Kakira Sugar Limited addressing farmers strike (02.07.2018)

RDC: Declaration No. 001/2018 De La SYMOCEL Appellant a la Consience Citoyenne Pour un Processus Electoral Inclusif (30.05.2018)

RDC: Communique Officiel de la Presidence de la Republique (29.05.2018)

RDC: Declaration Commune de l’Opposition Congolaise en Rapport Avec l’Audit du Fichier Electoral Conduit Par l’Oif (28.05.2018)

RDC: Declaration Conjointe de New York (25.05.2018)

RDC: CENCO – Appel a la Responsabilite – Point de Presse du Secretariat General de la CENCO sur le Processus Electoral (24.05.2018)

Has the Chinese hit President Duterte in the gut?

What is up with President Rodrigo Duterte?

First it was the Benham Rise, where the Philippines won’t send the army or the field researchers on it. As the Chinese have named the area and several government leaders are we’re at one point saying that the Republic wasn’t sovereign to have control over it. Therefore, they have already shown deep weakness towards Beijing. They have accepted to muffled and tussled with by Xi Jinping and his brigades, as the Philippines are less powerful, than the Chinese.

Secondly, Duterte has again shown that he is this weak, as the war-planes and war-ships are put into the South China Sea, as the administration will not react or make a diplomatic spat with them. Even if this is military movement in the nearby area or anything else. Its like he has lost the power of sovereign nation and become a groveling poor uncle to the grandest family member in Beijing. Rodrigo just have to bow his knees and kiss the ring. Accept to be violated and played with, instead of standing ground on the principals of his state. That is not going to war, but questioning the motive of Beijing. Since, they are putting a lot of force close to its borders. That should worry him as the President of his Republic.

The Philippines said it is “closely monitoring developments” in the area, but diplomatic actions against China’s intrusive behavior will not be publicized. “It is not our policy to publicize every action taken by the Philippine government whenever there are reported developments taking place in the West Philippine Sea and the South China Sea,” the Department of Foreign Affairs said. The department noted the improved relations between China and the Philippines under President Rodrigo Duterte and said it will avoid steps that could undermine the situation. “Moving forward, we are taking a different approach to avoid any drawbacks and challenges,” the department said. Duterte on Saturday said he cannot do anything to oppose China’s militarization of the islands and that he would not risk deploying forces in the South China Sea. However, he said he will eventually bring up the dispute later in his term” (Mikhail Flores – ‘Philippines stops short of condemning China over bombers’ 21.05.2018, Asia Nikkei).

This here shows how careful the Philippines are with their powerful neighbor. They might do something later, they accept to kicked in the guts by the Chinese and trying to keep cool. Usually, Duterte is a hot-head who speak his mind first and begs for forgiveness. Therefore, this is a bit weird coming from him and his administration. He has no trouble getting rid of enemies and people who questioning his powers. However, the Chinese can power-play and mock him even, in his backyard with their military force.

You can wonder if the promised Chinese investments deals and aid agreements are the reasons for this carefulness, as well as the lack of territorial integrity on Benham Rise and now with the militarization of the South China Sea. It is like the Chinese are not as friendly as it seems, more like they want to show their strength and not play on others people’s terms, but their own. If they are toying around with the Philippines and showing whose the boss.

It must hurt the pride of Duterte, who likes to be the strong-man, the big-man, the ones whose words matters and decrees are honored. Now, he is played around by Beijing and has to anticipate his next actions. That is not typical Duterte, not at all.

A humiliation doesn’t fit him or his republic well, it is weird. Peace.

RDC: Ensemble – Le President Declaration sur le Virus Ebola (20.05.2018)

517 Days on Overtime: How come Kabila is still there?

It is weird and sad, that as the days goes, that President Joseph Kabila is still a thing. Let me clear, he is lingering unconstitutionally at his role as the President and without an official mandate. He is squatting at the highest office in the 3rd Republic and the world, just let him get away with it. It is like it easier that way, there is less accountability, less transparency and less proper guidelines of governance, therefore, let him be. So, the world can get the resources and the minerals from the rich country, while the state is piss-poor. Because who needs this stuff through proper procedure, tariffs and through fair trading. No, that is only for theories and not for the reality.

Kabila is still in power and its 19th May 2018. When his final term ended was on the 19th December 2016, which means that there has been 517 days since his term ended. What is more insulting is that he had long grace period before his first election in 2006 and the second in 2011, therefore needed to prepare to leave before the end of his second 5 year term in 2016. However, as we know, that didn’t happen. Therefore, he has been the de facto leader now since 26th January 2001. With two elected terms, but the rest of the time, been ruling with grace. That grace continues, without any hesitation or any significant change.

We have now let a man without any mandate rule for one year, five months and one day. That should be insulting to anyone, to let that happen and get away with it. It is just selfish to think otherwise. Yes, there are other self-serving, self-interested leaders who impose themselves on the their republic. They rig their constitutions, they make the laws of association and electoral malpractice into a profession. While the public await the army and the rigged tallies of their victorious achievement of another term, after paying off cronies and the making the institutions praise the almighty leader. That is happening all around the world, like we are still living in a feudal time and the peasants, just have to follow the anointed kings.

It is not like the two elections for Kabila was marred with issues, but the people and stakeholders had hope, as it was a significant change from the two brutal wars that had been. The government of the 3rd Republic would be different, as there haven’t been any peaceful transition of power. The last time that happen was with Patrice Lumumba and he got assassinated by a foreign force under code-name “Swamp Monster”. So who knows it was the Belgians or the CIA, as they both wanted a puppet to the Republic.

However, lets get back to Kabila, who is not leaving in peace, he isn’t leaving at all. He on his third illegal term, without any elections. Using all tools to stay in power, all insurgency, all massacres in Kasai-Oriental, Kivu’s and all the problems in the Republic. Establishing a hard-line against the real opposition in UNDP, Ensamble and everyone else questioning his powers. Stopping protests and activists from Lucha. Nothing is not touched, even bishops, priests and church protests is shut down with vile force. Nothing is to spare the people, only man who reign in mercy is Kabila. The rest has to bow their knees and hope they are not his prey. Therefore, we all need to pray.

Kabila continues to linger in power, 517 days over his mandate, the MONUSCO, the International Community, still letting him linger, nothing is imposed or taken away. A few sanctions on companies and few of the elites, even the vital minerals are still exported either through the ports or through Rwanda. Just like it has done for years. No-one questioning it, no one wonders where the militias are getting resources to buy arms, but who cares as long as the world can have a fancy smart-phone right?

Kabila just got it made. No one doubt it and steps on his throne. They just let him. The ones that does oppose. Will get the taste of pain, the agony and even stop breathing. That is known, but no one says much or cries havoc. It is just the Democratic Republic of Congo, a place where that is normal. They are our brothers and sisters, but we cannot shield them. We cannot make sure their future is sealed. No, as long as we get the minerals, we don’t mind war-lords, militias and scrupulous killings of civilians. We don’t mind, we get a bargain and the elites of Kinshasa get massive wealth. We are letting the masses starving, and letting the elite “Kabiliaist” eat of everyone’s plate. That is the order of our time.

Even with knowing that, we let it go and let it be. Because that pain and agony isn’t ours. But we let him stay and use his force, to generate wealth for our tech-companies, but he get to decide the fate of his civilians. However, he does that without a mandate, without a transparent leadership and without the needed accountability, that would lead into a better future. Because it is all in his decrees and his allies that matters. Not what is for the better future, but enrich his pockets. That narrative in our world, never gets old.

What is insulting is that he thinks he can get away with it. That he don’t think he got to pay for being in-charge over it and not trying make a difference.

Kabila is lingering and no-one is batting an eye. He is far from the only one. I know that, but still, that should not be forgotten. That he is now 517 days on overtime, that isn’t just awaiting CENI to push an election. That is postponing so he can loot a bit more and hope people forget about this. Peace.

Tanzania: Massive military activity ahead of tomorrow’s opposition protest!

Today, there has been something out of the ordinary, today the military and police has taken over the streets of Dar Es Saalam, a day ahead of the planned demonstrations on Union Day. This is a collective effort of the government to shut-down dissidents. This is happening all over the republic. This the answer from the government run by President John Pombe Magufuli, who has had issues with anyone questioning him and critiquing him. Over time he has shown his true color and ways! 

Yesterday arrests of people behind the demonstrations:

At least seven people have been arrested in Arusha for interrogations in connection with their role in possible political demonstrations across the country on 26 April 2018 (Union Day). The acting Regional Police Commander for Arusha, Mr Yusuph Ilembo, told journalists on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 that the arrests follow investigations conducted by the police force” (Juma, 2018).

Therefore, the precautions of the state is already involved, as the state whose now on the streets with guns, battalions of soldiers and such. To really signal, that demonstrations and protests are not allowed by this government.

As further reported:

The Dar Special Zone police chief, Sweethbert Njwele told an association of bodaboda operators on Wednesday that ‘there will be no demonstrations’” (…) ‘‘Everybody should go about their work as they usually do,’‘ Njwele said” (…) “ The city’s deputy police boss, Yusuph Ilembo, told journalists that the “government will not allow an illegal protest being planned by a few people to destabilise the country”(Mumbere, 2018).

So today, they put up the anti, they pulled the guns. Not only arresting fellow people involved in arranging the protest, but also telling motorcycle taxis and the public in general. To stay away, while ordering the police and army to intervene.

There should be understanding from the government behind this arrests, as the window for free speech, freedom of expression and even dissident voices are oppressed. If a paper write negatively or against the president. It will be suspended, if someone write a song that has certain illegal messages in it, it will be banned from being broadcast on the radio. If an opposition MP says the truth about the President’s behavior. He will be detained and taken hostage by the government, before being served with new jail time. That is the state of affairs under Magufuli. This has been happening over time.

Magufuli went from being praise for his goodness and his acts against corruption. However, he control-freak and lack of integrity, real leadership skills and understanding of his role has President. Is evident in the actions against the ones planning to protest, also against the media, singers and opposition MPs, that has all tasted: “What Would Magufuli do?”. Well the answer is: “He would punish you!”.

It is with warning, the demonstrations and nationwide demonstrations, as the evident soldiers in the street and the Police warning the public. The truth of the dictatorial actions are already there, with how the government has pursuit people in the past year. Therefore, not expect a comfortable result tomorrow.

What we are seeing now, is a man that thinks he understand his role, but he doesn’t, instead of leading, he is ordering. Instead of delegating and working with consensus. Instead, everyone is supposed to sing his tune, dance to his steps and praise the glory of all the United Republic of Tanzania, President Magufuli. Peace.


Juma, Mussa – ‘Tanzania: Seven Arrested Over Union Day Protests’ (24.04.2018) link: http://allafrica.com/stories/201804240687.html

Mumbere, Daniel – ‘’No protests tomorrow’: Tanzania police tells citizens to keep calm’ (25.04.2018) link: http://www.africanews.com/2018/04/25/no-protests-tomorrow-tanzania-police-tells-citizens-to-keep-calm/