Uganda Local Government Workers Union (ULGWU) letter to PM Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda – “Reminder: Remunerations Enhancement for Local Government Workers” (29.08.2017)

UPDF: Military Police has not taken over Police Powers and Resources (21.06.2017)

Kampala’s BRT at this stage is a pipe-dream!

The Bus Rapid Transport system together with a Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (MATA), in the midst of the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), Kampala City Hall and Ministry of Kampala. This are having different heads combined with the mastermind on the top President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. Doesn’t matter what the ones in the parishes are considering, the Division Mayors, Lord Mayor Lukwago, KCCA Director Musisi or even State Minister Kamya. The one rubber-stamping the initiatives is and will be the President. Since he has his finger into everything.

That is why I have no faith in BRT. Even if it is stop the congestion, the lack of public transport in Kampala and problems of control of the Boda-Boda’s, the authority of the Taxi’s and the Specials. There are still significant issues to be reached. It doesn’t matter if they are banning or stopping certain transport options. As long as the ones working, are the taxis and boda-boda’s. These are the ones who has designated routes and travels with licensing for their routes. The Taxis are usually used Toyota Hiace imported from Japan, second-hand ones who was former bread-trucks, who are rebuilt to fit as many people as possible.

While a BRT means there will be heavy investments in stages, in divisions and in congested areas to fit the paradigm of buses. It isn’t barely putting buses on the road and assume the population will start taking it. The need for steady implementation of road structure, of bus-companies, of driving schools and of time-tables has to be put on order to make sense for the citizens to use it. Since it needs to be better than the transportation options that are today, like the taxis, boda-boda’s and specials. At this stage the Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) in their feasibility study estimates the needed funds to get it going at this point to be the staggering $612.06 Million. With today’s value of the Uganda Shillings it is about Shs. 2,193,883,999,999 UGX, in other terms over 2.1 trillion shillings. Which means one tenth of the Financial Year budget of 21 Trillion Shillings in FY 2017/2018. Just to put in perspective.

This infrastructure project of this size and ramification better make the roads of Kampala into bricks out of gold. Clear every single pothole and make sure the gravel grade more than standard. This project has been going on for ages without any movement or significant progress. Why I am writing about it, well there suddenly if it is true, some Chinese Investors who wants to touch the erratic transport system of Kampala. This are together with the Chinese Ambassador to Uganda, at the State House discussing investments into it. Therefore, the sudden move of actual fueled money into it. As the 2.1 Trillion shillings doesn’t grow on trees.

President Museveni stated this today:

The Kampala Metropolitan Rapid Bus Transport project is a necessity. We should not continue to have so many cars with limited capacity” (…) “The investor will construct 26 rapid bus stations, 420 stage shelters and an initial 400 buses with a carting capacity of 74 passengers” (Museveni, 18.06.2017).

With this unknown Chinese Investor, they are clearly indicating some infrastructure and some buses to put up. If this will see the light of day and will be honestly implemented, than there are start, but it takes time to find routes and needed ways to make it profitable, as there will also be lost oppertunities for the ones who used taxis, specials and boda-boda’s on these roads. That is if this isn’t a scheme and plot of manufacturing more monies through the state-house. Which wouldn’t be surprising knowing how the President often operate.

The BRT would be a bonus and strengthen the congestive traffic of Kampala, a needed one for more time working and less time stuck in traffic jams. It would be important for the citizens leaving the divisions and traveling across town to work. But the state haven’t been able in the recent years to pull it off. Maybe Chinese investments would help it and their involvement in it would see it moving. But it shouldn’t just be the President’s blessings over the investments. The KCCA, Ministry of Kampala and City Hall should all have a say and make reports on how to build it properly. As the UIA even states there have only been a feasibility-study. That is preparation for the solution, but not the white paper or even framework for the Divisions or Central Business District of Kampala to make the BRT a success. Right now it is dream, which most likely could turn into a nightmare before its shuttle.

NAMA Proposals in 2013 are even more costly: “The capital costs budgeted over the 15 year period were estimated to total some US$ 1.181 Billion”. That is the double of the estimates from UIA in 2017. Therefore, something has either been scaled down or the NAMA was considering more aspects in their plans, than the UIA has. But is not like the President today has delivered any paperwork or reveled any sort of information what sort of possible deal he done with the “the Investor”. He could be scapegoat or even a mirage for all we know. Because none is on the up and up.

Especially considering he had a meeting with them at the State House in Entebbe with none of the leadership of Kampala. The ones in Kampala will just later get the news of the building and investments, therefore has to figure out how to implement it and work-out the perks. Parts of me wonder if the President even has looked into the documentation and considered the needed partners in play. But that is just how the President operates. He just can build Rome on his own or Kampala for that matter. He has all the skills and the brown envelopes at his disposal. Peace.

Uganda: UPF Circular – “Individual Responsibility for Court Awards Arising out of Police Action” (13.06.2017)

Uganda: UPF Circular – “Arresting People for the Offence of Idle and Disorderly” (13.06.2017)

#SOTNUG17: A look into the Policing the NRM Way!

He was at it again for the 31st time or 30th since he didn’t do this in first year after the coup d’etat. President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. That being the old-man-with-the-hat having his first State of the Union in 1987. Times are changing but he is still not caring about facts or using his tricks to make himself look like a genius and savior. Even if there are far from it and makes sure the others are to blame. That is what President Museveni do. Therefore, I am just looking at parts of his speech, since there are many details and many things you could put a finger on and discuss. As it could be as simple as explaining the roads funds and research the pledged roads, which he said today was all paid by Government of Uganda (GoU), while if you look over the previous funding of the roads you would see the money might be foreign. Instead, I will look the security issues, the torture and the Policing. Because it is so important and the man trust IGP Kale Kayihura so much, who has made the Police a long-arm of the ruling regime. With that in mind, I had to focus on this and not on all the other subjects that the President spoke about. Take a look!

The Police do not have to wait for the crime to be committed. Through good intelligence, most crimes can be prevented. Most of the suspects arrested after the murder of Kawesi and others, even if they were not involved in the killing of Kawesi, they had committed other capital offences, many of which carry death sentences or life imprisonment. Why, then, were they still in circulation? That means somebody was not doing his or her work” (Museveni, 2017).

Mr. President, why wasn’t these men caught for the other cases, than the murder case of the AIGP Andrew Kaweesi. This case has been public and there been an awesome amount of possible suspects. These has been hundreds and even the kids of suspects has been detained. Therefore, that all of these might have other crimes on their hands, that might be true, but still they all could be innocent. So the President has decided their fate without trial, which is a rare, but common practice by the President.

The other day, I was in Kalerwe and the youth there were complaining of the Police arresting them for being “idle and disorderly”. This must stop completely. Some of the youth are idle because they do not have jobs. Why arrest them for that? The revolutionary should be like “fish in water”. A revolutionary should never be “fish in no water”” (Museveni, 2017).

As seen how the Police are working there are reports and studies on the subject, as the Police are the long-hand of the regime under the President. This can be quoted by: “One sub-county official explained that the activities of crime preventers are handled at the village level and news of them doesn’t reach his office, while another said they are too informal to discuss in a semi-structured interview with me. What happens in the village is not of concern, so long as it is not organized violent crime or resistance to the government. Although security groups are framed as local responses to local problems, the government retains the right to intervene and police their activities, frequently making arrests in relation to groups’ night patrols, the degree of force they employ and the appropriateness of their involvement in interpersonal conflicts” (Tapscott, 2017). So the are local policing that are framing the locals. These seems like the ones the President are talking about. Just similar stories even made the Police themselves in April 2017: “Tools like pangas, hammers and pick axes were provided to carry out their missions. The suspects also said that, the many youths were collected from parts of Kawempe Kalerwe Namugoona among others areas specifically to break into houses and once you were in the gang there was no way out. The IGP said criminals have used crime to be a business venture, and after the tension caused by these goons the police has taken action, and over 100 arrested and 50 appeared before court. Since then areas of Masaka are secure” (Uganda Police Force, 2017). So there apparently gangs, that are idle and unemployed as well. Certainly, there could be incidents where the police detain and arrest youths as a way of extorting them, since the payment for being a Police Officer in Uganda isn’t that splendid. This has been reported a lot of times and stories been told on the social media from all parts of Uganda.

The issue of alleged torture by the Police, was addressed by myself in the usual NRM/NRA way. We always combine educational methods (sensitization) and administrative methods (punishments, demotions, etc,). When these reports came up, I carried out analysis of torture and how it, actually, impedes successful investigations. That is a very powerful message because it addresses the whys and the why-nots of an issue. It addresses the “Policeman of the mind” rather than just the “Policeman of the body”. I saw some NGOs and allied persons pouring scorn on my methods and recommending only fascist methods of arrests and imprisonment without education. Could these “experts in-everything” tell us why the UPDF is able to operate in Somalia, Central African Republic, Congo, South Sudan, etc. without complaining? Is it because of high pay or fear of imprisonment? Do these “know-it-alls” remember that our Army is a volunteer Army? Do they know that one can make much more money in the private sector than in the army? it, actually, impedes successful investigations. That is a very powerful message because it addresses the whys and the why-nots of an issue. It addresses the “Policeman of the mind” rather than just the “Policeman of the body”. I saw some NGOs and allied persons pouring scorn on my methods and recommending only fascist methods of arrests and imprisonment without education. Could these “experts in-everything” tell us why the UPDF is able to operate in Somalia, Central African Republic, Congo, South Sudan, etc. without complaining? Is it because of high pay or fear of imprisonment? Do these “know-it-alls” remember that our Army is a volunteer Army? Do they know that one can make much more money in the private sector than in the army? Let the “know-it-alls” be informed that the UPDF does what it does because of conviction. Okunyonyora (to explain, to sensitize) has been the life and blood of Fronasa, of the NRA, of the UPDF. To end this point, be informed that Uganda is free of war and it will remain so and the spike in lawlessness is being defeated even before we fill all the gaps and will be totally defeated when the gaps are filled” (Musveni, 2017).

The NRM Way are clearly not a healthy one, even if this is reported through the wits of NGO’s who know’s to much and cannot be trusted. This is what the President himself said. Because the UPDF are such wiseguys, since they are there voluntarily, But here is some quick reports of the torture, that has been also rampant part of the security organizations at places like Nalufenya. So this has been a discussed theme, but show’s the part of how the State in Uganda uses the Police Force and also other organizations in oppressive behavior.

Like these two reports: 

In similar fashion, presently, there is the recruitment of persons, undergoing rigorous training for purported legal purposes. Under the auspices of the Uganda Police, ‘crime preventers’ are being recruited and trained, ofcially, to fght crime.14 However, a critical assessment of this group reveals that it is a band of civilian vigilantes recruited by the government aimed at intimidating or reducing support for the political opposition through illegal means, including torture” (Chapter Four, P: 13, 2016).

Various reports indicate the following as some of the patterns of torture in Uganda.

i) Being held incommunicado – where a person is arrested, detained and no access is allowed and no opportunity to communicate with other people.

ii) Extra-judicial executions – where suspects are executed without going through the due process of law and in most cases where they lack sufficient evidence on a case.

iii) Threats and intimidation through text messages and phone calls.

iv) Enforced disappearance – where a person is arrested in context of terrorism and treason suspects then disappears with trace and explanation.

v) Cases of rape by government and rebel forces during the conflict in Northern Uganda” (ACTV, P: 21, 2015).

This is just the sensitization and the NRM way of torture, that is well-known, so when the President speaks so found of his army. I have a hard time believing him or trusting his words. Seems more like promising words and praising of UPDF. Since it solves everything, the Operation Wealth Creation are even parts of the UPDF. That should make you think and also consider the places of the army. Since the army and police force aren’t only there for security reasons, but also for political reasons. That is why the President has to praise the army.

I think this is enough for now! Peace.


African Centre for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (ACTV) – ‘THE SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS ON THE PREVALENCE OF TORTURE IN UGANDA’ (November 2015)

Chapter Four – ‘Free Expression and Assembly in Peril ahead of 2016 Polls’ (2016)

Tapscott, Rebecca – ‘The Government Has Long Hands: Institutionalized Arbitrariness and Local Security Initiatives in Northern Uganda’ (06.03.2017) link:

Uganda Police Force – ‘MASAKA, KAMPALA CRIMINALS GANGS HAVE CONFESSED’ (24.04.2017) link:

Yoweri Kaguta Museveni – ‘State of The Nation Address’ – Republic of Uganda, Kampala (06.06.2017)

Kampala City Power struggle continues!

The Kampala City and it’s local government structure is beaten to bits with the ideal of Ministry of Kampala. This with the appointed Beti Kamya. Kamya has her own tone and will-power. Therefore she has gone from the one of hardest critics of the regime, to getting appointed minister of Kampala. In the pay of Kampala, the are many actors. Some are entered through the ballots, like Councilors, Divisions Mayor and the Lord Mayor. Kamya sleeps bad just thinking about them, she has even problem with the vision of Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) own leadership like the other appointed Director Jennifer Musisi.

It isn’t strange it creating fatigue for the Minister, she has to deal with the leadership of these Division Mayors who feels like extras in Kampala are: Kasirye Nganda (Makindye), Ronald Balimwezo (Nakawa), Joyce Ssebugwawo (Rubaga), Emmanuel Sserunjogi (Kawempe) and Charles Musoke Sserunjogi (Kampala Central). All of this kind folks has offices and jurisdiction in their divisions. As well, as meeting with the Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago. So there are handful of people to agree or disagree with. In part, the City has many hands as the KCCA and the elected leadership are two pieces in the same pond. Than, the Ministry that is fixated on top are supposed to overrule it. Even though the Local Government should have a budget and some control. Not just being a ceremonial affair of handouts and ass-kissing on Entebbe Road. There should be more to it than that.

So when Kamya, the Minister who is having a bad day or hard time settling in is saying this:

Speaking on CBS FM morning talk show, parliament yaffe, which is moderated by Meddie Nsereko, Kamya said Musisi has lost direction. “Musisi has become a populist; you discuss something and then she rushes to leak it to the media. We meet every Monday; us the two ministers, the undersecretary, Musisi and her team. There is always an opportunity for her to ask anything she wants but when you bypass those channels and instead run to do your work from the media, then you’ve become a politician,” Kamya said. “That populism can’t take us anywhere; I don’t fight petty wars but what I don’t want is populism,” she added” (Lule, 2017).

Certainly, Kamya has gone tired of Musisi, surely like Musisi and former Minister Frank Tumwebaze went tired of Lukwago and impeached him. So they two could work alone and not have to deal with City Hall. Now one appointee wants to get rid of another. Strange that Presidential Advisor Singh Katongole hasn’t said anything. Since he should have the ears to ground and speak poetry at the State House. Surely, he might be busy with Mr. Mahogany at some party instead. What we do know is that Kamya, the minister wants to have all control and doesn’t want to have her decisions leaked to the media. I am sure that she thought she could clear the Park Yard market of Kampala without any fuzz. Kamya was so WRONG!

Maybe, Mr. Singh could have told her that, as the momentum of havoc upon poor traders doesn’t blink well. That isn’t populism, it is more that you honorable Kamya are a loyal crony of Museveni. Therefore, all your acts right now isn’t about justice or governance. More about control and you cannot handle that there are more hands taking decisions and making sure Kampala runs like it do. Clearly with all of those leaders, even Presidential Advisor and elected leadership. There are stirring troubles and strange it hasn’t been more. It is weird that the Division Mayors hasn’t been more outspoken and more direct about their issues. Since, Kamya likes to rule alone and have it all. But she is not alone in Kampala. She has to learn that, and that it isn’t only her words that are the final.

Be sure, she doesn’t want to hear that. If so, than there wouldn’t be a KCCA, City Hall, Division Posts and the Ministry running the same Kampala. Peace.


Lule, Baker Batte – ‘Kamya, Musisi row at KCCA escalates’ (29.05.2017) link:

Deliberately without thinking, Mwenda ‘spilled the beans’ of the NRM Police State!

It takes to two to tango, and it takes many hands to destroy a community, but it does not take many to usher in policies. Therefore, in the mix of Ugandan politics and with time the Police has added significance, as the IGP Kale Kayihura has many times told how to hold consultant meetings and even been teaching journalist how to do their jobs. This is in the effort to stifle the opposition and their mission to prove their viable candidates over the only man with a vision. Mr. President, His Excellency President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, he who Kayihura is so loyal too. So certainly, the Independent and Mwenda without thinking in his praise of the political police sessions and the use of the Police Force to either create an unlawful arrest, harass them and even obstruct political dissidents in their rallies. Let’s take the words of Mwenda himself for a minute.

“Hence, Kayihura’s most critical role has been to transform the police into an arm of the NRM. He secured for Museveni the loyalty of a major security institution that had been independent of NRM politics, hence reducing the role of the army in quelling protests. Kayihura did for Museveni what Central Bank governor, Emmanuel Tumusiime-Mutebile did for IMF. Mutebile converted Museveni into a free market ideologue, thereby turning a Marxist revolutionary into an agent of imperialism” (…) “This masterstroke significantly shrunk the role of ISO and CMI in the soft game of consolidating Museveni’s power. Kayihura’s success here has come at the price of reduced emphasis on criminal investigations, hence negatively impacting the rate of its professional development in the force. However, overall Kayihura’s strategy has bolstered the position of the Uganda police politically, making it a powerful centre of power” (Mwenda, 2017).

The thing that strikes me and should strike anyone who cares about justice or free and fair policing. Is that he is saying it is a good thing, that the Police Force is embedded with the ruling regime. The development under IGP Kayihura is so that the Police get better control because they work directly for the NRM. Not that Police works for the Ugandans or after its supposed constitutions and laws, but for the mercy of the NRM. That is unique and shows how oppressive the mind of Mwenda has become. If not he has become subdued by the NRM and is now the grand apologist.

This sentence should boggle anyone with a sound mind: “Kayihura’s success here has come at the price of reduced emphasis on criminal investigations”, well Mr. Mwenda is not the Police Force supposed to catch criminals and do criminal investigations. Certainly, if it was an arm of a Political Party it would have other functions, but the UPF or Police Force are supposed to solve criminal activity and monitor that. They should not need to look and see, if Olara Otunnu are buying cassava, Norbert Mao feeding his chickens or be part of the convoy of Jennifer Musisi. That is just me though. Peace


Mwenda, Andrew – ‘THE LAST WORD: Why Kayihura remains IGP’ (22.05.2017) link:

The Calvary’s villain Kayihura gets a renewed contract to harass and intimidate the public until 2020!

Again and again, the cronies and loyal head honcho’s are usually put in order so that the Wonderful Dictator has his check and balances in order. So that the Republic is following his drum and his vision. The man who follows the orders of President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and his ruling regime. The National Resistance Movement (NRM) have not used the Police Force only to fight crime, but more to intimidate the political opponents and the media.

Therefore that his contract was renewed until 2020 wasn’t unexpected, as Museveni wants a loyal man in charge of the Police, to do his dirty-work and stand on the front-line taking all the heat. That is what the Police Spokesperson does and what the IGP Kayihura does. Even with the backlog of cases going far back into history and pending treason charges on high-profile individuals like Obusingwa bwa Rwenzururu Charles Wesley Mumbere and Dr. Kizza Besigye. He still gets renewed without anything else to show, that he at least kept the Opposition more silent and has in his time killed of demonstrations!

So the IGP Kayihura, the ruthless man who leads the Police Force, who has embezzled funds and is as mafia as it can be, are now in charge for longer. While murders, abductions and threats are getting more common. As con-men and thieves are continuing rooming, as the state fails on its duty. While the Army and President has supreme power over them all. So he can use the relationship and the knowledge of how Kayihura uses the Police Force to misspend monies to gain fortunes. Therefore, because of the knowledge of the ICT scandal and others proves that those allocated maladministration is pay-off for the loyalty between them. A conniving man as the President, needs to hang around similar crowds and people, who also wants to eat of the State Reserves, if there is a self-righteous individual, than he might whistle-blow and show the secrets in public. None of these fellas like that!

A little history to why he became appointed IGP in the first place:

The appointment last month of Maj-Gen Kale Kaihura as IGP has been met with some indignation. A man seen as a military hardliner close to State House, Kaihura has long been a Museveni assistant, either commanding operations in Congo or Sudan, in the Revenue Authority, or acting as Chief Political Commissar for the army. Opposition politicians believe the army is being sent to the police to help the regime rig the 2006 elections. But they say that the government is breaking the law in the creation of shadow forces. Part of the reason for the ongoing expansion of the police force ahead of the 2006 elections are the inadequacies noted in the last presidential and parliamentary elections. At the time, it was reported that the police force was only about 15,000 strong. This number was expected to man 17,000 polling stations at the time. The Parliamentary Report on election violence in the 2001 polls said the disparity was used as an excuse for bringing other armed forces into the elections” (Kaiza, 2005).

I am sure no-one else has gotten the ill-educated police force to detain more Opposition and civil activist than the Police Force under IGP Kayihura. He must have had wet-dreams on the day the Public Order Management Act came into effect, it gave him so much more powers than the colonial laws or even the Penal Code! Man, nobody has interpreted and founds ways of getting people detained for being part of political activity. While he himself has been the shadow and the proud leader at NRM festivities. Like the Police Force are only for them and not for public safety.

The IGP have used force, violence against civilians and hit on public when in need. They have tear-gassed so many and imported anti-riot gear for massive amount funds. While the schools are in a sorry state and the hospitals lack medicines. You know that his department and agency is important in the NRM regime and under President Museveni.

IGP Kayihura is a key figure and the man who has no quarrel to silence the media nor the opposition. He can let killers go loose, let public violators and others roam the streets. This has been proven with the tactical training of thousands of Crime Preventers who has gone far intimidate and harass the public. This together are together with the small-gangs vicious attempt of justice, that turns into public display of injustice.

Like the story of the Investigator Ronald Leonard Egesa:

Yesterday, as I drove along Bombo Rd to go and attend a family engagement, I was kidnapped by overzealous operatives purportedly working on behalf of the Police leadership. They blindfolded me, drove my car away and detained me in a house that I suspect to be in Naguru or Muyenga” (…) “After midnight, a bulky figure only referred to as ‘afande’ appeared to interrogate me. In our exchange, he was pushing me to tell them who is using me and other journalists to fight Gen. Kale Kayihura and the Police. I politely asked him to go through my phone contacts and call log. After this, he simply remarked that it seems things are complicated. He stepped out, worked his phone and came back to ask if I wanted to leave. It was 1 am and I could not trust my captors to safely deliver me to town in the dead of the night. I asked to be released in the morning after 7 am” (…) “’Safe’ houses are back. Panda Gari might slowly be returning. The philosopher said that ‘there is nothing new under the sun’ I know very many comrades, distinguished officers and men who are now ashamed to be serving in the current Uganda Police Force” (The Investigator, 02.05.2017).

So this is the Police Force that has returned under IGP Kayihura and President Museveni. This sort of affairs and brigades that uncontrolled and does their own justice, which in turns edges the tyranny, as the journalists and opposition members are under-fire because of them. The Police are impartial and used as a tool of oppression. Both Museveni and Kayihura knows it. Therefore, Museveni pay back for the loyalty, even as the Public is tired of Kayihura and his own understanding of justice.

The serving and trust to the Police isn’t there, they are coming spawning to eat of the ones they pass by, with orders and bills for the ones who are near. Making minor offenses into murder if they could. The Police Force and Police Command wants to control the public, not keep them safe, but monitor the elements that are issues to the State House. The knowledge of the intelligence gathering and the tapping of the citizens. Together with all sort tricks and illegal activity around Kasangeti and around the other opposition parties. So the Police Force are not there for the people, but for the President, alone!

So was it surprising the man who is doing the dirty work for Museveni and done it for so, long would get to do it longer? Well, I am not surprised about it all. What would be more surprising if the President and hired someone honest and who would secure true safety, but that is Museveni’s goal anyway?

Museveni’s goal is to have power and keep power by every means necessary and at total price, even destroying all civilian life and civil society, as journalism and opposition, also other who questions the powers of the government as NGO’s who has been robbed and destroyed. Without anyone taken to court or charged for the petty theft. That is the Uganda under the National Resistance Movement (NRM)… the steady progress of safe houses, abduction of people who questions the powers to be and the others who are near people of opposition. Might get hit by sticks, live-bullets and tear-gas, because the Police is for the NRM and not for the Public Safety. That is the paradigm under Museveni and Kayihura, as he has extended his contract, don’t expect them to change quick. As the volatile state of affairs isn’t quitting shortly, as the wonderful dictator needs people to respect his authority and not his just hands. Peace.


Kaiza, David – ‘Growing concern as Ugandan army ‘infiltrates’ police force’ (24.11.2005) link:

MPS 2017/2018 KCCA: A Political budget and a sorry state for the schools…

Honorable Beti Kamya have put forward the proposed budget for the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) and it reveals certain aspects. For being such a loyal crony of President Museveni, Hon. Beti Kamya and Executive Director Jennifer Musisi are painting a bleak picture of the Capital City. Therefore, the reports from the leadership to the Parliament proves the initial mismanagement and the needed functions lacking resources. This is only in Kampala, just breath for a moment and think how it will be up-country! Just take a look!

For the FY 2017/18, KCCA budget is projected at UGX 337.39 Bn of which UGX 162.8 Bn is Government grants, UGX 20Bn is from Uganda Road Fund, UGX 31.79 Bn is for the FY 2017/18, KCCA budget is projected at UGX 337.39 Bn of which UGX” (KCCA, P: 5, 2017).

Political budget:

UGX 14.9 billion for Monthly emoluments for political leaders and their political assistant at Divisional and Authority level” (…) “ UGX 1.3 billion for Committee sitting allowances” (…) “UGX 103.4 million for payment of local council political leaders” (KCCA, P: 52, 2017).

Office advances:

The KCCA have put forward to the Town Clerks shs. 5 millions, to the Divison’s Mayor’s shs. 5 millions and the Deputy Mayor’s shs. 1,5 million, this is all office imprest, an imprest is an advance for government work. So the advance for office equipment comes for possibly service rendered (KCCA, P: 116, 2017).

Unfunded roads:

Over the last four years, KCCA with support from the Government of Uganda has invested heavily in improving the City Road network however, unfunded road works are estimated at over UGX 25.4 billion” (KCCA, P: 64, 2017).

Improvement of Schools:

KCCA inherited a total of 81 public primary schools many of which are dilapidated. The public schools accommodate a total of 67,700 children. Although efforts have been made to improve the conditions and facilities at some of the schools, many remain in a sorry state. The situation has also been compounded by the fact that KCCA does not have ownership of some of the land on which the schools are situated. KCCA requires UGX. 5 billion to reconstruct and upgrade 6 schools where title of ownership has been secured. These include; Kansanga P/S in Makindye (1200 pupils), Kisasi P/s in Kawempe (900 pupils), Kyagwe Rd P/s in Central (700 pupils and currently absorbing pupils from Nabagereka P/S), Bukasa P/S in Makindye (700 pupils), Mirembe P/S in Makindye (870 Pupils) and Kitebi P/S in Lubaga (2,100 pupils)” (KCCA, P: 64,2017).

This here says it all about the state of affairs in Kampala, there are planned expansions of roads and such, but that should be up to Kampala Express and Kampala Dispatch to discuss. Just joking, but the truth is that there is clearly a drainage problem and lots of the MPS is devoted to this, as much as the road construction as well. I just look at the total overall and what is most significant. Hope it gives you insights to how the new Minister and loyal crony Hon. Kamya thinks of the administration of the city. Peace.


Kampala Capital City Authority – ‘MINISTERIAL POLICY STATEMENT For FINANCIAL YEAR 2017/18 VOTE 122’