Opinion: Is Trump loosing all his leverage, if he doesn’t get a second term?

I know, the world is a crazy place in 2020. Where the soon up-coming elections is happening in November 2020. This is vital and important. Not only for the American public, but for the stakeholders of the Trump Organization and President Donald J. Trump.

The expose of the amounts of debt circulating in the Trump Organization is the overshadow of his campaign. Trump will have mature loans, which needs to be paid, because they are due on several of properties and other personal loans too. This is maybe why he has coined himself the King of Debt.

Not, only has he not to profitable business, estates and golf courses. However, the President has earned the most on licensing deals and not on real estate. That has been the reality of the business deals of late. This being both abroad and elsewhere. That the Trump Organization has earned millions of dollars on these transactions and deals.

The Trump Organization have had big payments from foreign dignitaries and companies happening because of the Presidents office. Since, he has the political office and has been the Head of State. This has made people live in his Hotel in Washington D.C. and used his other properties. Become tenants on his properties and possibly pay an overprice to be in the good graces.

This is a sort of sale of the White House and the Presidency. Because, the President and his business needs spenders to run. To be able to get through and have enough funds to operate.

It is bad enough that a supposed billionaire and a wealthy person on Manhattan, New York have paid nickel and dimes in taxes over the years. That he has possibly given one audit to the IRS and another to investors. This is to trick the numbers to ensure the best outcome at any given day. Instead of giving the real numbers and true value of the business at any given time.

If the loans and the debts are so bad as the media states. Then his “empire” and his businesses needs leverage to get through. He needs something to bargain the creditors and get other investors to bail him out. He cannot live on a prayer and hope his other family members hit a strike of gold. Since, they are leeching on to the business and continuing the enterprise. Just like he did. They are all moochers of this system and enlarging their names by being connected to it.

Therefore, the only way he can save this by date and by the maturity of the loans. To seal the debt and have a positive outcome. Is to actually get foreigners to bail him out and give them favourable policies. Trade foreign policies for deals, which enrich the President and saves his fledging company.

That makes sense and seems like a enterprise he would join. He will act like Republican and sing songs of “conservativism” or fake that. Just so he can trade policies for business deals. To save his own ass and by the skin of the teeth. That is his leverage. Because, his businesses and the ways operating needs this sort of play to get traction.

Since, the incumbent need the gravy train coming. Especially ahead of the mature loans, which is coming his way. If not he has restructure the loans and find ways to get liabilities moving. Even sell other estates to cover the payments needed.

Yes, this is bribing a public official and open bazaar corruption. However, that has been his game since he went into office. He has used the office to enrich himself and gain profits for his businesses.

Now that we know how dire things is… we can imagine that the old man doesn’t want to lose his leverage. The one bargain chip that makes sense and make dollars. Not that he can trade on his name or character after four years in office. Unless, he wants to sell merchandise to White Supremacist, Alt-Right, Qanon and the KKK. Peace.

Opinion: Trump is piss-poor, apparently…

For someone living on image and on PR. What the New York Times piece did to President Donald J. Trump. They shattered the glass, they broke not only a story, but broke a fragile, piss poor businessman and shown his true character.

President Trump have lived on a lie. That his Trump Organization was a giant conglomerate. A corporation with many ties, a hectic financial structure and a supposed viable real-estate portfolio. Alas, that is clearly not the case.

His businesses like so many cases in the past is practically bankrupt. His living on a loans, rates for licencing deals and hallow points of extortions of the properties he does have. This isn’t a viable business and the model of profits is on idea that he can offer them something. That is why he has had favourable foreign dignitaries on his properties. It all makes sense now.

That Trump is morally bankrupted has been known. His a despicable racist-in-charge. It has been proven time and time again. Trump has proven that he doesn’t care about others or only does it when it has favours him. Also, if they possibly have liabilities or leverage over him. Then he might bend rules or regulations to ensure he gets the cut he needs. So, these things can possibly go away.

If the Saudis have paid him money. I am sure he will do their dance. Surely, through several of shady loan to the Trump Organization. The Organization possibly own “Moscow money” and that’s why he sings show-tunes to them. The Ohio Gang and President Harding created a lot of scandals because of their financial ties back-then. If they could that, what would the finances and fiscal character of this President do?

I believe he would do whatever it takes to get from red to black. The President would ditch international agreements, destroy ties with other countries and change the balances of power within a war. Just to ensure his estates and his accounts are saved. He doesn’t want to sell the Trump Tower. The President doesn’t want to loose his golf-courses or several of hotels. That will hurt his pride and his business acumen, which is clearly not stellar. This we know, because of all of his bankrupties in the past.

President Trump hasn’t only tricked the taxes and possibly broken various of statutes, which is the reason for the audits of his taxes. The reason why the Attorney General of the Southern District of New York (SDNY) have filed cases and is investigating the President and his Organizations.

This all make sense. The man can be bought, because he has nothing. The man wanted to be branded as a rich billionaire! While he was broke and carrying water over his head. This is why he cannot loose the office. Because, he needs the office and the powers of it. That gives him leverage and the abilities to please both his creditors and get foreign dignitaries to bankroll his businesses. This is misuse of his office, but that is the only way he can fix his failing corporations. That is really not ‘The Apprentice’ style, but more the broke broker who is high on his own supply. Looking for the next deal to fix the former failing deal.

Who knew Harding could be run circles around by someone like Trump? Trump is misusing the office to save his ass. The President apparently needs the office to save his business. He is neither rich nor smart. The man can easily become someone’s donkey, because they are giving him the carrot and the stick. The whole motivation for his actions can be to save his “empire”, which is burdened by loans and lack of revenue. That is also the reason for why the IRS Tax Forms never was released into the public in the first place. Where the supposed “billionaire” didn’t pay much or little, to no taxes for years.

Some would call what the President has done using Foreign Policy to cover his businesses, loans and lack of taxes as a racket. I could see that too and wouldn’t be shocked if he did. Because, the man doesn’t have scruples, but wants to save his failing enterprises. While he can use the Office and the Government to salvage the hurt. That is maybe why he has stayed so many days at his estates as the President. To cover more expenses and ensure profits to the bankrupt Trump Organization.

He owns $421 million in loans and $100 million in penalties to the IRS, which means there is enough motives to do what he does in office. He needs salvage and what else can he do than trade Foreign Policy for Financial Favours. That is very simple to equate and makes sense.

President Trump is broke and needs a windfall, but first he needs to answer to the SDNY and other pending cases. Which been looking into him… for various of reasons. This “empire” will fall and his businesses will crumble, unless he has some oligarchs bailing him out. Peace.

Opinion: Trump’s IRS Tax Returns still shelved, but how many more steps till they are released?

It is amazing that we are in October 2019, three years in the Presidency of Donald J. Trump and this is still a recurring thing. The thing is that there are investigations going on, in association with the Trump Organization in the state of New York. Which the Attorney General for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) have subpoenaed the Marzars USA Limited, the accounting firm for the Trump Organization.

Today, the United States District Judge Victor Marreno dismissed the claim of uniqueness and said the SDNY Attorney General could get 8 years of IRS Tax Returns concerning Trump and his business. However, his team has since then filed an new briefing order and therefore ended up with an “stay order”. Where the case will be filed and will get new scheduled dates, as the subpoena is still not valid. Even if it was one once in the system.

This is really what the President is doing. Mr. Transparency, Mr I am not Corrupt. Mr. I am a stable genius. Sorry, brother, the filing of the judge was reasonable in his judgement. That no President preside over the law and that a president can be investigated. Just like Bill Clinton could be investigated, and Richard Nixon. Both of them was subpoenaed and had to deliver documentation of their impeachment hearings and so-on.

Still, Trump thinks his above that. Richard Nixon even stated: “He concedes that he, like every other citizen, is under a legal duty to produce relevant, non-privileged evidence when called upon to do so”. So, when one crooked President like Nixon could do it. Than, the current one should have the ability to do it also. Especially, since this is the tax-returns. This is not some nuclear codes, some sensitive secret protocol only seen by a few mystique people at area 51 in 1960s before Project Manhattan. No, this is the documentation that assess the financial structure and the possible assets, which the state and federal authorities are taxing President Trump. This isn’t an document of science-fiction nor Scientology. Therefore, the man should be able to release it. That is if, if he has nothing to cover. But by the day, it seems more and more likely his covering a lot.

We have been waiting for the IRS Tax Returns of this man since before he was the Republican Party Nominee and before he was sworn-in President. The candidates in that race put it out and got the scrutiny. The looked through and found investments, estates and questionable enterprises, if there was any. But the President and the one in-charge now. Has kept this to his chest.

First off, his must be really poor. Not only morally, but out of pocket. His bankrupt. That is why his spending all the days of his Presidency or most part of it, on his estates boosting his business. If not using foreign assets and foreign diplomacy to further his business with trademarks and opportunities while being in office. This doesn’t seem to be a business booming, when it has to this way.

Secondly, when he needed again to postpone it and stop the ruling today. It just shows, that his stalling out of time and hoping for another verdict in another court. In that regard, the judge today put it brilliantly: “A synthesis of Burr, Nixon, Fitzgerald, and Clinton suggest that the Supreme Court would reject interpretation and application of presidential powers and functions that would “sustain an absolute, unqualified Presidential privilege of immunity from judicial process under all circumstances”.

We know that Trump and his team thinks they are above the law. Even there is no specification or stipulation, or even a code, which says so. Therefore, what has been done today. Is just another injunction in the road of releasing it, eventually.

This just shows again. That his hiding something. If not, he would have released before even running for President. Apparently, there is a lot of skeletons in the closet and he don’t want those bogeymen to hit the streets. Peace.

Secretary of Treasury Mnuchin letter to Chairman Neal on denying the release of President Trump’s IRS Tax Returns (17.05.2019)

Opinion: What is Trump hiding in his IRS Tax Returns?

When your stonewalling into oblivion, there is only thing remaining, what is the person hiding? Especially if the guy is a public official, someone who represent the state for everyone else. Than, your supposed to be transparent without any connection to sources, which can stop you from serving the state. Alas, it is with this sense you can start to boggle, why the President of two years and campaign for longer time haven’t released his IRS Tax Returns.

This isn’t about vanity, that the Department of Justice and the Department of the Treasury, as neither the Attorney General William Barr or Secretary Steven Mnuchin are releasing it to the Congress. It is more secretive, than the nuclear codes or top secret intelligence that is shared with White House like nothing. This is how this administration operates, as there is no guidelines or need for protocol for the ones in close proximity of the President. However, to get the truth and the documentation the White House is supposed to abide the Committee’s of the Congress is nearly impossible.

Because of that, we have to wonder what the President is hiding. Is there some nuclear or criminal transactions his hiding? Is there questionable sources and fortunes hidden overseas, as the President is afraid of the public and the Capitol Hill knowing how earned his supposed fortune.

I am sure there are something so sinister, so dark and so damaging, that his paying his ex-wives to much in the settlements, that his foreign businesses aren’t profitable and the hotels only survives because he visits them everytime he can. Because, we only know the blown-up fantasy numbers and estimates he wants show the public. Not the real value of the properties and neither the profits. We don’t know if he even pay taxes. If he is capable of paying taxes and if the Trump Organization are able to pay their staff, maybe that is why he needs paperless workers at Mar-A-Lago in Miami to keep the golf-course a float.

He might be poorer than me, he might have a Kazakh Oil Csar that his owns so much money, that the Russians has to bail him out. We don’t know, because the President of the United States is afraid of being transparent and dropping the real deal. This shows his real intention of keeping people in the dark. He wants to Trump University the whole population. Give them all the shine and glory, but using unlicensed methods to trick the citizens. That is why he doesn’t deliver the IRS Tax Returns.

He doesn’t dare, doesn’t have the character or the posture to stand up and be brave. Because, he knows if the truth is released. His pretty fucked. His in such a hole, that even Ivanka smile cannot cover up the mess. Junior cannot even fake-grin or come up with lie that spins the news enough. This will not be locker-room talk or “on-both-sides”. No, this will be a burned bridge and no way to get back on land.

The President has such a secret, his willing to stonewall into oblivion. His secret is such a tragic mess, that even a Greek Tragedy cannot elope like this. His a fraud and fake, just like his tan. That is why the IRS Tax Returns are kept hidden and not released. He cannot unleash the dragon, than he will burn. Peace.

Opinion: Is the White House for Sale?

This is a question that the Americans should ask themselves? Because, I am wondering as a foreigner, if my Kingdom doled some funds on Jared Kushner or on Ivanka Trump’s bank-accountants. Would  the Foreign policy will change because of that? That is a important paradigm shift from the Trump Administration.

Other, then being supportive of horrific migration policies towards immigrants and the ones who has liven there for generations, because it is only White America who deserves to live in the United States. The rest just living their and squatting there for time being. That is the memo the White House is sending out recently.

However, are the for rent signs on the lawn in front of the White House? Are there ads on Craigslist? Or is there unknown LLC that are in connection with the White House and delegates the newly operations from the Trump Organization abroad. As the Trump Organization and Kushner Companies continues to operate more abroad, getting loans from Qatar and Saudi Arabia. If not getting dozens upon dozens of Chinese Copyrights, while trying to build Hotels and Golf Courses all around the world.

Is this how the arrangements are done now? That you shake hands, trade-off deals with foreigners to companies in connected with the Trump Royal Family and then let-off the hook of the Nation in question. So if the need the US Army, the US Trade or lifting of sanctions, that will be softer after signing of deals with Ivanka or Jared. Because the Foreigners will deliver them a few silver coins, if their sanctions are lifted or trade of state companies get a better deal with the US; Because they gave some little money to the White House Royal Family.

The royal family, which is allowed to be revised over 40 times and as they didn’t follow procedure for their forms. Still to get security clearance and all the perks of the White House. This is happening as they are still enlarging their pockets and trading away their value at the Public Office. They are really playing high stakes with the Republic.

It is like they can buy and trade policies now, the foreign interference is evident and the change of narratives comes quickly, especially if the ones in this Trump Administration gets a pay-off. If there is need in a government agency, if the lobbyist or company needs changes of policies.

Remember pay someone off, especially pay off the Trump Family and relatives, then you get the princess and the whole kingdom. They are easily giving way, as long as the profits are returned and delivered to a random company of the Trump Organization. If it is money laundering or any other operation. As long as the Trump businesses get their cut, they don’t mind, that is what they do.

The White House is for sale, a giant haul sale and the evidence is in every story published, as the days go. I wonder how much does it cost to get them colluding with the Russians? Because surely that had a initial price. Surely, cost more than a box of crisps and a trademark in China. Peace.

USA: Durbin Calls On Illinois to Refuse Request to Release Illinois Voter Files To Trump Commisson on Voter Fraud (03.07.2017)

USA: Attorney General Frosh Statement on Request for Personal Information of Maryland Voters (03.07.2017)

The new Financial Disclosure Form of 14th June 2017 – Doesn’t reveal anything about Donald Trump, because it isn’t verified value his supposed wealth!

Just as again this week there has been a new release of Financial Disclosure Form for President Donald J. Trump, still this is just estimates of his value, not the real-deal. That would be in a IRS Tax Returns. It is a reason why don’t surface, because the Financial Disclosure Form of 14th June 2017, is another bragging document and possible values of estates and businesses. But is not saying the real value, because how it is taxed is the real value.

Because all of the estate and values are from a possible value into a skyrocketed one, while the profits of it might be meager or decent. Therefore, a new released Financial Disclosure Form isn’t saying anything new. Other than President Trump is a coward, a little whiny bitch who cannot be transparent. Who doesn’t have the capacity or is so afraid of how he really has earned his money, that he knows it is damaging for him.

If he wasn’t afraid, if he wasn’t whiny, but was an honest businessman, we would have seen the IRS Tax-Returns in 2015 or even in 2016, but he doesn’t have the character. Even Hillary Clinton and her combined foundation with Bill Clinton, the Clinton Foundation had now troubles being open to society and disclose their earnings and profits. But Trump cannot do that because he is crooked and not honest.

I see no difference with this and what was delivered as his status as running Presidential Candidate, the ones that believes this paper is blind and has no vision. Since the various differences of value estimates are bananas. An estate cannot be either worth a million or ten million. It either is fixed to cost 1 million or cost 10 millions. Unless, the estate manager suck so much at his job that he cannot find people to give a just price for the prospect and the land it is on. So it seems like President Trump want to bloat his ego and try again to prove his wealth. That wouldn’t be surprising.

Like Trump Marks Istanbul II LLC a license deal with Ortadogu Otomotive Ticaret AS, the income amount in the paper says between $ 1,000,000 to $ 5,000,000. Because that is 4,000,000 difference of earning possibly, this is one company and it is amazing how much royalty difference and profits from this Turkish company or whatever it is. Since the Trump Organization and President Trump isn’t sincere. Since they would be straight forward with a set amount to the Internal Revenue Authority (IRS), since they don’t want to pay to much cents on the dollars of their profits. That is if they are really trying to earn monies on this company alone.

While the new Hotel in Washington D.C. the Trump Old Post Office has no difference in earnings and profits. It has a total income of $ 19,666,129 and value which is over $ 50,000,000. This means that still the agreed rent of the hotel and the total value of the property isn’t assessed, but since it has long-term rental facility, the Trump Organization doesn’t mind, secondly since it is important placed hotel they have to straight forward on the profits.

So when you have these sort of things, it is hard to believe as the steady lies and deception from the President. Someone like me, will only believe the IRS Tax Returns that isn’t being disclosed. Therefore, I cannot trust this man and his business practices, since his ways is not sincere and honest. Just like his misuse of students at Trump University and also the use of polish workers for building his Trump Tower. He has never had the ability to be truthful or use just behavior in his business practices. Peace.

Trump Organization have licenced 34 trademarks since February 2017 in China!

Today thanks to some people leaking to Chinese Gazette documents for a serious Industrial and Commerce Authority, I today found a little scoop on the ways Trump Organization does business, as they are clearly active in China. That might be reason why one of the most mentioned nations during campaign was China from the now President Trump. Therefore, take a look at this!

On the 27th February 2017, the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People’s Republic of China gazetted new trademarks that prove the use of Chinese Industry in production of labels for the United States President Donald J. Trump. Still, as he claims “America First” his companies continue to produce and licence their production abroad.

The Gazette from the Chinese Authorities of Industrial and Commerce Trade Marks for dozens of Donald Trump products, alone 10 Trade Marks in his name and owned by businesses to the Fifth Avenue headquarters of the Trump Organization.

The second batch of Trump Trade Marks we’re gazetted on the 6th March 2017 was issued about 24 more Trade Marks through the authority. Since my Chinese isn’t that fluent, I don’t know on what sort of products or what industrial trade mark these are put on. Still, this shows the ways of using the cheap workforce and possible export to the United States the Trump Organization does. When I could find in the documentation with address and in the name of the Trump or where the Trump Tower is.

Therefore, the will of putting ‘America First’ is only in the words and not in action of his own businesses or trading. That is just for the citizens, not for the business and corporate world. Since Trump Organization has by these gazetted Trade Marks initially started or secured production of 24 products in the Republic of China. That cannot be seen as policy of his own government, who wants to punish other businesses for importing instead of producing their products abroad.

Certainly, the sons and daughters don’t care about the impression or even President Trump shows careless acts of tact by doing this. They are not following the same protectionist ways that he preaches and he wants to achieve. Therefore, the double standard are proven with this and how easily the Trump Organization can get licences in China, but the President expect big-business to stay in the United States. Peace.