President Museveni sacks Minister Tumukunde and IGP Kayihura: However, will it make a difference?

Today, two loyalists of the President has gotten fired, this was sudden and was not anticipated. Today on the 4th March 2018, the Inspector General of the Police Edward Kale Kayihura and the Director General of Internal Security Organization (ISO) General Henry Tumukunde. Both have been dropped suddenly after the recent leaks of lacking policing and rising crime in Uganda. There been reported of only 5% rate of murders being solved in the recent year.

A statement signed by the President and dated 4th March, 2018, reads as follows: In the Exercise of the powers vested in the President by Articles 113 (1) and 213 (2) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, I hereby appoint General Elly Tumwiine as Minister for Security, Mr. Okoth Ochola as the Inspector-General of Police and Brigadier Sabiiti Muzeei as the Deputy Inspector General of Police”.

So the President has actually acted on the worse state of the Police and the public perception, as the police has been more focused on opposition politicians, than actually fighting crime. I don’t think the Police Force will stop doing that and also ban Besigye from dinners and public gatherings. However, this is proof that the President acts. Even if he is late to the party, since he should known that the Police have had gangs working for them and intimidated them. It isn’t like the President did this while the Muslim Cleric died or the woman at Entebbe died last year. Not that the Police leadership changed when the AIGP Andrew Kaweesi was killed. Therefore, the Boda Boda 2010 and the Crime Preventers issues must have really hurt some pride. Since, the change happens now. As the ISO is investigating Police Force and the Police Force was starting to investigate agents who did kidnap civilians and also did dirty work. Clearly, the President maybe wanted to stop that sort of acts. Since both actions make it look stupid and also looks like to different criminal groups, which is sanctioned from the state.

So now the NRM goes back to the NRA days, as they are hiring Tumwiine, as the Daily Monitor reports: “The new security minister Gen Elly Tumwine served as Commander of the National Resistance Army from 1984 to 1987. Gen Tumwine who also sits on the UPDF High Command fired the first shot in the National Resistance war. He replaces Gen Henry Tumukunde” (Daily Monitor, 04.03.2018).

So Tumukunde loses ISO and Ministry of Security, the battle between Kayihura made them both lose. Even as Kayihura wasn’t long ago promised a new tenure and term. Therefore, his contract got taken back and now he lost his job on a Sunday. It was on 2nd May 2017 that Kayihura for a new three year term. Now the Deputy IGP John Martins Okoth Ochola takes over becomes the IGP. J.M. Okoth Ochola is what you call a traditional Police Officer, if he will implement that, instead of the military attitude of Kayihura is to be seen. As he has worked for years under Kayihura.

All of this might change the faces of the Police Force and the Ministry of Security, however, it is the same President and the same party behind it. If the Parliament, the President and the Security Organization wants change, the procedures and institutional polices has to change. The accountability and the organization has to change. The Police Force isn’t make the nation safe, neither was ISO or the UPDF. The Special Forces Command or any other organization created to secure the public. That is why people is murdered and there are no signs of proper investigations, even criminals who just get away with their crimes.

This change might happen because of the United States new Travel Advisory on the 10th January 2018 said: “Exercise increased caution in Uganda due to crime. Violent crime, such as armed robbery, home invasion, and sexual assault, is common, especially in larger cities including Kampala and Entebbe. Local police lack the resources to respond effectively to serious crime” (Travel.State.Gov, 10.01.2018).

So they are have started to worry about the state of the police in Uganda. When they are warning their tourists. It says a lot about how they know about the current state of policing in Uganda. This must have gotten into the ears of Museveni and that is why he fires both of them. As the squabble between Kayihura and Tumukunde, has been fought in public. As the ISO has gone after proxy organizations of the Police Force. They have taken people connected with Kayihura and now he didn’t just lose, but Tumukunde got sacked too. When you play high, the rewards might be high, but fall might be worse.

People despise Kayihura for his actions and his defense of the NRM, the political driven police force, who has bankrupt the Force and also extended the mandate because of the Public Order Management Act of 2010. The POMA clearly made the Police Force focused on policing and monitoring opposition, more than collecting evidence and actually solving crimes. The Police Work has been left behind, they have used fear and used gangs to stop people. It has been strange, but it was sanctioned and accepted until now.

President Museveni suddenly acted swiftly, as he wanted to save face, even if the barren organization, the bankrupt system is still there. The scandals and the lack of morals are there. The ISO and UPF are still two security organizations without trust in the public, because they are more into politics, than fighting crimes. They are no bipartisan, but a visible hand of the NRM.

The insecurity and the lack of policing is something that has occurred over time. It wasn’t created in a vacuum of Kayihura or Tumukunde. This was done by President and with his orders. Kayihura has said his been a loyal man who just follows orders. He will continue to say that to clean his hands of dirt, as he has done his vicious and malicious acts against the citizens. Kayihura knows this and he knows he has made political prisoners and done so as ordered from the State House. That is where the big problem is, it is the State House. The organizations, the institutions and the insecurity has been made from there.

It is the lack of transparency, oversight and accountability of the Security Organizations, it is the lack of resources and the maladministration. It is the whole structure and the orders from the President, who promise and pledge, but doesn’t invest. Museveni has created this, but it is easier to sack someone, than actually destroy something and rebuild. Right now the Police Force isn’t professional, neither is ISO. The lack of protocol, procedure and training, is the reason for this mess. The lack of actual officers who do their duty and has no reason to even do so.

We should also worry about Gen. Tumwine, the former NRA and rebel whose been loyal to Museveni, don’t expect ISO and Ministry of Security to be nice and smooth. The malicious acts of the Ministry will continue, as the vicious crackdown of 2001 was in the hands of the general. Who while in charge made sure dissidents entered Kigo Prison, which was leaked in 2005 and 2006. Therefore, the world knows that he tortured lawyer, human rights activists and also opposition activists there. Therefore, Tumwine, might do similar things now that he has power in service of Museveni. So he goes from the UPDF General Court Martial, where he has stated in the powers. That previous trials and charges on Besigye was ordered and not made on legal basis. Therefore, he is brave enough to speak up against Museveni. But if he will do more than speaking is likely, since Museveni has made him general and made him Minister again.

We just have to see how this goes. Surprised today, yes and not so worried about the battle between Okoth Ochola and Tumwine. But if they will rock-the-boat, I doubt it and if they will reform their institutions and their organizations. I doubt that too. They will be figureheads who are loyal to Museveni and await orders from the State House. We will just see if their leadership roles, can stop the insecurity and the problematic state the Police has no in society.

The top chef, the one who has created this dish is in the State House. It is the President who is in-charge and let all of this happen. It is Museveni who didn’t act and made it possible for the Police to investigate and make sure the Police could solve the crimes done, the murders and all other activity. Clearly, that hasn’t been possible.

Time will tell if that will happen now! Peace.

A Monster Museveni Created: The Failing Kayihura Police Force!

Gen. David Sejusa wrote this in a letter on the 7th July of 2014:

I wonder if Mr Museveni really knows what is going on in his own security institutions, or has he been rendered powerless by the very monster he created, i.e., personalised rule? It is because the officers who give him intelligence are the same arch criminals who need to cover their tracks. With no functioning systems, you wonder what information the head of state depends on to rule the country. Otherwise, how can he not see the danger he is putting the country into and himself? Not that it matters much though, because either way, he, Museveni, is personally responsible” (Gen. David Sejusa letter- ‘LOOMING WAR AND GOVERNMENT COVER UP: Government agents target civilians to scare population’ 07.07.2014).

Inspector General of Police (IGP) Edward Kale Kayihura, again you get on my radar, you are offering bounty for killers of innocent woman, who was dropped on the street like garbage. That is happening after dozens of strange foreign deaths are appearing all over the Republic. There so much weirdness going on, just like the Boda Boda 2010 relations and the Crime Preventers Program. All of this doesn’t add-up.

The sour relationship with Gen. Henry Tumukunde, the Chief of Military Intelligence (CMI) and the problems the police has with the Internal Security Organization (ISO). It’s like the Security Organizations are working not together to sting the criminals, but are trying to incriminate each other. As Muslim Clerical leaders died mysteriously last year, like group of woman in Entebbe too. There been so many strange unsolved crimes that the death of Assistant IGP Andrew Kaweesi seems like detour. Instead of the biggest hit-piece in the recent decade.

Within all of this as the Boda Boda 2010 leaders of Abdallah Kiatta and Paddy Sserunjogi aka Sobi. We can question how the police sanctioned this gang and let it off. And why suddenly it had to fall. Since the Police needed someone to go down and the Tumukunde had to pick someone to teach Kayihura a lesson or two. The striking revelations is how short distance it is from becoming a officer to act a criminal. That is what is worrying and also the signal, the only difference between the police officer and the criminal, is that the officer has the blessing of the state and a badge, the criminal has none. There is supposed to rules to the game, but clearly it is not.

On top of that and ICT scandals, the ICT frauds, that has escalated and became a big-deal, even the ICT Manager Amos Ngabirano fled from the country recently, because of how he was involved and that he feared for his own life. In all of this, the State House, the External Security Organization and the Police are also fighting for how to monitor the mobile money market. This is after who they should assigned the program and who can monitor it, if the its the Uganda Communication Commission, the Police or even the State House. So all of them can use the software to monitor the spending of Ugandans. This is happening, while people are busy seeing the external fights between Tumukunde and Kayihura.

They have even pushed further a New Vision reporter was abducted and gone from the paper for days, this Charles Etukuri, who has had close relationship with Kayihura and nicknamed his “Social Media Manager”. Therefore, this was another assault on the pride of Kayihura, who had seen many of his men taken and his lieutenants.

We can question what is going on, as the crimes are not solved, the bounty on Susan Magara killers proves the lack of mentality to solve the crimes and the lack of honest work within the Police. That is not strange, as the state of affairs isn’t getting better. All of this has happen quickly, as Kayihura has to even beg the Parliament for additional funds, since only 5 % of his operation are getting salaries. They are lacking funds to pay salaries as the police squad has increased and also the equipment of the police has become better. That is not strange as before the General Election of 2016, they got everything from new mambas, tear-gas and more manpower.

To top it all off, the Minister Jeje Odongo, Internal Affairs Minister has told Kayihura to polish the image of the Police. Kinda hard to do that on a little candy and not even paid-in-full. While the structures are even smashed by other security organizations. This is happening while the monitoring of the political parties and the enemies of the state. Not following the criminals and such. They have spent fortunes to follow and monitor the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC). Even more on house-arresting Kizza Besigye over the last two years, even the financial costs of tear-gassing, live-bullets and the misuse of power against political opponents of the President. That has all to cost a fortune, the extra hours and the equipment. Even the famous van and mobile terrorizing place, can be seen as project made out of nothing.

The sudden loss of funds, the lack of budget to an organization blown up to be political and block politicians cost. When they are not serving the people, but the will of man. Who want to beat everyone into submission. Especially the ones he cannot bribe into it.

We you combine all of this factors, I have not even addressed the saga of Crime Preventers, who has been used by the Police and the State during the elections, paid for uniforms and weapons. This together with all the other factors, the training and the constant move of leaders. The strategic forces and questionable work of the police. The sudden Fika Salama campaigns are cool, but the issues are deeper, than just on the surface, that cars are overloaded.

The police force is up-to something and certain things kept quiet about. Even the stories of Gen. Sejusa might have some power in them. As his warnings year back is now coming into light. The darkness and lack of institutions, the lack of oversight and use of gangs to keep things at bay. Are now shown, as much as the police is acting as criminals. Just as the sudden militias that came and went, where police-shootings was appearing in Kapchorwa Police Station attacks with SUN, Gulu Central Police Station with National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and the insurgency of Kirumiramutima in Kasese. All of this had violence and killings involved, but they silently stopped without any resurgent attacks by anyone of them. The government sanctioned violence was the one visible against the Rwenzururu Kingdom, as it was also on these two Police Stations.

We can clearly, see that the vision of Gen. Sejusa has power, as he saw this all coming. It is now visible, the lack of clear leadership, the reckless behavior of IGP Kayihura and Security organizations. That his involved other questionable activity and use of organizations that was beneath and beyond the services supposed to be delivered by the Force. Also the lack of investigations and the lack of actually policing. More of just brash PR stunts and picturesque shows of public display, instead of actually catching the murderous, the ones picked up is quickly released.

All of this madness is connected, the lack of funds, the growing organization, the battle of supremacy between Tumukunde and Kayihura. All of this isn’t a game, but real life at stake, they are all doing all of this because the President wants it like this. They want to use the Security Organizations to make insecurity to fake their own agenda.

This would been a pulp-fiction novel, a quick-fix book you buy at a flea-market. Instead, this is happening right in front of our lives. They are misusing the state funds and violating our intelligence, while they are proud of their craft.

There is to many things missing, the plots and the ideas, the scenarios where this is making the regime winning, other than spreading fear and silence people. If that is the only goal, they are using high-power weapons and expensive monitoring of politicians. While they are using the police to create crime and not actually fight crime. Which is weird in itself. It is visible and vicious!

Kayihura, should wonder and be boggled, he has lack of funds and giant mission, he needs manpower to fulfill the Public Order Management Act and the others things he want to do to serve the President. He is the presidents loyal servant. That he knows, but the actions and the now internal squabble between him and Tumukunde. We can wonder who else will join in and if the Mobile Money, will make the UCC and other go against him too. Who knows at this point, but the words of Sejusa should be with all of us.

The words we should remember today, as the police are in tatters and the public played for fools, we should remember: “I wonder if Mr Museveni really knows what is going on in his own security institutions, or has he been rendered powerless by the very monster he created, i.e., personalised rule?” (Sejusa, 2014).

We should ask if he is powerless because of the monster he created and he made during his rule. If he is able to understand and get into his mind, what sort of violence and policing his has sanctioned. Kayihura and his business has been accepted by the State House for years. The ISO, ESO and CMI, are all organizations that Museveni has created. Not only the UPDF and Special Force Command, who are other groups he has given powers too and training too. They can now fight each other and use methods of state organized violence against innocent citizens and possible troublemakers. However, most likely they will create trouble themselves. These are the monsters Sejusa described, the reckless organizations that will make him powerless. That is why he tries to pull the strings on the Police Force, but is it too late?


Kagoma By-Election: Grand issues as heavy deployment seems to rig it all for the NRM!

The 11th May are the Polling Day of the Kagoma By-Election in the Jinja District. As there are unsettling reports and also proves that the National Resistance Movement (NRM) cannot win a sincere election. Since they are coming with a presence of mambas, armed police officers and all the gear to intimidate the public. As even during the campaigning, the President Yoweri Museveni said: “I am tired of wars. I want you to vote for pro-NRM members of parliament like our party flag-bearer, Mr Moses Walyomu.” (…) “I don’t want to go back to the bush to fight again. Don’t send me people who will disagree with me in parliament. I fought in 1986 and I am tired.”(Kirunda, Nakato & Katabulawo, 2017).

Arrested day before the ballot:

Sadiq Amin, the National Defense Secretary of the opposition Forum for Democratic Change-FDC party and seven others are in trouble for alleged electoral violence in the Kagoma parliamentary by-elections. The eight were picked up last evening from Buwenge town council ahead of the Kagoma County parliamentary by elections later today. Asuman Mugenyi, the Director of Police Operations, told journalists at Kagoma county headquarters last evening that Amin is wanted for masterminding violence in the just concluded Kamuli municipality MP by elections” (URN, 11.05.2017).

The Police has deployed heavy in the district and in the area. They have even arrested people around the voting stations, on the charges of violence. But there aren’t reports of people at the Hospitals. As there is only FDC leadership who has been detained the day before and know more people being charges. Seems like a day where the Police Force are intimidating the public to vote for the NRM candidate today.

Security has been beefed up in Jinja town as voters in Kagoma County constituency go to the polls to elect a new MP in today’s by-election . Busoga regional police commander Twishimwe Geofrey says the tension between two groups; supporters of Brandon Kintu, an Independent candidate, and Moses Walyomu of the NRM, were high and so far eight people have been arrested in connection to violence” (88 SMART FM, 11.05.2017).

Despite some polling station receiving voting material beyond the required time as well as reported cases of a pre-ticked ballot paper, heavy police deployment, the country’s election prefect maintains that nothing is amiss. According to the schedule, voting was supposed to begin at exactly 7am and close at 4pm” (…) “However not all polling centres kept that time. Some polling stations were also forced to suspend voting for hours after the biometric machines failed to function despite earlier assurance by the chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC), Justice Simon Byabakama Mugenyi that everything was good to go. According to Mr James Otim, a resident of Budondo sub-county, it emerged that voting some at polling stations started late” (Ladu, Tausi & Okeya, 2017).

Byakika Voting was suspended for nearly two hours at Kiranga-Busoba Polling Station in Butagaya Sub County following the breakdown of election machines. Only 19 people had voted before the thumb-detecting machine stopped working. The station Presiding Officer Paul Kigenyi says the voting temporarily stopped around 8:30am. By 10:30am the E.C team led by one Samuel Kiyingi was still struggling to fix the machine. Voting resumed a few minutes later as voters expressed their anger” (City Beat Magazine, 11.05.2017).

So there been clear malpractice and also intimidation, as the FDC leadership has spent time behind bars, as the Kagoma By-Election was going-on. So if the result doesn’t end with victory for the NRM candidate, I would be shocked. All the cards are stacked against the independents as well as the FDC candidate. This is going on and the government sponsors the fear, in the midst of a by-election in the Jinja District. The clear evidence is already there, that before the tallying, the return forms and the party agents start to take charge over the ballots. This is just beginning of the electoral process, and the issues are here from the get-go. Peace.


Kirunda, Abubaker; Nakato, Tausi & Katabulawo, Andrew – ‘I don’t want opposition in parliament, says President Museveni’ (09.05.2017) link:–says-President-Museveni/688334-3919496-71atniz/index.html

Ladu, Ismail Musa; Tausi, Nakato & Okeya, Moses – ‘Complain of pre-ticked ballot papers, faulty voting machines blemish Kagoma by-election’ (11.05.2017) link:

Kagoma County By-Election: FDC Surge the crowds, while the NRM believes in Voter Tourism!

There is a by-election going on in Kagoma County in Jinja District. This is in Busoga region and inside the Busoga Kingdom. In the recent days there been campaign rallies in the towns and villages of the county. As the candidates together with the leadership of the parties has arrived to spell their program and get their candidate into the 10th Parliament.

That the President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni together with the NRM has held rallies in the district isn’t surprising, neither is it that today only he has hold 4 rallies in the county. What is more common is the proof of bribery and in general using intimidation as well. Therefore, the reports that the NRM used violence against FDC mobilizers. On the 5th May the pictures of innocent party organizers bloody t-shirts we’re spread on the internet. Therefore, the proof that the NRM cannot win without violence or use money, is yet another proof.

Another typical trick of the NRM, has been how the buses has been driving around in the county and district, giving away t-shirts, offering 10k shillings and food; if they participate to the closest rally of President Museveni and his coming Candidate Moses Walyomu Muwanika. This one is supposed to stop the Forum for Democratic of Change (FDC) candidate Timothy Batuwa. Instead of like the FDC who gather natural crowds with their leadership and convoys.

The NRM uses buses and payments, giving away T-shirts, beating up Independent Candidates supporters, which happen earlier this week. There are certainly double standard in this, as the NRM uses intimidation, harassment, than condemning violence, later knowingly paying for supporters and getting support by bribery. Than, sending buses (Voter Tourism) and picking up crowds, while the other parties scraps people together honest. Therefore, the ruling regime and ruling party uses all tricks of the trade. To get the MP for the area elected again! Certainly, the NRM has no honor, only cheating and rigging to win.

If there will be pre-ticked ballots on the 11th May 2017 and sudden ballots taken away with Police Officers during the tally wouldn’t surprise anyone. Also, that the late release of the Declaration Forms and the Return Forms, which the NRM will comprise as they have already started to do. That with the bribery of citizens and the ways the buses rides to pick-up and give food. This is all manipulation and selling the ballots for scraps. Certainly, the electoral process isn’t respected when the NRM trades the ballot for 10k shillings and rallies to elect their man. Peace.

Opinion: UPFF seems like made-belief by the Calvary, as the NDA and SUN never reappeared!

Kaweesi Murder Probe: Police warns public against conspiracy theories and speculation, adds that such will slow down investigations” (…) “Police are investigating a group calling itself ‘Uganda Patriotic Freedom Fighters’ that claims to have murdered AIGP Kaweesi” (…) “The group posted on social media commending itself for a job well executed and blamed police for arresting innocent people” (NBS TV Uganda, 27.03.2017).

There been many rebel outfit of late who has taken claims of violence and robbing Police Stations, what is common is that that they come into light and fade into dust as quick as they came. These ones has all been parts of questionable acts and taken weapons and ammunition from the Police Force. Still, there has not been anyone who is caught for these crimes, neither has there been anyone taken to court. Therefore, I wonder about the newest who appeared this month!

In March 2016, the sun set on Uganda, and initially “We, Save Uganda Now” (SUN) that took responsibility for the attacks on Kapchorwa Police Station, where the former army commander ‘Mali Moto’ we’re running it. And ever since then they have not reappeared!

In June 2016, a new surfaced rebel outfit named National Democratic Alliance (NDA) attacked the Gulu Central Police station, as it was even stated by the Police Force that is was UPC Deputy Secretary Dan Odiya Oola, who was in charge. The NDA has not attacked anything else since the day in question.

Than there was the Rwenzururu Kingdoms Royal Guards and the “Kirumiramutima” (the Strong Hearted) that was a militia in the Rwenzori and Rwenzori Sub-Region. These ones created problems in the region after the election and supposed to done so since 2014. Still, the violence only appears when the Uganda People’s Defense Force (UPDF) arrives in Kasese, like last year in November, when the Flying Squad twice attacked the Buhikira Royal Palace in Kasese. It is easy to forget, but the problem of rebels appears when the Police and Army attacks innocent civilians in the region. That problem also disappear when the army leaves the region. Than the locals are preoccupied burying the dead.

So when I here that a new rebel outfit takes the responsibility for the assassination of the Assistance Inspectorate General of Police (AIGP) Andrew Felix Kaweesi, they we’re suddenly a group who claimed on social media called Uganda Patriotic Freedom Fighter (UPFF). They came out of dust and has no history, just like the groups who apparently was in charge of the assaults on the Kapchorwa and Gulu Police Stations during last year. The pattern are written in the sand.

The serious rebel outfits has been scattered and are now based on foreign territory, as Allied Defense Force (ADF) is based now in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Lord Resistance Army (LRA) who are in Central African Republic (C.A.R). So these are not something that is apparent problem for the security organizations or the Police Force.

So I have a hard time believing that a new outfit of rebels has that sophisticated and knowledge about top leadership inside the Police Force, that they get the knowledge of the Police Commanders house, road and about the time he leaves for his office. That the Rebel Outfit UPFF came into force and with actions all of sudden. It came from the moment of clarity as it usually do after the incident.

Just like rebel outfits came into action right after the Police Stations was assaulted in 2016. All of a sudden the ‘strong hearted’ rebelled in Rwenzori.

Now that Jospeh Ssonko, appear and claims responsibility days after the death of Kaweesi. As much as the new Police Spokesman today Asan Kasingye speaks these words and tries to explain the on-going investigation. Since the UPFF, SUN and NDA are all coming from the same source and sources are all quick and brief online. Still, their placement and quick relief of information comes and goes as quick as the government needs it.

Therefore, the government hopes people forget the other rebel outfits and leaders, as they dwindle in presence and importance. However, the dead and the families of the lost will still wonder what really happen, this are the losers of this political game, as the ones who ordered and got the AIGP Kaweesi assassinated. As well, as all the other speculations that opens up questions of this public display. That the Police Force and their leadership wants to peddle this sort of false narratives instead of dropping proper intelligence. This proves that the Police Force is rotten, as the government is lacking will of accountability and transparency. So if the Police Force and key leadership together with other Security Organizations had offered or created this sorts of violence. Than, the Republic would know that rebels and the other created stories, might just be hogwash.

That this is a possibility, that the Uganda Police Force, that the Army and the other agencies wishes to subdue and silence the public discourse as they comes with false information. This seems probable, as this is yet another group arriving to court without any invitation or knowledge of their origin and their leadership. Like the knowledge of the start of ADF and LRA are inescapable and accessible. But if you tries to get knowledge on UPFF, NDA or SUN, your have to invent the wheel and than take ride.

So, I have doubt that UPFF exists, as the NDA and SUN is made belief, it is as believable as the manufactured cases against FDC leadership and the made-up case of treason against Dr. Kizza Besigye. The same is about the believed aggressors who appears out of nowhere. Peace.

Opinion: Museveni’s response to Kaweesi’s assassination is horrendous, typical blame-game and pure retaliation with force!

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is more focused on putting blame on anyone else than himself, yesterday as the family and friends we’re mourning the killed police officers and driver. Instead of coming with a speech of solace and care for the deceased, care about the loss of life and show some integrity as the President. Instead, the man of 3 decades tried to pin the assassination on all other institutions and on all other leaders who has failed, but not him. The outtake of the speech and message is under neath!

President Museveni message at the house of Kaweesi yesterday:

Now these criminals have shifted to methods of using motorcycles. They are doing this because the boda bodas are many and they think they can hide. We have arrested some of these criminals and others are still at large. I want to tell these criminals that we shall get you. We shall kill you or capture you. But if they don’t want to die, let them surrender. I want to assure Ugandans that this is a cowardly crude act that we shall defeat. These criminals are going to die because they’re killing our people, young people who we are using to build institutions. The second group are the public servants. I have had a hard time explaining our priorities as a country to this fraction of the population because their commitment is to themselves alone. Projects like the installation of security cameras on roads have been stalling because of misplaced priorities into salary increments and such. As a result we now have idiots getting away with murder and instilling unnecessary fear in our people. This is putting undue pressure on our security agencies who are working under very strenuous circumstances in cases like these. This must stop. The third group is the Police and other security agencies. There is a growing concern of infiltration in these organs. Stories of leaking information, intimidating and even sometimes killing witnesses are coming to me. This is undermining our strong relations with the wanainchi who now don’t want to work with our security organs. I would like to caution that you young people in these agencies are letting yourselves down” (Yoweri Kaguta Museveni – 19.03.2017).

That there are problematic crime and violence is not something to hide, that their killings and murders happening in Uganda, as the Teso killings and others are being uncovered, as there been reports of criminals interfering in the Police Force. That should be priority of the President to change leadership and stop the groups creating violence and killings. Not just blame them when on of the men in-charge, the AIGP Kaweesi was brutally murders 100 meters away from his own home.

That the President Museveni says this murders put fears into people, the same levels as the killings of Police Force during the rallies at the election, the post-election killings in Bundibugyo or Kasese. Therefore, there are instances where the Police Force could have shown the ability of transparency and justice. Instead, the republic are now filled with uncertainty if they can trust the police as the 3rd in command of the Police could even be touched and fall.

That President Museveni talks about avenging the murder on a wake, is spineless and shows his fatigue as a leader, instead of begging for mercy and asking forgiveness as the man in charge and the man who played a vital part in the AIGP life. He stood there blaming the Police Command and blaming civil servants. Not a second he cared about the family or the deceased legacy.

President Museveni was more concerned with putting blame on the ones that we’re around him. Not trying to be the one in charge. Since everyone is else is at fault. So now the IGP Kale Kayihura has work to do, as the President has designated that all issues is in his shop! However, this is more systematic than that when the third in command of the Police is gunned down with his loyal men on an early Friday morning.

Still, the President ungrateful and unforgiving puts blame on the ones he can and says he has done enough. AIGP Andrew Felix Kaweesi was a loyal Police Commander and one who worked tirelessly for the regime, still his own legacy will be tarnished by the acts of his fellow commanders. Kaweesi, did his duty to suppress people and work under IGP Kayihura. What President Museveni didn’t do in speech on the wake of Kaweesi, was to let the man rest in respect and let the fellow men who fall, fall in grace for their duty. Instead, the Commander-in-Chief is more working for his own goodwill, than caring for the ones who lost their lives. Peace.

Opinion: Why was the Police blocking Besigye from the Requiem Mass At Rubaga Cathedral?

I am sometimes boggled by the disregard for justice that are in Uganda, that the Opposition leader Dr. Kizza Besigye of Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) that had been to Nakawa Court to prove that he had not fled the country, while his long-term pending treason charge case continues unto the heart of President Yoweri Museveni stops beating, that is my guess by now.

Still, Besigye could not be part of the Requiem Mass at Rubaga Cathedral, as the dignitaries and mourning family was gathered to remember the assassinated Assistant Inspector General of Police Andrew Felix Kaweesi. This was a mass in celebration for the life that the AIGP did have before the fatal mourning this Friday.

Though as the state did attend the Police Officer and Guard in Amuria district:

Internal Affairs Minister, General Haji Abubaker Jeje Odongo has arrived at the burial of Corporal Kenneth Erau who will be laid to rest today in Orungo sub-county in Amuria district” (87.7 Baba FM, 20.03.2017).

IGP Kale Kayihura and the NRM regime must be insane to stop him, but let all the others attend the mass. That just shows the, not pardon me, the tyranny and the standard of oppression the NRM are doing on the daily basis to the ones questioning the legitimacy of the NRM. That they cannot have the stomach and the ability to let him take part of state mourning of a fallen comrade in the Police. The man who has spent the most time in prison and been detained by all of the politicians combined in the republic. So, if somebody should be parts of the mass, it was him!

This regime doesn’t have the courage or the ability to give any way or show mercy on anyone, except for the ones loyal to the President. The rest are in the wind without any safe land to land on. I don’t know who gave this order if it was UPF Kayihura, CID, Special Force Command, Gen. Salim Selah or President Museveni himself. Still, it seem like a foolish betray of justice and rule of law to stop, yet again the opposition leader to be in church. They have detained him for going to church in All Saints after the election in 2016. This is in the same alley. So the UPF and the Security Organizations of Uganda has nowadays no quarrel to challenge the idea of what is justice and the injustice. Peace.

Opinion: Countering the nonsense of attacking Besigye as there are more dire need reactions from the supporters if they want change!

Besigye Kampala 11.05.2016 P4

The Defiance campaign couldn’t be an easy run; it would be and is a long walk to freedom. There isn’t a short quick and brief change out of thin air. The wish and concern isn’t only on the FDC Presidential Candidate of late Dr. Kizza Besigye. The arrests for Hon. Michael Kabaziguruka of Nakawa and his Court Martial; together with arrest of the ones who dare to protest against the National Resistance Movement in this day and age. Just like the Youth of Democratic Party who demonstrated against the greedy Members of Parliament we’re detained. The oppression of the NRM regime doesn’t go away overnight like morning dew.

For those of you who thought this would be easy. Yes I had hope in February that the FDC and Dr. Kizza Besigye would win, because of the men running he had the best agenda and the needed remedy. The NRM has involved the Central Government in a way where the directions of the fiscal policies and the cash-barred MPs to beg for greed instead of dropping policies and laws that matters. The NRM machine are more caring about skinny jeans, short skirts and porn than having working equipment in the hospitals and steady delivery of needed medicines. This is the proof of the rigid brown-enveloped system blessed by the almighty at the State House.

While that is happening there people with hope and see that the brown-envelopes won’t create any common good, but only for the current elite who eat the spoils of foreign donors and the secretive agreements between government and businesses. Getting mansions and luxurious SUVs before riding to the closest mall where even the Government Spokesperson Ofwono Opondo stole underwear. It’s just how the system is made to blatant regard the men who in all their honour bow their heads to the Mzee on the top. They are allowed to do anything and get away with it. Therefore the ones who counter this paradigm get whipped, detained or even disgraced in public.

FDC Youth 14.03.2016

Still, with this in mind the blames that the current embattled Besigye is at fault. Not because he hasn’t tried and done what he could empower the opposition with vigour to assemble in Power 10 (P10) Structure and other to counter the NRM Poor Youth or any other group that the Government used to silence the FDC. The FDC mobilisers has been detained as common as the roads development has been bribing state officials; it is so common that the news of detaining a FDC Youth or Mobilisers are day-to-day acts of the Police Force. So it is not like Besigye and the FDC haven’t had heavy-water to carry.

The assurance that the Defiance Campaign wasn’t made in fear of repression from the NRM or the Government; should have been well known as the NRM Regime has since it establishment done what it could to harass and disrupt the rallies of Dr. Paul Ssemogerere and so on. The ones forgetting that is currently forgotten the past. I am sure even the current leader of DP Norbert Mao has had issues under the last Campaign Trial in 2011/2012. Norbert Mao we’re even detained during the campaign in this calendar-year because the UPF cannot help themselves to make life hard for real opposition.

So with that knowledge of this and even after the 10th Parliament have started and the Plenary Sessions begun. This is the start of the new breed of MPs, who wish to get more funds and more salaries then the former legislators. They want to be rich quick and get that on the public funds. They don’t have ideas of their obligations to represent their citizens and not eat of their citizens. Even if they just follow what the ‘Old Man with the Hat’ has teaches them as he came with empty pockets to the Parliament and now decades later are richer than god.

Ready to Move with Sevo Music Campaign for 2016 P4

So if the ones caring thought the Defiance Campaign would succeed on its own like a marching band making noise on the gates when it past and everybody enjoying it. You’re wrong because some hates the marching band and other wish they just went down more street. Defiance of Besigye had to get public support and truly be invested in it to get the change happen. The fear of the repression of the regime and their sanctions might be a reason for why it has partly failed for the moment. Because if they wanted they should do more than quickly after thinking of boycotting the “Tubonga Nawe” artists who campaigned for the Cow farmer.

Besigye had #KigwaLeero wishing for a brighter future and make a difference. He asked for a government with accountability and we’re there for the public. Not like the ones that is there now who is there for former rebel who takes the riches for himself and leaves scraps for the elite who is loyal to him.

Defying the regime could not be done by him alone in Kasangati, it could be only be the hardliners who stood by Besigye in his hardships. It has to be made the ones who really want to get rid of the regime of present. It will not be easy and get there easily. Some has spoken of violence and using the tactics of old, like the ones that Mzee used himself to get power. If you do so wouldn’t you be the same as him? If he used guns and guerrilla warfare to get into power and you use the same doesn’t that make you a rebel who dreamed of power and not a true democrat? Even if Ghana’s Jerry Rawlings made it and ushered in a positive political system, that doesn’t necessary work for Besigye.

I doubt that Besigye want to use violence and rebel through the rifles and assassinate his opponents. As he was parts of the NRA and doesn’t want the change to be of the old ways, only through guns and on the battlefield. There is precisely in history that none President or Executive in Uganda has been changed peacefully through the ballot, instead through the bullets, which makes sense at least to those of us who believes in peaceful transitions.

VPN 18.02.2016 P2

That means that this is not alone on Besigye, this is on the supporters and the opposition itself. That means that struggle of the opposition has to defy the current regime. With means that hurt the regime and that discontinue the fiscal funding of government, that counter the legitimacy of the institutions and the opposition has to build strong grass-root movement that has most of the base in the population. So that you have all corners on the knees and weak; so that the actions of government can be countered by people’s sanctioning them. The best acts of the defiance during the Election period were the use of VPN to counter to Social-Media Ban of the Uganda Communication Commission (UCC). So the people have it naturally in them when they feel betrayed and knowledge of ways to stop nonsense from all-controlling government.

It’s that kind of defiance that is needed. That kind of acts that hurts the MTN and the others who practically funds the regime and keeps the taxation without representation going. Besigye can be blamed, but he is the spokesman and the one who is tormented by the regime already. So the man has done and continues to do his part. The people behind have to use their wisdom and ways to destabilize the regime by peaceful means and even risk their freedoms. As so many youths and people associated with FDC has been during the years. Also other political parties have also felt the pain of being opposition. So the ones blaming Besigye has lost the basic component of it all: the key is always the people! They, the people have the fate of the government in their hands; the Government lives either on the trust from the public or of the fear of the people going against it.

The people decide not only through secret ballots, but through their faith and their assessment of the situation of how they believe they should govern. Some might accept the current regime in silence because of the fear and the belief if they go against it they lose it all. But if those all thinks like this than the organizing against the current regime will not become of anything.

Now with this the FDC and Besigye have to show Defiance and be upfront as they have to use their support to weaken the NRM and their henchmen’s. This is not only defying in court and going from kangaroo courts and smiling on NTV. That is to directly counter the regimes acts in Parliament, demonstrate and boycott. Use other ways with even stronger force and more success than Walk to Work. That will not be easy and that can only happen if the momentum and belief together with the peoples. The Peoples or the Citizens can only act when they are sure they will conquer the regime, if not they will demonstrate and lose the little they have. They lose their hawking job and their voice where they were. That is not acceptable.

Kapwocha FDC 080116 P1

What Besigye has to do is not to give in or give up. He is the voice of hope and a brighter new day. But to get the brighter new day for the Ugandan people under a new government who have other belief in institutions and service delivery than the people has to support Besigye and his cause. Not because Besigye is only one who can do this, but because he is the ones who champion it through defiance on his own.

The ones who attacks Besigye for his campaign hasn’t understood it; but is more worrying is that people can only stand behind their voice in the wilderness or leave the belief of regime change. And giving up a 30 year regime and an Executive that has been there since 1986 is hard. Because of the ways the draconian laws and fiscal policies are set-up. That should give reason for the citizens to react with demonstrations and peaceful mobilizations in the ways of the VPN to defy the all-eating NRM and their in-accurate methods of silencing voices which isn’t their own. Peace.

Letter from UPF: “Request for a Video Recording on the Purported Swearing-In of Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye on Your Official Tweeter Handle” (02.09.2016)


My letter to retired Gen. Mugisha Muntu on the recent moves made by the FDC

Mugisha Muntu 23.01.2016 Hoima District

Oslo 15. August 2016

Dear Gen. Mugisha Muntu and the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) National Executive Committee (NEC). This is not easy to write to you, so forgive me for my misgivings, but this has to be addressed.

I write to you today because of the worrying disbelief of methods to get rid of the police-state and the totalitarian behaviour of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) and the three decades run of affairs under President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. The reason for my writing is the concern of your party and the ways of backing away from going against the NRM.

I know you will not like my words Gen. Mugisha Muntu, even as democratic men we are we have to listen to each other and respect the opinions as they are for the greater good in the end. Like the Executive, President Museveni wouldn’t listen to me at all and wanted to jail me in the first second, I guess becasue he knew of my toxic writing. Because he is always right and the only man in the nation with a vision; I believe you are different and wiser than the current leader of your nation.

The state of affairs is not solid. President Museveni is a walking budget and uses the army and police to monitor and throwing your leaders and supporters behind bars. Using the judiciary as a tool of oppressing the FDC; the party you lead isn’t as strong as you think. If it we’re than you wouldn’t go against the man who gain public endorsement and public admiration anywhere in the republic. Something you are not gaining. I know you want to be more central, but you will always be second in command after Dr. Kizza Besigye. Besigye will lead in frontline, the hardliner and not the compromised parts of the party you run.

The compromised party of the FDC are the FDC NEC that let go of the man while he was lingering in Luzira Maximum Prison on the Treason Charge that he is still battling for questioning the “victory” of the NRM after the casting of the ballot in General Election 2016. This should been known and understandable of those feelings. As him and his loyal ally Erias Lukwago are still battling charges of the election of 2011 and the ‘Walk to Work’ protest. This should give you an indication of the usage of political gains through the courts instead of through the ballots.

Gen. Mugisha Muntu, I will be frank the Shadow Cabinet you have approved should be revoked and discontinued as it is not another thing that validating the Executive and his 10th Parliament. Your decisions after the equilibrium and defeats of the Defiance campaign; you gave up and gave in to a few silver coins and made-up titles to stay so-called relevant in current politics. Instead of giving legitimacy to the NRM Regime you are supposed to stop and work against.

FDC 05.05.2016 Planned March

Honourable Muntu, you seem smart and wise. You seem like a man of reason and grand heart as you have showed through the recent years in the leadership of the FDC. But somewhere the battle and the building of the FDC have tired your mind and you seem more defeated than ready to fix the issues of the Republic. Therefore the reasons for defending the decisions to cease the Defiance Campaign and go into Shadow Cabinet shows so; I know that the party are heavy monitored that the Political landscape are militarized and corrupted.

That is why Hon. Mugisha Muntu that the NAADs are broke, companies being bailed out, SACCO’s needed extra funds and this is just basically government programmes to stimulate growth in the agricultural production. The others are the way the government under the NRM are hiring and firing health-works while not sufficiently fund the hospitals or salaries while the Hospitals are dwindling down like water at the Sipi Fall, all the way in a steady pace. And you believe that the negotiations and questioning of power in Parliament will bring down the NRM, really?

There is a part of me that is routing for you and also in sorrow of your bowed head. I understand you need food and your need peace. As the Defiance campaign made the fear of nation go into an evil spiral where even loyal youth leaders we’re tortured and citizens without court orders or a charge where lingering in jail just for being affiliated with the party under your leadership. I understand that might have torn you mind and tormented your faith in progressive change for the better. Because the power of the Police Force and Army has not dwindled or went weak, it has been strengthen and used more illegitimate means to silence the FDC. As with the court order to suspend the Defiance Campaign that had to be suspended after the reasonable doubt of interference in the FDC. This reality seems like has crushed your spirit and hope of a positive journey as long as President Museveni seems to be on the throne and run the nation as his own pocket.

This mentality and broken spirit is visible, the heart and passion of your decisions are not there. It’s hard for me to say this. But I have to, as man who stands by Besigye because he is totally opposite of Museveni. Norbert Mao is cool, but doesn’t have the suction or flamboyant means of gaining popular support. Olara Otunnu have stopped as career politician therefore he is not in the game. Hon. James Akena is pawn for Museveni and therefore the UPC is branch on the NRM-O party tree. UFA and the legacy of the opposition party is history with Kamaya speaking as a true NRM person and lost her ways.

While Besigye is the one within reason and with his mental capacity to fight with his own tears, fears and torture still fights on. He is hitting the wall and being incarcerated again and again. Still, he has more heart than you! Hon. Mugisha Muntu you are not even taking in and detained, most likely it is Ingrid Turinawe, Doreen Nyanjura and so many other top-officials have been either house-arrested or being detained at random. While you could walk around proud in Kampala; there we’re only during certain besieging of the FDC Headquarters in Kampala that you got detained during the last election cycle. Therefore you have a guarding angle who leave you be. While the rest are taken away their rights and freedoms of assembly without question! That should be questioned and I do it here, how come that you often get scotch free while other party members and party officials get detained?

I hope to see the spark, see the light, see the vision of the man I once saw. Hon. Mugisha Muntu, you can be the leader that many of us admire and respect, but if you wavier and give in; you will be remembered for stabbing your own journey for safety instead of finishing the job. Certainly if you show your true character and not the sorry face of desperation and arguments for the Shadow Cabinet… the reality is something you can turn and therefore I write in a plea to you. So you can see. If not than you will go down as sorry man of a possible great party with not only liberation, freedom and peace. Instead you are the one that once again gave way to the NRM to run the nation on borrowed time. Is that your legacy Hon. Muntu?


Best regards from the writer of this humble blog – minbane.