Unravelling troubles for Mzee

M7 Guards Inaguration 2016

There are troubles ahead for the Presidency, the Executive as the hardball acts and the premise for today is after the General Election, the truth of the situation have now showed up. As in April 2016 the State House need 70bn shillings as the campaigning had taken the toll on the expenses and also they need fiscal support to comply with running expenses.

This in mind with the Uganda National Roads Authority that last year (2015) we’re suspended by a dozen of road projects from funding from the World Bank. There we’re talks in May 2016 to resume talks to hash out problems of funding, as the roads scandals and the transparency of the industry have been questioned, as of all the sackings in the Government Organization of late. In April the Organizations all of a sudden offered 1000 jobs, as they needed staff to future be able to find tenders and organize infrastructure projects. Proves there are more than just moist soil that are trouble for the tarmac, but also the heritage of alleged corrupt behaviour of both politicians, contractors and servicemen accepting the bribes before the cars can ride on the roads. As the UNRA Executive Director Allen Kagina said: “But while the government road development programme has been growing, medium term expenditure framework ceiling for Unra has been the same,” she said, adding that “this has resulted in the ongoing and planned programme having a deficit of Shs1.7 trillion.”(Musisi, 2016).


As the Executive have promised for long is to have a Crude Oil Refinery in Uganda, with that in mind even the Kenyans before they we’re toiled away they promised funds into the development project as a part of Crude Oil line towards Lamu Port and LAPSSET, a plan that Mzee scattered. Instead he picked the Tanga Port of Tanzania, for reasons he knows, but we knows it is not terrorism and fears of Kenyan borders. It is the money and deal that have been made between Ugandan Government and Tanzanian. As the Crude Oil pipeline is important for the Uganda oil industry, so is also the Refinery; that has new reports about today.  Before there we’re expected that Uganda, for support military and economically would go for the Russian builder and Company under the Rosneft, Gazprom Neft and Transneft, who are run by the RT Global resources, this as a supported deal with businessman interconnected with Vladimir Putin, as we know Mzee we’re in Russia right before buying Russian Fighter Jets in 2011. “The decision to award the contract to the Russian company cements growing ties between Moscow and the east African country, which increasingly characterises the west as a neocolonial aggressor” (Manson, 2015). Today the deal wasn’t in stone, as the deal with planes was okay, but the refinery wasn’t cleared yet: “The Energy ministry Permanent Secretary Kabagambe Kaliisa confirmed the development to this newspaper in a telephone interview but defended “it was not a walk away as such.” (…)”They had demonstrated all it takes, and in fact we had finished negotiations with them and closed all the envelopes” (…)”But they kept going back and forth over the concessions we had given them, negotiated and finished. We gave them all the time” (…) “as a procedure they were supposed to get the necessary clearance back home and it was what we were waiting for. However we received communication they were withdrawing the bond”. Rostec’s East Africa regional representative Andrey Kozenyashev told this newspaper from Moscow that “there is nothing to comment about” (Musisi, 2016). It is only in so many words, that the agreement went sour because the chickens didn’t come to roast, the hidden cost and the transactions between the Russians and Ugandans counterparts was not as expected, therefore the deal stranded; as the Ministry under the orders of the Executive expected to be better paid and secured more funds out of the industrial project. Something the Russians most likely didn’t accept. That’s why the powerful energy, military and resource company has nothing to comment.

As the Oil development issues and the infrastructure in general, as the fallen MPs that are demoted after the fraudulent election losing seats in the 10th Parliament as the NRM MPs are up to 10 or even more who has lost their seats and cannot be in Parliament this term. As Dr. Tanga Odoi claims the paperwork and academic procedure is not at fault in the inner-party, but from the Academic institutions and their verifications, while also threating to insubordinate Tamale Mirundi and take him to court for attacks on his character and acts as the NRM EC. The Irony is that NRM MPs who are demoted got also through the cracks of the Electoral Commission of Eng. Dr. Badru Kiggundu, the engineer who built the machinery and technical procedures for the rigged events and made the options without using his organizations to scrutinize the internal checks and balances at the ruling party and ruling organization NRM-O and NRM CEC who let the NRM EC, together with the EC let the candidates run in the Primary and General Election, before the Courts annulled their works. This shows that it is a grand slam of disapproval and proof of ‘orders from above’ to handpicked members that will only follow and not act on their own. Why all the blame on Odoi, there the NRM CEC and the EC who let it all go?

NRM EC November P3

Even today the Mzee continued with damage control in Parliament as the vetting process earlier dismissed two of the 81 ministers of his cabinet. These we’re: “Harriet Ntabazi, the designate minister of State for Industry and designate minister of State for Works Ismael Orot”, Chris Obore have said that Mzee have written to Speaker Kadaga to re-vet them, so they can be ready for their position in Parliament and Cabinet, because Mzee want the Parliament to reconsider their rejections (Crane Times, 01.07.2016).

The continued madness of the 10th Parliament is continuing, as the 9th Parliament ended with a wish for Tax-Free salaries from the Parliament duties, the campaign and money issues remains, as the MPs have after elections asked for newer SUVs and more expensive cars, now they claim not be paid over the recent year and need refunded funds, to fix their salaries; this happens and some said this to the press today:

“MPs vented their anger more recently at their orientation workshop at parliament. Bugabula South MP Henry Maurice Kibalya asked Patrick Kunobwa, the chief finance officer of parliament, why MPs haven’t got their new cars yet” (…)”Our voters keep asking us why we are not driving the vehicles which parliament gave us. They know that we have been given money to buy new vehicles but they see us driving the same old vehicles and they are asking us why. We don’t have any explanation to give since we haven’t got any communication concerning that; what should we tell them?” (…) ”When I was RDC [resident district commissioner] for Serere, I was given some money as a settling-in-job allowance. Unfortunately, it does not work like that in parliament. I thought we would be given something like an allowance in order for us to settle into our jobs. We expected that parliament…would enable us to find decent places [houses] to stay, vehicles but all we have had to go through is waiting for the first salary,” Kitagwenda MP Abbas Agaba said” (…) “Sylvia Rwabwogo, the Kabarole Woman MP, said: “People thought we got Shs 50m, which is not true. We got only Shs 5m from the president at the time of swearing in [in May] and it was not enough for one to be with his/her family and voters. And remember we have not been working for one-and-a-half years because of campaigns; so, how do you handle such a situation?” (Namuloki, 2016).

april-cars Uganda

So there isn’t enough issues for Mzee, as the giant money funding Oil Development are stalled, as the Russians have not complied, the UNRA are having a deficit and only can build when foreign donors pay for the projects, this in the land of Mzee who doesn’t want international community to be involved as they don’t understand Uganda. While the MPs who understand Uganda, are either in trouble with academic papers and losing their seats, if not their economic situation is dire, just like the State House where right after Election. So instead of being Entebbe and Nakasero State House, it is that the representative of the Ugandan people doesn’t have new Toyota Land Cruiser Prado. Like on the 5th February 2016, the Prime Minister Dr. Ruhakana Ruganda just happen to drop off 111 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado and give them to the District Chairpersons with a lavish handover ceremony at Mandela National Stadium.

Just as Mzee have been hardline on the media during the campaign he has himself done in his capacity to secure big-men into his administration to control the media. Therefore Hon. Jim Muhwezi lost his ministerial position and elevated Hon. Frank Tumwebaze to the Ministry of Public Information and Communication Technology, as he will corporate the Uganda Media Centre, State House propaganda and the general covering of the Government. Since he was hard on the KCCA during his recent term and has faith in his direct control of the Departments. In this space the New Presidential Press Spokesman, the one replacing Tamale Mirundi became the former Editor of Daily Monitor Don Wanyama. Just as the PPS Wanyama is a former Monitor editor. Today there we’re reports of another man from the Paper that we’re connected in getting a position under the government umbrella. This is been reported: “The former Deputy News Editor of Monitor Publications Limited, Paul Amoru is set to be elected the National Resistance Movement Caucus Spokesman” (…) “According to sources from the office of the Government Chief Whip and the NRM Secretariat, Amoru has already been briefed to prepare himself for the task” (Okello, 2016). So the former loyalist amongst the opposition writers in the Monitor, proves how the media have been and becoming more state infused as the WBS have been taken control over. There media houses who are under threat and others who will struggle as the Uganda Revenue Authority will use their legal terms to shutdown, close or suspend, as the Uganda Communication Commission will also revoke license towards the ones who question the power to often, as there been reports on.

Just as Hon. Tumbewaze started his term, he ordered fellow Members of Parliament to be assign them to join social media as a way to address their concern and give their voice into the social media and give ways for them address the public directly, not only on NTV, NBS, UBC, Daily Monitor and New Vision. So one who followed that guideline quickly we’re for instance the Hon. Philemon Mateke who is the State Minster of Foreign Affairs and Regional Development; He joined on Twitter on the 28th of June 2016. When old guys like him start to spread and so-called sensitizing

UPF Fail

The Government and Mzee still want to make sure he has right men in the Security Organizations therefore he has order IGP Kale Kayihura to hurry and promote over a 100 Police officers around the Election, that got done in February 2016, just days before the Presidential ballots was cast, as the months before the General Election, the agreements of collective intelligence office between the Army and other Security Agents to secure a peaceful election. While the Police Officers have also in the months before been moved around the country and certain men have gotten bigger positions in the Police Force, as they have gotten better place for their loyalty to oppress the Opposition.

The Army have also without precedence had a clean-up in the ranks, as barracks after barracks have both soldiers and leaders been taken away, some in the homes other directly while they we’re doing for the state, therefore their been violence and this made a conspiracy to connect this actions together with the FDC party to be able to detain and jail Hon. Michael Kabaziguruka of Nakawa, and the Presidential Candidate Dr. Kizza Besigye, both have been charged with ‘Treason’, also that the army connects had a plan to topple Mzee; this is charges that been alleged before on the Besigye family and members as Mzee likes to recreate history. He just doesn’t know it himself, apparently.

So I will stop with that, as when you set the news and headlines together, with the reports behind the scenes, as the questions on the basic initial reports, as the European Union still want to be cordial relationship even when they have condemn the elections in the recent report of the Election Observers Mission claimed the fraudulent affairs, still they wanted to respect him, until Mzee attacked the ICC with President Bashir by his side. These we’re the days of late when the roads from Entebbe to Kampala we’re closed. So the traffic of Kampala and between central areas of Kampala we’re a total havoc, as with all of the foreign dignitaries who visited like South Korea and Turkey, where the roads we’re closed off and ordinary people had to hike on old dust-roads or walk. As cars couldn’t pass, for safety reasons, even if the dignitaries we’re on the Luxury Hotels and enjoying high life on the expense of fellow Ugandans. Just like Mzee is accustomed to over the three decades in power.


The issues of rising loans on the fiscal budget, the uncertainty of refinery, pipeline to Tanzania, though Total of France have given clear message to Mzee during the newly conducted discussions with Kenyan Counterparts, that stranded. This together with the rising levels of new districts, bigger cabinet, more officials and more bureaucracy both in Parliament and locally with the hashed out districts and sub-counties, as the MPs doesn’t have enough offices or space to the new level of MPs. It seems like the ruling party didn’t think of the consequence of allocating more MPs in Parliament and creating yet again more districts. Not only making constituencies smaller and creating uncertainty of who will be hit by the newly regulated areas and who they represent. Mzee, just did it to make sure he got more loyalist and could gain more LC and LCV who could be his men, than giving way to the opposition.

The grand maturity of the NRM is now, as the three decades of Power and with the Old Man with the Hat, has already showed their true color and their visions. The vision is to hold power by any means, get rid of, pay off or silence, even with cold-blood if needed. As there been so many scary fallouts through the decades; just waiting for the next man to be swallowed by the reignited leader who wish to control every piece of legislation, corporation and business in the nation. That is why the Russians we’re left out and he got new promises and deals through the recent visit from South Korea. The unravelling mission, the possession of all power and extending it by hurryingly addressing the dignitaries and fresh relationship; while toiling away the ones that is not a payable; like the recent South Korea also makes the long-term relationship with North Korea touched, as the Police and Army Training through the DPRK are now suspended from 1. January 2017. So the clarity of the donor-funding from South Korea is vastly needed by the Government, though he wants it without strings. So he can use it on the ranch and cars for himself, or loyal elitist to be able to fly to India or South Africa for treatment for a health condition; as Mulago and other Health Care facilities are in disarray, but not a question for the state to really fix or amend, as they want NGOs from Foreign Countries to supply it for free. That is the governance of NRM Regime for the moment and the EU Diplomates and US Diplomates play along as Mzee sends needed forces to AMISOM and Central African Republic. They want say that directly, but their actions speak of it.

DPRK Twitter Uganda

The truth will spill out and the issues of silencing and oppression of the opposition cannot be everlasting as the state cannot afford it or have the resources to play that for long, then they have to sell of more land to Aga Khan or other foreign connected businessmen for hunting-grounds in Amuru or other useful areas that are not so needed for loyalty for the President for Life Museveni, he might even trade-off parts of Kaabong just to make sure the loans for the Crude Oil pipeline get built in this term. Don’t be surprised as long as the Ankoli, Brahima and the other who are in the NRM Elite is paid off, the Soldiers who in AMISOM might not get steady pay, but Special Forces Command and the other closest will always be taken care off. He needs the Security Agencies ready to act upon his words, as the people and the others can only cry out for a ‘balance’. But the riches are deemed for him. Peace.   


Manson, Kathrine – ‘Sanctions-hit Russian group wins $4bn Uganda refinery deal’ (17.02.2015) link: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/442825a0-b6bd-11e4-a5f2-00144feab7de.html#axzz4D9fWB1y3

Musisi, Fredrick – ‘Russian firm pulls out of Uganda’s $4 billion oil refinery’ (01.07.2016) link: http://www.theeastafrican.co.ke/news/Russian-firm-pulls-out-of-Uganda-USD4-billion-oil-refinery-/-/2558/3274766/-/3r932dz/-/index.html

Musisi, Fredrick – ‘No more new road projects – Unra’ (01.07.2016) link: http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/No-more-new-road-projects–Unra/-/688334/3274568/-/74yaod/-/index.html

Namuloki, Josephine – ‘New MPs cry out over brokenness’ (01.07.2016) link: http://www.observer.ug/news-headlines/45116-new-mps-cry-out-over-brokenness

Okello, Dickens H. – ‘Former Monitor News Editor Tipped for NRM Caucus Spokesman’ (01.07.2016) link: http://www.chimpreports.com/former-monitor-news-editor-tipped-for-nrm-caucus-spokesman/

NRM MPs express dissatisfaction with party CEC (Youtube-Clip)

“A number of NRM MPs have questioned how the party’s Central Executive Committee appoints representatives on bodies like the Parliamentary Commission and the Pan African Parliament. The NRM CEC last week voted and forwarded the names of six MPs appointed to the two bodies” (NTV Uganda, 2016).

Henry Kibalya exclusive on winning Minister Asuman Kiyingi (Youtube Clip)

“After University, Kibalya worked as a banker but soon lost interest in the job due to its nature. He longed to interact with the masses on a daily. He tested the political waters in 2010 when he partook in the NRM primaries for Bugabula South, eventually losing to Asuman Basalirwa. He claims this race was rigged. He never sought court redress like most other losers. His trick was to be patient, something that has paid off, with him trouncing the same 2010 opponent and incumbent; Asuman Kiyingi. He now faces opposition candidates in the February 2016 elections. His campaign will hinge on tackling the high dropout rates in Kamuli and improving women and youth challenges in development.The sky appears to be the limit for Kibalya, who is one of the many surprises in this week’s primaries” (NBS TV)