As the canisters of tear-gas lays in the street; remembering the day I first felt the fear of speaking against Mzee; I Still have hope for political change in Uganda!

Entebbe 11.02.2016 FDC Campaign Rally

“I will not say the fact that there are no European Union observers at an election means that it will not be fair and free” – Olesegun Obasanjo

In the midst of and in the end of the pre-election period 2016; the town of Kampala went into turmoil. The Military Police and ordinary Police went into a violent streak. That manifested itself at Jinja Road which turned into a war-zone like scenario; as in the aftermath the blood of the hurt and the diseased. Visible was the empty shells, the dust and dirt, even metal-boxes as murals of the tear-gas.

As the Police used force and hurt people to the extent that some blood touched the scorched earth and dust; the people in the area scattering in fear while the police continue to push them away as the resilience to the violence committed by the state. The sounds of bullets and metal hits the ground makes the tarmac shake. People we’re running; mixed sounds of shoes knocking grounds while the sounds of gas flowing into the air as the area goes from being casual to pink.

Wandegye Kampala 15.02.2016 FDC P2

This is the signs and scenes of the 15th February in Kampala. The reactions and chaos as the Police went into the procession of Forum for Democratic Change to the planned rally at Wandegye and Makerere. So the continuation of violence from the state security outfits as the military, the police and the military police; as they have been tools in the machine hurting the public as they want to greet the opposition leaders in the sub-counties, towns and districts. There been steady violence against from the Police as the execution of the Public Order Management Act is more used then paper-towels at the Police Headquarters in Kampala. The sadness is all the hurt people and shot people during the pre-election period.

The reason why I got into Ugandan Politics was because I became a board-member or council member in a project supporting and building a library in the town Uvira in Southern Kivu province in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Later I became an exchange student to Uganda. Where I read the Daily Monitor and the New Vision Daily; that together with the books I had read about the adventures of UPDF in DRC, I was still ignorant about the politics there. But the moment after staying in Uganda for month changed it for me.

Mbale Gas-Station

What changed me:

I was on the way with a group going for a training conference in Mbale. On the way we stopped at a Total or any gas-station. While the Hiace we’re getting fuel. I was looking around the area as I lived in Kampala was curious about the environment. This was on the road and no big place. We had passed Mabira forest, but were not too far on the road to the bigger Eastern town. As I was looking it was this GIANT ad for NEW VISON. And saying something similar to this: “‘I am the only one with a vision” and “Publishing the Vision every day”. When I saw that and hadn’t thought well about it. I asked polity with a grin: “Are they serious, only one man with a vision?” The little moment of silence before he answered me: “You can say that, but I can’t; and please not speak about it”. That ate me and made me wonder; why we couldn’t speak about the wonders of the” man with a vision” in public by a gas-station. And why he wouldn’t’ say anything and asked me to not speak about it. On the broad daylight without anybody near us; hours later on the same day we would be stopped by Police and had to convoy to nearest police station; reason missing valid insurance card in the window. The same brother who wouldn’t want to speak about politics gave the Police men some money because of the hunger of the Police men. The first introduction to the bribery culture of East Africa! This day was an eye opener for me. How he could not speak his mind and question the one man with the vision that The New Vision printed his Vision every single day. I started to questioned the vision that they printed every single day.

Mbarara Police 02.02.2016 FDC Campaign Convoy

The election violence in Uganda is massive and has been in all corners of Uganda. In Kabale, Soroti, Jinja, Maska, Ntungamo, Rukungiri, Bukwo and so on. More than twice in Kampala as when Hon. Erias Lukwago started his campaign the Police shot a Journalist when he was planning to campaign. Later was the election violence ushered in by the Police before FDC campaign convoy could come to Makerere Rally on 15th February. The was violence at Jinja Road and at Wandegeya as they demonstrated that Dr. Kizza Besigye wasn’t allowed to campaign there. There been so many times during the calendar-year as the consultation meetings and also campaign rallies has been shut down by the Police and Army. Even campaign venues has been closed for the opposition leaders, while days before been open for NRM and President Museveni as Makerere, Kyambogo and Lira where opposition leaders at one point was not allowed to take part.

There is so many malfunctions and hurt people by the way the government security outfits has hurt both emotionally and bodily hurt that they have inflicted during the recent time. As the canisters and the left clothes is still lying in the corners of the streets. As they did in days after the Rukungiri where the FDC cars was demolished and the police shredded a woman’s respect.

The bullets and the tear-gas towards the general public is not an security issue, but an democracy issue, freedom of speech issue, and issue of trust between the public and the security organs. As the Electoral Commission is not trusted as the high payed leadership prays on the loyalty towards the regime. The NRM electoral Commission is highly flawed and the reactions to the primaries has been burning offices and membership cards, that was even happening in Nakawa Division as the Police turned against the happy celebrating people looking forward to be parts of Besigye’s rally that day. The result of the tear-gas and dispersing of the public instead of proving any steady progress! So the certified message is the tarnishing the venues of opposition while the ruling party keeps up as business as usual.


As my brother told me that day, that I should be silent and not talk about; I feel it still is the same and the reports make it feel the same; as the opposition has not the same rights as the ruling party. The violence ensures the fear and insecurity of a volatile state instead of bringing the positive changes the government might already have brought. Without the Police State and the Militarization of the Politics it might even brought in other type of investments that could have raised the economic climate in the country. As the export of natural resources and natural products instead of finished products and industry; as the assembled industry happens in other parts of the world, it could been in Uganda if the Government tried to pull that in and facilitate it or even used stronger Co-Operations between farmers to bring educating to earn more and yield better quality agricultural output instead of ending struggling to get the maize and matooke to the market. That is not bringing the men with cash-money in (to invest).

Certainly the fear and semi-democratic environment isn’t making the bargain, the talk I had with my brother; I am sure people are still having today even in the midst of the polls that starts in hours-time. As the conversation stays put in my mind and still eats my heart out. The issue of not letting the truth out or speaking their mind out; as the people has to stay put and silent as the ruling regime does as it please. Only giving away money to the villagers in pre-elections period to buy the votes, but when the ballots are gone, the representatives are long gone and forgotten the promises like old-sweethearts who never got the ring. The same seem to be with the talk of choice of the people and the right to speak your mind.

NRM UPF 07.01.16 Mbale Clock Tower

My brother and the conversation is why I am focused on Uganda Politics, as I can’t help that he didn’t have the ability to even comment the “only one man with a vision” paradigm in the country. The canisters and the shattered metal should not be stories. The blood and the toil of the people should not be story of the elections. The story shouldn’t be sad as the violence and spoken fear from the ruling party as they have the only man who can control the army and run the government; as the opposition doesn’t have the manpower to do so; which is lie the ruling party lives on. The ruling party uses security outfits to hurt the public and blame the opposition parties for their activities to deflect the issues of the campaign. Christopher Aine the diseased security agent for Hon. Amama Mbabazi the now opposition leader is the epitome and manifestation of government violence against civilians together with the one that lost his life on the streets of Kampala on the 15th February. Two people who have lost their life for a struggle that is far from over. The Democratic values is rendered down by time and cronies that has spoiled the potential as the movement system turned into the big-man system built with the head-of-state deciding it all; while giving when needed and taken the rest for himself or to his loyal fellows. This here together with the semi-autonomous and militarized politics as there so many former military men in the parliament the public knows the value of the elected or hand-picked men from on top is on the scale they can follow the chain-of-command instead of delivering the pledges and governmental service they deserves.

As it ate my heart out when my brother said he couldn’t talk about it years ago. It hurts to see the same state of affairs and struggles still, and it continues. It is time to let it pass and move to the next level of democratic values; and also good governance with state institutions serving the public instead of making the government officials fat and rich. That is not why the state and government exists; they exist because they supposed to serve the public, not for the governmental officials to take the money supposed to go. The same with the Security Organization as the Police and the Army, they follow the orders up high instead of serving the people and generating peace. As we saw on 15th February Kampala the Military Police didn’t secure the public, but made the citizen in fear and hurting them instead. That is the hurting to hear again and again, as the day is different, the place is different, but the opposition party and supporters are the ones in the cross-fire getting hurt for supporting the leaders of opposition instead of the old-man with the hat.

I never want to hear in any state that you can’t comment towards a ruling party, when that happens I know something is wrong. And knowing it still is like that with the canisters in the streets, the burned yellow membership cards in the bins and the people getting healed after police violence. The families losing their loved ones during the calendar year should not only vote, but only mourn the loss of the valuable people who was a part of the struggle to gain true freedom and respect for the people; as they now are now in invisible chains as the government keeps them tight knit in fear and in a police state using the militarized politics that ate my heart that day and haven’t let go. As I also understand is that the people who has lost their family members because of political affiliation; I understand if they don’t want to do their civic duty, still we all should and shall not forget the people who died for the cause. As we should not forget the people who are jailed and detained for following a political belief that counter the ruling-party and the NRM-Regime. And it wont until change that gives progression and let the accountability; the true transparency and let the will of the people shine as the template of the representatives that deserve to work-hard to be there for the citizens. Something that not been important, what has been is to be loyal to cadre-line and to Mzee! Peace.

Two weeks of disrupting the campaign trail of the Go-Forward/TDA candidate Amama Mbabazi

Kabare Hospital 11.12.15

In the last ten days there been various reports on how the NRM is staging and making it harder for the Go-Forward/TDA Presidential Candidate Amama Mbabazi. We should by now the history that Amama Mbabazi has in the NRM and he is now contesting against his former ally Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the President since 1986. Feels writing that is just a boring repeat, but doing it incased you have missed it.

We are now in the middle of the campaign trails for all the presidential candidates. Some are more in the shades and other are in the spot light. Amama Mbabazi is one out of three who the main ones are; the others are Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and Dr. Kizza Besigye. We all know that these three has history between them. But that is not what this piece about.

This piece is a timeline of actions and reports that has surfaced from the Campaign trail. There is visible bad blood between NRM and Go-Forward. It’s like the NRM and their regime fears the knowledge of Amama Mbabazi. Therefor it starts with clashes between NRM supporters and Go-Forward agents clearing the venue for a rally. There been other questionable actions that have been agents of NRM paying and ordering police to close of areas where the Go-Forward camp was supposed to hold their rallies.  


At the 5th December events during the campaign trail of Amama Mbabazi who is the TDA and Go-Forward Joint Candidate his security agents who were going to venue was maliciously attacked by NRM supporters, if that wasn’t enough election violence the police of the area stepped in support of the NRM supporters. So there were serious clashes.

At the same venue in Iganga to prove their loyalty to Amama Mbabazi there was NAADS secretariat that has deflected from NRM to Go-Forward. There initial movement indeed.

On the 6th December NRM members deflects to Go-Forward:

“Amama Mbabazi has today received a number of NRM membership cards from supporters in Buzaya, Kamuli who say have defected from the ruling party to back his ‘Go Forward’ campaign” (NBS TV, 06.12.2015).

7th December:

“Some of Gen. Henry Tumukunde’s operations to sabotage Mbabazi’s campaigns could be scaled back in December, especially as hints increase that he and others using strong-arm tactics could be listed for prosecution by the International Criminal Court or at least subjected to travel bans by certain western countries sympathetic to Mbabazi” (Kampala Express, 07.12.2015).

Amama 17.11.15 Poster

8th November – Museveni lashes out:

“President Museveni has lashed out former premier Amama Mbabazi, saying that he no longer has power over the ruling party” (WBS TV, 08.12.2015).

10th December reports from Amama Mbabazi camp was this:

“The Go Forward campaign team of independent presidential candidate Amama Mbabazi has asked the Electoral Commission (EC) to exercise its mandate and stop individuals and groups who disrupt his campaigns” (Daily Monitor, 10.12.2015).

10th December there was reports coming in that the local RDC in Kabale was paid to pay people not go to the Go-Forward Campaign in the area. The local police was going into the villages and doors to door paying the locals not to go. This money came from the NRM campaign fund and initially paid through the NRM chief Henry Tumukunde who was in charge of this smear campaign.

10th December:

“Hope Mwesigye, the Coordinator of the Go Forward campaign team in Kabale says the posters were pulled down on the orders of the Resident District Commissioner, Darius Nandinda” (88,2 Sanyu FM, 10.12.2015).

11th December this happened around the trail of Amama Mbabazi:

“Police deploy heavily at Kabale Hospital following reports that presidential candidate Amama Mbabazi is planning to visit it today. Area police insist Mbabazi has no permission to visit the health facility. The hospital gate is closed but patients are being allowed to access premises” (NBS TV, 11.12.2015).

Some more reports on the 11th:

“Shortly after Mbabazi’s arrival, the Police Officers on duty ordered for the closure of the Hospital gate and drove off leaving behind unarmed men. Mbabazi walked to the gate but couldn’t get through since it was locked” (Elgon FM 101,4, 11.12.2015).

Bahati Remmy

Third report on the 11th:

“At The Hospital.NBS TV Reporter Bahati Remmy Was Locked Up By Police In One Of The Hospital Rooms For Some Good Time But Later Released (Greenfield Radio, 11.12.2015).

Fourth Report on the 11th:

“Mbabazi started his campaigns in Kabale district yesterday and addressed several rallies in the counties of Rukiga Ndorwa and Kabale municipality where he also threatened to deal with the Kabale deputy resident district commissioner Denis Nzeirwe for blocking his supporters from attending his rallies” (93,3 KFM, 11.12.2015).

NRM response to Amama campaign:

Justine Kasule Lumumba said this: “independent presidential candidate Amama Mbabazi cannot perform because he will have no members of parliament in his government.

Justine Kasule Lumumba

Addressing NRM Mukono district flag bearers at Mukono Boarding Primary School, Lumumba has scoffed at some of the presidential candidates who say they will sell off government assets like a presidential jet and cut the state house budget to reduce government expenditure, saying this can only be done through parliament’s approval. She has also threatened to expel historicals like General Kahinda Otafire who have chosen to go independent if they do not abide by the party regulations. At the same meeting Lumumba denied media reports that she received 800 billion from the party for the campaign programs. She says “that is not true because many of her staff have not been paid and many party district offices have had issues with rent since August” (93,3 KFM, 11.12.2015).


This here just proves that NRM can’t handle proper campaigning of opposition. They don’t things to Joseph Mabirizi or Gen. Benon Biraaro because they are so far off as real contenders this coming 2016. There is different with Amama Mbabazi and Dr. Kizza Besigye.

Amama Mbabazi seems to be the villain for Mzee. Therefore he has to do everything in his power to destroy his campaign trail and make it harder to “set up shop”. NRM really fear Amama Mbabazi and it shows. That is why the Mzee and his party try at every turn to discredit or maneuver in a way that supposed to make it worse for the Go-Forward camp. Instead the aftermath of it makes them look like silly! NRM and President Museveni is not showing their democratic behavior if they have any when they pay locals to not attend and threaten them with police going door to door to keep them away from the venues. That is just wrong. The reports is not the usual that NRM pays for people attending their shows or paying boda-boda drivers to drive people to their venues of where Museveni campaigns, that is the norm after all these years. The thing that is bugging is that their paying people not to attend other candidates rallies and also does what they can to stop it, by forcing Regional District Commanders to shut down or walk door to door to stop people from going. That is not a good sign and also a breach of trust and work that the Police is supposed to do. But we all know by now how the UPF is an arm of the NRM. If you don’t then do some research!

The reports on how they act towards the Amama Mbabazi campaign trail and his Go-Forward is foul. Nothing more and nothing less.


The Thirteen Day of Presidential Rallies in Uganda + New Pledges from the Government..

Janet M7 in Mbarara 21.11.15

Today has been a good day a Saturday with quotes and actions from the trails. There been some serious hazard of actions from the ruling party of NRM. But hat is understandable, that is the only thing they know. That’s why the others have to campaign with defiance and strength to overcome the ruling party. There is heavy campaigning. Though not reports from them all. Like the smaller candidates.

I got the most notable from the trio of Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, Dr. Kizza Besigye and Amama Mbabazi. Not squat on the rest today.  

Erias Lukwago: “It’s now interesting that 95% of KCCA NRM councilors have not returned at the primaries”.

NRM vice chairperson eastern region Capt. Micheal Mukula said this recently: “Jinja town will never be granted a city status while still in the hands of the opposition”.

Ibrahim Nganda Ssemujju – “I have a feeling that if Kayihura doesn’t like you; you may not be announced winner”.

Dr. Kizza Besigye on the trail: “We spent $760m to buy 6 fighter jets. We can get $360m to buy laptop for secondary students”.

Gen. Mugisha Muntu: “I don’t understand why the most marginalized districts overwhelmingly vote for NRM”.

Olara Otunu: “Museveni has used the dived and rule policy”.

Amama Mbarara 21.11.15

In Mbarara where Go-Forward and Amama Mbabazi are having an rally later today on this Saturday. The Police wasn’t happy about that so they has jailed two hundred (200) boda-boda drives, motorcycle taxis, so that there would be less transport from town to the venue where the former PM where holding his Presidential Rally later today. Also the day before the Campaign rally of Amama Mbabazi their posters was taken down and changed for the NRM-Posters. Surely this is clean business as usual for the NRM-Regime. After the rally and little or no pay from the promised chiefs to shun the Go-Forward Rally; they have no been running and chasing the local RDC Office “demanding payment for their service”.

M7 21.11.15

While in Kakyeka at the Total there the ones who was travelling and refueling their motorcycles was paid by the NRM for fuel, but many just entered the Total with NRM-posters, but when they left the Gas-Station they just threw the NRM-Poster away.

In Bushenyi there been groups and teams who has had their duty to take down campaign material and posters of Go-Forward and Amama Mbabazi posters in the town. They have even been caught on tape explaining the plans on how to do so. And that is fair game?

In Mitooma District NRM Supporters was disrupting the event and venue for the Go-Forward and Amama Mbabazi. That was because this district was a Museveni District.

Next weeks planned Presidential Rally for the Go-Forward team at the Lira Golf Grounds. They have now been sealed down with Iron sheets. So that when the other candidates will have a venue in town they have to arrange it at smaller spots like Mayors Ground.

Bududa Manafwa KB 21.11.15

In Bududa there were 104 NRM members who deflected after the rally to the FDC camp.

Letter from Go-Forward to ICC:

ICC Amama P1ICC Amama P2

UPC Drama:

UPC leaders in Acholi have shunned the Jimmy Akena over the NRM agreement and alliance.

Bududa/Manafwa (Mwanyaala Naabi):

The health services system under FDC led Government will consider the citizen as the central focus and include a complete package: treatment, diagnosis, prevention, education, research and outreach. It must take into account the unique roles of women and the burden they shoulder in caring for the sick in our households and community. ‪#‎WesigeBesigye

Dr. Kizza Besigye Quote Outspend

Some Government letters: 

Security Requirements 201115 P1Security Requirements 201115 P2

One More:

Provision Hoes 20.11.15

A little more:

Hepatitis Ug 2015 P1Hepatitis Ug 2015 P2


So there we go; another day done and the trail continue at high speed. The Police is very active still and showing its face yet again. For those who wondered if the police would be a part of this election? They are and the one interesting are the reactions to the deal between NRM and UPC. How the leaders of UPC respond. Hope you enjoyed. There will be more to follow. We have the rest of November, December, January and parts of February. There will be more and more actions from the ones involved. It is just a matter of time before the Public Order Management Act gets into action! Peace.

Election Timeline in Uganda: From 1st September to 19th November 2015

Tamale Mirundi Quote of the day 101115 (2)

Analysis of elections so far in Uganda:
I will go back to 2 and a half months will follow it chronically, to prove how it all has gone. That means I start on the 1st September till to today, to prove that I will not continuation of the Presidential Rallies, I will address them in the future if there are actions or quotes that are need for follow up. Because now it’s going into the stage that the follow up feels like a rewind of what that has happen yesterday instead of bringing the news. Because what I does now will be to set the last around 80 days in perspective and prove the value of the changes on the ground.

This here is kind of a follow-up of this one:

Uganda President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Campaign of Fear for 2016 Presidential Election

This here piece is more of a timeline and not on the actual words expressed; this here is about the actions of the NRM-Regime against opposition parties and also against their own during these months.

So we all can get a feel on the aspects and perspective of it all, instead of following the campaign trails, instead of thinking and analyzing the events and acts of the people who makes this election and polls matter.

On the 1st September in Mbabara there were three men in Team Amama Mbabazi getting detained for wearing Amama Mbabazi T-Shirt. The Police did that day claim that they were staging an illegal procession in town. Second claim was the political activist was stealing from the Centenary Bank.


In Kampala the 1st September Norman Tumuhimbise of the Jobless Brotherhood was kicked out his own home, because the landlord couldn’t stand how the police was detaining him and wanted peace, therefore the activist lost his home for working for a better Uganda.

2nd September Amanya Mugesha said this: “You are taking me back to my first answer. I don’t believe in saviors, I have seen it…there are things you will do by leading others…by advising your successors than leaving the grave to advise them…it’s not a question of defeating Museveni, it’s about if you are to be in power, what organisation is likely to lift Ugandans out of this situation. Is the priority strong leaders or strong institutions? But I have told you that the graves are full of indispensable leader”. This was the way he was talking about Dr. Kizza Besigye right before the decision on who’s supposed to become the FDC Flag-Bearer for the general election at the FDC Conference the same day.

Bukenya A
4th September Gilbert Bukenya returns his nomination forms for becoming TDA Joint-Presidential Flag-Bearer and in his press release writes: “They are handed money in bags instead of teaching them to look for their own money. These sharks don’t want to teach the poor “to fish”but want to give them fish making them beggars. This must change”. He surely changed his mind. We will come back to that.

Other actions that happen on the 4th of September, Dr. Aggrey Kiyingi wanted to pick forms to be nominated as a presidential aspirant, but the Electoral Commission could not confirm him as a Ugandan National, therefore he could not get a form for the EC. And his aide Frank Bulira was apprehended in his own home before going to offices of Electoral Commission.

NTV Odoi NRM Primaries

5th September Dr. Tanga Odoi the chairman of the National Resistance Movement Electoral Commission postponed the internal election to the 10th of September.

8th September after protesting the land-grabbing in Amuru District; the protest is for the sale of Apaa village that gave way to the imprisonment of Member of Parliament Gilbert Olanya. Also 3 people in the village killed and a group of people seeking treatment at the Amuru Health Center.

9th September in Soroti where Amama Mbabazi we’re he was to have a consultation meeting in town. He had filled in the letters and forms to the Electoral Commission and UPF to hold a meeting. The UPF still showed up and harassed the public and threw tear-gas into the venue.

10th September in Jinja where the David Kyasanku; the town clerk in town, at the last minute dismissed the venue for the consultation meeting. The UPF had used the venues the last two days before and the town clerk was afraid of losing money to rent it for political use. So when the Team Amama Mbabazi tried to have his consultation meeting it got wild and even more tear-gas then in Soroti the day before.


12th September PM Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda stated this: “We have today learnt, with great sadness, of the sudden death of Hon Gen. Aronda Nyakairima, the Minister of Internal Affairs. General Aronda Nyakairima was returning from South Korea, on official duties, transiting through Dubai. The cause of his death is not yet known. His family has been informed. Government has set up a task force, led by Defence Minister, Hon Dr Crispus Kiyonga, to coordinate all matters relating to this tragedy”.

The same day on the 12th of September Amama Mbabazi went into the Opposition alliance and at the same time delivering a form for the spot of Joint Presidential Candidate for the TDA.

14th September IGP Kale Kayihura address the tear-gas events recently this way: “Don’t blame the police (for firing tear gas and live bullets at Mr Mbabazi’s supporters). Blame Mbabazi who organized and held illegal rallies in a market and near the schools. Don’t blame the consequences, blame the cause”.

16th September the FDC Youth Forum wanted to part ways with the TDA because of Amama Mbabazi inclusion to the Opposition Alliance.

17th September the NRM Poor Youth stated: “If TDA summit consider Col Besigye Its presidential candidate, NRM POOR YOUTH FORUM will request Hon Amama Mbabazi to contest on Go Forward Ticket”.

20th September, Dr. Tanga Odoi verifies the Presidential Nomination form for Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as the NRM Flag-Bearer.


24th September the TDA had not been able to pick either Amama Mbabazi or Dr. Kizza Besigye as joint candidate. This because: “CP and FDC have endorsed the candidature of Col (Rtd) Dr. Kizza Besigye; while DP, Go-Forward Pro-Change, PPP, UFA, and UPC have endorsed the candidature of Rt Hon Amama Mbabazi”.

25th September the Parliament will read the new Election laws in the country. These we’re the Presidential Elections (Amendments) Bill 2015, Parliamentary Elections (Amendments) Bill 2015 and the Electoral Commission (Amendment) Bill 2015. These laws went through the Parliament and had their first reading.

25th September, Amama Mbabazi said this: “Members of The Democratic Alliance: I accept your nomination.” (…)”To my fellow candidates Mr. Norbert Mao and Professor Gilbert Bukenya – I salute your sense of duty and your willingness to put our country first. I look forward to working with you, for it is your help I want and your help I seek; and our cooperation that our country desires and deserves. I am certain that the doors of cooperation are still open to Dr. Kizza Besigye of the FDC. Let us leave the quarrels of the past behind in favour of unity”.

25th September resent in the FDC send a letter to the Electoral Commission to seek time for a new nomination date for their Presidential Flag-Bearer Dr. Kizza Besiyge.

29th September three FDC members were arrested for demonstrating against the new Electoral Reforms. The persons we’re Mubarak Munyagwa the Mayor of Kawempe, Nasurdin Basalirwa the FDC Youth Chairman for Kampala and Hamidah Nalongo Nassimbwa the VC of FDC Woman’s League in Central Region.

29th September the NRM Electoral Commission and Dr. Tanga Odoi postponed the Internal Elections again; this time to 5th and 6th October.

2nd October the Parliament passed the new Electoral laws that was set for reading in Parliament at the 25th September.


2nd October the Electoral Commission has moved the dates in the Election Road map for 2016. The Electoral Commission has set new dates and the nomination days for Presidential Nomination are set for 3rd and 4th November. This happen the same day as the new laws that was passed in Parliament.

9th October Gilbert Bukenya does a U-Turn and get back into the fold of the NRM after being not seen as qualified enough to be TDA Joint Presidential Candidate and will now support yet again YKM in his race for 2016.

10th October the Police stopped the FDC convoy going for consultation meeting in Rukungiri. The Police was heavy deployed in the town and scattered. Even with the cars destroyed and FDC people of Rukungiri jailed. Wasn’t the worst of the Police actions they undressed a female activist during the raids on the convoy. They ended in the Lyantonde Prision until local FDC members got a whined off the leadership of the FDC.

Uganda FDC 101015 P3 Rukungiri

11th October FDC members who freed the other men from prison the day before had to go to jail. These people where the FDC chairman in town Yusuf Matovu, oman’s secretary of town Yudaya Naiga and Chairman of the Town-Council Richard Kayondo.

13th October first reports from the NRM Primaries. In Ngarama the reactions between two candidates led to the police shooting with rubber bullets. In Sembabule the NRM Party Office got burned down. In Kyannamukaaka in Masaka District they burned Membership Cards in anger after election rigging. In Isingiro at the NRM Party Office they we’re burning documents from the Election of 2011.

Also on the 13th October Bank of Uganda took over the management of Imperial Bank Uganda Limited.

14th October there was the first reading in Parliament over the Public Finance Management (Amendment) Bill of 2015. This bill if passed gives the Government to take out short-term-loans without permission of the Parliament.

14th October the FDC members was in prison overnight in Lyantonde, this is the FDC members who helped their other FDC leaders out of prison were in court after their weekends actions. They all got free after paying bail to the magistrate.

Dr. Kizza Besigye House Arrest 141015 to 151015

14th October in a famous home in Wakiso on the outside of Kampala where Dr. Kizza Besigye lives; the police decided to do a preventative arrest of the FDC leader. He and other FDC leaders were supposed to go to the Western-Uganda for consultation meetings.

15th October both Dr. Kizza Besigye and Ibrahim Nganda Ssemujja got both arrested and house arrest that day. They both we’re driven in between police stations in Kampala. While they we’re jailed in Kampala there was FDC members in Jinja who was supposed to be a part of consultation meeting in town. That led to the FDC leader of Jinja and other scores of people was hurt by the shootings of the Police in Jinja town that today.

IGP Kale Kayihura Quote

18th October IGP Kale Kayihura told the world this:
“We are advising that you propose postpone program. Give Police notice! As required by the law. Within the law and ensure the party presidential aspirant, Dr. Kizza Besigye precide, conduct himself in line with the Presidential Elections Act Section 3 as well as the Elections Road Map and Guidelines as an Presidential Aspirant given by the Electoral Commission”.


20th October CP Fred Enanga said this:
“We are already aware of broths and conspiracies, but we are committing to promote rule of law, peace and stability. We want to warn this unpatriotic Ugandans that which mix politics with our nations security. That such anarchy an act of recklessness, by suffocating the media and the public with falsehoods will actually be failed their political mileage. You cannot achieve any political mileage by triggering violence and chaos”.

21st October in Bugiri there was set up metal trenches or teeth on the road. FDC opened their new Mobilization office in town. The Police was in the town and even in some Police was a part of the meeting of the new office in Bugiri. They we’re in town with heavy weaponry shielding the venue. In Tororo the police followed the procession to the consultation meeting of the FDC. They opened the roadblocks so that FDC could have the meeting in Tororo.

22nd October the FDC member Muhamad Ssegiringya was released on bond. He was one of the demonstrators against the digitalization of TVs, if you remember the demonstration with the Youth with TVs on their heads?

22nd October the Human Rights Activist Allan Kitonsa Ssava was released on bond the day and said: “I was arrested and charged armed robbery as I was found speaking to the youth of Namutumba district”.

24th October Amama Mbabazi stated:
“I will not be attending the NRM delegates conference slated for October 30th. Instead I will be focused on preparing for my nomination” (…)”I encourage all supporters of Go Forward to remain patient and calm as our team prepares us for nomination. I am truly looking forward to launching the campaign, and engaging voters across the country”.

26th October there was again discussion and negotiation between Amama Mbabazi and Dr. Kizza Besigye this time in London together with the Kofi Annan Foundation.

26th October the NRM EC postponed the Party Primary to the 27th October.

NRM Membership Cards 15.11,15

In the NRM Primaries in 26th October in Ngoma Sub County a business man trying to bribe voters was jailed. In Kirahura the main candidate lost his life during a car accident and it got postponed. In Sembabule in the town of Mwogola, there was shootings and teargas in town. In Kinkiizi East one of the candidates had a car accident in the car they found pre-ticket ballots. In Kasese an MP was caught with trying to bribe votes and his car got impounded. In Mbale 32 people was jailed for planning to disrupt the voting in Bungokho South.

Postpone NRM

27th October in the NRM Primaries the ballot-boxes was already filled before voting started in Ajuri District. In Adjumani an MP was having a mobilization team to bribe voters in the district. In Bukedea there was 7 people arrested for election violence. Rubanda West a candidate was found with 16,000 pre-ticket ballot-papers and therefore the election was postponed. In Iganga NRM members was disappointed that they started to burn their membership cards. In Isingiro North there was found boxes with pre-ticket ballots and a candidate got caught in the market trying to buy votes. In Kabarole the journalist was not allowed to follow the elections. Lwengo a dozen candidates was caught with pre-ticket ballot-papers. In Kumi there had escalated into violence. In Ntungamo there was a candidate who was found with a 1000 fake membership cards and ballot-papers pre-ticket. In Busia there was found at one candidates place pre-ticket ballot-papers. In Kiyandongo the NRM Flag-Bearer are detained and charged for election rigging.

28th October there was held more NRM Primaries and at the Bbale Police Station the incumbent Sulaiman Madada got detained yesterday for attempting to run away with the declaration form. In Mbabara because of election rigging “the DPC says up to 50 suspects were arrested in a swoop, from which the ringleaders will be singled out and charged”.

Kahinda Otafiire. P2jpg

29th October the NRM Primaries continues and in Burashya district in Kabarole the Police had to intervene because of the different supporters was fighting after the results came in. There was so much violence that the bridge of Katanda broke down. In Kanungu there were more Special Forces and police voting then ordinary voters. In Ruhinda county Captain Mugabe Domonzio Kahonda who won over Gen. Otafiire in the Primaries in the district has finally been released, but, there is a big but! He has to meet before Jinja High Court tomorrow!

31st October the NRM Primaries and in Abletong reports were saying: “When time came for collecting polling materials and results, the police and the soldiers did not allow us to go to the polling stations. Soldiers were using the vehicles belonging to the District Internal Security Officer, OC station and that of the town council,” Mr Owino told Daily Monitor”. In Amudat many NRM members burned their NRM membership cards. In Kibaale where the reports were: “Police fired tear gas at National Resistance Movement party supporters in Kisiita sub-county, Kibaale district who were protesting results of the recent primaries”. The same day, Enoch Matovu, a correspondent for a local television, NTV, in Mityana District was reportedly shot on the head while covering an incident of vote rigging during the NRM party elections at Bulera police station in Mityana district. He sustained a bullet injury on his head.

31st October the Lord Mayor of Kampala Erias Lukwago arrested and is detained in Maganjo Police Station.

1st November there Uganda Police Force and IGP Kale Kayihura was claiming that they only knew about the NRM Presidential Nomination rally at Kololo and FDC rally at Nakivubo Stadium, but not the Go-Forward rally for Amama Mbabazi the same day as NRM at Kololo. Even though it later appeared that the NRM had sent in the letter late to Electoral Commission compared to the Public Order Management Bill, while Go-Forward had followed the instructions in time. The Police had to later go back on their words and said that received the letters from Go-Forward after all.

2nd November Beatrice Anywar deflected from FDC to Go-Forward.

Vote M7 031115

3rd November the first day of Nomination started with Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of NRM in Kololo and later in the day Amama Mbabazi of the Go-Forward. Professor Venasius Baryamureeba also started his presidential campaign. One of candidates who have now returned his Presidential candidacy is Nasser Ntege Ssebaggala the former Mayor of Kampala.

Besigye 041115

4th November the second day of Nominations. Adam Bwainka of the People’s Development Party arrived at Namboole for the nominations today on a boda-boda. He has said this today: “If we are going to turn around our Economy. We must be firm on our Education”. But the day wasn’t about him. “The Blue siege of the city, the energy of our young people! We have a sacred duty to engage our youths to build a stronger prosperous Uganda” – Asuman Kiyingi. The town and nominations was about FDC and its Flag-bearer Dr. Kizza Besigye. Who made Kampala go into a shutdown; other candidates we’re who wanted to be nominated was Joseph Mabirizi of The Independent Coalition. The only female Presidential Aspirant Maureen Faith Kyala was first turned away not accepted, but arrived later at the same time as the other TIC candidate was then verified. Maj. Gen. Ben Biiaro of the Farmers Party came 5 minutes before the deadline to get his nomination verified. The Electoral Commission started and scrutinized the nomination papers of his. After a while Dr. Kiggundu stamped and appends the papers. This means that he became the 8th candidate in the Presidential race for February 2016.

On the 4th November – Official from the Electoral Commission:“BREAKING: Uganda Electoral Commission sets February, 18, 2016 as polling day for president and MPs”.

5th November in Mubende after the NRM Primaries the supporters of one candidate protested. This led to the Police shooting and tear-gas to disperse the procession in the area.

Cars 051115 Frank Tun.. P1

7th November on that day, the minister for Presidency and KCCA, Hon. Frank K Tumwebaze has handed over nine brand new Isuzu double cabin pickup trucks to the RDCs of Karamoja and Rwenzori regions.The vehicles valued at 145m each were handed over to the RDCs of Abim, Napak, Moroto, Nakapiripirit, Kaboong, Amudat, Kotido, Kamwenge and Kasese districts at a function graced by the Secretary, Office of The President, Ms. Deborah Katuramu and the media. More on the NRM Primaries: “Junior minister for Lands Idah Nantaba has been flown to Aga Khan Hospital in Nairobi for specialized treatment after police subdued her with pepper spray following a confrontation at Kayunga Police Station in the chaotic NRM primaries”.

Also on the 7th November the UPF reported: Minister of state for Internal affairs, Honorable James Boliba Baba has today launched twenty seven (27) regional Joint security Operation Centers with the aim of further enhancing crime reduction & management at a regional level. These centers will work hand in hand with the security teams within the districts. The regional centers will also work very closely with the Joint Operations Command center at the national level. The function took place at police headquarters & was attended by representatives from UPDF, UPF, UPS, ESO,ISO, DPP. All regional Police commanders were in attendance. The launch was also attended by Mr Stephen Kagoda, the P.S Ministry of Internal affairs”.

9th November the NRM had a plan: “The NRM is now on the move to Neutralize ‪#‎Goforward Msge saying they are the ones going forward and in effect it resonates with the No Change Slogan”. Muhamad Kikomeko who is a support of the Amama Mbabazi escapes death in Sembabule, a group attacked his car and burned his car.

Uganda Shillings

9th November reports was saying: “A well-placed source at the Ministry of Finance has told Watchdog that President Museveni ordered the Ministry to arrange for him Shs500 billion. The source suspects the money is meant to fund Museveni’s campaign”. The chief made the remarks while speaking to residents at his home in Guru-guru village Lamogi Sub-county, Amuru District, while receiving a new Pajero donated to him by Mr Museveni on Friday. n Kabale there has been a Radio Panelist who first escaped from arrest after orders from the Resident District Commissioner Darius Naninda who tried to catch the Anti-Corruption Activist who was taking part of a show on the Kabala Freedom Radio (Mughisa, 2015). Later is seen that he has a warrant on inciting violence. The Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC) is deeply concerned about the safety of Ugandan refugees Musa Isabirye and Timothy Yamin who were deported to Uganda by Botswana Government last week. They have previously been active in opposition politics in Uganda and could face persecution, imprisonment or torture there. Professor Venasius Baryamureeba after day will suspend his campaign because of weak campaign security provided by the Electoral Commission and the Government.

10th November the Police gave the public some words on the their tear-gas: “The Deputy Spokesman Polly Namaye: “The Police Policy is to ensure as little engagement with the public terms of crowd control. We will only use means such as tear gas where absolutely necessary” (…)”The decision, according to the source, could also informed by the fact that the force wants to avoid using expired stock”. Even Amama Mbabazi supporters are currently detained at Namataba Police Station. Go Forward’s PRO Mayanja Nkangi says they have been told those in police custody committed the offence of ‘driving a car with machines’. Five Journalists and photographers who were covering President Museveni rallies in Nakaseke and Nakasongola were arrested and detained. They were forced to delete all there photos and videos.


11th November At around 2.00am this morning, 11th November 2015, TIC Presidential Candidate Elton Joseph Mabirizi heard a knock on his hotel room. When he asked who it was, the assailant said : “I am your bodyguard”. So he opened. It turned out that it was not his bodyguard but two strange men. So there been reports that Presidential Mabirizi were abducted and kidnaped. n Kijabijo (Gayaza Karagi Road). The community says «they need power back». They have spent 4 months since the transformer was taken by UMEME. So they have put fires into the main roads as a demonstration against the government and UMEME for taking away electricity.

12th November because of the road quality Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in Abletong he drove with Personal Armored Carriers in the area to get to the venue in Abletong to have his rally! He needed the Army vehicles to get around and he has been in charge since 1986.

NRM 13.11.15 Kole South
13th November this happen: Museveni expels NTV from his media team after what he called unbalanced reporting on him. As per now, NTV journalists are being escorted back to Kampala by soldiers of the Special Forces Command. Daily monitor was also warned of a possible closure should their reporting continue to ‘favor’ the opposition ‘against’ Mr. Museveni. In Mbrarara: “About 200 angry supporters of the ruling National Resistance Movement in Mbarara district this morning denounced the party and proclaimed support for the Forum for Democratic Change”. In Masaka: “More NRM party members, including councillors from Masaka sub-region, have defected to the Go-Forward camp, declaring their support for Mr Amama Mbabazi’s presidential bid”.

14th November this happen with UPC members that day:” Over a 1000 former supporters of UPC and FDC crossed over to the NRM and were introduced to the Chairman of NRM, President Museveni, by the Vice Chairman of NRM for Northern, Hon. Sam Engola”.

14th November the rumor of a deal between Jimmy Akena the President of UPC and Yoweri Kaguta Museveni the incumbent President of the Country was surfacing.

15th November the Police had to say to the public that the Nominations for Lord Mayor of Kampala should not storm the Electoral Commission the next day.

Kampala 16.11.15 UPF

16th November the Police detained Lord Mayor of Kampala Erias Lukwago after sieging his house where they shot the journalist and TV Reporter Enock Kugonza. Also Councilor Mariam Kizito was detained at the same time. The public around the house of Lukwago was also hurt.

16th November two persons of Sauti ya Vijana became impersonated for petitioned the ruling leader to go away from power and let somebody else run their country.

16th November before the Amama Mbabazi rally in Hoima the Police had to scatter the public with tear-gas; they just can’t help themselves. In Rubanda this was reported: “Police arrest 20 youth with sticks in 2 vehicles moving towards Rubanda, Kabale. This happens as the NRM Primaries is underway”.

17th November in Kaiiro where the NRM Primaries we’re held 5 Supporters was taken into custody after inciting violence, they found pangas and spears. There was a cabinet reshuffle after orders from the Yoweri Kaguta Museveni: “
Mr. Kirunda Kivejinja – Rt. Hon. 3rd Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of East African Affairs; Madame Rose Akol – Minister of Internal Affairs; Mr. Werikhe Kafabusa – Minister of State for Industry.

18th November for the independent Candidate Maureen Faith Kyala statement: “I am shocked with what I am discovering during my presidential campaign trail. How did we Ugandans; become slaves in our own land? E.g, I found the people of Lyirimbi in Bugiri district being enslaved by Chinese “investors” who had come to do the Musta-Namayingo road, with alleged permission to destroy our natural forest reserves and tourist hills of Lyirimbi”. Alert: “We have been reliably informed that 3 of our FDC youth leaders were kidnaped from Mbarara and transfered to the notorious police in Kireka in a Kampala suburb, there are accurate information that points to them being tortured! Kireka is a renown military torture chamber. Among the kidnapped include Mr. Mayanja Micheal, he was part of Dr. Besigyes Security team during FDC flagbearer campaigns and also on nomination day, he earns a living as a commuter driver, Mr. Yasin Mastiko from Ruti a Mbarara suburb on Mbarara-Kabale road , he is self employed and Mr. Bampagyi ,a Boda-boda operator( motor cyclist) in Mbarara Municipality”.

Akena M7

19th November the UPC Woman MP for UPC Joy Ruth Aceng told the crowds that day: “That Mbabazi called northerners monkeys and as such her party has decided to join Museveni in the elections”. At the rallies of FDC Dr. Kizza Besigye at Butebo in Paliisa district the we’re given scores of NRM membership cards to show that they we’re tired of the ruling party. Police commanded by Siraje Bakaleke has barricaded the road to the returning officer’s office, only few vehicles allowed. Lukwago supporters have had to fight Police to make way to the nomination venue. Lord Mayor of Kampala Erias Lukwago we’re able to be nominated for the race for mayor again in the capital. Since the KCCA Act Amendments got shelved for the moment of time. Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) President Jimmy Akena’s declaration supporting an alliance with the ruling NRM has touched off a rebellion in his party. There will be demonstration from different wings of the UPC next Wednesday. Paul Kato of Hoima was arrested as well. He is the Hoima District Registrar and was charged with theft at the Hoima Magistrate Court. The alleged crime we’re that he took the 10 Million Shillings meant to be paid to the Police officers. Because of this the Election results will be delivered by Deputy Registrar Maureen Businge.

That sets things in perspective doesn’t it? Doesn’t it give you a feeling how the police and government has been working. How the political shifts is happening. And this is just in two and half month time; not the whole 2015. This is the kind of thing the Monitor or Chimpreport doesn’t deliver. Because the big picture and time proves how the movements are. We can see UPC and NRM has moved together and made the UPC/Akena and UPC/Otunnu is proving to surface. Also the DP has moved strongly with Go-Forward. Lukwago has more trouble. The Electoral Commission is proved to be a tool of the ministries and not following laws, but following instructions from the NRM-Regime. It proves it is not a independent body to check and balance the electoral process.

The NRM Primaries has proven how little structure the ruling party has and inefficiency of their ways. The constant rigging and ballot-paper malfunctions. The general basis of leaders and incumbent jailed. Supporters shot at and use of tear-gas. There are so many words who can describe the recent events; Also the Police interaction in the election and also internal polling stations. We can also see how the journalist and media people who has been shot and dismissed. Had to delete material, been told off and also sent away with Special Forces Unit. The way the opposition had a hard time to hold consultation meetings while the NRM regime could have giant meetings around the country.

The way the Police was telling at a set of time they knew nothing about the Go-Forward Nomination meeting in Kampala, and hours later the letters resurfaced. We have seen that Go-Forward and TDA has been in talks with FDC and Dr. Kizza Besigye; which shows maturity and negotiations between the parties, though they didn’t leave to anything of set value for the moment. There been movement and will be like that up-to 18th February 2016. More dirt will happen. Especially after the Papal visit; then we will see the true color of the Police and the NRM-Regime. Trust me. Peace.