Afghanistan: Press Release of Da Afghanistan Bank on the Decision of United States of America Regarding the Foreign Exchange Reserves of Afghanistan (12.02.2022)

The Empire Strikes Back: Biden taking Afghanistan’s reserves for his own causes

Afghanistan Map

President Joe Biden signed an order Friday to free $7 billion in Afghan assets now frozen in the U.S., splitting the money between humanitarian aid for poverty-stricken Afghanistan and a fund for Sept. 11 victims still seeking relief” (NBC4 Washington, 12.02.2022).

The United States of America armed forces invaded Afghanistan post 9-11 in 2001. As a direct attack and retaliation of the attack on American soil on the 11th September 2001. Alas, the US Government and all it’s entities went after Afghanistan government and installed a puppet government in Kabul. That was done to get rid of Al-Qa’ida and stop Taliban from running the government in the Republic.

The US and it’s allies was in the nation for over 20 years, continuously keeping the warfare active and being the bondage of the state. They kept various of vassal cabinets and presidents, which did their bidding. While accepting foreign aid and strings attached to the funds, which it got over the two decades.

The US and allies did plan a retreat and to slow the operation down after being there for two decades. However, the way it went down was unplanned and without any significant delivery. As the empire and all its soldiers left. While the supporters and the ones who fought along the invaders was left stranded. As well, as the US government decided to freeze the state funds and not give those to the new installed government, Taliban.

That is the reality here, as the US troops left the country in the end of August 2021. Now mere months after the Biden Administration who hijacked the government reserves. Are now using it partly to repay the victims of 9-11 and the rest will be donated or given to the NGOs/multi-national aid organizations they see fit. This is a steal and taking another nations government reserves. While deciding it’s fate.

I wonder, if Washington D.C. wouldn’t have taken kindly, if any state had taken it’s federal reserve and played around with it as it deemed fit. Especially, after the same nation had invaded it and kept it in constant warfare for two decades and leaving the Republic in financial distress after it.

So, now that there is possible humanitarian devastation in Afghanistan and a broke government to cover the bills, which is taking away the reserves. The US has decided how to spend it. That is a move of villain. Just like the French gave the former colony Haiti debt distress and a debt it couldn’t recover from after the independence.

In 2022 the US and Biden Administration wants to compete with that and show they are the Empire that strikes back. Because of that, I just have to use a scene from the movie from 1980:

Luke: There’s something not right here… I feel cold. Death.

Yoda: [points to a cave opening beneath a large tree] That place… is strong with the dark side of the Force. A domain of evil it is. In you must go.

Luke: What’s in there?

Yoda: Only what you take with you” (Star Wars – The Empire Strike Back, 1980).

I am sure we are seeing the same place and feeling the dark side of the force. Because, the freezing of funds and later hijacking it. Isn’t done out the kindness of his heart from Biden or any of cronies in his administration.

No, this is a retaliation and the humanitarian aid is just a mockery of it. As they don’t care and this is sophisticated thieving on an international level and the US should be held capable for this. If anyone else did this, it would have consequences and it would have costs.

The US should actually have paid damages for decades long war, but instead it’s thieving money away from Kabul. This is disgraceful and should be a violation of a sovereign nation, which no nation should be stripped out of. However, the Empire isn’t forgiving and the humiliation of utter failure last year had to be punished. Therefore, they do it monetarily like this. Peace.

Opinion: The Soviet and the U.S. lost in Afghanistan [and when will the imperial wars stop?]

Afghanistan Map

The Soviet Union was occupying and had too withdraw from Afghanistan after a ten year long war between 1979 to 1989. Today and in the recent week the United States has also withdrawn most of their troops and given way to Taliban. Just like the Soviets withdrawal gave way to Mujahidin.

The United States and the “coalition of the willing” entered Afghanistan in 2001 and now 20 years later in 2021 the U.S. and their allies have withdrawn their troops from the republic. This is giving a new vacuum and the one who has both political and army power at the moment is Taliban.

This is just showing that the whole enterprise and promises of the imperial forces was all a lie. Just like the Soviets failed to install their puppet government. The U.S. and allies is failing to do so as well. While Taliban is furthering their control by taking control of Kabul and the former Government of Afghanistan will be toppled by them.

That is happening, because the current “legitimate” government have been there because the U.S. has anointed fellow leaders and their system. They have been puppets of the Pentagon and the U.S. State Department. Now, the Afghanistan government will be represented by Taliban, which has to govern after decades of wars and lack of peace.

Now all that worked with the U.S. and their allies will be endangered, but that is what happens when you take a chance or get hired by invasion forces. That is happening everywhere and some allies are saying their “hired” local personnel wasn’t for the future purpose of becoming asylum-seekers. However, when you work for foreign invasion forces, these individuals are in difficulties and needs help, as they worked for invaders and for imperialists. Plus they might be easily seen as traitors by the new rulers. Therefore, the “coalition of willing” who needed locals and native speakers to “colonize” Afghanistan needs to repay these civilians and ensure their safety. That should be the easiest thing to do after needing them for 20 years.

The Taliban will do what is expected to do. They will issue decree and show their strength in the times ahead. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will prove their points and start governing. They have waited for this for decades and now finally have a shot. These has been radicalized and extremists, because the invaders has taken away their ability to rule themselves and used sophisticated methods to defeat them.

The U.S. and their allies hasn’t delivered hope or democracy. The invaders haven’t shown they cared about these values or tried to build it. No, they were instead there to keep control and have fellow loyal puppets in Kabul. That’s why the current government, advisors and civil servants are fleeing from the Kabul Airport today. Together with the total withdrawal of the armed forces from the US. This is why the whole project is failing and nothing is left behind.

Afghanistan has been destroyed, depleted and a war-zone decades. This is why Taliban is able to regain strength and recruit. This was inevitable and there was nothing saying the U.S. allies and government in Kabul would gain any real popularity. If the current President would have any real power or ability. He wouldn’t have fled the first second, as Taliban is knocking on the door. Because, he knows his a nobody without the imperial support of him.

Now Taliban not only have to rebuild the Republic, but they have to build trust and build up a functional government. While the U.S. and allies are fleeing the Republic. When the Embassies are closed and the diplomats has left the scene.

Taliban will issue their decrees and sharia law. The freedoms and liberties that the U.S. forces enforced will be taken away. That was a long time coming. No one should be shocked by that, but the imperial forces would fall eventually … just like the Soviets did too. This is two superpowers losing in Afghanistan.

There so many who has lost their lives in this conflict. Plenty who die because of the recent days and the Taliban will retaliate against the ones they deem fit. The new rulers will enforce their rules and dogmas, just like the U.S. did. That is what any government does and we can dislike it. But that is how things are going.

W. Bush ordered this and Biden is stopping it. The Pentagon and the U.S. cannot invest in a war they are losing. The U.S. isn’t winning anything in Afghanistan and only breeding more extremists, which was the reason for the conflict in the first place. However, delivering the war and not properly implement a “legit” government. The U.S. and allies didn’t get love or care, no they were imperialists and they didn’t build a functional government to leave behind. Neither, did they train or build a national army to secure the territory. If they had… then the Taliban wouldn’t have done this so quickly and won the war.

This is why the U.S. as a superpower is failing. Just like Soviet did. The U.S. haven’t administrated this correctly. They haven’t even with 2 decades of control used the time and manpower to build a strong national army. If they had, today would have been differently and the U.S. allies would still have puppets in Kabul. However, they only used own men, arms and technology to beat Taliban. Now, that those withdrawn … the current leaders has to leave and seek political refugee elsewhere.

That says it all about the humiliating loss of the U.S. here. The U.S. is as broken as the Soviet was. Taliban is taking over just like the Mujahidin did and we are repeating history. Time will tell how this goes, but it is not in the hands of Moscow or Washington D.C.

It will be in the hands of Taliban and their structures. No matter how we think of their beliefs and the way they rule. It is their time and they will in the end be held responsible by the Afghan people themselves. So, we just have to see and in the end … that is uncharted territory and we can only wonder the consequences of it. Peace.

Opinion: US-China relations sours even more…

It is like the United States own failures is used as an option to hurt Chinese Business interests. This is not only the sanctions and stopping of Huawei trading in the United States. The US has sanctioned 24 entities yesterday for their connections to the Chinese Military. Also on the same day, the US Commerce did also put sanctions on 9 companies connected to the oppression of Uighur in Xinjiang province.

That means the US has put their mission and blocks certain companies. Also ensures that these corporations or entities less traction in International trading. Just as the US Department of Commerce put it: “The Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced it will add 24 governmental and commercial organizations to the Entity List for engaging in activities contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States. The entities, based in China, Hong Kong, and the Cayman Islands, represent a significant risk of supporting procurement of items for military end-use in China” (, 22.05.2020).

Also, the other piece from them state this: “These nine parties are complicit in human rights violations and abuses committed in China’s campaign of repression, mass arbitrary detention, forced labor and high-technology surveillance against Uighurs, ethnic Kazakhs, and other members of Muslim minority groups in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR). This action will supplement BIS’s first tranche of Entity List designations in October 2019 involving 28 parties engaged in the XUAR repression campaign in Xinjiang” (, 22.05.2020).

Yes, the actions of China and Chinese government in concern to the Uighur people is outrageous and morally wrong. No question in my mind. The activity and the destruction of them as a minority is wrong. However, in my mind, this is using them as en excuse for US selfish reasons. This is insincere. Because, its not like the US will open the arms for immigrants fleeing similar situations elsewhere. The US is building walls and closing its borders for asylum seekers fleeing situations like the Uighurs. So, the US is using this an argument, but not a legit one from this administration.

This administration cannot even make good lies. They are so open on their motives. This is direct trade-war and efforts as a scapegoat in the midst of the tragic COVID-19 Pandemic. The US needs a scapegoat and righteously so is it fitting to blame Beijing and China. Instead of looking at own inaction and lack of concern to what happen.

The US has also already put tariffs on Chinese production and products already. Therefore, this is a continuation. However, by every step and every action. The US is losing leverage and they are also paying the price. They need to go elsewhere for trading similar things. If not pay more, as they are stopping certain parts of imports from there.

The Chinese are doing their wrongs too. Nevertheless, the Foreign Affairs wrote this yesterday, which state it perfectly: We urge the US side to abandon its Cold War mentality and ideological bias, follow the trend of the times, view China and China-US relations in an objective and rational way, immediately stop interfering in China’s internal affairs, harming China’s interests or undermining China-US relations, and work with China to bring bilateral relations back onto the right track” (Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian’s Regular Press Conference on May 22, 2020).

This here says it all. Yes, the relations is based on both parties gives and takes. However, right now, the reality is that the one aiming and hitting one party. Is the US whose shooting down and tracing their targeted companies or entities. Just like last years tariffs and such, which has also slowed things down. The US is doing this and the Chinese has retaliated. This will continue. Just like the Chinese banned certain journalists and media houses within the Republic. That is all natural in the sense of the relations between them.

This is all hostile. There is not function or care. The US President says everything is China’s fault. While he hasn’t carried water for happen within his own borders. Therefore, that isn’t a fair assessment. It is an easy victimhood in this pandemic. Yes, the origin was from China. They didn’t do enough and do it correctly. Still, the US didn’t care about the warning signs either or did what they should have done. That is the 20/20 hindsight, which deems both parties wrong in the sense of acting in accordingly to the danger of COVID-19.

However, this is about the trade war. Where for every step the US is attacking and targeting companies of Chinese origin. They have to release proof of these allegations now. Especially, the list of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). Where the Commerce Secretary says these companies are connected with this. If so, I would like to see proof and leaked documentation of sensitive intelligence. To actually prove the allegations. If not, the US is just using their power and means to kick the Chinese. Because, it is useful to have an enemy in this troubling time.

The Chinese is far from perfect and their reign within the One-Party state isn’t peaceful nor democratically anything to aspire too. Nevertheless, the US isn’t that great on this either. Especially, the way Trump Administration is just another epitome of baroque king-pin from the Big-Apple and Trump tower in New York. That is why these measures has to be explained to be believable.

The US cannot con the world anymore. They could in the past, but not now. This US-China Trade-War is only proving what sort of hostile force it is. Instead of finding diplomatic measures or even doing the hard work of talks between the parties. It is easier to sanction and block someone, than actually do the work. That is how it seems. They are using excuses and arguments of legit reasons to do something. But, a very important but, they are not proving the reasons for doing so.

If these companies are what they claim. Prove it and show it. Unless, they hare having a smokescreen and another visionary moment similar to the Iraqi WMDs in the early 2000s. Well, I’m looking forward to see that.

Until then, this is a propaganda victory for the Trump Administration with no hold in reality. Since, they are just blocking someone without any proof. They could say whatever and argue for it. Still, a man like me wants reasons for it.

Unless, they are just finding fitting measures to pressure Beijing, but that is not something they can do too long. Because, Washington D.C. doesn’t have that much leverage. Since, for every step they do. There is less of a reason for the Chinese to serve or even work in association with the US anyway. Peace.

China-US Standoff: The “Tit-for-Tat” enterprise continues

The US President calls the Corona Virus or COVID19, the “Chinese Virus”. While the Chinese comes with an conspiracy of US intervention and making up the virus itself. This is a common practice of deflections and also disinformation practices of parties that doesn’t want to take responsibility and also deflect their own inability to cape with the new problems at hand. Than, its easier to blame another party or make a make-belief story.

However, Trump dumb arrogance and ignorant attitude shouldn’t shape the world. Neither should the Communist party and their propaganda shape the world either. Nevertheless, we got to listen to them both and glean through it all, as we are all settled on this earth and got to live together on this planet.

Last month, the White House and Trump administrations put some new limits on the Chinese media houses in the United States. The 5 Chinese Media had to register itself and its employees. The Trump Administration also planned to limit the visas to the Chinese journalists in the US. These were targeting the Chinese media like Xinhua News Agency and China Global Television Network (CGTN).

This month and today, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China wrote this: “First, in response to the US designation of five Chinese media agencies as “foreign missions”, China demands, in the spirit of reciprocity, that the China-based branches of Voice of America, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and Time declare in written form information about their staff, finance, operation and real estate in China. Second, in response to the US slashing the staff size of Chinese media outlets in the US, which is expulsion in all but name, China demands that journalists of US citizenship working with the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post whose press credentials are due to expire before the end of 2020 notify the Department of Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within four calendar days starting from today and hand back their press cards within ten calendar days. They will not be allowed to continue working as journalists in the People’s Republic of China, including its Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions. Third, in response to the discriminatory restrictions the US has imposed on Chinese journalists with regard to visa, administrative review and reporting, China will take reciprocal measures against American journalists” (China, 17.03.2020).

We are now seeing a return of the favour, which is a way of using the same means of retribution. When one does this, I do that. When my brother steal my coke, I take his Pepsi and so-on. This is what is happening, the Chinese targets US media houses and the US targets Chinese media houses. In this regard none of them wins.

They are both stopping transparent reporting and also outsider looking in. No matter what sort of ideals you got. This is a diplomatic dispute between two parties. Who both seek to revenge. Who both uses this means on journalists and the media houses. While there are some underlying conflict between them. Stemming from the trade-war or the tariffs, maybe even the rhetoric of the Trump Presidency or the CCP Party officials. Because none of them are winning at this, only loosing.

This is just political mind-games with the usage of the media as the pawns. It is right to question the Chinese media houses and their affiliation with the ruling party. However, the US media houses have often played the tunes of the ruling regime and been the voice of whoever in-charge there too. Not so all to critical or questioning the status quo. That is why, this is more a question of imperialism and whose on first. Than whose the big bad wolf.

Yes, this here isn’t the whole story, there are more to glean into it. However, the stories shared from China wouldn’t have been uncovered by their own. Unless, they had more brave whistleblowers and such. Who dares to speak out, but not like there are so many big voices who doesn’t follow the corporate government agenda of Washington either? Who is in the mainstream media there and whose critical abroad, but a nice acting puppy at home.

Well, that is my take on it. You might not like it, but this is view of an outsider looking in. They are both playing each other. There are no innocent here. Both have their own agenda, not just trying to cover one side or another. They want to undress each other and uses all means.

This was a “tit-for-tat”. Let’s see where this one goes, but this is not last card in the deck. There comes more. Peace.

Russian Probe: Rep. Nadler letter to White House Counsel Cipollone -We informed the White House that Lewandowski’s #CronyPrivilege was complete nonsense (19.09.2019)

U.S. House Judiciary Committee starts a Massive Probe into Trump & his associates!

See, ya are what ya are in this world. That’s either one of two things: Either you’re somebody, or you ain’t nobody”.- Frank Lucas

Today is a really special day in Trump World, as the U.S. House Judiciary Committee has sent letters and requested documents into the investigation in President Trump and his associates. No, I am not releasing a list of family and friends of the U.S. President today. No, this is a magnificent list of the ones that has up to 18th March 2019 to deliver documents to the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives. So, that they can pursuit their investigation into the possible collusion and electoral violations done by the Trump Administration and Campaign Team. That is why 81 individuals/organizations been hit with this.

This is a rare day, when so many people in and around the President have been hit with the letters and document requests, that digs into the financial contributions, financial ties with Russia, with all communications of such and so on. It is really digging deep.

As the Document Request states:
“Please produce the documents set forth in Schedule A, provided, however, that in order to
facilitate production of documents on an expedited basis, you may limit your production at this time to documents you furnished at any time after November 8, 2016 to: (a) the Special Counsel’s Office established by Department of Justice Order No. 3915-2017 (May 17, 2017); (b) the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York (“SDNY”); (c) any other federal or state regulatory and/or law enforcement agency; (d) any congressional committee; or (e) in civil or other litigation. This includes but is not limited to documents that were voluntarily provided, produced under compulsion, or seized. Instructions for producing documents appear in Schedule B, and definitions appear in Schedule C” (Document Request – Schedule A, 04.03.2019).

The various people and organization get various of different arraigned questions to produce set of documents, depending on their closeness to the President and the known meetings between the Trump Campaign/Organization/Transition and Presidency in regard to the Russians. That is why, today is a real special day. The U.S. House Judiciary Committee are asking for all of this. They are really showing what the Republican Party and the ones henchmen of the President didn’t do before the Mid-Terms, as they shut this down, prematurely out of own interests. One man should be happy he isn’t on the list today and that is Devin Nunes. His only guy missing.

Here is the list of people under investigation by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee:

Alan Garten, Alexander Nix, Allen Weisselberg, American Media Inc, Anatoli Samochornov, Andrew Intrater, Annie Donaldson, Brad Parscale, Brittany Kaiser, Cambridge Analytica, Carter Page, Columbus Nova, Concord Management and Consulting, Corey Lewandowski, David Pecker, Department of Justice, Don McGahn, Donald J Trump Revocable Trust, Donald Trump Jr., Dylan Howard, Eric Trump, Erik Prince, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Felix Sater, Flynn Intel Group, General Services Administration, George Nader, George Papadopoulos, Hope Hicks, Irakly Kaveladze, Jared Kushner, Jason Maloni, Jay Sekulow, Jeff Sessions, Jerome Corsi, John Szobocsan, Julian Assange, Julian David Wheatland, Keith Davidson, KT McFarland, Mark Corallo, Matt Tait, Matthew Calamari, Michael Caputo, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Michael Flynn Jr, Paul Erickson, Paul Manafort, Peter Smith (Estate), Randy Credico, Reince Priebus, Rhona Graff, Rinat Akhmetshin, Rob Goldstone, Roger Stone, Ronald Lieberman, Sam Nunberg, SCL Group Limited, Sean Spicer, Sheri Dillon, Stefan Passantino, Steve Bannon, Ted Malloch, The White House, Trump Campaign, Trump Foundation, Trump Organization, Trump Transition, Viktor Vekselberg, Wikileaks, 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee, Christopher Bancroft Burnham, Frontier Services Group, J.D. Gordon, Kushner Companies, NRA, Rick Gates, Tom Barrack, Tom Bossert and Tony Fabrizio.

All of them are implicated or has information on the matter at hand. The FBI, DoJ and other government organizations are just to facilitate the investigation as they have various connected investigations going on through the Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the case in Southern District of New York (SDNY). However, that will not stop the U.S. House Judiciary from gathering intelligence and information about the possible obstruction of justice, Russian interference and so-on.

They are really starting a massive probe, that will span and really gather information at a level, the Presidency and his associates didn’t envision at this point. All of this people have to follow the guidelines and produce it. Therefore, the coming weeks will be interesting, as also to see if they all are interesting in complying and following the guidelines.

Because, the Committee and the U.S. Representatives will be awaiting answers. The public will see, if they are complying or stalling for time. Since, this is the start of a serious probe, where the Judiciary Committee have already gathered information, but wants more. As it was to dig deep into the organizations and people around Trump. To ensure the state have good actors and also people who are following the codes of conduct, not to talk about following the rules of law.

It is not a good day to be Gangster in Government. Since, the NY Gang is really under scrutiny now and the world is watching. With anticipation, with what they will do with the Trump associates and in the President Trump himself. As the people around are getting indicted and catching felony charges. Falling like flies and now, yet another broad probe is hitting the NY Gang. Surely, they cannot catch a break. Peace.

Bears Ears National Monument: Energy Fuels Letter to U.S. Department of the Interior – ” Re: Review of Certain National Monuments, Federal Register Notice of May 11, 2017″ (25.05.2017)

Trumps signs proclamations shrinking two national monuments in Utah (Youtube-Clip)

USA: Letter from Pat Robert and Debbie Stabenow – “want President Trump to explain how Forest Service land within five national monuments will be treated under his plan to modify sites” (01.12.2017)