Russia: International Media Group Rossiya Segodnya letter to White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre (15.02.2024)

Opinion: Is this the end of the prohibition era for marijuana…?

“The Justice Department today released the following statement from spokesman Anthony Coley regarding the President’s proclamation granting a full, complete, and unconditional pardon to U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents who have committed, or been convicted of, the offense of simple possession of marijuana in violation of the Controlled Substances Act, as currently codified at 21 U.S.C. 844 and as previously codified elsewhere in the U.S. Code, or in violation of D.C. Code 48–904.01(d)(1): “The Justice Department will expeditiously administer the President’s proclamation, which pardons individuals who engaged in simple possession of marijuana, restoring political, civil, and other rights to those convicted of that offense. In coming days, the Office of the Pardon Attorney will begin implementing a process to provide impacted individuals with certificates of pardon. “Also, in accordance with the President’s directive, Justice Department officials will work with our colleagues at the Department of Health and Human Services as they launch a scientific review of how marijuana is scheduled under federal law.”” (Justice Department – ‘Justice Department Statement on President’s Announcements Regarding Simple Possession of Marijuana’ 06.10.2022).

Things are moving and we should expect things to change with time. The pardons of possession of marijuana are only the beginning. The rescheduling of marijuana is really a beginning for Federal Law Enforcement to see it differently.

This move is most likely in the realm of legalizing and ending the prohibition of the substance. Marijuana goes into the legal position of alcohol and tobacco. We shouldn’t be shocked by this. Because this is creating not only new support for the President. Biden is becoming a hero for doing this federally if he pursuits it. However, time will tell if the Federal Government does more.

Now, the Federal Government is on the one of legalizing. That means the trading, the usage and everything in connection to the substance will be regulated, which means a new tax-base. That can mean the state will find new ways to monetize and ensure growing revenue from marijuana products. It won’t only be the sale of blunts, the chronic and others, but also medicinal marijuana. That’s where this is going.

If this goes like the most liberals want. This could be sold side-by-side of tobacco. It could be like prepared smokes or blunts of marijuana in the stores. That would be taxed and be a big business. It would be no difference from tobacco or alcohol. This will affect society, but that does all the things mentioned.

The pardons is only the beginning this will challenge the ones who calls it a “gateway” drug. It will also be a battleground points of the Republic Party. Alas, they are one the wrong side of the popularity here. The ganja, the chronic and everything associated with it is very popular. It is a substance that the United States population is ready for and to make acceptable with other recreative activities like drinking and smoking. It just follows that one and seems to be getting the acceptance of it.

The smell of weed will now be familiarized and the possession of it too. There will less fear and sooner or later it’s a accepted business and taxed too. It will benefit the Republic monetarily. Though we cannot know the consequences of it or how it will change society. It is a watershed moment yesterday. The announcement wasn’t expected and certainly there will be ramifications to this.

Time will tell… time will tell… but it’s only the beginning. Peace.

Opinion: Biden up on a high…

‘Cause I got high, because I got high

Because I got high”Afroman – ‘Because I got high’ (2000)

As I’ve said before, no one should be in jail just for using or possessing marijuana.

Today, I’m taking steps to end our failed approach. Allow me to lay them out.

First: I’m pardoning all prior federal offenses of simple marijuana possession. There are thousands of people who were previously convicted of simple possession who may be denied employment, housing, or educational opportunities as a result. My pardon will remove this burden.

Second: I’m calling on governors to pardon simple state marijuana possession offenses. Just as no one should be in a federal prison solely for possessing marijuana, no one should be in a local jail or state prison for that reason, either.

Third: We classify marijuana at the same level as heroin – and more serious than fentanyl. It makes no sense. I’m asking Secretary Becerra and the Attorney General to initiate the process of reviewing how marijuana is scheduled under federal law. I’d also like to note that as federal and state regulations change, we still need important limitations on trafficking, marketing, and underage sales of marijuana. Sending people to jail for possessing marijuana has upended too many lives – for conduct that is legal in many states. That’s before you address the clear racial disparities around prosecution and conviction. Today, we begin to right these wrongs” (Biden, 06.10.2022).

President Joe Biden has come with a real surprise to many today. He has finally stopped the drug-war on marijuana, which has been failed by the authorities and the government as a whole. His a man who has fought for these strict rules and legislation in the past. So, when it was his turn to be in the highest office, suddenly things has changed. There must be a reason for it and sooner or later this will be part of society at large.

With these pardons and the planned evaluation of marijuana. Expect it to be soon taxed federally like alcohol or in the realm of that. President Biden really came with shocker and it was a blunt out of nowhere.

This sort of war has lasted for ages and been a concern for several of administrations. It has been a battle it cannot compete with. That’s why the states like California has sort of made legal medicinal marijuana and such. Now, there can be expectation of more and positively in the ways of liberal Netherlands on that matter. Because, the pardoning and possible changes of law will be a game-changer. It can also free state authorities resources to look at bad law-offenders and not only capture people with possession of marijuana.

Certainly this move will be popular ahead of the midterms. It will also be a vital legislation ahead of the polls. He would have this one and the student debt forgiveness. He is following to actually do favourable acts in office. The Office of President has delivered here and showed finesse. The democratic party can get a boost over this and show it’s a total difference than the Republican party. This was shown with the student debt forgiveness and now with the marijuana legislation.

President Biden has come out of left-field here. There will be pushback here, but this is a piece of legislation that will be popular. This has been asked by progressives for a long time and the authorities has nothing to show from it. Only a lot of misdemeanours and possession cases, but not the cartels or the ones behind the export. With the changes… this can be a legal industry. Just like the alcohol industry could be legal after the prohibition era. The “Speakeasies” has turned into pubs and saloons again.

Time has to tell really how this will be played out. Marijuana might turn into the new tobacco and become part of that industry in the future. Biden has open up the flood-gates here. I don’t know how this will be played out. However, he will gain popularity and the Democratic Party will score brownie-points ahead of the midterms. There will be ramifications doing this and especially when he decided to pull this one off.

Now the Democrats can get high… Peace.

Opinion: If Biden’s speech enrages you… it’s not our problem, but your own!

We’re all called, by duty and conscience, to confront extremists who will put their own pursuit of power above all else. Democrats, independents, mainstream Republicans: We must be stronger, more determined, and more committed to saving American democracy than MAGA Republicans are to — to destroying American democracy. We, the people, will not let anyone or anything tear us apart. Today, there are dangers around us we cannot allow to prevail. We hear — you’ve heard it — more and more talk about violence as an acceptable political tool in this country. It’s not. It can never be an acceptable tool. So I want to say this plain and simple: There is no place for political violence in America. Period. None. Ever” – President Joe Biden (01.09.2022).

On the 1st September 2022 for the first, “Dark Brandon” or the more fierce President Biden speech in Philadelphia. I have referred to Biden as “lukewarm coffee” but this time he was finally poignant and direct with his message. A message that is needed, because with his predecessor there has been rising right-wing extremism and they became a vital part of the Republican power base. Therefore, this speech is needed.

Yes, there been push-backs and people claiming Biden is divider in chief. However, the predecessor was speaking ill of the left on the daily basis and called for locking up his enemies. He spoke bad of the Democrats and even their news channels. While he praised Fox News and other outlets.

This speech was a needed one. It is also very telling about that it wasn’t on every station. Plenty showed ordinary programming and didn’t even send it live. This shows not only the bias but also how they operate. They are willing to send former President Trump at any time, but not Biden when speaks of something vital or important.

It is just showing how fragmented the USA have become. The different realities and messaging, which is spread among the heartland. This speech will only be seen as shattering or shocking, if you haven’t followed politics for a hot minute. If this speech is bad for you or doesn’t settle well. I am afraid that’s on you. Because, violent political extremism isn’t worth having. Anyone who has some clarity should understand that.

Biden is right on with his message and it’s needed. Only fascists, supports fascism. That is also obvious. If that hurts your pride, your banners and your believes. That’s all on you and fascists or fascism has never created anything good. It has only destroyed democracies, gone after minorities and political dissidents. There is nothing good coming out of fascism. You can check history and know this.

That’s why Biden’s speech in Philadelphia was important. It is a resounding message. Hopefully it wasn’t to late. The MAGA crowds, the Republican’s who abide by this will rebuke it. However, people should be aware of the power and what that sort of politicking does. Because, nothing good comes out of it.

Throughout our history, America has often made the greatest progress coming out of some of our darkest moments, like you’re hearing in that bullhorn. I believe we can and we must do that again, and we are. MAGA Republicans look at America and see carnage and darkness and despair. They spread fear and lies –- lies told for profit and power. But I see a very different America — an America with an unlimited future, an America that is about to take off. I hope you see it as well. Just look around” (Biden, 01.09.2022).

Sometimes the truth is just so revealing and so brutal. That the ones aspiring or living for something cannot handle it. Biden just told it like it is… if your feelings was hurt or it rocked your pride. Than you need to look into yourself. Because, who in the right minds wants to be fascists and be associated with fascism?

That’s just very telling. It has been visible all through the predecessors term. The rise of violent groups associated with the Republican party. They have all bashed in the glory of Trump. Now, Biden is telling their story and the Republican’s suddenly feels hurt. They have boosted themselves in it and played their part. Now their story is told. Their messages are being enlightened and then they push-back. It is just showing the dire reality and the what is at stake.

Biden did what needed to be done. Finally he went from “lukewarm coffee” into hot coffee and it taste good. Peace.

USA: President Joe Biden letter to CEO Darren Woods of Exxon Mobile (14.06.2022)

Opinion: Biden is lukewarm coffee part III

“Since I took office, families are carrying less debt … more Americans feel financially comfortable” – President Joe Biden (03.06.2022).

You know that coffee either taste good warm or as ice-coffee, not in the middle or lukewarm. Lukewarm coffee must be the work of the devil. Since it makes the coffee taste stale and bad. Instead of having the tones and a flavours of which the beverage is supposed to have.

Why do I say this?

Well, United States of America President Joe Biden is the epitome of lukewarm coffee. His neither hot or cold. His the boring in the middle and out-of-touch career politician. Biden has no spine or now will to achieve things. That’s why his achievements are so-and-so. What is striking is that he acts like he isn’t in office or doesn’t have executive power. Secondly, he cannot reign in on the Senate or get popular bills through either.

That’s why his Presidency is close to pointless. We know that the tiredness and the lies of Trump was catching up with. Also, the promise of ending the pandemic and getting a new normal was what Biden wanted to offer. However, he got nothing in the sense of care, concern or programs, which could be meaningful. Unless, it is to help corporate donors and being afraid of a new Republican takeover.

Biden is hopeless… that’s how his looking and Harris isn’t saving him either. The Biden Administration seems inept or not willing to face the realities. The inflation, the rising prices and a lack of regulations to bridge gap is obvious. The current government rather live on inflated numbers and calculations, than consider the real implications living pay-check to pay-check and not ensuring liveable wages. Only in the USA where a childbirth or a sickness can bankrupt a family in the lower middle-class. So, Biden isn’t helping, but instead saying tokenism to boost the ego of the donor-class and the upper echelons. Must surely be nice to smooch with the elite while toying around the working class.

Meanwhile Biden doesn’t understand what is going on. If not his not listening or disinterested. It is like it doesn’t face him or his allies. They pay them no mind and doesn’t understand what implications it has. When people are struggling and no one comes to save you. Your most likely looking elsewhere and even hoping the devil you don’t know will help you out. Even if they are most despicable and disingenuous people. Still, you rather vote for them, as they give at least the bare minimum and promises to fix things. While you in power and with the mandate in both houses of Congress should get legislation voted through. However, in June 2022 that’s too much to ask.

Biden is strangled by the demigod of Manchin and Sinema. He just can’t catch a break. His team cannot configure how to be professionals and play their cards. Instead the soft and meagre manoeuvres make him look like a man without power. Just like a flaccid and broken old man who is to tired to act or unbothered to actually do an honest living.

President Biden could have achieved things. That’s if he wanted too and wasn’t only talking tough to opposition. He should have reigned in his senators and done legislation that really mattered. Because, he has the House and could get things through the Senate with the VP vote like Trump did during this term. However, he has dismissed that and isn’t even trying.

Biden is lukewarm coffee and it tastes like it too. Distasteful chants should ring in Washington D.C. Peace.

Opinion: Biden is acting like an opposition politician ahead of the mid-terms…

Third, if the Court does overturn Roe, it will fall on our nation’s elected officials at all levels of government to protect a woman’s right to choose. And it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice officials this November. At the federal level, we will need more pro-choice Senators and a pro-choice majority in the House to adopt legislation that codifies Roe, which I will work to pass and sign into law” (Biden – ‘Statement by President Joe Biden, 03.05.2022).

The term of Joseph Biden as President has been a faulty one. It has been a corporate stooge and furthering the interests of the K Street Lobbyists. This period of time after President Donald J. Trump haven’ been about changes or making significant progress. Instead, the ones running the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Presidency is taking it easy on the job.

The Democratic Party is following party-lines and procedural lines, without any sort of results worth mentioning. Even under the despicable Trump term they got things done for their voters and they did what they could with 51 votes with a tie with VP Mike Pence. The Democrats won’t even do that or push that, as they have the option of doing so. The Republican’s did it. So why can’t Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi pull it off? Is that rule on for the GOP and the Republican’s when they have a gig to fulfil?

Just listen to his interview:

““We will be ready when any ruling is issued,” Biden said. If the Supreme Court overturns Roe ”it will fall on our nation’s elected officials at all levels of government to protect a woman’s right to choose,” he said. “And it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice officials this November,” the president said” (CNBC – ‘Biden defends abortion rights after leak of Supreme Court draft striking down Roe v. Wade’ 03.05.2022).

He sounds like his not in office and needs more people in Congress. That is partly true, especially in the Senate, as long as the Filibuster rule is followed. Nevertheless, the President could use the VP tie like mentioned, if they played the political games like the Republicans. However, we know the Democrats will never do that.

We know that Biden doesn’t have a spine or the way to be brutal. Neither does Schumer or Pelosi. They wouldn’t dare to challenge the norm and do that for the safety of woman across the Republic. No, they rather politicking and use it as a means to an end. They rather use this for the mid-terms than securing the lives of woman more safe. That’s really insane and show how little they care.

I called Biden weak-tea ahead of the polls, but his cold-tea and a tasteless fellow too. Instead of using the power, the leadership of two houses and pull the strings within own party to get things done. His asking for the citizens to further their power and get more Democrats elected. Like the public doesn’t know the Democrats already have the House and the Senate. However, that is wasted until the mid-terms.

The Roe V. Wade possibly overturned should be the first memo to start the codification or ensure the motion to create a law out of the ruling. As the Democrats has the power to do so. Nevertheless, that’s too much to ask… Biden is lacking the character and political ambition to even establish abortion rights in the Republic.

This just shows how disingenuous Biden and the Democrats are. They could fix it and make it happen. That is if they actually cared or was concerned. Instead, they are using this as a means to campaign. Because, it is not like the Biden administration can campaign on its achievements or policies it has ushered it. It is an empty shell of government and they are just busy cashing-in-the-checks. Peace.

Afghanistan: Press Release of Da Afghanistan Bank on the Decision of United States of America Regarding the Foreign Exchange Reserves of Afghanistan (12.02.2022)

The Empire Strikes Back: Biden taking Afghanistan’s reserves for his own causes

Afghanistan Map

President Joe Biden signed an order Friday to free $7 billion in Afghan assets now frozen in the U.S., splitting the money between humanitarian aid for poverty-stricken Afghanistan and a fund for Sept. 11 victims still seeking relief” (NBC4 Washington, 12.02.2022).

The United States of America armed forces invaded Afghanistan post 9-11 in 2001. As a direct attack and retaliation of the attack on American soil on the 11th September 2001. Alas, the US Government and all it’s entities went after Afghanistan government and installed a puppet government in Kabul. That was done to get rid of Al-Qa’ida and stop Taliban from running the government in the Republic.

The US and it’s allies was in the nation for over 20 years, continuously keeping the warfare active and being the bondage of the state. They kept various of vassal cabinets and presidents, which did their bidding. While accepting foreign aid and strings attached to the funds, which it got over the two decades.

The US and allies did plan a retreat and to slow the operation down after being there for two decades. However, the way it went down was unplanned and without any significant delivery. As the empire and all its soldiers left. While the supporters and the ones who fought along the invaders was left stranded. As well, as the US government decided to freeze the state funds and not give those to the new installed government, Taliban.

That is the reality here, as the US troops left the country in the end of August 2021. Now mere months after the Biden Administration who hijacked the government reserves. Are now using it partly to repay the victims of 9-11 and the rest will be donated or given to the NGOs/multi-national aid organizations they see fit. This is a steal and taking another nations government reserves. While deciding it’s fate.

I wonder, if Washington D.C. wouldn’t have taken kindly, if any state had taken it’s federal reserve and played around with it as it deemed fit. Especially, after the same nation had invaded it and kept it in constant warfare for two decades and leaving the Republic in financial distress after it.

So, now that there is possible humanitarian devastation in Afghanistan and a broke government to cover the bills, which is taking away the reserves. The US has decided how to spend it. That is a move of villain. Just like the French gave the former colony Haiti debt distress and a debt it couldn’t recover from after the independence.

In 2022 the US and Biden Administration wants to compete with that and show they are the Empire that strikes back. Because of that, I just have to use a scene from the movie from 1980:

Luke: There’s something not right here… I feel cold. Death.

Yoda: [points to a cave opening beneath a large tree] That place… is strong with the dark side of the Force. A domain of evil it is. In you must go.

Luke: What’s in there?

Yoda: Only what you take with you” (Star Wars – The Empire Strike Back, 1980).

I am sure we are seeing the same place and feeling the dark side of the force. Because, the freezing of funds and later hijacking it. Isn’t done out the kindness of his heart from Biden or any of cronies in his administration.

No, this is a retaliation and the humanitarian aid is just a mockery of it. As they don’t care and this is sophisticated thieving on an international level and the US should be held capable for this. If anyone else did this, it would have consequences and it would have costs.

The US should actually have paid damages for decades long war, but instead it’s thieving money away from Kabul. This is disgraceful and should be a violation of a sovereign nation, which no nation should be stripped out of. However, the Empire isn’t forgiving and the humiliation of utter failure last year had to be punished. Therefore, they do it monetarily like this. Peace.

Opinion: Are the democrats even running things?

The Democratic Party in the United States is supposed to have the Presidency, the House of Representatives and have 50 senators in the Senate. So, in the Senate the Vice-President could vote to have a majority like the Trump Presidency showed plenty of times when Mike Pence voted in favour when it was a tie on legislation and important votes there.

It is tragic that the 45th President was able to do more than what the Democratic President Joe Biden. That’s because he doesn’t have the loyalty or the ability to have all the ducks in the row. Biden cannot keep his senators behind him or get them to vote for the legislation, which is supposed to be the unique and the what the Republic needs at this very moment. Instead, they have rebels like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema.

Even with a President who used mostly to pass Executive Orders, he was at least doing something for his base. He ordered things and pushed things forward for his political base. Alas, the Democrats doesn’t seem to be able to do that. The Biden Administration isn’t able to backtrack or fix the repressive immigration policies of the Trump era. Neither is it able to tax-loops, the corporate tax-levies and such. No, the Democrats cannot make the Supreme Court more just or fair. They cannot even try to roll out a fair minimum wage.

The Democrats have promised the magnificent “Build Back Better Act” which was supposed to be filled with stipulations and amendments that was supposed to fix a lot of the issues in the Republic. The bill is said to be costly and be vast. Though, the ones complaining about the costs could vote for the Iron Dome defence in Israel and mega-budget posts for the military industrial complex fitting Pentagon and other security agencies.

Biden and the Democrats are just spoiled by the corporate agenda, which the moderates and the neo-liberal have cheered on. The Squad or the Progressives haven’t gotten anything to prove for. Manchin is acting like his the majority of the people and should have the control of the nation. When his one out of two senators from West Virginia. Not like he has the support in whole South or in the Mid-West. This man is on a high horse and coal-money is inflicting a lot of harm. Manchin will soon sell Trump’s clean coal to the masses.

Joe Biden and the VP looks like they cannot control their own party. The voters has wasted their votes in the last election giving them control of the chambers of congress. Since, they cannot even pass proper legislation or acts of which can make the Republic better. This is is just wasted space and time, which no political party really have. Biden has nothing to show for … except for blocking international media, getting Assange and being a neo-liberal corporate stooge in office.

It is tragic that one or two senators from the own party can stop things from moving forward. It would be natural if the senate filled with Republican’s blocked it. If Mitch McConnell would block things and be a living hypocrite we know he is. That would be expected. The same could be said if the House of Representatives was run by the GOP. However, both places are now run by the Dems. Though it doesn’t look like it.

At this point of time, former rep. Paul Ryan looks like a gem in comparison to Nancy Pelosi. Because, Ryan was able to leverage and get things done. Alas, the Democrats are not even able to do that…

This is just tragic man. You thought things was bad when the Republican was running things. Now, with the Democratic Party it seems all lost and no way forward. Nothing is reformed or changed. Just wasted time and wasted space. Manchin proves that and Biden administration has nothing to counter with. Just a lot of hot-air and a congress filled with wicked corporate interests, which rules supreme. Peace.