Opinion: Is the White House for Sale?

This is a question that the Americans should ask themselves? Because, I am wondering as a foreigner, if my Kingdom doled some funds on Jared Kushner or on Ivanka Trump’s bank-accountants. Would  the Foreign policy will change because of that? That is a important paradigm shift from the Trump Administration.

Other, then being supportive of horrific migration policies towards immigrants and the ones who has liven there for generations, because it is only White America who deserves to live in the United States. The rest just living their and squatting there for time being. That is the memo the White House is sending out recently.

However, are the for rent signs on the lawn in front of the White House? Are there ads on Craigslist? Or is there unknown LLC that are in connection with the White House and delegates the newly operations from the Trump Organization abroad. As the Trump Organization and Kushner Companies continues to operate more abroad, getting loans from Qatar and Saudi Arabia. If not getting dozens upon dozens of Chinese Copyrights, while trying to build Hotels and Golf Courses all around the world.

Is this how the arrangements are done now? That you shake hands, trade-off deals with foreigners to companies in connected with the Trump Royal Family and then let-off the hook of the Nation in question. So if the need the US Army, the US Trade or lifting of sanctions, that will be softer after signing of deals with Ivanka or Jared. Because the Foreigners will deliver them a few silver coins, if their sanctions are lifted or trade of state companies get a better deal with the US; Because they gave some little money to the White House Royal Family.

The royal family, which is allowed to be revised over 40 times and as they didn’t follow procedure for their forms. Still to get security clearance and all the perks of the White House. This is happening as they are still enlarging their pockets and trading away their value at the Public Office. They are really playing high stakes with the Republic.

It is like they can buy and trade policies now, the foreign interference is evident and the change of narratives comes quickly, especially if the ones in this Trump Administration gets a pay-off. If there is need in a government agency, if the lobbyist or company needs changes of policies.

Remember pay someone off, especially pay off the Trump Family and relatives, then you get the princess and the whole kingdom. They are easily giving way, as long as the profits are returned and delivered to a random company of the Trump Organization. If it is money laundering or any other operation. As long as the Trump businesses get their cut, they don’t mind, that is what they do.

The White House is for sale, a giant haul sale and the evidence is in every story published, as the days go. I wonder how much does it cost to get them colluding with the Russians? Because surely that had a initial price. Surely, cost more than a box of crisps and a trademark in China. Peace.

White House Chief of Staff Memo from John Kelly to McGahn, Hagin, Sessions, Coats and Wray – “Re: Improvements to the Clearance Process” (16.02.2018)

Opinion: US Code might allow the White House to Appoint Trump Family Members, but it’s doesn’t make it less questionable!

3 U.S. Code § 105 – Assistance and services for the President: (e) Assistance and services authorized pursuant to this section to the President are authorized to be provided to the spouse of the President in connection with assistance provided by such spouse to the President in the discharge of the President’s duties and responsibilities. If the President does not have a spouse, such assistance and services may be provided for such purposes to a member of the President’s family whom the President designates” (Cornell Law School).

I don’t know about you, but it’s just one of these days, where you see entitlement in the New York Gang or the Trump Administration. This was made and prepared for the President Donald J. Trump, as he was swearing-in and starting his term. Because the Office of Government Ethics (OGE), who is in-charge of checking and making the sure the personnel and staff is following the codes and procedures for their roles in government. Seriously, the OGE Lawyer worked the laws in his favor, even when I struggle to see it. My first question after reading the US Code 105 Title 5(d), did the President loose his wife? Therefore, because of his tragic loss, he needed counsel from son-in-law Jared Kushner and oldest daughter Ivanka Trump inside the White House. How can you spell the code wrong, “If the President does not have a spouse”. True she was in New York the first months of the Presidency. Still, she was still his spouse, meaning that “he had”. But before I rant, take a look into key parts of the reasoning for the appointments of his family inside the White House!

Section 3110 of title 5, also known as the anti-nepotism statute, states that “[a] public official may not appoint, employ, promote, advance, or advocate for appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement, in or to a civilian position in the agency in which he is serving or over which he exercises jurisdiction or control any individual who is a relative of the public official.” 5 U.S.C. § 3110(b). The statute expressly identifies the President as one of the “public official[s]” subject to the prohibition, and a son-in-law is a covered “relative.” Id. § 3110(a)(2), (a)(3). Moreover, under Article II of the Constitution, the President exercises “jurisdiction or control” over the White House Office as well as over the rest of the Executive Branch. See Myers v. United States, 272 U.S. 52, 163–64 (1926); Inspector General Legislation, 1 Op. O.L.C. 16, 17 (1977). Less certain is whether the White House Office is an “agency”—a term that section 3110 defines to include an “Executive agency,” thereby calling up the definition of “Executive agency” generally applicable to title 5, see 5 U.S.C. § 3110(a)(1)(A); id. § 105. But whether or not the White House Office meets this definition (a subject to which we will return in Part II, infra), we believe that the President’s special hiring authority in 3 U.S.C. § 105(a) permits him to make appointments to the White House Office that the anti-nepotism statute might otherwise forbid” (Koffsky, P:2, 2017).

A President wanting a relative’s advice on governmental matters therefore has a choice: to seek that advice on an unofficial, ad hoc basis without conferring the status and imposing the responsibilities that accompany formal White House positions; or to appoint his relative to the White House under title 3 and subject him to substantial restrictions against conflicts of interest. Cf. AAPS, 997 F.2d at 911 n.10 (declining, after holding that the First Lady qualifies as a “full-time officer or employee” of the government under FACA, to decide her status under the conflict of interest statutes). In choosing his personal staff, the President enjoys an unusual degree of freedom, which Congress found suitable to the demands of his office. Any appointment to that staff, however, carries with it a set of legal restrictions, by which Congress has regulated and fenced in the conduct of federal officials” (Koffsky, P: 16-17, 2017).

I will not jumping jacks around this OGE Lawyer Koffsky, but office that is run by the President is an Executive Office, that issues Executive Orders and Executive Memorandums. That if followed by current law and within provisions within the state because legal and acts that all citizens has to follow. To subject the White House into a sublime role of the state is demeaning, even if he needs support of the branches of government like the Courts and Congress. But that doesn’t make the White House into a playhouse for playboy bunnies, its the place where executive orders and legal minds meet to determine the future of the Republic. It’s insulting that Koffsky is belittling the office and the White House, so it fits legally President role and his ability to appoint family members.

Yes, the President is allowed to seek advice and that ad-hock with family members. That is without doubt, but that is different ones in while speak with an uncle in Louisiana before making a decision that matters for both United States and the World itself. There is problematic to hire family into the White House, as their supposed restrictions and the boundaries of their roles. Since the family bond will not be cut, but be ever present in the decision making.

That Jared Kushner is a Public Official is clear with his title and responsibilities, as a Senior Advisor to the President, who is working on American Innovation, Peace in the Middle East and combating the Opioid crisis in the United States. Ivanka Trump is by title the Assistance to the President. Both of them has had a public role and been acting as Public Officials. They have been there, traveling with the President and even taking his place when he was tired or wanted to relax. Like Ivanka Trump did during the G-20 in July 2017, when the not-elected family member took the seat G20 Leaders Table. So her assistance goes further than ordinary public officials. Since, this sort of role would usually end on Secretary of State and the Vice-President. However, it isn’t the case in the matter of Trump Family.

Enforcement. While the statutory language bars the appointment of relatives as well as the acceptance of such appointments, enforcement of the prohibition may be limited. The remedy expressly provided for violating this prohibition states that the appointed individual “is not entitled to pay, and money may not be paid from the Treasury as pay” for that person. The statute itself does not require nor does it provide expressly for removal of the individual from the federal civilian position. As noted above, the provision was directed at stopping the practice of placing relatives on the government payroll, and thus the law assures that a relative so appointed may not be paid from federal funds for any such service. The statute likewise does not provide a penalty for the public official who appointed the individual. However, it may be noted that for some rank-and-file positions, not of a confidential or policy making nature, the appointment of a relative may involve a “prohibited personnel practice” by the appointing official” (CRS Report & Analysis, 2016).

Here is another one giving leeway for the possible hiring of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, that is if they are in their roles unpaid and with ranks. Even, that is an issue with the role of the Senior Advisor Kushner and all his positions, even the clearances he needs to be able to fulfill his duty at the White House. Ivanka has also been part of the close-knitted leadership of his fathers. She been part of meetings and such. So both of them has been have been close to confidential material most likely, as they work so close with their relative, the President.

Just like covered in People Magazine in January 2017: “Though Kushner’s appointment does not require Senate confirmation, it is a controversial one: Anti-nepotism laws forbid the hiring of relatives to Cabinet positions, but are less clear on whether they can be appointed to White House staff roles. In American history, anti-nepotism laws are actually a relatively recent development: They were put into place in 1967 by then-President Lyndon B. Johnson not long after one of his predecessor’s appointments raised eyebrows” (Pearl, 2017).

So even if the law and the Anti-nepotism law are put in place to accept family members in White House roles. Still, the nepotism is in full affect. There is no half-step on that. The United States should have a hard time accepting the appointment of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump as Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President. All of this has entitled them and given them a special role in the Executive Office of the United States. What is clear by the U.S. Code 105, title 5(d) and will always stand out for the provision in the code that said this: “If the President does not have a spouse, such assistance and services may be provided for such purposes to a member of the President’s family whom the President designates”.

The President has a spouse, his third wife, Melanie, therefore he doe not need such assistance and services. Instead, they are using the titles in the anti-nepotism statutes, they can most likely not be as valuable as these words. However, Koffsky wrote this: “or to appoint his relative to the White House under title 3 and subject him to substantial restrictions against conflicts of interest”. These words are saying that its set substantial restrictions to the office, even as the President has let them be a vital part of his term, Kushner is nearly saving half of America and the Middle-East. Ivanka is publicly part abroad and in Washington. It’s not like they are restricted in that manner, but creating conflicts of interests. That should worry anyone caring about the honest of the public office.

Therefore it was striking what Jason Chafetz said in January 2017: “According to Josh Chafetz, a professor at Cornell Law School and an expert in constitutional law and legislative procedure, the White House is not regulated in the same way as other administrative agencies. “The bigger issue for the administration is not so much about the technical bounds of these nepotism laws, but it just looks bad,” Chafetz said. “I don’t think there’s anything legal that can be done in terms of the appointment. It just looks like there’s a pattern of cronyism that has emerged, especially in conjunction with the cabinet appointments.” (Delkic & Mallin, 2017).

It’s enough. Peace.


Koffsky, Daniel L. – ‘Application of the Anti-Nepotism Statute to a Presidential Appointment in the White House Office’ (20.01.2017)

Cornell Law School – ‘U.S. Code › Title 3 › Chapter 2 › § 105’ link: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/3/105

CRS Report & Analysis – ‘The Federal Anti-Nepotism Statute: Limits on Appointing, Hiring, and Promoting Relatives’ (12.01.2016) link: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/nepotism.pdf

Delkic, Melina & Mallin, Alex – ‘Nepotism Laws Don’t Apply to Jared Kushner Appointment, DOJ Says’ (21.01.2017) link: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/nepotism-laws-apply-jared-kushner-appointment-doj/story?id=44951811

Pearl, Diana – ‘Donald Trump’s Son-in-Law Has Hillary Clinton to Thank for Skirting JFK-Inspired Nepotism Rules’ (11.01.2017) link: http://people.com/politics/jared-kushner-nepotism-laws-donald-trump/

The CEOs should step-down from the Manufacturing Council: As result of the President non-bashing of “Unite the Right” terror in Charlottesville

Not long after getting into office, President Donald J. Trump appointed and created his own American Manufacturing Council or the Manufacturing Council at the White House, it was appointed on the 26th January 2017. After the weekend of the soft-spoken words against the Neo-Nazi’s, White-Supremacy and the rest of the Alt-Right extremists that was collectively created havoc in Charlottesville. The supporters against boycott and asking them to step down, is for the simple reason: that if they are part of the Council, than they are complicit and also neglecting their roles are people who has power.

The CEOs who has stepped down from the Council is now, Mark Fields from Ford Motor, Ken Frazier of Merck & Co, Klaus Kleinfeld of Aronic, Brian Krzanich of Inter Corporation, Marie Lenghi of U.S. Steel, Thea Lee of AFL-CIO, Scott Paul of Alliance for Manufacturing, and Kevin Plank of Under Amor. Also, because of the Presidents stance on Climate Change, the CEO of Tesla Elon Musk, stepped down from the Council. Therefore, within 48 hours 8 CEO’s have stepped down and in total 9.

Because on the 12th August as the “Unite the Right” who was saying they could finally walk-free and be open about their racism. Clearly, even former KKK big-man David Duke said there was there, because the victory of Trump. On the Daily Stormer, the Alt-Right and White Supremacist Daily Paper online, they even was proud of the statement and not answering journalists for his response to the media on the matter. He was correctly addressed for his misgivings as claiming it was on “all sides”.

Therefore, his answer to the people resigning is this: “For every CEO that drops out of the Manufacturing Council, I have many to take their place. Grandstanders should not have gone on. JOBS!” (Trump, 15.08.2017). Clearly, if people are still in the council, they should resign in compassion and care against the Alt-Right in the White House, the White Supremacy and the racism that is visible from the Executive. He doesn’t care, he could bash the CEOs before there had gone down to dawn, but needed 48 hours before he could address, who and what on a teleprompter to the American people.

The American people deserves a person who includes and appreciate all walks of live, not only the ones of his own. Seemingly, he bashes anyone who isn’t like him and making it hard to emigrate to the United States. This is because his appointed Attorney General Jeff Sessions works hard to make policies and regulations to fit the paradigm of Trump. That advisor Stephan Bannon, Gorka and Stephen Miller all Alt-Right craziness, compared with the ones who has been fired. Are clearly, showing the traits of this government and why the ones in the rally at Charlottesville. Feel they have a government fitting them.

Therefore, when this known, together with the slurs against Mexians, LGBT and all sort of others than White. Than you know the true compassion of Trump. The CEOs of the United States Companies who are there will support and be culpable people compromised by Trump. That is why the President even says there are always someone to take their place. They can easily be changed and get new puppets to the show. That is what the President says.

Therefore, the ones who are in the Council, know that you are used by the President, as useful props in his game. I got General Electric, Campbell Soups, Locheed Martin, Johnson /& Johnson, Dell Technologies, Timken Company, Caterpillar, Boeing, 3M and Newell Brands on my board. The others didn’t add anything to create jobs anyway. Soon he will get FoxxCon to join, since they soon has business in Wisconsin and Chinese doesn’t care about internal political squabble elsewhere, it is just business.

The ones who will take a step against the racists uprising, the ignorant President who couldn’t condemn it, but when did, it was soft and not really counting. It was like a forced farce of teleprompter eye-hurting, dwell-dodging baffoon trying to sound smart. When he really didn’t believe the words he did, since he is initially on their side. Everyone else, are just cleaning up his mess, because if he has an issue, he sparks fury on Twitter against you and calls you out. That he didn’t with the violence of Charlottesville. That is because he agrees and are one of them.

This is now proven, by the President. It isn’t beyond any doubt. The CEOs who are still part of the Manufacturing Council has a decision, will they be complicit or will they defend sound values? Will they be silent enforces of the ideals of the President. This will counter the ideals of open society and inclusive society that are open to anyone not on race, religion or gender. These are now on stand-by as their inclusive workforce and others can be in question as they can be appointed and on a board. Where they are connected to a leadership that fits “America First”.

President Trump has run an “America First” program, this was first coined this way, as been quoted from the Heritage Foundation: “Like any mass political movement, America First was an amalgamation of groups and fellow travelers who sometimes shared little more in common than an opposition to America’s entry into the war. The ranks of the antiwar movement included pacifists and communists (at least until Germany attacked the Soviet Union in 1941), wild-haired liberals, straight-laced conservatives and everything in between. The antiwar movement was far from homogenous. For instance, in January 1941 Lindbergh issued a press statement distancing himself from the No Foreign Wars Committee headed by the journalist Verne Marshall and pro-Nazi businessman William Rhodes Davis. Lindbergh had helped the group get started, but then cut ties over Marshall’s volatile leadership and vitriolic attacks, including swipes at Lindbergh and other leaders in the America First Committee” (James Jay Carafano, Ph.D. – ‘The Truth About the America First Movement’, 11.07.2016, link: http://www.heritage.org/defense/commentary/the-truth-about-the-america-first-movement).

Also in the Washington Post on the 20th January 2017 wrote this: “During the early 1930s, as the Nazis consolidated control over Germany, the U.S. media baron William Randolph Hearst began touting the slogan “America First” against President Franklin Roosevelt, whom he saw as dangerously likely to “allow the international bankers and the other big influences that have gambled with your prosperity to gamble with your politics.” Hearst regarded Roosevelt’s New Deal as “un-American to the core” and “more communistic than the communists” — unlike Nazism, which he believed had won a great victory for “liberty-loving people” everywhere in defeating Communism” (Eric Rauchway – ‘ President Trump’s ‘America First’ slogan was popularized by Nazi sympathizers’, 20-01.2017, Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2017/01/20/president-trumps-america-first-slogan-was-popularized-by-nazi-sympathizers/?utm_term=.81f399389af0 ).

So it is not strange Nazi’s, Racists and White Supremacists likes and supports Donald Trump, he uses their lingo and proudly spends time spreading their message to the whole world. It is like his mantra, using their slogans and their messages. Therefore, if the CEO will stand behind it, a man who has never denounced David Duke or had to be forced condemning domestic-terrorism through White Supremacy. There, are not a better time to step down than now.

Or will you be remembered in time for your complicit acts of silence walking together with the disrespect of people in the United States? Peace.

The new Financial Disclosure Form of 14th June 2017 – Doesn’t reveal anything about Donald Trump, because it isn’t verified value his supposed wealth!

Just as again this week there has been a new release of Financial Disclosure Form for President Donald J. Trump, still this is just estimates of his value, not the real-deal. That would be in a IRS Tax Returns. It is a reason why don’t surface, because the Financial Disclosure Form of 14th June 2017, is another bragging document and possible values of estates and businesses. But is not saying the real value, because how it is taxed is the real value.

Because all of the estate and values are from a possible value into a skyrocketed one, while the profits of it might be meager or decent. Therefore, a new released Financial Disclosure Form isn’t saying anything new. Other than President Trump is a coward, a little whiny bitch who cannot be transparent. Who doesn’t have the capacity or is so afraid of how he really has earned his money, that he knows it is damaging for him.

If he wasn’t afraid, if he wasn’t whiny, but was an honest businessman, we would have seen the IRS Tax-Returns in 2015 or even in 2016, but he doesn’t have the character. Even Hillary Clinton and her combined foundation with Bill Clinton, the Clinton Foundation had now troubles being open to society and disclose their earnings and profits. But Trump cannot do that because he is crooked and not honest.

I see no difference with this and what was delivered as his status as running Presidential Candidate, the ones that believes this paper is blind and has no vision. Since the various differences of value estimates are bananas. An estate cannot be either worth a million or ten million. It either is fixed to cost 1 million or cost 10 millions. Unless, the estate manager suck so much at his job that he cannot find people to give a just price for the prospect and the land it is on. So it seems like President Trump want to bloat his ego and try again to prove his wealth. That wouldn’t be surprising.

Like Trump Marks Istanbul II LLC a license deal with Ortadogu Otomotive Ticaret AS, the income amount in the paper says between $ 1,000,000 to $ 5,000,000. Because that is 4,000,000 difference of earning possibly, this is one company and it is amazing how much royalty difference and profits from this Turkish company or whatever it is. Since the Trump Organization and President Trump isn’t sincere. Since they would be straight forward with a set amount to the Internal Revenue Authority (IRS), since they don’t want to pay to much cents on the dollars of their profits. That is if they are really trying to earn monies on this company alone.

While the new Hotel in Washington D.C. the Trump Old Post Office has no difference in earnings and profits. It has a total income of $ 19,666,129 and value which is over $ 50,000,000. This means that still the agreed rent of the hotel and the total value of the property isn’t assessed, but since it has long-term rental facility, the Trump Organization doesn’t mind, secondly since it is important placed hotel they have to straight forward on the profits.

So when you have these sort of things, it is hard to believe as the steady lies and deception from the President. Someone like me, will only believe the IRS Tax Returns that isn’t being disclosed. Therefore, I cannot trust this man and his business practices, since his ways is not sincere and honest. Just like his misuse of students at Trump University and also the use of polish workers for building his Trump Tower. He has never had the ability to be truthful or use just behavior in his business practices. Peace.

Nepotism102: Family Matters – Jared Kushner and Ivanka’s role in the White House!

It is only with the development of political institutions like the modern state that humans begin to organize themselves and learn to cooperate in a manner that transcends friends and family. When such institutions break down, we revert to patronage and nepotism as a default form of sociability.”

Francis Fukuyama

Well, President Donald J. Trump cannot handle being ordinary or being honest. He has to lie and deceive, it is in his nature and his past. Therefore, he can like a buffoon blaming the Clinton for having a private e-mail server, while he has sensitive information and such on an android. So, it is not like the President himself is a careful as he should be. Not that he really cares. He never cared about anything else than his own bloated image.

President Trump, the so-called Conservative Republican, has gone and done a few unthinkable things. First he used his sons and oldest daughter as part of the transition team, as well as the sons of Vice-President Mike Pence and later hired Security Official Mike Flynn, who was all part of the team! Well, for Donald that is not enough, his bar for nepotism isn’t big-wig enough.

His little trust in other people and his own judgment was so weak he had to have his son-in-law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka Trump at the meeting of the Japanese Prime Minister Shino Abe. As the New York Times wrote: “After Mr. Trump’s transition office was asked by The New York Times about allowing Ms. Trump to attend the meeting with the Japanese prime minister, an individual close to the family, who said she did not have authorization to provide her name, hinted that Ms. Trump would not be attending meetings like this in the future” (…) “Mr. Trump has always encouraged Ivanka and his children to attend meetings with him,” the person close to the family said. “This meeting in question was very informal. However, they obviously need to adjust to the new realities at hand, which they will” (Lipton, 2016).

Still, this has not stopped the family matters to become State matters. Something that should worry the world and Americans, as the entangled and the inter-state affairs colluding with personal business, can likely happen. Since the Trump family doesn’t care about ethics or general conduct as long as the striving companies they are running is gaining profits.

In January the Son-in-Law was hired by the President to an advisory role:

Mr. Kushner has been described by numerous transition staff members as the first among equals in Mr. Trump’s high command. His new title belies the sweeping influence he will have behind the scenes” (…) “The soft-spoken Mr. Kushner has often been described as having a calming effect on Mr. Trump, who is notorious for yelling at staff members during moments of tension. Mr. Kushner became the de facto campaign manager in the spring, and his influence with Mr. Trump has expanded rapidly” (Thrush & Haberman, 2017).

So after being in the campaign team, being in the consultation meetings with foreign leaders, the couple was part of the leadership. Still, only the son-in-law got a title and office inside the White House. That should be bringing enough family matters into the hollow chambers. That Jared Kushner becomes on the same level as others and created a role around the President proves the critical problems with this appointment. It would be if Vice-President Mike Pence hired his son as a staff member and an under the office of Vice President.

So if that was enough when the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited the White house in February 2017, into the second month of the Trump Presidency. So this was written about the event days ahead:

In this Feb. 1, 2017, file photo, President Donald Trump, accompanied by his daughter Ivanka, waves as they walk to board Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington. According to officials, Ivanka Trump, who has been a vocal advocate for policies benefiting working women, was involved in recruiting participants for a round table discussion that will be held Monday, Feb. 13, about women in the workforce. President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will participate in the round table” (Vucci, 2017). The pictures of this round-table debate that went viral, was of this one where Ivanka Trump was participating with the foreign Prime Minister. This shows the lack of integrity in the new Administration, but Trump will continue.

Just as the March month arrives and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel came to visit the White House, Ivanka Trump got “work training” as she participated in another state visit for her father without official clearance or jurisdiction, as the procedure and protocol of state doesn’t matter to this President. He thinks his position is all family. If Barrack Obama had hired or had his wife in closed door meetings with foreign leaders; he would have cause havoc and storm, but President Trump is allowed to do this without to much fuzz, except for dress-code and how people looks at Ivanka.

In the end, Angela Merkel couldn’t hide it. Seated next to Ivanka Trump at a White House meeting with business leaders on Friday, the German leader tilted her head in the first daughter’s direction as Ivanka spoke, a look of bewilderment tinged with disdain enveloping her face” (…) “Why are you here,” Merkel, never a good pretender, seemed to be thinking” (Karinitsching, 2017). Everybody should understand Merkel, not like Ivanka is a serious politician or civil servants, she is daddy’s favorite daughter. That is known for the world and not disgraceful to say.

That this isn’t enough? Well, for Trump and Trump Administration the Nepotism has to be in Authoritarian leadership worthy, not only at meeting and being beside the President, also appointed, as the daughter haven’t been appointed like the husband Jared Kushner. Still, she has been a key player in the rooms of foreign affairs and foreign policy. Because of the level that President Trump has in her. Still, that she gets a place before career officials and others who has done this as their profession, show’s the lack of understand of what State work and how diplomacy works.

So that the news today that Ivanka get clearance to sensitive and confidential information, as well as a office inside the White House without being appointed proves the Nepotism. Surely, soon could Eric Trump and Donald Trump Junior even get hired by their father inside the White House. As well as Tiffany Trump could be spokesperson for the father instead of Kellyanne Conway. That is just the next step.

Ivanka Trump will have her own office in the West Wing of the White House that comes with a security clearance for classified information, although she will not have an official title, according to a White House official” (…) “Trump will still comply with the ethics rules for government appointees though, even if she technically isn’t one, Trump’s attorney Jamie Gorelick told the Associated Press” (Abramson, 2017). So the family lawyer have dropped the news to the AP and therefore verified the news yesterday.

The family lawyer Gorelick, who has addressed the Trump Organization and other close connected businesses of the family. Therefore, that he did do it proves the capacity and the levels of family matters instead of skills or career.

That President Trump hires Ivanka and Jared inside the White House. Donald, doesn’t care about the legal or ethical perspective, nor about the jurisdiction of state or even common sense. Even as protocol or even justification of this entangled between the family and the Executive. That this could be done inside the Trump Organization is more reasonable and understandable, as the Private Business and Corporate policies are different, than how a State and Government supposed to work.

President Trump deserves to be sanctioned for this, as this words should be key:

The key for the White House will be to ensure not just that they recruit the best people for the top job at an agency, but to make sure that agency leaders are viewed as a team rather than individuals. The secretary, deputy secretary, chief of staff and other top agency leaders should all complement each other in terms of both expertise and personality. For example, if the secretary is someone who is most comfortable acting as the “face” of an agency and policy agenda, then the deputy secretary should be the one to manage the agency on a day-to-day basis as the chief operating officer. Keeping this in mind when making specific appointments will help build a cohesive, well-functioning unit that will provide effective, unified leadership at the agency” (Center of Presidential Transition – ‘Presidential Transition Guide’ P: 74, 2016).

So, President Trump thinks more individuals and family, more than protocol and the ethical perspective of how he is involving the family into state affairs. That the State becomes mixed with family is not a trait of the United States, but now the Trump Organization and Trump Administration is closer than before. If and when there will be more scandals, more nepotism and misuse of the power… will come, but when is only about question of time. Peace.


Abramson, Alana – ‘ Ivanka Trump Will Have West Wing Office, But No Official Title’ (20.03.2017) link: http://fortune.com/2017/03/20/ivanka-trump-west-wing-office/

Karinitschinig, Matthew – ‘Merkel’s Ivanka moment’ (18.03.2017) link: http://www.politico.eu/article/merkels-ivanka-moment/

Lipton, Eric – ‘Ivanka Trump’s Presence at Meeting With Japan’s Leader Raises Questions’ (18.11.2016) link: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/19/us/politics/ivanka-trump-shinzo-abe.html?_r=0

Thrush, Glenn & Haberman, Maggie – ‘Jared Kushner Named Senior White House Adviser to Donald Trump’ (09.01.2017) link: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/09/us/jared-kushner-senior-adviser-white-house-trump.html

Vucci, Evan – ‘Trump, Trudeau to discuss women in workforce’ (12.02.2017) link: http://www.am1250theanswer.com/news/politics/trump-trudeau-to-discuss-women-in-workforce

Trump Organization have licenced 34 trademarks since February 2017 in China!

Today thanks to some people leaking to Chinese Gazette documents for a serious Industrial and Commerce Authority, I today found a little scoop on the ways Trump Organization does business, as they are clearly active in China. That might be reason why one of the most mentioned nations during campaign was China from the now President Trump. Therefore, take a look at this!

On the 27th February 2017, the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People’s Republic of China gazetted new trademarks that prove the use of Chinese Industry in production of labels for the United States President Donald J. Trump. Still, as he claims “America First” his companies continue to produce and licence their production abroad.

The Gazette from the Chinese Authorities of Industrial and Commerce Trade Marks for dozens of Donald Trump products, alone 10 Trade Marks in his name and owned by businesses to the Fifth Avenue headquarters of the Trump Organization.

The second batch of Trump Trade Marks we’re gazetted on the 6th March 2017 was issued about 24 more Trade Marks through the authority. Since my Chinese isn’t that fluent, I don’t know on what sort of products or what industrial trade mark these are put on. Still, this shows the ways of using the cheap workforce and possible export to the United States the Trump Organization does. When I could find in the documentation with address and in the name of the Trump or where the Trump Tower is.

Therefore, the will of putting ‘America First’ is only in the words and not in action of his own businesses or trading. That is just for the citizens, not for the business and corporate world. Since Trump Organization has by these gazetted Trade Marks initially started or secured production of 24 products in the Republic of China. That cannot be seen as policy of his own government, who wants to punish other businesses for importing instead of producing their products abroad.

Certainly, the sons and daughters don’t care about the impression or even President Trump shows careless acts of tact by doing this. They are not following the same protectionist ways that he preaches and he wants to achieve. Therefore, the double standard are proven with this and how easily the Trump Organization can get licences in China, but the President expect big-business to stay in the United States. Peace.

President-Elect Trump let’s his sons’ run the Trump Organization; still doubt that will clear their acts of impartiality; why because President-Elect Trump haven’t been transparent!


This had to be an issue, as the Trump Organizations and businesses had to be obligated away from the Executive, the Commander-in-Chief as he ushers himself into the Presidency. The family seems to be picked to run his company, as they are already Executive Vice-President in the Cooperation, this being Eric Trump, Donald Trump Junior and Ivanka Trump. These have been behind their father, the President-Elect. This is important as the interest of Trump Organization should not be the sole purpose of the presidency, that should be as civil service and also guiding with good governance without having own personal gains by having the office. Therefore the nominees and the appointed government leaders in the Trump Organization has to go through not only sessions in the Senate before their appointments are getting accepted; as well as they have to give way to their business connection and positions in the boards in general.

That the international hotels and golf courses, the trademarked products in the portfolio of the Trump Organization that can implicate and create issues with both the foreign trade policies and also import regulations. The same can be seen in general with the regulation of banking, loans and all other fiscal regulation that can hurt the Trump Organization. Something Trump will already know before going to office, what he needs to create of legislation and what sort of economic stimulus or even economic framework that can absorb more profits on the business that are already owned by the Trump family.

Let’s take look at what a blind trust is and what sort of agreements that can happen when Trump gets into office in just days.

What is a Blind Trust?

Blind trusts are often used when a wealthy individual is elected to a political office where his investment holdings could potentially put him in a conflict of interest with a regulatory issue or other sensitive exercise of political power. In this context, there are some obvious issues with blind trusts in that the beneficiary setting up the blind trust is at least aware of the investment mix going in and cannot realistically forget that information when weighing future decisions. The trustors may also set the rules under which the investments are managed and, of course, pick trustees that they are confident will act in a certain way in potential situations. So again, the efficacy of the blind trust in truly eliminating conflict of interest is far from proven. That said, politicians with a large amount of wealth or in high office use blind trusts to show that at least the effort is being taken to establish impartiality” (Investopedia).

Director of Government Ethics Shaub on 11th January on Blind Trust:

“I think Politico called this a “half-blind” trust, but it’s not even halfway blind. The only thing this has in common with a blind trust is the label, “trust.” His sons are still running the businesses, and, of course, he knows what he owns. His own attorney said today that he can’t “un-know” that he owns Trump tower. The same is true of his other holdings. The idea of limiting direct communication about the business is wholly inadequate. That’s not how a blind trust works. There’s not supposed to be any information at all” (…) “Here too, his attorney said something important today. She said he’ll know about a deal if he reads it in the paper or sees in on TV. That wouldn’t happen with a blind trust. In addition, the notion that there won’t be new deals doesn’t solve the problem of all the existing deals and businesses. The enormous stack of documents on the stage when he spoke shows just how many deals and businesses there are” (…) “The President-elect’s attorney justified the decision not to use a blind trust by saying that you can’t put operating businesses in a blind trust. She’s right about that. That’s why the decision to set up this strange new kind of trust is so perplexing. The attorney also said she feared the public might question the legitimacy of the sale price if he divested his assets. I wish she had spoken with those of us in the government who do this for a living. We would have reassured her that Presidential nominees in every administration agree to sell illiquid assets all the time. Unlike the President, they have to run the gauntlet of a rigorous Senate confirmation process where the legitimacy of their divestiture plans can be closely scrutinized. These individuals get through the nomination process by carefully ensuring that the valuation of their companies is done according to accepted industry standards. There’s nothing unusual about that” (…) “Back when he was working for the Justice Department, the late Antonin Scalia also wrote an opinion declaring that a President should avoid engaging in conduct prohibited by the government’s ethics regulations, even if they don’t apply. Justice Scalia warned us that there would be consequences if a President ever failed to adhere to the same standards that apply to lower level officials. The sheer obviousness of Justice Scalia’s words becomes apparent if you just ask yourself one question: Should a President hold himself to a lower standard than his own appointees?”(Shaub, 2017).

His sons will run the Trump Organization:

“President-Elect Trump will relinquish management of his investment and business assets for the duration of his Presidency. To accomplish this, all of President-Elect Trump’s investment and business assets, commonly known as The Trump Organization—comprised of hundreds of entities—have been or will be conveyed to a Trust, which will be managed for the duration of his Presidency by his sons, Don and Eric, and a Trump executive, Allen Weisselberg. Collectively—and unanimously—Allen, Don, and Eric will have the authority to manage The Trump Organization and have full decision-making authority for the duration of the Presidency, without any involvement whatsoever by President-Elect Trump. To implement this transfer, President-Elect Trump will resign from all official positions he holds with The Trump Organization entities” (…) “the Trust Agreement prohibits The Trump Organization from entering into any new transaction or contract with a foreign country, agency, or instrumentality thereof, including a sovereign wealth fund, foreign government official, or member of a royal family, the United States government or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any state or local government or any agency or instrumentality thereof, other than normal and customary arrangements already undertaken before the President-Elect’s election” (…) “President-Elect Trump is taking these extraordinary steps to ensure that the Office of the Presidency is isolated from The Trump Organization” (…) “the Constitution does not forbid fair-market-value transactions with foreign officials. To put to rest any concerns, however, the President-Elect is announcing he will donate all profits from foreign governments’ patronage of his hotels and similar businesses during his presidential term to the U.S. Treasury. Historically, when federal officers received a gift or emolument from a foreign state, they surrendered possession of it to the federal government, though they were permitted to retain amounts necessary to offset their business expenses. Although the Constitution does not require the PresidentElect to do the same for profits from his businesses’ fair-market-value transactions, he wants to eliminate any distractions by going beyond what the Constitution requires” (Morgan Lewis, 2017).


That Trump Organization can be run by his family it is acceptable by looking at the trust, but the initial issues with the way it gets done and that he shall not be reported on the way of the trade or business, is hard to believe as the business and family is very connected, hence with the campaign where all of the older kids we’re taking part more or less. Therefore the Vice-Executives of the Trump Organization, his kids are now taking charge and taking his position in his company. That he owns and has controlled over decades. That needs to be clear that the family members cannot tell or say him company secrets as long as he is the Executive of the Republic. If they do than their doing illegal information and destabilizing the interests of the government, why is it so? That is so because the President is the head of the government and has to serve all the citizens, not just the ones that are working in his owned company. That is why the nominees for positions in the Trump Administration have to leave their boardrooms and their former businesses. This is done because they will not have other interests than serving the Republic, if not they should be back in the corporate office instead of being civil servants. If they serve Exxon or other businesses while they are serving as ministers or secretaries of departments, than they are opening up for corrupt and illegal trading from the top and stealing from the bottom. That is what we can worry about when we know how close the President is still connected with his businesses, without a clear line of procedure for how the transactions and creation of future business inside Trump Organization is not known.

The President-Elect have not delivered his IRS Tax Returns, neither proven his real value or what he owns, if it is in Missouri or Mississippi, because for all we know he could own a lobster-shack in Louisiana. Even than he should open the door so he could explain why he hasn’t been through the process of showing his true colours and trade. The real honest profits and the expenditure of his companies, the facts of his royalties and the tax rate on his businesses as well. There are many open questions as to where he does business, what sort of people are he connected with abroad and what sort of agreements does the Trump Organization have and own outside of the United States. If he has a dungeon in St. Petersburg or has a palace in India, we don’t really know, but if he was accountable or transparent. Then we could know what sort of conflicts and interests the President-Elect have. This is the missing picture in a flawed Presidential-Elect who doesn’t’ trust anybody, but himself.

Why does I say that is because he cannot be transparent with his own and therefore why would he be that with the public coffers? Are the public coffers safe when we have no idea about how he used his own private funds? Will the public coffers be used to function and give contracts to businesses close to him or to cronyism in the new Trump Administration? Peace.


Investopeida – ‘Blind Trust’ link: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/blindtrust.asp

Remarks of Walter M. Shaub, Jr., Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics, as prepared for delivery at 4:00 p.m. on January 11, 2017, at the Brookings Institution (11.01.2017)

Morgan Lewis – ‘WHITE PAPER Conflicts of Interest and the President Background for President-Elect Trump’s January 11, 2017 Press Conference Prepared by Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP’ (11.01.2017)

Opinion: The American people now have to live on the philosophy of Slim Charles; Actually fight for the lies of Trump!


Slim Charles: “Don’t matter who did what to who at this point. Fact is, we went to war and now there ain’t no goin’ back. I mean, shit, it’s what war is, you know? Once you in it, you in it. If it’s a lie, then we fight on that lie. But we gotta fight” (The Wire, Season 3 Episode 12 – “Misson Accomplished”, 09.12.2004).

Why do I start off with Slim Charles as he is talking about fighting a war over corners with Marlo Stanfield in Baltimore and Avon Barkesdal lost his companion and comrade Stringer Bell after he was ratted out… but what I will talk about isn’t the Wire, but it has been the same way with the Campaign and Phenomenon of Donald J. Trump.

Today, I made realisation while taking public transport to work. I thought to myself what has been the main component of Trump’s game-plan. It seems to show as little as possible of policy, as little as possible of political framework and being part of the establishment. But also transparency and accountability has been like aids to the Candidacy of the Republican Candidate Trump.

Another key part of the accountability and transparency is that he has constantly lied. The lies has been staggering and at massive levels. Like the ice that hit the Titanic, it should have sunk the ship of an ordinary campaign, but the American couldn’t care less. Trump lied about his past, his wealth, his education, his lifestyle, his previous ethical background.


He has lied to public about his wealth, he is not as rich as he claims; if he we’re so he would have given the public the IRS Tax Returns. Because there we would see the real value of the Trump Organization, the golf-courses and the value of ‘the Art of the Deal’; because the toilet paper of stated wealth and ownership is oversaturated. If it we’re the true deal and not a play of cards to the public, since if it we’re true value than it would been given the same value of the estates, businesses and royalties. First lie!

Second lie, must be the portrayal of success in general; is with the bankruptcies in Casinos’ in Atlantic City, Trump Institute and University, Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump Magazines, Trump Airlines and so on. The success now has been “the Apprentice” on the Television with a dozen of seasons. The rest he has earned money on is stifling his costumers and with dozens of law-suits. Other than because of shady reputation because of that the way of earning revenue hasn’t become of building houses or high-raises, instead it has become a licensing operation. So his name is what makes the money, not his achievements. People are buying into the Trump name, but not the real value of premium products or quality service.

So when he is not as rich as he says he is, another lie; then you have the business-savvy point that settles with a licensing operation and not a true, yet another lie.


That is the most important parts of his project, as he was a successful businessman who wasn’t a politician. Well, he is more flip-flopping politician and also a cruel one at that. The Political play has been to use the others past against them. Since he wasn’t really a politician; still the Trump has lied about Ted Cruz, John Kasich, and Jeb Bush.

The other lies are is stances, at one point in life he was a very aligned with the Democratic Party, siding with Bill and Hillary Clinton, defending his infidelity and claiming that Hillary was a fine woman. At one point he was defending and saying that the U.S. should go quickly in to Libya and get rid of Col. Gadhafi. Another point where he defended George W. Bush and his father for their wars in Iraq; while on the Campaign Trial he has dined all of this asked for the tapes, asked for the evidence, but the clips are accessible and online for anybody who wants. His Video-Logs are there too, where he speaks of the similar matters too.

The lies are endless, and his image is a lie, his persona and his attitude to. Because he change as needed be, he is said to have a moral flexibility. Well, he has been structured on hatred for immigrants and for foreign interference, he is an isolationist. That is it! The rest hasn’t been steady, on basic minimum wage his stance has changed, on deportation force it has change and the stances are endless.

The worst part is that American Electorate apparently didn’t care, or not enough of them. They have bought into a cobb-web of lies and deceit. They ate it all up and bought into the sellers tale.

I wouldn’t believe the words that come out of his mouth, he only says what he need to say or told to say. He talks against the usage of Teleprompters, but used it freely when it benefitted him. He claimed Mitt Romney released his tax-returns too late, but till this date he hasn’t dropped his and I doubt he will. So his states and statement are pointless, are just needed for his own stature, but not for his character.


The Character of him only known by his close family and whatever friends he has; to rest of us it is lies upon lies. Deception of who he might be and what he stand for, except for his blatant racists spurges of vomit. Trump has been able to sit in golden chairs and licence out products with golden letters, but his true delivery is his lies. The lie that he is good and want to “Make America Great Again”. He wants to make himself great again, back in the day when he was great and built the Trump Tower with the help of the Mafia. He doesn’t care about the working-class in Wisconsin or Mississippi.

Trump lies and will continue to lie for the benefit of himself and his cause; the cause being himself and his fictions lifestyle. Therefore he wants to spend more time at Mar-A-Lago in Miami, Penthouse in New York, than at the White House. Because he want his loyal minions to work out the perks, while he carry the title. He doesn’t care about anybody else than himself, he wants to spend time on the golf-course and eat the benefits of the Public Office. Not actually work for living, he has lied for living already and wants to relax as President.

Just wait and see, he will spend less time in office than Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, he is more concern about the benefits of being President for his donors, rich wealthy elite; which happens to be the establishment and not the common-man in Michigan or North Dakota.

The man that based his life on lies and built his current business on more lies; the lies that are deceptive and deconstructive to him and to society; that now is the true state of affairs. Trump has the choice either to destroy or rebuild.

But he went to war on that lie like Slim Charles said and now they have to continue to fight on that lie. The lie that Trump had something to deliver other than his own self-constructed bloated ego. Peace.  

Opinion: On BBC Newsnight Tyrrell showed ignorance on Trumps blatant racism; Trump been so a dozen of times!


This is days after Emmett Tyrrell showed the true colours and spark of ignorance that he was so apologetic that even Corey Lewandowski and Stephen K. Bannon isn’t. They are straight forward attacking minorities and claiming what their ring-leader and coming President Donald J. Trump. Those African-Americans, Latinos and all the minorities; I am white European; I hate the ones claiming to be superior because of the colour, faith or creed. None of us asked for where we we’re born and where we from, we just entered planet earth and will leave the same way we entered. I’m a human being… I am a human first, like the rest on this blue-planet, not white, that is just my skin. I am just a man, not superior… for those who believe that needs a reality check and needs new a vision. Maybe the Clark Kents of the world can change the world, but I am just a human being, who is tired of this men claiming this sort of lies and deceptions. Trying to spin the world and reality, they need guidance and help and that ASAP!

So after following this election, I disagreed and felt that the Republican National Party and the coming President Trump has said some disgraceful things. That surely a certain Emmett Tyrrell needs to read and might even get the clips to listen to. Because I don’t know how much marshmallows between his earholes, but certainly enough to silence the noise of nasal voice of Trump during the Campaign of 2015-2016; where Trump said all kind of racist crap… therefore the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and other White Supremacists supported the candidacy.

Here is what was said on BBC Newsnight after the Election result:

“Tyrrell claimed Trump “hasn’t been racist”. Adichie replied: “I’m sorry but… if you are a white man, you don’t get to define what racism is, you really don’t” (…) “You don’t get to sit there and say he hasn’t been racist when he objectively has” (…) “And it’s not about your opinion. Racism is an objective reality and Donald Trump has inhabited that reality.” Tyrrell retorted: “Do you know of the false consciousness which is a theory you are talking about is a Marxist concept?” (…) “In other words… I can’t even open my mouth here because I am a white male.” Adichie said: “No, of course you can. I am just saying to you that Donald Trump has shown us and has said things that are objectively racist.” (Snowdon, 2016).

Than you can see all the nonsense been said from July 2015 to October 2016; this is snippets because Trump didn’t know how to keep his mouth shut or his mouth silent. He usually double-down and continue to pounder on the subjects to show his true opinions.


Trump in July 2015:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best” (…) “They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting” (Fox News, 2015).

Trump in December 2015:

Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on” (…) “Mr. Trump stated, “Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for President, we are going to Make America Great Again.” (Trump, 2015).


Trump in August 2016:

“The Democrats have failed completely in the inner cities,” he told an audience in Ohio this week. “Poverty. Rejection. Horrible education. No housing, no homes, no ownership. Crime at levels that nobody has seen. You can go to war zones in countries that we are fighting and it’s safer than living in some of our inner cities that are run by the Democrats.” He went on, “Look, it is a disaster the way African-Americans are living, in many cases, and, in many cases the way Hispanics are living, and I say it with such a deep-felt feeling: What do you have to lose? I will straighten it out. I’ll bring jobs back. We’ll bring spirit back. We’ll get rid of the crime. You’ll be able to walk down the street without getting shot. Right now, you walk down the street, you get shot.” (Waldman, 2016).

Trump in September 2016:

“We need law and order. If we don’t have it, we’re not going to have a country” (…) “African Americans and Hispanics are living in hell. You walk down the street and you get shot” (…) “gangs roaming the streets” (…) “African American communities are being decimated by crime” (Chan, 2016).

Second in September 2016:

“I think Chicago needs stop and frisk. Now people can criticize me for that or people can say whatever they want, but they asked me about Chicago and I think stop and frisk with good strong — you know — good, strong law and order. But you have to do something. It can’t continue the way it’s going,” Trump said in an appearance on Fox & Friends Thursday” (…) “You know, [the police are] proactive and if they see a person possibly with a gun or they think may have a gun, they will see the person and they’ll look and they’ll take the gun away,” Trump said” (…) “Wow, here we go again. It’s very sad. When you look at what’s going on it’s very sad. It’s very divided, our country, and it’s getting worse. So, I’m not overly surprised to see it but it’s happening everywhere,” Trump said. “It just seems that there’s a lack of spirit between the white and the black. I mean, it’s a terrible thing that we’re witnessing.” (Collins, 2016).

Third in September 2016:

“The Democratic Party has run the inner cities for 50, 60, 70 years and even a hundred years straight” (…) “We are on a mission of change. That includes a new agenda” (…) “You can go to Afghanistan. You can go to war-torn countries and you will find that it’s safer than being in the middle of some of our inner cities” (…) “We’re going to give security and safety” (Trudo, 2016).

Trump in October 2016:

Nobody needs to tell African-Americans in this country that the old new deal from the Democratic Party isn’t working for them. In election after election, Democratic party leaders take African-American voters for granted and year after year the condition of Black America gets worse. The conditions in our inner cities today are unacceptable. Too many African-Americans have been left behind” (…)”Safe Communities. We will make our communities safe again. Every poor African-American child must be able to walk down the street in peace. Safety is a civil right. We will invest in training and funding both local and federal law enforcement operations to remove the gang members, drug dealers, and criminal cartels from our neighborhoods. The reduction of crime is not merely a goal – but a necessity” (…) “We will restore the civil rights of African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and all Americans, by ending illegal immigration. No group has been more economically harmed by decades of illegal immigration than low-income African-American workers. Hillary’s pledge to enact “open borders,” – made in secret to a foreign bank – would destroy the African-American middle class. We will reform visa rules to give American workers preference for jobs, and we will suspend reckless refugee admissions from terror-prone regions that cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars. We will use a portion of the money saved by enforcing our laws, and suspending refugees, to re-invested in our inner cities” (Trump, 2016).


If these words, statements doesn’t get understood by fellow man Emmett Tyrrell, than he is ignorant, blatant disgrace to the man-kind as we know. People like him cannot say that the coming American President Trump isn’t racist; because he pre-determined the destinies of the African-Americans, the Muslims and Latinos as the Mexicans that are coming is the reasons for the crimes and drugs in United States.

I am sure that the United States should send the President-Elect to walk around in Afghanistan, in the suburbs of Kabul or any other town, before he walks back to Baltimore and Chicago, as the predicament of the crimes and gangs are suspicious ways of using them as pawns to scare the rest to vote for him.

So please Emmett Tyrrell, another Trump apologists like Joe Scarborough of MSNBC and others, please either shut-up or apologise for your nonsense. Trump has a racial undertone of white supremacy going back to when tried to kick-out African American tenants in 1973:

“They first met him, on the front page no less, on Oct. 16, 1973. Then 27 years old, Mr. Trump was the president of the Trump Management Corporation, at 600 Avenue Z in Brooklyn, which owned more than 14,000 apartments in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island” (…) “Major Landlord Accused of Antiblack Bias in City,” the headline stated. The Department of Justice had brought suit in federal court in Brooklyn against Mr. Trump and his father, Fred C. Trump, charging them with violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968 in the operation of 39 buildings” (…) “The government contended that Trump Management had refused to rent or negotiate rentals ‘because of race and color,’ ” The Times reported. “It also charged that the company had required different rental terms and conditions because of race and that it had misrepresented to blacks that apartments were not available.” (Dunlap, 2015).

This was the 1970s and it’s the same fellow who uses by any means, whatever at his disposal for his own gain. As he did through the Trump Management to control who lived in his buildings… this will be the same way in the future. His acts have been like this all through his career, so why should he stop now being biased and brash in his actions.

Enough of this crap. Peace.



Collins, Eliza – ‘Trump backs up on ‘stop and frisk’, says he means just Chicago’ (22.09.2016) link: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/09/22/trump-narrows-call-stop-and-frisk-policy-chicago/90826694/

Chan, Melissa – ‘Donald Trump Claims Black and Hispanic People Are ‘Living in Hell’ (26.09.2016) link: http://fortune.com/2016/09/26/presidential-debate-donald-trump-living-in-hell-black-people/

Donald J. Trump – ‘DONALD J. TRUMP STATEMENT ON PREVENTING MUSLIM IMMIGRATION’ (07.12.2015) link: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/press-releases/donald-j.-trump-statement-on-preventing-muslim-immigration

Donald J. Trump – ‘DONALD J. TRUMP’S NEW DEAL FOR BLACK AMERICA’ (31.10.2016) link: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/press-releases/donald-j.-trump-announces-a-plan-for-urban-renewal1

Dunlap, David W. –‘1973 | Meet Donald Trump’ (30.07.2015) link: http://www.nytimes.com/times-insider/2015/07/30/1973-meet-donald-trump/

Fox News – ‘Trump stands by statements on Mexican illegal immigrants, surprised by backlash’ (04.07.2015) link: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/07/04/trump-stands-by-views-dangerous-mexican-illegal-immigrants-admits-surprised-by.html

Snowdon, Kathryn – ‘Emmett Tyrrell’s Explanation Of Racism On BBC Newsnight’ (12.11.2016) link: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/chimamanda-ngozi-adichie-shuts-down-robert-emmett-tyrrells-explanation-racism-bbc-newsnight_uk_58275d76e4b0ec3145f88086

Trudo, Hanna – ‘Trump calls Afghanistan safer than America’s inner cities’ (12.09.2016) link: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/trump-afghanistan-inner-cities-228057

Waldman, Paul – ‘Donald Trump’s new plea to minorities: You’re pathetic, so vote for me’ (24.08.2016) link: http://theweek.com/articles/644560/donald-trumps-new-plea-minorities-youre-pathetic-vote