Tanzania: Ministry of Health letter to USAID – “Re: Cancellation of Broadcasting of Radio and TV Sports for Family Planning” (19.09.2018)

Is President Magufuli afraid of statistics now?

The Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and President John Pombe Magufuli who has done his to silence critics, media and opposition politicians. Now, he is starting to control the Education Sector or the Higher Education, as the ones doing surveys and research now with the amendment of the Written Laws and the Principal Acts, Amendment 31. which will stop you from publish any data without permission. Secondly, the same folks cannot publish the data- or statistics even if it truthful, when it differs with the official government data. Therefore, the truth always has to be similar to the government and not be separated from that.

The CCM and Magufuli must be afraid of what the NGOs and Higher Education are doing, as they want the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has to decide if their survey or study is even truthful compared to the numbers they have crunched. They are not accepting the works or the analysis of others. As they might find out that the beans-production isn’t as good as the CCM wants or even the inflation in the coastal region compared to Moshi.

That the ones publishing a statistics or data without the permission from the NBS will get a possible fine of 10 million shillings. They are really afraid of the statistics that doesn’t fit the narrative of CCM. They are already afraid of the Social Media, the bloggers and the newspapers, they have suspended people for writing songs and politicians for calling Magufuli a dictator. He really has to take the pulse on everything.

This shows how bad and how weak the President is. He cannot even trust the educational or the ones surveying the land, as they will belittle his ego and his reputation. He has to be the grandest man ever residing in Tanzania. Magufuli has to be praised and loved like a genius. Even if he is far from it. Is he afraid of academic researchers?

Have they shaded him so much, that the lack of economic progress or even keeping up with his own pledges, become so bad he has to secure the data the Higher Education and the NGOs are creating? Unless, they fit the narrative of the CCM?

That is what I am getting out of this. The Tanzanian government are afraid of researchers, NGOs and the educational surveys, that might find results that doesn’t fit the President and his party. That is why he has to say: “no, you cannot publish that”. That is what he is up too, because he cannot have statistics showing the reality, he needs numbers that are fitting him. Good to know how tin-skinned the man is. Peace.

President Magufuli how thin-skinned are you?

Goebbels was in favor of free speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely the views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favor of free speech.”Noam Chomsky

President John Pombe Magufuli have now asked and an inquiry into the popularity of you as President. This was made by Twaweza in 2018, to show how his popularity have gone. Because of the reaction from the public. The results from the survey was negative going from in the 96% favorable in the 2016, but in 2018 it is down to 55%. So he had lost over 41% ratings as proven by their survey.

That is clearly insulting to the big-man and his thin-skinned ways, if your write articles questioning him. Expect your paper to closed, if your blogger expect to pay and ask for license. Therefore, the crack-down is continuing, even surveys done by NGOs and others are now under-fire. Radios closed, Musicians have been detained and fined for their message in their music. All voices under Magufuli is under question. He cannot manage anything else than praise.

I think early in his Presidency, everyone praised the Bulldozer, the man with plan and without any scruples. That has been proven, as papers, bloggers and radios has closed or lost license because of him. If they did say or write anything, they would end up in trouble. Even opposition MPs have been behind bars because of him.

That is maybe why the President is losing favor, maybe that is why people wasn’t celebrating the Union Day this 26th April 2018. Magufuli ordered the military in the streets of the bigger cities as a showdown of his power. The President has clearly forgotten why he had popularity.

It is because he did the right thing, not all praising him and his actions, but seemingly for the betterment of Tanzania. That is why people loved his ways and his activity as the President. With time he has taken everything personal and also taken action against critics and closing the public space, also ability for them say out in various media houses and platforms.

Magufuli should listen to the likes of Chomsky, maybe then he would understand why I call him thin-skinned. The Tanzanian President cannot stomach criticism. That is proven with his action. He is a whiny little bitch, with lack of character and lack of leadership. If he had been a good leader, he would have listen learned something, not just directing and micro-managing. However, that is something he cannot carry. That is why he is losing popularity.

Because, why is it a problem to get the knowledge of losing popularity Mr. President?

Maybe, you should think of your ways, that people wasn’t celebrating Union Day should be worry itself. Because of your actions. It is time rekindle yourself and maybe even envision yourself in another spotlight.

You should take it and carry it. But your not, because your whining and attacking the free speech. Peace.

Tanzania: Massive military activity ahead of tomorrow’s opposition protest!

Today, there has been something out of the ordinary, today the military and police has taken over the streets of Dar Es Saalam, a day ahead of the planned demonstrations on Union Day. This is a collective effort of the government to shut-down dissidents. This is happening all over the republic. This the answer from the government run by President John Pombe Magufuli, who has had issues with anyone questioning him and critiquing him. Over time he has shown his true color and ways! 

Yesterday arrests of people behind the demonstrations:

At least seven people have been arrested in Arusha for interrogations in connection with their role in possible political demonstrations across the country on 26 April 2018 (Union Day). The acting Regional Police Commander for Arusha, Mr Yusuph Ilembo, told journalists on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 that the arrests follow investigations conducted by the police force” (Juma, 2018).

Therefore, the precautions of the state is already involved, as the state whose now on the streets with guns, battalions of soldiers and such. To really signal, that demonstrations and protests are not allowed by this government.

As further reported:

The Dar Special Zone police chief, Sweethbert Njwele told an association of bodaboda operators on Wednesday that ‘there will be no demonstrations’” (…) ‘‘Everybody should go about their work as they usually do,’‘ Njwele said” (…) “ The city’s deputy police boss, Yusuph Ilembo, told journalists that the “government will not allow an illegal protest being planned by a few people to destabilise the country”(Mumbere, 2018).

So today, they put up the anti, they pulled the guns. Not only arresting fellow people involved in arranging the protest, but also telling motorcycle taxis and the public in general. To stay away, while ordering the police and army to intervene.

There should be understanding from the government behind this arrests, as the window for free speech, freedom of expression and even dissident voices are oppressed. If a paper write negatively or against the president. It will be suspended, if someone write a song that has certain illegal messages in it, it will be banned from being broadcast on the radio. If an opposition MP says the truth about the President’s behavior. He will be detained and taken hostage by the government, before being served with new jail time. That is the state of affairs under Magufuli. This has been happening over time.

Magufuli went from being praise for his goodness and his acts against corruption. However, he control-freak and lack of integrity, real leadership skills and understanding of his role has President. Is evident in the actions against the ones planning to protest, also against the media, singers and opposition MPs, that has all tasted: “What Would Magufuli do?”. Well the answer is: “He would punish you!”.

It is with warning, the demonstrations and nationwide demonstrations, as the evident soldiers in the street and the Police warning the public. The truth of the dictatorial actions are already there, with how the government has pursuit people in the past year. Therefore, not expect a comfortable result tomorrow.

What we are seeing now, is a man that thinks he understand his role, but he doesn’t, instead of leading, he is ordering. Instead of delegating and working with consensus. Instead, everyone is supposed to sing his tune, dance to his steps and praise the glory of all the United Republic of Tanzania, President Magufuli. Peace.


Juma, Mussa – ‘Tanzania: Seven Arrested Over Union Day Protests’ (24.04.2018) link: http://allafrica.com/stories/201804240687.html

Mumbere, Daniel – ‘’No protests tomorrow’: Tanzania police tells citizens to keep calm’ (25.04.2018) link: http://www.africanews.com/2018/04/25/no-protests-tomorrow-tanzania-police-tells-citizens-to-keep-calm/

The Paternalistic Tanzanian State wants to control all Content Online!

There are some leaders who has the need to control the media, to the levels of stupidity, some leaders cannot manage critics or even questions about their actions. That they continue to supress and silence the opposition. They get suspended the broadcasting licence, they get suspending from publishing their newspapers and even fellow politicians who comes with rhetorical questions can end behind bars. That is the truth of Tanzania under President Dr. John Pombe Magufuli.

He has now taken it further, he is now charging fees for people for signing up content online, if you’re a blogger, it will cost 930 United States dollars any given year to do it. They have to be registered and on file to be able to write online. That would have costed me and I have been doing this for years. Clearly, Magufuli doesn’t like free spirits, unless they are all praising his narrow mind.

If the blog even causes “annoyances”, meaning if it insults the presumed intelligence of Magufuli, then the blog page will be suspended and taken down. The blogger/writer will not allowed to be published. This is a way of the state to sanction and control all written word. Also all content online and seek the ones who can afford to think on their own!

That is high price for a service, that if you have the basic packages of blogs, it doesn’t cost, unless you are paying for address and other extra services on the blog itself. Therefore, this is to secure that the ones with lack of funds cannot write online. This is to know exactly who writes and operates within the state and make sure publishers follows government guidelines. Just like they forcefully does to other media.

The Tanzanian Government under Magufuli has been relentless and ruthless to the media. Therefore, this is just the next step; they have banned songs from famous pop-stars already. Therefore, this is just the next move, to alter the media and alter the freedom of oppression. Now, the state can also have oversight and total control of the blogs, just as if they do with radio, TV and Newspapers. This will likely make it harder for people to start writing and question the government. Since, it is a big hurdle to have 930 US Dollars to pay the government to do so.

The free mind, the thinking minds and the ones questioning authorities online, will now you have to be registered there and they have an oversight role over you. The state will decide and grant you the permission to blog, podcast, and whatnot online. The paternal state is there and they are not subtle about it.

If you would be wise, would be to use VPN and register in whatever republic, nation or dominion, where the state cannot control you, but then again. You have to remember to use that trick to not be caught with IP Address and whatnot. That is if you are a free thinker and defiant in the mode of an over-controlling state. Peace.

Tanzania: Police Bans the Political Party ACT Chama Cha Wazalendo from having all kinds of internal party work!

On the 8th March 2018, the Police sent an order to the Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT) Chama Cha Wazalendo. This order is directly banning and making it illegal for the party to organize itself. The Tanzanian Police has ordered that meeting people in their houses and have town hall meetings is illegal. They are also banning all internal meetings within the ACT Chama Cha Wazalendo party.

Meaning the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), the party of the President is consolidating his power even more, as his attacks on the media and certain individuals was the start. Now he is directly banning other party from working within their party organization. In general the ACT Chama Cha Wazalendo is directly illegal, because they cannot gather, not have internal meetings and not meet in people’s houses. They are banned from moving, having gatherings and even do party internal work. President John Magufuli must be so proud of his actions.

We know that Magufuli is afraid, that he is weak and cannot stomach criticism, that is proven during his term. That is why radios lost their license, papers sanctioned and opposition political leaders detained. That is the reason why he now orders the Police to silence ACT Chama Cha Wazalendo. He cannot manage that they are questioning his authority. The only way to prove it is by banning, detaining and control it with force. Magufuli doesn’t have the heart or the understanding of using his position to address the opposition with rhetoric and political papers. Instead, he detains and bans.

That is why the ACT Chama Cha Wazalendo is the latest victim of the weak President. Who cannot muster force to stand up against the people who disagree with him. A President who doesn’t have the character to understand the opposition. Because he is the almighty, the head honcho and the man with all the answers. If Hitchhikers Guide To Galaxy was written today, Douglas Adams would have written that Deep Thought and Magufuli is the same character. If you have any questions, anything you need understood, you go to Magufuli and not traveling around the galaxy to Deep Thought like Ford Perfect did. Because Magufuli would have the answer even “42” and all the others you might need.

We have seen this over time. Again Magufuli proves it. Peace.

Opinion: President Magufuli is weak and sensitive, since he cannot manage criticism!

I don’t know anyone who is more sensitive, I don’t know how little criticism this leader can handle. It is shocking and sinister how little this can handle. I can write what I like, because I don’t have to fear for that man. I don’t have to hide, because he won’t shut down my radio, my newspaper or my online page. The man cannot stop my explicit tune playing the radio. My office will not be raided by the police, my home will be war-zone as they pull me out and detain me. I will not be charged and be in prison for 5 months.

Some would think I would write about their specific leader, since these sort of individuals are on the rise. But this is dedicated to the Tanzanian President John Pombe Joseph Magufuli, who with his ruling party has arrested people of the opposition on Zanzibar, has taken control over the broadcasting licenses and orders everyone around. President Magufuli cannot manage criticism. Critics and Opposition is venom to him. It kills his thoughts, his ideas and his vision, no matter how small or big. It just destroys him. He become bitter and instead of answer back with facts and arguments. He send the police and uses his authority to silence them.

It is so weak, it so belittling and show how little imagination Magufuli has, it shows how little of mind he has. That he cannot muster strength and mind to battle his opponents. The President cannot manage to address them like common folk in a conversation. Everyone has that with someone they have a conversation over some time, will weather you like it or not, disagree. That is natural and therefore, you don’t come with hatred and sanctions. But ideas and other perspective, to figure out reasonable result, a consensus if you may. However, in the Tanzania under Magufuli, that is a Noble idea and a quest into oblivion. You will find heroes on the other side of the border somewhere, not inside.

President Magufuli is a lost cause, he is barren and seemingly striking against anyone writing and saying stuff about him. I would have written this in Tanga Port, Arusha or Dodoma. If I was writing this in an internet cafe, I would expect to hampered, questioned by the police and charged for sending out questionable content. I know it is questionable, because I am questioning the ability of Magufuli to be an honest and good leader.

I have doubts that he can ever aspire to greatness, ever become a hero or even be legendary leader. I have doubt he can, he doesn’t have the character or the strength to pull it off. Magufuli is a coward and forgery, he cannot manage to address newspapers, neither radio stations, also opposition politicians. The ones who ask questions and calls him names. That is why he isn’t great, but a weakling. Because he hasn’t got the guts to be under-fire, without striking back, if he had gone after them with words and arguments. It would make sense, as that would further the agenda and prove his mental capacity of leadership. Instead, he is ordering and using force against the ones speaking up. Using the police and courts as political tools to silence dissidents. Like a little bitch, a little whiny weakling who cannot manage to open his mouth, use simple reasoning and facts to address the ones calling him names.

It is vindictive, it is vicious and shows the lack of heart. It lacks the basic instinct of gratitude, it is more of misuse of power and ruthlessness. He cannot manage to control his mind and his visions, he cannot handle people working against him or speaking ill of him. So the best way is to silence them, so he cannot hear them for a while. Magufuli is weak, bitter and desperate. It cannot be easy, not managing questions, not managing people speaking up and not even sexual explicit songs from Diamond Platinums on the radio. Shiish, what a Republic it has become.

Magufuli, you brought so much hope, but your were just a weak man, not able or not having the character to run the Republic. Why I say that, because you cannot stomach people who you disagree with or address you. That is why you cannot manage to be a leader, to be proud and rule. You are not tough, you are soft and an excuse of a man who leads the Republic.

I know you would have detained me for this, because I insult your pride and your honour, however, you have insulted the intelligence of your own people. That they have a President who has no common sense, who cannot manage his temper and be level headed. Instead, your high and mighty on the throne, but cannot manage the people taunting you. Are you a clown or are you a leader? Seemingly your leading people, but ordering them. Because if your not following orders and dissent, you can expect arrests and judgment in favor of the state.

If that how you think you will succeed. You might quell it and they will re-return to prison for speaking against you again. You are creating enemies, you are creating renegades and revolutionaries, because your assaulting the ordinary liberty and their freedoms. All of that happens because the thin-skinned character you are, cannot manage to be touched or insulted. You cannot manage to questioned or humiliated in public. Clearly, you can only manage praise and public support by fellow leaders and people.

President Magufuli do you want to be recognized as weak? Is that who you are? A weak and softhearted man, who cannot manage criticism. Time to step up your game and handle this with sense. I know I am asking much, but someone has to say it. Peace.

Tanzania: Criticism of President Leads to Imprisonment (01.03.2018)

These developments together heighten already significant concerns about Tanzania’s commitment to democratic governance and human rights.

WASHINGTON D.C., United States of America, March 1, 2018 – In response to a court in Tanzania sentencing two opposition political leaders — Joseph Mbiliyini and Emmanuel Masonga – to five months’ imprisonment for using insulting language against President John Magufuli, Freedom House issued the following statement:

“The jailing of opposition politicians for expressing their views on issues of public interest, such as political violence, highlights the Magufuli administration’s growing intolerance of peaceful and legitimate dissent and is aimed at intimidating critics of the government,” said Jon Temin, director of Africa programs. “At the same time, credible reports of the kidnapping, disappearance and murder of several political and human rights activists in recent months point to accelerating political violence. These developments together heighten already significant concerns about Tanzania’s commitment to democratic governance and human rights.”

Tanzania is rated Partly Free in Freedom in the World 2018 and Partly Free in Freedom of the Press 2017.

My letter to President Magufuli: seems like you need some love 3.0

Dear Sir, His Excellency (H.E.) President John Pombe Joseph Magufuli of the United Republic of Tanzania.

I am sad, I have to write to you again on this sort of affair. It is not like you are cheating on your wife. If your going to trade war with fellow East African Countries. Not like you trying to stifle fellow counterparts of the TAZARA Railway. That would have interesting and been shocking.

I am not writing about the added taxes or the trying to earn bigger parts of the mineral wealth in Tanzania. That is something you should be saluted for and I understand your grievances against the International Mining Companies who earn massive profits on the minerals on your lands.

Well, I am writing because someone hurt your feelings. Someone wrote something that hit your little heart. Something that you cannot muster to understand and escape away from. The powers of Presidency should get under-fire and get criticism for the acts and regulations done by the high power. If cannot muster just resentment and arguments against your critics, you should step H.E. Magufuli.

I am not saying that with ease, because I am a nobody, I would wash your car, clear your garden, maybe carry your mail or be someone who worked in an office, doing demeaning clerical work. Still, I tell you, you cannot always get love and praise. I have told you what you deserve praise for, before going into this. Since if you cannot muster resentments and arguments, or being an honest big-man to let a paper named Mwanahalisi, write what they like.

Instead, your are a heartless person, who has silenced the paper for two years. You have silenced yet another part of the press. Since they call you a hypocrite. Is that all it takes to hurt you? Are you that small, Mr. President? Hypocrite? Really? Are you not more powerful and greater, are you not braver or are you just a figment of imagination of actual opposition against you?

It is like you expect love and praise, for the earth your walking on. That you cannot be told or be questioned by the local media. Now they cannot say anything without fearing losing license, suspensions or direct crack-down leading to the bankruptcy. Clearly, this is your tale Mr. President. I wish it was different. I wish you had heart and could manage to be put in question.

What would Magufuli do? He would have hated my letters and asked for my blog to be closed down. If I was in Tanzania, you would have detained me or even put me to Court. But I all want is for you to see how belittling you are. Instead of the character you could have. Brush it off and know you would get love for the actual good things you do and wants to achieve. That you will have adversaries is natural, your in public office. Not everyone will accept your policies and your statements. If you we’re saint and not an ordinary person. Which by heart you are, since your so offended by being called “hypocrite”, that you suspend a paper.

It would be necessary to give you love, but it is time for tough love and learn some humility Mr. President, His Excellency!

I know I ask a lot by saying it, but I think you need to hear it!

Best Regards

Writer of Minbane

The Order:

My letter to President Magufuli: seems like you need some love 2.0

Dear Sir, His Excellency (H.E.) President John Pombe Joseph Magufuli of the United Republic of Tanzania.

I am writing to you again, it strange how it comes to this. I wonder why it has turned to this. There was so much hope for you. You we’re a breath of fresh air, acted differently and seemed decent. Instead, the power has eaten your soul and you cannot handle critics or possible dossiers.

It seems like you have a little-man complex or power fatigue, as you expected to get showers of confetti and not get rainy days. I know it is weird, but life is usually what you serve it. If there are issues and corruption in the Mining Industry, it isn’t the tabloid paper Mawio, but it is the Mineral Extraction companies and civil servants who are corrupted. You should not have issues with the tabloid journalists in Mawio, they are just telling stories from Tanzania and from the different people that lives there. You should know this better than me, you are the Executive and running the Republic. Let’s take a brief look!

The Information minister Dr Harrison Mwakyembe imposed the 24-month ban through a statement released to the media by the Director of Information services Dr Hassan Abbasi on Thursday evening” (…) “I have been left with no other option than to use powers conferred to me by the Information Services Act to impose a ban on Mawio from publication for the next 24 months,” read part of the letter from the minister to Mawio editor” (…) “Mawio was accused of ignoring a government directive on reporting of the former presidents. On Wednesday, President John Magufuli warned the media against linking Mkapa and Kikwete to the government minerals dispute with mining giant Acacia” (The Citizen, 2017).

I know you must feel hurt… feel the pain and the sorrow of maybe being involved in possible mineral dispute like your previous peers. I know that the precious heart of yours must be shattered. That this Mawio tabloid paper wrote such a hideous story exposing the current president, you Magufuli are compered with them. It seems like you have lost your heart…

That your heart was shattered, that the deep sorrow are coming over you. Magufuli you need love and passion, as you have so little compassion. As a president your expected to get support and praise, but this is opposite. What Mawio wrote was maybe distasteful of your wished reputation, but if your connected and letting the government do similar as your predecessors. Shouldn’t that be informed by the media?

Seemingly, you are the President and your precious feelings are getting hurt so often. That the press are writing stories and revealing the government matters, which they shouldn’t in your opinion. Well, many would be to differ, especially when try to dig deep, like even a weekly tabloid Mavio did on Wednesday.

Someone needs to give you love, make it compassionate and be a caregiver to you. Since you cannot handle criticism and critic of any kind. As President and as Executive, you should have the heart, have the understanding and handle the media, as they are there to be part of the checks and balances of your work, President!

Your government are weak and pathetic if it cannot handle that a tabloid write stories about it. President Magufuli, I know you need love, lots of it. You need it so much, that if someone now writes against you and your government you hurt them. The Ministry of Information are suspending them on your accord.

Your usually gets what your hearts seeks. Your emotions seems to run a bit hot lately, as over the last few months… you have been hard on the media and journalists for so, so long!

Can someone please… for the love of god and everything holy, give the President some love. So that he can act like fellow brother and not as heinous totalitarian leader, not as the leader people expected you to be!

Best Regard

Writer of Minbane

Mawio Newspaper Suspended – United Republic of Tanzania – Statement in Swahili


The Citizen – ‘Tanzania slaps 2-year ban on newspaper for linking Kikwete, Mkapa to mining row’ (16.06.2017) link: http://www.theeastafrican.co.ke/news/Tanzania-tabloid-banned-Magufuli-minerals/2558-3973200-37oyx/index.html