Afghanistan: Afghan Woman Coalition for Change (AWCC) – Seven Actions to Restore Justice in Afghanistan (15.08.2022)

Inter-Agency Standing Committtee (IASC): Team of Humanitarian Experts Concludes Mission to Afghanistan and Calls for Support to Life-Saving Humanitarian Action (25.02.2022)

Afghanistan: Press Release of Da Afghanistan Bank on the Decision of United States of America Regarding the Foreign Exchange Reserves of Afghanistan (12.02.2022)

The Empire Strikes Back: Biden taking Afghanistan’s reserves for his own causes

Afghanistan Map

President Joe Biden signed an order Friday to free $7 billion in Afghan assets now frozen in the U.S., splitting the money between humanitarian aid for poverty-stricken Afghanistan and a fund for Sept. 11 victims still seeking relief” (NBC4 Washington, 12.02.2022).

The United States of America armed forces invaded Afghanistan post 9-11 in 2001. As a direct attack and retaliation of the attack on American soil on the 11th September 2001. Alas, the US Government and all it’s entities went after Afghanistan government and installed a puppet government in Kabul. That was done to get rid of Al-Qa’ida and stop Taliban from running the government in the Republic.

The US and it’s allies was in the nation for over 20 years, continuously keeping the warfare active and being the bondage of the state. They kept various of vassal cabinets and presidents, which did their bidding. While accepting foreign aid and strings attached to the funds, which it got over the two decades.

The US and allies did plan a retreat and to slow the operation down after being there for two decades. However, the way it went down was unplanned and without any significant delivery. As the empire and all its soldiers left. While the supporters and the ones who fought along the invaders was left stranded. As well, as the US government decided to freeze the state funds and not give those to the new installed government, Taliban.

That is the reality here, as the US troops left the country in the end of August 2021. Now mere months after the Biden Administration who hijacked the government reserves. Are now using it partly to repay the victims of 9-11 and the rest will be donated or given to the NGOs/multi-national aid organizations they see fit. This is a steal and taking another nations government reserves. While deciding it’s fate.

I wonder, if Washington D.C. wouldn’t have taken kindly, if any state had taken it’s federal reserve and played around with it as it deemed fit. Especially, after the same nation had invaded it and kept it in constant warfare for two decades and leaving the Republic in financial distress after it.

So, now that there is possible humanitarian devastation in Afghanistan and a broke government to cover the bills, which is taking away the reserves. The US has decided how to spend it. That is a move of villain. Just like the French gave the former colony Haiti debt distress and a debt it couldn’t recover from after the independence.

In 2022 the US and Biden Administration wants to compete with that and show they are the Empire that strikes back. Because of that, I just have to use a scene from the movie from 1980:

Luke: There’s something not right here… I feel cold. Death.

Yoda: [points to a cave opening beneath a large tree] That place… is strong with the dark side of the Force. A domain of evil it is. In you must go.

Luke: What’s in there?

Yoda: Only what you take with you” (Star Wars – The Empire Strike Back, 1980).

I am sure we are seeing the same place and feeling the dark side of the force. Because, the freezing of funds and later hijacking it. Isn’t done out the kindness of his heart from Biden or any of cronies in his administration.

No, this is a retaliation and the humanitarian aid is just a mockery of it. As they don’t care and this is sophisticated thieving on an international level and the US should be held capable for this. If anyone else did this, it would have consequences and it would have costs.

The US should actually have paid damages for decades long war, but instead it’s thieving money away from Kabul. This is disgraceful and should be a violation of a sovereign nation, which no nation should be stripped out of. However, the Empire isn’t forgiving and the humiliation of utter failure last year had to be punished. Therefore, they do it monetarily like this. Peace.

Opinion: The Soviet and the U.S. lost in Afghanistan [and when will the imperial wars stop?]

Afghanistan Map

The Soviet Union was occupying and had too withdraw from Afghanistan after a ten year long war between 1979 to 1989. Today and in the recent week the United States has also withdrawn most of their troops and given way to Taliban. Just like the Soviets withdrawal gave way to Mujahidin.

The United States and the “coalition of the willing” entered Afghanistan in 2001 and now 20 years later in 2021 the U.S. and their allies have withdrawn their troops from the republic. This is giving a new vacuum and the one who has both political and army power at the moment is Taliban.

This is just showing that the whole enterprise and promises of the imperial forces was all a lie. Just like the Soviets failed to install their puppet government. The U.S. and allies is failing to do so as well. While Taliban is furthering their control by taking control of Kabul and the former Government of Afghanistan will be toppled by them.

That is happening, because the current “legitimate” government have been there because the U.S. has anointed fellow leaders and their system. They have been puppets of the Pentagon and the U.S. State Department. Now, the Afghanistan government will be represented by Taliban, which has to govern after decades of wars and lack of peace.

Now all that worked with the U.S. and their allies will be endangered, but that is what happens when you take a chance or get hired by invasion forces. That is happening everywhere and some allies are saying their “hired” local personnel wasn’t for the future purpose of becoming asylum-seekers. However, when you work for foreign invasion forces, these individuals are in difficulties and needs help, as they worked for invaders and for imperialists. Plus they might be easily seen as traitors by the new rulers. Therefore, the “coalition of willing” who needed locals and native speakers to “colonize” Afghanistan needs to repay these civilians and ensure their safety. That should be the easiest thing to do after needing them for 20 years.

The Taliban will do what is expected to do. They will issue decree and show their strength in the times ahead. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will prove their points and start governing. They have waited for this for decades and now finally have a shot. These has been radicalized and extremists, because the invaders has taken away their ability to rule themselves and used sophisticated methods to defeat them.

The U.S. and their allies hasn’t delivered hope or democracy. The invaders haven’t shown they cared about these values or tried to build it. No, they were instead there to keep control and have fellow loyal puppets in Kabul. That’s why the current government, advisors and civil servants are fleeing from the Kabul Airport today. Together with the total withdrawal of the armed forces from the US. This is why the whole project is failing and nothing is left behind.

Afghanistan has been destroyed, depleted and a war-zone decades. This is why Taliban is able to regain strength and recruit. This was inevitable and there was nothing saying the U.S. allies and government in Kabul would gain any real popularity. If the current President would have any real power or ability. He wouldn’t have fled the first second, as Taliban is knocking on the door. Because, he knows his a nobody without the imperial support of him.

Now Taliban not only have to rebuild the Republic, but they have to build trust and build up a functional government. While the U.S. and allies are fleeing the Republic. When the Embassies are closed and the diplomats has left the scene.

Taliban will issue their decrees and sharia law. The freedoms and liberties that the U.S. forces enforced will be taken away. That was a long time coming. No one should be shocked by that, but the imperial forces would fall eventually … just like the Soviets did too. This is two superpowers losing in Afghanistan.

There so many who has lost their lives in this conflict. Plenty who die because of the recent days and the Taliban will retaliate against the ones they deem fit. The new rulers will enforce their rules and dogmas, just like the U.S. did. That is what any government does and we can dislike it. But that is how things are going.

W. Bush ordered this and Biden is stopping it. The Pentagon and the U.S. cannot invest in a war they are losing. The U.S. isn’t winning anything in Afghanistan and only breeding more extremists, which was the reason for the conflict in the first place. However, delivering the war and not properly implement a “legit” government. The U.S. and allies didn’t get love or care, no they were imperialists and they didn’t build a functional government to leave behind. Neither, did they train or build a national army to secure the territory. If they had… then the Taliban wouldn’t have done this so quickly and won the war.

This is why the U.S. as a superpower is failing. Just like Soviet did. The U.S. haven’t administrated this correctly. They haven’t even with 2 decades of control used the time and manpower to build a strong national army. If they had, today would have been differently and the U.S. allies would still have puppets in Kabul. However, they only used own men, arms and technology to beat Taliban. Now, that those withdrawn … the current leaders has to leave and seek political refugee elsewhere.

That says it all about the humiliating loss of the U.S. here. The U.S. is as broken as the Soviet was. Taliban is taking over just like the Mujahidin did and we are repeating history. Time will tell how this goes, but it is not in the hands of Moscow or Washington D.C.

It will be in the hands of Taliban and their structures. No matter how we think of their beliefs and the way they rule. It is their time and they will in the end be held responsible by the Afghan people themselves. So, we just have to see and in the end … that is uncharted territory and we can only wonder the consequences of it. Peace.

Opinion: Taliban is suddenly “geniune”, what is up with that?

The United States and their current diplomatic style seems a bit erratic and foolish. The ones deeming it fit. It is short-sighted and not all that well thought through. Even if the Department of State, the White House and all their jesters are speaking greatly of their efforts.

This week second big blow from them was the peace deals in Afghanistan. It is like the United States want to forget the years of destruction, killings, drones and active support of a internal civil war to deplete a Republic out of terrorists. Suddenly, they have been talking and negotiating peace with the Taliban.

They have negotiated with the “seekers”, with the gentlemen who has dismantled the values of woman and who was for an Islamic revolution in Afghanistan. A group forged out of the Pashtuns of Kandahar. The Taliban who even had a “Department for Promoting Virtue and Preventing Vice” after their interpretations of the Sharia laws. Therefore, this is not the sort of gentlemen that US really usually associate themselves with or even make break bread with.

For me its strange after this long war, after all the tours and all the weapons pushed upon the republic. To fight the Taliban as their enemy to suddenly back off. That just sounds weird. Peace is in everyone’s interest. No doubt, to build up a republic shattered by a long prevailing war like Afghanistan.

However, the timeline of moving away. The negotiations between the state will persist. The deadlock will eventually come. The questions will remain, was this all justified? Yes, the NATO and the US did interfere in Afghanistan for years. This after the Taliban in connection with Al-Qa’ida attack New York on 9/11 2001. The Taliban was already established in 1994. Therefore, the group and their power was already rising there.

What we can wonder about is the timing now and the reasons for it. Is to have a grand deal ahead of the elections? Is this is the big deal for foreign policy ahead of Presidential Elections in 2020 in the United States? Is it that simple?

Since, the Taliban has been the enemy for ages. The US has collectively and with all power said they are terrorists. President after President has hunted them down and used all weapons to catch them. Now, suddenly the US will work to stop sanctions and erase that. That is a bit strange isn’t it?

Is that the Taliban is now just a local group of militants with political connections, therefore they can now be left alone? They are not dangerous, not armed through teeth’s and has a belief system that can crush western society anymore? So, what is up?

I know, we should be happy that it is possible peace in Afghanistan. That is supposed a good thing. However, I am sceptical and questioning it. I don’t have all the answers, but there are some remaining factors out there.

Taliban was deemed as trouble, as someone who festered in terrorist for so long. They where evil and characterized as destroyers of society. How come they are now people the US intend to talk too?

Have they suddenly paid for Ivanka’s handbags or something? I don’t know what magic wand they used, but it certainly did the trick. Taliban is off the hook. They are apparently, not a crook anymore. Who knows, maybe they were saints all along, but Washington deemed them as sinners? Peace.

Mitt brev til Minister Sylvi Listhaug, ta deg en charter-ferie til Kandahar!


Kjære Sylvi Listhaug…

Du lager det ikke lett for deg selv, med denne populismen, feminismen og altetende-ismene som er der ute.

At en kan kritisere FrPere er fy-fy, bare se på kommentar-feltene i de største avisene. Der alle angrep på alle andre blir verifisert og godkjent, mens de andre skal godta at slike som Nesheim, Tybring-Gjedde og Njåstad. De kan karikere andre mennesker og det kan også du Listhaug, men om vi karikere dere og beskriver deres fremtoning så er vi automatisk: eliten, sosialister, feminister, neo-liberale skjærer osv.

Vi har rett til å kritisere deg Listhaug og det bør også dine tilhengere forstå, fordi de kritisere alle som ikke tenker likt med dem og viser null-toleranse for andre dem selv. Det er sikkert fordi selv ser selv igjen i ditt speilbilde i offentligheten. Der du sprader perfekt rundt. Prater fagre ord og legger ut brutale innlegg på egen blogg og på facebook for å likes. Det er så vakkert og så engasjerende!

De nidkjære i det hele er de tanker og de komplekse situasjoner du prøver å vinne gunst blant dine egne, fru Listhaug. Der du viser til at det er bra at mindreårige asylsøkere som har levde kanskje flere år i riket, blir nå endelig tatt fra hus og hjem i mulm og mørke for å bli deportert til Afghanistan. Shang-ri-la av Østen: hvor alle reiser på Charter-ferie, spesielt til byen Kandahar og Qalad. Du burde kanskje reise dit og vise hvor trygt det er med skuddsikkervest, svær tanks og sammen med blå-hjelmede fredsbevarende styrker? Hadde ikke det vært fint, litt som når du hoppet ut i ostepopp-kostymet i Middelhavet tidligere i år. Du hadde kanskje endte på John Oliver på HBO igjen!

Jeg vet at du kunne tenkte deg en charterferie til Afghanistan, i varmen og ly mellom skudd og sult. Det hadde vært perfekt. Du hadde ikke hatt lyst til å flykte fra et land som har jevnlig vært invadert eller hatt intern borgerkrig siden 1970-tallet. Det er stabilt rike og nasjon, du kan ikke skjønne hvorfor folk flykter derifra. Du trodde de flyktet fordi de ikke fikk utdannelse eller jobbe i First-House for Rema 1000 som lobbyist. Ja, det skal ikke være lett.

Ja du Listhaug, i disse dager om ved mulighet så vil du sikkert også søke lykken med å være glad for å sende hjem mennesker som har flyktet fra Somalia, hvor Etiopiske styrker har trukket seg ut, to føderale stater har angrepet hverandre om territoriale landområder selv etter fredsforhandlinger i Abu Dhabi. Der Kenya har tatt visse landområder for sikkerhet for sine egne nasjonale grenser og hvor AMISOM okkuperer visse områder, men nasjonale hæren trenes av fredstyrker etter økonomisk tilskudd fra EU. Dette landet som har hatt intern konflikt siden Said Barre, også siden 1970-tallet må være ansett som trygt.

Vil ikke du reise på Charter-ferie til Mogadishu, slikke solen, se skudd-hullene over sengemalmen i det fallitte hotellet og tenke over om i dag er trygt å gå på markedet eller om jeg burde ta første rutefly til Nairobi. Det hadde vært så fint. Ellers så kunne du tatt lokal-transport til Kismaayo og diskutere chapati priser med Kenyanske tropper der. Eller reise i Galdumuug til Hobyo beach, midt i mellom konflikten til Galmudug og Puntland. Det må sette så spiss på ferien.

Listhaug, jeg kan ikke forstå hvordan du ville bruke små barn som har flyktet krigssoner som click-bait som måter for å få sympati for din sak. Som er at innvandrere ikke fortjener norsk sikkerhet eller bli boende i Norge. Fordi dette er bare for Nordmenn, som er som deg, Listhaug.


Så en liten del av meg ville gjerne startet et Crowdfunding prosjekt der en bruker de innsamlede midlene på gi deg en smak uten skuddsikkervest i Kandahar eller Qalad, der du ikke vil være sikker innen elite-hotellene i Kabul eller ved demilitariserte soner rundt hovedstaden, men istedenfor oppholde deg blant kvinneskoler og annet for å kanskje forstå hvorfor de er utrygt der. Fordi jeg tror ikke som sagt at dette er områder som frister deg like mye mentalt som weekend tur som London eller Praha. Akkurat som jeg tviler på at vår kjære minister ville ha tatt heisa-tur til Bangui for å sjekke temperaturen nær ekvator. Det er til det fredelige landet Sentral Afrikanske Republic (Central African Republic –C.A.R). Der kan du hilse på Lord Resistance Army (LRA) om du er heldig!

Så du så stolt, rakrygget og for å få politisk oppslutning vil du synke så lavt å sende tilbake barn og deres familier tilbake krigssoner, slik at du kan få populistiske stemmer til kommende valg. Du må være stolt og sprek, med lite frykt og spesielt lite empati for de skjebner du ødelegger for. For de mennesker du gjør til fiender og de mennesker du spiller politisk mynt på. Du Listhaug må ha skjønt så enormt konsekvensen av dine handlinger og ønsker. At du vil stå til ansvar og i skadefryd tjene politisk-kapital på disse asylsøkerne.

Så kjære deg, ta på deg ostepopp-kostymet, spill falitt med disse medmenneskene, “rigge” Møre- og Romsdals valgkrets slik at du blir første-kandidat, men ikke forvent at mennesker som meg har respekt for dine nedlatende og nedverdige opptreden. For så lenge man har fredsbevarende styrker, så lenge det er intern-konflikt og så lenge det er mennesker på flukt fra nasjonene, burde den Norske stat tenke seg to-ganger, kanskje tre før en sender tilbake mennesker og særskilt barn som er tredje-part til all konflikt som er skapt av oss voksne mennesker.

Det siste før jeg slutter, vil jeg ønske deg fin Charter-Ferie til Kandahar og gjerne ta bilde med den jevne soldat og kanskje også en selfie med den lokale stammeleder som har større våpen enn du har positivt budskap. Peace.