Otafiire is wrong on Museveni: He will not leave by the ballot, but when he dies!

“President Museveni will only go when you stop voting him not shouting. Nobody will shout Museveni out of office. The only way that you can remove Museveni from office is when you stop voting him” says Maj.Gen. Kahinda Otafiire in Ibanda” (Daily Monitor, 31.08.2018).

This is not a positive message, because there are really no narrative in this manner and with the times that can be like this. If President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni had shown any signs of giving way or even planning succession, the words of an election would have sounded real. However, for someone saying that knows perfectly well how the President is, Otafiire knows his words isn’t true.

Otafiire says Museveni will only leave if he voted out of office! How is that even possible? The Presidential Elections are filled with intimidation, rigging and securing the President by any means. There are no math, no possibility that Museveni will ever run a free and fair election. He will not let the people decide, he has already made his decision and the result is well-known, year in advance. Museveni has run the Republic since 1986.

He lost an election in 1980 and have never lost one since, the first one in 1996 and since then had total control. There haven’t been much change or significant changes since Multi-Party Elections happened in 2006. Which was something Museveni was against, he wanted everything in-house and under his umbrella. That is something he still wants and therefore, wants everyone to get people who will follow his guidelines and his vision from the State House. That is why he is saying people are misguided and wrong, when they pick leaders that he cannot order directly around.

Otafiire knows all this and has to change the narrative, because any government who meets to much internal pressure will fall. You are able to detain people, but not have the power to arrest the whole population. You might have the ability to torture the leaders and key activists, but you cannot torture all people. You cannot kill all opposition or everyone standing in the way of the King, but you can take out the chosen few who challenge the leadership. That is all well-known things for Otafiire. That is what the NRM has done since inception in the 1980s. One-by-One as it has been needed. The difference, is that now the news isn’t only in print, but the words and reactions from the oppression hits the web in minutes.

NO ELECTION will ever change the throne. That is not how to dismantle the rule of Museveni, if so, then there would have been a possibility in 1996, 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2016. Neither of them, there was any chances for anyone else to win. Even as the decades has gone and the time of liberation has shown to be the same as the tyrants before. Museveni was supposed to bring progress, but bringing more regress.

Otafiire knows, this the people should know too, as the military and army are in the streets. Because Museveni and NRM doesn’t have the love of the people, if they did, why do they need to guard the streets? They should secure the sovereign state’s borders and not occupy their own territory. That is what Museveni does and Otafiire knows that too.

Otafiire might have a blurred vision or is so loyal, that he have to spin it. Since he wouldn’t be relevant or even have Cabinet Post. If it wasn’t for the brownie points he has already scored with the President, he wouldn’t be there today.

The NRM apologists can lie to the public, but some of us has to address it, because we knows better. Peace.

#UGDebate16 – Ugandan Presidential Candidates first ever Live TV debate of 2016; Mzee scared and ghosted the gracious event

NTV Uganda Presidential Debate 2016

Well, the day finally came and the Presidential Candidates of these elections have step-up to the plate and showed their platform while certain journalists would keep them in check. 

Even UMEME had to tell the public today:

“‪#‎UGDEBATE16. We have standby teams to ensure you enjoy the presidential debate. All teams clothed, cars fueled, and tools in hand to ensure any outage is resolved as quickly as possible”.

Well, the UMEME has been reported that in Fort Portal, Entebbe, Jinja and so many other places the electricity went down so that the citizens couldn’t get the feed and watch the debate, even in parts of Kampala the power went off in Ntinda, Kiwatule, Naalya, Njeera around 21:00PM. This is just a little trait’s of the reported suspicious malfunctions and glitches in the system that let a lot’s off people lose the live feed, because Mzee was busy having his campaign rally in Bushenyi and wouldn’t let the people listen to the rest of the Presidential candidates. He was moving his mouth and brain there while the rest of candidates where explaining their manifestoes and programs in a civilian and peaceful manner to the citizens and the world.

There will be many set of commentaries on this, I am sure mine will be biased as, well as it should be, because this will be that. First my favorite quotes, then what I think about their performance. Seems fair right?

UGDebate2016 P6 Together

One memorable quote from each candidate:

Joseph Mabirizi said: “I am the only candidate who has Plan A, Plan B and Plan C. I won’t allow vote rigging so please vote me in”.

Amama Mbabazi said: “My clear answer is that I am not aware of election rigging. I have heard some stories, but I have no personal knowledge”. 

Professor Baryamureeba said: “oil companies must publish what they pay to Gov’t and Gov’t should publish what it earns from oil so far”.

Maureen Faith Kyala said: “There is more tear gas at every police post as compared to medicine in the hospitals”.

Abed Bwanika said: “I have never mentioned that Baganda should support me, I asked for support from the people in Buganda”.

Gen. Biraaro said: “The only soldier who has been in power lives in state house, this regime has not served me well, that’s why I am here”.

Dr. Kizza Besigye said: “The real change is that power moves from those with guns to the citizens that is the project I am working on. The urgent change that our country needs is empowerment of our citizens. I have promised that in every Ugandan will walk with swagger”.


The moderators that the organizers put in place we’re BBC’s Newsday programme presenter, Allan Kasujja and KTN’s Nancy Kacungira. The one who was persistent with the candidates was really Kasujja, but it seemed that he was not a fan of Besigye, since he always cut him of in the middle of reasoning and addressing a question he had.

Kacungira was more the soft spoken mediator who levelled the hardheaded Kasujja, at one point I was waiting to see the red-eye-machine in light from wall to turn into the shades of mediator; so he would look a macho terminator. But that was just me.

UGDebate2016 P8 Barya

Professor Bayra got the questions first, but didn’t earn that well, his quotes got easily forgotten and his stamina during the debate died down. I am sure in writing as professor he could have argued with strength, but he proved more to mayoral of a town in the eastern town in Tororo district then being a president. He has the words and etiquette of leadership, but doesn’t have the program or manifesto to really seem deemed for a lower-level position, as he has already been in-charge of the university of Makerere.

UGDebate2016 P5 Kyala

Maureen Faith Kayala seemed more focused on her gender as the questions tended to become focused on that. She was also on her own will more directly telling the issues of Busoga instead of the national issues, seems like she should become an MP for the district or a sub-county fitted for her in the area, since it’s also where she has moved the most and campaigned. When she hasn’t been lost in London; she could be more interesting with time and like wine become better in her game, but right now she is unfinished and seems to scattered to focus national.

UGDebate2016 P4 Mabarizi

Joseph Mabirizi must have had bad advice or lost his tongue at some point. Seem like he was stressed by the cameras and public watching his every move. He was walking through the wilderness stuttering and thinking… pounding the matters into the first thing that pop-up into his mind and wasn’t really address the question properly while saying it in such a fashion he was cracking Ugandans up, instead of making sense of the political issues. If he will gain crowds in the same stage as Professor Joel, no wait, Professor Joel should have come in President Museveni place, well, we come to the shadow of Bushenyi later!

UGDebate2016 P7 Biraaro

Gen. Benon Biraaro the NRA historical who stood firm and was very apologetic in his tone. Much more than I expected he seemed clearer than and not as aggressive as the reports from the campaign trail. This man made more sense and was intelligent. Something I was not expected to say. But if this will make a giant difference in his whole campaign, I doubt it. The thing is that he will be more respected for his attitude and progression then some of his peers by the mere fact on how he precieve the matters.

UGDebate2016 P3 Bwanika

Abed Bwanika was a gentle surprise and show lots of character at the debate. He had a much bigger presence then I expected, he ate of the hands and was shining actually. This was unexpected since he seems very uninteresting while following the campaign trail. The candidate showed that he had class and also thought through manifesto and plans for development.

Besigye Amama

Now I will take the two big-men who was at the shin-ding and debate the two of the three since the ghost of the event where in districts campaigning thinking that UMEME let the public miss the debate as they was ordered too. Who is the fool now? If his men will tell him something is that the Twitter #UgandaDecides and #UgandaDebate16 was going hectic in the hours. Before the start even discussion and had the spotlight of CNN telling about the historic event happening in the country that Mzee had to miss, because Ofwono Opondo and Mike Mukula said it was waste of time, seems like Bushenyi was really wasting time. For the NRM-members this must have been time is a wasting!

UGDebate2016 P8 Amama

Let me continue on the two last candidates while done with Mzee and NRM for the moment, just have to throw a snag at them. They deserve them. Well, Hon. Amama Mbabazi, Mr. 30 years under the NRM and parts of the NRA. He was very defensive. Extremely defensive except for the matters of the detaining and Christopher Aine; also cleaning his hands on the land deal with NSSF which have followed him and still be a torn in his flesh. It did seem like he never was ready for the debate or that all the questions from the other candidates. It was like hot-water into a glass and not a cup that he wasn’t ready to hold it while drinking it. He addressed things more as an former NRM Prime Minister than actually address the Go-Forward manifesto or wishes. The most extreme was that he hadn’t heard or could talk well about the borrowing money that the government has done; and that it was a good thing! That bugs me and shows that he was just washing his hands instead of taking leadership, showing character like Gen. Biraaro og Besigye. So as knowing he was a lawyer before becoming a politician in the NRM, he has lost touch with good arguments that Bwanika and Biraao had compared to him. And they do not have the new machine for elections that Mbabazi has!

Besigye Debat16

The last candidate Dr. Kizza Besigye he had for me a slow start it was a bit out of character for a man who has a gift for speeches and give’s the people show for the money; while at the same time address the matter at hand. This took time to get there and to show his plans to the public about the manifesto of the FDC. Besigye was slow, but had lots of energy when it came after the first commercial break. There where points where there was heavy with questions to him, like the other candidates singled him out, it often came to him or Mbabazi, not like Professor Bayra would ask Mabirizi some governance questions that would just be out of touch with formula of the debate. Besigye came after the accusations of the closeness to the first-family because of his wife, and his answer was clear that they we’re far away anything near them. Also with the answers on economic policies and how it was structured into the agricultural sector, we’re inspiring though sounding alike to Biraaro and Bwanika, though they had the luxury of always to answer before him. So Besigye ideas seemed less enthusiastic since there were modifications compared to them considered to them. I wished for my part that he we’re more on point in the beginning. I am a supporter of Besigye and his cause. Seemed like also one of the moderators tried to stop Besigye from finishing his arguments and answers, more than the other candidates, also cut him generally shorter than for instance Maureen or even Joseph they we’re not stopped in the same way, only Maureen jumped once into the whole madness when it was not her turn; Besigye proved leadership and calmness while growing into the debate and taking more and more space. I got more and more enthusiastic on his part, while feeling sorrow over the ways the Mbabazi was portraying himself like a sorry victim instead of being one of the big-men in the race for presidency.

UGDebate2016 P2

Now that I have gone through the thing, let’s have one thing clear there was like a way of letting Besigye be last or late like every time while the other candidates got early shots, and also being more direct visible. I don’t know if that was fixed before Mzee we’re part of the event, since the empty seat would have eaten the issues and would have made the debate differently, though he would not have stopped talking while the mediator asked kindly to succeed spotlight to the next candidate. The ghost was there the whole evening since they we’re discussing governance, systematic failure and government inconsistency in general. The men who shined was not one or both presidential candidates who is in the top three. Bwanika and Biraaro had the smart ways of portraying and answering. All the NRA/NRM historical persons answered well, especially Besigye, but this was after his mojo was on fire. He ended the evening on the spark, the other last remarks was more humble and obliged then trying to convince them of voting on them.

What saddens me was the way Kasujja kept his composer and acted kind of differently between the candidates, he acted humble and nice against those who shined in the debate, while Amama Mbabazi and Dr. Kizza Besigye was either asked long-long questions or stopped in the middle of their arguments trying to answer the matter. The other mediator asked shorter and easier question, there wasn’t much fuzz about her and was more trying to keep cool while Mabarizi was answering questions. Mabarizi was like Professor Joel and a funny-character instead of acting as presidential candidate, he didn’t make the funniest face that was Mbabazi who looked lost at one point… The picture from that moment tells more than his answers in the debate, though the debate was not a good luck for Amama Mbabazi. That is clear, I myself have many unanswered questions about his past and what he really wants to achieve in the future.

#AskMuseveni 12.12.15

The biggest and strangest about this is that the incumbent President Museveni, the almighty Mzee, the executive ruler and the one who reign in the land. Mzee have had the first chance to show together with other candidates his true self, instead he loved himself up-country where the people would listen to his voice without being asked any critical questions. If he had been in the studio he would have been shut-down while talking to long and had to answer the questions in a manner he is not used to. Mzee would be out of character and without his spin-doctors to make his message soft and beautiful. They could have prepared him, but he would have entered into the only mode he knows, his voice and his achievements, without seeing the issues that are there. Then he would go defensive like Amama Mbabazi and blame somebody else, since the executive wouldn’t order everything and opposition MPs has issues. Mzee would not be able to address the matter in humble way. But humility and humbleness is not in his ways as we all know. Therefore the empty chair show more his blissful arrogance then the attitude towards the debate. The brief and shallow seat where the camera sometimes went to; especially when the questions on the NRM-Regime were heavy! The NRM was not present or had their presidential candidate at the debate. So there was a lose end, and the losing end was not the other candidates, they had an ability show accountability and transparency towards the public. Something that is unusual and not the norm! The NRM can’t be looking weak and Mzee can’t handle not being seen as the almighty his Excellency instead of being just one of the candidates for the elections. He rather blast them in all of his papers and radios until the 18th February then being a man who could move his mouth and brain in the TV-studio, but being critical of him is a sin, therefore opposition mobilizers and members get jailed, while NRM members who insist on violence get’s supported either by the police force or by NRM organizers, then the police and electoral commission wonders why the FDC candidate have the campaign of defiance, since they taste the endless violence from the NRM-Regime. It would be an interesting event to see if Mzee could have given a proper answer on the matter.

Mediator: “What are your take on the recent election violence and campaign harassment of opposition parties?”

Wonder if Mzee would have had it in him to answer that or if he had gone the IGP Kale Kayihura road, and said it is the laws and people have to follow the rules, secondly there is also bad police and violent opposition so there can’t all be wrong in the NRM or the Police. Well, we didn’t get that kind of fashion because Mzee doesn’t have it in him to be together with the candidates unless he is in the spotlight like when the Papal visit we’re in November 2015. This here was a small-time event for him and Bushenyi was more important.

The other candidates were graceful and tactful, even when asked very critical questions. Hope the next time there will be a mediator who doesn’t act like Kasujja and stop Mbabazi and Besigye constantly while giving space to the other ones. There were some unjustified actions from his part, instead of being a peace maker and making the transition between the candidates going smooth. For me he was the Terminator with those shades and light. But that is just me. Hope this was enough of one evenings debate, and I sure there been pointed out at many venues and media-houses, but this here is how I saw it.

Look forward to the second Live TV Debate in the history of Uganda at the 10th Feburary 2016. When the second live presidential TV debate will be hold, and what a grand event that will be and in the closing stages of the campaign trail. Just a week before the polls and actual voting! Peace.

Two weeks of disrupting the campaign trail of the Go-Forward/TDA candidate Amama Mbabazi

Kabare Hospital 11.12.15

In the last ten days there been various reports on how the NRM is staging and making it harder for the Go-Forward/TDA Presidential Candidate Amama Mbabazi. We should by now the history that Amama Mbabazi has in the NRM and he is now contesting against his former ally Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the President since 1986. Feels writing that is just a boring repeat, but doing it incased you have missed it.

We are now in the middle of the campaign trails for all the presidential candidates. Some are more in the shades and other are in the spot light. Amama Mbabazi is one out of three who the main ones are; the others are Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and Dr. Kizza Besigye. We all know that these three has history between them. But that is not what this piece about.

This piece is a timeline of actions and reports that has surfaced from the Campaign trail. There is visible bad blood between NRM and Go-Forward. It’s like the NRM and their regime fears the knowledge of Amama Mbabazi. Therefor it starts with clashes between NRM supporters and Go-Forward agents clearing the venue for a rally. There been other questionable actions that have been agents of NRM paying and ordering police to close of areas where the Go-Forward camp was supposed to hold their rallies.  


At the 5th December events during the campaign trail of Amama Mbabazi who is the TDA and Go-Forward Joint Candidate his security agents who were going to venue was maliciously attacked by NRM supporters, if that wasn’t enough election violence the police of the area stepped in support of the NRM supporters. So there were serious clashes.

At the same venue in Iganga to prove their loyalty to Amama Mbabazi there was NAADS secretariat that has deflected from NRM to Go-Forward. There initial movement indeed.

On the 6th December NRM members deflects to Go-Forward:

“Amama Mbabazi has today received a number of NRM membership cards from supporters in Buzaya, Kamuli who say have defected from the ruling party to back his ‘Go Forward’ campaign” (NBS TV, 06.12.2015).

7th December:

“Some of Gen. Henry Tumukunde’s operations to sabotage Mbabazi’s campaigns could be scaled back in December, especially as hints increase that he and others using strong-arm tactics could be listed for prosecution by the International Criminal Court or at least subjected to travel bans by certain western countries sympathetic to Mbabazi” (Kampala Express, 07.12.2015).

Amama 17.11.15 Poster

8th November – Museveni lashes out:

“President Museveni has lashed out former premier Amama Mbabazi, saying that he no longer has power over the ruling party” (WBS TV, 08.12.2015).

10th December reports from Amama Mbabazi camp was this:

“The Go Forward campaign team of independent presidential candidate Amama Mbabazi has asked the Electoral Commission (EC) to exercise its mandate and stop individuals and groups who disrupt his campaigns” (Daily Monitor, 10.12.2015).

10th December there was reports coming in that the local RDC in Kabale was paid to pay people not go to the Go-Forward Campaign in the area. The local police was going into the villages and doors to door paying the locals not to go. This money came from the NRM campaign fund and initially paid through the NRM chief Henry Tumukunde who was in charge of this smear campaign.

10th December:

“Hope Mwesigye, the Coordinator of the Go Forward campaign team in Kabale says the posters were pulled down on the orders of the Resident District Commissioner, Darius Nandinda” (88,2 Sanyu FM, 10.12.2015).

11th December this happened around the trail of Amama Mbabazi:

“Police deploy heavily at Kabale Hospital following reports that presidential candidate Amama Mbabazi is planning to visit it today. Area police insist Mbabazi has no permission to visit the health facility. The hospital gate is closed but patients are being allowed to access premises” (NBS TV, 11.12.2015).

Some more reports on the 11th:

“Shortly after Mbabazi’s arrival, the Police Officers on duty ordered for the closure of the Hospital gate and drove off leaving behind unarmed men. Mbabazi walked to the gate but couldn’t get through since it was locked” (Elgon FM 101,4, 11.12.2015).

Bahati Remmy

Third report on the 11th:

“At The Hospital.NBS TV Reporter Bahati Remmy Was Locked Up By Police In One Of The Hospital Rooms For Some Good Time But Later Released (Greenfield Radio, 11.12.2015).

Fourth Report on the 11th:

“Mbabazi started his campaigns in Kabale district yesterday and addressed several rallies in the counties of Rukiga Ndorwa and Kabale municipality where he also threatened to deal with the Kabale deputy resident district commissioner Denis Nzeirwe for blocking his supporters from attending his rallies” (93,3 KFM, 11.12.2015).

NRM response to Amama campaign:

Justine Kasule Lumumba said this: “independent presidential candidate Amama Mbabazi cannot perform because he will have no members of parliament in his government.

Justine Kasule Lumumba

Addressing NRM Mukono district flag bearers at Mukono Boarding Primary School, Lumumba has scoffed at some of the presidential candidates who say they will sell off government assets like a presidential jet and cut the state house budget to reduce government expenditure, saying this can only be done through parliament’s approval. She has also threatened to expel historicals like General Kahinda Otafire who have chosen to go independent if they do not abide by the party regulations. At the same meeting Lumumba denied media reports that she received 800 billion from the party for the campaign programs. She says “that is not true because many of her staff have not been paid and many party district offices have had issues with rent since August” (93,3 KFM, 11.12.2015).


This here just proves that NRM can’t handle proper campaigning of opposition. They don’t things to Joseph Mabirizi or Gen. Benon Biraaro because they are so far off as real contenders this coming 2016. There is different with Amama Mbabazi and Dr. Kizza Besigye.

Amama Mbabazi seems to be the villain for Mzee. Therefore he has to do everything in his power to destroy his campaign trail and make it harder to “set up shop”. NRM really fear Amama Mbabazi and it shows. That is why the Mzee and his party try at every turn to discredit or maneuver in a way that supposed to make it worse for the Go-Forward camp. Instead the aftermath of it makes them look like silly! NRM and President Museveni is not showing their democratic behavior if they have any when they pay locals to not attend and threaten them with police going door to door to keep them away from the venues. That is just wrong. The reports is not the usual that NRM pays for people attending their shows or paying boda-boda drivers to drive people to their venues of where Museveni campaigns, that is the norm after all these years. The thing that is bugging is that their paying people not to attend other candidates rallies and also does what they can to stop it, by forcing Regional District Commanders to shut down or walk door to door to stop people from going. That is not a good sign and also a breach of trust and work that the Police is supposed to do. But we all know by now how the UPF is an arm of the NRM. If you don’t then do some research!

The reports on how they act towards the Amama Mbabazi campaign trail and his Go-Forward is foul. Nothing more and nothing less.


Ninth day of Presidential Rallies in Uganda + More NRM Primaries and Statements on Yesterday’s UPF actions in Kampala

Amama 17.11.15 Poster

There been yet another day with rallies and promises and quotes from the presidential candidates. I will not have quotes from everybody. This here will be a quick one. Since this is become normally. There will be more side-notes. There been coming new press-releases and statements worth mentioning some more information on the NRM Primaries that just continues. Also reactions to yesterday’s actions in Kampala; Take a look!

Quote of the Day:

“Lukwago, Ssewanyana are to be held accountable for attack on Delta TV Journalist, Police prefer charges” – CP Fred Enanga of the Ugandan Police Force.

NRM Terego East 17.11.15

NRM Rally today: 

NRM have rallies today in Arua, Maracha and Koboko.

NRM 17.11.15 Poster

FDC set to have rallies today in Luuka and Kaiiro.

Dr. Kizza Besigye 17.11.15

A proof of humility and endurance towards his fellow comrades:

“The Kamuli district Chairperson and FDC National Vice Chairperson Hon Salam Musumba lost a grandmother yesterday. As a sign of comradeship ,Dr Besigye today first went to pay his last respects to the late before embarking on his mobilization tour for Busoga” (Reported from Moses Byamugisha).

FDC 17.11.15 Luuka

Dr. Kizza Besigye saying in Luuka:

“We will reduce the size of government. To allow us locate money to benefit citizens. We will reduce the number of ministers from the current 80 to 21 ministers” (…)”Busoga has been poor because it has been loyal to Museveni dictatorship”,

FDC 17.11.15 Luuka P2

“Dr. Kizza Besigye talked about tackling poverty, investing in agriculture, improving our agriculture and invest in our infrastructures. He will be in Kaliro later in the day. #‎PeoplePower. Kigwa Leero” (Reported from Harold Kajja).

Go-Forward crowds getting ready in Fort Portal: 

Amama 17.11.15 People to the Venue Kabarole

Go-Forward is set to have rallies in Kabarole – Fort Portal today.

Amama 17.11.15 FP

Amama Mbabazi said this today:

“My response to that is always, all executive power is vested in the President, have I ever been President?” (…)”My only plea to you is to give me the mandate to lead you into a peaceful transition next year”.

Jackie Asiimwe-Mwesige said at Go-Forward rally:

“Bukenya and Akena…. Birds of the same feather? Their names even rhyme”.

TIC Candidates:

Elton Joseph Mabirizi 17.11.15

Maureen Faith Kyala and Joseph Mabirizi is supposed to hold campaign rally in Kampala today.

PDP rally: 

Bwanika 17.11.15

Abed Bwanika the People’s Development Party will hold campaigns in Abletong and Otuke today.

Professor Baryamureeba will be in Abletong and Kole.

Gen. Benon Buta Biraaro locations are unknown.

Kenneth Mwehonge coordinator the Uganda Coalition for Access to Essential Medicines (UCAEM) statement today:

“ARV Shortage, more people need the drugs, but the budget allocation seems to have stayed the same” (…)”At least 8 districts affected. The problem with procurement, but funding”.

Go-Forward Coordinator:

Dick Kizza in Sembabule had it house set on fire last night by some suspected arsonist.

— — —

Human Rights 17.11.15

Side-Note – NRM Primaries:

Chua East: State Ministers of Foreign Affairs Oryem Okello won over the other candidates are now the NRM Flag-Bearer.

Rubanda West Constituency the incumbent Minister Banyezaki lost his candidacy to Eng. Denis Sabiiti. Banyezaki has claimed after: “a total sham and marred by massive rigging. The tally was like this:

“Eng.Sabiiti got 13,798 votes.Hon Banyenzaki got 11,874 & Moses Kamuntu got 5,363 votes” (912CroozeFM).

In Kaiiro where the NRM Primaries we’re held 5 Supporters was taken into custody after inciting violence, they found pangas and spears.

Lwenga NRM voters boycott the NRM Woman MP internal election over this NRM Primaries.

In Masaka the new flag-bearer for NRM there is 72 year old Ms. Freda Kase Mubanda.

The 30 aspirants of Isigniro District who lost in the NRM Primaries have to decide to stand as independent candidates and support Amama Mbabazi in the General Election.

Side-Note 2 – Dr. Kizza Besigye Statement on KCCA ACT and UPF actions yesterday:


I was made aware immediately by my aides of the sad events that happened in Kampala yesterday, well that was quite obviously expected”.

“In the course of this electoral process, we are going to have similar incidents because!, first of all, we have in place an incompetent and partisan Electoral Commission. The Electoral Commission has already made blunders and caused confusion by dancing to the tunes of the dictatorship, its evident they are preoccupied with changing the rules of the game in the middle of the game”.

“The changing of the electoral laws in the middle of the election is illegal, hence the Electoral Commission has become a willing partner in commission of these illegalities. Therefore for the electoral commission to issue a statement stopping the nomination and election of the Lord Mayor on mere speculation that the laws are being amended is utterly disgraceful and questionable. The Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago was duly elected but the dictatorship and police have in most cases with violence obstructed him from serving the people who elected him”.

“Therefore in accordance to the philosophy of my campaign of wining by defiance, I not only condemn the actions of the Executive, the Electoral Commission and the Police who continue to commit crimes, but will shall rally the citizens to resist them”.

“The attack on journalists is deplorable and criminal act ,it must stop. The perpetrators must know that they will be answerable individually or collectively. In the demonstration of civil disobedience through the now empowered citizens the Junta was able to rescind their intention to block the nomination of Lord mayor Lukwago. I recognize that the refusal by the Lord Mayor and his supporters to surrender to the dictator is the first victory of our strategy of winning by defiance and not by compliance”.

“Therefore in winning by defiance and not compliance , I urge whole the forces of pro-democracy, pro- change and above all the people of Kampala to turn up and offer massive support to the Lord mayor Erias Lukwago as he goes in for his nomination tomorrow the 18th November”.

“We shall move on with the strategy , sensitize the whole country and we shall ultimately liberate ourselves. For God and my country.

Dr. Kizza Besigye”.

Side-Note 3 – UPF Statement today:

“Good afternoon,

A few pointers here in regards to the officials that we have and what they wear:

We have 5 different uniforms in active use : the olive green, white, blue camouflage, navy blue, and black.

Khaki uniform is used by general police officers

White uniform is used by traffic police officers

Blue camouflage is used by the field force unit

Navy blue is the marine unit

Black is worn by the Counter Terrorism Unit

If you need any of these services – do get in touch with us”.

Side-Note 4 – The Media Council of Kenya on shooting yesterday:  

Press statement on shooting of a journalist by Ugandan Police

Nairobi, November 17, 2015

The Media Council of Kenya strongly condemns the alleged shooting, by police, of a journalist in Uganda.

The journalist, Isaac Kugonza, working with a private station, Delta TV, was on Monday allegedly shot on the head and is fighting for his life in Mulago National Referral…

See more

The Media Council of Kenya strongly condemns the alleged shooting, by police, of a  journalist in Uganda. The journalist, Isaac Kugonza, working with a private station, Delta TV, was on Monday allegedly shot on the head and is fighting for his life in Mulago National Referral hospital. From press reports, Isaac is the third journalist to be shot while covering political events in less than two months. Others who were shot last month are Matovu Enock of NTV and Ivan Vincent Mukisa of Radio One. It’s astonishing and disgraceful for the government of Uganda and President Yoweri Museveni’s regime in particular. It is a sad period for the journalism fraternity in the region. We urge Ugandan authorities to investigate and bring to book those behind this cowardly act. For democracy to prevail, journalists should never be intimidated or harassed in their line of duty. Such acts undermine freedom of the media and democracy in the region.

Haron Mwangi,PhD Chief Executive Officer and Secretary to the Council

Side-Note 5 on Cabinet Reshuffle:


13th November, 2015

Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga

Speaker of Parliament



I write to request you to, as required by Article 113 and 114 of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, approve the following persons that I have appointed to the respective positions in Government:

  1. Mr. Kirunda Kivejinja –        Rt. Hon. 3rd Deputy Prime

Minister and Minister of East African Affairs;

  1. Madame Rose Akol –        Minister of Internal Affairs;
  1. Mr. Werikhe Kafabusa –        Minister of State for Industry

I forward their names to you for scrutiny and approval.

Yoweri K. Museveni


Copy to    Rt. Hon. Prime Minister

Fifth day of Presidential Rallies with issues between the Media and the NRM + KCCA saga continues.


Today it’s the fifth presidential rallies in Uganda. The first working week is over and the rallies will continue. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is not riding in military vehicles, instead sending the NTV packing for their so-called biased views on the rallies. Then he does love the New Vision today who had a 5-page special on the NRM. There more deflections from the party. I will not spill all the beans. So keep on reading!

Quote of day:

“If you vote for somebody who gives some money, that person may not have the capacity to address you core interest” – Yoweri Kaguta Museveni

NRM 13.11.15 Omunge

NRM Rallies and other issues:

NRM and Media:

Museveni expels NTV from his media team after what he called unbalanced reporting on him. As per now, NTV journalists are being escorted back to Kampala by soldiers of the Special Forces Command. Daily monitor was also warned of a possible closure should their reporting continue to ‘favour’ the opposition ‘against’ Mr. Museveni.

Dr. Livingstone Sewanyana needed to have dialogue with the media houses of New Vision and Bukedde about the current concerns the coverage of the campaigns. Dr.Sewanyana is a member of CCEDU, so he surely wanted to discuss the 5-page piece directly on the NRM rallies yesterday and not much about the other parties in that paper today.

NRM Demonstration 13.11.15

Demonstration from the guys making NRM dummy plane for NRM Rallies:

For this dummy of a ‘plane’, the ‘manufacturers’ were reportedly contracted for Shs 400m to have this ‘crowd-puller’ at all President Museveni’s campaign rallies. Having not seen even a coin so far, a group of about 15 youths today stormed Kololo Independence grounds to take back their ‘plane’ but were ordered to back off by the mean-looking military police guards. So mean, the guards were, they threatened to beat up and break the journalists’ cameras who had been tipped off about the demo – warning; “for us, we are not your ordinary policemen”

Yoweri Kaguta Museveni had a rally at Omuge School in Bala Sub-County. Where he said: “Government to set up and maintain boreholes”.

NRM 13.11.15 Kole South

NRM campaign in Kole South there was even UPC Officials was endorsing the President. At Benson Ogwal Obua the UPC spokesman has told the NRM Caucus and at the Rally that the UPC votes in the Lango Sub-County should vote NRM. Jimmy Akena of the UPC said this about TDA today: “Our instance on lowering our flag at TDA offices was because we hadn’t agreed to join the alliance. Party hadn’t agreed” (…)”I can’t make a decision on behalf of the UPC. Such decision are made by the party. Currently, we’re listening to both sides” (…)”We are listening to all voices. Our purpose in this election is to restructure the party and target 2021” (NBS TV).

He had a rally at Apac.

NRM members in Mbarara deflect to FDC:

“About 200 angry supporters of the ruling National Resistance Movement in Mbarara district this morning denounced the party and proclaimed support for the Forum for Democratic Change” (…)”The supporters led by Bitekyerezo’s chief campaigner Polly Katwiire gathered at Mbarara independence grounds before the Deputy RDC Jimmy Kateera and started destroying their party cards” (…)”They accused Chairman Jomo Mugabe of altering the election results and going ahead to publicly brag about it” (Nahamya, 2015).

NRM members and even FDC members from the Masaka deflect to Go-Forward:

“More NRM party members, including councillors from Masaka sub-region, have defected to the Go-Forward camp, declaring their support for Mr Amama Mbabazi’s presidential bid” (…)”Among the defectors were Dr Shanon Kakungulu, who represented Masaka Municipality in the 6th Parliament on NRM ticket, Ms Salama Nakandi, Bukomansimbi District speaker, and Mr Andrew Mutebi, the youth councilor” (…)”Others are Mr Daniel Ssejoba, a councillor for Lwabenge Sub-county in Kalungu District, Mr Raymond Sserunkuuma, an aspirant for the Masaka Municipality MP seat and Mr George William Bbuye. The political wave also snatched Hajj Musa Mutebi, the FDC chairperson for Lukaya Town council” (Ssekweeyama, 2015).


Besigye Kaliro 13.11.15

Dr. Kizza Besigye in Kaliro at Lyantonde District:

«How can 19 women die every day and then u find women singing no Change? That would be singing no change to your grave”.

Dr. Kizza Besigye said this at Katovu:

“Why should we have a parliament of 400 MPs! Only 150 members can be enough. We will reduce the cost of administration and do away with unnecessary expenditure. We will not have RDCs and presidential advisors. We shall only have 20 cabinet ministers and 20 state ministers. These ministers will be the presidential advisors.”

FDC Lyantonde 13.11.15

Dr. Kizza Besigye said this at Katovu in Lyantonde District:  

“We will reduce the cost of administration and do away with unnecessary expenditure. We will not have RDCs and, Presidential advisors. We shall only have 20 cabinet ministers and 20 state ministers. These ministers will be the presidential advisors. After we have cut the cost of public administration. All that money will then be brought to service delivery. Why should we have a parliament of 400 mps?! Only 150 ‘mps can be enough”.

FDC 13.11.15

FDC’s Kizza Besigye at Katovu…now headed to Mpumudde for the first rally of the day.

Dr. Kizza Besigye statement after the rallies today:

“Thank you Lwengo and Lyantonde for receiving us, we appreciate that you are all fired up to usher in the change we all deserve. ‪#‎WesigeBesigye”.

13.11.15 Lyantonde FDC

TIC Candidates – Maureen Kyala statement today:

“It would be injustice to myself and my country not thank my friends in the media for the voluntary and patriotic excellent job of giving me constant millage and coverage and talk-shows all thru. I value every effort you make yet surely even my press Secretary is struggling on his own to make every coordination. I now know who the patriots of this nation are and the struggle has just started. I am sorry to mention a few, Andrew Gulumaire Andrew, Mbajjwe Rodgers, Kimalyo Tom, Uncle Meddie, Aldon Walukamba, Moses Bikala, Antony Palapande, Ivan Lubega, Donald Kirya, Denis Edema, Joseph Gwina, Bakaki, Yazid Yolisigira Tausi Kizito, David Lukakamwa, Baleke Baleke Trevor Solomon John Magezi and Rachael Wambuzi, any way the list is long. Andrew Gulumaire, you deserve a special thanks, Your my strength.Tomorrow it’s Busia and Tororo”

Today Maureen Faith Kyala had a campaign together with Elton Joseph Mubirizi was in Luuka and Namutumba.

Abed Bwanika held his rallies in Jinja district today!

Gen Benon Binaaro said on his rally today:

“My government will be a government of action, not a government of hoodwinking farmers every year with promises of NAADS funds”. He had his campaign in Bugisu today and also in Sironko and Mbaale.

Professor Baryamureeba’s campaign:

“2016 presidential candidate Venansius Baryamureeba says campaigns will slow down the economy because Ugandans are staying away from work to attend rallies. Professor Barya cites this as reason behind his decision to suspend rallies and resort to door-to-door engagement, online — especially Facebook and Twitter — and broadcast methods of campaigning” (NBS TV).

Go Forward 13.11.2015

Go-Forward rallies:

Amama Mbabazi said this today: “Land grabbing is a problem in Uganda”.

Go Forward 13.11.2015 P3

Go Forward 13.11.2015 Luwero Campaign

Message to Luweero:

“Thank you Luwero for welcoming me with open arms. We must continue to engage on issues that affect the community. Once again I would like to emphasize that we must tackle issues of veterans compensation; Forward linkages especially agro-processing of the main crops in the area (pineapples and oranges), cooperatives especially with regard to financing of agriculture as well as having adequate Health Centers 3 and 4 that serve the community”.

Go Forward 13.11.2015 P2


IPOD the platform where all parties that have representation in Parliament NRM inclusive is holding a special Council meeting today at 2pm.

The Agenda

KCCA Amendment bill

The abnormal increase of Nomination fees

Side-note 2 – NRM Primaries:

There will be a by-election in Rwampara in Mbarara District, after Vincent Kyamadidi contested the NRM Primaries and the earlier polls in the region.

The Electoral Commission 13.11.15 Photo

Side-note 3 – Kampala Election:

Nominations of Lord Mayor and deputy hopefuls previously slated for November 16. This is deferred to the Minster of the Kampala is yet to guid the Electoral Commission.

Side-note 4 – Erias Lukwago statement today:

“I picked the nomination forms for the position of the Lord Mayor a couple of weeks ago and set out to collect the requisite endorsement or signatures from the voters. On Wednesday this week, I proceeded to the EC offices and submitted the duly signed forms to the Kampala District Returning Officer, Charles Ntege, and booked my nomination for monday 16th November at 11:00am. Once that process was set into motion, Mr. Badru Kiggundu exhausted all his powers to reverse or halt it, and, accordingly, he is not at all seized with prerogatives to call it off on such spurious grounds that he is waiting for the enactment into law of what I would aptly term as the ”LUKWAGO BILL” that was tabled in parliament by Hon. Ruhindi . I wish therefore to inform all and sundry that our nomination programme is still on as earlier arranged”.

That’s enough. Peace!


Nahamya, Joshua – ‘Mbarara: 200 NRM Supporters Turn to FDC’ (13.11.2015) link http://www.chimpreports.com/mbarara-200-nrm-supporters-turn-to-fdc/ :

Ssekweeyama, Martins E. – ‘Masaka NRM leaders cross to Amama’ (13.11.2015) link: http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/Masaka-NRM-leaders-cross-to-Amama/-/688334/2954576/-/ka4ocrz/-/index.html

2nd Nomination day in Uganda – the People’s President Makes Kampala go BLUE!

Kampala 041115 P5

Today Kampala turned BLUE. The FDC colors flying high and blue shirts everywhere. After the Yellow fever yesterday and the buses from around the country and people left behind. There was people stranded in Kampala after the Kololo Independence Nomination Rally of the NRM and there was none buses going back to Lira, Gulu and other places where the buses came from. Though I will not discuss that further! Wait, maybe a hot minute, but it is not important considering the action that really happen in Kampala. What I will discuss it what has happen today and how it has gone.

Besigye and Besigye at Namboole 041115

Though this day of the FDC couldn’t be itself without the honor of the Police showing the People’s President some extra service, both in worth and in namesake, being courted to the Commission by Police Office Besigye and also getting a warning by Uganda Police Force! Because the Forum for Democratic Change has to get that – and is never excused for what they do!

UPF FDC 041115

A tiny report on some of these people travelling to Kololo yesterday:

“People in my mother home Kabale you have to inform me on this! Crime preventers who were transported to Kololo on Monday to entertain President M7’s nomination have been stranded in Nyamukana-Ntungamo this evening, that they have spent 2days without eating. That they driver of Kigezi college Butobere who was driving them stopped and parked the vehicle on road-side claiming that the tyre got a puncture. He told them to wait 4 the bus of Kigezi high school which was still behind but they waited in vain and decided to walk on foot.They were crying like babies coz mbu they weren’t given any single coin”.

Adam Bwainka of the People’s Development Party arrived at Namboole for the nominations today on a boda-boda. He has said this today: “If we are going to turn around our Economy. We must be firm on our Education” (…)”I have researched that 100 MPs in the 9th Parliament has never gone to school” (…)”When Idi Amin left Power we had 12 planes, now we have none”. After the nomination the Electoral Commission has given Mr. Adam Bwaina a security detail and a car so he doesn’t have to leave the venue on a Boda-Boda; where he was headed to Nsambya Sharing Hall for starting his campaign!

Further deflections has happen Lord Mayor of Kampala Erias Lukwago has gone to the FDC and taken part of the Nomination rally. Other DP high standing members are Moses Kasibante and Allan Sewanyana. Also Denis Onekalit the MP aspirant for Kitgum and also Naru Nakalema was also a part of nomination of Dr. Kizza Besigye.

“The Blue siege of the city, the energy of our young people! We have a sacred duty to engage our youths to build a stronger prosperous Uganda” – Asuman Kiyingi (Independent Candidate).

KB to Namboole 041115

At Namboole today the Presidential Candidates got their nominations about the same time as the President had a Press Conference at the Statehouse in Entebbe after having his own nomination yesterday. Where he said: “How can you create jobs without an foundation? That is why the NRM says les priorities peace” (…)”Birigimana exposed the theft in the Office of the Prime Minister” (…)”Bambi, we have been moving forward since 1986, sorry” . While he was saying this Dr. Kizza Besigye was crossing town, I am sure there was more people walking amongst the FDC leader then the brothers watching and listening to the President on the different media’s at the same time. That I say with the Photo evidence of how the capitol looked blue today!


Dr. Kizza Besigye said this after being nominated by the Electoral Commission today:

“I have been nominated by an Electoral Commission that I protest, a Commission that is not independent. We are going to engage in a three phase struggle;

-the first phase is a liberation struggle, to take power from those who wield it using the weapons of coercion and put it back in the hands of the people.

-The second phase is the Reconfiguration of the Institutions of the People (The Electoral Commission, The Police, The Military, The Judiciary etc.) and make them bonafide institutions of the people.

-The third phase is the Transformation of our country to enable the citizens to live in a country that they are proud of, that they share all the resources of the Country equally”.

March from Makerere to Nakivubo Stadium 041115

Dr. Kizza Besigye, the FDC Flag Bearer duly nominated at exactly 12:00 noon by EC Chair Engineer Badru Kigundi. And he is now addressing the press:

“I have nothing against the fine ladies and gentlemen that constitute the electoral commission. I have problems with the institution. We need a truly independent electoral commission”.

March from Makerere to Nakivubo Stadium 041115 P2

The one who got turned away yesterday Presidential Aspirant Charles Lwanga Bbaale came back to be nominated today.

Another candidate who wanted to be nominated was Joseph Mabirizi of The Independent Coalition. At the nominations was his team who was Omar Kalinge, Vicks Kingo and Kyuma Kyayesu.

The only female Presidential Aspirant Maureen Faith Kyala was turned away by not having her credentials or papers ready; not having the papers correct for the A-Levels and National ID papers. Therefore if she wants her nominations she has to had this sorted out before 4PM today. After being turned away she arrived at the same time as Joseph Mabirizi. Then on the second coming today she got her verification and also possible Presidential aspirant.

In the midst of this blue power sessions and other candidates; where was Malcom “Dan” Matsiko? Wasn’t you supposed to be a candidate for the NFT or New Form for Thinking. Wasn’t you a Presidential Aspirant as well?

Ben Biiaro has not been seen at Namboole today… the reports was coming quickly when he only had 45 minutes left of his deadline to show up if he still wanted to be Presidential Aspirant. They we’re also waiting for the nomination candidate for Charles Bbale Lwanga. Charles Bbale Lwanga has been turned away for the second time because he had a cheque of the 20 million instead of a bank draft.

Maj. Gen. Ben Biiaro of the Farmers Party came 5 minutes before the deadline to get his nomination verified. The Electoral Commission started and scrutinized the nomination papers of his. After a while Dr. Kiggundu stamped and appends the papers. This means that he became the 8th candidate in the Presidential race for February 2016.

While on the road to Namboole and to Nakivubo Stadium there has been one man in the shadow of the Dr. Kizza Besigye has been Gen. Mugisha Muntu. Who has been sitting comfortable and swallowed being in the political shadow of the People’s President!

“A guy (possibly a carpenter to or from a workshop) with a backpack on is back was among a multitude of Besigye supporters lining up the road. He pulled out a hammer from his bag, ran and handed it over to Kizza-Besigye Wrn and he disappeared. I hope that picture will get published. Another man, in front of EC offices pulled out $300 and handed it over to Besigye. He also disappeared into the crowd. To both men, Besigye held his right hand to his chest and bowed to them. That is humility. Those are small gestures that live in my memory. Besigye has made people believe” Source: Ronald Muhinda a Kampala based radio journalist.

At 3PM the traffic was already in a standstill on Jinja Road when the Dr. Kizza Besigye was having his convoy towards the Nomination Rally at the Nakivubo Stadium.

There was a calm and energetic movement through town! IT took five whole hours to cross that; we’re massive crowds meeting the FDC Flag-Bearer.  The stadium was filled hours before he came; reasons why it took him such long time to cross town.

Kampala 041115 P2

The Town went totally Blue and FDC. There was nothing like yesterday. Yesterday was like meek celebration. Where the buses was sent from Up-Country to come to Kampala and while there where people hiking on the trucks to get to  Nakivubo Stadium.

Kampala 041115 P3

At the Nakivubo War Memorial Stadium first speaker today was Gen. David Sejusa aka Tinyefuza. He said this: “We do not make our own shoes, we are wearing dead people’s clothes, that is how you measure what Museveni has done” (…)”Government offers $ 1 per child a day in UPE. Ours (learnt) earn UGX 20, 000 – UGX 50, 000 a day, A $ 1 child can not compete with ours”. FDC Ibrahim Semujju Nganda called out John-Ken Lukyamuzi of the Conservative Party to greet the Supporters. Where Lukyamuzi said: “Those who were here yesterday on Amama Mbabazi rally cannot speak for CP better then myself”.  After that Mayor Erias Lukwago congratulated Dr. Kizza Besigye with the nomination and said: “But we have Generals on our side, Gen Sejusa, Col Besigye, Gen Muntu and Lt Gen Lukwago” and ends: “ONE UGANDA” the crowds answers “ONE PEOPLE!”.  Gen. Mugisha Muntu came on and said this: “We know our main challenge is to remove the regime in February” (…)”You cannot have a roof without a strong foundation”.

Besigye 041115

After him came Dr. Kizza Besigye:

“In Uganda, are tired and tired completely” (…)”Our journey begins today, allow me to thank God first” (…)”I want to thank Muntu because the party he leads is a democratic party” (…)”I thank you Kampala dwellers for showing the world today that we have a reason for this struggle” (…)”the reason for all of this is because our county  is in captivity.  Only a few people decide for all of us” (…)”whatever has brought this current situation is because our country is not our own hands” (…)”You voted Lukwago overwhelmingly in Kampala but he is  the office of the Lord Mayor?” (…)”I promise you that I will liberate the country” (…)”I’ve been nominated to stand with you and work with the people”.

Also today in Court:

“Meanwhile, the High Court in Kampala has dismissed with costs the case in which a concerned citizen had sued four top official of the Independent Electoral Commission in their personal capacity for having illegally blocked rallies that were being held by Presidential candidate Amama Mbabazi in the Eastern part of the Country. The four top officials who had been sued are; the chairperson Eng Badru Kiggundu, Mr Jotham Taremwa (spokesperson), Sam Rwakoojo (secretary) and Paul Bukenya (deputy spokesperson)”.

Official from the Electoral Commission:

“BREAKING: Uganda Electoral Commission sets February, 18, 2016 as polling day for president and MPs”.

A Sidenote:

Professor Barya who is one of the candidates also has issued fresh warnings to Amama Mbabazi on using the orange color. Barya maybe you should challange the Orange or the Dutch for it also? 

NRM sidenote:

MP Sejobba ask the FDC Musumba if solar exists to power laptops for such children in Busoga.

Another Sidenote:

Tamale Mirundi has confessed that Dr. Kizza Besigye made his day today, and coming from A Pro-Museveni guy as him, and a so-called loyalist it means much. Even though he can be crying hyena and buffoon, but now he proved some clarity, maybe?

Kampala 041115

This here was a peaceful and magnificent day that proves the power of the People’s President and how he overpowered everything else. The Presidents press conference was a weak portfolio to try to distract the other candidates because he supposed to be the main one. Though it proven with the five hour travel and full house. Kampala totally BLUE! Bwanika why did you have yellow tie, by the way? #Wesige Besigye!

While this was passing by the KCCA was busy taking down illegal elections posters that even Uganda Police Force as said they wanted to eliminate.

Besigye 041115 P6


The people of Kampala have always given me tremendous support at all the three presidential elections I’ve participated in. At all the Kampala elections, there has been enormous rigging. During every Kampala election, several people are arrested with pre-ticked ballot papers; in polling stations covering military barracks, there’s always a rigging bonanza; many people are always disenfranchised by striking their names off the final register etc. However, in spite of all this rigging, Mr Museveni has never defeated me in Kampala! That’s why on top of calling me the “people’s president”, the people of Kampala call me the “president of Kampala!” (…)“Therefore, I expected a good turn out for my nomination today, in spite of the negative propaganda that has been orchestrated for sometime now. Even then, I was completely overwhelmed by the show of support that we received today. I think that it wasn’t simply a matter of supporting my candidature; it was also our people’s way of demonstration their disgust with the NRM/ Museveni regime” (…)”Apart from the unprecedented crowds, there was show of immense energy and excitement. I was given money contributions all along the way- a total of UShs. 2,779,000= (Two million, seven hundred and seventy nine thousand only), US $ 320= and Nine hundred Oman biasa. I am sure that if we had time at the Nakivubo rally, we would have got much more. I also received a sofa seat, flowerpots, potted plants, spray pump, pair of slippers, many sets of handkerchiefs, bread and many various other small items. Thus, the campaign of defiance has begun. There’s no turning back. Continue to watch the space”.

Written Dr. Kizza Besigye
