The Thirteen Day of Presidential Rallies in Uganda + New Pledges from the Government..

Janet M7 in Mbarara 21.11.15

Today has been a good day a Saturday with quotes and actions from the trails. There been some serious hazard of actions from the ruling party of NRM. But hat is understandable, that is the only thing they know. That’s why the others have to campaign with defiance and strength to overcome the ruling party. There is heavy campaigning. Though not reports from them all. Like the smaller candidates.

I got the most notable from the trio of Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, Dr. Kizza Besigye and Amama Mbabazi. Not squat on the rest today.  

Erias Lukwago: “It’s now interesting that 95% of KCCA NRM councilors have not returned at the primaries”.

NRM vice chairperson eastern region Capt. Micheal Mukula said this recently: “Jinja town will never be granted a city status while still in the hands of the opposition”.

Ibrahim Nganda Ssemujju – “I have a feeling that if Kayihura doesn’t like you; you may not be announced winner”.

Dr. Kizza Besigye on the trail: “We spent $760m to buy 6 fighter jets. We can get $360m to buy laptop for secondary students”.

Gen. Mugisha Muntu: “I don’t understand why the most marginalized districts overwhelmingly vote for NRM”.

Olara Otunu: “Museveni has used the dived and rule policy”.

Amama Mbarara 21.11.15

In Mbarara where Go-Forward and Amama Mbabazi are having an rally later today on this Saturday. The Police wasn’t happy about that so they has jailed two hundred (200) boda-boda drives, motorcycle taxis, so that there would be less transport from town to the venue where the former PM where holding his Presidential Rally later today. Also the day before the Campaign rally of Amama Mbabazi their posters was taken down and changed for the NRM-Posters. Surely this is clean business as usual for the NRM-Regime. After the rally and little or no pay from the promised chiefs to shun the Go-Forward Rally; they have no been running and chasing the local RDC Office “demanding payment for their service”.

M7 21.11.15

While in Kakyeka at the Total there the ones who was travelling and refueling their motorcycles was paid by the NRM for fuel, but many just entered the Total with NRM-posters, but when they left the Gas-Station they just threw the NRM-Poster away.

In Bushenyi there been groups and teams who has had their duty to take down campaign material and posters of Go-Forward and Amama Mbabazi posters in the town. They have even been caught on tape explaining the plans on how to do so. And that is fair game?

In Mitooma District NRM Supporters was disrupting the event and venue for the Go-Forward and Amama Mbabazi. That was because this district was a Museveni District.

Next weeks planned Presidential Rally for the Go-Forward team at the Lira Golf Grounds. They have now been sealed down with Iron sheets. So that when the other candidates will have a venue in town they have to arrange it at smaller spots like Mayors Ground.

Bududa Manafwa KB 21.11.15

In Bududa there were 104 NRM members who deflected after the rally to the FDC camp.

Letter from Go-Forward to ICC:

ICC Amama P1ICC Amama P2

UPC Drama:

UPC leaders in Acholi have shunned the Jimmy Akena over the NRM agreement and alliance.

Bududa/Manafwa (Mwanyaala Naabi):

The health services system under FDC led Government will consider the citizen as the central focus and include a complete package: treatment, diagnosis, prevention, education, research and outreach. It must take into account the unique roles of women and the burden they shoulder in caring for the sick in our households and community. ‪#‎WesigeBesigye

Dr. Kizza Besigye Quote Outspend

Some Government letters: 

Security Requirements 201115 P1Security Requirements 201115 P2

One More:

Provision Hoes 20.11.15

A little more:

Hepatitis Ug 2015 P1Hepatitis Ug 2015 P2


So there we go; another day done and the trail continue at high speed. The Police is very active still and showing its face yet again. For those who wondered if the police would be a part of this election? They are and the one interesting are the reactions to the deal between NRM and UPC. How the leaders of UPC respond. Hope you enjoyed. There will be more to follow. We have the rest of November, December, January and parts of February. There will be more and more actions from the ones involved. It is just a matter of time before the Public Order Management Act gets into action! Peace.