NRM failing on bills again, this time to New Vision!

There been sent a letter to the National Resistance Movement (NRM) from the New Vision Group. The NRM and the President paper, who usually write all the favorable propaganda for the NRM Regime. Therefore, that the New Vision sent a letter on the 13th June 2017, didn’t pay for its adverts in the Vision Group in 2010 and 2011. In 2010, the party haven’t paid the bill of 508,886,927 Uganda Shillings and in 2011, the bill is 406,578,614 Uganda Shillings. The total lacking funds are 915,465,541 Uganda Shillings. So the NRM are closely behind to 1 Million in debt to the Vision Group.

Just like another report from the same campaign in 2016:

Judgement on admission is hereby entered against the respondent (NRM) in the amount of Shs4.9b. The issue of cost of the application shall be determined by the suit” Mr. Opesen held yesterday” (…)”The money arouse of supply 60,000 T-shirts, one million scarves and 200,000 sleeveless shirts” (…)”Kampala Modernity Stationers and Printers sued the ruling party in 2013 for contribution of the said money to be paid to Dubai based firm, Bright Arrows Trading which supplies the ready-made garments” (…)”M/S Bright Arrows Trading have sued Kampala Modernity for breach of contract leading to third party proceedings compelling court to add NRM as party in the case” (Buule, 2016).

So the NRM Party and the NRM Campaign of 2011, clearly the NRM Campaign of 2011 was not run well. The NRM Organization clearly doesn’t respect the providers of the needed materials for their campaigns. This are old bills from the previous presidential election campaign.

You can wonder if they have stifled the men and woman making campaign material for 2015 and 2016. As they have done for 2010 and 2011, as if the providers want to come forward and leak it now? It would be natural to complain a year after for the missed tab created by the ruling regime and the ruling party. Seemingly, the funds from the NRM party are not sufficient, as even parts of 2016, the NRM wasn’t paying out salaries to their own staff.

The organization isn’t functioning or have good audits of their accounts, since they are not paying on time or being able to plan their actions and campaigns. That is why the old bills keeps pumping. This is just another one. There might be more skeletons in the closet, we just have to wonder if the NRM has paid the bus companies and the other one delivering services during the campaigns. Peace.


Buule, Jon – ‘N.R.M. in 4 billion debt over poor quality Yellow T.Shirts!!!’ (01.03.2016) link:

NRM Party in economic shambles; Still not payed for T-Shirt used in 2011 Election!

NRM Oyee! 09.04.2016

The National Resistance Movement is in a pickle as their Swearing-In ceremony is coming in the near future and the government supposed to have a lavish party with 50 invited Head-of-States to celebrate the 7th Term of President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. After so-called “winning the Presidential Election of 2016”; that is their view and their perspective. But the NRM-O and the NRM Party has an economic pickle to catch-up with.

This is as the documents from the High Court have ordered a certain debt that the NRM Party have gained towards the Centenary Rural Development Bank and the Housing Finance Bank (Uganda) Limited. The debt is in 4,990,700,000 Uganda Shillings. That is lots of monies. The accounts that the NRM party is frozen in the banks until the debt are settled with the creditors. This document comes from the court yesterday on the 25th April 2016.

NRM 14.11.15

Already in March 2016 the allegation and courtship over the debt started. As it said then:

“Judgement on admission is hereby entered against the respondent (NRM) in the amount of Shs4.9b. The issue of cost of the application shall be determined by the suit” Mr. Opesen held yesterday” (…)”The money arouse of supply 60,000 T-shirts, one million scarves and 200,000 sleeveless shirts” (…)”Kampala Modernity Stationers and Printers sued the ruling party in 2013 for contribution of the said money to be paid to Dubai based firm, Bright Arrows Trading which supplies the ready-made garments” (…)”M/S Bright Arrows Trading have sued Kampala Modernity for breach of contract leading to third party proceedings compelling court to add NRM as party in the case” (Buule, 2016).

So the truth is there and the Money that are dealing the problems as the buyer of the amounts of garments and clothes for campaigning in 2011 is biting the NRM Party today, as they still have sufficiently paid the Kampala Modernity who could not cough-up the invisible money that is owned to the producer of Brighter Arrows Trading from Dubai. And the people in Dubai is under the accord of doing business directly in Uganda, so they just want their money for their already delivered t-shirts that seemed at the time to be sufficient and well-used products by the NRM Party. As the NRM have a tendency to give away Yellow T-shirts and other material; even if they give away the producers still need their money and their production of the T-Shirts covered.

Gen Tukumunde Entebbe Dec 2015 - Money Man for NRM

So that Kampala Modernity Stationers and Printers sues NRM for neglecting their concern and pay bills for their procurement of T-Shirts and other garments. The Kampala Modernity wants and need this money to pay-up to the Dubai Based Company Brighter Arrows. But the buck and shillings stops at NRM Party who has not lived-up to their credit or honoring their agreement with Kampala Modernity. Therefore the issues with their accounts now at extent of the Party have to 6th May 2016 to pay the debt and clear the accounts in the Centenary Rural Development Bank and the Housing Finance Bank (Uganda) Limited.

So the monetary question seems to be climbing and this is stemming from the last campaign. Not even from this one who stopped in February 2016. If the party of NRM struggles to pay-up for the 2011 elections, what about the 2016 campaigns and the big spending of recent months as the State House needed additional funding? There certainly a mismanagement of funds and dwindling concern of honoring agreements as he static use of funds is not accountable, as the display of monies used to fund 2011 Elections still is questioned and not yet accounted for or even payed for and we are just done with last election of 2016.

The NRM Party and their NRM CEC does not look like they are a controlled unit as the NRM Task Force of 2011 couldn’t fix the issue and fund the needed T-Shirts and they are still gripping with lost funds. That must be worrying as the ruling party is dozing away cash without being accountable to the creditors and need to go to court to get them to facilitate the money for the purchase done in 2011. Peace.


Buule, Jon – ‘N.R.M. in 4 billion debt over poor quality Yellow T.Shirts!!!’ (01.03.2016) link:

The Saga of delivering EC Forms to Dr. Kizza Besigye at the FDC HQ; the EC Offical had to drive to Kasangati! New Equipment for the Police and more! (23.02.2016)

M7 2016 Post Interview quote

As we have seen the promise of public holiday as the people can go to the polls tomorrow and vote for their local government leaders, though Kampala and other has to wait to 26th of February as they always deliver the voting material in the central region late in this election, it is much easier to get the polls in Abletong, Amuru and Gulu then in the central region. So it must be a reason why the elections of Lord Mayor and Local Government in Kampala will happen a day after. Certainly no public holiday as off now on that date as the NRM-Regime is fearing the opposition strongholds, as the Electoral Commission didn’t count or care about 1700 poll stations in the MPs and Presidential Election, Chairman Badru Kiggundu didn’t care about answering that or the Amuru declaration form that has come online, still he delivered numbers saying that his master President Museveni won the District. Surely, you can tell the Daily Monitor to Stand-down on the press conference since you have the police and army behind you.

New Equipment for UG Police 23.02.2016

The New Vehicles the Government can afford:

“Uganda security service squires new machine to counter the political unrests within the country. The brand new armoured vehicles are believed to have entered the country from China and the Uganda police force conforms this and says they are to be used with immediate effect” (TheDailycom, 23.02.2016).

Badru Kiggundu said this today at the press conference after telling the verified results and addressing; also telling the Ugandan people that the EC is ready for Local Council or Local Government Council elections tomorrow:

“Besigye is the only presidential candidate out there in the media trying to come out to refute the results” (…)”“he should not bother coming to the EC” (New Vision, 23.02.2016). Well, seem like first Mr. Kiggundu is deflecting the TDA/Go-Forward telling the world that the elections has been marred with wrongs and not a level playing-field, but hey, Badru only listen to Museveni cronies… that he tells that Dr. Kizza Besigye and the FDC should not go to the Electoral Commission and bother to do that. First Mr. Kiggundu he should first be allowed to walk out his house, before we talk about going to your office! But that is just me.

EC 22.02.2015 Guarded Heavy

Wafula Oguttu said this today:

“There is certainly something terribly wrong with the so called elections 2016. Up to now I have not seen a copy of the official declaration of my elections results, almost a week later. We have made several trips to the EC District offices to no avail .Every time we have been told lies. The latest lie is that the computer crashed and the data got lost! Even the presidential results for the district are lost”.

The Electoral Commission visited the FDC Headquarter today – Eyewitness said this:

“They came with Electoral Commission staff and the claim is that they are bringing the results from Electoral Commission. Our response is that these are not working hours and that they don’t need that heavy force to deliver the fraudulent KIGGUNDU results”.  This has been verified that Harold Kajja who recently was detained by being in the offices during the raid has said “no” to accept the Tally-Results from the Electoral Commission.

NBS 23.02.2016 Najjanankumbi

As it is written in theInsider:

“EC spokesman Jotham Taremwa personally traveled to the FDC offices in Najjanankumbi Tuesday evening” (…)”The opposition officials first locked out Taremwa and his group while police deployed heavily and took over the premises” (…)”Asked whether he was in touch with FDC officials, Taremwa said they told him only Besigye can receive the forms” (…)”Meanwhile, FDC deputy secretary came to Taremwa’s rescue and subjected the EC official to a couple of questions” (…)”“What is this?”, Harold Kaija queried” (…)” Taremwa explained that they were delivering the declaration forms from the just concluded elections” (…)”Kaija told Taremwa only Besigye would personally recieve the forms and no one else” (…)”“Why did you call me? You know Besigye’s agent.  You have his number”, Kaija shouted out” (…)”Taremwa suggested that they call any other official who could settle the predicament” (…)”After making futile calls, Taremwa resolved to drive to Besigye’s home in Kasangati and deliver the forms” (TheInsider, 2016).

The story continues:

“Electoral Commission (EC) Spokesperson Jotham Taremwa: I didn’t know Dr Kizza Besigye was in police custody. All I was told is to deliver these documents” (NBS TV, 23.02.2016). He has to know, he has been in detained for days and secondly I don’t believe that has not heard any media, radio or tv-station where it has been mentioned in recent days. Sorry brother, that is white-lie and we know you knew, you just wanted to save face and go by the sieged offices of the FDC instead of meeting the detained and house-arrested Dr. Kizza Besigye! That is okay, but please say it… And be a man as your a hired man by the authorities who holds FDC Officials, FDC Members and FDC supporters in detained and jail around the country. Show some pride instead of lying on TV and to the FDC officials at the FDC Headquarter.

Kasangati 20.02.2016

Special Eyewitness report on the 2011 Election in Uganda from Gitobu Imanyana;

“During the last general election in Uganda I was the head of the African Union election observer mission to Uganda. In an unprecedented holding we came to the conclusion that those elections were neither free nor fair and made recommendations for creating a level playing field for next elections. Our recommendations were trashed and I was involuntarily taken out of the hotel shortly after reading our mission statement and driven to Entebbe Airport where I was given “VIP protection” by security officers in the VIP Lounge until 4 pm when the Kenya Airways plane arrived and I was the first to board for the return journey to Nairobi. I am appalled that this election’s AU observer mission made no reference to our recommendations when they declared a fraudulent election “free and fair” (Imanyana, 22.02.2016).

23.02. NRM Celebrates Kampala

This election is marred with foolish yellow fever actions from the NRM-regime as the quagmire of actions is mirrored into the waters of the tears of the Ugandan people like now. That there supposed to polls for Local Government Elections and Polls around the country, though not in Kampala and Wakiso it seems, as that is the area where the Government has the most hassle of holding elections, as seen during the Presidential Elections and Member of Parliaments, while also the suspended elections during the first polls will happen in March this year to settle the last positions in the 10th Parliament.

23.02. NRM Celebrates Kampala P2

The most stupid is the way the Electoral Commission tried to deliver the papers of the result today to Forum for Democratic Change and Dr. Kizza Besigye. I believe he was sent home because the Police was informed of the actions from the EC and had to have him under house-arrest as it would be strange to deliver the papers to Naggalama Police Station or Kiira Road Police Post; what matters is that he is still under house-arrest and the police are besieged by them. As I have written before he is the epitome of what President Museveni isn’t; a legitimized leader who is the torn by him as he has the people behind him; while the President pays for loyalty as the celebration in Kampala shows, as the celebration was so made-up and with new mass-produced stuff and not look like credible collective mass of people. This here is just a sad view and should make the President think. That is because I don’t write about the President alone, I write about him as backhand flattery, as this is a story about the oppression of the FDC and Dr. Kizza Besigye, as he is the oppressor who doesn’t deserve any more credit than he has already taken himself with using the government tools to steal an elections and taken the country hostage while oppressing the opposition with using the security forces and the police, not only Besigye, but also other party members and FDC officials. Peace.


TheInsider – ‘EC takes Besigye forms to FDC offices, locked out’ (23.02.2016) link:

Lukwago Statement after President Museveni addressed him a rally as “Rat”; Have the footage(Youtube-clip) where Mzee displays arrogance towards Lukwago in Kampala today!


Statement by Hon. Lukwago:

With all due respect to H. E. President Museveni, I take exception of the outlandish statement he made on his campaign trail in Kampala wherein he referred to me and other elected leaders in Kampala as ”RATS”. That there is insurmountable pressure on him to relinquish power to the people’s president, Dr. Besigye, in a week’s time, is a given, but as a fountain of honour he should exude statesmanship under all circumstances. All in all, no matter what he says, his exit from state house is irreversible and he is right now in the departure lounge.

Response to this:

My thought on the matter: 

Not so stateman like of him, disrespectful of the President. But hey, he has no respect for anybody else then himself. As I have proven again and again. This here is just another display of his arrogance and ignorance of other people who is not on his team. A quick reminder of how he act not to generate democratic values, but to keep power himself and to his men. Peace.

FDC informs on the Public Rallies in the Eastern Uganda in Bugiri and Tororo tomorrow

FDC Mobilisation Program

I wish to inform Ugandans and all democratic forces that our planned political mobilization activities in Eastern Uganda start today.

We will hold a rally in Bugiri town, Taxi Park at 11am and thereafter head to Tororo to address a rally at Children’s Park at 3pm.

As a registered political party, FDC is legally mandated to mobilise without restrictions. Therefore, in line with our party elections road map, we commit to move to Eastern Uganda to recruit, mobilize, interact and galvanise our supporters to regain their power and invoke their self belief to pursue and achieve our goal of political change.

I urge the security agencies to cooperate with us by shifting away from being hostile, confrontational, militant and aggressive towards the opposition to a professional force as enshrined in our constitution.

Kizza Besigye.
FDC Presidential Flag Bearer

Uganda – The Democratic Alliance (TDA): Press Statement on the Signing of the Protocol of the Democratic Alliance (10.06.2015)