China-US Standoff: The “Tit-for-Tat” enterprise continues

The US President calls the Corona Virus or COVID19, the “Chinese Virus”. While the Chinese comes with an conspiracy of US intervention and making up the virus itself. This is a common practice of deflections and also disinformation practices of parties that doesn’t want to take responsibility and also deflect their own inability to cape with the new problems at hand. Than, its easier to blame another party or make a make-belief story.

However, Trump dumb arrogance and ignorant attitude shouldn’t shape the world. Neither should the Communist party and their propaganda shape the world either. Nevertheless, we got to listen to them both and glean through it all, as we are all settled on this earth and got to live together on this planet.

Last month, the White House and Trump administrations put some new limits on the Chinese media houses in the United States. The 5 Chinese Media had to register itself and its employees. The Trump Administration also planned to limit the visas to the Chinese journalists in the US. These were targeting the Chinese media like Xinhua News Agency and China Global Television Network (CGTN).

This month and today, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China wrote this: “First, in response to the US designation of five Chinese media agencies as “foreign missions”, China demands, in the spirit of reciprocity, that the China-based branches of Voice of America, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and Time declare in written form information about their staff, finance, operation and real estate in China. Second, in response to the US slashing the staff size of Chinese media outlets in the US, which is expulsion in all but name, China demands that journalists of US citizenship working with the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post whose press credentials are due to expire before the end of 2020 notify the Department of Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within four calendar days starting from today and hand back their press cards within ten calendar days. They will not be allowed to continue working as journalists in the People’s Republic of China, including its Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions. Third, in response to the discriminatory restrictions the US has imposed on Chinese journalists with regard to visa, administrative review and reporting, China will take reciprocal measures against American journalists” (China, 17.03.2020).

We are now seeing a return of the favour, which is a way of using the same means of retribution. When one does this, I do that. When my brother steal my coke, I take his Pepsi and so-on. This is what is happening, the Chinese targets US media houses and the US targets Chinese media houses. In this regard none of them wins.

They are both stopping transparent reporting and also outsider looking in. No matter what sort of ideals you got. This is a diplomatic dispute between two parties. Who both seek to revenge. Who both uses this means on journalists and the media houses. While there are some underlying conflict between them. Stemming from the trade-war or the tariffs, maybe even the rhetoric of the Trump Presidency or the CCP Party officials. Because none of them are winning at this, only loosing.

This is just political mind-games with the usage of the media as the pawns. It is right to question the Chinese media houses and their affiliation with the ruling party. However, the US media houses have often played the tunes of the ruling regime and been the voice of whoever in-charge there too. Not so all to critical or questioning the status quo. That is why, this is more a question of imperialism and whose on first. Than whose the big bad wolf.

Yes, this here isn’t the whole story, there are more to glean into it. However, the stories shared from China wouldn’t have been uncovered by their own. Unless, they had more brave whistleblowers and such. Who dares to speak out, but not like there are so many big voices who doesn’t follow the corporate government agenda of Washington either? Who is in the mainstream media there and whose critical abroad, but a nice acting puppy at home.

Well, that is my take on it. You might not like it, but this is view of an outsider looking in. They are both playing each other. There are no innocent here. Both have their own agenda, not just trying to cover one side or another. They want to undress each other and uses all means.

This was a “tit-for-tat”. Let’s see where this one goes, but this is not last card in the deck. There comes more. Peace.

Opinion: Is the White House for Sale?

This is a question that the Americans should ask themselves? Because, I am wondering as a foreigner, if my Kingdom doled some funds on Jared Kushner or on Ivanka Trump’s bank-accountants. Would  the Foreign policy will change because of that? That is a important paradigm shift from the Trump Administration.

Other, then being supportive of horrific migration policies towards immigrants and the ones who has liven there for generations, because it is only White America who deserves to live in the United States. The rest just living their and squatting there for time being. That is the memo the White House is sending out recently.

However, are the for rent signs on the lawn in front of the White House? Are there ads on Craigslist? Or is there unknown LLC that are in connection with the White House and delegates the newly operations from the Trump Organization abroad. As the Trump Organization and Kushner Companies continues to operate more abroad, getting loans from Qatar and Saudi Arabia. If not getting dozens upon dozens of Chinese Copyrights, while trying to build Hotels and Golf Courses all around the world.

Is this how the arrangements are done now? That you shake hands, trade-off deals with foreigners to companies in connected with the Trump Royal Family and then let-off the hook of the Nation in question. So if the need the US Army, the US Trade or lifting of sanctions, that will be softer after signing of deals with Ivanka or Jared. Because the Foreigners will deliver them a few silver coins, if their sanctions are lifted or trade of state companies get a better deal with the US; Because they gave some little money to the White House Royal Family.

The royal family, which is allowed to be revised over 40 times and as they didn’t follow procedure for their forms. Still to get security clearance and all the perks of the White House. This is happening as they are still enlarging their pockets and trading away their value at the Public Office. They are really playing high stakes with the Republic.

It is like they can buy and trade policies now, the foreign interference is evident and the change of narratives comes quickly, especially if the ones in this Trump Administration gets a pay-off. If there is need in a government agency, if the lobbyist or company needs changes of policies.

Remember pay someone off, especially pay off the Trump Family and relatives, then you get the princess and the whole kingdom. They are easily giving way, as long as the profits are returned and delivered to a random company of the Trump Organization. If it is money laundering or any other operation. As long as the Trump businesses get their cut, they don’t mind, that is what they do.

The White House is for sale, a giant haul sale and the evidence is in every story published, as the days go. I wonder how much does it cost to get them colluding with the Russians? Because surely that had a initial price. Surely, cost more than a box of crisps and a trademark in China. Peace.

White House Chief of Staff Memo from John Kelly to McGahn, Hagin, Sessions, Coats and Wray – “Re: Improvements to the Clearance Process” (16.02.2018)

Opinion: US Code might allow the White House to Appoint Trump Family Members, but it’s doesn’t make it less questionable!

3 U.S. Code § 105 – Assistance and services for the President: (e) Assistance and services authorized pursuant to this section to the President are authorized to be provided to the spouse of the President in connection with assistance provided by such spouse to the President in the discharge of the President’s duties and responsibilities. If the President does not have a spouse, such assistance and services may be provided for such purposes to a member of the President’s family whom the President designates” (Cornell Law School).

I don’t know about you, but it’s just one of these days, where you see entitlement in the New York Gang or the Trump Administration. This was made and prepared for the President Donald J. Trump, as he was swearing-in and starting his term. Because the Office of Government Ethics (OGE), who is in-charge of checking and making the sure the personnel and staff is following the codes and procedures for their roles in government. Seriously, the OGE Lawyer worked the laws in his favor, even when I struggle to see it. My first question after reading the US Code 105 Title 5(d), did the President loose his wife? Therefore, because of his tragic loss, he needed counsel from son-in-law Jared Kushner and oldest daughter Ivanka Trump inside the White House. How can you spell the code wrong, “If the President does not have a spouse”. True she was in New York the first months of the Presidency. Still, she was still his spouse, meaning that “he had”. But before I rant, take a look into key parts of the reasoning for the appointments of his family inside the White House!

Section 3110 of title 5, also known as the anti-nepotism statute, states that “[a] public official may not appoint, employ, promote, advance, or advocate for appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement, in or to a civilian position in the agency in which he is serving or over which he exercises jurisdiction or control any individual who is a relative of the public official.” 5 U.S.C. § 3110(b). The statute expressly identifies the President as one of the “public official[s]” subject to the prohibition, and a son-in-law is a covered “relative.” Id. § 3110(a)(2), (a)(3). Moreover, under Article II of the Constitution, the President exercises “jurisdiction or control” over the White House Office as well as over the rest of the Executive Branch. See Myers v. United States, 272 U.S. 52, 163–64 (1926); Inspector General Legislation, 1 Op. O.L.C. 16, 17 (1977). Less certain is whether the White House Office is an “agency”—a term that section 3110 defines to include an “Executive agency,” thereby calling up the definition of “Executive agency” generally applicable to title 5, see 5 U.S.C. § 3110(a)(1)(A); id. § 105. But whether or not the White House Office meets this definition (a subject to which we will return in Part II, infra), we believe that the President’s special hiring authority in 3 U.S.C. § 105(a) permits him to make appointments to the White House Office that the anti-nepotism statute might otherwise forbid” (Koffsky, P:2, 2017).

A President wanting a relative’s advice on governmental matters therefore has a choice: to seek that advice on an unofficial, ad hoc basis without conferring the status and imposing the responsibilities that accompany formal White House positions; or to appoint his relative to the White House under title 3 and subject him to substantial restrictions against conflicts of interest. Cf. AAPS, 997 F.2d at 911 n.10 (declining, after holding that the First Lady qualifies as a “full-time officer or employee” of the government under FACA, to decide her status under the conflict of interest statutes). In choosing his personal staff, the President enjoys an unusual degree of freedom, which Congress found suitable to the demands of his office. Any appointment to that staff, however, carries with it a set of legal restrictions, by which Congress has regulated and fenced in the conduct of federal officials” (Koffsky, P: 16-17, 2017).

I will not jumping jacks around this OGE Lawyer Koffsky, but office that is run by the President is an Executive Office, that issues Executive Orders and Executive Memorandums. That if followed by current law and within provisions within the state because legal and acts that all citizens has to follow. To subject the White House into a sublime role of the state is demeaning, even if he needs support of the branches of government like the Courts and Congress. But that doesn’t make the White House into a playhouse for playboy bunnies, its the place where executive orders and legal minds meet to determine the future of the Republic. It’s insulting that Koffsky is belittling the office and the White House, so it fits legally President role and his ability to appoint family members.

Yes, the President is allowed to seek advice and that ad-hock with family members. That is without doubt, but that is different ones in while speak with an uncle in Louisiana before making a decision that matters for both United States and the World itself. There is problematic to hire family into the White House, as their supposed restrictions and the boundaries of their roles. Since the family bond will not be cut, but be ever present in the decision making.

That Jared Kushner is a Public Official is clear with his title and responsibilities, as a Senior Advisor to the President, who is working on American Innovation, Peace in the Middle East and combating the Opioid crisis in the United States. Ivanka Trump is by title the Assistance to the President. Both of them has had a public role and been acting as Public Officials. They have been there, traveling with the President and even taking his place when he was tired or wanted to relax. Like Ivanka Trump did during the G-20 in July 2017, when the not-elected family member took the seat G20 Leaders Table. So her assistance goes further than ordinary public officials. Since, this sort of role would usually end on Secretary of State and the Vice-President. However, it isn’t the case in the matter of Trump Family.

Enforcement. While the statutory language bars the appointment of relatives as well as the acceptance of such appointments, enforcement of the prohibition may be limited. The remedy expressly provided for violating this prohibition states that the appointed individual “is not entitled to pay, and money may not be paid from the Treasury as pay” for that person. The statute itself does not require nor does it provide expressly for removal of the individual from the federal civilian position. As noted above, the provision was directed at stopping the practice of placing relatives on the government payroll, and thus the law assures that a relative so appointed may not be paid from federal funds for any such service. The statute likewise does not provide a penalty for the public official who appointed the individual. However, it may be noted that for some rank-and-file positions, not of a confidential or policy making nature, the appointment of a relative may involve a “prohibited personnel practice” by the appointing official” (CRS Report & Analysis, 2016).

Here is another one giving leeway for the possible hiring of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, that is if they are in their roles unpaid and with ranks. Even, that is an issue with the role of the Senior Advisor Kushner and all his positions, even the clearances he needs to be able to fulfill his duty at the White House. Ivanka has also been part of the close-knitted leadership of his fathers. She been part of meetings and such. So both of them has been have been close to confidential material most likely, as they work so close with their relative, the President.

Just like covered in People Magazine in January 2017: “Though Kushner’s appointment does not require Senate confirmation, it is a controversial one: Anti-nepotism laws forbid the hiring of relatives to Cabinet positions, but are less clear on whether they can be appointed to White House staff roles. In American history, anti-nepotism laws are actually a relatively recent development: They were put into place in 1967 by then-President Lyndon B. Johnson not long after one of his predecessor’s appointments raised eyebrows” (Pearl, 2017).

So even if the law and the Anti-nepotism law are put in place to accept family members in White House roles. Still, the nepotism is in full affect. There is no half-step on that. The United States should have a hard time accepting the appointment of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump as Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President. All of this has entitled them and given them a special role in the Executive Office of the United States. What is clear by the U.S. Code 105, title 5(d) and will always stand out for the provision in the code that said this: “If the President does not have a spouse, such assistance and services may be provided for such purposes to a member of the President’s family whom the President designates”.

The President has a spouse, his third wife, Melanie, therefore he doe not need such assistance and services. Instead, they are using the titles in the anti-nepotism statutes, they can most likely not be as valuable as these words. However, Koffsky wrote this: “or to appoint his relative to the White House under title 3 and subject him to substantial restrictions against conflicts of interest”. These words are saying that its set substantial restrictions to the office, even as the President has let them be a vital part of his term, Kushner is nearly saving half of America and the Middle-East. Ivanka is publicly part abroad and in Washington. It’s not like they are restricted in that manner, but creating conflicts of interests. That should worry anyone caring about the honest of the public office.

Therefore it was striking what Jason Chafetz said in January 2017: “According to Josh Chafetz, a professor at Cornell Law School and an expert in constitutional law and legislative procedure, the White House is not regulated in the same way as other administrative agencies. “The bigger issue for the administration is not so much about the technical bounds of these nepotism laws, but it just looks bad,” Chafetz said. “I don’t think there’s anything legal that can be done in terms of the appointment. It just looks like there’s a pattern of cronyism that has emerged, especially in conjunction with the cabinet appointments.” (Delkic & Mallin, 2017).

It’s enough. Peace.


Koffsky, Daniel L. – ‘Application of the Anti-Nepotism Statute to a Presidential Appointment in the White House Office’ (20.01.2017)

Cornell Law School – ‘U.S. Code › Title 3 › Chapter 2 › § 105’ link:

CRS Report & Analysis – ‘The Federal Anti-Nepotism Statute: Limits on Appointing, Hiring, and Promoting Relatives’ (12.01.2016) link:

Delkic, Melina & Mallin, Alex – ‘Nepotism Laws Don’t Apply to Jared Kushner Appointment, DOJ Says’ (21.01.2017) link:

Pearl, Diana – ‘Donald Trump’s Son-in-Law Has Hillary Clinton to Thank for Skirting JFK-Inspired Nepotism Rules’ (11.01.2017) link:

USA: Durbin Calls On Illinois to Refuse Request to Release Illinois Voter Files To Trump Commisson on Voter Fraud (03.07.2017)

USA: Attorney General Frosh Statement on Request for Personal Information of Maryland Voters (03.07.2017)

The new Financial Disclosure Form of 14th June 2017 – Doesn’t reveal anything about Donald Trump, because it isn’t verified value his supposed wealth!

Just as again this week there has been a new release of Financial Disclosure Form for President Donald J. Trump, still this is just estimates of his value, not the real-deal. That would be in a IRS Tax Returns. It is a reason why don’t surface, because the Financial Disclosure Form of 14th June 2017, is another bragging document and possible values of estates and businesses. But is not saying the real value, because how it is taxed is the real value.

Because all of the estate and values are from a possible value into a skyrocketed one, while the profits of it might be meager or decent. Therefore, a new released Financial Disclosure Form isn’t saying anything new. Other than President Trump is a coward, a little whiny bitch who cannot be transparent. Who doesn’t have the capacity or is so afraid of how he really has earned his money, that he knows it is damaging for him.

If he wasn’t afraid, if he wasn’t whiny, but was an honest businessman, we would have seen the IRS Tax-Returns in 2015 or even in 2016, but he doesn’t have the character. Even Hillary Clinton and her combined foundation with Bill Clinton, the Clinton Foundation had now troubles being open to society and disclose their earnings and profits. But Trump cannot do that because he is crooked and not honest.

I see no difference with this and what was delivered as his status as running Presidential Candidate, the ones that believes this paper is blind and has no vision. Since the various differences of value estimates are bananas. An estate cannot be either worth a million or ten million. It either is fixed to cost 1 million or cost 10 millions. Unless, the estate manager suck so much at his job that he cannot find people to give a just price for the prospect and the land it is on. So it seems like President Trump want to bloat his ego and try again to prove his wealth. That wouldn’t be surprising.

Like Trump Marks Istanbul II LLC a license deal with Ortadogu Otomotive Ticaret AS, the income amount in the paper says between $ 1,000,000 to $ 5,000,000. Because that is 4,000,000 difference of earning possibly, this is one company and it is amazing how much royalty difference and profits from this Turkish company or whatever it is. Since the Trump Organization and President Trump isn’t sincere. Since they would be straight forward with a set amount to the Internal Revenue Authority (IRS), since they don’t want to pay to much cents on the dollars of their profits. That is if they are really trying to earn monies on this company alone.

While the new Hotel in Washington D.C. the Trump Old Post Office has no difference in earnings and profits. It has a total income of $ 19,666,129 and value which is over $ 50,000,000. This means that still the agreed rent of the hotel and the total value of the property isn’t assessed, but since it has long-term rental facility, the Trump Organization doesn’t mind, secondly since it is important placed hotel they have to straight forward on the profits.

So when you have these sort of things, it is hard to believe as the steady lies and deception from the President. Someone like me, will only believe the IRS Tax Returns that isn’t being disclosed. Therefore, I cannot trust this man and his business practices, since his ways is not sincere and honest. Just like his misuse of students at Trump University and also the use of polish workers for building his Trump Tower. He has never had the ability to be truthful or use just behavior in his business practices. Peace.

Republican’s loved the filibuster as minority, but as Majority in the Senate: they killed it!

In Federalist Papers No. 22, Alexander Hamilton seemed to anticipate the modern day Republican party, writing of the concept of a supermajority, “(I)ts real operation is to embarrass the administration, to destroy the energy of government and to substitute the pleasure, caprice or artifices of an insignificant, turbulent or corrupt junta, to the regular deliberations and decisions of a respectable majority.” (Jones, 2009).

As of today we know that Mitch McConnell and other Republicans do not value their own internal laws for bi-partisanship, neither the value of a silent minority when creating laws. That can be said in the days after the Senate used the ‘Nuclear Option’ to circumvent and have a second vote to secure the newly made nominee for the Supreme Court Judge Neil Gorsuch appointed by them. Even as the Democrats had earlier filibuster move and blocked the appointment. Just as the Republican Party did for a year, when the then elected President Barrack Obama, nominated Merrick Garland for the same slot in the Supreme Court.

This here is pivotal to the ideas of the Senate, as the Republicans clearly now proves that the laws are only mattering when they are in opposition, because when they get in power they will use it to silent the opposition. The reality is that the Democratic Party, is losing more ground quicker than they could anticipate. The Senate are now filled with corporate stooges who could not care about the laws and the true conservative measures, as the filibuster might have stopped processes, but has been there as a safeguard against regulations who might hurt the Republic. That is something the Republicans should care about, but apparently they are hooked on power.

The filibuster, long seen by its proponents as a necessary check on power and by its critics as a frustrating waste of time, has been around since the mid-19th century. A filibuster simply allows the minority political party to choose to endlessly debate a bill, stalling — and sometimes preventing — an actual vote. The word comes from the Dutch term vrijbuiter (pirate), in addition to the Spanish word filibustero (freebooting). The origins of filibuster use trace back to ancient Rome, and the practice has been common in several other countries including England and Australia. In the U.S., the tactic became known as a label for a Senator who held his colleagues hostage by overtalking legislation” (…) “The first filibuster in U.S. Senate history began on March 5, 1841, over the issue of the firing of Senate printers, and lasted six days. Ever since, politicians have loved filibusters or hated them — depending which side of the fight they were on. Proponents argue the filibuster protects the right to free speech and prevents the Senate majority from steamrolling the minority, thus ensuring that critical legislation gets a sufficient airing before being pushed through. Others contend the practice has gotten out of hand, leaving bills gridlocked in an oft-feuding Senate and stalling important votes for purely partisan gain. Peter Fenn, GOP consultant and former Senate aide, called filibusters the “tyranny of the minority.” (Oloffson, 2009).

The reality of what they have done is that after the first vote on the 4th April voted a majority Republicans to hold an Executive Session to consider Gorsuch as Supreme Court Judge. Than the Senate tried to fill in a clout on the 6th April 2017, but that got rejected by the minority after the filibuster rule. Therefore, Majority leader McConnell came with the good idea of using the Reed Rule and overrule the Filibuster through reconsidering the motion and change the rules on how many that needs to vote “yay” to win legislation victory in the senate. So late after a long debate on the 6th April, the Senate got the amount of votes to get the “On the Cloture Motion” that gave way for the majority in the Senate. So with the new rules, yesterday with 54 Yay over 45 Nay, the victory of the Republicans and the Trump nominee for the Court.

GovTrack explains it perfectly: “A vote on cloture is a vote to limit further debate and move to an up-or-down vote, in other words to prevent a filibuster. With only 55 votes in favor, 5 short of the 60 required, the Democrats blocked cloture so that they could filibuster the nomination. Following this vote, in Senate vote #109, the rule for cloture on Supreme Court nominations was changed to a simple majority. In Senate vote #110, the cloture vote was retaken under the new rules and with 55 votes again, 4 more than was needed on the second attempt, cloture was approved and further debate was limited. Gorsuch was confirmed in the final vote the following day” (GovTrack, 2017).

So with this change, the Majority knows totally control the Senate as the Filibuster is now gone away. It is ironic that the Republicans voting for this week, has as a minority proclaimed their love for the filibuster rule and it value in the Senate. So when themselves needs to circumvent it, it was easy to vote and change so their man could have a slot in the court. But they could use the same rule to stop laws and nominations from Obama.

A few recent times the Republican’s have filibuster themselves:

In 2013: “Ted Cruz called in the doctor to knock down ObamaCare — Dr. Seuss, that is.
The Republican senator from Texas recited Seuss’ “Green Eggs and Ham” during a wide-ranging, 21- hour quasi-filibuster to blast the health-care law(Miller, 2013).

In 2012: “Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) wants to change the filibuster rule in the Senate because Republicans have been abusing it. He pointed out in Politico this September, “Since Democrats took control of the Senate in 2006, Republicans have mounted 380 filibusters. This far exceeds anything we’ve seen before in the Senate. By comparison, in Lyndon B. Johnson’s six years as Senate majority leader, he faced just one filibuster.” (…) “But Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell claims that the 60 supermajority vote rule is ordinary procedure. McConnell huffed at Reid’s filibuster reform, “What these Democrats have in mind is a fundamental change to the way the Senate operates.” (Jones, 2012).

In 2010: “Senate Republicans proved their fortitude today when they voted to filibuster the Zadroga bill, the measure to provide health insurance to 9/11 workers. The measure failed by a vote of 57-42. Under the leadership of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Republicans vowed to filibuster any legislation introduced in the Senate until a settlement is reached on the Bush tax cuts and federal funding” (Clabough, 2010).

So there is a precedence and a history of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to use the filibuster on his own grounds and stop the Democratic Party from getting through legislation, as much as 380 times at least since 2006 alone. So it is not like the Republican Party doesn’t know how obstructive they have been in opposition. Nevertheless, when they got in power they used the tools possible to not respect the way the Democratic Majority Leader Reid did, but instead overrule the filibuster to get in the Trump nominee. The Nobel men of the Republican party who, has said they care about the sacred laws of the Senate, we’re lying all these years. Since the minute they get into power and get majority inside the Senate, they use the clouts and the roads not used. To make sure their will get passed. No bi-partisanship, but instead close the gate and says “our will rule them all”.

The Republican Party and their Senate leader will surely be remembered for their ill-will and take control of the Senate, rewrite the rules for their donors and their corporate partners, instead of serving the public will. The Republican Party and their leader can be remembered for not caring that they we’re ones using a 200 year old rule for their benefit, but when they entered the gates as majority. They couldn’t care less. Peace.


Clabough, Raven – ‘Republican Filibuster Blocks 9/11 Bill’ (09.12.2010) link:

Miller, S.A. – ‘Cruz reads ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ in marathon filibuster’ (23.09.2013) link:

Jones, Sarah – ‘Since Democrats took control of the Senate in 2006, Republicans Have Mounted 380 Filibusters’ (09.12.2009) link:

GovTrack – ‘Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Nomination of Neil M. Gorsuch, of Colorado, to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States: Neil M. Gorsuch, of Colorado, to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States’ (06.04.2017) link:

Oloffson, Kristi – ‘A BRIEF HISTORY OF Filibusters’ (02.11.2009) link:,8599,1933802,00.html