Museveni: If your are against tribalism in the UPDF; Why do you appoint mostly from Western then?

It is weird, but when it comes to President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and his words today. Has he checked his appointments and the people around him. He has a hankering for getting people from the Western Uganda, especially the ones in and around Rukungiri, where your are doling monies these days, as your trying to capture a By-Election for Woman’s MP slot. Museveni, is really trying to show his integrity. However, his actions are talking louder, than his words. First his wanted message from the rallies today, then his real aspirations.

M7 in Rukungiri:

I have heard some people using sectarian sentiments to campaign in Rukungiri. These should be rejected. The NRM decided long ago that tribalism does not build institutions. For example, you cannot recruit an army based on tribalism. It is on the basis of building a national army devoid of tribalism that we have the peace we enjoy today. This peace has resultantly led to sustainable development in terms of roads, electricity, schools and hospitals” (Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, 28.05.2018).

Nilepost reported in December 2017:

Armed Forces. Four-star generals: On analyzing of the 9 highest-ranking UPDF personnel it was established that Western region has 6 (67%) trailed by Central, Eastern and Northern with 1 each, constituting 11%. Lieutenant Generals: Of the 6 examined, 2 were from Eastern Uganda with the other regions sharing one apiece. Major Generals: In examination of the 16 major generals, it was revealed that Western region had 11 (69%), Eastern and northern stood at 2 (13%) and Central with 1 (6%). Brigadiers: In terms of regional distribution, Western region stands higher with 27 (53%), followed by Central 10 (20%), Northern 8 (16%) and Eastern which has 6 (12%)” (Nilepost – ‘Report: Western region dominates jobs in army, police, foreign missions’ 14.12.2017).

Let me just say, again Museveni is all talk, but not acting. Its his twisted tongue and his words that doesn’t make sense. If he was against tribalism, he wouldn’t favor the Western in the armed forces. That is insane to say, as the same stats are in the rest of the government, the appointed and hired are from the region. In dozens compared to the rest of Uganda. It happens to be from the area and the districts around Rukungiri.

So Museveni, maybe you should come with a better sentiment, something that would mirror reality. Like the actual truth for ones. That would be fine. Because this sort of article or blog, is to damn easy to write these days.

Museveni, Mr. President if your campaigning and not thinking the bribing, the sudden need to give to Rukungiri, because of the popularity of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) candidate in the area. Then, you should actually come with speeches where the facts and reality are fitting as a glove. Right now your sending out doves and instead of feeding them, your taking out your shot-gun and blowing them to smithereens, it is like he doesn’t understand the reality.

The reality is that his government is directly a tribal affair, which he has sanctioned and done all this decades. There is only the paid-off and the loyally bribed cronies from the other parts, but the key allies are all Western Ugandan based people. Therefore, him saying NRM decided long ago to counter that, he hasn’t really done so. Its still clear that the key figures and the ones highest up the food-chain are from Western Uganda.

You might lie to the blind sheep, but not to my kind.

Tribalism is rampant in the UPDF and the NRM hasn’t really fought this. Except with a twisted tongue and an excuse of a mind, which happens to be the President.


Museveni: There is never too much peace!

We can know only that we know nothing. And that is the highest degree of human wisdom.” Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

I don’t get it, I really don’t, I have no idea where he get this wisdom. What sort of schooling or tale of wisdom. There isn’t anything I can come up with to answer this or find something that similar as what President Museveni really stated. That there was to much peace, therefore, the reason for kidnappings and murders. This lazy of the President. It is just weird as hell. The hell-bound narrative that peace is leading to insecurity. What gives Mr. President?

It cannot be so, then the peaceful nations on other sides of the world, would have more kidnappings, extortion’s and also dozens of murders. This insecurity is because of the lack of resources, the need to kidnap people, because of unemployment and lack of work. There are so many systemic and problematic parts of the government, that the insecurity is the lack of organization and governance of the security organizations within the Republic. This is not because of too much PEACE.

There is never to much PEACE. There can never be enough PEACE. That is lie, a big fat lie. There can never be enough freedom and liberty in the world, there will always be fights to keep things or to ensure people have their freedoms and the liberty to live within the bounds of the laws. That they can be law-abiding citizens, who are living within the means of the state and within the community. But there cannot be to much peace. That is not true. Then there would be total chaos in Northern and Central Europe, where it has been peaceful for decades. There should be grand gangs going wild, kidnapping and making sure the citizens would fear their neighborhoods, however, that is not the case.

Therefore, the President is in hot-water and knows, if not he should know, that its his generals, his government and his institutions that is malfunctioning. The evidence is in the lack of evidence collecting, the problems of investigating the murders and also the problem of insecurity with the recent amounts of kidnappings.

There is never to much peace, the state of peace is there because of the security of the people and the citizens are provided by the state. The insecurity and the lack of thereof, is because of the lack of organization and protocol to carry out the needed safety measures for the citizens. That is why the system is cracking. Not because of the borders are peaceful, it is because the kidnappers are seeing wealth and a way out of poverty to kidnap people and get ransom. Not because of too much peace.

There is never to much peace, just not enough freedom and liberty in the state. There is never to much peace. Never enough peace. Never ever ever enough peace. That should be installed in someones veins, tattooed on their forehead and repeat it to themselves. There is never enough peace. It just doesn’t exist. There is always something and some threats of some kind. However, how big or small. There are criminal gangs and other people acting vile up society. There are conflicts internally who are trying to take away civil liberties of certain individuals, even if we like it or not. That is just the sad reality of the world we are living in.

However, there never to much freedom, never too much liberty within bounds of rule of law and within sovereign states, there is never to much peace. That is utter nonsense and a big fat lie. A big juice burger of lie. Peace.

Hon. Otto Odonga: Notice of Motion to Censure Betty Amongin over abuse of Office (23.05.2018)

Barangay and SK Election: Final Update before the polls!

There been reports of violence, killings and even arrests as the public are preparing to go the polls. After my calculations over 20 people have died in incidents connected with the elections. Therefore, the elections has already cost lives, which shouldn’t be necessary, in the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections of 2018 or in election for that matter! 

Let’s hope the added military and police in the streets will make it peaceful, also the ban of fire-arms and alcohol can secure all of it. That the public holiday the election day can be plus. Even as the possible pay-offs on Saturday and Sunday, may sway voters in their directions, as the incumbents and others are trying to secure their post for this term. Let’s hope people go for the ones, who is less corrupt and the ones with integrity, even as the posts are paying little. However, it is a elected public office, so your not supposed to take that for wealth, but for will of serving the community. Even in the smallest office as a captain and councilors at the local Barangay. Your not supposed to enrich yourself or your clan. You are supposed to serve the community. 

Let’s hope and pray for peaceful affairs and not more loss of lives. This is small local positions, this is not an election for the Parliament, like the Representatives and Senators even. These are the position in the local council and local government levels. Therefore, lets hope the candidates, the local security officials and that the volunteers trained by the COMELEC are ready for the elections. Make them as fair as possible, and that they make sure that, this a credible election. Even as there are some irregularities that I have mentioned in a previous post. But let’s still be hopeful.

We can hope and live in these days, that the Security Officials and that the ones contesting are acting within reason, as well as the polling staff will act according to protocol and not rig it. There will always be some who wants to take advantage of a situation, but that doesn’t mean everyone. Like there are reports from various provinces that the Barangay’s haven been frenetically candidates buying votes. Therefore, this may sway the electorate to one direction from another. As well as in certain Barangay’s there are many unopposed, meaning they will go straight back to office without any real contest. These are the bad signs connected with the sad deaths. However, not all are, so let’s still be a bit hopeful. 

But let’s hope for peaceful election day, let’s pray for safety of all people and also, for a credible affair, where the best candidates wins. Peace.

A rebuttal to Mwenda’s Messiah Complex concerning Museveni!

Any religion whose messiah’s name isn’t recognized by Microsoft Word can’t be that much of  a threat.”Stephen Colbert

After reading Andrew Mwenda’s ‘Africa’s need for messiahs’ that is in the newest edition of the Independent Magazine. However, I feel Mwenda is insulting people’s intelligence with this piece. Because when he writes, that its wrong to have a “blame-the-leadership”, as Museveni also did in the past. He praises Yoweri Kaguta Museveni for his bush-war and that he didn’t sit in air-conditioned office and complained at the leadership. I am sure it would better to complain at the leadership with a drying robusta beans and a goat in a village up-country.

Whatever really, drink a stoney and take it easy. Well, let’s be serious, that this piece is just a reflection of how Mwenda has sold-out his own ambition and own belief. The only thing that was strange was that he didn’t mention Besigye. I was anticipating it, but it never happen. Just that the elite is bitching about Museveni, but not doing anything. Has he considered the price of doing something? Is he blind to the consequences of testing the powers in Uganda? Does Mwenda remember what happen to himself when he challenged the powers to be?

Yes. I think he does and partly that he get sponsored by the state, he is now envisioned to find anyways to defend the government and Museveni. Even if they are hiring Cuban Medical staff, instead of paying fair salaries to the Health Care workers. Because that is a healthy system, the whole state is in the image of Museveni. Even if his critics or his supporters say otherwise. When someone been ruling for 32 years, have made their mark and their signifying policies. Which has dwindled with time, as the fatigue, the greed and the need for the security organization to keep his up-keep. While also paying off cronies and the elites. The lazy elites of Mwenda, which he says he is apart of.

He says it is personal responsibility to bring down the leadership of Museveni, however, when Besigye and others was on the road with the Defiance and wanting to bring him down. They we’re extremists and dangers to the state, they were hooligans and people who haven’t given credit to Museveni’s state. Sorry, Mr. Mwenda, but you cannot have both ways. You cannot give people personal responsibility and in the months of 2015 and 2016, even parts of 2017 hashing out articles and posts attacking Besigye and FDC supporters for their will to topple Museveni peacefully. For months later in May 2018, blame the same elites and public. That is just insulting, do you think people are that stupid? Really?

Mwenda, I was a fan of you when you we’re on the Radio. You seemed like a decent character, but somewhere you lost your way. That is visible. As you are now counter-punching yourself.

You never wanted people to topple Museveni peacefully or demonstrate against him, that is not in your self-interest. Therefore its vindictive and vicious of you to write this now. When you have addressed this matters before and said something else. But you have shown your loyalty now with the sentence:

In many ways I find Museveni better than his critics”. Mwenda I might had find you better, if you we’re consistent. However, your not, you are self-serving and therefore, you can only serve your interests. Not serve the public with common sense. Someone who has only served his own interests to for decades is Museveni. So I start to understand why you are on his side of history. Even if it is flawed. Just like your article. Step your game up.

Uganda needs taxation with representation, it’s been enough time with taxation without representation. That is why the state isn’t delivering services, proper governance or transparency within the government. However, you don’t believe in this anymore. You just trust in Museveni because your pockets gets fat by him.

This isn’t about Besigye for me, this is about that someone else has the skills to lead the nation, not just one former-rebel and wealthy cattle-farmer. There are more people with quality to delegate and to find solutions. That is why Museveni needs to go, he isn’t hungry to deliver anything. He is just eating and the rest like Mwenda is looking for excuses to support him. Peace.

The NRM Way is Corruption, so please don’t be shocked when they do it!

You should never be shocked if a National Resistance Movement (NRM) Members of Parliament (MP) or Historicals are caught eating of the public plate. No matter who it is, they are acting as they are entitled to this. They are entitled not pay rent, they are entitled to grab land and entitled to get kickbacks on government contracts. This is the system the NRM has built. To say otherwise is naive. This is the continuation of the “pay-to-play” system that Amama Mbabazi was known for. How do you think him and Gilbert Bukenya made their wealth?

They did not sell Nile Brew on the streets of Kampala, no these two used their positions to eat and therefore was synonymous with the word corruption, at one point they could have their face in the dictionary as they we’re always connected with some sham transaction. The same can be said the Foreign Affairs Minister Sam Kuteesa, who always has some shady business deal or arrangement to make sure his pockets are fat. When the new generation of NRM MPs see how the old-guard did it. They want to be in on it. That is natural.

So when Betty Amongi does what she does, she has learned from her peers. Not that is right or by law, but by the activity of the party. The same can be said by Evelyn Anite, whose also has some shady deals now. Both of these are just the newest crop, in addition to the ones who has already played these games. I am just waiting for Frank Tumwebaze to have some sort deal with the Telecoms, so that he could earn something on the side with this Sim-Card Saga of his. That would have made sense and also within reason.

And we know the likes Jim Muhwezi and others has made enough fortunes, big enough homes, that is why the house of Gen. Elly Tumwine, whose trying to outshine the Gbadolite, the house of former Dictator Mobutu Sese Seko. Therefore, the NRM elite has money, while the government lacks it and borrows to keep the cash flow going. If not, they are begging for handouts to secure government projects. This is happening while the elite is finding all kinds of tricks to find new money.

These are MPs with a lavish pay, secured pay for cars and housing, these are MPs whose already getting well-fed on the government tab. So they shouldn’t need to do shady backroom deals, but still they do, because the ones with much, always wants a little bit more. The rich wants to get richer. That is also natural, but they are feeding themselves on a rotten root and hoping the tree will bear fruits next season. Which is impossible, as they are killing off the tree, instead of nurturing it and making sure it can last.

The NRM eating like there is no tomorrow, it isn’t only the President. The State House and the PM. They are the main beneficiaries, but the MPs want their part of the pot of gold. That is why we see Presidential Handshakes, bribes, kickbacks, graft, land-grabs and whatnot. They all want their slice, because they want to be like the previous NRM ministers who did the same. They are NRM and therefore entitled to eat. That is the system. Not a beautiful masterpiece, but when the predecessors did it, why can’t they?

I am not saying it is justified, but I understand why it happens, why they are acting like this. Because they want their loot and their fortunes. If not they wouldn’t run as MPs or part of the elites. This is the way to get it. Not by hard work or dedication, no by association and by office. That is how this system work. This is 32 years down the road, and nothing has changed…

So please don’t be shocked, its put into play long time ago. That is why even Mwenda was bitching about this a decade ago, before his “independent” magazine launch. Peace.

Philippines: National Privacy Commission orders Jollibee to suspend amid data breach (04.05.2018)

A brief look at the Barangay and SK Election on 14th May 2018!

Just as the President has ordered, a holiday for the Barangay and SK Election on the 14th May and the short campaign season are starting in two days. The Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) have been reported to lack volunteers for being Pollwatcher’s during these elections. The PPCRV has announced only to have 70,000 out of 370,000 needed personnel. This people needs training and are to assist the Commission on Elections (COMELEC).

Therefore, the authorities has a lot of work to do, to secure the ballots and the elections in the coming days. If these reported numbers are true, as the elections has already been postponed more than once since October 2017.

We already know the COMELEC has saved a lot of headache with the Press Release in January 2018, where they stated: “The Commission on Elections is set to use the already printed October 23, 2017 official ballots, accountable and non-accountable forms for purposes of the May 14, 2018 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Elections in an effort to save public funds and government resources”(COMELEC, 18.01.2018). That just begs the question if they can fill in new names on the ballot or if the candidates was pre-fixed for this election? Because times change, and someone might drop their candidate between the October 2017 and the May 2018.

Therefore, there are some hurdles for perfection concerning governance, though understandable from a budgetary standpoint. That is just from the offset questions that can be risen. That the applications and candidates for these elections might differ from the previous ones of last year.

The state clearly has postponed already twice, so they are in need of holding it. So they have legitimate local government bodies within the Republic. However, the simple questions, that are stated these days comes quickly to mind. When the Commissioners will lack PollWatchers.

There are 42,026 Barangays around the Republic, meaning there is in dire need of brief and quick teachings of process and protocol of Pollwatcher’s to overlook the election. To secure the credible results and secure a legitimate local government in and around the country. If there were only two polling stations in each Barangay, which is most likely to small of number, then the need for watchers would be 84,000 of them. However, the PPCRV asked for the estimated 370,000 and that has to be achieved.

A good thing about this election is the direct spending limit for candidates, as the incentive to spend money to buy voters should become less evident, even if previous elections has been filled with kick-backs and promises. “The spending limit for the #BSKE2018 is 5 pesos per voter in the barangay where the candidate is running for office. For Example: if Barangay X has 3,000 registered voters, then the spending cap for candidates running in Barangay X is 3,000 x 5 pesos, or 15,000 pesos. In the same example, if neighbouring Barangay Y has 20,000 voters, then the spending cap for Barangay Y candidates will be 20,000 x 5 pesos, or 100,000 pesos. Note that the spending limit is based on REGISTERED VOTERS, not population” (COMELEC, 2018).

I hope for good and clean campaigns, without too much interference and issues that overshadow the democratic process. However, you never know, when the Narco-Listed and Hot-Spots list are coming in a narrow time frame concerning the official holiday announcement.

We can just hope that the candidates are prepared, all the electoral bodies and that the Electoral Officials and everyone involved will deliver a credible election, where the will of the public happens and not predetermined results. There are some pieces you can question, because it leaves doubt in the voting material, but that might be altered to fit this compared to the ones in October 2017.

Let’s hope and see, hopefully the ones who has the most drive, talent and are accountable to their public. Get their places locally, not just political dynasties, and their narrative to control the pockets of their local barangay. Peace.

Philippines: President Durterte – “Declaring Monday, 14 May 2018, as a Special (Non-Working) Day throught the country” (02.05.2018)

FIFA SG Samoura sends out early warning to the Football Associations on the bidding process for the 2026 World Cup!

FIFA under the new Secretary General Fatma Samoura are trying a new approach considering the start of the process, when getting the host nation for the FIFA Football World Cup 2026 after the biggest frauds and kickbacks of late concerning South Africa, Qatar and Russia. Now, the organization after the case against itself in United States and the fall of Sepp Blatter. Surely the new FIFA President Gianni Infantino wants a change too! They are trying to swiftly change the organization, that is why Samoura has sent a letter to all Member Associations, to follow the 5th Principal in the Bid Rules of Conduct. Where it says:

“(i) conducting their own activities in relation to the Bidding Procedure in accordance with basic ethical principles such as integrity, responsibility, trustworthiness and fairness; (ii) rejecting any attempt to be influenced in relation to their function and obligations in relation to the Bidding Procedure; (iii) rejecting any gifts offered by any Candidate Host Associations, any of their bid consultants and/or nominees, unless such gift: a) only has symbolic or trivial value; b) excludes any influence for the execution or omission of an act that is related to their official activities or falls within their discretion; c) is not contrary to their duties; d) does not create any undue pecuniary or other advantage; and e) does not create a conflict of interest;” (2026 FWC Bidding Regulation).

In the letter from the Secretary General Samoura, it states very clearly to all:

“Notwithstanding the clarifications below, in order to ensure a fair and transparent bidding process, all football officials shall always conduct all of their own activities in relation to the bidding process in accordance with basic ethical principles such as integrity, responsibility, trustworthiness and fairness. Therefore, irrespective of the clarifications below, it must be understood that the Ethics Committee, as an independent judicial body, may, on its own initiative and at its full and independent discretion, decide to investigate whether any activities in connection with the bidding process are of an unethical nature by, for instance, creating an undue influence on the bidding process in violation of the FIFA Code of Ethics and further specific rules contained in the Bid Rules of Conduct pursuant to article 5 of the Bidding Regulations” (Fatma Samoura – ‘Further guidance on the Bid Rules of Conduct for the process to select the host(s) of the 2026 FIFA World Cup™’ 19.02.2018).

The FIFA Secretariat and Central Governing body is sending out a warning as the process is starting. Since they don’t want to have knowledge of or knowingly have people acting in bad faith or trying to corrupt fellow members. Even if that is the history of FIFA and the leadership of Joao Havelange and Sepp Blatter. They have done it with fineness and used time to fix the associations in their way, so they could find ways of using sport to get wealthy. That is well-known. Surely, Samoura want to change that paradigm and therefore write this letter to secure the process.

And you know that FIFA is afraid of getting corruption scandals, when Samoura has to type this:

“Accordingly, if a confederation, a regional association, a grouping of member associations or any individual member association is approached by a bidder offering a presentation of its bid, it is in principle fine to accept such an offer as long as the principles of fairness and transparency are respected. Therefore, in such an event, please notify FIFA in writing about any such offer from a bidder, but please also accept the offer of a presentation by the competitive bidder, offering both bidders the same format and attendance” ((Fatma Samoura – ‘Further guidance on the Bid Rules of Conduct for the process to select the host(s) of the 2026 FIFA World Cup™’ 19.02.2018).

So now if let’s say the United Kingdom wants to have the bid in Europe and the want to present it to France and Germany, than they have to notify FIFA and also allow the same delegation to travel to another bidder. Not make it exclusive, to make sure the process isn’t paid off as in the past. This will make the bidding process more hectic, but hopefully more transparent. Since it has been filled with PR Stunts and sudden pay-offs in the past, but not shown in public what is happening behind the scenes.

We can hope that FIFA is trying to change and not using words flamboyantly, to trigger the press and associations, that the process will be transparent and fair. However, their history is known of paying of minor or poor organizations to get the needed votes, also to make sure the confederates of several regions are getting a slice. To make sure the bidding nation get the swinging votes. We have to see if this can be altered, if the corrupt machinery can be stopped. That would be interesting, even if you take the head, the body is still the same. We just have to wait and see, if some skeletons comes out of the closet or not. Peace.