Kingdom of Cambodia: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – Outcomes of the 16th East Asia Summit (EAS) (27.10.2021)

ASEAN Civil Society Conference (ACSC)/ASEAN People’s Forum (APF): Press Release (17.10.2021)

ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN (8 August 2017)

Opinion: The American people now have to live on the philosophy of Slim Charles; Actually fight for the lies of Trump!


Slim Charles: “Don’t matter who did what to who at this point. Fact is, we went to war and now there ain’t no goin’ back. I mean, shit, it’s what war is, you know? Once you in it, you in it. If it’s a lie, then we fight on that lie. But we gotta fight” (The Wire, Season 3 Episode 12 – “Misson Accomplished”, 09.12.2004).

Why do I start off with Slim Charles as he is talking about fighting a war over corners with Marlo Stanfield in Baltimore and Avon Barkesdal lost his companion and comrade Stringer Bell after he was ratted out… but what I will talk about isn’t the Wire, but it has been the same way with the Campaign and Phenomenon of Donald J. Trump.

Today, I made realisation while taking public transport to work. I thought to myself what has been the main component of Trump’s game-plan. It seems to show as little as possible of policy, as little as possible of political framework and being part of the establishment. But also transparency and accountability has been like aids to the Candidacy of the Republican Candidate Trump.

Another key part of the accountability and transparency is that he has constantly lied. The lies has been staggering and at massive levels. Like the ice that hit the Titanic, it should have sunk the ship of an ordinary campaign, but the American couldn’t care less. Trump lied about his past, his wealth, his education, his lifestyle, his previous ethical background.


He has lied to public about his wealth, he is not as rich as he claims; if he we’re so he would have given the public the IRS Tax Returns. Because there we would see the real value of the Trump Organization, the golf-courses and the value of ‘the Art of the Deal’; because the toilet paper of stated wealth and ownership is oversaturated. If it we’re the true deal and not a play of cards to the public, since if it we’re true value than it would been given the same value of the estates, businesses and royalties. First lie!

Second lie, must be the portrayal of success in general; is with the bankruptcies in Casinos’ in Atlantic City, Trump Institute and University, Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump Magazines, Trump Airlines and so on. The success now has been “the Apprentice” on the Television with a dozen of seasons. The rest he has earned money on is stifling his costumers and with dozens of law-suits. Other than because of shady reputation because of that the way of earning revenue hasn’t become of building houses or high-raises, instead it has become a licensing operation. So his name is what makes the money, not his achievements. People are buying into the Trump name, but not the real value of premium products or quality service.

So when he is not as rich as he says he is, another lie; then you have the business-savvy point that settles with a licensing operation and not a true, yet another lie.


That is the most important parts of his project, as he was a successful businessman who wasn’t a politician. Well, he is more flip-flopping politician and also a cruel one at that. The Political play has been to use the others past against them. Since he wasn’t really a politician; still the Trump has lied about Ted Cruz, John Kasich, and Jeb Bush.

The other lies are is stances, at one point in life he was a very aligned with the Democratic Party, siding with Bill and Hillary Clinton, defending his infidelity and claiming that Hillary was a fine woman. At one point he was defending and saying that the U.S. should go quickly in to Libya and get rid of Col. Gadhafi. Another point where he defended George W. Bush and his father for their wars in Iraq; while on the Campaign Trial he has dined all of this asked for the tapes, asked for the evidence, but the clips are accessible and online for anybody who wants. His Video-Logs are there too, where he speaks of the similar matters too.

The lies are endless, and his image is a lie, his persona and his attitude to. Because he change as needed be, he is said to have a moral flexibility. Well, he has been structured on hatred for immigrants and for foreign interference, he is an isolationist. That is it! The rest hasn’t been steady, on basic minimum wage his stance has changed, on deportation force it has change and the stances are endless.

The worst part is that American Electorate apparently didn’t care, or not enough of them. They have bought into a cobb-web of lies and deceit. They ate it all up and bought into the sellers tale.

I wouldn’t believe the words that come out of his mouth, he only says what he need to say or told to say. He talks against the usage of Teleprompters, but used it freely when it benefitted him. He claimed Mitt Romney released his tax-returns too late, but till this date he hasn’t dropped his and I doubt he will. So his states and statement are pointless, are just needed for his own stature, but not for his character.


The Character of him only known by his close family and whatever friends he has; to rest of us it is lies upon lies. Deception of who he might be and what he stand for, except for his blatant racists spurges of vomit. Trump has been able to sit in golden chairs and licence out products with golden letters, but his true delivery is his lies. The lie that he is good and want to “Make America Great Again”. He wants to make himself great again, back in the day when he was great and built the Trump Tower with the help of the Mafia. He doesn’t care about the working-class in Wisconsin or Mississippi.

Trump lies and will continue to lie for the benefit of himself and his cause; the cause being himself and his fictions lifestyle. Therefore he wants to spend more time at Mar-A-Lago in Miami, Penthouse in New York, than at the White House. Because he want his loyal minions to work out the perks, while he carry the title. He doesn’t care about anybody else than himself, he wants to spend time on the golf-course and eat the benefits of the Public Office. Not actually work for living, he has lied for living already and wants to relax as President.

Just wait and see, he will spend less time in office than Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, he is more concern about the benefits of being President for his donors, rich wealthy elite; which happens to be the establishment and not the common-man in Michigan or North Dakota.

The man that based his life on lies and built his current business on more lies; the lies that are deceptive and deconstructive to him and to society; that now is the true state of affairs. Trump has the choice either to destroy or rebuild.

But he went to war on that lie like Slim Charles said and now they have to continue to fight on that lie. The lie that Trump had something to deliver other than his own self-constructed bloated ego. Peace.  

Chinese Jet Barely Doesn’t Hit US Spy Plane | China Uncensored (Youtube-Clip)

“Two Chinese fighter jets came within 50 feet of crashing into a US spy plane above the South China Sea. The Pentagon is criticizing China for buzzing their plane, but the Chinese regime is saying it’s the United State’s fault” (China Uncensored, 2016)

China: Uighur Boy Attacks Inspectors To Defend The Family Business (Youtube-Clip)

Toddler picked up steel pipe to defend his grandma from China’s urban management force:
A video went viral on Chinese social media from Thursday shows a toddler picking up a steel pipe trying to defend his grandma from a group of Chengguan, the urban management force installed in Chinese cities whose job ranges from clamping down on illegal street vendors to enforcing rules on city sanitation, landscaping and parking. The toddler was captured shouting “don’t touch my grandma! Go away, don’t touch my grandma!” repeatedly while he held a steel pipe measured some twice his height, trying to push the Chengguan away. Onlookers’ laughter was heard throughout the whole video. The short video got hundreds of thousands of views on Chinese micro blogging platform Weibo, but a lot of the captions went with the sharing post were saying “this is just so funny! cute!” “wow, this kid’s future sure will be promising”, only a short portion questioned what the Chengguan had done to the kid and his grandma. WATCH: Little Chinese Boy with metal pipe defends family business against police inspectors Kids protects family business from inspectors. The toddler also tries to ‘fight’ a police officer” (The Venus Star, 2016)

china Media


Listen to Donald Trump in 1988 and then in 2016; see how he has changed and even spoke well of Bush Sr…. Interesting!

Here you can see that he did support the Bush family and the Vice-President in the 1980s, while he now in the Republican party Primaries in South Carolina is critizing the same people he is tornmenting; that is because he follows the winds of trends and popular vote; instead of standing something pivotal other than the love for himself. Not to talk about the same way of saying he is the perfect and splendid business-man. I have already disclosed a few of his bad adventures and how the Government saved his fortune together with the banks. Here is what he said in the recent debate which counter everything he said in 1988!

Take a look: 

“An extended cut of CBS’ “Face the Nation” interview with GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, which aired on February 14, 2016. Trump discusses his performance on Saturday’s GOP debate stage, his attacks of George W. Bush and the Iraq war, and his chances in South Carolina” (CBS, 2016).

I think this here shows how the man changes in the wind. Right?  It is interesting that he tells about other candidates are lying while he has told ghost stories on 9/11 himself. There is certain issues that he has not told the truth and also playing the game rough. While running in a way of fear and BS instead of actually telling people how you actual will lead the government. That is something we don’t hear. Instead we hear deflections on deflections from Trump. Peace. 

Press Release: Standard Chartered Bank Hong Kon to use the English Court in an attempt to outflank the Tanzanian Courts in VIP-Standard Chartered Dispute (09.06.2015)


(Youtube – Speech) President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe speech at the state visit in South Africa – 8th April 2015

Worth looking and listening to. From the industrialization of diamond industry to the spirit if Cecil John Rhodes and so on!

Robert Mugabe actually said: “We grow for those who want to smoke it!”.

Robert Mugabe said: “We want peaceful elections”. He disscussed the intervention in DRC from the Southern Africa standpoint. This with the fear from the  power struggle of Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda in the DRC.

He even said: “As a real dicatator! Yes A dictator who had cut the troath of Ian Smith”. Which he didn’t do. He (Ian Smith) died a natural death.

And so much of more, that you should listen to and get enlighten, and get the vision of President Mugabe today.


#OpenToSyria – Amnesty International’s Chart of World Action towards the refugees of the conflict in Syria
