the Country equally”.

March from Makerere to Nakivubo Stadium 041115

Dr. Kizza Besigye, the FDC Flag Bearer duly nominated at exactly 12:00 noon by EC Chair Engineer Badru Kigundi. And he is now addressing the press:

“I have nothing against the fine ladies and gentlemen that constitute the electoral commission. I have problems with the institution. We need a truly independent electoral commission”.

March from Makerere to Nakivubo Stadium 041115 P2

The one who got turned away yesterday Presidential Aspirant Charles Lwanga Bbaale came back to be nominated today.

Another candidate who wanted to be nominated was Joseph Mabirizi of The Independent Coalition. At the nominations was his team who was Omar Kalinge, Vicks Kingo and Kyuma Kyayesu.

The only female Presidential Aspirant Maureen Faith Kyala was turned away by not having her credentials or papers ready; not having the papers correct for the A-Levels and National ID papers. Therefore if she wants her nominations she has to had this sorted out before 4PM today. After being turned away she arrived at the same time as Joseph Mabirizi. Then on the second coming today she got her verification and also possible Presidential aspirant.

In the midst of this blue power sessions and other candidates; where was Malcom “Dan” Matsiko? Wasn’t you supposed to be a candidate for the NFT or New Form for Thinking. Wasn’t you a Presidential Aspirant as well?

Ben Biiaro has not been seen at Namboole today… the reports was coming quickly when he only had 45 minutes left of his deadline to show up if he still wanted to be Presidential Aspirant. They we’re also waiting for the nomination candidate for Charles Bbale Lwanga. Charles Bbale Lwanga has been turned away for the second time because he had a cheque of the 20 million instead of a bank draft.

Maj. Gen. Ben Biiaro of the Farmers Party came 5 minutes before the deadline to get his nomination verified. The Electoral Commission started and scrutinized the nomination papers of his. After a while Dr. Kiggundu stamped and appends the papers. This means that he became the 8th candidate in the Presidential race for February 2016.

While on the road to Namboole and to Nakivubo Stadium there has been one man in the shadow of the Dr. Kizza Besigye has been Gen. Mugisha Muntu. Who has been sitting comfortable and swallowed being in the political shadow of the People’s President!

“A guy (possibly a carpenter to or from a workshop) with a backpack on is back was among a multitude of Besigye supporters lining up the road. He pulled out a hammer from his bag, ran and handed it over to Kizza-Besigye Wrn and he disappeared. I hope that picture will get published. Another man, in front of EC offices pulled out $300 and handed it over to Besigye. He also disappeared into the crowd. To both men, Besigye held his right hand to his chest and bowed to them. That is humility. Those are small gestures that live in my memory. Besigye has made people believe” Source: Ronald Muhinda a Kampala based radio journalist.

At 3PM the traffic was already in a standstill on Jinja Road when the Dr. Kizza Besigye was having his convoy towards the Nomination Rally at the Nakivubo Stadium.

There was a calm and energetic movement through town! IT took five whole hours to cross that; we’re massive crowds meeting the FDC Flag-Bearer.  The stadium was filled hours before he came; reasons why it took him such long time to cross town.

Kampala 041115 P2

The Town went totally Blue and FDC. There was nothing like yesterday. Yesterday was like meek celebration. Where the buses was sent from Up-Country to come to Kampala and while there where people hiking on the trucks to get to  Nakivubo Stadium.

Kampala 041115 P3

At the Nakivubo War Memorial Stadium first speaker today was Gen. David Sejusa aka Tinyefuza. He said this: “We do not make our own shoes, we are wearing dead people’s clothes, that is how you measure what Museveni has done” (…)”Government offers $ 1 per child a day in UPE. Ours (learnt) earn UGX 20, 000 – UGX 50, 000 a day, A $ 1 child can not compete with ours”. FDC Ibrahim Semujju Nganda called out John-Ken Lukyamuzi of the Conservative Party to greet the Supporters. Where Lukyamuzi said: “Those who were here yesterday on Amama Mbabazi rally cannot speak for CP better then myself”.  After that Mayor Erias Lukwago congratulated Dr. Kizza Besigye with the nomination and said: “But we have Generals on our side, Gen Sejusa, Col Besigye, Gen Muntu and Lt Gen Lukwago” and ends: “ONE UGANDA” the crowds answers “ONE PEOPLE!”.  Gen. Mugisha Muntu came on and said this: “We know our main challenge is to remove the regime in February” (…)”You cannot have a roof without a strong foundation”.

Besigye 041115

After him came Dr. Kizza Besigye:

“In Uganda, are tired and tired completely” (…)”Our journey begins today, allow me to thank God first” (…)”I want to thank Muntu because the party he leads is a democratic party” (…)”I thank you Kampala dwellers for showing the world today that we have a reason for this struggle” (…)”the reason for all of this is because our county  is in captivity.  Only a few people decide for all of us” (…)”whatever has brought this current situation is because our country is not our own hands” (…)”You voted Lukwago overwhelmingly in Kampala but he is  the office of the Lord Mayor?” (…)”I promise you that I will liberate the country” (…)”I’ve been nominated to stand with you and work with the people”.

Also today in Court:

“Meanwhile, the High Court in Kampala has dismissed with costs the case in which a concerned citizen had sued four top official of the Independent Electoral Commission in their personal capacity for having illegally blocked rallies that were being held by Presidential candidate Amama Mbabazi in the Eastern part of the Country. The four top officials who had been sued are; the chairperson Eng Badru Kiggundu, Mr Jotham Taremwa (spokesperson), Sam Rwakoojo (secretary) and Paul Bukenya (deputy spokesperson)”.

Official from the Electoral Commission:

“BREAKING: Uganda Electoral Commission sets February, 18, 2016 as polling day for president and MPs”.

A Sidenote:

Professor Barya who is one of the candidates also has issued fresh warnings to Amama Mbabazi on using the orange color. Barya maybe you should challange the Orange or the Dutch for it also? 

NRM sidenote:

MP Sejobba ask the FDC Musumba if solar exists to power laptops for such children in Busoga.

Another Sidenote:

Tamale Mirundi has confessed that Dr. Kizza Besigye made his day today, and coming from A Pro-Museveni guy as him, and a so-called loyalist it means much. Even though he can be crying hyena and buffoon, but now he proved some clarity, maybe?

Kampala 041115

This here was a peaceful and magnificent day that proves the power of the People’s President and how he overpowered everything else. The Presidents press conference was a weak portfolio to try to distract the other candidates because he supposed to be the main one. Though it proven with the five hour travel and full house. Kampala totally BLUE! Bwanika why did you have yellow tie, by the way? #Wesige Besigye!

While this was passing by the KCCA was busy taking down illegal elections posters that even Uganda Police Force as said they wanted to eliminate.

Besigye 041115 P6


The people of Kampala have always given me tremendous support at all the three presidential elections I’ve participated in. At all the Kampala elections, there has been enormous rigging. During every Kampala election, several people are arrested with pre-ticked ballot papers; in polling stations covering military barracks, there’s always a rigging bonanza; many people are always disenfranchised by striking their names off the final register etc. However, in spite of all this rigging, Mr Museveni has never defeated me in Kampala! That’s why on top of calling me the “people’s president”, the people of Kampala call me the “president of Kampala!” (…)“Therefore, I expected a good turn out for my nomination today, in spite of the negative propaganda that has been orchestrated for sometime now. Even then, I was completely overwhelmed by the show of support that we received today. I think that it wasn’t simply a matter of supporting my candidature; it was also our people’s way of demonstration their disgust with the NRM/ Museveni regime” (…)”Apart from the unprecedented crowds, there was show of immense energy and excitement. I was given money contributions all along the way- a total of UShs. 2,779,000= (Two million, seven hundred and seventy nine thousand only), US $ 320= and Nine hundred Oman biasa. I am sure that if we had time at the Nakivubo rally, we would have got much more. I also received a sofa seat, flowerpots, potted plants, spray pump, pair of slippers, many sets of handkerchiefs, bread and many various other small items. Thus, the campaign of defiance has begun. There’s no turning back. Continue to watch the space”.

Written Dr. Kizza Besigye


FDC’s Beatrice Anywar defends her decision to support Mbabazi (Youtube-Clip)

“As the largest opposition party, the Forum for Democratic Change prepares to nominate its presidential candidate, Dr Kiiza Besigye on Wednesday, some senior party members have jumped ship.  Kitgum Woman MP Beatrice Anywar and her Kampala counterpart Nabillah Naggayi Sempala have thrown their weight behind former Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi’s presidential bid. Anywar who is an FDC founder member told NTV that Dr. Besigye should respect the decision of the majority of members under the loose opposition coalition The Democratic Alliance, who endorsed Mbabazi’s candidature” (NTV Uganda, 2015)

NRM Primaries a little to Yellow? Sorry wange, it’s to Mellow!

Postpone NRM

Well after days of Primaries where I have showed details after details of practices of the NRM Electoral Commission and the actions on the ground. These primaries has been magnificent and that the proud professor Tanga Odoi doesn’t have the honor to tell the world that he didn’t have the capacity to deal with all of the voting stations, voting material and the excess of practices on the ground.

The National Resistance Movement who has run a country for 29 years ever since the year of 1986. Has held Internal-Elections to see who might represent them in the General-Election in 2016.

The surprise to people is how Ofwono Opondo spread the level of cost that was on the election 5, 5Billion shillings. That there was set up about 60, 000 voting stations. At the same time there been only registered 47 cars to the political party. The last straw today was that the NRM Register Office is set under the NRM Secretary General and not in the National Resistance Movement Electoral Commission. Therefore the governing body that is in charge of this spending and the amount of cars combined with initial areas that need material doesn’t sound like a something that easily could be questioned. Then they imported the Ballot-papers from Kenyan producers, surely as Dr. Odoi has said he wanted to secure that it wasn’t like in 2010 when people had ballot-papers in their houses and in their pockets. It still hasn’t been smooth.

Ballot-papers has missed candidates, Independent candidates has been on the NRM Ballot-Papers in certain districts, there has been missing slots like 7 boxes to tick and 8 candidates, the ballot papers has ended in the wrong district, there been ballot-boxes in prisons and in Central Police Stations before arriving to Polling Stations. There have even been missing candidates on the ballot-papers. So many wrongs are just the simple ballot-papers or the slips that the voters are supposed to decide their vote. More candidates has been taken with tens of thousands or just thousands of pre-ticket ballot-papers in their houses and cars.

On top of this is the massive arrests, the winning candidates that are still in jail,  pre-ticket ballot-papers ready made for some candidates and some have pre-filled ballot-boxes arriving at the polling-station. FDC Members could willy-nilly vote and at certain voting stations. There been districts where the police have taken people with fake Yellow-Membership-Cards. People been taken to custody for election violence and others for charges of rigging the elections. The last charge has been in many districts. There been specific candidates who has had mobilization teams to bribe voters in counties, certain has been incarcerated for doing so. Certain candidates have held voters on gun-point to make them take the right decision on who to vote for!  The Police has thrown tear-gas into the public to shut down demonstrations after postponing the elections in the county.

There have even been candidates whom have stormed tally-centers with security personnel and demanded all the people to get out. So they could clear the results. Even certain candidates has stolen the ballot-boxes after voting and ended up in jail. There been even candidates who couldn’t control the tally-center so the candidate actually took the declaration form and got caught, ended up also in jail.

For all of this there has even been talking that the Ghost of Amama Mbabazi is the one behind all of this. Isn’t that taking away the 80% satisfaction of Dr. Odoi?

There has been talk of moles into this election and IGP Kale Kayihura has said that the media should step off from being the media and foreign influence is making a lot of trouble. Well, the bribes are local, the mobilization teams are local, the candidates rides locally, the districts are run by local men, the NRM has decided who the wanted on the ballot, not moles or international influences so, IGP Kale Kayihura need yet another reality check!

There has been voting in done electronically on their cell-phone through the magical place of WhatsApp. There has been candidates going to markets and buying soldiers and police officers votes. Some people in this Internal-Election have been stopped from voting in the polling station even when they are registered. The police have even stopped mini-buses with shipped people from county to county to make the tally. There has been magistrates and candidates held temporary hostages by the public for a hot minute for trying to buy the electorate in the municipality.

This here is to set the issues in perspective. To show how the practices has been during this internal election. I will not bring more or less election results from the rest of the internal election of the NRM because the Daily Monitor, or other outlets does it better and with manpower and time I don’t have. But you should look over the big birds that are shot down and the changes of guards that has happen in the party. Dr. Tanga Odoi needs to be set straight for this. There was chaos in 2010, but this here hasn’t been a smooth eiter! There have been districts and counties with peace. But there been a lot of irregularities in this internal exercise.

Hope that Eng. Dr. Badru Kiggundu and the big Electoral Commission of the state can do a better job or maybe even hide the malfunctions better for the General Elections coming. Because Dr. Tanga Odoi is showing so much weakness in this, the NRM party as the ruling party is showing shady practices and rigging on a major scale. And if this is a pre-run and test before the coming one, then there will be a long walk in the wilderness and an even longer walk for free and fair elections in Uganda. Peace!

NRM Primaries continues and it’s like a circus!


You thought we through with the fun or madness called NRM Primaries? The Circus it has become if you follow Gen. Otafiire and his been played. Well, you played your cards wrong and didn’t due diligence where you have been representing ever since arriving in the Parliament in the 80s. So now change has come. There has come a lot of changes! I will just bring some reports from today. There will be more directly and also more vivid result on Daily Monitor, Chimpsreport, New Vision and other outlets, even NTV and NBS… I have a few from different sources. The greatest news today isn’t some victors, but the reports from Lira. I am proud of the people of Lira! You didn’t buy in the greed, but stand proud! You got integrity something that is more valued than some giving you shillings for a vote. That is great report. Take a look!

NTV Odoi NRM Primaries

Dr. Tanga Odoi said this today:

“We do not control the register – it’s the Secretary General. There is a village that had only one registered voter”.

“This has been the best ever elections by NRM. I don’t think there have been several cases. Those who have issues should petition” (…)”On a scale of 1 to 100, I believe we have scored 58%.” (…)”I will not resign. Resign for what? I cannot be pressured. These MPs and Ministers can’t scare me” (Ayiswa, 2015).

Gen. Otafiire calls the NRM Primaries an actually a “Circus”; and feels his: “being played with”.

Vincent Kyamadidi said this yesterday:

“This is a sham. Surely NRM EC knew we were supposed to have an election”

“LIRA: Majority residents and leaders from Lango sub-region who were invited to attend a campaign rally to denounce vote-buying and selling during the forthcoming 2016 general elections did not turn up” (…)”A resident of Lira Town, Ms Margaret Obote, said it is not bad for voters to accept bribes so long as they vote wisely. Opposition candidates accuse the ruling party of encouraging vote-buying, Mr Odur said could well be true.  He further said President Yoweri Museveni for years has been known for offering expensive gifts which to him (Mr Odur) look like vote-buying”(Oketch & Alaba, 2015).

In Kampala as the NRM Primaries there been reports of angry crowds on the Buganda Road as the murder suspect Ssebuwufu was taken away in a minibus while they wishing him gone.  

A strange rumor that is going is that in certain areas that the NRM Register didn’t need to see member cards in certain district and let even FDC members was allowed to vote in this NRM Primaries. That is a shocker if that is true! Is that true, ladies and gentleman?

Florence Nebanda of the Butalejja District claims the Primaries is a fraud and has filled in a petition to the NRM-EC where she is saying she is cheated!

In Bbale Police Station the incumbent Sulaiman Madada got detained yesterday for attempting to run away with the declaration form.

In Butembe County the pastor Nelson Lufafa is the flag-bearer now of the county.

In Bukiwe County the gospel singer Judith Babirye won the seat in the area.

In Buhuya County the Kabarole district Margaret Muhanga Mugsiha has won and become the flag-bearer with over 14,000 votes.

In Ndorwa County West the former campaign manager Gilbert Agaba lost to David Bhati who now is the flag-bearer for the district now.

In Koboko Municipality Evelyn Anite won her seat, but that was not strange, since she was the sole candidate…

In Kibale County the Pallisa Woman MP Judith Amoit Omagor lost her spot to former CMI spy Richard Oseku. Also in Pallisa County the incumbent Jacob Opolot lost his seat to Rogers Tatambuka.

In Hoima the NRM-Primaries is postponed AGAIN! Yes, the reports are true. Bunyoro elections are a tricky thing…

In Sserere the incumbent Joseph Opit Okojjo won the seat for LC5 NRM Flag-bearer with a massive amount of votes.

In Mbarara:

“The Mbarara District Police Commander Jaffar Magyezi has arrested over 50 people in Mwizi Sub County, who allegedly attacked supporters and agents of opposite candidates in the build up to yesterday’s NRM primaries” (…)”Police says that last Sunday, rogue supporters of Charles Ngabirano attacked and assaulted those of the reelected Rwampara MP Vincent Mujuni Kyamadidi and Mutima Gordon Kappa, accusing them of betrayal” (…)”The DPC says up to 50 suspects were arrested in a swoop, from which the ringleaders will be singled out and charged” (Nahamya, 2015).

In Mawokota North Amalia Kyambadde won the district with 79%.

In Gulu:

“Jimmy Okema, spokesperson for Aswa region said on Wednesday morning that Inspector of Police Morris Latigo, attached to Aywe police post in Gulu municipality has already made a statement on pictures showing him in uniform voting in the NRM primaries at police primary school in Gulu town. The picture began doing the rounds online yesterday. Okema added that a disciplinary committee is already being instituted to listen to a case of misconduct against inspector Latigo” (Acholitimes, 2015).

Wakiso – Kyaddondo County South/Makindye Ssabagbo:

We also sympathize those that have not yet held those elections including my own Kyaddondo County South Constituency/ Makindye Ssaabagabo Municipality in Wakiso District. On our part, there was an excuse of lack of enough ballot papers, which was later found lame as we had enough of them. The real reason was that my supporters had stormed polling stations as early as 6.00 am and it scared my opponents.l, and Municipality NRM Chairperson Godfrey Kiwanuka insisted that elections should go on yesterday but the Registrar Mr. Charles Settebere and Frank Kyazze, my opponent, insisted that we vote today. NRM Deputy Spokesperson also said that elections in Wakiso would go on today. Later, however, NRM electoral officials in Wakiso decreed that elections would be held tomorrow Thursday October 29th starting at 8.00 am and ending at 4.00 PM: Although some press reports today have said that elections in Wakiso would be held on Friday, 30 minutes ago, Makindye Ssabagabo Registrar has told me that he has got instructions from Wakiso to hold elections tomorrow. So, on behalf of NRM, l apologize for what we are going through in Makindye Ssabagabo and elsewhere, and call upon people to come in large numbers and participate in the elections. Even those without yellow cards but whose names are in yellow books, will vote. Let’s vote for a potential MP but not a mere flag bearer as it has been the case since 2006” (Musaazi, Ahmed, 2015).

Amuria – Message from Jackie Ajego:

“Have been watching the NRM primary elections for Amuria closely with my net on standby for 2016, watch this space btn AJEGO VS AMERO match. Amuria needs leadership balance. this time. Nepepe I pedori oni, my ,6 sisters who couldn’t make it in primaries lets join hands than taking off to independent .. join Ajego task force Amuria 2016 we Share. the dream for our land” (Jackie Ajego, 2015).

Bugabula North -Message from the camp of John Teira:

“It’s almost 24hrs since we lost to a thug. Honestly i want to thank all the people of Bugabula North constituency for the continued support you’ve given us since we began this process in February this year till this just concluded NRM primaries that were marred with irregularities, intimidation of our voters, bribery, beating/harming agents and voters plus all sorts of unusual character by our opponents. To our understanding, we won this election though the thugs used all possibilities to garner support from government police agents who even went to the extent of protecting a lone voter ”Mrs KIZIGE” to tick all the ballots alone at a polling station. It’s unfortunate u were denied chance to vote a leader/ candidate of your choice but trust us, we aren’t contented with this too. However, with great confidence and trust in you our supporters, we are considering your views to stand as an independent coz we shall not accept such rigging where by a candidates garners 650 votes at a polling station of 167 voters. That’s impunity. Let’s work together for the good of our next mission tha shall see us in parliament. United we stand, Divided we fall. God bless u all that”  (Raymond Peter Taayle).

Orungo District – Message from Camp of Gen Odongo:

“Hello ladies and gentlemen is here by thanking all the people of Orungo for having made the right choice during the elections of the NRM primaries whereby we have defeated our opponent with a very big margin.I also thank all the well-wishers who have been with us all the way till today thank you, thank you, thank you”

Kanugu District:

“Kaberuka 1892 Dixon 137 Rugaju 431 Kyatuheire 272 Rubasha 169 Mbabazi Julius 169 Bakamungyema 77.Kasya 2425 Bakiiga 701Elizabeth 1088 Ruth 411 charity 181 Adah 735 Patience 205 Juliet 534n Nyakinon The sub-County registrar has been hijacked with one Caleb Karabareme and Hon. Jackline Kyatuheire in company of the RDC Harriet Nakamya 8:49 they have started pre-ticking and forcing refilling of the result forms” (Reported Earlier today!).

Kapelebyong County:

The now former MP Dr. Peter Emmanuel Eriaku lost the election to Johnson Malinga is now the flag-bearer for the district.

Toroma County:

The ones who didn’t win the flag-bearer seat were Clive Solomon Ossiya and Patrick Aeku. The winner now the flag-bearer of the district is the Joseph Andrew Kuluo.

Bunyangabu District:

The winner of the district is Adolf Mwesige wins with 20,314 over the Dr. Vincent Owujuni 12,987.

Bundibugyo District:

The result from the district has made the incumbent MP Hon. Dr. Kamanda Batarigaya. The man who won the district is Richard Gafabusa who is the former speaker of Kusei (Parliament) and Obundigya Bwa Bwamba.

The Woman MP of the District also lost her position and she is Harriet Ntabazi, the new winner of the Woman MP position Josephine Babugi.

Also the Chairman of the LCV Jolly Tibemanya lost her seat to Ronald Mutegeki who was the former administrator of Bundibugyo hospital.

Bughendera District:

Christopher Kibanzanga won with a margin of 5000 votes over Kiiza Acrobat.

Bushenyi District:

LCV District:

Jaffari Basajjabalaba 28097(Winner)
Peter Rwakifari 22219
Abius Magwane 10490
Woman MP:

Karooro Mary Okurut 32083 (Winner)
Mary Kabesiime Babiiha 23777
Kamanzi Francisca Galla wine 1373
Mirembe Racheal 1473
Juliana Nyabuhara Kitunga 2557
Muncipality Mayor:

Karasi Emmanuel 2953
Byaruhanga Richard 5024 (Winner)
Byaruhanga Pison Dubai 3338
MP Bushenyi-Ishaka Muncipality:
Arinda Gordon Cowboy 5970 (Winner)
Willis Bashaasha 5097
Jannefer Musoke 377
MP Igara East:
Andrew Martial 12049 (Winner)
Mawanda Micheal 11528
Ruhonoka Mugizi Benon 376
MP Igara West:
Muhanguzi Umar 5433
Twazagye Naboth 378
Tumutegyereize Onesmus 190
Asingura Tarsisio 1629
Dr. Abel Mucunguzi 3257
Prof.Bazana Kabwegyere Tarsis 15178
Raphael Magyezi 19992 (Winner).
Sembabule Final Results:

Mawogola South:
1. Joseph Ssekabiito 18234
2. Dezy Byuuma 11469
3. Muhanguzi Charles 2221
4. Twesigye Henry 197
5. Ddamulira Faizal 291.

Lwemiyaga County MP:
1. Theodore Sekikubo 11360.
2. Patrick Nkalubo 8791
3. Andrew Nankunda 1306
4. Patrick Sabiti 240
5. Musoke Deo 49.

LC5 Chairman Sembabule:
1. Dr Elly Muhumuza 31209
2. Magyezi Peter 22896
3. Bagyendanwa Swaib 16266
4. Kaweesa Alex 2021.

Mawogola North:
Sam Kuteesa Unopposed!!!!!!!

Woman MP: 
Elections stopped because candidate Diana Nuwanyine was not on ballot papers.
Elections declared by Registrar George Katokozi.

Mbale District:

Mujasi Elly Benard 57,350

Magombe Vincent 50,339

Maumbe Mike 9,772

Bungokho South:

Werikhe Michael 32,164

Mauso Andrew 23,439

Bungokho North:

Magomu Mashate 14,136

Wojje 12,012

Woman MP:

Connie Nakayenze Galiwango 71,307

Lydia Wanyoto 48,390

Bukedea District:

Bukedea County MP: John Bosco Ikojo

Woman MP: Rose Okullu Akol

Kachumbala County: Patrick Isiagi Opolot

Ngora District:

Ngora County: David Abala

Woman: Jacqueline Amongin

Sserere County:

Serere County: Patrick Okabe

Kasilo County: Tony Owany

Woman: Hellen Adoa

Katakwi County:

Katakwi County: Peter Ogwang

Toroma: Joseph Koluo

Woman: Viola Akurut

There been a lot and a lot of numbers. More will come and there will be more deep reports from the elections that have been marred with pre-ticket ballots, postponed balloting and lots of violence. There have been areas of peaceful and righteous internal elections; maybe in the village with one voter, Dr. Tanga Odoi? No, I am joking but there is some sense that this internal election has been not smooth or swell at it should be. We all can agree on that after seeing the mess it has been. NRM EC can’t be proud of the result and how it been done. Secondly NRM CEC got to have a meeting in Entebbe and have some check and balances. Because there been enough issues and misgivings that there should be major clean-up and the results of losing members and other circumstances should show how the cookie crumbles! Peace.


Acholitimes – ‘Gulu Police officer to face disciplinary action for voting in NRM primaries’ (28.10.2015) link:

Ayiswa, Issa – ‘Tanga Odoi brags ‘this has been best NRM election ever’ as he gears up to announce results’ (28.10.2015) link:

Nahamya, Joshua – ‘50 Arrested in Mbarara Election Violence’ (28.10.2015) link:

Oketch, Bill & Alaba, Elizabeth – ‘Politicians, voters shun campaign against vote buying’ (28.10.2015) link: