Cambridge Analytica Scandal: Confidential Memorandum – “Re: Participation in US Election” (22.07.2014)

Opinion: Cambridge Analytica and Facebook – Time to connect the dots!

It’s time to wake-up and smell the coffee. It is time to kick-back and not be fooled by the mess. It has been a vindictive and outrage breach of trust between the social media company called Facebook, the Mark Zuckerberg has earned massive profits on speculative ads and destruction of democracy. While he has let political weaponized attempts of our digital imprints on his page taken by the Strategic Communication Laboratories and the infamous Cambridge Analytica. That has done shady business all around the globe, on every continent and has imprinted their campaigns of malice to the public.

The distorted view that this is fine and dandy, that a multi-millionaire, a guy Cenk Ugur ones said printed money. Robert Mercer, the millionaire backing President Trump and such, who has his stooges in around him too. That this guy’s ethical backbone, has been shown to world and what sort of affair it is. Clearly, they have misused and illegally collected personal information, I doubt only in United States, but all around the globe. As well, as Facebook has been paid to alter likes of pages, posts and whatnot from all the major political parties. All to create social media merit to the ones ruling the world.

Therefore, this all a collective scheme, where the data-breaches, where the personal information and the collected effort has undermined our system. Because we have trusted Zuckerberg, but also unknowingly let him trade away our social-media interactions to a third-party, which haven’t been sanctioned for their use of that. They have at the same time, used this information to hit key areas in elections, states and also ethnic groups, as well as the same backers has had PR campaigns, written speeches and made a whole package to secure the elections in certain republics.

In Kenya, the Cambridge Analytica, that has breached the data collection activity in the United States, could surely, done the same there. As they could have taken it, messed around it with it and then played the cards to secure the president. The company has even the server of the Electoral Commission (Independent Boundaries and Electoral Commission). Therefore, they got all the tools to alter the narrative and the results in the favour of their contractor Kenyatta and the Jubilee Party.

The same can be seen with the DUP who both paid Facebook, but also paid Cambridge Analytica, even parts of the Brexit referendum campaign funds has gone to this. Therefore, they have used shady tricks and used malicious breaches of public trust, to build campaigns fitting the public.

This isn’t only a USA thing, even if this is shattering the gates of power, as they are involved, the ones close to the Trump Campaign, even the one time Campaign Manager Stephen Bannon was involved in the company in question, therefore, who knows what sort of data he has used for his methods and his help to get Trump elected. As well, as the leaks has proven the company even used honey traps to black-mail politicians and was proud of this. This isn’t campaigning, but is reality a special sort of scandal, where the mighty knights and their misuse of trust has been breached.

This isn’t just about social media, this is how it has been used and how the politicians, their benefactors and their donors has used to boost their campaigns, how they have hired in consultants that has taken private information, sorted it in brackets and made sure they could use it take advantage of the political climate. Make sure they had the right slogans, the right message and right PR. That they could use the social media to spin the news cycle and make sure the people got hooked. All of this in attempt to secure their client, the Presidents and President-Elect. The ones they was working for, using the details from the big-data, breach the networks and secure the foundation of a campaign. Where the people are running around like sheep providing all the details and the reconfiguring it and they spilling the beans. That has been done, time and time again, also that if it is possible. They have even made sure of the counting, the rigging of the ballots. So their client get elected through their circus, it doesn’t have to be legitimate, but they are playing shadow state through their computers and servers. Playing second fiddle, but being the king-maker nevertheless.

That shows the dire need for investigations, for suspending these sort of activities, stopping Facebook for delivering this information, if not get people to deactivate and kill of their profiles. So Cambridge Analytica cannot use their information for political campaigning, so they cannot steal the big-data and juice up either Trump or Kenyatta. This for profits, this for personal gain and we now know, that the innocence of Facebook is gone and the image CA had was false.

Cambridge Analytica was a hit-factory, they made hits online and in real life, made campaigns and prepared the whole package, they could even make the candidates and they could be empty shell of a person, they don’t even need a thinking mind. That is proven, that is worrying and the empty suits boosted by collecting social media without knowledge, is proving to a serious breach, a serious attack on the trust and can collectively destroy our trust in companies involved. We as consumers should move elsewhere, but where. Who else has a platform that works, that is what we have to find and make sure it is not used by third-parties to weaponized our digital imprint online. Peace.

EU Letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg – “Subject: Invitation to appear before the European Parliament to clarify allegations on the manipulation of Facebook user personal data by Cambridge Analytica” (20.03.2018)

Canada: NDP letter to Commissioner Daniel Therrien on “Re: Facebook data breach by Cambridge Analytica” (19.03.2018)

USA: Ranking Member Nadler of the U.S. House of Representatives – Committee on the Judiciary letter to Chairman Bob Goodlatte on requesting a hearing on Cambridge Analytica (20.03.2018)

CIA Director John Brennan internal memo on “Russian Interference in the Election” (16.12.2016)

Opinion: Trump has bankrupted the Secret Service because of his golfing and nepotism!

We know that President Donald J. Trump has taken nearly one-third of the term into vacations, weekend trips to Florida and other days outside the White House. When the President travels, this is costly and extra hours for the Secret Service. The Secret Service is obligated to be the security guards and have convoys securing the President and his family. With the Trump presidency, it has also been extra lounges at the Trump Tower, as the First Lady stayed there for months before leaving for D.C. Therefore, the expenses has grown with the extra traveling days, but also the rallies and all other activity the President has been up-to. Just take a look!

Secret Service Director Randolph “Tex” Alles, in an interview with USA TODAY, said more than 1,000 agents have already hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances that were meant to last the entire year” (…) “ Alles said the service is grappling with an unprecedented number of White House protectees. Under Trump, 42 people have protection, a number that includes 18 members of his family. That’s up from 31 during the Obama administration. Overwork and constant travel have also been driving a recent exodus from the Secret Service ranks, yet without congressional intervention to provide additional funding, Alles will not even be able to pay agents for the work they have already done. The compensation crunch is so serious that the director has begun discussions with key lawmakers to raise the combined salary and overtime cap for agents, from $160,000 per year to $187,000 for at least the duration of Trump’s first term” (Johnson, 2017).

So the Secret Service already are overworked as they have taken hours and trips with the President. That a 1000 agents already are over the mandated caps for salary and overtime. Shows how much the President are traveling and extra work that the agents has gotten by the actions of the President and his family. That the numbers has gone up from Obama, is also typical, since the family of the Trump needs security in New York and nepotism is rampant in the White House. This sends worrying signals of how little the Trump Administration and New York Gang cares about the budget, as long as they are living their lives.

That this arrogance and double moral is clear in this, as he claimed Obama traveled to much and was such a burden on the budgets as a President. It only tool 7 months before he cracked the budgets of the Secret Service, this from a government that plans to deplete many government subsidized programs to the poor, while expanding the army. The US government under Trump isn’t fiscal responsible or caring about the outcome. Since he in just such short time has spent enormous amounts of funds taking vacations and playing golf on his own estates. That has also added extra expenses to the Police Force and States, which he has visited. It isn’t only the Secret Service who has had to spend fortunes on Trump, but the state of Florida and New Jersey has had to get added funding for their ordinary work.

This proves the mockery of it all, as such a rich man likes this is living lavish on the state and also using the security operations in a way that it even breaking the bank and accounts for the Secret Service. The Secret Service are in August, but has not funds to pay for the extra services needed for the President until December. That is 4 months left of the year and already overspent. This is something the White House and the Capital Hill has to discuss, so that the state can continue to flood the extended fleet and need of agents around the President. The state cannot afford to go broke and not pay the security guards. Then, the state would see deserters without pay or resignations, as who wants to be working for a state; a state who doesn’t pay the salaries and the overtime. Peace.


Johnson, Kevin – ‘Exclusive: Secret Service depletes funds to pay agents because of Trump’s frequent travel, large family’ (21.08.2017) link:

President Trump’s ‘Real News’ is ready to Manufacture Consent and deliver Propaganda to the American Public!

There is time to take the Trump Administration seriously on how much they dislike the media and the stories written about the President and his pending cases. Therefore, he has now invented and started his own Trump Team TV, that is Web-Series that are actually filmed directly from New York and the Trump Tower. Clearly, the President is using the tools of propaganda to get his message out. This is official state TV. An we can already see the first B-Star TV-Personality joining Trump TV. They are clearly starting with once a week clips dropped on Facebook and on Twitter to the supporters of Trump. This will clearly escalate and also be a place for more questionable content.

Merriam Webster defines propaganda as: “the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person” and also “ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing cause; also: a public action having such an effect” (Merriam-Webster – ‘Definition of propaganda).

So now the President plans to use Facebook for his propaganda and his views in his own way. Without any hesitation or without any problems. This is state TV for his own cause and his own mission. To show his brilliance, instead of his lacking results and his ability to grasp Washington, while he also has a Russian Investigation that is spreading legs. This is clearly in mission to stop and shift the discussion. Where his daughter-in-law Laura Trump and now former CNN commentator are now in-charge off.

The Hollywood reported had to say this about it: “On Sunday, President Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, kicked off what The Hollywood Reporter has learned will be a recurring feature: a video segment posted on the president’s Facebook page that aims to present “real news” about what the administration is up to. “I bet you haven’t heard about all the accomplishments the president had this week, because there’s so much fake news out there,” Lara Trump says in introducing the video. “We wanted to give you a glimpse into his week.” In a statement to THR, Trump explained the thinking behind the weekly segments, which she said are emblematic of the president’s strategy of using social media to “speak directly to the American people” and bypass “the biased filter of the mainstream media.” (Barr, 2017).

First official TV commentator to joint Trump TV:

A day after Kayleigh McEnany announced she left CNN, she showed up as the centerpiece of a video clip posted by President Trump’s campaign team. McEnany, a pro-Trump conservative pundit who appeared on CNN throughout the campaign season, announced via Twitter Saturday that she was leaving the network. She said to “stay tuned” for details about her next career move” (…) “The clips have a format reminiscent of traditional news networks: The host appears on a screen in front of a graphic background. In this case, that background is a smattering of Trump, Trump/Pence and logos. Elected officials using websites and social media platforms to promote their achievements is standard procedure these days, but the “real news” series appears to go further, seeking to discredit the mainstream media and advertising what purports to be a reliable alternative” (Whattles, 2017).

So the “Real News” out of Trump Tower follows a special kind of ways of producing news, that is made directly and fitting the program of the President. It is his mind and his sort of ideas, what his men and his associates see what he does. Even if he is golfing all week, they will still claim the rates of the Dow Jones and the unemployment record of the month, even if it Elon Musk hired most of it to his promising industrial business. But Trump would take the Triumph!

It seems like Team Trump has now plans of using these tricks in their ways to sway public opinion:

Though Facebook doesn’t explicitly provide the tools to target people based on political opinions, the new study shows how the platform can be exploited. Using combinations of people’s interests, demographics, and survey data it’s possible to direct campaigns at individuals based on their agreement with ideas and policies. This could have a big impact on the success of campaigns. “The weaponised, artificially intelligent propaganda machine is effective. You don’t need to move people’s political dials by much to influence an election, just a couple of percentage points to the left or right,” says Chris Sumner at the Online Privacy Foundation, who is presenting the work this week at DEF CON in Las Vegas” (…) “Next, by administering various personality tests to a different group they found traits that correlate with how likely you are to agree with that statement on internet privacy. This was converted into an “authoritarianism” score: if you scored high you were more likely to agree with the statement. Then, using a tool called PreferenceTool, built by researchers at the University of Cambridge, they were able to reverse engineer what sort of Facebook interests and demographics people with those personalities were most likely to have. Just 38 per cent of a random selection of people on Facebook agreed with the privacy statement but this shot up to 61 per cent when the tool was used to target people deemed more likely to agree, and down to 25 per cent for those who they deemed more likely to disagree. In other words, they were able to demonstrate that it is possible to target people on Facebook based on a political opinion” (Revell, 2017).

So it might be the people behind the Team Trump who is using these techniques combined with the new Channel to enforce there beliefs and agenda to the Social Media. Not that it is sticking and has been mocked right now. But things begin in the small, before it blows out of proportions. Know that it now look like low-budget no-show. However, with time the messages will be darker and the rhetoric will be pushing to the extreme. As the possible investigation will strike where it hurts the most for the President.

That is why this is happening, since mainstream media, New York Times and Washington Post are explaining the leaks and verifying their sources, Laura Trump and Kayleigh McEnany will speak the message of Trump. The message of the belief and needed faith of the moment of the President. This will be propaganda and will be manufacturing consent. Chomsky states: “ Manufacturing consent is related to the understanding that indoctrination is the essence of propaganda. In a “democratic” society indoctrination occurs when the techniques of control of a propaganda model are imposed — which means imposing Necessary Illusions” (…) “Chomsky’s concept of NECESSARY ILLUSIONS is linked to power elites dominating how life happens, with part of the population — about 20% who make up the political class and are expected to participate as cultural managers in a limited fashion — are indoctrinated, and most people — the other 80% of the population — are marginalized, diverted from political awareness and participation in self-governing, and reduced to apathy so they don’t vote or take charge. Media are a tool of society’s power elites and owned and controlled by them and are used to impose those iIllusions that are Necessary to keep people diverted from the political process” (Chomsky, 2017).

So the Team Trump will work like crazy to create necessary illusions to its people, so they believe that Trump works for them. So he can manufacture consent and get more people on the Trump train, even as the investigation will leak more damaging evidence and the unclear business practices of the Trump Organization. Peace.


Barr, Jeremy – ‘Trump Daughter-in-Law’s “Real News” Show to Be Weekly Feature’ (04.08.2017) link:

Chomsky, Noam – ‘Key points in “Manufacturing Consent” a video about Noam Chomsky and American democracy’ (2017). Link:

Revell, Timothy – ‘How to turn Facebook into a weaponised AI propaganda machine’ (28.07.2017) link:

Whattles, Jackie – ‘Kayleigh McEnany appears in pro-Trump ‘news’ video after leaving CNN’ (06.08.2017) link:

A brief look into Fox News defense [this week] of Trump considering the Russian Probe!

Walter Kirn on Fox News Nework the 6th August 2017 : “Every 6 months people are gonna look up and see this country changed, they’re still gonna be talking about Russia”.

There always certain types of apologist, just as some defend Martin Luther, other defend John Calvin and even some Judas. At this point in the political spectrum as the evidence and the leaks of investigation into the President Trump Campaign of 2016 are hitting the public. There will be drawbacks and be speculations. Certainly, there are hoover-crafts and snipers trying to debunk every single piece of clue or tarnish the investigation. The grandest part of that is the Fox News Network and their allies. Who are embedded with the Presidency. They are not like the rest, who question the evidence and asks why the President and his associates acted like they did. They are like State TV at this point. That is why I have looked into this weeks special efforts to defend Trump. Because it shows the strangeness of it all. Especially, since these conservatives and these patriots would be horrified if Barrack Obama had a collusion practice with a foreign power and with an adversary. However, when it concerning the master and ideal prince of hope Trump, he cannot do nothing wrong, even if he do? Does it matter. The defenses from Fox News, should not surprise anyone. Therefore let’s take a look at just a few!

It’s Okay that the President is a Crook!

So does it matter to you whether or not the president is a crook? The answer for a lot of Americans may be no. With the revelation that a grand jury is looking at evidence against members of President Trump’s 2016 campaign team, we move closer still to the possibility that someone could be in very big trouble. Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his squad are moving fast, and the likelihood that some charges will be brought can no longer be ignored. It is not hard to imagine a moment in the very near future where some associate of the president is in the dock, charged with misdeeds relating to Russian interference in the 2016 election” (Stirewalt, 2017).

YES, it should matter if the President are a criminal and done illegal activity, he is not above the law. If he worked with foreign powers to gain the presidency, he could be blackmailed and could be forced not to work in the faith of the constitution, but of the will of the foreign powers. That is worrying for any independent office and any state official if they are colluding with foreign powers. If it didn’t matter, why had the National Security Advisor Michael Flynn had to resign just days into the Presidency for the paid work for the Turkish. If that is an issue, than it should be bigger issue if the President are doing the same for Kremlin and the Russians. That is why it matters.

Judge Jeanie defense of Trump:

““Folks, this was a cover-up of an illegal meeting, collusion, between Bill Clinton and the attorney general after which the FBI interrogated Hillary then exonerated her after which Hillary brazenly proclaimed, if she won, she would hire Loretta Lynch as her attorney general,” said Pirro. “So while this country is now virtually paralyzed with fake news stories of collusion, I ask you, what evidence, give me one piece of evidence, one iota of something that Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with the Kremlin. … You haven’t heard one piece of evidence for 8 months, 24/7 collusion between Donald Trump and Russians.” (Baker, 2017).

The investigations, the 6 of them, with even public hearings and questioning has showed no clear evidence. So that the “judge” are still directing and wanting to detain and to criminalize Clinton is just sad. It shows the double-moral of the Fox News Broadcaster, which can address the Clinton’s for their misgivings, but if Trump does the same or even worse. It doesn’t matter, because he is Republicans and Republicans can acts as they like. Trump has questionable connections with Russians, both in business and during the campaign. The ones that are picked to positions are also connected with Russian associates. It is hard not to find anyone who isn’t connected, who hasn’t had agreements and had trades with Russians at some point in the cabinet and in the White House. Everyone has met and done shadow agreement with Kremlin associates. So Judge Jeanie should boggle about that and wonder why there are no-one who are in the public light who hasn’t had something with an oligarch or with anyone associated with the Kremlin to do.

Normalizing “Grand Jury” of Mueller investigation:

As an old Justice Department reporter, I can tell you this is utterly routine. Prosecutors regularly convene grand juries to question witnesses and gather evidence. It’s what they do. The shocker would have been if Mueller completed his investigation without bringing in a grand jury. In fact, as the Journal story notes, there already was a grand jury, across the river in Alexandria, that the FBI was using in this case before Mueller was appointed. But in the public mind, “grand jury” is associated with “indictment.” And notwithstanding the old adage that a prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich, the former FBI director could conclude that nothing in the case rises to an indictable offense—at least as far as the president and his inner circle. We have no way of knowing that, and neither does Mueller” (Kurtz, 2017).

This is the only little sense from the Fox News commentators. Since it is an ordinary thing to do, but not with an investigation into a President. Since the Grand Jury are signaling that the prosecutor planning to dig deeper and look into Trump and his associates with more subpoena’s, where he can legally get more paperwork and more evidence for criminal conspiracy. This is not a short-con, but taking down a long-con. Who has not been open with business transactions and Trump Organization before getting public office. The business model and the transactions done can be in question, since the President never revealed this and might only happen through a criminal investigation.

Katrina Pierson on Fox News on the 6th August 2017 said: “There has been no evidence found. Even Democrats are saying we have no evidence. Collusion is not a crime”.

He has been sued over 1000 times for all sort of financial tricks and frauds. Still, the vision of a clean business are not something that seem likely, if so, he would have released the IRS Tax Returns like the Clinton’s did within their campaign. There are some secrets that will reveal some shady stories the Trump family and associates wants to hide from the public. Peace.


Baker, Trent – ‘Judge Jeanine: Meeting Between Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton Proves U.S. No Longer True to Declaration of Independence’ (05.08.2017) link:

Kurtz, Howard – ‘Grand jury bombshell rocks media, but calm down: This is what prosecutors do’ (04.08.2017) link:

Stirewalt, Chris – ‘Would you even care if he was guilty?’ (04.08.2017) link:

White House conflicting statement’s towards Russia, proves the problematic relationship Trump has with Russia!

Today’s two statements that was released shortly after each says something. Not about the sanctions the bipartisan bills in Senate and the House voted on a massive margin. There was relief or no positive way out for the President to not sign the act. If he had done so, the legislation and the sanctions towards Russia would be another proof of the collusion. We can still question the timing and the days that went from passing it.

The act that was signed today was introduced on the 24th July 2017, voted in the House on the 25th July 2017 with a 419-3. On the 27th July 2017, the Senate vote on the same Act, this time it was 98-2. Then on the 28th July 2017, it was presented to the President for signing. This after a fantastic majority of both chambers voting on it. So on 2nd August 2017 the President signed the Act on sanctions. That means 5 days it was waiting on his desk and he was wondering what to do about it.

Therefore, with the knowledge of the act and the passages damaging the trades and bilateral work that co-exists between the United States and Russia. They have never been true allies, only in need during the Second World War, ever since the Communists and the Americans has been enemies. Therefore today’s statements from the White House strikes out as strange!

The one written in old fonts looking like a typewriter says:

While I favor tough measures to punish and deter aggressive and destabilizing behavior by Iran, North Korea, and Russia, this legislation is significantly flawed”. Than, he continues to blast the part of Russia in the law: “My Administration will give careful and respectful consideration to the preference expressed by the Congress in these various provisions and will implement them in a manner consistent with the President’s constitutional authority to conduct foreign relations” (…) “Finally, my Administration particularly expects the Congress to refrain from using this flawed bill to hinder our important work with European allies to resolve the conflict in Ukraine, and from using it to hinder our efforts to address any unintended consequences it may have for American business, our friends, or our allies”.

It is hard to believe that the U.S. Government under President Trump cares about the turmoil and conflict in Ukraine, as the ties to Moscow and Russia are so close. That is why the President calls these sanctions flawed, since the Capitol Hill already voted in majority that Trump couldn’t veto. The President might have disliked the whole sanctions, but he didn’t complain about the 700 people losing their jobs in Russia. As the Diplomatic Staff are removed as the Russian addressed the new sanctions with counter measures. But even with this the President didn’t complain. Not like he did to others like Nordstrom dropping Ivanka’s clothing-line or Meryl Streep’s aggressive speech and so on. The benign things has been addressed like the ratings of Apprentice with Arnold Schwarzenegger, who even got canceled. Still, this shows his mindset that he cannot attack or talk vicious of Russia or Putin, but everyone else. Like he address Senators or Representatives for either parties bad, until he needs their votes for his cause.

But before I start bickering more, here is important parts of Russian obsessions:

I also support making clear that America will not tolerate interference in our democratic process and that we will side with our allies and friends against Russian subversion and destabilization” (…) “Yet despite its problems, I am signing this bill for the sake of national unity. It represents the will of the American people to see Russia take steps to improve relations with the United States. We hope there will be cooperation between our two countries on major global issues so that these sanctions will no longer be necessary” (…) “I built a truly great company worth many billions of dollars. That is a big part of the reasons I was elected. As President, I can make far better deals with foreign countries than Congress”.

Than as we look into the second statement that was fierce against the Congress. He even lectured them on the Russian sanctions. Since Trump believes he could make better deals than the Congress. So he has issues with the interference into the democratic process, he says so in the statement, but still wants to take steps into improving the relations. This proves that he wants to work closer to the Russians, even if he himself states they interfered. He also, wants to find a common ground to stop the problems between the nations, so that the American government can forgive what the Russians did during the last years election.

Than in the latest he has to state about his Trump Organization and his deal-making, that he believes he could do better than the Congress. Since the Congress put the sanctions in place and that hurt the relationship with Russia. One that President Trump wants to keep. It is strange that President Trump sounds like the Russians today on the Sanctions, just Mikhail Bogdanov said on the 1st August:

“You know our position, these actions are absolutely unlawful, they do not help reach an understanding and the necessary level of trust between us and the Americans,” the senior Russian diplomat pointed out” (…) “This is sad, it affects our bilateral relations [with the United States – TASS],” Bogdanov went on to say. “I think that it does not add optimism regarding the possibility for us to coordinate our approaches towards a whole range of regional issues, including our relations with such important partner and neighbor as Iran,” he added” (Tass, 01.08.2017, link:

So even he call it unlawful and it’s sad. Just like Trump said, but in other words. Russian President Vladimir Putin also spoke his peace after the votes and said this:

The president explained why response measures have been taken now. “Because the American side once again made an absolutely ungrounded, which is important, step to deteriorate the Russian-US relations, imposing illegal restrictions and trying to press other countries, including its allies, which are interested in the development and maintaining of relations with Russia,” he said, obviously referring to the US bill toughening the anti-Russian sanctions. “We have been waiting for quite a long time for any positive changes [in the United States’ attitudes to Russia], we have hoped that the situation will change somehow. But, to all appearances, even if it ever changes, it will not be soon,” he said in an interview with VGTRK host Vladimir Solovyov. “I thought we must demonstrate that we are not going to leave anything unanswered either” (TASS, 30.07.2017, link:

So when President Trump doesn’t answer this and get’s insulted for the whole world to know. Than days later answer with two half-ass apology statements. There is something wrong in that picture. That the relationship between Trump Organization and Russia is destroying the relations. While Russia can answer the sanctions and apply clear stance on the subject. President Trump was silent. Said nothing and commented on other subjects. He didn’t even sign the bill. Trump even waited three days after the Putin televised interview.

Trump hopes this bill is a sign of Russian create a better relations between the nations and cooperate. The President also hopes the sanctions wont be necessary. The same that the Russian also says, but they have to say it, because they hurt the Russians. These sanctions doesn’t hurt Americans, but it hurts Trump’s relations. If Russia wasn’t important, he would have gone wild on them and kicked them on Twitter in a heart-beat. Like he done to China when talking about the problems in North Korea. Peace.