[Useful Tool] Kiatta went from being a Godfather to a Felon!

[On IGP Kayihura] “How? I am not a policeman. I am his friend and I can’t stand anyone who dares to get in his way” – Abdullah Kitatta

Abdallah Kitatta, the Boda Boda 2010 Association leader and former ally of ex-IGP Kale Kayihura was today charged with unlawful possessions of firearms and sentenced to 8 years and 8 months time in prison. This happen at the General Court Martial today. Over the last two days the proceedings has happen and sealed his fate, as he was arrested by CMI during last year.

Therefore, the end of the former powerful patron of the state, even the former NRM Chariman of Rugaba Division. Certainly he had power, not only over the Boda Boda 2010, but also the connections within the Uganda Police Force. He was someone to be associated with and he could get vouched for.

Kitatta was someone who you would fear and his people could get a whim of something and deal with it. They would silence someone the authorities wanted to silence. That is why his not arrested for the possible crimes committed, but having arms. Which shows that the authorities and Police Force didn’t charge him with possible crimes, but with possessions. This is really giving a lenient sentence for the former godfather and patron.

Surely, the UPF, the former IGP and the President knows this, all of them has at one point used the services of Kitatta and therefore cannot charge him for that. Since, that was done in favour of them and he cannot tell those stories now.

In by November 2015 the Boda Boda 2010 had a reputation for extortion and thieving on accord by the Police, as the dreaded offices in Makindye was known about. As the Association would take care of their own and ensure the bypassers would loose their cash and even their boda. That is the sort of racket it was. That was reported about back-then. Who knows, what its been behind, which haven’t been in the open.

In this regard, I have a feeling that the charges could have been more severe, as the actions of the Boda Boda 2010 are much worse. Still, the authorities didn’t care about that, maybe because that would cause a headache for Kayihura or Museveni who both at one point blessed this operation.

Kitatta now has to fall on his sword, the man whose fallen from grace and is now a felon. Not a godfather, not a big-man, but just a man whose facing time behind bars. 8 years to be exact. Peace.

Mzee’s answer to everything: Bring out the Guns!

There is something magical, something so magnificent and unique. That every time there is a problem, the BIG GUNS have to show up. The President, the Almighty, His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has to address the problem with hiring, appointing or ordering the military to intervene. They even have a commercial arm to assemble cellphones in the near future.

The army is already involved in the NAADS and SACCOs as well as other Operation Wealth Creation (OWC) projects. They have been involved in arresting people and disrupting rallies, not to talk about pure election violence. The army has been involved in invading the Plenary Chambers of the Parliament. There is nowhere the army and these branches of it isn’t touching.

If there is a problem. The President orders the Special Forces Command to monitor riots in Kampala. The President orders to combat army-worms and pipeline problems together with the KCCA. This is just mere simple example of the usage of the army.

The President when the Members of Parliament asked for more security, he ordered sharpshooters and specialized cars for the MPs to security their movements and travels. It was later turned down, but the way of the President to resolve the matter, was by getting the soldiers on stand-by and secure the VIPs.

This is how the President moves, now that Chinese Investors are afraid. The President has ordered soldiers to facilitate and secure the Chinese investments and investors themselves. The answer isn’t looking into the ruthless and insecurity. Instead, put out more guns in the field. Thinking they will solve the issue.

This is the militarism of the President. Where he sends the para-military Police Squads against oppositions. Where he had the Flying Squad, the Special Force Command, Crime Preventers, the Internal Security Organization (ISO) and the Chieftain of Military Intelligence (CMI) or even foot soldiers on the streets. Just to prove to the people, that he is boss!

That is just a sign of the lack of progress, the lack of development. When every crisis, when every need and whim of the President. The ones he is calling is the military and the soldiers, not trying to figure out the needed remedy. That gravy-train has left.

It is time to ask the President is if he has other advice and other solutions, because calling the soldiers to fix defects in society isn’t their role. Their role is to guard the borders and secure the Republic, not being the waiters and dancers at the party. That is how they are playing today. I am just awaiting seeing pictures of soldiers dropping off Waragin and Beer to VIPs. Because that is the only thing they isn’t doing. Since it isn’t long ago, when they even was in charge of a Beauty Pageant. Peace.

#SecurityUG: My take as nearly all Security Organizations are doing Police Work!

In this present state, we can start to question the safety of the public, not only that the Gen. David Muhoozi, the CDF of Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF) thinks it is all cool; that the UPDF or the Army are investigating and arresting people. This is happening as the Internal Security Organization are doing the same. While the Flying Squad of the Police Force have sacked their Operatives and the Crime Preventers have become Reserve Army. While Boda Boda 2010 have been disbanded and Kiatta’s fate is all in limbo still.

We can certainly see the fluid situation, as the Flying Squad, the Chieftain of Military Intelligence (CMI), ISO, UPDF and Police Force are all directly trying to address the same problems in society. Even when needed, the President comes to scatter crime scenes and orders the Special Force Command (SFC) to tdo their thing.

Clearly, this is all should send the memo. That there are many cooks, many orders and units, but few who cooks perfectly. Because there are so many chefs, but so little output. Maybe that is the point to, as this is not the whole spectrum, but a big part of the Security Organizations involved.

The National Resistance Movement (NRM) and the President have built this system. We know it is messed up and that is because he has arranged it like this. Made a dozens outfits, possible to combat various intrusions and whatnot’s, but goblins doesn’t just appear from the thin-air. So, they got to do something.

That is why suddenly the UPDF are implicated in Police work, the Crime Preventers was too, but now are in the shadows, the Flying Squad was around flexing muscle, the CMI attacking and detaining people without warrants, but the Police Force was preoccupied following and monitoring opposition politicians. That is just the way things are and is, apparently, not to forget SFC was both doing political ambushes, also following President direct order to assault and detain politicians without any other reason. That they are in the near facility of his highness.

It is sad that all questions revolves around the President, even with the personal changes of new IGP or new CDF. The situation isn’t strengthening or becoming better, it is more of the same. Political prisoners kept long without trial like Dr. Stella Nyanzi. There are other too, but she is the biggest catch of the month. There are nothing happening with Sam Mugumya in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Therefore, the security with murders, assassinations and arrests, without the violence stopping. The salvos of attacks on the streets from CMI, shows the brilliance of the police brutality to whole world. It was broadcast from the street of Kampala.

Therefore, as the Flying Squad is demoted, the Boda Boda 2010 is too, the CMI acting out, the SFC wilding out and the list goes on. We can wonder what will be up, but there is nothing that is promising for a better security situation, as it has deteriorating a bit. Also, the lack of action and promise that is profound. The NRM and the President knows this, but just patching the hurt. They are not healing wounds or even closing the unanswered cases. As with time there are opening new cases and they move on. Even as the victims and their families are left astray, by all the organizations that is supposed to protect them and defend them. Peace.

Kawooya admitted to Kampala Hospital after getting bond: Police Brutality as its worse!

On Thursday the 18th October 2018, in the middle of the street and while people where watching in the street. Armed men was using their guns to hit individual there. His name was Yusuf Kawooya a Young Uganda Democrat (YUD) Member. This was a fierce arrest on Colville Street near King Church in the midst of Kampala. The video of the arrest went viral.

While he was taken for unknown reasons and was arrested with mere brutality, later found out the same people left him detained at the SIU Kireka. Which is sort of the new Nalufenya. The place where you sent when your really into trouble and has issues with the state. Even if Nalufenya is closed, the practices of that place lingers on. The torture and pains of people are evident.

The Police and the Security Organizations of the state was really at it, as the Chief of Military Intelligence (CMI) officers was behind the arrest and detained him. Where they went in on him, apparently. Since on the 24th October, he was released on bond by help from MP Michael Kabaziguruka. So, that he gotten free, after they did all of this, because the Security Organizations alleged that Kawooya hit on Presidents car, when he visited Owino Market on the 6th of October 2018.

This seems more like an attack on the YUD member, which was deliberate and made to show a signal, that he was a “Bad DP”. Like the President has talked about in the past. They sent the men to the streets, they hit with their guns and now after days in arrests. He is released and has to get specialized treatment at Kampala Hospital. That is what the state does to you.

Yusuf is yet another example, in a long list of political operatives who are badly hurt or in constant distress, because of their political affiliation or their message. Something, that has been actively done against the opposition. There are so many walking with Cains and Wheelchairs because of their political stance. That it shows their battle against the dictatorship, as they are victims to his oppression and lack of tolerance.

What we have seen today, is that the victim and not even a prosecuted felon. Has been tortured by the state officers and on bond. Because they think or alleging crimes on him. There is no proof of it, therefore, this a political act to spread more fear. As they did it publicly and has shown no signs of truthful exercise any legal remedies or trying to tell the public what went down. This seems like a show of force and not of an arrest.

This is a bad sign and shows how impunity and lack rule of law. When the ISO, CMI, Special Force Command and other Security Organizations can do this to civilians and get away with it. That he is out on bond is good, but still. With this sort of state, they will pursuit him and prolong the case for years if needed.

Yusuf will be picked up again. Maybe not early, but later. This is not over. Another proof of the violent tyranny of Museveni. Peace.

Today, armed men tortured a civilian in the midst of Kampala!

The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink”George Orwell (Published in 1984).

Today’s leaked video from Kampala, is the second time in a short time where either Security Forces or trained military men are using weapons to torture people. Last time it was CMI (Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence) Officers or ISO (Internal Security Organization) who was beating up soldiers in Bugiza on the 12th October 2018.

Now, today, there is another one video leaked, as the plain clothed men in broad daylight was hitting on a civilian with their weapons in the ribs. before they abducted him into the car. Clearly there is something sinister going as these men was allowed to do so. Just like the men in Bugiza who was Security Officials beating the suspects up in cars.

The report from the street is this:

During a broad daylight in Kampala city, Uganda near Theatre Labonita. First tortured and later driven away in a PSV vehicle registration No. UAF 325 S to unknown destination” (Aaron Ainomugisha, 18.10.2018).

There was plenty of witnesses of this crime done in the midst of Kampala. We don’t know which organization they comes from and why they picked this man up. This is mere violence, an expression of the lack of procedure or rights for the people. As the Security Officials can beat on you for no reason and take you to an unknown destination. When they can hit you like these gentlemen did with their weapons. Who knows what they will do to him in the car.

This sort of leaked video of the horrific scenes shows the blatant impunity that is happening in the Republic. That they were allowed to do this and it is terrifying that this is happening. This is a sign of free rampant display of possible state sanctioned violence. That not even the ending of the power of Boda Boda 2010 could stop. There are clearly more groups who are allowed and you can wonder where these people reside. As they we’re allowed to do this in the midst of Kampala.

That the security and the lack of respect of people’s value are evident. As this was mafia style of sanctioned violence, as they were beating on him and shown the people who was ruling. Before riding away in the Toyota Hiace type of car. Looking like any random taxi in the Old Taxi Park.

Therefore, this shows that the army, the police and the government are letting violence get out of hand. This is the second time within a week these sort of videos has leaked of security personnel violently attacking people in public. Who knows what happens behind closed doors. We known some of safe-houses and Nalufenya, but who knows what is hidden behind the surface.

What else sinister is going on to the enemies of the state and the ones who are in the way of the elite and the ruling regime. Peace.

UPDF Press Statement on opening recruitment of the Local Defence Unit in Kampala and Wakiso (22.09.2018)

Uganda: Press Statement by Mrs Angela Kayihura (18.06.2018)

UPDF Press Statement on Gen. Kale Kayihura 2.0 (14.06.2018)

The Final Twisted tale of Kayihura! [Officially detained at Makindye Military Barracks]

Now the General, the former Inspector General of Police Edward Kale Kayihura is now taken into custody, he is charged with the killing of AIGP Andrew Felix Kaweesi from last year. He was taken from Mbarara, the police searched the hotel in Lyantonde and even sent a military chopper to his farm. Clearly, they had planned to apprehend him. The UPDF Statement of yesterday was vague at best and the reality has hit the fan. The kingpin, the man behind the shield is now in custody.

We know they are really gone after him too, as four of his close associates is also behind bars. The men around in leadership roles within the police is now also arrested. That is serious business. Means, that the time of freedom and liberty after ended service is now all gone and the state has started its retribution. This time in the name of Kaweesi.

All of Kayihura and his crew, his farm is sealed off and the ones big-man has now lost all his spark. As he is detained at Makindye Military Prison. Certainly, the arrest of Kayihura is big and many has awaited this. The last 48 hours shows so, as he has arrested many and plenty of petty matters and used political arrests frequently. Clearly, all of the families who has seen their relatives goes punished for being political will get their prayers answered with seeing the culprit behind the matter behind bars.

Here is the new fresh reports:

“Monday night security chiefs meeting sealed Kayihura fate. The decision to arrest former IGP Kale Kayihura was made during a high level security meeting held at State House Entebbe on Monday” (PML Daily, 14.06.2018).

“Kayihura met with the Chief of Defence Forces Gen David Muhoozi at the army headquarters in Mbuya, Kampala. At Mbuya, he was interrogated for about seven hours until around 8:00pm when a heavily-guarded military convoy of military trucks escorted him to Makindye” (91.2 Crooze FM, 14.06.2018).

“Former Inspector General of Police Gen Kale Kayihura has been detained at Makindye Military Barracks. Gen Kayihura, according to Defence Spokesperson Brig Richard Karemire, was airlifted from his farm in Kashagama, Lyantonde District” (91.2 Crooze FM, 14.06.2018).

This here is really showing how his fate was sealed. The State House decided that now was the time to set it off and signal him off. Even after many years of being obedient and loyal cadre. He is now an outcast and an outlaw. His rank and profile doesn’t matter, he is no a common criminal.

All of this just settle it. The ones time a favourite of the President is now just old hot-garbage. That will get the same treatment has Kayihura has served others in his role as the IGP. He is now soon giving the same plotted downfall as we have seen with other big-men Museveni want to get rid off. This is certainly, because Kayihura knows to much and has had to much connections. That is why he has to taken down now, before he spiral off and even reveal it.

It is official, he is arrested and detained. Certainly, not what Kayihura thought would be the end of his career. Now he will answer for the brutal assassination of Kaweesi. No one anticipated that, but that is front. Since so many people have been put forward as suspects in that case. This is just the nail in the coffin of Kayihura. Peace.

UPDF Press Statement on Gen. Kale Kayihura (13.06.2018)