Opinion: The President is one-emergency-call away to fix Medical Evacuation for the Elites…

“None of us (government officials) is going to die in Mulago because there is no medicine. If there is no medicine, [we] will call the President and he will put [us] on a plane and take us to America. We are not victims of corruption.” IGG Beti Kamya urges civilians to report corruption cases, highlighting their victimhood instead of top government officials” (NTV Uganda, 02.06.2023).

I don’t know about you… but the Inspector General of Government (IGG) Beti Kamya frankness in regard to corruption or mismanagement of funds within the Ministry of Health is telling. The ability to not see how arrogant and entitled she where. Well, that is astonishing.

Kamya has gone far in this world. She has maybe not able to retain her seat as an MP in Parliament. Nevertheless, she has become a Minister for one term and the IGG after that. The President has appointed her and kept her in high regard. If he didn’t consider her or see any value in her loyalty. He would have dumped her as Senior Presidential Advisor or become a Residential District Commander (RDC) in a god-forsaken up-country district, which she would rarely visit and only be there during certain celebrations.

Alas, Kamya isn’t that wise or considerate. She is just showing what we knew, but she is saying the silent part out loud. We know that the “high above” needs a say in most things. Now we know his the ones issuing orders and being the guardian of the Medical Evacuations of Ministers, Members of Parliament (MPs) or the general elite. The ones who get treatment in India, United States of America or somewhere in Europe.

She said his a call away and get them on a plane. The IGG is practically telling the citizens how Oulanyah got the treatment in Seattle. The way we know others has been airlifted to Nairobi or further away too. The National Resistance Movement (NRM) takes care of its own, but doesn’t consider the rest.

We know the President isn’t a call away from the ones who works within the bounds of the gig-economy or the civil servants who can go months without pay. These have to die in the hospitals without additional help. However, if you are a part of the anointed elite and in high regard of the President. Then you can anticipate the services of the Uganda Airlines and get visa’s or medical passes to get treatment in the West. That’s what Kamya is saying she didn’t see anything wrong in it either.

The public shouldn’t be privy to it. We all know it happens, but it shows how bad it is. It isn’t like these things are new in the Republic either. However, it shows how the state has failed its own and how the President has spend on airlifting patients and pay for their services. This just shows how the Ministry of Health isn’t a concern or even a priority. That’s because the ones in-charge and the ones in the elite can easily get away and it’s one call away.

The President can just a word and a nod. Then he will give them a thumbs up and the sick patient is in the air. That’s not how these things are supposed to work. It shows that the elites, the NRM and the President has already given up on getting treatment at home. They are all just eagerly calling the President and getting it resolved. That’s easier than ensuring the proper people working in the fields, logistics around the medicine and the machinery for all sorts of treatment. No, that takes commitment and investment. It is easier to just fix a ride on a plane and call it a night. Peace.

Opinion: Baryomunsi is a sorry excuse of a man…

As the government, we know what we are supposed to do, whether you post it on social media or not. I will not lose sleep because a picture of a pothole has been posted on social media” (…) “As a government, we wake up and go to the office early because we have to work for the people of Uganda. We know that there are some external activists that pay people to blackmail the government” – The Minister of ICT, Information and National Guidance Chris Baryomunsi (16.05.2023).

The Minister and Member of Parliament Chris Baryomunsi is a government apologist and brands himself like that. I will digress the statement of his with a proverb. Just to show how arrogant this man is:

“To fear the Lord is to hate evil;

    I hate pride and arrogance,

    evil behavior and perverse speech” (Proverbs 8:13).

The bible and wisdom aren’t the calling of the Minister. Anyone who has heard or seen this fella knows that. A man who is willing to digest and sell all sorts of impunity. He has excelled in arrogance and entitlement. That’s why his even saying these words on TV for everyone to hear. That’s why his talking like that on NBS Television.

Therefore Baryomunsi is and his proud of it too. Even if the Lord hates evil, the Minister bashes in it and glorifies it. He has not time or concern with the misgivings of his government. Neither does he want any accountability. This man doesn’t care if people die or is dying. As a leader and representative, he clearly doesn’t value the voices of the people. The people his supposed to represent and act on their behest. Seriously, a disgrace of a man and a sorry excuse of a MP. Even worse as a Minister and Appointed High Ranking Official. No one will be sorry when this man has his demise. Because he didn’t care about people suffering while living the high life.

His pride and arrogance is of another level. It just shows what sort of character he is and what he stands for. It is really tragic that he is like this, but it is the mere reality we live in. Baryomunsi isn’t acting responsible or accountable. Instead, he acts like transparency and accountability isn’t important.

It isn’t blackmail to show the lacking of performance and how the government isn’t acting righteous. The Government of Uganda, which the Minister represents… that’s why his a sorry excuse of man and a representative in general.

Not that Baryomunsi have ever been a likeable character or a man to look up too. His the man that defending the state lack of treatment for cancer patients in 2016. A man who said they were dying anyway. So why be stressed that the cancer machine wasn’t working at the Cancer Centre at Mulago. That’s the sort of fella he is and people should recognize that.

Baryomunsi is the embodiment of pride, arrogance and fraudulent prestige. There is nothing good about him and especially not in the way he behaves in public. He is just epitome of everything wrong with the regime and the National Resistance Movement (NRM).

This man will not like his legacy and neither how he is remembered. That’s all himself to blame and nobody else. Peace.

The Battle of the Keyboards: Three Ministers at the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance (!)

Today, the 11th Parliament has made another addition to the Cabinet. The Cabinet has gotten yet another Minister. It is now stretched from 80 to 81 Ministers. That is outrageous numbers. I had already gone through a few bloated Ministries.

Now, the Ministry of Information Communication Technology and National Guidance. Which already had veteran politician Chris Baryomunsi and former FDC veteran Owek. Joyce Ssebugwawo.

That was announced on the 8th June 2021 and now on the 14th June 2021 they have added another 3rd Minister. This is the former Kasese Muncipality Mayor Godfrey Baluku Kabbyanga. That’s happening after the Kasese Region felt left out with all the other appointments. Therefore, everyone is involved will have their time to shine, but wonder what they will do.

The Ministry have had two Ministers recently. They had a Minister and a “deputy” or “junior” minister. Now, they have a double of that and they have the same title as well.

The Ministry has the agencies of Uganda Broadcasting Company (UBC), Vision Group, National Information Technology Authority (NITA); Posta Uganda, Uganda Communication Commission (UCC), Uganda Media Centre, Government Citizens Interaction Center (GCIC) and Uganda Institute of Information & Communications Technology (UICT).

In addition the Ministry have the Media Council and the ICT and National Guidance Sector Working Group.

So, we can see how the Ministry has been spawned out. What it is really telling too. Is how much agencies it does have. There are seemingly a need for two similar organizations like Uganda Media Centre and the GCIC who are both doing the same. They could have easily become one unit.

Just like NITA is there to coordinate and regulate Information Technology. While UCC is there to regulate the Communications sector. These two are working in the same lane and could easily been merged.

Just like this Ministry needs now three ministers to have oversight over this. That is because of regional representation. Which shows that appointment isn’t to make this Ministry any better, but to have another person at that office. His just a lucky loser getting hand-picked.

It is clearly more important to have more people appointed than them actually having a mandate to do anything. The third and last one here will be a fish out of water. Unless, his participating at meetings and parts of directorates, which the two other doesn’t value.

There will be battles over the keyboards and who gets to publish what. They will be busy-bodies who does little, but will fight for relevance in the term to come. Peace.

The new cabinet isn’t that sharp [Museveni’s most intriguing Minister’s for 2021-26] Part II

This is the second edition of the articles on he 80 people the President has appointed to various of Ministries lately. President Yoweri Tibuhurwa Kaguta Museveni continues his extended government and additional offices. This term 2021 to 2026 is no difference. I will look into further of the appointees and what I can find that is significant.

What is very important to say. Is that many who has been retained or gotten appointed are there out of share loyalty to the President. They voted for the Age Limit and fought for it as well. It is a gratitude and proof of loyalty. Nevertheless, that’s not the whole thing, but an important… one nevertheless.

For some reasons beyond me. The inept and sorry excuse of an MP. Chris Baryomunsi is appointed as Minister for Information, Communication Technology and National Guidance. That means several of people have a new boss. The man who will control and have the UCC under his Ministry. The man who said people deserved to wait and die when the Cancer Machine didn’t work at Mulago. A person who didn’t understand why the standard and lack of investment into the education sector, as he visited a school. This man will now run the ICT and have this role. He will be a token soldier and run wild here. Not the fella who will make it better, but silence critics and be vile on TV. Just watch out!

The forever young Gen. Kahinda Otafiire. A man who is always selected and has a natural vibe of a Ministry. The previous Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister. Has now the prestigious Ministry of Internal Affairs. He will truly assault on the ones who is in the way of this Presidency. He is the sort of man who will try to corrupt an election to win and ensure his opponent linger in jail. So, this man isn’t that great, but entitlement is a bitch and the General will continue to pursuit it to the end of his days.

Raphael Magyezi, the one who is the definition of a autocrats best friend. The man who is willing to trade away his soul. Just for some pocket-change and benign trust that it will pay-off in the end. For now his at the mercy of the President. Who has retained him after “private” billing the Age Limit. Still, this man has nothing now. If it isn’t for the goodwill of the President. He knew he isn’t loved and therefore, he isn’t even an MP anymore either. An appointee with no future, except for the blessing of the State House.

Judith Nabakoba MP have perfected the unadulterated press releases in her last term in Parliament. Nobody gave out more information and more statements than her. She was steady with them and parroting the narratives of the state. This is why she was retained and will have another role. She is now appointed as the Minster of Lands, Housing and Urban Development. Where she might be more silent and be more knocking-on the doors of the State House for a safe journey.

One Independent NRM “leaning” MP Agnes Nandutu is the former ‘Point Blank’ reporter and journalist turned politician. Who lost in the NRM Primaries but was able to become MP in the General Election. She is now appointed as Minister of State, Office of the Prime Minister in-charge of Karamjoa.

Evelyn Anite returns to the Cabinet after double loses in the elections. She lost in the Primary and in the General Election. Still, the President is appointing her as the Minister of State for MoFPED in-charge of Planning. She has been a minister in the last term into business. The President is putting her as a deputy under Matia Kasaija. That will be good for her in one way. As she is proven as a soft-weight last term. Even if she is bold, brash and out of line. Going full steam ahead and the President have to clear out her mess like he had to with Uganda Telecom and other saga’s pertaining to Anite. She is living on the mercy of Yoweri and should count her blessings. Also, let us not forget that she is the “gateway to Koboko” and has the army behind her. Please. Remember that. 

Henry Okello-Oryem is another one of them who just has to be retained. His a State Minister of Foreign Affairs, in-charge of International Affairs. This is a role he has kept for years. Even as his boss Kuteesa is gone. His retained miraculously. We can wonder why, because it is not like he has worked magic or done anything significant in the previous of years. His there because Museveni trust him and nothing more than that.

Sarah Nyirabashitsi Mateke MP, the daughter of Dr. Philemon Mateke ran for MP in 2021 and won. She has been in Parliament in 2011-2016, but lost in the last term, but returned as this one. Ironically, she ran as an independent in the 2016, but lost to the the NRM candidate in Kisoro. She is one out of 6 Ministers appointed from the Kigezi Sub-Region.

Another forever Minister is Sam Okello Engola has been in good graces since he was appointed as a member of the Constitutional Assembly in 1995. Been in Parliament since 2001 and held various of posts since then. He is just one of those spirits on the wall that keeps getting retained and delivers exactly what the State House wants. This is why his such a fellow who get appointed and keeps getting high ranking official work by the President.

A giant shocker is Owek Joyce Nabbosa Ssebugwawo, Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) politician. Who has been the National Chairperson of FDC and a former minister in Buganda Kingdom. She was part of a team who worked directly with Patrick Oboi Amuriat in the negotiations and talks with Muntu after the former Party President lost the previous election. She’s such a integrated part of FDC. It is astonishing that she accepted the appointment and now becomes a State Minister of ICT and National Guidance. Working directly for Uganda Media Centre and other entities spewing out propaganda for the state. That’s such a epic downfall from grace. A betrayal of the cause and a former confidant of Besigye going rouge for Museveni.

Here was another 10 more appointments and my comments. My research and looking into the cabinet for 2021 – 2026. This is very interesting and shows what sort of people Museveni appoints. It is a clear sign, but also a shocker. That Owek and Mateke get’s picked is weird. The others are more accepted, but needs a gist of their past and show how long they have been in the game.

The President drops a few appointees that you couldn’t expect, but also some staple. There is some who just have to get a Ministerial Post and be a High Ranking Official. That is just their livelihood and expectation. Peace.

The State of Health service delivery and financing: CSO perspectives (17.03.2019)

Hoima Regional Referal Hospital Director Dr. Peter Mukobi letter to LCI Hoima Muncipality Chairman Mohammed Kyimba: “Request to Provide a Written Explaination on the Allegations Against Hoima RRH” (16.11.2018)

Rotten roots: MPs Medical Tourism are needed, because Health Ministers flee to do it too!

We have specialists to handle the cases the Members of Parliament that went abroad. We are not shamed about our hospitals, we have all requirements for specialised treatment of the MPs that left” – Ruth Aceng (04.09.2018).

Today, the Uganda Media Centre, State Minister of Helath Ruth Aceng, Minister for Housing Hon. Chris Baryomunsi and Gen. Elly Tumwiine has done their best to defend the state defense to the media. However, their defense of the state of Health Care needs to be dismissed. The other of the spin of what happened in Arua in August has to stop. As there are no one looking into the death and the tortured individuals, more spinning the blame on the civilians and not on the ones shooting live-bullets.

While that is a case, the Members of Parliament Hon. Francis Zaake and Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine left the Republic for medical treatment in both United States and India. However, this is not new. Earlier this year Betty Nambooze after the Age Limit ruckus has had medical treatment in India. She is not alone. As I will show.

From the Ministry of Health Alone in 2017:

The State minister for Primary Health Care, Dr Joyce Moriku Kaducu because of food-poisoning last year, couldn’t get treatment in Uganda, so she flown to Aga Khan Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya. While Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng, the State Minister of Health left Uganda for her knee surgery in India.

Former MPs Died in 2017:

Last year, Annie Logiel MP for Moroto headed to Denmark for treatment for her brain tumor, but did not survive. In the same year, William Bejikukye Zinkuratire, who was poisoned after he was sworn-in as MP, later getting treatment several times in India, but as he got final treatment in Uganda, finally succumbed to the illness. Former MP Issa Kikungwe died last year of a brain-tumor, as medical team at Mulago couldn’t save him.

In 2018:

Earlier this year, former MP Ruth Alinyikira Owagage was to get life needed treatment at the Jinja Hospital. However, the lack of oxygen and treatment let her die at the premises.

So, when I hear Ruth Aceng and others saying the Health Care have the ability to treat Bobi Wine and Zaake. I have my doubts, as the State Minister’s of Health went abroad for their treatments last year. The Presidents daughters have traveled abroad to give birth even. Therefore, when the National Resistance Movement (NRM) says everything is fine and dandy. Why did the State Ministers for Health travel themselves for treatment last year? Shouldn’t they be the firsts to use the services they represents?

This is like the brewer not drinking the own made drink, but instead buys Coca-Cola. Your supposed to be proud of what you produce and sell, not the ones you buy wholesale. That is what the State Minister of Health is doing. They are not proud of their service delivery, when your traveling abroad yourself for medical healthcare. That is what they have done. That is why Aceng isn’t the right voice to defend it. She has traveled herself, if someone should understand Zaake and Bobi Wine, it her. Instead she is all defensive. Peace.

Opinion: MPs Security Detail is prepared to be modern day Santana Scandal!

Shiish, there are just some news that doesn’t capture your eyes quick enough. I have read the letter, but didn’t capture all the details, neither the costs. However, there was several of gentleman at the Daily Monitor, that did. Therefore, I am writing here today, because of the possible cost of buying cars for MPs new security detail. This has been ordered by the President and his words is law. No matter how expensive or how insane it is.

Here is the case from today:

“On June 29, President Museveni ordered Finance minister Matia Kasaija to urgently procure bullet-proof cars with “sharp shooters” from the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) to protect lives of the MPs against what he termed “terrorists”. However, he did not give specifics on the cost of the vehicles and other related expenditures. Daily Monitor interviews with car manufacturers revealed that a 2017/18 model bullet-proof Land Cruiser pick-up costs about $520,000 (about Shs1.9b) while a 2017/18 model bullet-proof Hilux pick-up costs about $166,000 (Shs630m). Therefore to procure bullet-proof Land Cruisers for the 456 MPs at Shs1.9b each, the government would pay out Shs866b while to acquire 2017/18 bullet-proof Hilux model at Shs630m, it would cost government Shs287b” (Solomon Arinaitwe & Moses Kyeyune – ‘MPs security cars to cost Shs1 trillion’ 13.07.2018 link: http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/MPs-security-cars-cost-Shs1-trillion/688334-4660322-shcp27z/index.html).

This here deal is made for corruption and for ghost costs appearing out of nowhere. This here is just built for that. It is amazing if the government starts procuring, knowing with its history and misuse of state funds. This is the perfect blend, buying vehicles and add-ons on the spread-sheet, claim later added cost without explaining where the funds went. If not order things that never appear. That is also a beauty.

With this in mind, here is the old story that could be re-produced by buying the security detail:

“However, in mid-1988 when Balaki Kirya, minister of state in office of the President in charge of security went to Spain to sign an agreement, he found 260 Santana ‘Land-rovers’ valued at $6.1 million had already been shipped while the agents/lobbyists were negotiating for the importation of another 260 ‘Land-rovers’ now valued at $8 million. The saga leaked to the press. The Weekly Topic of May 3, 1989 had a lead story: ‘Old schemers at their game again, STOP MISUSING PRESIDENT OFFICE’. When contacted, officials from the National Treasury said the purchase was done without the knowledge of the Bank of Uganda (BoU). However, from the BoU archives, on April 8, 1988, a memorandum on the foreign exchange position, by the governor indicated among other payments to be made in the year was for the 260 Land-rovers from Spain for the President’s office and 600 Land-rovers for the ministry of Defence as well as the army uniform from Spain” (Eriasa Mukiibi Sserunjogi – ‘High-profile corruption scandals registered under NRM’ 24.02.2013 link: http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/High-profile-corruption-scandals-registered-under-NRM/688334-1702448-ndh6w6z/index.html).

I wouldn’t be amazed if the Ministry of Defence, the Minister of Finance and the Prime Minister would make a scheme worth paying off for. They would secure kick-backs and additional funds, this is a too important project and the safety of the MPs is the highest priority. Everyone knows that. Not that this is misusing of funds and making sure the MPs are driving around like hostages in their Republic. Nah, that is not important at all.

That the 456 MPs who already are allocated money for cars and upkeep of them. Still, they need a second one, with specialized produced safety gear, seems more like they are traveling past war-zones, than friendly neighbourhoods, what about the actual people that live there, are they safe?

Well, that was bit of subject. However, the reality is that this is made for corruption. Someone in the regime will eat and use this as package to get loaded. We can just wonder who and who will be put in charge, who will fake needed equipment and who will give away knock-offs instead of the real deal.

This MPs security deal can be a gold-mine to the right individual. However, whoever that might be, he has to remember to give the king his cut. That meaning the President in the State House, if not your see quickly the other side of the barrel. He has no issues getting rid of people. That is proven in history too.

I wish I could be hopeful, but to me, they are cooking another Santana Scandal. This time it might be the Hilux Scandal or the Land Cruiser Scandal of 2018.

I just know we will get there, but how, that is up to the magicians within the Kings court. Peace.

Museveni’s Presidential Donations are made for two reasons: Honouring himself and pay his cronies!

Parliament votes money for state house, they appropriate money for welfare, another president would have chosen to buy booze for those who go to visit him but President Museveni has decided to give it to out as donations.”Ofwono Opondo on NBS TV Frontline on the 3rd May 2018.

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni isn’t a big giver or anyone who cares about the state, even as the State House budget every year is bloated on mismanagement and out of proportions. To say otherwise is to defend the stupidest and naive among us. If the President was generous, he would borrow as much money in the recent years to cover the deficit and then give scrap-metal in districts of by-elections. He would have figured out proper ways to finance the budget. Not come with specialized taxes later, as well as borrowing more from the World Bank to health care. That is all mismanagement.

The giant budgets for the State House, for the Office of the Prime Minister is for the betterment of the Republic. But for the ego’s and direct control of the President of the state funds. That is why the President has all the perks, all the expenses paid for and all the estates run with government funds. It is not privately run, that is lie. The donations are not from his pockets, but from the state pockets and from state coffers. It is directly taking a straw into the Bank of Uganda. Drinking until the toxic levels in the veins are too high.

The problem with the defence of the donations, is that the President has all the direct power over it and trust in that shouldn’t be, as the corruption scandals, Presidential Handshake, Santana’s, CHOGM Money and everything else always lead to the State House. To say otherwise, is to lie and forget the facts, even the NSSF issues and UNRA scandals has been ordered from above. Therefore, to believe that the donations will go nicely and to good causes is to have to grand thoughts about the man who never brought steady progress. The President has given to ghost projects and businesses not existing of late. Then you know someone close connected and cronies is getting those funds. Not some random citizens who is trying to sell shoes on the street. That would be a marketing plot from the United Nations, and not from the State House.

With this in mind, the Donations in the budget for the State House. Is made so he can look good every time he visit any district. So that the pockets are endless. These funds will not solve much, only be there for a short-term gain for a selected few. Instead of helping the schools, the police and the infrastructure. These are for the benefactor to look good. There is no difference between these funds and any foreign NGO. There are no real governance and real proof of the end-game. If it will be fruits and be sustainable. The donations either goes to bring water to a districts for decades or into the pockets of cronies. Who knows right? They might even pay off ghosts like they did in Rukungiri?

Ghost always eat, shits and sleeps like people too, they need castles, Bentley’s and a salary for the upkeep. That is why the donations comes suddenly as the Ghosts are ready to feast. The giant party and the giant wedding, where the bride and the Burro can get their day.

So my trust in these donations are slim, more slim than Slim Shady. The won’t be an aftermath, even as ruthless as the President is. This is rigged to make the President look like the shiny star when needed. To be the fountain of honour, God’s grace on planet earth and take away the dust of the shoulders of the common men. Even just for a hot minute and after that the people has to continue their Grand Hustle. Because the President won’t offer anything when he has left the stage. When the cameras is gone, when the speeches has been hold and the locals are back on duty.

The President won’t offer a thing, a minute, even a second as the twists and turns are happening. The donations was done, the pride and greatness was severed, even on borrowed time. Now that His Excellency is elsewhere, the dwindling funds and luck with have ordinary meagre budget to live upon. They have to wait for his next return to get extra help. Just like an NGO who comes and goes, unless they are stationed and have missions in the district. That is expected of any NGO, but the state is supposed to stable, the factor of life and making sure the citizens has services to enrich daily life.

Instead, the public are awaiting donations, not out of goodwill, but out the need for the President to be grand, to be big and to be Noble. Because he cannot build systems for this. He cannot make this within the other parts of the institutions and public service. Since that takes away the glory of him giving away these donations. He needs to rubber-stamp it directly and be the man. Be greatest, even if he just faking it until he is making it. If some of his cronies get a something extra by his visits and his rallies while doling away gifts. Its perfect because then he knows they will defend him and his causes. While he just gave away small tokens that he doesn’t have to show any transparency about. Just say, I gave away these things and it will bring development. Even if there is no proof or anyone following up on the donations. Why should they? It was gifts, people can use it as they see fit. Make scarecrows or make castles.

He hasn’t done his duty, if he had, then he wouldn’t need to give donations. The State House wouldn’t have that post on the budget, the State House wouldn’t have such big budgets and expenses. However, they do, because of the EGO of the President. He needs everything and control of everything. Even tiny gifts to locals when he pop-by, because he don’t trust anyone, but himself. Peace.

Mzee promises millions of shillings to athletes, but keep general upkeep? Nah, not important!

He then asked he president to stop funding wells and toilets and use the money to buy grain. (Because really, how can you use a toilet if you never eat?)” William Kamkwamba

Well, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has started to promise things again, like he does now and then. It is a habit, he has done this for over three decades, to keep up with all his pledges. We would need a wall in a library and dozens of reports to check if he kept his promises. Many would be lacking, but that is for another day. Today, he was celebrating after returning from London and the Commonwealth Head of Government Meeting (CHOGM). He has always liked to bask in glory on those occasions, because it is all talk and no need to play or pay. Now, he has returned and promised something again. Therefore, I wonder, how come the state has money to pay lavish salaries for athletes, but cannot hire needed civil servants?

Priorities, the state got none? Is that what Mr. President is saying? I understand he wants to celebrate, but has the ones in past gotten their perks? The Olympic winners of the past? Have they gotten their check and built their house, even finish building the stadiums in their names? After my calculations, there are many who is left behind. Just like so many other projects under Museveni. Because it is fun while cooking and eating. But very, very boring to clean up the mess and paying the farmer too.

First, the recent news of lack of funds:

The Ministry of Public Service had earlier directed all ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) that filling of structures should be done in a phased manner subject to availability of funds. “I further emphasised in the Second Budget Call Circular (2nd BCC) dated February 15, 2018, that wage allocation for 2018/10 was only for staff in posts and no funds have been provided for recruitment,” Mr Muhakanizi states” (…) “Mr Muhakanizi’s order comes after Parliament’s Public Accounts (Local Government) Committee report on the 2015/2016 findings of the Auditor General pointed out that of the 77,713 posts that are established in the local governments, 23,093 are vacant, implying that nearly 30 per cent of the jobs are not filled” (Arinaitwe, 2018).

Second, the sudden announcement that there are funds available:

I made a promise that whoever wins a gold medal at an international or continental competition would get a monthly salary of Shs5 million, a silver Shs3 million and Shs1 million for bronze. The five medalists today will get onto the payroll. I have also been told of some arrears to other athletes, they will be cleared. Likewise, I will build a house for Cheptegei and Chesang who won gold medals, like I have done for previous gold medalists” (Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, 22.04.2018).

Maybe, I am stupid or maybe the system is foolish. Because how come there is no funds for paying the teachers, hiring principals and other needed civil servants in the government, but the Ministry of Sports and Education has capacity to dole out millions to several individuals. So the sudden victories are important, than the future generations own lessons in school. All Ugandans should get the memo. That the victories done on the Commonwealth Games are more vital to the Republic, than studying or even getting educated. If you want to secure a decent pay and salary in Uganda. You got to start running and the government will find you money.

However, if you need administrators, secretaries, teachers, principals or whatever else, there is lacking off in the districts, at schools and at hospitals. You can linger unemployed and even with the education to go into the field of expertise, the state cannot find funds for you. But if you had run on dilapidated stadiums and run around pot-holes, gotten a chance to be picked up by Uganda Athletics Federation. Than you have hope for a decent salary and a future. Unless, you get picked in NRM Primary and rig yourself into Parliament. For that matter, get a name grand enough to become a Regional District Commander (RDC), then you get a salary and also a house.

If you are just a commoner applying for job, it will not be easy, even if the government institutions hasn’t hired what they need and lack to fill the positions, because of lacking funds. Trust me, if you get into the field and get a medal. You will secure your future. That is the promise. But remember, Museveni, as always promise a lot, but don’t keep it. Just like he has done to previous winner and gold medalists.

So in reality don’t expect anything, you should be worried about those promises. When the President cannot even have the needed funds for needed civil servants within his own government. The signs of problems and lacking structure should be there. The gravitas of nonsense should strike you. But someone will buy into the soft-words, but others will be. I have a way out, but that is not certain.



Arinaitwe, Solomon – ‘Uganda: Govt Stops Public Service Recruitment’ (19.04.2018) link: http://allafrica.com/stories/201804190159.html